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Absolute18O content of standard mean ocean water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The absolute values of the18O/16O ratio (Rs) and the relative18O content (Xs) in SMOW have been determined by comparing SMOW mass spectrometrically with well-defined synthetic mixtures of pure D218O and H216O. The results are:RS = (2005.20 ± 0.45) × 10?6, XS = (2000.45 ± 0.45) × 10?6  相似文献   

Uranium and thorium isotope activities were measured by isotope dilution alpha spectrometry in four late Pleistocene and Holocene foraminiferal calcite samples. Sample cleaning methods were utilized to separate calcite tests from contaminating clay and surface oxide coatings. The maximum concentration of lattice bound uranium is 0.023 ppm (10 × 10?9 moles U/mole Ca), consistent with the lowest reported value, 0.025 ppm [1].230Th/234U activity ratios in samples cleaned as described above are much greater than one, indicating that the cleaning methods used do not effectively remove230Th from the surfaces of the calcite. The upper limit for lattice bound232Th is 0.039 ppm (17 × 10?9 moles Th/mole Ca).  相似文献   

Os isotope systematics in ocean island basalts   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
New ReOs isotopic results for Os-poor basalts from St. Helena, the Comores, Samoa, Pitcairn and Kerguelen dramatically expand the known range of initial 186Os/187Os ratios in OIBs to values as high as 1.7. In contrast to the Os isotopic uniformity of Os-rich basalts from the HIMU islands of Tubuai and Mangaia found by Hauri and Hart [1], our values for St. Helena span most of the known range of Os isotopic variability in oceanic basalts (initial 187Os/186Os ranges from 1.2 to 1.7). Generation of such radiogenic Os in the mantle requires melting of source materials that contain large proportions of recycled oceanic crust. The very low Os concentrations of most of the basalts analyzed here, however, leave them susceptible to modification via interaction with materials containing radiogenic Os in the near-surface environment. Thus the high 186Os/187Os ratios may result from assimilation of radiogenic Os-rich marine sediments, such as Mn oxides, within the volcanic piles traversed by these magmas en route to the surface. Furthermore, the Os isotopic signatures of Os-rich, olivine-laden OIBs may reflect the accumulation of lithospheric olivine, rather than simply their mantle source characteristics. The extent to which these processes alter the view of the mantle obtained via study of ReOs systematics in oceanic basalts is uncertain. These effects must be quantified before ReOs systematics in OIBs can be used with confidence to investigate the nature of mantle heterogeneity and its causes.  相似文献   

230Th, 232Th and 234Th were analyzed in sinking particles collected by moored and drifting sediment traps in the NE Atlantic Ocean (POMME experiment) in order to constrain the phase(s) carrying Th isotopes in the water column. It reveals a contrasted behaviour between 234Th and 230Th. 234Th is correlated to the particulate organic carbon suggesting that it is primarily scavenged by organic compounds in the surface waters. 230Thxs is correlated with Mn, Ba and the lithogenic fraction that are enriched in small suspended particles and incorporated in the sinking particulate flux throughout the water column. The lack of correlation between 230Thxs and CaCO3 or biogenic silica (bSi) indicates that CaCO3 and bSi are not responsible for 230Th scavenging in the deep waters of this oceanic region. 230Th is generally correlated with the lithogenic content of the trapped material but this correlation disappears in winter during strong atmospheric dust inputs suggesting that lithogenic matter is not directly responsible for 230Th scavenging in the deep waters or that sufficient time is required to achieve particle–solution equilibration. MnO2 could be the prevalent 230Thxs-bearing phase. The narrow range of Kd_MnO2Th obtained for very contrasted oceanic environments supports a global control of 230Thxs scavenging by MnO2 and raises the possibility that the 230Th–231Pa fractionation is controlled by the amount of colloidal MnO2 in seawater.  相似文献   

Four vertical profiles of230Th and228Th were determined using large volume water samples in the western North Pacific. An almost linear increase of230Th with depth was observed for all of the profiles for which the unidirectional first order scavenging model was difficult to explain. We developed a model which included a dissolved-particulate transformation as well as parameters of the scavenging model. Application of the model to the vertical distributions of total and the GEOSECS particulate Th isotopes (230Th and234Th) yielded the residence time of dissolved Th with respect to adsorption to particles and the turnover time of particulate Th to be 235 days and 57 days, respectively. The Th isotopes appeared to be carried down the water column by fine particles with a mean settling velocity of 1 m/day which continually release Th into sea water as well as pick up Th from the water along their journey to the bottom.For228Th, a large excess over232Th was observed throughout the water column with pronounced high concentrations in surface and bottom waters, suggesting that the228Th was derived from228Ra diffused out of sediments. The vertical distributions of228Th seemed to be significantly influenced by lateral mixing along isopycnals.  相似文献   

The water contents of minerals and whole-rock in mantle-derived xenoliths from eastern China exhibit large variations and are generally lower than those from other on- and off-craton lithotectonic units. Nevertheless, the water contents of mineral and whole-rock in Junan peridotite xenoliths, which sourced from the juvenile lithospheric mantle, are generally higher than those elsewhere in eastern China. This suggests that the initial water content of juvenile lithospheric mantle is not low. There is no obvious correlation between the water contents and Mg# values of minerals in the mantle xenoliths and no occurrence of diffusion profile in pyroxene, suggesting no relationship between the low water content of mantle xenolith and the diffusion loss of water during xenolith ascent with host basaltic magmas. If the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) base is heated by the asthenospheric mantle, the diffusion loss of water is expected to occur. On the other hand, extraction of basaltic melts from the SCLM is a more efficient mechanism to reduce the water content of xenoliths. The primary melts of Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalts in eastern China have water contents, as calculated from the water contents of phenocrysts, higher than those of normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). The Mesozoic basalts exhibit similar water contents to those of island arc basalts, whereas the Cenozoic basalts exhibit comparable water contents to oceanic island basalts and backarc basin basalts with some of them resembling island arc basalts. These observations suggest the water enrichment in the mantle source of continental basalts due to metasomatism by aqueous fluids and hydrous melts derived from dehydration and melting of deeply subducted crust. Mantle-derived megacrysts, minerals in xenoliths and phenocrysts in basalts from eastern China also exhibit largely variable hydrogen isotope compositions, indicating a large isotopic heterogeneity for the Cenozoic SCLM in eastern China. The water content that is higher than that of depleted MORB mantle and the hydrogen isotope composition that is deviated from that of depleted MORB mantle suggest that the Cenozoic continental lithospheric mantle suffered the metasomatism by hydrous melts derived from partial melting of the subducted Pacific slab below eastern China continent. The metasomatism would lead to the increase of water content in the SCLM base and then to the decrease of its viscosity. As a consequence, the SCLM base would be weakened and thus susceptible to tectonic erosion and delamination. As such, the crust-mantle interaction in oceanic subduction channel is the major cause for thinning of the craton lithosphere in North China.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin of ocean island basalts(OIB) has important bearings on Earth's deep mantle.Although it is widely accepted that subducted oceanic crust, as a consequence of plate tectonics, contributes material to OIB's formation, its exact fraction in OIB's mantle source remains ambiguous largely due to uncertainties associated with existing geochemical proxies. Here we show, through theoretical calculation, that unlike many known proxies, triple oxygen isotope compositions(i.e.D^(17 )O) in olivine samples are not affected by crystallization and partial melting. This unique feature, therefore, allows olivine D^(17 )O values to identify subducted oceanic crusts in OIB's mantle source. Furthermore, the fractions of subducted ocean sediments and hydrothermally altered oceanic crust in OIB's mantle source can be quantified using their characteristic D^(17 )O values. Based on published D^(17 )O data, we estimated the fraction of subducted oceanic crust to be as high as 22.3% in certain OIB, but the affected region in the respective mantle plume is likely to be limited.  相似文献   

Weiwei Fu 《Ocean Dynamics》2018,68(10):1311-1319
Ocean heat content (OHC) plays an important role in ocean carbon uptake (OCU). However, the changes of OHC and OCU are model-dependent and have large bias compared with observations. This makes it difficult to quantify their relationship. Here, we propose a new metric to measure the uncertainty of the relationship between OHC and OCU. The new metric can link the uncertainty with different OCU processes and allow direct comparison of the impact of OHC on the OCU in different simulations. The metric is illustrated in different simulations of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) in which atmospheric CO2 is increased by 1%/year. Results show that OHC in 0–500 m plays a dominant role in the OCU for the radiatively coupled (RAD) experiment because warming intensifies the carbon loss in the upper ocean. Relatively, OHC in the intermediate waters (500–2000 m) are crucial for the fully coupled and biogeochemically coupled experiment because this layer largely regulates the OCU. For different ocean basins, the intermediate Southern Ocean and deep North Atlantic are more important for the OCU in the RAD simulation. The metric also suggests the importance of global overturning circulation and the Southern Ocean in the OCU.  相似文献   

Global upper ocean heat content and climate variability   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Peter C. Chu 《Ocean Dynamics》2011,61(8):1189-1204
Observational data from the Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Program were used to calculate the upper ocean heat content (OHC) anomaly. The thickness of the upper layer is taken as 300 m for the Pacific/Atlantic Ocean and 150 m for the Indian Ocean since the Indian Ocean has shallower thermoclines. First, the optimal spectral decomposition scheme was used to build up monthly synoptic temperature and salinity dataset for January 1990 to December 2009 on 1° × 1° grids and the same 33 vertical levels as the World Ocean Atlas. Then, the monthly varying upper layer OHC field (H) was obtained. Second, a composite analysis was conducted to obtain the total-time mean OHC field ([`([`(H)])] \bar{\bar{H}} ) and the monthly mean OHC variability ( [(\textH)\tilde] \widetilde{\text{H}} ), which is found an order of magnitude smaller than [^(\textH)] \widehat{\text{H}} . Third, an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) method is conducted on the residue data ( [^(\textH)] \widehat{\text{H}} ), deviating from [(\textH)\tilde] \widetilde{\text{H}}  +  [(\textH)\tilde] \widetilde{\text{H}} , in order to obtain interannual variations of the OHC fields for the three oceans. In the Pacific Ocean, the first two EOF modes account for 51.46% and 13.71% of the variance, representing canonical El Nino/La Nina (EOF-1) and pseudo-El Nino/La Nina (i.e., El Nino Modoki; EOF-2) events. In the Indian Ocean, the first two EOF modes account for 24.27% and 20.94% of the variance, representing basin-scale cooling/warming (EOF-1) and Indian Ocean Dipole (EOF-2) events. In the Atlantic Ocean, the first EOF mode accounts for 49.26% of the variance, representing a basin-scale cooling/warming (EOF-1) event. The second EOF mode accounts for 8.83% of the variance. Different from the Pacific and Indian Oceans, there is no zonal dipole mode in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Fourth, evident lag correlation coefficients are found between the first principal component of the Pacific Ocean and the Southern Oscillation Index with a maximum correlation coefficient (0.68) at 1-month lead of the EOF-1 and between the second principal component of the Indian Ocean and the Dipole Mode Index with maximum values (around 0.53) at 1–2-month advance of the EOF-2. It implies that OHC anomaly contains climate variability signals.  相似文献   

An analysis by difference technique yields estimates of H2O in basaltic and andesitic glasses, which are sufficiently accurate (± 1.4 percent absolute) to be useful. Glass inclusions trapped in large olivine crystals from tephra-rich eruptions have 1 to 5 percent H2O. The highest H2O contents are found in basaltic inclusions in magnesium rich olivines from Mount Shasta, California. Andesitic inclusions have less H2O. It seems probable that tephra-rich high-alumina magmas evolve in a vapor saturated environment at fairly shallow depths (few kilometers). This depth appears to be less for Medicine Lake Highlands than for Mount Shasta. Vapor saturation probably inhibits the rise of magma, thus the initial vapor content of a magma may govern its stagnation level. Volatile-rich parental magmas like Mount Shasta basalt probably tend to stagnate at deeper levels, crystallize early amphibole and produce comparatively calcic differentiates.  相似文献   

The Late Neogene witnessed various major paleoceanographic changes that culminated in intense Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG). The cause and effects of these changes are still debated. We use a multiproxy approach to determine the relative timing of the closure of the Panama gateway, changes in Atlantic circulation, global cooling and ice sheet growth. Benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca records from a Pacific and an Atlantic Site have been produced and are interpreted in terms of bottom water temperatures. These Mg-temperature records are combined with published benthic δ13C, δ18O and erosion records to reconstruct the flow of proto-North Atlantic Deep Water (proto-NADW) over the past 12 Ma. The results suggest that between 12.5 and 10.5 Ma, and again between about 8.5 and 6 Ma, a nutrient-depleted water mass that was colder (by 1–2°C) and fresher than the intervening deep water mass filled the Atlantic basin. This proto-NADW became warmer (by 1°C) and saltier between 6 and 5 Ma, coincident with the restriction of surface water flow through the Central American Seaway. The Mg-temperature records define a subsequent global cooling trend of 3.5°C between 5 Ma and today. Early NHG in the late Miocene was perhaps related to the formation of the relatively cold, fresh proto-NADW. The formation of the warmer and saltier proto-NADW in the early Pliocene may have initially limited Northern Hemisphere ice growth. However, the increased moisture released at high northern latitudes associated with formation of ‘warm’ proto-NADW, coupled with the global temperature decrease of deep (and hence polar surface) waters, likely helped initiate the intense NHG of the Plio–Pleistocene.  相似文献   

We performed pan evaporation experiments with the objective of exploring the behaviour of the long-standing Craig–Gordon (C–G) stable isotope model for evaporation under different conditions of air turbulence. The water lost through evaporation was automatically replenished so that a steady isotopic composition was reached, the value of which depended on the isotopic composition of the replenishment water and environmental parameters like temperature, relative humidity and isotopic composition of the atmospheric vapour, and the air turbulence index. The pans were exposed to artificial winds ranging from 0 to 2.5 m/s to change the air turbulence index, which governs the repartition between vapour transported by molecular diffusion and turbulent diffusion. Our data revealed that for wind speeds >0.5 m/s the isotopic composition of the evaporating water deviated from that predicted by the C–G model. This deviation was hypothetically attributed to microdroplets of liquid water removed by the wind without any isotopic fractionation. Isotope mass balance equations allowed us to quantify this water loss, which at wind speeds of ~2 m/s reached 10% of the total evaporation losses. An alternative kinetic evaporation model was proposed whereby the equilibrium layer and the atmospheric laminar layer above the evaporating water of the C–G model were destroyed by the wind and evaporated water molecules were directly injected into the atmosphere. In this model, the isotopic fractionations were due to the slower kinetics of hydrogen bond breakage between molecules in liquid water when heavy isotopes are involved. Accordingly, our data suggested that for isotope water balance studies where winds are frequently above 2 m/s, the C–G model may be inadequate without appropriate corrections for spray vaporization, or the introduction of appropriate kinetic isotope fractionation factors.  相似文献   

The concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons in Arctic surface water under the ice north of Svalbard has been determined by fluorescence spectrofluorometry using three different excitation/emission wavelength combinations. With Kuwait crude oil as a reference, the concentration range is 0.1–0.6 μg l?1 crude oil equivalents with respect to light molecular weight components and 0.05–0.2 μg l?1 heavy molecular weight components.  相似文献   

The activity ratio of228Th/228Ra in the open surface ocean averages 0.21. This suggests that thorium is removed from surface water in about 0.7 yr. As plant matter is cycled within the surface sea on a similar time scale, the suggestion is made that highly reactive compounds are inadvertently removed by plants in their quest for the critical nutrients nitrate and phosphate. Combined with the coefficient for horizontal eddy diffusivity obtained from the distribution of228Ra in surface sea water this result provides a basis for the prediction of the distribution of “reactive” pollutants released to the surface sea from coastal areas.  相似文献   

Isotopic compositions of the water sources and evapotranspiration in large rivers of China are not well explored. In this investigation, d18 O and dD values of water from major large rivers of China are integrated to understand the spatial and temporal variations in the isotopes of water and d-excess. River water samples were collected from the channels and tributaries of the Changjiang, Yellow, Songhua and Liao Rivers in China. Water from upstream was generally enriched with light isotopes relative to that from downstream areas. Water from the Songhua River and upper reach of the Changjiang River has relatively negative isotopic values impacted by latitude and altitude effects, respectively. The spatial pattern showed that d18O-H2 O values in rivers mainly ranged from-9 to-7 % in most of China based on roughly mapped contours, and rivers enriched in light isotopes were primarily located in the Tibetan Plateau and northeast China The slopes of linear regression from the Yellow and Liao Rivers suggested that the loss of water by direct evaporation shifted the isotopes of water, especially in some small tributaries. Additionally, there was a narrow range of low d18OH2 O values from the main channel of rivers during the lowflow season relative to the high-flow season due to influence of the monsoon climate. No distinct spatial variation of d-excess values was found in the rivers of China. However, water samples in some rivers with low d-excess values had high d18 O values, indicating that evaporation in the tributaries has led to significant water loss, especially in tributaries of the Yellow and Liao Rivers.  相似文献   

Organic carbon isotope(δ13Corg) data from two well-preserved sections across a shallow-to-deep water transect of the late Ediacaran-Early Cambrian Yangtze Platform in South China show significant temporal and spatial variations. In the shallow-water Jiulongwan-Jijiapo section, δ13Corg values of the late Ediacaran Dengying Formation range from -29‰ to -24‰. In the deep-water Longbizui section, δ13Corg values from time-equivalent strata of the Dengying Formation are mostly between –35‰ and -32‰. These new data, in combination with δ13Corg data reported from other sections in South China, reveal a 6‰–8‰ shallow-to-deep water δ13Corg gradient. High δ13Corg values(-30‰) occur mostly in shallow-water carbonate rocks, whereas low δ13Corg values(-32‰) dominate the deep-water black shale and chert. The large temporal and spatial δ13Corg variations imply limited buffering effect from a large dissolved organic carbon(DOC) reservoir that was inferred to have existed in Ediacaran-Early Cambrian oceans. Instead, δ13Corg variations between platform and basin sections are more likely caused by differential microbial biomass contribution to total organic matter. High δ13Corg values(-30‰) documented from shallow-water carbonates are within the range of typical Phanerozoic δ13Corg data and may record the isotope signature of organic matter from primary(photosynthetic) production. In contrast, low δ13Corg values(-32‰) from deep-water sections may have resulted from higher chemoautotrophic or methanotrophic biomass contribution to bulk organic matter in anoxic environments. The δ13Corg data provide indirect evidence for ocean stratification and episodic chemocline fluctuations in the Ediacaran-Early Cambrian Yangtze Platform.  相似文献   

冯伟  钟敏  江敏  许厚泽 《地球物理学报》2010,53(7):1562-1570
本文在考虑洋底压力变化的情况下,利用2003~2008年融合多颗卫星的测高资料估计了全球和中国近海的海水热含量变化.顾及洋底压力(OBP)变化以及热膨胀系数随海水深度变化的影响,提出的改进方法提高了对中高纬度地区热含量变化的估算精度.在OBP变化较为明显的北太平洋区域I(30°N~50°N,170°E~190°E)、南印度洋区域II(40°S~60°S,100°E~120°E)和南太平洋区域III(40°S~60°S,100°W~120°W),改进方法的均方差较传统方法分别降低了16.3%、60.5%和48.4%.同时研究表明,卫星测高的精度以及盐度变化是影响中高纬度地区热含量估计精度的重要因素.在中国近海地区,东海和黄海的热含量主要表现为周年变化;南海区域的热含量除周年变化外,还存在半周年项和年际变化项,且南海的海水热含量近年有增加的趋势.  相似文献   

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