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The thin atmosphere of Neptune's moon Triton is dense enough to ablate micrometeoroids as they pass through. A combination of Triton's orbital velocity around Neptune and its orbital velocity around the Sun gives a maximum meteoroid impact velocity of approximately 19 km s−1, sufficient to heat the micrometeoroids to visibility as they enter. The ablation profiles of icy and stony micrometeoroids were calculated, along with the estimated brightness of the meteors. In contrast to the terrestrial case, visible meteors would extend very close to the surface of Triton. In addition, the variation in the meteoroid impact velocity as Triton orbits Neptune produces a large variation in the brightness of meteors with orbital phase, a unique Solar System phenomenon.  相似文献   

Pluto and the chaotic satellite system of Neptune may have originated from a single encounter of Neptune with a massive solar system body. A series of numerical experiments has been carried out to try to set limits on the circumstances of such an encounter. These experiments show that orbits very much like those of Pluto, Triton, and Nereid can result from a single close encounter of such a body with Neptune. The implied mass range and encounter velocities limit the source of the encountering body to a former trans-Neptunian planet in the 2- to 5-Earth-mass range.  相似文献   

Five satellites of Neptune orbit under the synchronous zone. In this sense the Neptune's system is similar to that of Uranus (nine satellites) and differs from Jupiter (two) and Saturn (zero). The basic parameters describing the angular momentum within the Neptune's system and of its tidal evolution are estimated. The main character of the tidal dynamics is due to the retrograde Triton. The total tidal decrease in the spin angular momentum of Neptune is compared with those of Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

The comparison of masses and sizes of the Neptunian satellites and of Pluto and Charon to the secondaries of the planetary, Jovian, Saturnian and Uranian systems support the hypotheses, first, that an initial Neptune's satellite system may have been disrupted, second, that Triton may have been the system perturber and, third, that Pluto (or a parent body of Pluto and Charon) was initially a giant satellite of Neptune. Based on recent theoretical works on perturbed proto-planetary nebula and noting the similarity of some characteristics of Neptune and Uranus, a theoretical mean distance ratio of primeval gaseous rings around Neptune is tentatively deduced to be about 1.475, close to the value of the Uranian system. An exponential distance relation gives possible ranges of distances at which small satellites and/or ring structures could be found by Voyager 2, close to Neptune.  相似文献   

E. Nogueira  R. Gomes 《Icarus》2011,214(1):113-130
The origin of Neptune’s large, circular but retrograde satellite Triton has remained largely unexplained. There is an apparent consensus that its origin lies in it being captured, but until recently no successful capture mechanism has been found. Agnor and Hamilton (Agnor, C.B., Hamilton, D.P. [2006]. Nature 441, 192-194) demonstrated that the disruption of a trans-neptunian binary object which had Triton as a member, and which underwent a very close encounter with Neptune, was an effective mechanism to capture Triton while its former partner continued on a hyperbolic orbit. The subsequent evolution of Triton’s post-capture orbit to its current one could have proceeded through gravitational tides (Correia, A.C.M. [2009]. Astrophys. J. 704, L1-L4), during which time Triton was most likely semi-molten (McKinnon, W.B. [1984]. Nature 311, 355-358). However, to date, no study has been performed that considered both the capture and the subsequent tidal evolution. Thus it is attempted here with the use of numerical simulations. The study by Agnor and Hamilton (Agnor, C.B., Hamilton, D.P. [2006]. Nature 441, 192-194) is repeated in the framework of the Nice model (Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F. [2005]. Nature 435, 459-461) to determine the post-capture orbit of Triton. After capture Triton is then subjected to tidal evolution using the model of Mignard (Mignard, F. [1979]. Moon Planets 20, 301-315; Mignard, F. [1980]. Moon Planets 23, 185-201). The perturbations from the Sun and the figure of Neptune are included. The perturbations from the Sun acting on Triton just after its capture cause it to spend a long time in its high-eccentricity phase, usually of the order of 10 Myr, while the typical time to circularise to its current orbit is some 200 Myr, consistent with earlier studies. The current orbit of Triton is consistent with an origin through binary capture and tidal evolution, even though the model prefers Triton to be closer to Neptune than it is today. The probability of capturing Triton in this manner is approximately 0.7%. Since the capture of Triton was at most a 50% event - since only Neptune has one, but Uranus does not - we deduce that in the primordial trans-neptunian disc there were some 100 binaries with at least one Triton-sized member. Morbidelli et al. (Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., Bottke, W.F., Dones, L., Nesvorný, D. [2009]. Icarus 202, 310-315) concludes there were some 1000 Triton-sized bodies in the trans-neptunian proto-planetary disc, so the primordial binary fraction with at least one Triton-sized member is 10%. This value is consistent with theoretical predictions, but at the low end. If Triton was captured at the same time as Neptune’s irregular satellites, the far majority of these, including Nereid, would be lost. This suggests either that Triton was captured on an orbit with a small semi-major axisa ? 50RN (a rare event), or that it was captured before the dynamical instability of the Nice model, or that some other mechanism was at play. The issue of keeping the irregular satellites remains unresolved.  相似文献   

A two body, patched conic analysis is presented for a planetary capture mode in which a gravity assist by an existing natural satellite of the planet aids in the capture. An analytical condition sufficient for capture is developed and applied for the following planet/satellite systems: Earth/Moon, Jupiter/Ganymede, Jupiter/Callisto, Saturn/Titan and Neptune/Triton. Co-planar, circular planetary orbits are assumed. Three sources of bodies to be captured are considered: spacecraft launched from Earth, bodies entering the solar system from interstellar space, and bodies already in orbit around the Sun. Results show that the Neptune/Triton system has the most capability for satellite aided capture of those studied. It can easily capture bodies entering the Solar System from interstellar space. Its ability to capture spacecraft launched from Earth is marginal and can only be decided with better definition of physical properties. None of the other systems can capture bodies from these two sources, but all can capture bodies already in orbit around the Sun under appropriate conditions.  相似文献   

Solar System Research - The paper considers the most significant relativistic effects in the rotational dynamics of Neptune’s satellites (Triton (N1), Naiad (N3), Thalassa (N4), Despina (N5),...  相似文献   

The evolution of the orbit of the second satellite of Neptune (Nereid) on time intervals up to 500 thousand years is investigated. The methods used by authors earlier are supplemented with the possibility of considering the influence of the attraction of the internal satellite Triton on the evolution of the orbit of the external satellite Nereid.  相似文献   

Stable rings can exist at inclinations of 0–15°, 165°–180°, or ~90° to Neptune's equator, but perturbations due to the massive satellite Triton would produce a severe “warping” of the ring plane. If Neptune possesses rings, they may not lie in the plane of its equator.  相似文献   

The non-axisymmetric, non-dipolar magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune are markedly different from the axially-dipolar dominated fields of the other planets in our Solar System with active dynamos. Stanley and Bloxham [Stanley, S., Bloxham, J., 2004. Nature 428, 151-153] used numerical modeling to demonstrate that Uranus' and Neptune's unusual fields could be the result of a different convective region geometry in these planets. They found that a numerical dynamo operating in a thin shell surrounding a stably-stratified fluid interior produces magnetic field morphologies similar to those of Uranus and Neptune. This geometry for the convective region was initially proposed by Hubbard et al. [Hubbard, W.B., Podolak, M., Stevenson, D.J., 1995. In: Cruickshank, D. (Ed.), Neptune and Triton. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 109-138] to explain both the magnetic field morphology as well as the low intrinsic heat flows from these planets. Here we examine the influence of varying the stable layer radius in numerical models and compare the results to thin shell models surrounding solid inner cores. We find that a limited range of stable-layer shell thicknesses exist in which Uranus/Neptune-like field morphologies result. This allows us to put constraints on the size of the convective layers in Uranus and Neptune.  相似文献   

We analyze the system formed by Pluto and its satellite Charon from the point of view of the theory of tidal evolution. The singular feature of the system, i.e. the configuration of complete synchronism which has been suggested by the available data, is found to represent the stable end-product of the evolution. The time needed for the synchronization is shown to be less than the age of the solar system, provided that Pluto's tidal dissipation function is smaller than 104–105. Moreover, the initial orbital radius of the system could not be largerthan two or three times the present radius, so that Charon has been always a close satellite.Finally, we discuss Lyttleton's hypothesis that Pluto is an escaped satellite of Neptune, suggesting that a possible mechanism of Pluto's ejection could be connected with a retrograde capture of Triton by Neptune or with the subsequent tidal evolution of Triton's orbit.  相似文献   

The ephemerides of satellites of major planets are needed in planning spacecraft missions both for studying the satellites themselves and for navigational support during the flights of spacecraft in the vicinity of planets. In addition, accurate numerical theories of motion of the natural satellites of major planets make it possible to increase the accuracy of the ephemerides of their central planets based on positional (photographic and CCD) observations of the satellites. Numerical theories of Neptune’s satellites, Triton and Nereid, constructed within the framework of the ERA software package developed at the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences are presented.  相似文献   

Due to the tides, the orbits of Phobos and Triton are contracting. While their semi major axes are decreasing, several possibilities of secular resonances involving node, argument of the pericenter and mean motion of the Sun will take place. In the case of Mars, if the obliquity (ε), during the passage through some resonances, is not so small, very significant variations of the inclination will appear. In one case, capture is almost certain provided that ε?20°. For Triton there are also similar situations, but capture seems to be not possible, mainly because in S1 state, Triton's orbit is sufficiently inclined (far) with respect to the Neptune's equator. Following Chyba et al. (Astron. Astrophys. 219 (1989) 123), a simplified equation that gives the evolution of the inclination versus the semi major axis, is derived. The time needed for Triton crash onto Neptune is longer than that one obtained by these authors, but the main difference is due to the new data used here. In general, even in the case of non-capture passages, some significant jumps in inclination and in eccentricities are possible.  相似文献   

In 2001, NASA began assembling the Aerocapture Systems Analysis Team, a team of scientists and engineers from multiple NASA centers. Their charter is to perform high-fidelity analyses of delivering scientifically compelling orbital missions that use aerocapture for orbit insertion at their destinations. After establishing scientific credibility, studies focus on aerocapture systems design and performance, including approach navigation, flight mechanics, aerothermodynamics, and thermal protection. The team's October 2001-September 2002 study examined a mission to explore the organic environment of Titan and its chemical, geological, and dynamical context. Its architecture includes a Titan polar orbiter that would complete and extend Cassini's soon-to-begin global mapping, aiding global extrapolation of findings from a mobile in situ element (rover, blimp, etc.). The in situ element would perform remote sensing and in situ investigations, for analysis and characterization of Titan's surface, shallow subsurface, atmosphere, processes occurring there, and energy sources driving it all. The study concentrated on the orbiter and orbit insertion, largely treating the in situ element as a black box with data relay requirements. October 2002-September 2003 the team studied a mission to perform Cassini/Huygens-level exploration of the Neptune system. Before aerocapture this mission would deploy and support multiple Neptune atmospheric entry probes. After aerocapture the orbiter uses Triton as a “tour engine”, in much the same manner as Cassini uses Titan, to provide many Triton flybys and orbit evolution for detailed investigation of Neptune's interior, atmosphere, magnetosphere, rings, and satellites.This presentation summarizes the missions’ science objectives, instrumentation, and data requirements that served as the foundations for the studies, and describes mission design requirements and constraints that affect the science investigations.  相似文献   

Paul M. Schenk  Kevin Zahnle 《Icarus》2007,192(1):135-149
New mapping reveals 100 probable impact craters on Triton wider than 5 km diameter. All of the probable craters are within 90° of the apex of Triton's orbital motion (i.e., all are on the leading hemisphere) and have a cosine density distribution with respect to the apex. This spatial distribution is difficult to reconcile with a heliocentric (Sun-orbiting) source of impactors, be it ecliptic comets, the Kuiper Belt, the scattered disk, or tidally-disrupted temporary satellites in the style of Shoemaker-Levy 9, but it is consistent with head-on collisions, as would be produced if a prograde population of planetocentric (Neptune-orbiting) debris were swept up by retrograde Triton. Plausible sources include ejecta from impact on or disruption of inner/outer moons of Neptune. If Triton's small craters are mostly of planetocentric origin, Triton offers no evidence for or against the existence of small comets in the Kuiper Belt, and New Horizons observations of Pluto must fill this role. The possibility that the distribution of impact craters is an artifact caused by difficulty in identifying impact craters on the cantaloupe terrain is considered and rejected. The possibility that capricious resurfacing has mimicked the effect of head-on collisions is considered and shown to be unlikely given current geologic constraints, and is no more probable than planetocentrogenesis. The estimated cratering rate on Triton by ecliptic comets is used to put an upper limit of ∼50 Myr on the age of the more heavily cratered terrains, and of ∼6 Myr for the Neptune-facing cantaloupe terrain. If the vast majority of cratering is by planetocentric debris, as we propose, then the surface everywhere is probably less than 10 Myr old. Although the uncertainty in these cratering ages is at least a factor ten, it seems likely that Triton's is among the youngest surfaces in the Solar System, a candidate ocean moon, and an important target for future exploration.  相似文献   

Cratering rates in the outer Solar System   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kevin Zahnle  Paul Schenk  Luke Dones 《Icarus》2003,163(2):263-289
This paper is a compilation by table, graph, and equation of impact cratering rates from Jupiter to Pluto. We use several independent constraints on the number of ecliptic comets. Together they imply that the impact rate on Jupiter by 1.5-km-diameter comets is currently ?(d > 1.5 km) = 0.005−0.003+0.006 per annum. Other kinds of impactors are currently unimportant on most worlds at most sizes. The size-number distribution of impactors smaller than 20 km is inferred from size-number distributions of impact craters on Europa, Ganymede, and Triton; while the size-number distribution of impacting bodies larger than 50 km is equated to the size-number distribution of Kuiper Belt objects. The gap is bridged by interpolation. It is notable that small craters on Jupiter’s moons indicate a pronounced paucity of small impactors, while small craters on Triton imply a collisional population rich in small bodies. However it is unclear whether the craters on Triton are of heliocentric or planetocentric origin. We therefore consider two cases for Saturn and beyond: a Case A in which the size-number distribution is like that inferred at Jupiter, and a Case B in which small objects obey a more nearly collisional distribution. Known craters on saturnian and uranian satellites are consistent with either case, although surface ages are much younger in Case B, especially at Saturn and Uranus. At Neptune and especially at Saturn our cratering rates are much higher than rates estimated by Shoemaker and colleagues, presumably because Shoemaker’s estimates mostly predate discovery of the Kuiper Belt. We also estimate collisional disruption rates of moons and compare these to estimates in the literature.  相似文献   

W.B. Hubbard 《Icarus》1978,35(2):177-181
We extend a Jovian convective-cooling model to Uranus and Neptune. The model assumes that efficient interior convection prevails, so that escape of interior heat is governed by the radiative properties of the atmosphere. A comparison of the thermal evolution of Uranus and Neptune indicates that the larger amount of solar radiation absorbed in Uranus' atmosphere tends to differentially suppress the escape of interior heat. The model is shown to be consistent with recent infrared observations of the thermal balance of Uranus and Neptune, and with the presumed age of these planets.  相似文献   

David Parry Rubincam 《Icarus》2003,163(2):469-478
Polar wander may occur on Triton and Pluto because of volatile migration. Triton, with its low obliquity, can theoretically sublimate volatiles (mostly nitrogen) at the rate of ∼1013 kg year−1 from the equatorial regions and deposit them at the poles. Assuming Triton to be rigid on the sublimation timescale, after ∼105 years the polar caps would become large enough to cancel the rotational flattening, with a total mass equivalent to a global layer ∼120-250 m in depth. At this point the pole wanders about the tidal bulge axis, which is the line joining Triton and Neptune. Rotation about the bulge axis might be expected to disturb the leading side/trailing side cratering statistics. Because no such disturbance is observed, it may be that Triton’s surface volatile inventory is too low to permit wander. On the other hand, its mantle viscosity might be low, so that any uncompensated cap load might be expected to wander toward the tidal bulge axis. In this case, the axis of wander passes through the equator from the leading side to the trailing side; rotation about this wander axis would not disturb the cratering statistics. Low-viscosity polar wander may explain the bright southern hemisphere: this is the pole which is wandering toward the sub-Neptune point. In any case the “permanent” polar caps may be geologically very young. Polar wander may possibly take place on Pluto, due to its obliquity oscillations and perihelion-pole geometry. However, Pluto is probably not experiencing any wander at present. The Sun has been shining strongly on the poles over the last half of the obliquity cycle, so that volatiles should migrate to the equator, stabilizing the planet against wander. Spacecraft missions to Triton and Pluto which measure the dynamical flattening could give information about the accumulation of volatiles at the poles. Such information is best obtained by measuring gravity and topography from orbiters, as was done for Mars with the highly successful Mars Global Surveyor.  相似文献   

Narrow-waveband (100 Å) photoelectric slit-scan photometry of the Neptune disk is reported. Observations were concentrated within the strong CH4 band at λ7300 Å. For comparison, measurements were also made within a continuum waveband at λ6800 Å. Point spread function data were obtained in both colors. Qualitative estimates of the true intensity distribution over the Neptune disk were made. Within the λ6800-Å continuum band, Neptune appears as an essentially uniform disk. Within the λ7300 Å CH4 band, the planet exhibits strong limb brightening. Our results appear to require the presence of an optically thin layer of brightly scattering aerosol particles high in the Neptune atmosphere.  相似文献   

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