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Observations of Saturn's satellites and external rings during the 1980 edge-on presentation were obtained with a focal coronograph. A faint satellite traveling in the orbit of Dione and leading it by 72° has been detected, together with the two inner satellites already suspected (cf. J. W. Fountain and S. M. Larson, 1978,Icarus36, 92–106). The external ring has been observed on both east and west sides; it may extend up to ?8.3 Saturn radii, and appears structured.  相似文献   

We have calculated the radar backscattering characteristics of a variety of compositional and structural models of Saturn's rings and compared them with observations of the absolute value, wavelength dependence, and degree of depolarization of the rings' radar cross section (reflectivity). In the treatment of particles of size comparable to the wavelength of observation, allowance is made for the nonspherical shape of the particles by use of a new semiempirical theory based on laboratory experiments and simple physical principles to describe the particles' single scattering behavior. The doubling method is used to calculate reflectivities for systems that are many particles thick using optical depths derived from observations at visible wavelengths. If the rings are many particles thick, irregular centimeter- to meter-sized particles composed primarily of water ice attain sufficiently high albedos and scattering efficiencies to explain the radar observations. In that case, the wavelength independence of radar reflectivity implies the existence of a broad particle size distribution that is well characterized over the range 1 cm ? r ? m by n(r)dr = n0r?3dr. A narrower size distribution with a ~ 6 cm is also a possibility. Particles of primarily silicate composition are ruled out by the radar observations. Purely metallic particles, either in the above size range and distributed within a many-particle-thick layer or very much larger in size and restricted to a monolayer, may not be ruled out on the basis of existing radar observations. A monolayer of very large ice “particle” that exhibit multiple internal scattering may not yet be ruled out. Observations of the variation of radar reflectivity with the opening angle of the rings will permit further discrimination between ring models that are many particles thick and ring models that are one “particle” thick.  相似文献   

The optical appearance of spokes was studied in high resolution (?200 km/lp) images obtained by Voyager 2. Spokes are classified into three categories. (1) Extended spokes are seen in the distance interval of 100,000 to 112,000 km from Saturn's center. They have diffuse edges and are slightly wedge shaped. Their width at the base (towards Saturn) is about 20,000 km. Their active times (during which they increase in width) range from 4000 to 12,000 sec. (2) Narrow spokes are found in the distance range 104,000 to 116,000 km, have sharply defined edges, and are narrowest at the corotation distance (112, 300 km). Their typical radial extension and width is 6000 and 2,000 km, respectively. (3) Filamentary spokes are found outside 110,000 km mostly joined with a wider spoke further in. They are typically 3000 km in length and 500 km in width. Their active time is less than 1000 sec. Several narrow spokes were observed during formation along radial lines in the sunlit portion of the ring. The formation time is typically ?5 min for a 6000-km-long spoke. The rate of spoke formation is highest at the morning ansa outside Saturn's shadow. Several spokes have been found where one edge revolves with Keplerian speed whereas the other edge stays radial. Recurrent spoke patterns have been observed at the period of Saturn's rotation. From edge-on views of the ring system, an upper limit for the height of spokes of 80 km is derived.  相似文献   

The shape and orientation of Saturn's F ring and the orbits of its two shepherding satellites have been determined from Voyager images. The data and processing are described, and orbital parameter estimates and associated uncertainties are presented. In addition, evidence that suggests that the F-ring braids are formed very near the conjunctions of the shepherding satellites is presented.  相似文献   

New photographic photometry at small tilt angles during the 1979 and 1981 apparitions is combined with earlier data to yield several physical parameters for Saturn's B ring in red and blue colors. Phase curves are obtained for a mean tilt angle B ? 6°. The value of the volume density D is 0.020±0.004 with no indication of dependence on either the color or the tilt angle for 6°<B<26°. This conclusion is not altered significantly if the individual ring particles have a phase function similar to the phase curves of bright solar system objects. For the geometric albedo of a single particle we derive 0.61±0.04 (red) and 0.41±0.03 (blue), which are superior to earlier estimates because of the additional data now available. These values and the derived amount of multiple scattering as a function of tilt angle constrain the particle phase function in the red to be moderately backscattering. Inferred values of the particle single-scattering albedo are 0.7≤ω0 (red) ≤0.92 and 0.5≤ω0 (blue) ≤0.7, depending on the choice of phase function. No indication was found that the particle photometric properties might depend on the vertical distance from the central plane. Our results show that the ground-based photometry is entirely consistent with the classical, many-particle-thick ring model.  相似文献   

C.K. Goertz  G. Morfill 《Icarus》1983,53(2):219-229
We suggest that spokes consist of charged micron-sized dust particles elevated from the rings by radially moving dense plasma columns created by meteor impacts on the ring. Dense plasma causes electrostatic wall-sheaths at the ring and charging of the ring with electric fields strong enough to overcome the gravitational force on small dust particles. Under “ordinary” conditions only very few dust particles will be elevated as the probability of a dust particle having at least one excess electronic charge is very low. Dense plasma raises this probability significantly. The radial motion of the plasma column is due to an azimuthal polarization electric field built up by the relative motion between the corotating plasma and the negatively charged dust particles which move with a Keplerian speed.  相似文献   

The outer edges of Saturn's A and B rings, at 2.27 Rs and 1.95 Rs, have been examined using data acquired by four Voyager experiments. The shapes and kinematics of these features are influenced by their proximity to strong low-order Lindblad resonances. The data for the A-ring edge are consistent with a seven-loded radial distortion of amplitude 6.7 ± 1.5 km which rotates with the mass-weighted mean angular velocity of the coorbital satellite system. The B-ring edge has essentially a double-lobed figure of radial amplitude 74 ± 9 km which rotates with the mean motion of Mimas, though there is an indication that it is not completely described withe a simple Saturn-centered ellipse. An upper limit of 10 m has been placed on the vertical thickness in the unperturbed region of the B ring.  相似文献   

The spectral reflectivity of Saturn's rings between 0.36 and 1.06 μm is derived from observations of the combined light of the Saturn system and the previously determined spectrum of the disk of Saturn. The rings are red relative to the Sun for wavelengths λ? 0.7 μm; at longer wavelengths, the spectral reflectivity declines. The amplitude of the opposition effect (anomalous brightening at very small phase angles) shows a maximum at both ends of our spectral range.  相似文献   

We investigate certain brightness variations seen in Saturn's A ring and find them to be due to vertical corrugations of the local ring plane caused by a spiral bending wave. This wave is resonantly excited by Mimas and propagates inward via the collective gravity of the ring particles. B. A. Smith et al. [Science212, 163–191 (1981)] had previously associated vertical relief with this feature due to its observed azimuthal variations and its proximity to an inclination resonance with Mimas. We develop the theory of forced bending waves, some aspects of which have been treated in the galactic context by C. Hunter and A. Toomre [Astrophys. J.155, 747–776 (1969)] and by G. Bertin and J.W.-K. Mark [Astron. Astrophys.88, 289–297 (1980)]. Our theory is in good agreement with the observations. In particular, the presence of these bending waves may resolve the conflict between ground-based estimates of 1–2 km for the global ring thickness [e.g., A. Brahic and B. Sicardy, Nature289, 447–450 (1981)] and Voyager stellar occultation measurements of <200 m for the local ring thickness [A. L. Lane et al., Science215, 537–543 (1982); E. A. Marouf and G. L. Tyler, Science217, 243–245 (1982)].  相似文献   

The properties of Saturn's electrostatic discharges (SED) as observed by the Voyager Planetary Radio Astronomy experiment during the two Voyager encounters with Saturn are summarized. Several models for the formation of SED are discussed in light of these observations. The most likely source regions appear to be either the equatorial zone of the planet or the dense part of the B ring near 1.80 Rs. The strenghts and weaknesses of each of these possibilities are examined. Neither possibility accounts fully for the observed SED properties in a simple way. A search for an anomaly near 1.80 Rs in the data of other experiments aboard Voyager has been carried out, and at least one and possibly more such experiments do indeed obtain anomalous data at this point in the ring system. There thus appears to be unexplained phenomena at this point, independent of the PRA data, and it is a short step to postulate that a single object may be the cause of all such phenomena.  相似文献   

“Condensations” of light have been observed when Saturn's rings are seen almost edge on, and the Sun and the Earth are on opposite sides of the ring plane. These condensations are associated with ring C and Cassini's division. If the relative brightness between the two condensations and the optical thickness of ring C are known, we can calculate the optical thickness of Cassini's division, τCASS. Using Barnard's and Sekiguchi's measurements, we have obtained 0.01 ? τCASS ? 0.05. A brightness profile of the condensations which agrees well with visual observations is also presented.We are able to set an upper limit of about 0.01 for the optical thickness of any hypothetical outer ring. This rules out a ring observed by C. Cragg in 1954, but does not eliminate the D′ ring observed by Feibelman in 1967.It is known that the outer edge of ring B is almost at the position of the 1/2 resonance with Mimas. Franklin, Colombo, and Cook explained this fact in 1971, postulating a total mass of ring B of 10?6MSATURN. We have derived a formula for the mass of the rings, which is a linear function of the mean particle size. We find that 10?6MSATURN implies large particles (~70m). If the particles are small (~10cm), as currently believed, the total mass of ring B is not enough to shift the outer edge. We conclude that the above explanation and current size estimates are inconsistent.  相似文献   

Multiple-scattering computations are carried out to explain the variation of the observed brightness of the A and B rings of Saturn with declination of the Earth and Sun. These computations are performed by a doubling scheme for a homogeneous plane-parallel scattering medium. We test a range of choices for the phase function, albedo for single scattering, and optical depth of both the rings. Isotropic scattering and several other simple phase functions are ruled out, and we find that the phase function must be moderately peaked in both the forward and backward directions. The tilt effect can be explained by multiple scattering in a homogeneous layer, but, for ring B, this requires a single-scattering albedo in excess of 0.8. The brightest part of ring B must have an optical depth greater than 0.9. We find that the tilt effect for ring A can be reproduced by particles having the same properties as those in ring B with the optical depth for the A ring in the range 0.4 to 0.6.  相似文献   

The sizes, composition, and number of particles comprising the rings of Saturn may be meaningfully constrained by a combination of radar- and radio-astronomical observations. In a previous paper, we have discussed constraints obtained from radar observations. In this paper, we discuss the constraints imposed by complementary “passive” radio observations at similar wavelengths. First, we present theoretical models of the brightness of Saturn's rings at microwave wavelengths (0.34–21.0 cm), including both intrinsic ring emission and diffuse scattering by the rings of the planetary emission. The models are accurate simulations of the behavior of realistic ring particles and are parameterized only by particle composition and size distribution, and ring optical depth. Second, we have reanalyzed several previously existing sets of interferometric observations of the Saturn system at 0.83-, 3.71-, 6.0-, 11.1-, and 21.0-cm wavelengths. These observations all have spatial resolution sufficient to resolve the rings and planetary disk, and most have resolution sufficient to resolve the ring-occulted region of the disk as well. Using our ring models and a realistic model of the planetary brightness distribution, we are able to establish improved constraints on the properties of the rings. In particular, we find that: (a) the maximum optical depth in the rings is ~ 1.5 ± 0.3 referred to visible wavelengths; (b) a significant decrease in ring optical depth from λ3.7 to λ21.0 cm allows us to rule out the possibility that more than ~30% of the cross section of the rings is composed of particles larger than a meter or so; this assertion is essentially independent of uncertainties in particle adsorption coefficient; and (c) the ring particles cannot be primarily of silicate composition, independently of particle size, and the particles cannot be primarily smaller than ~0.1 cm, independently of composition.  相似文献   

Starting with the assumption that negatively charged micron-sized dust grains may be elevated above Saturn's ring plane by plasma interactions, the subsequent evolution of the system is discussed. The discharge of the fine dust by solar uv radiation produces a cloud of electrons which moves adiabatically in Saturn's dipolar magnetic field. The electron cloud is absorbed by the ring after one bounce, alters the local ring potential significantly, and reduces the local Debye length. As a result, more micron-sized dust particles may be elevated above the ring plane and the spoke grows. This process continues until the electron cloud has dissipated.  相似文献   

It is proposed that Saturn's electrostatic discharges (SED) might be generated in the planet's equatorial atmosphere, perhaps as lightning from a storm system. The 10h10m periodicity of the signal envelope duplicates that of Saturn's equatorial jet. The rings shield the atmosphere from solar EUV photons, and thereby substantially reduce the local ionospheric cutoff frequency to allow low-frequency SED to leak out. Many of the unusual properties of SED could be explained in terms of changes in the storm system, the relative spacecraft position in the beaming pattern of the source, local refraction of the signal by the highly disturbed ionosphere, and the influence of the ring particles on the highest frequency component of SED. A comparison of SED with planetary lightning on other planets shows that the two are similar in general character and some time behavior; the power output of SED may be higher than most planetary lightnings but that is unclear because of uncertainties in the measurements and variations in the signal's spectrum. Our simple discussion suggests that lightning could be a viable source for SED and that exotic ring mechanisms are not necessarily required.  相似文献   

Y. Kawata  W.M. Irvine 《Icarus》1975,24(4):472-482
Models of Saturn's B ring have been investigated which include the shadowing mechanism, realistic phase functions for the ring particles, and the effects of multiple scattering and a particle size dispersion. These models are based on the assumption that the rings form a layer many particles thick. A power law relation dn??s is used for the size dispersion law of the ring particles, where dn is the number of particles with radii between ? and ? + d?. In the calculation of the infrared brightness temperature of the rings, the effect of mutual heating among the ring particles is considered quantitatively for the first time. The parameters of the polydisperse s = 2 model can be chosen to satisfy both optical (λ ? 1.1 μ) and infrared data, but the situation could be much clarified if a good phase curve for the rings were available in the red, if the ring brightness were known accurately for λ > 1 μ, and if it could be established whether the ring particles are rotating synchronously.  相似文献   

A radiative seasonal model which incorporates a multilayer radiative transfer treatment at wave-lengths longward of 7 μm is presented and applied to Saturn's stratosphere. Opacities due to H2-He, CH4, C2H2, and C2H6 are included. Season-dependent insolation is shown to produce a strong hemispheric asymmetry decreasing with depth at the Voyager encounter times, and seasonal amplitudes of 30°K at the poles are predicted in the high stratosphere. The ring-modulated dependence of the insolation and the orbital eccentricity are shown to have a significant effect. Calculations agree closely with the Voyager 1 and 2 radio occultation ingress profiles recorded at 76°S and 36.5°S for CH4/H2 = 3.5 + 1.4/? 1.0 × 10?3;the estimated errors include modeling systematic errors and uncertainties in the occultations profiles. The possible role of aerosols in the stratospheric heating is analyzed. The Voyager 2 egress profile recorded at 31°S cannot be reproduced by calculations. Some constraints on the C2H2 and C2H6 abundances are derived. The upper portion of the occultation profiles (p < 3mbar) can be matched for C2H2/H2 = 1.0 + 1.3/?0.6 × 10?7, C2H6/H2 = 1.5 + 1.8/?0.9 × 10?6 at 76°S and C2H2/H2 = 4 + 6/?4 × 10?8, C2H6/H2 = 6 + 9/?6 × 10?7 at 36.5°N. At the northern occultation latitude, the discrepancy with the concentrations derived from analysis of IRIS spectra by R. Courtin, D. Gautier, A. Marten, B. Bézard, and R. Hanel (1984, Astrophys. J.287) can be explained by a sharp variation of the mixing ratios of these gases with altitude in the upper stratosphere. Other interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of microwave opacity τ[λ] and near forward scatter from Saturn's rings at wavelengths λ of 3.6 and 13 cm from the Voyager 1 ring occultation experiment contain information regarding ring particle sizes in the range of about a = 0.01 to 15 m radius. The opacity measurements τ[3.6] and τ[13] are sufficient to constrain the scale factor n(a0) and index q of a power law incremental size distribution n(a) = n(a0)[a0/a]q, assuming known minimum and maximum sizes and a many-particle-thick model. The families of such distributions are highly convergent in the centimeter-size range. Forward scatter at 3.6 cm can be used to solve for a general distribution over the radius range 1 ? a ? 15 m by integral inversion and inverse scattering methods, again assuming a many-particle-thick slab-type radiative transfer model. Distributions n(a) valid over 0.01 ? a ? 15 m are obtained by combining the results from the two types of measurements above. Mass distributions may be computed directly from n(a). Such distributions, partly measured and partly synthesized, have been obtained for four features in the ring system centered at 1.35, 1.51, 2.01, and 2.12 Saturn radii (Rs). The size and mass distributions both cut off sharply at a ? 4–5 m; the mass distribution peaks over the narrow size range 3 ? a ? 4 m for all four locations. No single power law distribution is consistent with the data over the entire interval 0.01 ? a ? 5 m, although a power law-type model is consistent with the data over a limited size range of 0.01 ? a ? 1 m, where the indices q = 3.4 and 3.3 are obtained from the slab model for the features located at 1.51 and 2.01 Rs. The fractional contribution of the suprameter particles to the microwave opacity in each feature appears to be about 13, 13, 23, and 1, respectively, with the fraction at 2.12 Rs being the least certain. The cumulative surface mass per unit area obtained for the classical slab model is approximately 11, 16, 41, and 132 g/cm2 for the four features, respectively, if the particles are solid H2O ice. Both the fractional opacity and the mass density estimates represent upper bounds implied by the assumption of a uniformly mixed set of particles in a many-particle-thick vertical profile; lower estimates would result if the rings were assumed to be nearly a monolayer or if the vertical distribution of particles were size dependent.  相似文献   

Roger N. Clark 《Icarus》1980,44(2):388-409
The reflectance spectra of Ganymede, Europa, Callisto, and Saturn's rings are analyzed using recent laboratory reflectance studies of water frost, water ice, and water and mineral mixtures. It is found that the spectra of the icy Galilean satellites are characteristic of water ice (e.g., ice blocks or possibly very large ice crystals ? 1 cm) or frost on ice rather than pure water frost, and that the decrease in reflectance at visible wavelengths is caused by other mineral grains in the surface. The spectra of Saturn's rings are more characteristic of water frost with some other mineral grains mixed in the frost but not on the surface. The impurities on all these objects are not in spectrally isolated patches but appear to be intimately mixed with the water. The impurity grains appear to have reflectance spectra typical of minerals containing Fe3+. Some carbonaceous chondrite meteorite spectra show the necessary spectral shape. Ganymede is found to have more water ice on the surface than previously thought (~90 wt%), as is Callisto (30–90 wt%). The surface of Europa has a vast frozen water surface with only a few percent impurities. Saturn's rings also have only a few percent impurities. The amount of bound water or bound OH for these objects is 5 ± 5 wt% averaged over the entire surface. Thus with the small amount of nonicy material present on these objects, no hydrated minerals can be ruled out. A new absorption feature is identified in Ganymede, Callisto, and probably Europa at 1.5 μm which is also seen in the spectra of Io but not in Saturn's rings. This feature has not been seen in laboratory studies and its cause is unknown.  相似文献   

From 1958 to 1976 the degree and direction of polarization of the light at Saturn's disk center were measured in orange light over 74 nights and at five wavelenghts over 19 nights. Measurements were also recorded at limb, terminator, and pole. In addition, extensive regional polarization measurements were collected over Saturn's disk and several polarization maps were produced. These data were analyzed on the basis Mie scattering theory and of transfer theory in planetary atmospheres. A model of the Saturn upper atmosphere aerosol structure is derived in which the top part of the the main cloud layer is composed of spherical transparent particles of radius 1.4 μm and refractive index 1.44. Above this layer, a fine haze of submicron-sized grains was detected by its production of a component of polarization which is always directed poleward; this upper haze is interpreted as having nonspherical particles which are systematically oriented. This upper haze layer covers approximately the whole planet uniformly but varies in thickness from year to year. The clear gas above the cloud layer has an optical thickness of around 0.1.  相似文献   

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