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Shock-produced akimotoite was identified in the Suizhou chondritic meteorite, which occurs in two kinds of occurrence. The first is the irregular layers of akimotoite up to 4 ?m in thickness occurring in fractures and cracks of low-Ca pyroxene enclosed in the shock veins. The second is the zonal polycrystalline aggregates of akimotoite in shocked pyroxene grains close to the shock vein, where akimotoite occurs in a zonal area in between pyroxene and Mg Si O3-glass as irregular small clumps up to 5 ?m in size. This investigation suggests a solid-state transformation mechanism of pyroxene to akimotoite, and that akimotoite should have nucleated and grew in the area with abundant defects caused by shock deformation because the defect significantly enhances the solid-state reactivity and the kinetics of nucleation of high-pressure phase. The spatial relationship among the composed grains of pyroxene, akimotoite and Mg Si O3-glass(possibly vitrified perovskite) demonstrates a temperature gradient from the vein wall to the unmelted chondritic meteorite.  相似文献   

Two cross-cutting veins in the Chantonnay (L6f) chondrite illustrate different patterns of fractionation of total chondritic shock melts. The earlier vein, which is dark-colored and bears abundant host rock xenoliths, is strongly reduced and sodium-poor relative to the bulk meteorite. It resembles and may be cogenetic with melt pockets in Chantonnay. The later vein, which is lighter-colored and somewhat vesicular, lacks evidence of either Na loss or reduction but shows modest internal differentiation. Its metal and total iron contents (26.5 wt.%) are higher than normal for L-group chondrites.The trend of chemical fractionation recorded in the earlier Chantonnay vein resembles that reported for chondrules in ordinary chondrites, suggesting that chemical variations among chondrules in part reflect variations among their parental shock melts.  相似文献   

Solid-recovery impact-induced volatile loss experiments on the Murchison C2M meteorite indicate that for an impact of a given velocity, H2O and total volatiles are driven from the sample in the same proportion as present initially. We infer that the volatiles other than H2O driven from the meteorite also have the same bulk composition as those of the starting material. Thus, the early bulk composition of an impact-induced atmosphere of a planet growing by accretion from material like Murchison would be the same as the volatile composition of the incident planetesimals. Incipient devolatilization of Murchison occurs at an initial shock pressure of about 11 GPa and complete devolatilization occurs at a pressure of about 30 GPa. If an Earth-sized planet were formed from the infall of planetesimals of Murchison composition, incipient and complete devolatilization of accreting planetesimals would occur when the planet reached approximately 12% and 27%, respectively, of its final radius. Thus, impact-induced devolatilization of accreting planetesimals and of the hydrated surface would profoundly affect the distribution of volatiles within the accreting planet. For example, for a cold, homogeneous accretion of a planet, prior to metallic core formation and internal differentiation, the growing planet would have a very small core with the same volatile content as the incident material, a volatile-depleted “mantle”, and an extremely volatile-rich surface.  相似文献   

Allan Hills 85085 is a unique chondrite with affinities to the Al Rais-Renazzo clan of carbonaceous chondrites. Its constituents are less than 50 μm in mean size. Chondrules and microchondrules of all textures are present; nonporphyritic chondrules are unusually abundant. The mean compositions of porphyritic, nonporphyritic and barred olivine chondrules resemble those in ordinary chondrites except that they are depleted in volatile elements. Ca-, Al-rich inclusions are abundant and largely free of nebular alteration; they comprise types similar to those in CM and CO chondrites, as well as unique types. Calcium dialuminate occurs in several inclusions. Metal, silicate and sulfide compositions are close to those in CM-CO chondrites and Al Rais and Renazzo. C1-chondrite clasts and metal-rich “reduced” clasts are present, but opaque matrix is absent. Siderophile abundances in ALH85085 are extremely high (e.g., Fe/Si= 1.7 × solar), and volatiles are depleted (e.g., Na/Si= 0.25 × solar, S/Si= 0.03 × solar). Nonvolatile lithophile abundances are similar to those in Al Rais, Renazzo, and CM and CO chondrites.ALH85085 agglomerated when temperatures in the nebula were near 1000 K, in the same region where Renazzo, Al Rais and the CI chondrites formed. Agglomeration of high-temperature material may thus be a mechanism by which the fractionation of refractory lithophiles occurred in the nebula. Chondrule formation must have occurred at high temperatures when clumps of precursors were small. After agglomeration, ALH85085 was annealed and lightly shocked. C1 and other clasts were subsequently incorporated during late-stage brecciation.  相似文献   

Measured Pb-Pb whole meteorite data for the Bruderheim L6 chondrite scatter slightly about a line passing above Can?on Diablo lead and yielding an age of 4.482 + 0.017 Ga, using the terrestrial238U/235U ratio of 137.88. The measured U isotopic composition for Bruderheim, using the dissolution procedures employed for these U-Pb studies, is near the terrestrial composition. In the concordia diagram the U-Pb data chiefly plot above the concordia curve and define a line which intersects the concordia curve at 4.536 + 0.006 Ga and 0.495 Ga, but the data for Bruderheim cannot be understood at all in terms of the more usual two- or three-stage episodic U-Pb models involving a fixed μ-value in the first stage. Most samples show an apparent excess of radiogenic lead for single-stage (closed system) evolution when Can?on Diablo troilite is used for the initial lead composition. Evidence is presented to show that the apparent excess radiogenic lead cannot be explained by terrestrial contamination alone.A different U-Pb model is presented which describes qualitatively and quantitatively most features of the U-Pb data for Bruderheim. If this model correctly describes the U-Pb evolution of Bruderheim then the “formation” age is given as 4.536 Ga by both U-Pb and Pb-Pb data, the meteorite U-Pb system was disturbed by a later (shock?) event at about 500 Ma ago, and the data are consistent with (though do not require) a Can?on Diablo initial lead composition. This interpretation suggests that the classical phenomenon of apparent excess radiogenic lead reflects the application of a single-stage model to a meteorite that has evidently experienced at least a two-stage history. The explanation of the observation that in the concordia diagram most meteorite samples (corrected for Can?on Diablo lead) plot in the lead excess region remains obscure, though this may be due to the wrong choice of initial lead for Bruderheim.  相似文献   

Fine textures of clinopyroxene in an excentroradial pyroxene chondrule (EPC) and a comb-like pyroxene chondrule (CPC) in the Yamato-74191 chondrite (L3) have been studied by analytical electron microscopy. Both pyroxenes consist of three regions different in composition and texture; core, mantle and marginal regions, though the pyroxenes of the CPC are more Fe-rich than those of the EPC. The core region is the most Mg-rich with no Ca component and commonly shows polysynthetic (100) twins. The mantle region is slightly calcic, and the marginal region shows a rapid increase of Ca outward.The polysynthetic twins, cracks and subgrain boundaries in the core in the EPC and CPC must have formed during the transition from proto-type to clino-type pyroxenes. The exsolution textures in the mantle and marginal regions indicate initial crystallization of pigeonite-C followed by decomposition into pigeonite-P and augite. The decomposition must have taken place by nucleation growth in the mantle region and by spinodal decomposition in the marginal region. The periodicity of 15–20 nm in the spinodal decomposition textures indicates that the cooling rate of the pyroxenes, when passing through about 1000°C, was of the order of a few tens to several degrees centigrade per hour. The cooling history of the chondrules has been explained by a monotonous cooling controlled by the cooling rate of the surrounding medium.  相似文献   

Activities of a suite of radioisotopes ranging in half-life from 5.6 days (52Mn) to 3.7 m.y. (53Mn) have been measured in the Dhajala chondrite. The results show that all the radioactivities are close to the expected levels except54Mn and 22Na. Their activities are higher than those based on the interplanetary fluxes at 1 A.U. near the ecliptic, expected immediately before the fall of Dhajala, corresponding to the time of solar minimum. Furthermore, activity ratios of 54Mn/53Mn and 22Na/26Al are higher by 30–50% than expected. The departure from the expected values is discussed in terms of spatial variations of cosmic rays based on the computed orbital parameters of the meteoroid. If the galactic cosmic ray fluxes in the equatorial region (±15°) are assumed to be the same as in the ecliptic plane then these results suggest higher fluxes by 33 ± 7% at heliographic latitudes 15–40°S, during solar minimum.  相似文献   

Petrographic and chemical studies of the Qingzhen chondrite strongly suggest that it is the most highly unequilibrated (type 3) enstatite chondrite recognized so far. Qingzhen contains abundant, well-defined chondrules, some of which were incompletely molten during the chondrule formation process. The relict olivine grains within these chondrules contain dusty inclusions of almost pure metallic Fe, which appear to be the in-situ reduction product of the fayalitic component of the olivine. The reduction process presumably took place at the time of chondrule formation and the chondrule precursor material must have been more oxidized than average enstatite chondrite material. We believe that this oxidized material may have formed at the enstatite chondrite formation location in the solar nebula, provided fluctuations in the degree of oxidation of the nebular gas existed at such locations. Reheating of this material under more reducing conditions would lead to the observed reduction of the olivine. Igneous olivines within chondrules always contain detectable amounts of CaO, while relict olivines are essentially CaO-free. This seems to suggest that the relict olivines did not originate during a previous igneous process of chondrule formation and might represent condensation products from the early solar nebula.  相似文献   

The metamorphic complex of the Julin Group occurs in the Yuanmou area of Yunnan Province on the western margin of the Yangtze Platform, and connects with the Kangdian metamorphic complex to the north. Based on the detailed petrographic observations and studies of garnet growth zoning, aP-T-t path has been reconstructed for the staurolite-kyanite zone in the Julin Group. This path is characterized by (1) a counter-clockwise evolutional trend, (2) a quicker increase of temperature than that of pressure in the initial prograde metamorphism, but slower near the peak, then temperature and pressure simultaneously reaching the peak metamorphic conditions, and (3) a slow near-isobaric cooling during the retrograde process. TheP-T-t path for prograde metamorphism is closely related to magmatic accretion in the arc setting. The magmatic accretion model, metamorphism type and tectonic setting may be compared with the global Grenville tectono-metamorphic events, and related to the assembly of the Rodinia at the late Mesoproterozoic-early Neoproterozoic (∼1.0 Ga). The retrogradeP-T-t path shows a slow near-isobaric cooling, indicating sustained heat supplies from the upper mantle and no rapid erosion. This heat source may be originated from the Neoproterozoic (∼0.82 Ga) breakup of the Rodinia.  相似文献   

Concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne and Ar as well as track densities due to galactic and solar flare irradiations were determined in light and dark fractions of the L-chondrite Assam. The investigation showed Assam to be a gas rich dark-light structured hypersthene chondrite. Two percent of the L-group chondrites are now known to contain solar light noble gases (H-group: 12%, LL-group: 8%).  相似文献   

The origin of olivine grains in C2 carbonaceous chondrites is a controversial topic: directly condensed material or detrital remnants of preexisting chondrules? This study shows that the Niger C2 meteorite is similar to Murchison but reveals several interesting features in relation to the origin of the olivine. Microprobe analysis of olivine (Si, Fe, Mg, Ca, Mn, Cr), glass and nickel-iron inclusions within the grains, and Fe-S-O phase as well as the relationships between the olivine grains in the aggregates, between the grains and the interstitial phyllosilicate matrix, between the inclusions and their host olivine grains, and the morphology of some aggregates all show that two populations of olivine coexist, probably crystallized from chondrule melts rather than by direct condensation from a solar nebula gas. The characteristics of the nickel-iron inclusions within the olivine suggest a magmatic chondrule-making stage from previously condensed materials.  相似文献   

Fawzy F.  Abu El Ela  Esam S.  Farahat 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):151-164
Podiform chromitites hosted in serpentinites (after harzburgite and dunite) and talc‐carbonate rocks from the Abu Meriewa–Hagar Dungash district (MHD), Eastern Desert of Egypt, together with metagabbros, pillow metavolcanics, and metasediments, form an ophiolitic mélange formed during the Neoproterozoic Pan‐African Orogeny. The chromitites show massive, disseminated, and nodular textures. Chromite cores in chromitites have high and restricted ranges of Cr# (0.65–0.75) and Mg# (0.64–0.83), implying primary compositions not affected by metamorphism. Therefore, they are used as reliable indicators of parent magma composition and tectonic affinities of these highly metamorphosed rocks. On the contrary, the altered rims are high‐Cr, low‐Fe3+ spinel (rather than ferritchromit) enriched in Cr, Fe, and Mn, and depleted in Al and Mg (Cr# = 0.75–0.97, Mg# = 0.29–0.79), due to equilibration with interstitial silicates during regional metamorphism up to transitional greenschist–amphibolite facies at about 500–550°C. The primary chromite compositions suggest derivation from a high‐Mg tholeiitic, to possibly boninitic, parental magma in a supra‐subduction zone (arc–marginal basin) environment, similar to the spatially associated metavolcanic rocks. The MHD chromitites are most probably formed by melt–rock interaction mechanisms. The high Cr# of the investigated chromites suggests high degrees of partial melting of a depleted harzburgite source by interaction with primitive basaltic melt of deeper origin followed by mixing. Such Cr‐rich chromites are common in chromitites from the Eastern Desert of Egypt, implying broad thermal anomalies, possibly linked to an important geodynamic feature of the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) evolution. This could revive interest in models that involve asthenospheric uprise, related to plume interaction or most probably due to oblique convergence of arc terranes during early evolution of the ANS.  相似文献   

Metamorphic rocks of low-pressure/medium-temperature facies occur in West Cyprus as blocks and slivers with mafic and ultramafic screens in high-angle, serpentinite-filled fault zones. A satisfactory explanation for the origin of the metamorphic rocks has previously remained a subject of controversy. The evidence presented here, based on a study of their bulk chemistry, mineralogy and40Ar/39Ar geochronology, indicates they were produced by greenschist to amphibolite facies dynamothermal metamorphism of alkalic and tholeiitic mafic rocks and associated sediments at between 83 and 90 m.y. Their field relations show similarities with present-day oceanic fracture zones suggesting that metamorphism occurred within strike-slip faults, some of which were probably extensions of the Arakapas transform. We propose that hot crust generated at an oceanic spreading centre provided the heat for metamorphism when juxtaposed against older, cooler rocks during ridge-ridge transform movements. In addition, shear heating may have been facilitated by the strike-slip faulting and contributed to the total heat available. These interpretations are compatible with many aspects of the broader regional geology of Cyprus, provide new constraints on the early evolution of the Troodos Complex and form the basis of a model for transform fault metamorphism.  相似文献   

Douglas  Robinson 《Island Arc》1993,2(4):280-287
Abstract Extensional basins are formed in a variety of geotectonic settings and in some cases the infills of such basins show the effects of very low grade, burial-type metamorphism. It is proposed that extensional basins with a low grade metamorphic infill can be divided into pre- and post-orogenic types with a different causal mechanism for the metamorphism. In the pre-orogenic setting the extensional process driven by mantle upwelling provides both the mechanism for basin formation and the development of the metamorphism in response to the enhanced thermal flux in such settings. The typical mineral parageneses and facies series found in these low grade metamorphic terranes are more compatible with the counter-clockwise pressure-temperature-time loops postulated for such settings, rather than the clockwise loops associated typically with convergent settings. In the post-orogenic settings, extensional basins formed in over-thickened continental crust during orogenesis have infills in which very low grade metamorphism is also developed. It is proposed that such metamorphism is not linked to the extensional process itself. Instead, it is linked to crustal heating during the process of thickening and orogenesis and is expected to be found only in orogenic belts where widths are in excess of 500 km.  相似文献   

This study presents the chronological evolution of the upper amphibolite facies Orue Unit in NW Namibia. Metasedimentary and meta-igneous rocks of the Orue Unit were investigated using the Pb–Pb stepwise leaching technique on garnet and rutile, U–Pb multi-grain analysis on rutile, Sm–Nd–Lu–Hf leaching technique on garnet, SHRIMP analysis on zircon and Ar–Ar dating on amphibole. Each of these techniques pertains to different processes that occurred before, during, or after the metamorphic peak. Our age data can be integrated with petrological constraints to provide a more complete understanding of the metamorphic cycle. Our pre-peak metamorphic zircon ages, peak metamorphic garnet ages and peak to late peak metamorphic amphibole 39Ar–40Ar ages bracket the upper amphibolite facies metamorphic event including hydration or dehydration processes into a time span of only ca. 20 Ma. The age data obtained by peak metamorphic mineral analyses cluster around 1340–1320 Ma. Based on age data and field observation, we interpret the upper amphibolite facies metamorphism as a large-scale regional mid-crustal event. Spot analyses of inherited zircon cores obtained by SHRIMP reflect the sedimentary origin of the respective rocks of the Orue Unit and derivation from Palaeoproterozoic protoliths. The metamorphic rocks south of the anorthositic Kunene Intrusive Complex (KIC) have previously been ascribed to the Palaeoproterozoic Epupa Complex at the SW margin of the Congo craton and were thus thought to be older than the Mesoproterozoic KIC. Our data show that the high-grade metamorphic overprint took place 30–50 Ma after emplacement of the KIC. Rutile growth ages of 1248 Ma in one sample reflect fluid activity which seems to be a local phenomenon since there is no other evidence of geological activity throughout the Orue Unit at that time. The rutile ages predate the emplacement of satellite intrusions in that area by 30 Ma and there is no causal relation between these two events.  相似文献   

Introduction to geodynamics for high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the first workshop on ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism at Stanford in 1994 and the special issue of The Island Arc `Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism and Tectonics' published in December 1995, many symposia and special sessions specifically with regard to the UHP metamorphic terrane have been held. While we are still wondering how exhumation of UHP rocks from mantle depths to the surface takes place, the finding of possible records from the mantle transition zone at 300–400 km depths is astonishing. The study of the UHP regime has expanded to include input from mineral physics, experimental geochemistry and kinetics in addition to the petrochemical and tectonic study of a variety of HP–UHP rocks. It was with this theme that the second workshop for the task group III-6 `Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism and Geodynamics in Collision-type Orogenic Belts' of the International Lithosphere Program was held during the International Geological Congress in Beijing, 1996. The Symposium 8–9 `Dynamic Metamorphic Rocks and High- and Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphism' (Cong Bolin & J. G. Liou conveners) had more than 25 presentations in two oral sessions and 70 papers in one poster session. This second special issue of The Island Arc includes nine papers from this symposium and a few related contributions to the geodynamics of HP–UHP metamorphism and tectonics. It is our hope that The Island Arc will continue to publish a special issue on this increasingly recognized subject that is essential to our understanding of continental collision, mantle dynamics and geochemical + fluid cycles.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies of glacial outburst floods (jökulhlaups) assume that: (i) intraglacial floodwater is transported efficiently in isolated conduits; (ii) intraglacial conduit enlargement operates proportionally to increasing discharge; (iii) floodwater exits glaciers through pre‐existing ice‐marginal outlets; and (iv) the morphology and positioning of outlets remains fixed during flooding. Direct field observations, together with historical jökulhlaup accounts, confirm that these theoretical assumptions are not always correct. This paper presents new evidence for spatial and temporal changes in intraglacial floodwater routing during jökulhlaups; secondly, it identifies and explains the mechanisms controlling the position and morphology of supraglacial jökulhlaup outlets; and finally, it presents a conceptual model of the controls on supraglacial outbursts. Field observations are presented from two Icelandic glaciers, Skeiðarárjökull and Sólheimajökull. Video footage and aerial photographs, taken before, during and after the Skeiðarárjökull jökulhlaup and immediately after the Sólheimajökull jökulhlaup, reveal changes in floodwater routing and the positioning and morphology of outlets. Field observations confirm that glaciers cannot transmit floodwater as efficiently as previously assumed. Rapid increases in jökulhlaup discharge generate basal hydraulic pressures in excess of ice overburden. Under these circumstances, floodwater can be forced through the surface of glaciers, leading to the development of a range of supraglacial outlets. The rate of increase in hydraulic pressure strongly influences the type of supraglacial outlet that can develop. Steady increases in basal hydraulic pressure can retro‐feed pre‐existing englacial drainage, whereas transient increases in pressure can generate hydraulic fracturing. The position and morphology of supraglacial outlets provide important controls on the spatial and temporal impact of flooding. The development of supraglacial jökulhlaup outlets provides a new mechanism for rapid englacial debris entrainment. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nuclear track records in fourteen samples taken from different locations of a cut-slab of the Abee enstatite chondrite were studied to determine its pre-atmospheric mass and to delineate its cosmic ray exposure history. The measured track densities in different samples range from 104 to 106 cm?2. No significant variations in track densities for individual grains from a given location was found. Excess tracks of fissionogenic origin were found near the grain edges, and across cleavage planes in eight enstatite grains out of ~ 300 grains analysed in the present work. The compaction age of the meteorite could not be obtained due to the absence of suitable oldhamite-enstatite contacts in thick sections. The track data rule out pre-irradiation of any of the analysed samples with shielding less than a few tens of centimeter. The iso-track-density contours on the plane of the slab imply an asymmetric ablation of the Abee chondrite during its atmospheric transit. A spherical body having a radius of ~ 30 cm closely approximates the pre-atmospheric shape and size of the Abee meteorite. The mass loss during ablation was ~ 70% of the original mass.  相似文献   

The concentrations of helium and carbon in fluorite associated with Cretaceous to Neogene (90–13 Ma) granitic magmatism in the Japanese arc have been measured. Concentrations of Li, U, Th and Gd were measured to correct for secondary generated 3He. The CO2/3He of fluorites are almost uniform (1.5×1010–4×1010) and in fair agreement with the range of present island arc volcanic gases. The calculated mantle C contribution in the Mesozoic subduction zone appear to have been identical to the present one (7–19%) indicating that the C flux from the mantle in supra-subduction zone environments has remained fairly constant during the past 70 million years.  相似文献   

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