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深海沉积物土工力学特性是研发深海海底作业装备的依据.利用现有的深海土工力学原位测量数据和取样分析的成果,采用回归分析方法,得到了沉积物物化组成等参数与抗剪强度的相关关系.研究表明:深海沉积物以粉质土、有机黏土为主,具有高含水率、大孔隙比、低密度等特征;随着埋藏深度的增加,深海沉积物的含水率和孔隙比逐渐减少,湿密度与抗剪...  相似文献   

电化学方法是测量海水pH值的主要方法之一。针对自主研发的基于铱金属及其氧化物电极的pH传感器,建立了海水环境下仪器标定和数据校正的方法,并在近岸和大洋环境中进行了原位测试的应用。仪器标定包括:(1)依照海水pH分析的标度要求选取适当的标定缓冲试剂;(2)以标准海水替代常用的2-氨基吡啶(AMP)溶液制备标定缓冲体系。数据校正主要包括温度背景校正及误差校正。海区原位测试应用以及与其他同类仪器对比表明,标定体系差异带来的误差可达1.00 pH单位,数据校正可提升测试精度0.10~3.00 pH单位不等。仪器的标定与数据校正方法能有效提高该自研pH传感器的测量精度。  相似文献   

A very soft ground constructed by dredging and hydraulic fill has characteristics such as high water content, high initial void ratio, and very little effective stress. Estimating, with thorough considerations about consolidation properties and the initial stress associated with each layer's distinctive stress history, is essential in order to predict a reasonable consolidation settlement of soft ground. By investigating a construction project for national industrial complexes at a coastal area in southern Korea that experienced reclamation and ground improvement adapting PVD, various laboratory tests to find consolidation properties were performed with undisturbed samples collected from the entire depth of the marine clay fill layer and original clay layer. Through the investigation, this report suggests relationships of heterogeneity of permeability in both vertical and horizontal directions, void ratio-effective stress, and void ratio-permeability. Considering the fact that the original clay layer was under the process of consolidation by load due to hydraulic fill from the top, estimating the appropriate initial stress of each layer is critical to predict the future process of consolidation settlement determined by time. In order to obtain the initial stresses of two layers with different stress histories related to consolidation, cone penetration and dissipation tests were conducted.  相似文献   

海底孔压对波浪响应试验研究及数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
刘涛  冯秀丽  林霖 《海洋学报》2006,28(3):173-176
孔隙水压力在海底土尤其在砂性海床中扮演着一个非常重要的角色.波浪的周期性加载作用,在砂土及粉土中产生超静孔隙水压力,其幅值大小是海床发生液化破坏的控制因素.在海上工程的历次调查中发现孔压引起许多液化破坏现象,如粉土海床的塌陷、凹坑、坡度较大处的粉砂流及构筑物基础周围的过量冲刷造成石油管架下沉等等,因此研究海床中孔压对波浪的响应具有重要的理论意义和实践意义.  相似文献   

空间数据引擎是实现空间数据高效访问和管理的关键技术之一.结合海洋地理信息系统应用需求,针对海洋底质数据特点,构建了海洋底质空间数据库引擎,介绍了其数据模型和数据访问结构,并通过工程实践实现了系统功能,为海洋底质空间数据组织和管理提供一个有效的解决方案,同时为海洋地理信息系统提供了强有力数据支持.  相似文献   

李永奎 《海洋测绘》2011,31(6):56-58
随着测量技术的不断进步,多波束测深系统以其高效率、全覆盖的特点,得到广泛认可并应用于海道测量工作中,然而不同型号的多波束测深系统,其信号质量在不同使用方法下有着显著的差异[1].针对影响Reson 8101增强型多波束数据质量的几项因素进行测试并分析,从而找出有效提高数据质量的方法.  相似文献   

张瑶  孙丽影  周瑾 《海洋测绘》2019,39(1):35-38
日变改正和船磁方位改正是影响海洋磁测数据精度的主要因素,而船磁改正又会受日变改正精度的影响,因此日变改正对于海洋磁力数据精度而言至关重要。主要研究海洋日变数据与陆地日变数据之间的关系,确定海洋日变数据的可靠性。通过计算海洋日变数据随纬度和水深的变化率,并结合变化趋势、日均值等方面对数据进行分析,以期探索海洋日变与纬度、水深之间的关系,为海洋日变用于磁力日变改正奠定基础,从而提高海洋磁测数据精度。  相似文献   


Pliocene-Recent marine sediments, recovered at site 1125 by ODP Leg 181 on the eastern New Zealand margin, were subjected to laboratory consolidation tests and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) before and after consolidation test. The primary objective of this study is to document the effects of consolidation on microfabric and petrophysical properties. X-ray diffraction and grain-size distribution data indicate that the samples are mineralogically and texturally similar and thus are ideal for the present study on the role of consolidation solely on petrophysical properties. Porosity was measured before and after each consolidation test, and permeability was estimated indirectly based on the theoretical method. SEM photomicrographs show details of changes of pore geometry and distribution after the consolidation test that account for the porosity loss.  相似文献   

论文就超声波无损检测技术在海底沉积物声学特性测量上的应用,介绍了其所需的必要设备、样品采集和测量基本原理。探讨了沉积物超声无损测量的资料处理与分析方法及其内容,主要包括声速、声衰减、声阻抗和声速比等声学特性计算;声速与孔隙度、平均粒径和粘土含量等物理力学参数的统计相关性研究。  相似文献   

海底沉积物的声学声速特性是沉积物声学中的一个重要的研究方向。正确提取声学原位测量的声速对海底沉积物声学反演至关重要。分析了海底声学原位测试系统的输出子波特性,提出了基于子波提取的互相关双向极值声速提取法。在声速提取过程中,发现某些通道实测声波到达时会出现超出正常范围的异常。分析后认为异常通道的到达波相位出现180°反至现象。通过互相关数值的负极小值提取的声波到达时对互相关正极大值所获得的到达时曲线进行校正后提取声速,得到了正确的结果,说明了本方法的正确性。  相似文献   

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