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2D numerical simulations of magnetorotational (MR) supernova mechanism are described. It is shown that magnetic field is amplified due to the differential rotation after core collapse. When magnetic pressure reaches some level, a compression wave starts to move outwards. Moving along steeply decreasing density profile the compression wave transforms quickly into fast MHD shock. The magnetorotational instability (MRI) was found in our simulations. MRI leads to the exponential growth of the components of the magnetic field. The MRI significantly reduces MR supernova explosion time. Configuration of the initial magnetic field qualitatively defines the shape of MR supernova explosion. For the quadrupole-like initial poloidal field the MR supernova explosion develops mainly along equatorial plane, the dipole-like initial field results in MR supernova developing as mildly collimated jet along axis of rotation. The explosion energy of MR supernova found in our simulations is ∼0.5–0.6×1051 erg.  相似文献   

The loss of angular momentum owing to unstable r-modes in hot young neutron stars has been proposed as a mechanism for achieving the spin rates inferred for young pulsars. One factor that could have a significant effect on the action of the r-mode instability is fallback of supernova remnant material. The associated accretion torque could potentially counteract any gravitational-wave-induced spin-down, and accretion heating could affect the viscous damping rates and hence the instability. We discuss the effects of various external agents on the r-mode instability scenario within a simple model of supernova fallback on to a hot young magnetized neutron star. We find that the outcome depends strongly on the strength of the magnetic field of the star. Our model is capable of generating spin rates for young neutron stars that accord well with initial spin rates inferred from pulsar observations. The combined action of r-mode instability and fallback appears to cause the spin rates of neutron stars born with very different spin rates to converge, on a time-scale of approximately 1 year. The results suggest that stars with magnetic fields ≤1013 G could emit a detectable gravitational wave signal for perhaps several years after the supernova event. Stars with higher fields (magnetars) are unlikely to emit a detectable gravitational wave signal via the r-mode instability. The model also suggests that the r-mode instability could be extremely effective in preventing young neutron stars from going dynamically unstable to the bar-mode.  相似文献   

One of the intriguing aspects of supernova remnants is their morphology. While the majority of them look like hollow shells, a few, called plerions, are centrally filled like the Crab nebula, and some have a shell-plerion combination morphology. The centrally-filled component in these remnants is believed to be powered by a central pulsar. In this paper we present results of model calculations of the evolution of surface brightness and morphology of supernova remnants containing pulsars. We discuss how the morphology of a supernova remnant will depend on the velocity of expansion, the density of the ambient medium into which it is expanding, and the initial period and magnetic field strength of the central pulsar  相似文献   

Recent results from an ongoing series of Rayleigh-Taylor instability experiments being conducted on the Omega Laser are described. The goal of these experiments is to study, in a controlled laboratory setting, the mixing that occurs at an unstable interface subjected to an acceleration history similar to the explosion phase of a core-collapse supernova. In a supernova, the Reynolds number characterizing this mixing is extremely large (Re > 1010) and is more than sufficient to produce a turbulent flow at the interface. In the laboratory experiment, by contrast, the spatial scales are much smaller, but are still sufficiently large (Re > 105) to support a turbulent flow and therefore recreate the conditions relevant to the supernova problem. The data from these experiments will be used to validate astrophysical codes as well as to better understand the transition to turbulence in such high energy density systems. The experimental results to date using two-dimensional initial perturbations demonstrate a clear visual transition from a well-ordered perturbation structure consisting of only a few modes to one with considerable modal content. Analysis of these results, however, indicates that while a turbulent spectrum visually appears to be forming, the layer has not yet reached the asymptotic growth rate characteristic of a fully turbulent layer. Recent advances in both target fabrication and diagnostic techniques are discussed as well. These advances will allow for the study of well-controlled 3D perturbations, increasing our ability to recreate the conditions occurring in the supernova.  相似文献   

Radio observations shows that young supernova remnants such as Tycho and Cas A generally exhibit a circular clumpy shell. This shell shows a radial magnetic field whose equipartition strength is 2 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than the interstellar field. A simple compression of the ambient field by the shock can explain neither of these observations. We show that the Rayleigh-Taylor instability which occurs at the ejecta/ISM interface can explain these observations. We have done MHD simulations of the instability in the shell of Type-I supernova remnants for the first time by utilizing moving grid technique. Our simulation shows that Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities amplify ambient magnetic fields locally and produce the clumpy radio shell. Strong magnetic field lines draped around the Rayleigh-Taylor fingers produce the radial B-vector polarization, whereas thermal bremsstrahlung from the dense fingers themselves produce the clumpy X-ray emission.  相似文献   

We present a semi-analytical kinetic calculation of the process of non-linear diffusive shock acceleration (NLDSA) which includes the magnetic field amplification due to cosmic ray induced streaming instability, the dynamical reaction of the amplified magnetic field and the possible effects of turbulent heating. The approach is specialized to parallel shock waves, and the parameters we chose are the ones appropriate to forward shocks in supernova remnants. Our calculation allows us to show that the net effect of the amplified magnetic field is to enhance the maximum momentum of accelerated particles while reducing the concavity of the spectra, with respect to the standard predictions of NLDSA. This is mainly due to the dynamical reaction of the amplified field on the shock, which notably reduces the modification of the shock precursor. The total compression factors which are obtained for parameters typical of supernova remnants are   R tot∼ 7–10  , in good agreement with the values inferred from observations. The strength of the magnetic field produced through excitation of streaming instability is found in good agreement with the values inferred for several remnants if the thickness of the X-ray rims is interpreted as due to severe synchrotron losses of high-energy electrons. We also discuss the relative role of turbulent heating and magnetic dynamical reaction in driving the reduction of the precursor modification.  相似文献   

Cosmic ray streaming instabilities at supernova shocks are discussed in the quasi-linear diffusion formalism which takes into account the feedback effect of wave growth on the cosmic ray streaming motion. In particular, the non-resonant instability that leads to magnetic field amplification in the short wavelength regime is considered. The linear growth rate is calculated using kinetic theory for a streaming distribution. We show that the non-resonant instability is actually driven by a compensating current in the background plasma. The non-resonant instability can develop into a non-linear regime generating turbulence. The saturation of the amplified magnetic fields due to particle diffusion in the turbulence is derived analytically. It is shown that the evolution of parallel and perpendicular cosmic ray pressures is predominantly determined by non-resonant diffusion. However, the saturation is determined by resonant diffusion which tends to reduce the streaming motion through pitch angle scattering. The saturated level can exceed the mean background magnetic field.  相似文献   

Within a framework of 2D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, we explore the dynamical regimes initiated by a supernova explosion in a magnetized stratified interstellar medium (ISM). We concentrate on the formation of large-scale magnetic structures and outflows connected with the Parker instability. For the sake of simplicity we only show models with a fixed explosion energy corresponding to a single supernova (SN) occurring in host galaxies with different fixed values of the gravitational acceleration g and different ratios of specific heats. We show that in general, depending on these two parameters, three different regimes are possible: a slowly growing Parker instability on time-scales much longer than the galactic rotation period for small g; the Parker instability growing at roughly the rotation period, which for ratios of specific heats larger than one is accompanied by an outflow resulting from the explosion for intermediate g; and a rapidly growing instability and a strong blow-out flow for large g . By means of numerical simulations and analytical estimates we show that the explosion energy and gravitational acceleration which separate the three regimes scale as Eg 2∼constant in the 2D case. We expect that in the 3D case this scaling law is Eg 3∼constant . Our simulations demonstrate furthermore that a single SN explosion can lead to the growth of multiple Parker loops in the disc and large-scale magnetic field loops in the halo, extending over 2–3 kpc horizontally and up to 3 kpc vertically above the mid-plane of the disc.  相似文献   

We present a model which describes the evolution of the energy spectrum of relativistic electrons in supernova remnants, with radiation losses of electrons taken into account. The model can be used to calculate the synchrotron X-ray emission from supernova remnants in the uniform interstellar medium and in the uniform interstellar magnetic field. The importance of various factors in the variations of spatial distributions of nonthermal electrons and their synchrotron emissive capacity is demonstrated. We analyze the errors which arise in the magnetic field strength when it is estimated with the use of the models which ignore the detailed pattern of the evolution of the magnetic field and the electron spectrum behind the shock front in the remnant. The evolution of synchrotron emission spectrum and the ratio between the synchrotron radio and X-ray fluxes from supernova remnants are calculated.  相似文献   

In this paper we demonstrate the importance of cosmic rays for the dynamics of the interstellar medium. We present the first 3D-MHD numerical simulations of the Parker instability triggered by cosmic rays accelerated in randomly distributed supernova remnants. We show that in the presence of galactic rotation a net radial magnetic field is produced as a result of the cosmic ray injection and Coriolis force. This process provides a possibility of very efficient magnetic field amplification within the general frame of so called fast galactic dynamo proposed by Parker (1992).  相似文献   

Vishniac instability has been theoretically studied in supernova remnants where it is supposed to explain the fragmentation of the interstellar medium. However its role is not fully demonstrated in these astrophysical objects. Conditions and assumptions required for the instability growth are explained in detail in the present paper. In addition the HYDRO-MUSCL hydrodynamic code has been used to simulate this instability in order to compare the numerical growth rate with the Vishniac analytical solution.  相似文献   

We study analytically the Rayleigh–Taylor instability in expanding supernova gas shell. The instability appears at the inner shell surface accelerated by blowing pulsar wind. The most dangerous perturbations correspond to wavelengths comparable to the shell thickness. We analyze the fragility of the supernova remnant shell in function of the initial perturbation amplitude and the shell thickness.  相似文献   

We offer a possible explanation for the observational data on the magnetic-field structure in young supernova remnants (SN 1006, Tycho, Kepler, Cas A) that have been obtained by analyzing the polarizations of electromagnetic radiation in the radio, infrared, and other wavelength ranges. The authors of observational works interpret these data as evidence that the ordered magnetic-field component is predominantly radial, but it can be much smaller in amplitude than the stochastic field component that accounts for the bulk of the total magnetic energy. We calculate the magnetic field in supernova remnants by taking into account the shock compression of the primary field and the generation of a large-scale magnetic field by the particles accelerated at the shock front. The assumption that the field in the supernova remnant is the explosion-compressed primary field near the star is inconsistent with observational data, because the tangential (relative to the shock front) field component perpendicular to the radius must prevail in this case. However, allowing for the generation of an additional magnetic field by the electric current of the particles accelerated by a strong shock front leads us to conclude that the field components parallel to the front are suppressed by accelerated particles by several orders of magnitude. Only the component perpendicular to the front remains. Such a field configuration for uniform injection does not lead to the generation of an additional magnetic field, and, in this sense, it is stable. This explains the data on the radial direction of the ordered field component. As regards the stochastic field component, we show that it is effectively generated by accelerated particles if their injection into acceleration at the shock front is nonuniform along the front. Injection nonuniformity can be caused by upstream density nonuniformities. A relative density nonuniformity of the order of several percent is enough for an observable magnetic field with scales on the order of the density nonuniformity scales to be generated.  相似文献   

The Vishniac instability is supposed to explain the fragmentation of the thin shell of shocked matter in the radiative phase of supernova remnants. However its implication and its consequence on the morphological evolution of stellar systems is not fully demonstrated. The present paper tackles this subject by numerical simulations and focus on the role of the adiabatic index in the instability growth. The HYDRO-MUSCL 2D hydrodynamics code has been used to simulate the evolution of a supernova remnant thin shell and the triggering of the Vishniac instability in this thin shell. We have studied the temporal behavior of the perturbation. The first result of the numerical study is the existence of the Vishniac instability in the simulations. This result is proved by the overstability process observed in the simulations as predicted by the theoretical analysis. The second important result is the damping of the perturbation at late evolution and for all the set of parameters. Indeed the accretion of matter onto the shock damps the instability when theoretical analysis predicts its occurrence.  相似文献   

One century ago Viktor Hess carried out several balloon flights that led him to conclude that the penetrating radiation responsible for the discharge of electroscopes was of extraterrestrial origin. One century from the discovery of this phenomenon seems to be a good time to stop and think about what we have understood about Cosmic Rays. The aim of this review is to illustrate the ideas that have been and are being explored in order to account for the observable quantities related to cosmic rays and to summarize the numerous new pieces of observation that are becoming available. In fact, despite the possible impression that development in this field is somewhat slow, the rate of new discoveries in the last decade or so has been impressive, and mainly driven by beautiful pieces of observation. At the same time scientists in this field have been able to propose new, fascinating ways to investigate particle acceleration inside the sources, making use of multifrequency observations that range from the radio, to the optical, to X-rays and gamma rays. These ideas can now be confronted with data.I will mostly focus on supernova remnants as the most plausible sources of Galactic cosmic rays, and I will review the main aspects of the modern theory of diffusive particle acceleration at supernova remnant shocks, with special attention for the dynamical reaction of accelerated particles on the shock and the phenomenon of magnetic field amplification at the shock. Cosmic-ray escape from the sources is discussed as a necessary step to determine the spectrum of cosmic rays at the Earth. The discussion of these theoretical ideas will always proceed parallel to an account of the data being collected especially in X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy.In the end of this review I will also discuss the phenomenon of cosmic-ray acceleration at shocks propagating in partially ionized media and the implications of this phenomenon in terms of width of the Balmer line emission. This field of research has recently experienced a remarkable growth, in that lines have been found to bear information on the cosmic-ray acceleration efficiency of supernova shocks.  相似文献   

A nonlinear model of cosmic-ray acceleration at the shock fronts in the supernova remnants W28, W44, and IC433 is investigated. The hydrodynamic evolution of a supernova remnant, including the shock modification by the pressure of accelerated particles and the streaming instability of particles upstream of the shock propagating in a partially ionized interstellar gas, is modeled. The electromagnetic radiation generated by accelerated particles is calculated and compared with observations in a wide range of photon energies.  相似文献   

In this paper we demonstrate the importance of cosmic rays for the dynamics of the interstellar medium. We present the first 3D-MHD numerical simulations of the Parker instability triggered by cosmic rays accelerated in supernova remnants. We show that in the presence of galactic rotation a net radial magnetic field is produced as a result of the cosmic ray injection. This process provides a very efficient magnetic field amplification within the general frame of so called fast galactic dynamo proposed by Parker (1992). This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In a recent paper in this journal, Sule et al. (2011) argued that an early 17th‐century Indian mural of the constellation Sagittarius with a dragon‐headed tail indicated that the bright supernova of 1604 was also sighted by Indian astronomers. In this paper it will be shown that this identification is based on a misunderstanding of traditional Islamic astrological iconography and that the claim that the mural represents an early 17th‐century Indian sighting of the supernova of 1604 has to be rejected. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

From the standpoint of view that the early type stars are formed sequentially at an OB association, it is expected that the supernova explosions will also occur sequentially. We study the expansion law of a supernova remnant, which is formed by sequential explosions of supernovae. The superbubbles and supershells with the radii 2001000 pc are naturally explained by this model. Assuming that the sequential explosion of supernovae occurs at every OB association, we deduce the star formation rate in our Galaxy.  相似文献   

This paper discusses high-energy-density laboratory astrophysics experiments exploring the Rayleigh-Taylor instability under conditions similar to the blast wave driven, outermost layer in a core-collapse supernova. The planar blast wave is created in an experimental target using the Omega laser. The blast wave crosses an unstable interface with a seed perturbation machined onto it. The perturbation consists of a 3D “egg crate” pattern and, in some cases, an additional longer wavelength mode is added to this 3D, single-mode pattern. The main diagnostic of this experiment is x-ray radiography. This paper explores an image processing technique to improve the identification and characterization of structure in the radiographic data.  相似文献   

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