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Observations of Mars at wavelengths of 2 and 6 cm were made using the VLA in its A configuration. The season on Mars was late spring in the Northern Hemisphere (Ls = 60°). The sub-Earth latitude was 25°N, so the geometry for viewing the north polar region was optimal. Whole-disk brightness temperatures were estimated to be 193.2 ± 1.0°K at 2 cm and 191.2 ± 0.6°K at 6 cm (formal errors only). Since measurements of the polarized flux were taken at the same time, whole-disk effective dielectric constants could be estimated and from these estimates of subsurface densities could be made. The results of these calculations yielded a whole-disk effective dielectric constant of 2.34 ± 0.05, which implied a subsurface density of 1.24 ± 0.11 g cm−3 at 2 cm. The same calculations at 6 cm yielded an effective density of 1.45 ± 0.10 g cm−3 and dielectric constant of 2.70 ± 0.10. From the mapped data these parameters were also estimated as a function of latitude between latitudes of 15°S and 60°N. In addition to the effective dielectric constant and subsurface density, the radio absorption length of the subsurface was estimated. The radio absorption length for most of these latitudes was about 15 wavelengths with formal errors on the order of 5 or 10 wavelengths. The estimation of the effective dielectric constant at most latitudes was between 2 and 3.5 with only slight differences between the two different wavelengths. These estimates of the dielectric constant lead to estimation of the subsurface densities as a function of latitude. Most calculations of the subsurface density yielded results between 1 and 2 g cm−3 with errors on the order of 0.5 g cm−3. These results seem to imply that the subsurface is not much different than the surface as observed by the Viking and Mariner missions. In line with this, a comparison of the correlation of the dielectric constant at each wavelength with the thermal inertia determined from infrared measurements of the surface temperature shows that the correlation at 2 cm is slightly stronger than the correlation at 6 cm. Since the 2-cm radiation comes from a region closer to the surface than the 6-cm radiation, this decrease in correlation with depth is consistent with the idea that the physical makeup of the subsurface is varying slowly in the near subsurface region.  相似文献   

The Goldstone radar system was operated at wavelengths of 3.5 and 12.6 cm to probe the Martian surface during the 1975 opposition. Regions studied in detail by range-Doppler techniques are Syrtis Major, Sinus Meridiani, and the crater Schiaparelli. Average rms slopes of 1.6° and 1.1° were measured in Syrtis Major at 3.5 and 12.6 cm, respectively, while the average reflectivity was 0.064 ± 0.02 at both wavelengths. No wavelength dependence of surface roughness was seen in Sinus Meridiani, where rms surface slopes averaged 1.8° and the reflectivity was 0.08 ± 0.02. The regions around Schiaparelli were probed at a 12.6-cm wavelength. The echo from the bottom of the crater was undetectable. Hence ρ0C < 25, where ρ0 is the reflectivity and C is the Hagfors roughness parameter. Operating at 3.5 cm during May and June of 1976, 149 continous-wave echo spectra were obtained near latitude 18°, sampling most longitudes including the early Viking landing sites A1 and A2. The average total radar cross section is 4.8% of the geometrical cross section. The diffuse component was estimated to be 1.9%, leaving 2.9% to the average quasi-specular component. The average rms slope is 4.1°. Six spectra obtained at site A1 indicate that rms slopes are 5 to 9° between latitudes 17 and 19°. Three spectra obtained at s site A2 indicate an rms slope of 3.9°.  相似文献   

Observation of the convection flows associated with the morning discontinuity indicate that under highly disturbed conditions (Kp = 8 +, Dst = ?300 nT, Bty > 0), the polar cusp may be shifted equatorwards to the latitudes covered by the SABRE radar (61–65° N geomagnetic). The convection reversal occurred over a narrow range of local time ( < 30 min) and was preceded by a region of westward convection flow poleward of the ambient eastward flow. These observations are consistent with the flows associated with the DPY current system for By > 0.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(10):1328-1345
The planetary fourier spectrometer (PFS) for the Mars express mission (MEX) is an infrared spectrometer operating in the wavelength range from 1.2 to 45 μm by means of two spectral channels, called SWC (short wavelength channel) and LWC (long wavelength channel), covering, respectively, 1.2–5.5 and 5.5–45 μm.The middle-spring Martian north polar cap (Ls∼40°) has been observed by PFS/MEX in illuminated conditions during orbit 452. The SWC spectra are here used to study the cap composition in terms of CO2 ice, H2O ice and dust content. Significant spectral variation is noted in the cap interior, and regions of varying CO2 ice grain sizes, water frost abundance, CO2 ice cover and dust contamination can be distinguished. In addition, we correlate the infrared spectra with an image acquired during the same orbit by the OMEGA imaging spectrometer and with the altimetry from MOLA data. Many of the spectra variations correlate with heterogeneities noted in the image, although significant spectral variations are not discernible in the visible. The data have been divided into five regions with different latitude ranges and strong similarities in the spectra, and then averaged. Bi-directional reflectance models have been run with the appropriate lighting geometry and used to fit the observed data, allowing for CO2 ice and H2O ice grain sizes, dust and H2O ice contaminations in the form of intimate granular mixtures and spatial mixtures.A wide annulus of dusty water ice surrounds the recessing CO2 seasonal cap. The inner cap exhibits a layered structure with a thin CO2 layer with varying concentrations of dark dust, on top of an H2O ice underneath ground. In the best-fits, the ices beneath the top layer have been considered as spatial mixtures. The results are still very good everywhere in the spectral range, except where the CO2 ice absorption coefficients are such that even a thin layer is enough to totally absorb the incoming radiation (i.e. the band is saturated). This only happens around 3800 cm−1, inside the strong 2.7-μm CO2 ice absorption band. The effect of finite snow depth has been investigated through a layered albedo model. The thickness of the CO2 ice deposits increases with latitude, ranging from 0.5–1 g cm−2 within region II to 60–80 g cm−2 within the highest-latitude (up to 84°N) region V.Region I is at the cap edge and extends from 65°N to 72°N latitude. No CO2 ice is present in this region, which consists of relatively large grains of water ice (20 μm), highly contaminated by dust (0.15 wt%). The adjacent region II is a narrow region [76–79°N] right at the edge of the north residual polar cap. This region is very distinct in the OMEGA image, where it appears to surround the whole residual cap. The CO2 ice features are barely visible in these spectra, except for the strong saturated 2.7 μm band. It basically consists of a thin layer of 5-mm CO2 ice on top of an H2O ice layer with the same composition as region I. A third interesting region III is found all along the shoulder of the residual cap [79–81°N]. It extends over 1.5 km in altitude and over only 2° of latitude and consists of CO2 ice with a large dust content. It is an admixture of CO2 ice (3–4 mm), with several tens of ppm by mass of water ice and more than 2 ppt by mass of dust. The surface temperatures have been retrieved from the LWC spectra for each observation. We found an increase in the surface temperature in this region, indicating a spatial mixture of cold CO2 ice and warmer dust/H2O ice. Region IV is close to the top of the residual cap [81–84°N]; it is much brighter than region III, with a dust content 10 times lower than the latter. The CO2 grain size is 3 mm and strong CO2 ice features are present in the data, indicating a thicker CO2 ice layer than in region II (1–2 g cm−2). The final region V is right at the top of the residual cap (⩾84°N). It is “pure” CO2 ice (no dust) of 5 mm grain sizes, with 30 ppm by weight of water ice. The CO2 ice features are very pronounced and the 2.7 μm band is saturated. The optical thickness is close to the semi-infinite limit (30–40 g cm−2). Assuming a snowpack density of 0.5 g cm−3, we get a minimum thickness of 1–2 cm for the top-layer of regions II and III, 4–10 cm for region IV, and ⩾60–80 cm thickness for region V. These values are in close agreement with several recent results for the south seasonal polar cap.These results should provide new, useful constraints in models of the Martian climate system and volatile cycles.  相似文献   

Thirteen-centimeter-wavelength radar observations of Mars made in 1982 at Arecibo Observatory yield accurate measurements of the full backscatter spectrum in two orthogonal polarizations. The data, which were obtained for several widely separated subradar longitudes at 24°N latitude, provide the first global view of the distribution of small-scale surface roughness on Mars. The diffuse component of the echo exhibits strong spatial variations. Areas of maximum depolarization correlate well with volcanic regions (Tharsis and Elysium), while the heavily cratered upland terrain yields relatively low depolarization. Parts of Tharsis give near-complete depolarization (polaziation ratio μc ? 1 when viewed at oblique angles of incidence). Northern Martian plains regions (Tharsis, Elysium, and Amazonis) may comprise the most extensive area of severe decimeter-scale surface roughness in the inner Solar System. On the average, the northern Martian tropics yield higher diffuse radar cross sections (σD = 0.05–0.12) and a higher of degree disk-integrated depolarization (μc = 0.1–0.4) than is found for the Moon, Mercury, and Venus. Comparisons between the Moon and Mars using radar data, ground truth, and simple scattering models suggest that Mars possesses a relatively high average coverage by decimeter-scale rocks. Also discussed are several of the more interesting quasispecular scattering results, the most unsual of which were obtained over the Olympus Mons aureole region.  相似文献   

A systematic mapping of water vapor on Mars has been achieved using the imaging spectrometer OMEGA aboard the Mars Express spacecraft, using the depth of the 2.6 μm (ν1, ν3) band of H2O. We report results obtained during two periods: (1) Ls=330–40° (January–June 2004), before and after the equinox, and (2) Ls=90–125°, which correspond to early northern summer. At low latitude, our results are globally consistent with previous measurements from ground-based and space (MAWD/Viking and TES/MGS) observations. However, at early northern summer and at high northern latitude (70–80 °N), the water vapor abundances, which we retrieved, appear to be weaker than MAWD and TES results. At the time of water sublimation during early northern summer, there is a maximum of water vapor content at latitudes 75–80°N and longitudes 210–24°E. This region is not far from the area where OMEGA identified a high abundance of calcium-rich sulfates, most likely gypsum. Our data provide the first high-resolution map of the martian water vapor content above the northern polar cap.  相似文献   

Using the explicit form of the functions to describe the monopole and dipole spectra of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, the exact expressions for the temperature dependences of the radiative and thermodynamic functions, such as the total radiation power per unit area, total energy density, number density of photons, Helmholtz free energy density, entropy density, heat capacity at constant volume, and pressure in the finite range of frequencies v 1vv 2 are obtained. Since the dependence of temperature upon the redshift z is known, the obtained expressions can be simply presented in z representation. Utilizing experimental data for the monopole and dipole spectra measured by the COBE FIRAS instrument in the 60–600 GHz frequency interval at the temperature T=2.72548 K, the values of the radiative and thermodynamic functions, as well as the radiation density constant a and the Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ are calculated. In the case of the dipole spectrum, the constants a and σ, and the radiative and thermodynamic properties of the CMB radiation are obtained using the mean amplitude T amp=3.358 mK. It is shown that the Doppler shift leads to a renormalization of the radiation density constant a, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ, and the corresponding constants for the thermodynamic functions. The expressions for new astrophysical parameters, such as the entropy density/Boltzmann constant, and number density of CMB photons are obtained. The radiative and thermodynamic properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation for the monopole and dipole spectra at redshift z≈1089 are calculated.  相似文献   

The photometric function developed by B. Hapke (1981,J. Geophys. Res.86, 3039–3054; 1984, Icarus59, 41–59) has been applied to near-opposition (α = 2–8°) disk-resolved phase curves for three color classes on Io, and the disk-integrated phase curve (α = 2–159°) of the satellite as a whole. Derived values of the Hapke compaction parameter h suggest that (1) a large percentage of the material on Io's surface has a porosity significantly greater significantly greater than 60%, supporting the estimate of high porosity made by D.L. Matson and D.B. Nash (1983,J. Geophys. Res.88, 4771–4783) and Nelson et al. (1984, Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc.16, 683–685; 1984,EOS65, 982–983); and (2) Average (“orange”) and Polar (“brown”) materials are significantly more porous than Bright (“white”) materials, a cottrast consistent with the Matson and Nash (1983) SO2 cold trap model. The best-fit single particle phase function becomes more backscattering on moving from Polar to Average to Bright materials, with the surface of Io on average exhibiting significant backscattering comparable in magnitude to that of the lunar surface. For the color classes, and for Io as a whole, the degree of backscattering tends to increase toward longer wavelengths. The average macroscopic roughness of the Ionian surface, characterized by a mean slope angle of Ø ≃ 25°, is similar to that of other solid surface in the solar system. Consistency between observed limb darkening and that predicted by the Hapke model requires the presence of significant macroscopic roughness (Ø ≥ 20°) for the Average regions, but not necessarily for the Bright and Polar materials.  相似文献   

Photoelectric lightcurves of the asteroid 1862 Apollo were obtained in November–December 1980 and in April–May 1982. The period of rotation is unambiguously determined to be 3.0655 ± 0.0008 hr. The 1980 observations span a range of solar phase angle from 30° to 90°, and the 1982 observations, 0.°2 to 90°. The Lumme-Bowell-Harris phase relation can be fit to the absolute magnitudes at maximum light with an RMS scatter of 0.06 magnitude over the entire range of phase angle. The constants of the solution are absolute V magnitude at zero phase angle and at maximum light, 16.23 ± 0.02; slope parameter, 0.23 ± 0.01. These constant corresponds to values in the linear phase coefficient system of V(1, 0) = 16.50 ± 0.02 and a phase coefficient of βv = 0.0305 ± 0.0012 mag/degree in the phase range 10°–20°. The slope of the phase curve is typical for a moderate albedo asteroid. The absolute magnitudes observed in 1980 and 1982 fall along a common phase curve. That is, Apollo was not intrinsically brighter at one apparition than the other. This is not surprising, since the two apparitions were almost exactly opposite one another in the sky. A pole position was calculated from the observed deviation of the lightcurve from constant periodicity (synodic-sidereal difference) during both apparitions. The computed 1950 ecliptic coordinates of the pole are: longitude = 56°, latitude = −26°. This is the “north” pole with respect to right-handed (counter-clockwise) rotation. The formal uncertainty of the solution for the pole position is less than 10°, but realistically may be several times that, or even completely wrong. The sidereal period of rotation asscociated with this pole solution is 3.065436 ± 0.000012 hr.  相似文献   

New far-infrared observations of the NH3 rotation-inversion manifolds in the spectrum of Jupiter have been inverted with the use oftthe detailed ammonia line opacity. A temperature of 160°K at a 1-bar pressure level and a temperature of 105°K for the minimum temperature of the inversion level at 0.15 bars have been derived for gaseous absorption due to NH3, H2, and He. The overall fit to the brightness temperature as a function of frequency σ is within ±1°K for 100 ≤ σ ≤ 400 cm?1 except for the centers of the NH3 rotation-inversion manifolds where for J ≥ 7 the fit is about 5°K too high. In the continuum for 400 ≤ σ ≤ 630 cm?1 the fit is within 2.5°K. Consideration of an ammonia ice haze, photodissociation of NH3 by uv radiation, NH3 abundance variation, different He/H2 ratios, and uncertainties in the data effect the temperatures at 1 bar and the temperature at the inversion layer by <7°K. The presently derived temperature at 1 bar of 160°K is consistent with Jovian interior models which can match the gravitational moment, J2.  相似文献   

We present the results of the study of the eclipsing polar CRTS CSS081231 J071126+440405. Photometric observations allowed us to refine the orbital period of the system \(P_ \circ = 0_ \cdot ^d 0.08137673\). Considerable changes in the appearance of the object’s spectra have occurred over the period of September 20–21, 2001: the slope of the continuum changed from “red” to “blue”, and the variability of the line profiles over the duration of the orbital period has also changed. Doppler maps have shown a shift of the emission line-forming region along the accretion stream closer to the white dwarf. We measured the duration of the eclipse of the system and imposed constraints on the inclination angle \(78_ \cdot ^ \circ 7 < i < 79_ \cdot ^ \circ 3\). The derived radial velocity amplitude was used to obtain the basic parameters of the system: M1 = 0.86 ± 0.08M, M2 = 0.18 ± 0.02 M, q = 0.21 ± 0.01, RL2 = 0.20 ± 0.03 R, A = 0.80 ± 0.03 R. The spectra of the object exhibit cyclotron harmonics. Their comparison with model spectra allowed us to determine the parameters of the accretion column: B = 31–34 MG, Te = 10–12 keV, θ = 80–90°, and Λ = 105.  相似文献   

The radial component of the solar magnetic field, Br, was calculated in the potential approximation in the height range from 1 to 2.5 solar radii, Ro. According to these data, synoptic maps of the magnetic field for solar cycles 21–23 were constructed. For each 10-degree latitudinal zone, the proportion of its area, S +field, that was occupied by the “+” field in each rotation was found. In the entire latitudinal zone, the radial component of the field is assumed to be positive if S+field ≥ 80% and negative if S +field ≤ 20%. The field proved to be virtually unipolar at the level of the photosphere (R = Ro) during most of the cycle, from the poles to the north and south latitude ≈60°. In the vicinity of minimums between cycles 21 and 22, as well as cycles 22 and 23, for a few rotations of the Sun, the field was almost unipolar within the range of latitudes (?40°)-90°. At R = 2.5 Ro, for most of each cycle, the field was unipolar in the range of latitudes (?20°-(-90°)) and (20°–90°). According to our interpretation, the shift of the polar-field boundary to the equator with height reflects superradial expansion of open magnetic flux tubes from the polar coronal holes. It was found that the reversal of the polar fields began with 1–2 rotations and ended from 2 to 14 solar rotations earlier at great heights than at the surface of the Sun. This indicates that the reversal of the large-scale field occurs first and then that of the small-scale one. In the study of the sectoral structure of the magnetic field at different heights it was found that the boundaries that rotate with a period of less than the Carrington revolution extend to greater heights than the boundaries with a Carrington or longer period. We assume that the boundaries of the first type are formed by the large-scale structures of the magnetic field and the boundaries of the second type are determined by the active regions.  相似文献   

Near-infrared observations of Uranus were made in October/November 2010 with the Gemini-North telescope in Hawaii, using NIFS, an integral field spectrograph, and the NIRI instrument in imaging mode. Observations were acquired using adaptive optics and have a spatial resolution of approximately 0.1–0.2″.The observed spectra along Uranus’ central meridian were analysed using a multiple-scattering retrieval algorithm to infer the vertical/latitudinal variation in cloud optical depth, which we compare with previous observations made by Gemini-North/NIFS in 2009 and UKIRT/UIST observations made between 2006 and 2008. Assuming a continuous distribution of small particles (r  1 μm, and refractive index of 1.4 + 0i) with the single scattering albedo set to 0.75 and using a Henyey–Greenstein phase function with asymmetry parameter set to 0.7 at all wavelengths and latitudes, the retrieved cloud density profiles show that the north polar zone at 45°N has continued to steadily brighten while the south polar zone at 45°S has continued to fade. As with our previous analyses we find that, assuming that the methane vertical profile is the same at all latitudes, the clouds forming these polar zones at 45°N and 45°S lie at slightly lower pressures than the clouds at more equatorial latitudes. However, we also find that the Gemini data can be reproduced by assuming that the main cloud remains fixed at ~2 bar at all latitudes and adjusting the relative humidity of methane instead. In this case we find that the deep cloud is still more opaque at the equator and at the zones at 45°N and 45°S and shows the same seasonal trends as when the methane humidity remain fixed. However, with this approach the relative humidity of methane is seen to rise sharply from approximately 20% at polar latitudes to values closer to 80% for latitudes equatorward of 45°S and 45°N, consistent with the analysis of 2002 HST observations by Karkoschka and Tomasko (Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2009]. Icarus 202, 287–302), with a possible indication of seasonal variability. Overall, Uranus appeared to be less convectively active in 2010 than in the previous 4 years, supporting the conclusion that now the northern spring equinox (which occurred in 2007) has passed, the atmosphere is settling back into the more quiescent state seen by Voyager 2 in 1986.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(8-9):1061-1075
In 1983, spectra of Venus in the region of 6–40 μm were measured by means of the Fourier Spectrometer aboard the Venera 15 orbiter. It covered local solar times from 4 am to 10 am and from 4 pm to 10 pm in the latitude range from 65°S up to 87°N. The results of an extended processing and analysis of these data are presented. Time and spatial variations of the water vapour were found. Most of the measurements fall in the range of 5–15 ppm, which is close to earlier results. The effective altitude of sounding is approximately equal to the altitude where the optical depth τ = 1. In the northern hemisphere, which was mainly covered by the measurements, two latitude regions can be distinguished; (A) 20° < φ < 50° and (B) φ > 60°, which are characterised by different altitudes of the level of τ = 1, 62 and 55 km respectively. Mean mixing ratios near this level in the two regions are almost the same, but the partial pressures and mass densities in the region (B) are 2–4 times greater than those in region (A). In region (A) a weak maximum was detected near 10 am local solar time (17 ppm at φ = 35°) and a minimum—near 10 pm (2ppm at φ = 30°). Region (B) is of inhomogeneous structure, and the retrieved mixing ratio has greater uncertainty and may probably change from the low values up to 30 ppm. In region (A) the water vapour mass density at the level of τ = 1 is 2–4 times greater than the mean density of the water contained in aerosol particles, while in region (B) this ratio may vary in the limits 0.5–5. Although the retrieval of H2O mixing ratio altitude profile from the Venera 15 data appeared to be impossible, indirect indications were found that at least in region (A) the mixing ratio decreases with altitude.  相似文献   

A statistical study of the cusp plasma has been performed using mainly electron data from the LPS, Rome, plasma experiment flown onboard HEOS-2. We have located the cusp by means of 35–50 eV electrons, from 1.5 to 2.5RE (south pole) and from 3RE up to 11RE (north pole) at 60–70° SM latitude within ±60° of SM longitude from the noon meridan plane. The average cusp thickness is 4.2° of invariant latitude. The location of the cusp in invariant latitude around the noon meridian plane depends on the IMF component BzGSM according to the linear best fit: Λ = 78.7° + 0.48BzGSM(γ). Away from the noon meridian plane the invariant latitude of the cusp decreases from 79–84° to 70–74° (at ±50° SM Longitude). At the equatorward edge of the north pole cusp, at all radial distances and at all SM longitudes, we have found a population of electrons with a harder energy spectrum than in the cusp itself. These electrons show a peak at 170–280 eV in our data. They are not the cusp (35–50 eV) electrons and are easily distinguishable from the 1 keV magnetospheric electrons. In the south pole auroral oval they are found at any SM longitude mainly poleward of the 1 keV electrons. The cusp electrons (35–50 eV) and protons have anisotropies that vary with radial distance and SM latitude, both flowing earthward more or less along the magnetic field.  相似文献   

Far-IR (25-50 μm, 200-400 cm−1) nadir and limb spectra measured during Cassini's four year prime mission by the Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument have been used to determine the abundances of cyanogen (C2N2), methylacetylene (C3H4), and diacetylene (C4H2) in Titan's stratosphere as a function of latitude. All three gases are enriched at northern latitudes, consistent with north polar subsidence. C4H2 abundances agree with those derived previously from mid-IR data, but C3H4 abundances are about 2 times lower, suggesting a vertical gradient or incorrect band intensities in the C3H4 spectroscopic data. For the first time C2N2 was detected at southern and equatorial latitudes with an average volume mixing ratio of 5.5±1.4×10−11 derived from limb data (>3-σ significance). This limb result is also corroborated by nadir data, which give a C2N2 volume mixing ratio of 6±3×10−11 (2-σ significance) or alternatively a 3-σ upper limit of 17×10−11. Comparing these figures with photochemical models suggests that galactic cosmic rays may be an important source of N2 dissociation in Titan's stratosphere. Like other nitriles (HCN, HC3N), C2N2 displays greater north polar relative enrichment than hydrocarbons with similar photochemical lifetimes, suggesting an additional loss mechanism for all three of Titan's main nitrile species. Previous studies have suggested that HCN requires an additional sink process such as incorporation into hazes. This study suggests that such a sink may also be required for Titan's other nitrile species.  相似文献   

From radar images of Mercury's poles and MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer (NS) measurements obtained during the spacecraft's flybys of Mercury, predictions of neutron count rates and their uncertainties are calculated for Mercury's north polar region as of the end of the MESSENGER primary orbital mission. If Mercury's poles contain large amounts of water ice, as has been suggested on the basis of the radar data, then during the one-year-long orbital mission the NS should detect signals indicative of excess polar hydrogen with a significance of at least 4σ, where σ is the standard deviation derived from Poisson counting statistics. If the polar deposits are not enriched with hydrogen, but are dominated by other elements, such as sulfur, then the MESSENGER neutron measurements should be able to confirm the absence of deposits having surface concentrations in excess of 50 wt% H2O on permanently shadowed floors of craters near Mercury's north pole. Because of the large spatial footprint of the NS data, individual polar deposits will not be spatially resolved, but longitudinal asymmetries may be detected if residual systematic uncertainties are sufficiently low.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(10):1319-1327
The advance and retreat of the polar caps were one of the first observations that indicated Mars had seasons. Because a large portion of the atmosphere is cycled in and out of the seasonal caps during the year, the frost deposits play a significant role in regional and global atmospheric circulation. Understanding the nature of the seasonal polar caps is imperative if we are to understand the current Martian climate. In this study, we track the seasonal cap edges as a function of season and longitude for the fall and winter seasons (MY27), using data from the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard the Mars Express (MEX) ESA mission. Making use of the rapid rise (decrease) in surface temperature that occurs when CO2 ice is removed (deposited), in a first approach, we defined the advancing cap edge to be where the surface temperature drops below 150 K, and the retreating cap edge where the surface temperature rises above 160 K. In this case, starting from Ls∼50°, the edge progression speed start to be longitude dependent. In the hemisphere that extends form the eastern limit of the Hellas basin to the western limit of the Argyrae basin (and containing the two) the edges progression speed is about a half than that of the other hemisphere; the cap is thus asymmetric and, unexpectedly, no CO2 ice seems to be present inside the basins. This is because the above mentioned surface temperatures used in this approach to detect the cap edges are not adequate (too low) for the high-pressure regions inside the basins where, following the Clausius–Clapeyron's law, the CO2 condensation temperature can be several degrees higher than that of the adjacent lower-pressure regions. In the second, final approach, special attention has been given to this aspect and the advancing and retreating cap edges are defined where, respectively, the surface temperatures drop below and rise above the CO2 condensation temperature for the actual surface pressure values. Now, the results show an opposite situation than the previous one, with the progression speed being higher and the cap more extended (up to −30° latitude) in the hemisphere containing the two major Martian basins. During the fall season, up to Ls∼50° the South Martian polar cap consists of CO2 frost deposits that advance towards lower latitudes at a constant speed of 10° of latitude per 15 degrees of Ls. The maximum extension (−40° latitude) of the South polar cap occurs somewhere in the 80°–90° Ls range. At the winter solstice, when the edges of the polar night start moving poleward, the cap recession has already started, in response to seasonal changes in insolation. The CO2 ice South polar cap will recede with a constant speed of ∼5° of latitude every 25° degrees of Ls during the whole winter. The longitudinal asymmetries reduce during the cap retreat and completely disappear around Ls=145°.  相似文献   

High latitude magnetic field data from 16 northern observatories are averaged during periods of magnetic disturbance level Kp = 2? to 3+. Within this disturbance level, variations between interplanetary magnetic field sector (toward and away from the Sun) and geomagnetic season (dipole latitude of the Sun: > 10° = summer, < ? 10° = winter) are delineated. Variations between seasons are: (1) The positive bay and polar cap disturbance is a maximum in summer and a minimum in winter for both sectors. (2) The negative bay disturbance is a maximum in summer and a minimum in winter when the interplanetary field is toward the Sun and vice versa during away sectors. Variations between sectors are: (1) During summer and equinox the negative bay disturbance is greater for toward sectors than for away sectors. The reverse occurs during winter. (2) The positive bay disturbance is greater during toward sectors than during away sectors for all seasons. (3) All diiferences in disturbance level are greater at sunlit local times than in darkness. (4) Angular differences in the direction of the horizontal disturbance of up to 75° occur between sectors in the polar cap and dayside during all seasons. (5) The polar cap-auroral belt boundary location is different for the two sectors. Compared to data from away sectors, this boundary for toward sectors is shifted northward near dawn (5–8h) and southward between 10 and 22h. (6) Accompanying this boundary difference there is a change in the direction of the vertical disturbance in the region between 9 and 14h at geomagnetic latitudes 77–88°. ΔZ in this region is negative during away sectors and positive during toward sectors. Differences between sectors are attributed to changes in the ionospheric electric field configuration and in the distribution of magnetic field aligned currents.Features unrelated to sector or season also occur: (1) A significant Y component is present in both the positive and negative bays. (2) The vertical disturbance (¦ΔZ¦) to the north of the auroral belt is much larger than that to the south. (3) Two distinct regions of maximum activity are present in the ΔZ accompanying the positive bay disturbance.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(3-4):327-330
The asteroid 85 Io has been observed using CCD and photoelectric photometry on 18 nights during its 1995–96 and 1997 apparitions. We present the observed lightcurves, determined colour indices and modelling of the asteroid spin vector and shape. The colour indices (U-B = 0.35±0.02, B-V = 0.66±0.02, V-R = 0.34±0.02, R-I = 0.36±0.02) are as expected for a C-type asteroid. The allowed spin vector solutions have the pole co-ordinates λ0 = 285±4°, β0 = −52±9° or λ0 = 108±10°, β0 = −46±10° and λ0 = 290±10°, β0 = −16±10° with a retrograde sense of rotation and a sidereal period Psid = 0d.286463±0d.000001. During the 1995–96 apparition the International Occultation Time Association (IOTA) observed an occultation event by 85 Io. The observations and modelling presented here were analysed together with the occultation data to develop improved constraints on the size of the asteroid. The derived value of 164 km is about 5% larger than the IRAS diameter. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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