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Seven Pliocene volcanoes, one of which is described in detail, occur in the northern part of the Kenya Rift. They have low-angle, shield like forms, and comprise lavas, pumice tuffs and ash-flow tuffs almost wholly of trachytic composition. Each volcano possesses a structurally complex source zone in which plugs, dykes and pumice tuffs are concentrated and in which clearly defined craters and calderas are uncommon. By contrast, the flank zones are stratiform with slopes of about 5° and are composed of lavas and ash-flow sheets erupted in a highly fluid condition. The volcanoes range up to 50 km in diameter and are elongated parallel to the general trend of the rift reflecting a tectonic control on the distribution of the vents and their products. This combination of morphological, structural and compositional features suggests that the volcanoes are of a type not described before. Notes on the petrography of the lavas are included and it is suggested that the trachytes are petrogenetically related to alkali basalts, compositionally similar to those which form the substrate to the trachyte volcanoes.  相似文献   

We present new data on the stratigraphy, volcanism, and K–Ar ages of Jurassic features in the Shadoron Basin. Two phases of volcanic eruptions have been identified, a Middle Jurassic and a Late Jurassic, which are separated by a pre-Oxfordian phase of tectogenesis. We show that the Jurassic volcanism in the area of study occurred through fissure vents and mostly evolved in subaqueous conditions.  相似文献   

Summary the possibility of the fine structure wave form of noctilucent clouds being due solely to variations in the dust density arising from the wave motions of the dust particles is discussed, with the conclusion that this state of affairs is unlikely.  相似文献   

Kamchatka is one of the most active volcanic regions on the planet. Large explosive volcanic eruptions, in which the ash elevates up to 8?C15 km above sea level, occur here every 1.5 years. Study of eruptions precursors in order to reduce a volcanic risk for the population is an urgent problem of Volcanology. The available precursor of strong explosive eruptions of volcanoes, identified from satellite data (thermal anomaly), as well as examples of successful prediction of eruptions using this precursor, are represented in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper I present data on the abundances, sizes and crustal age for all volcanoes (volcanic islands and seamounts) which appear on published bathymetric charts of the Pacific Ocean. These new data shed light on the origin of non-hotspot volcanoes and are important, in combination with data on the chemical compositions of seamounts and volcanic islands, for estimates of the bulk composition of ocean crust. These data also provide firm constraints on off-ridge oceanic volcanism models. Results of this study show that the size-frequency distribution of Pacific volcanoes is Poisson-like and that the smallest volcanoes are much more abundant than large ones. This study shows clearly that the most abundant volcanoes on the Earth are the submerged oceanic volcanoes which comprise 5–25% of the oceanic volcanic layer. On Pacific crust of Eocene age and younger, the abundance of volcanoes (number of volcanoes per unit area) increases monotonically with increasing age. Assuming steady state, the production rate of new off-ridge volcanoes (number of volcanoes per unit area per unit time) is inversely proportional to the square root of the lithosphere age [1]. On crust older than Eocene, the number of volcanoes per unit area of crust decreases monotonically with increasing age, however the total volume of lava represented by these edifices increases with increasing age. Size frequency distributions of volcanoes on swaths of successively older crust indicate that these abundance patterns are partly due to the effect of sediment burial of small edifices on old Pacific crust as well as the effect of increased lithosphere thickness on seamount size. These general patterns are not appreciably changed by omitting from consideration known hotspot volcanoes [2] and volcanoes built at fossil constructional plate margins [3].  相似文献   

The topographical complexity of coral reefs is of primary importance for a number of hydrodynamical and ecological processes. The present study is based on a series of high-resolution seabottom elevation measurements along the Maupiti Barrier Reef, French Polynesia. Several statistical metrics and spectral analysis are used to characterize the spatial evolution of the coral geometrical structure from the reef crest to the backreef. A consistent fractal-like power law exists in the spectral density of bottom elevation for length scales between 0.1 and 7 m, while at larger scale, the reef structure shows a different pattern. Such a fine characterization of the reef geometrical structure provides key elements to reconstruct the reef history, to improve the representation of reef roughness in hydrodynamical models and to monitor the evolution of coral reef systems in the context of global change. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A seismological study of the upper mantle under the Kamchatka volcanoes using body waves from nearby earthquakes has shown local heterogencities consisting of materials with reduced elastic properties at depths from 30 to 90 km. The estimated value of the upper limit of viscosity,η, is about 6 × 1020 pois for the material of the mantle aseismic zone under the Kamchatka volcanoes at depths of ~ 70–150 km. It is suggested that the magmatic chambers are rooted in the mantle heterogeneities filled with substance of reduced elasticity and viscosity.  相似文献   

Cladistics is a systematic method of classification that groups entities on the basis of sharing similar characteristics in the most parsimonious manner. Here cladistics is applied to the classification of volcanoes using a dataset of 59 Quaternary volcanoes and 129 volcanic edifices of the Tohoku region, Northeast Japan. Volcano and edifice characteristics recorded in the database include attributes of volcano size, chemical composition, dominant eruptive products, volcano morphology, dominant landforms, volcano age and eruptive history. Without characteristics related to time the volcanic edifices divide into two groups, with characters related to volcano size, dominant composition and edifice morphology being the most diagnostic. Analysis including time based characteristics yields four groups with a good correlation between these groups and the two groups from the analysis without time for 108 out of 129 volcanic edifices. Thus when characters are slightly changed the volcanoes still form similar groupings. Analysis of the volcanoes both with and without time yields three groups based on compositional, eruptive products and morphological characters. Spatial clusters of volcanic centres have been recognised in the Tohoku region by Tamura et al. (Earth Planet Sci Lett 197:105–106, 2002). The groups identified by cladistic analysis are distributed unevenly between the clusters, indicating a tendency for individual clusters to form similar kinds of volcanoes with distinctive but coherent styles of volcanism. Uneven distribution of volcano types between clusters can be explained by variations in dominant magma compositions through time, which are reflected in eruption products and volcanic landforms. Cladistic analysis can be a useful tool for elucidating dynamic igneous processes that could be applied to other regions and globally. Our exploratory study indicates that cladistics has promise as a method for classifying volcanoes and potentially elucidating dynamic and evolutionary volcanic processes. Cladistics may also have utility in hazards assessment where spatial distributions and robust definitions of a volcano are important, as in locating sensitive facilities such as nuclear reactors and repositories.  相似文献   

This work presents the first exhaustive study of the entire surface of the Reunion Island volcanic system. The focus is on the submarine part, for which a compilation of all multibeam data collected during the last 20 years has been made. Different types of submarine features have been identified: a coastal shelf, debris avalanches and sedimentary deposits, erosion canyons, volcanic constructions near the coast, and seamounts offshore. Criteria have been defined to differentiate the types of surfaces and to establish their relative chronology where possible. Debris avalanche deposits are by far the most extensive and voluminous formations in the submarine domain. They have built four huge Submarine Bulges to the east, north, west, and south of the island. They form fans 20–30 km wide at the coastline and 100–150 km wide at their ends, 70–80 km offshore. They were built gradually by the superimposition and/or juxtaposition of products moved during landslide episodes, involving up to several hundred cubic kilometers of material. About 50 individual events deposits can be recognized at the surface. The landslides have recurrently dismantled Piton des Neiges, Les Alizés, and Piton de La Fournaise volcanoes since 2 Ma. About one third are interpreted as secondary landslides, affecting previously emplaced debris avalanche deposits. On land, landslide deposits are observed in the extensively eroded central area of Piton des Neiges and in its coastal areas. Analysis of the present-day topography and of geology allows us to identify presumed faults and scars of previous large landslides. The Submarine Bulges are dissected and bound by canyons up to 200 m deep and 40 km long, filled with coarse-grained sediments, and generally connected to streams onshore. A large zone of sedimentary accumulation exists to the north–east of the island. It covers a zone 20 km in width, extending up to 15 km offshore. Volcanic constructions are observed near the coast on both Piton des Neiges and Piton de la Fournaise volcanoes and are continuations of subaerial structures. Individual seamounts are present on the submarine flanks and the surrounding ocean floor. A few seem to be young volcanoes, but the majority are probably old, eroded seamounts. This study suggests a larger scale and frequency of mass-wasting events on Reunion Island compared to similar islands. The virtual absence of downward flexure of the lithosphere beneath the island probably contributes to this feature. The increased number of known flank–failure events has to be taken into consideration when assessing hazards from future landslides, in particular, the probability of landslide-generated tsunamis. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A Barnes PRT-5 radiation thermometer was used to obtain apparent surface temperatures of two Guatemalan volcanoes from land-based stations from 500 to 4000 meters distant. Isotherms of apparent surface temperatures, drawn on photographs of the volcanic terrain under study, delineate areas of fumarolic activity and active domal upgrowth. The excess radiant heat emitted from Pacaya Volcano is calculated from apparent surface temperatures corrected for atmospheric absorption of infrared radiation and for the adiabatic cooling of the atmosphere with altitude. The excess radiant heat data indicate that the lava flow extruded in June 1969 had completely solidified by December 1969. This calculation is consistent with theoretical estimates of the cooling of an extrusive lava sheet by conduction. Similar calculation of excess radiant heat emission shows the depth of the magma chamber underlying the Santiaguito Volcanic Dome to be 11 meters. This depth is consistent with field observations. Corrections are made for surface emissivity on Pacaya Volcano and the isotherms of real surface temperature plotted. Consideration is given to the times required for the equilibration of a geothermal gradient following the upward movement of a magma.  相似文献   

Prediction of Hawaiian volcanic eruptions depends primarily on the interpretation of records of earthquakes and tumescence of the volcano. Recent work byJ. P. Eaton of the U. S. Geological Survey appears to demonstrate the presence of two distinct groups of earthquakes. One group originates at a depth of 40 to 60 km, within the earth’s mantle, and is thought to mark the zone of origin of the magma. The other group is of shallower origin and results from change of shape and size of the volcanic edifice. Earthquakes of the deep group occur from time to time, often in swarms, between eruptions and are not useful in predicting an outbreak. Those of the shallow group may accompany the swelling and splitting open of the volcano preceding eruption, but they may also accompany shrinking of the volcano and sinking of the mountain top that appears to result from withdrawal of magma beneath the volcano without surface eruption. Determining whether the quakes result from swelling of shrinking of the volcano depends largely on measurements of tilting of the ground surface. If the volcano is in a swollen condition and continues to swell, a large number of earthquakes of shallow origin is highly suggestive, if not definitely indicative, of imminent eruption. The place of origin of the quakes indicates, sometimes very closely, the location of the coming eruption. It is not yet possible, however, to predict the time of outbreak except in a rather general manner. Sometimes it can be predicted within a few days. At times there may be an oscillation of ground tilting directly preceding the eruption, suggesting a pulsation of magmatic pressure at depth, but this is not yet certain. There appears to be some indication that summit eruptions of either Mauna Loa or Kilauea are preceded by a less definite earthquake pattern, and are therefore less readily predictable, than flank eruptions. No cycle of activity of any great value in predicting activity has been recognized in Hawaii. Intervals between eruptions of Mauna Loa have ranged from a few months to more than 9 years, and Kilauea has been even more variable. In the case of Mauna Loa there has been a rough alternation between summit and flank eruptions, but with many exceptions to this general sequence. Astronomical and tidal cycles have been studied in relation to both time of outbreak and strength of eruption, but without demonstration of any very definite relationship. Eruptions have occurred in every month of the year, but there is a slight tendency for them to cluster just before and after solstice, particularly winter solstice.  相似文献   

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