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柳炳利  郭科  李程 《江苏地质》2016,40(3):403-409
三维原生晕矿产预测方法可以作为原生晕地球化学的有效补充。探讨了基于原生晕的地球化学深部矿产预测方法,通过三维建模技术构建了一种三维原生晕矿产预测方法,应用该方法在湖北铜绿山铜铁矿圈定了22个预测靶位,部分靶位已在矿区的实际勘探中得到验证。三维原生晕数据体模型可以在深部矿产预测中取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

Quantification of leakage is very important in the selection and design of the remediation systems of leaky aquifers that receive contaminated leakage. This is an approach for the calculation of leakage using only two slopes of time-drawdown data. These slopes represent before and after the start of leakage, and are applied to four examples. Results generally agree with those determined by the Hantush approach. Comparison of the two approaches, however, shows that the Hantush approach quantifies leakage using three aquifer parameters (transmissivity, storativity, and leakage factor), the value of which depend on the pumping test method used; it assumes constant hydraulic head in the aquifer supplying leakage, which may not be valid under field conditions; and it ignores differences between the viscosities of the leakage water and the aquifer water, which influence the leakage rate. The proposed approach is free from all three limitations.  相似文献   

地球化学勘查中,为了获得准确、客观的背景值并由其推断异常下限,需要对不服从正态分布的化探数据进行剔除离群值的迭代处理。为了深入剖析这个较复杂的过程,引用实测数据,利用“特异值检查”迭代自动化功能模块,重点研究了设置不同参数时对结果的影响和取对数迭代结果的可靠性。结果显示:根据化探数据迭代的目的和正态分布的3σ法则,认为x?i ±kSi 中k取3最为合适和合理;利用对数迭代剔除过程获得的异常下限远高于原始数据迭代剔除的结果,这是由于对数的标准离差真值并不是其对应真值的标准离差;此时,可采用真值的几何平均值和真值的标准离差计算异常下限。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地古代钾盐找矿是一项艰巨且亟需突破的科学技术问题,在半个多世纪的找钾历程中,虽然获得少许找钾线索,但一直没有突破.塔里木盆地中、新生代发生多期次海侵—海退,发育多期蒸发岩地层,如西南部的莎车次级盆地、北部的库车次级盆地,岩盐厚度从几十米到上千米,自20世纪70年代以来,塔里木盆地一直是找钾重点区.笔者依托国家科...  相似文献   

自然资源要素综合观测体系建设是自然资源部全面贯彻习近平生态文明思想、践行山水林田湖草是生命共同体发展理念、实施自然资源“两统一”管理的重要举措。这项基础性、公益性、紧迫性的建设工程对于解决我国自然资源长期且连续定位观测研究不够、预判资源环境数据支撑不足、实现以自然资源综合区划为管理单元、评价资源综合承载力、研究资源间耦合平衡过程、预判资源环境生态演变趋势及优化自然资源空间结构配比,具有十分重要意义。自然资源调查、监测与观测研究是获取自然资源现状、预判未来状态的主要手段。我国自然资源调查、监测体系相对完善,但观测研究体系相对不系统,数据积累相对不足。为了更好地搭建自然资源要素综合观测体系,分别从无人机遥感观测、数据融合及自然资源资产价值方面给出了建议: 充分利用和发挥无人机组网遥感观测、倾斜摄影测量等技术,开展自然资源立体观测; 借鉴降水、陆面、海表和三维云气象多元数据融合经验,开展自然资源要素综合的数据融合; 利用森林资源生态服务价值评价经验,开展自然资源资产价值核算。这些建议对自然资源综合观测体系的科学构建具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1922-1940
Our aim is to determine the mean compositions of modern island and continental arcs, along with dispersion estimates, and use them to evaluate their similarities and differences in such subduction settings. First, following the conventional approach, the statistical parameters of mean, median, and standard deviation were simply calculated from the available combined data from all island or continental arcs. However, it is mandatory to ascertain from significance tests that all island or continental arcs used for these estimates are statistically similar in their compositions before combining the data from different arcs and calculating the mean values and their uncertainties for the chemical parameters of interest. A new computer program, Univariate Data Analysis System (UDASYS), was developed for this purpose because the available programs are not efficient for applying the significance test of analysis of variance (ANOVA) to large numbers of sample groups, as in the present work. Compositional data for 16 island and 12 continental arcs around the world were compiled and processed in UDASYS. The best compositional estimates for all three types of magmas (basic, intermediate, and acid) from island and continental arcs were statistically evaluated to document, for the first time, significant differences for 64–94% of the geochemical parameters under study. These differences in large-ion lithophile elements, light rare earth elements, high-field strength elements, and numerous log-ratios are likely caused by different types of underlying crust beneath island and continental arcs. More specifically, the examination of two nearby arcs, Izu-Bonin (island) arc and Japan (continental) arc, confirmed that about 65–77% of the parameters showed significant differences, which may be related to the different types of crusts beneath these spatially close areas. The differences between the log-ratios of island and continental arc basic magmas further indicate that new multi-dimensional discrimination diagrams can certainly be proposed in future to discriminate such basic magmas from these two very similar tectonic settings, which at present is possible only from diagrams for intermediate and acid magmas.  相似文献   

本文以珠江口盆地惠州凹陷南部为例,对地质历史时期的相对海平面变化进行了定量分析和估算,得到了研究区的相对海平面变化曲线。通过对比分析,INPEFA方法得出的曲线更能代表相对海平面变化。研究区K系列沉积时期,海平面总体是上升的,但上升的速率在不同的位置不尽相同。总体而言,四级层序海侵体系域(TST)的上升速率要稍高于与其相邻的同级别高位体系域(HST)的速率。海平面主要以交替的快速上升(海侵)和缓慢上升(海退)为特点。Fischer方法得出的曲线在本地区不直接反映相对海平面(可容纳空间)变化,但可以指示富砂层段的位置。本文进一步分析认为,可以利用地层的层序结构、分形特性以及离散的地层年龄等数据,依据贝叶斯-拉普拉斯(Bayes-Laplace)原理构建数据驱动的迭代模型,进而从粗略到精细,实现相对海平面在时间域的高精度刻画,为小尺度古环境研究和精细油藏描述提供支撑。  相似文献   

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