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本研究基于Global CMT提供的1196个1976年11月-2017年1月MW>4.6地震矩心矩张量解,对西北太平洋俯冲带日本本州至中国东北段的应力场进行反演计算,得到了从浅表到深部俯冲带应力状态的完整分布.结果显示:俯冲带浅表陆壳一侧应力场呈现水平挤压、垂向拉伸状态,洋壳一侧的应力状态则相反,即近水平拉张、近垂向压缩.沿着俯冲板片向下,应力主轴逐渐向俯冲板片轮廓靠拢,其中位于双地震层(120 km深度附近)之上的部分,主张应力轴沿俯冲板片轮廓展布而又比其更为陡倾;双地震层内的应力模式同典型Ⅰ型双层地震带内的应力模式一致,即上层沿俯冲板片轮廓压缩、下层沿俯冲板片轮廓拉伸;双地震层之下,应力模式逐步转变为主压应力轴平行于俯冲板片轮廓.通观所研究的整个俯冲系统,水平面内主压和主张应力轴基本保持了与西北太平洋板片俯冲方向上的一致性,同经典俯冲板片的应力导管模型所预言的俯冲带应力模式相符;而主张应力轴在俯冲板片表面之下的中源地震深度范围内转向海沟走向,或许同研究区域横跨日本海沟与千岛海沟结合带,改变的浅部海沟形态致使完整俯冲板片下部产生横向变形有关.


本文利用有限差分方法,计算了全地幔对流模式和双层地幔对流模式下日本海沟俯冲带热结构、浮力及P波速度异常分布,基于亚稳态橄榄石相变模型推测亚稳态橄榄石的存在范围,同时分析了热传导系数、热膨胀系数和热源对俯冲带热结构的影响,以及俯冲带所受浮力与俯冲带形态的关系.结果表明,双层地幔对流模式下模拟的P波速度异常分布与层析成像结果更为相符,也与深源地震的分布有较好的相关性.板块内部亚稳态橄榄石的存在范围随热传导系数和热膨胀系数的减小而增大,同时忽略相变潜热和剪切生热的影响也会造成模型所预测的亚稳态橄榄石范围偏大.俯冲带所受负浮力在400 km深度附近达到最大值,亚稳态橄榄石的存在使负浮力逐渐减小,甚至在板块内部产生正浮力,不利于俯冲带穿透660 km相变界面.  相似文献   

In the Solomon Islands and New Britain subduction zones, the largest earthquakes commonly occur as pairs with small separation in time, space and magnitude. This doublet behavior has been attributed to a pattern of fault plane heterogeneity consisting of closely spaced asperities such that the failure of one asperity triggers slip in adjacent asperities. We analyzed body waves of the January 31, 1974,M w =7.3, February 1, 1974,M w =7.4, July 20, 1975 (1437)M w =7.6 and July 20, 1975 (1945),M w =7.3 doublet events using an iterative, multiple station inversion technique to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of seismic moment release associated with these events. Although the 1974 doublet has smaller body wave moments than the 1975 events, their source histories are more complicated, lasting over 40 seconds and consisting of several subevents located near the epicentral regions. The second 1975 event is well modeled by a simple point source initiating at a depth of 15 km and rupturing an approximate 20 km region about the epicenter. The source history of the first 1975 event reveals a westerly propagating rupture, extending about 50 km from its hypocenter at a depth of 25 km. The asperities of the 1975 events are of comparable size and do not overlap one another, consistent with the asperity triggering hypothesis. The relatively large source areas and small seismic moments of the 1974 doublet events indicate failure of weaker portions of the fault plane in their epicentral regions. Variations in the roughness of the bathymetry of the subducting plate, accompanying subduction of the Woodlark Rise, may be responsible for changes in the mechanical properties of the plate interface.To understand how variations in fault plane coupling and strength affect the interplate seismicity pattern, we relocated 85 underthrusting earthquakes in the northern Solomon Islands Are since 1964. Relatively few smaller magnitude underthrusting events overlap the Solomon Islands doublet asperity regions, where fault coupling and strength are inferred to be the greatest. However, these asperity regions have been the sites of several previous earthquakes withM s 7.0. The source regions of the 1974 doublet events, which we infer to be mechanically weak, contain many smaller magnitude events but have not generated any otherM s 7.0 earthquakes in the historic past. The central portion of the northern Solomon Islands Arc between the two largest doublet events in 1971 (studied in detail bySchwartz et al., 1989a) and 1975 contains the greatest number of smaller magnitude underthrusting earthquakes. The location of this small region sandwiched between two strongly coupled portions of the plate interface suggest that it may be the site of the next large northern Solomon Islands earthquake. However, this region has experienced no known earthquakes withM s 7.0 and may represent a relatively aseismic portion of the subduction zone.  相似文献   

马尼拉俯冲带北段增生楔前缘构造变形和精细结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

马尼拉俯冲带是南海的东部边界,记录了南海形成演化的关键信息,同时也是地震和海啸多发区域.本文利用过马尼拉俯冲带北段的高分辨率多道地震剖面,分析了研究区内海盆和海沟的沉积特征,精细刻画了区内增生楔前缘的构造变形、结构以及岩浆活动特征.研究区内增生楔下陆坡部分由盲冲断层、构造楔和叠瓦逆冲断层构成,逆冲断层归并于一条位于下中新统的滑脱面上,滑脱面向海方向的展布明显受到增生楔之下埋藏海山和基底隆起的影响;上陆坡的反射特征则因变形强烈和岩浆作用而难以识别;岩浆活动开始于晚中新世末期并持续至第四纪.马尼拉俯冲带北段增生楔的形成时间早于16.5 Ma,并通过前展式逆冲向南海方向扩展;马尼拉俯冲带的初始形成时间可能在晚渐新世,而此时南海海盆扩张仍在持续.南海东北缘19°N-21°N区域为南海北部陆坡向海盆的延伸,高度减薄的陆壳的俯冲造成马尼拉海沟北段几何形态明显地向东凹进.


崔辉辉  周元泽 《地震学报》2016,38(5):659-670
本文基于中国数字地震台网记录的发生于日本北海道地区的一次中源地震的三重震相资料研究了日本海俯冲区地幔转换带的速度结构.结果表明,该区域P波速度结构与S波速度结构的一致性整体上较强.冷的西太平洋俯冲板块导致410 km间断面出现了10 km的抬升,660 km间断面出现了25 km的下沉;410 km和660 km间断面之上均存在与俯冲板块相关的高速层;660 km间断面下方存在厚度为65 km的低速异常.纵横波波速比vP/vS值在210—400 km深度范围内偏低,约为1.827,体现出海洋板块低泊松比的特征;在560—685 km深度范围内,该值偏高,约为1.831,可能预示地幔转换带底部含有一定量的水.   相似文献   

日本西南部位于菲律宾海俯冲板块和欧亚上冲板块交界处。1944年和1946年,东南海和南海分别发生一次8级大逆冲型地震,但与该板块边界相邻的东海却仍保持闭锁状态[1]。因此,东海地区有可能会发生一次大逆冲型地震。2009年,骏河湾发生6.4级地震,地震位于菲律宾海俯冲板块内,靠近东海地区。在此,我们利用断层滑动模型来研究由骏河湾地震引起的应力变化[2]对东海地区的影响。我们发现在这次地震之后,板块边界的地震活动发生率有所上升。东海地区推测的强闭锁地段大都位于应力逐渐增大的地区。其中一小块闭锁地段的破裂——发生在地震应力达到临界值之后——就会引起整个东海地区的破裂,最终引发一场大逆冲型地震。  相似文献   

1 基本参数  中国地震台网测定,2004年10月23日16时56分(北京时间)日本新泻县发生70级地震,震中位置:373°N,1390°W,震源深度33km。据美国地质调查局NEIC测定,此次地震震级为69级;日本气象厅测定的震级为68级。目前已发生有感余震共计440多次。2 构造背景  日本位于著名的环太平洋——被称为火环的地震活动板块边界上。日本经常发生地震与几个不同尺度的构造板块相互运动有关,包括太平洋板块、菲律宾板块、鄂霍次克海板块以及阿穆尔河板块。10月23日的强烈地震发生在日本海沟东大约350km的鄂霍次克海板块内,在该海沟处,太平洋板块…  相似文献   

中国地震台网中心和美国地质调查局(USGS)公布的该地震的参数如下:1中国地震台网中心发震时间:北京时间2011年3月11日13时46分;震中位置:日本本州东海岸附近海域  相似文献   

中国地震台网中心和美国地质调查局(USGS)公布的该地震的参数如下:1中国地震台网中心发震时间:北京时间2011年3月9日10时45分;震中位置:日本本州东海岸近海(38.5°  相似文献   

日本地处环太平洋地震带上,全球地震按数量20%发生在日本。造成的损失也很大。2011年3月11日日本本州东海岸附近海域的9.0级地震是日本有历史记载以来最大的一次地震。  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of the Wadati-Benioff zone in the Kermadec region, based on the distribution of 1100 earthquake foci, verified the existence of an intermediate aseismic gap and its relation to active andesitic volcanism, and the non-uniformity of subduction due to the hampering effect of the main structural features of the subducting Pacific plate. Two cycles of the recently active subduction in the Tonga-Kermadec island arc were found.  相似文献   

Recent results from Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements show deformation along the coast of Ecuador and Colombia that can be linked to the rupture zone of the earthquake in 1979. A 3D elastic boundary element model is used to simulate crustal deformation observed by GPS campaigns in 1991, 1994, 1996, and 1998. Deformation in Ecuador can be explained best by 50% apparent locking on the subduction interface. Although there have not been any historic large earthquakes (Mw>7) south of the 1906 earthquake rupture zone, 50% apparent elastic locking is necessary to model the deformation observed there. In Colombia, only 30% apparent elastic locking is occurring along the subduction interface in the 1979 earthquake rupture zone (Mw 8.2), and no elastic locking is necessary to explain the crustal deformation observed at two GPS sites north of there. There is no evidence from seismicity or plate geometry that plate coupling on the subduction zone is reduced in Colombia. However, simple viscoelastic models suggest that the apparent reduction in elastic locking can be explained entirely by the response of a viscous upper mantle to the 1979 earthquake. These results suggest that elastic strain accumulation is occurring evenly throughout the study area, but postseismic relaxation masks the true total strain rate.  相似文献   

2011年3月¨目日本本州东海岸附近海域9.0级特大地震发生前,中国辐射防护研究院地震台PYL-3型高精度地应力仪记录的地震前,应力短期异常、临震异常情况,并作初步分析与研究。  相似文献   

2021年2月13日晚,日本福岛县近海发生M7.3级地震,产生强烈振动,此次地震被认为是"3.11"地震的余震。首先介绍了PLUM方法的原理及日本气象厅地震预警系统对于PLUM方法的应用,评述了JMA地震预警结果。通过模拟PLUM方法在此次地震中的表现,由预测精度和有效预警时间两个指标来评估该方法的性能,并与日本气象厅发布的预警信息对比。模拟结果显示:受限于地震数据以及PLUM方法本身的原理,在震后第24 s发出第一次警报,不及使用P波预警与PLUM相结合的JMA地震预警系统及时。在地震前期0~40 s处于烈度剧烈上升阶段,预测精度较差;40 s之后的预测结果较为准确,预测精度高达100%。PLUM方法可以有效克服点-源模型中的弊端,特别是在多个地震同时发生的情况下预警效果良好,将PLUM方法纳入我国地震预警系统可以有效提高预警能力。  相似文献   

利用国家测震台网固定台站和"中国地震科学台阵探测"项目在南北地震带北段布设的宽频带流动台阵记录到的极远震事件,通过SS前驱波震相研究,获得了阿留申—阿拉斯加俯冲带东段及邻区下方410 km和660 km间断面的埋深和起伏形态特征.为增强对SS前驱波震相的识别,我们采用了时差校正和共反射点叠加分析.叠加结果显示,毗邻阿留申俯冲带的白令海、阿拉斯加半岛、以及阿拉斯加中南部和东部地区下方,410 km和660 km间断面的埋深基本呈正相关关系,因而具有正常的过渡带厚度.这表明在阿留申—阿拉斯加俯冲带东段,北太平洋板块还没有俯冲到地幔过渡带深度范围内.其次,在阿拉斯加西部地区下方,660 km间断面出现明显下沉,而上覆的410 km间断面埋深接近于全球平均值,从而导致过渡带明显加厚.据此,我们推测在阿拉斯加西部地区下方地幔过渡带底部可能存在库拉残留板块.  相似文献   

Accurately characterizing the three-dimensional geometric contacts between the crust of the Chinese mainland and adjacent regions is important for understanding the dynamics of this part of Asia from the viewpoint of global plate systems.In this paper,a method is introduced to investigate the geometric contacts between the Eurasian and Indian plates at the Burma arc subduction zone using earthquake source parameters based on the Slab1.0 model of Hayes et al.(2009,2010).The distribution of earthquake focus depths positioned in 166 sections along the Burma Arc subduction zone boundary has been investigated. Linear plane fitting and curved surface fitting has been performed on each section.Three-dimensional geometric contacts and the extent of subduction are defined quantitatively.Finally,the focal depth distribution is outlined for six typical sections along the Burma arc subduction zone,combining focal mechanisms with background knowledge of geologic structure.Possible dynamic interaction patterns are presented and discussed.This paper provides an elementary method for studying the geometric contact of the Chinese mainland crust with adjacent plates and serves as a global reference for dynamic interactions between plates and related geodynamic investigations.  相似文献   

了解地震发生的动力学机制是研究地震发震原因的关键,而数值模拟的方法是高速、有效的手段.2011年3月11日日本东北部宫城县发生9.0级大地震,文中以该次大地震所在的日本俯冲带为研究对象,通过使用黏弹性有限元数值模拟,并引用接触对,建立了研究区二维数值模型,模拟俯冲带与上覆板片之间的滑动、黏滞到再滑动的过程,亦即断层失稳发生地震的过程.模拟结果显示,随着太平洋板块不断俯冲,在俯冲带上自发出现了断层闭锁、解锁到再闭锁的黏滑过程,且这种过程呈现一定的准周期性,大事件主要集中分布在20~30 km的深度范围内.根据俯冲带可能在俯冲过程中角度的变化,建立了不同的模型,进行模拟对比研究,结果表明,俯冲带的几何形态,以及俯冲角度变化所在的不同深度,对模拟的结果有不同的影响.  相似文献   

The Cocos plate subducts beneath North America at the Mexico trench. The northernmost segment of this trench, between the Orozco and Rivera fracture zones, has ruptured in a sequence of five large earthquakes from 1973 to 1985; the Jan. 30, 1973 Colima event (M s 7.5) at the northern end of the segment near Rivera fracture zone; the Mar. 14, 1979 Petatlan event (M s 7.6) at the southern end of the segment on the Orozco fracture zone; the Oct. 25, 1981 Playa Azul event (M s 7.3) in the middle of the Michoacan gap; the Sept. 19, 1985 Michoacan mainshock (M s 8.1); and the Sept. 21, 1985 Michoacan aftershock (M s 7.6) that reruptured part of the Petatlan zone. Body wave inversion for the rupture process of these earthquakes finds the best: earthquake depth; focal mechanism; overall source time function; and seismic moment, for each earthquake. In addition, we have determined spatial concentrations of seismic moment release for the Colima earthquake, and the Michoacan mainshock and aftershock. These spatial concentrations of slip are interpreted as asperities; and the resultant asperity distribution for Mexico is compared to other subduction zones. The body wave inversion technique also determines theMoment Tensor Rate Functions; but there is no evidence for statistically significant changes in the moment tensor during rupture for any of the five earthquakes. An appendix describes theMoment Tensor Rate Functions methodology in detail.The systematic bias between global and regional determinations of epicentral locations in Mexico must be resolved to enable plotting of asperities with aftershocks and geographic features. We have spatially shifted all of our results to regional determinations of epicenters. The best point source depths for the five earthquakes are all above 30 km, consistent with the idea that the down-dip edge of the seismogenic plate interface in Mexico is shallow compared to other subduction zones. Consideration of uncertainties in the focal mechanisms allows us to state that all five earthquakes occurred on fault planes with the same strike (N65°W to N70°W) and dip (15±3°), except for the smaller Playa Azul event at the down-dip edge which has a steeper dip angle of 20 to 25°. However, the Petatlan earthquake does prefer a fault plane that is rotated to a more east-west orientation—one explanation may be that this earthquake is located near the crest of the subducting Orozco fracture zone. The slip vectors of all five earthquakes are similar and generally consistent with the NUVEL-predicted Cocos-North America convergence direction of N33°E for this segment. The most important deviation is the more northerly slip direction for the Petatlan earthquake. Also, the slip vectors from the Harvard CMT solutions for large and small events in this segment prefer an overall convergence direction of about N20°E to N25°E.All five earthquakes share a common feature in the rupture process: each earthquake has a small initial precursory arrival followed by a large pulse of moment release with a distinct onset. The delay time varies from 4 s for the Playa Azul event to 8 s for the Colima event. While there is some evidence of spatial concentration of moment release for each event, our overall asperity distribution for the northern Mexico segment consists of one clear asperity, in the epicentral region of the 1973 Colima earthquake, and then a scattering of diffuse and overlapping regions of high moment release for the remainder of the segment. This character is directly displayed in the overlapping of rupture zones between the 1979 Petatlan event and the 1985 Michoacan aftershock. This character of the asperity distribution is in contrast to the widely spaced distinct asperities in the northern Japan-Kuriles Islands subduction zone, but is somewhat similar to the asperity distributions found in the central Peru and Santa Cruz Islands subduction zones. Subduction of the Orozco fracture zone may strongly affect the seismogenic character as the overlapping rupture zones are located on the crest of the subducted fracture zone. There is also a distinct change in the physiography of the upper plate that coincides with the subducting fracture zone, and the Guerrero seismic gap to the south of the Petatlan earthquake is in the wake of the Orozco fracture zone. At the northern end, the Rivera fracture zone in the subducting plate and the Colima graben in the upper plate coincide with the northernmost extent of the Colima rupture zone.  相似文献   

马尼拉海沟俯冲带热结构的模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
俯冲带热结构的数值模拟研究是对地表观测研究的重要补充,也是验证地球动力学模型的重要方法.本文沿马尼拉海沟俯冲带东火山链(EVC)和西火山链(WVC)各取一条剖面,依据地质、地球物理条件,进行了有限元热模拟计算.计算过程中,分析了摩擦和剪切热对俯冲带热结构的影响,模拟了EVC和WVC两条测线下俯冲带的热结构,并结合岩石学实验结果预测了俯冲板块发生脱水和部分熔融的位置.模拟结果表明,在100 km深度处,考虑摩擦和剪切热时,俯冲板块表面的温度约为865 ℃;而不考虑摩擦和剪切时,俯冲板块表面的温度仅为770 ℃,二者温差可达95 ℃.在相同深度处,考虑摩擦和剪切热时,在EVC和WVC测线下俯冲板块表面的温度分别为865 ℃和895 ℃,俯冲洋壳底部温度分别为560 ℃和605 ℃.俯冲板块表面少量矿物开始脱水的深度小于50 km,但大量脱水和部分熔融主要发生在深度100 km左右,这与地表观测的火山活动位置一致.  相似文献   

To detect any temporal change in coda-Q associated with an earthquake of M 6.2, digitized data from analog magnetic records of microearthquakes for a small confined region just around its hypocenter have been processed, with special attention to measuring errors. The M 6.2 earthquake took place at the Misasa town, Tottori Prefecture, in southwest Japan with preceding anomalous seismicity changes. TheQ values were elevated 20% around three years before the M 6.2 event for frequencies of 5 to 20 Hz, and tended to decrease around two years before. Data with high quality show undulated temporal variation with a period of 5–6 years before the earthquake, which is correlated with the regional seismic activity. There is a possibility that the observedQ change stands for precursory effect of the medium-scale earthquake. The aftershock sequence also shows an undulated temporal variation ofQ with a period of 150 days for around 10Hz, correlating also with the seismic activity. The fracturing processes by numerous microearthquakes may be responsible for the attenuation property of randomly scattered seismic waves.  相似文献   

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