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This paper explores how dissolution and precipitation reactions are coupled in batch reactor experimental systems at elevated temperatures. This is the fourth paper in our series of “Coupled Alkali Feldspar Dissolution and Secondary Mineral Precipitation in Batch Systems”. In our third paper, we demonstrated via speciation-solubility modeling that partial equilibrium between secondary minerals and aqueous solutions was not attained in feldspar hydrolysis batch reactors at 90-300 °C and that a strong coupling between dissolution and precipitation reactions follows as a consequence of the slower precipitation of secondary minerals (Zhu and Lu, 2009). Here, we develop this concept further by using numerical reaction path models to elucidate how the dissolution and precipitation reactions are coupled. Modeling results show that a quasi-steady state was reached. At the quasi-steady state, dissolution reactions proceeded at rates that are orders of magnitude slower than the rates measured at far from equilibrium. The quasi-steady state is determined by the relative rate constants, and strongly influenced by the function of Gibbs free energy of reaction (ΔGr) in the rate laws.To explore the potential effects of fluid flow rates on the coupling of reactions, we extrapolate a batch system (Ganor et al., 2007) to open systems and simulated one-dimensional reactive mass transport for oligoclase dissolution and kaolinite precipitation in homogeneous porous media. Different steady states were achieved at different locations along the one-dimensional domain. The time-space distribution and saturation indices (SI) at the steady states were a function of flow rates for a given kinetic model. Regardless of the differences in SI, the ratio between oligoclase dissolution rates and kaolinite precipitation rates remained 1.626, as in the batch system case (Ganor et al., 2007). Therefore, our simulation results demonstrated coupling among dissolution, precipitation, and flow rates.Results reported in this communication lend support to our hypothesis that slow secondary mineral precipitation explains part of the well-known apparent discrepancy between lab measured and field estimated feldspar dissolution rates (Zhu et al., 2004). Here we show how the slow secondary mineral precipitation provides a regulator to explain why the systems are held close to equilibrium and show how the most often-quoted “near equilibrium” explanation for an apparent field-lab discrepancy can work quantitatively. The substantiated hypothesis now offers the promise of reconciling part of the apparent field-lab discrepancy.  相似文献   

The present study compares the dissolution rates of plagioclase, microcline and biotite/chlorite from a bulk granite to the dissolution rates of the same minerals in mineral-rich fractions that were separated from the granite sample. The dissolution rate of plagioclase is enhanced with time as a result of exposure of its surface sites due to the removal of an iron oxide coating. Removal of the iron coating was slower in the experiment with the bulk granite than in the mineral-rich fractions due to a higher Fe concentration from biotite dissolution. As a result, the increase in plagioclase dissolution rate was initially slower in the experiment with the bulk granite. The measured steady state dissolution rates of both plagioclase (6.2 ± 1.2 × 10−11 mol g−1 s−1) and microcline (1.6 ± 0.3 × 10−11 mol g−1 s−1) were the same in experiments conducted with the plagioclase-rich fraction, the alkali feldspar-rich fraction and the bulk granite.Based on the observed release rates of the major elements, we suggest that the biotite/chlorite-rich fraction dissolved non-congruently under near-equilibrium conditions. In contrast, the biotite and chlorite within the bulk granite sample dissolved congruently under far from equilibrium conditions. These differences result from variations in the degree of saturation of the solutions with respect to both the dissolving biotite/chlorite and to nontronite, which probably was precipitating during dissolution of the biotite and chlorite-rich fraction. Following drying of the bulk granite, the dissolution rate of biotite was significantly enhanced, whereas the dissolution rate of plagioclase decreased.The presence of coatings, wetting and drying cycles and near equilibrium conditions all significantly affect mineral dissolution rates in the field in comparison to the dissolution rate of fully wetted clean minerals under far from equilibrium laboratory conditions. To bridge the gap between the field and the laboratory mineral dissolution rates, these effects on dissolution rate should be further studied.  相似文献   

Pore water chemistry and 234U/238U activity ratios from fine-grained sediment cored by the Ocean Drilling Project at Site 984 in the North Atlantic were used as constraints in modeling in situ rates of plagioclase dissolution with the multicomponent reactive transport code Crunch. The reactive transport model includes a solid-solution formulation to enable the use of the 234U/238U activity ratios in the solid and fluid as a tracer of mineral dissolution. The isotopic profiles are combined with profiles of the major element chemistry (especially alkalinity and calcium) to determine whether the apparent discrepancy between laboratory and field dissolution rates still exists when a mechanistic reactive transport model is used to interpret rates in a natural system. A suite of reactions, including sulfate reduction and methane production, anaerobic methane oxidation, CaCO3 precipitation, dissolution of plagioclase, and precipitation of secondary clay minerals, along with diffusive transport and fluid and solid burial, control the pore fluid chemistry in Site 984 sediments. The surface area of plagioclase in intimate contact with the pore fluid is estimated to be 6.9 m2/g based on both grain geometry and on the depletion of 234U/238U in the sediment via α-recoil loss. Various rate laws for plagioclase dissolution are considered in the modeling, including those based on (1) a linear transition state theory (TST) model, (2) a nonlinear dependence on the undersaturation of the pore water with respect to plagioclase, and (3) the effect of inhibition by dissolved aluminum. The major element and isotopic methods predict similar dissolution rate constants if additional lowering of the pore water 234U/238U activity ratio is attributed to isotopic exchange via recrystallization of marine calcite, which makes up about 10-20% of the Site 984 sediment. The calculated dissolution rate for plagioclase corresponds to a rate constant that is about 102 to 105 times smaller than the laboratory-measured value, with the value depending primarily on the deviation from equilibrium. The reactive transport simulations demonstrate that the degree of undersaturation of the pore fluid with respect to plagioclase depends strongly on the rate of authigenic clay precipitation and the solubility of the clay minerals. The observed discrepancy is greatest for the linear TST model (105), less substantial with the Al-inhibition formulation (103), and decreases further if the clay minerals precipitate more slowly or as highly soluble precursor minerals (102). However, even several orders of magnitude variation in either the clay solubility or clay precipitation rates cannot completely account for the entire discrepancy while still matching pore water aluminum and silica data, indicating that the mineral dissolution rate conundrum must be attributed in large part to the gradual loss of reactive sites on silicate surfaces with time. The results imply that methods of mineral surface characterization that provide direct measurements of the bulk surface reactivity are necessary to accurately predict natural dissolution rates.  相似文献   

In order to explore the reasons for the apparent discrepancy between laboratory and field weathering rates and to determine the extent to which weathering rates are controlled by the approach to thermodynamic equilibrium, secondary mineral precipitation, and flow rates, a multicomponent reactive transport model (CrunchFlow) was used to interpret soil profile development and mineral precipitation and dissolution rates at the 226 ka Marine Terrace Chronosequence near Santa Cruz, CA. Aqueous compositions, fluid chemistry, transport, and mineral abundances are well characterized [White A. F., Schulz M. S., Vivit D. V., Blum A., Stonestrom D. A. and Anderson S. P. (2008) Chemical weathering of a Marine Terrace Chronosequence, Santa Cruz, California. I: interpreting the long-term controls on chemical weathering based on spatial and temporal element and mineral distributions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta72 (1), 36-68] and were used to constrain the reaction rates for the weathering and precipitating minerals in the reactive transport modeling. When primary mineral weathering rates are calculated with either of two experimentally determined rate constants, the nonlinear, parallel rate law formulation of Hellmann and Tisserand [Hellmann R. and Tisserand D. (2006) Dissolution kinetics as a function of the Gibbs free energy of reaction: An experimental study based on albite feldspar. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta70 (2), 364-383] or the aluminum inhibition model proposed by Oelkers et al. [Oelkers E. H., Schott J. and Devidal J. L. (1994) The effect of aluminum, pH, and chemical affinity on the rates of aluminosilicate dissolution reactions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta58 (9), 2011-2024], modeling results are consistent with field-scale observations when independently constrained clay precipitation rates are accounted for. Experimental and field rates, therefore, can be reconciled at the Santa Cruz site.Additionally, observed maximum clay abundances in the argillic horizons occur at the depth and time where the reaction fronts of the primary minerals overlap. The modeling indicates that the argillic horizon at Santa Cruz can be explained almost entirely by weathering of primary minerals and in situ clay precipitation accompanied by undersaturation of kaolinite at the top of the profile. The rate constant for kaolinite precipitation was also determined based on model simulations of mineral abundances and dissolved Al, SiO2(aq) and pH in pore waters. Changes in the rate of kaolinite precipitation or the flow rate do not affect the gradient of the primary mineral weathering profiles, but instead control the rate of propagation of the primary mineral weathering fronts and thus total mass removed from the weathering profile. Our analysis suggests that secondary clay precipitation is as important as aqueous transport in governing the amount of dissolution that occurs within a profile because clay minerals exert a strong control over the reaction affinity of the dissolving primary minerals. The modeling also indicates that the weathering advance rate and the total mass of mineral dissolved is controlled by the thermodynamic saturation of the primary dissolving phases plagioclase and K-feldspar, as is evident from the difference in propagation rates of the reaction fronts for the two minerals despite their very similar kinetic rate laws.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the extent of CO2–water–rock interactions in geological formations for C sequestration, three batch experiments were conducted on alkali feldspars–CO2–brine interactions at 150–200 °C and 300 bars. The elevated temperatures were necessary to accelerate the reactions to facilitate attainable laboratory measurements. Temporal evolution of fluid chemistry was monitored by major element analysis of in situ fluid samples. SEM, TEM and XRD analysis of reaction products showed extensive dissolution features (etch pits, channels, kinks and steps) on feldspars and precipitation of secondary minerals (boehmite, kaolinite, muscovite and paragonite) on feldspar surfaces. Therefore, these experiments have generated both solution chemistry and secondary mineral identity. The experimental results show that partial equilibrium was not attained between secondary minerals and aqueous solutions for the feldspar hydrolysis batch systems. Evidence came from both solution chemistry (supersaturation of the secondary minerals during the entire experimental duration) and metastable co-existence of secondary minerals. The slow precipitation of secondary minerals results in a negative feedback in the dissolution–precipitation loop, reducing the overall feldspar dissolution rates by orders of magnitude. Furthermore, the experimental data indicate the form of rate laws greatly influence the steady state rates under which feldspar dissolution took place. Negligence of both the mitigating effects of secondary mineral precipitation and the sigmoidal shape of rate–ΔGr relationship can overestimate the extent of feldspar dissolution during CO2 storage. Finally, the literature on feldspar dissolution in CO2-charged systems has been reviewed. The data available are insufficient and new experiments are urgently needed to establish a database on feldspar dissolution mechanism, rates and rate laws, as well as secondary mineral information at CO2 storage conditions.  相似文献   

Feldspar group minerals reacting with water at depth determine, by their reaction with environment, the character of newly formed minerals. Although plagioclase is the most abundant member of this group experimental data are very limited on the nature of its reactions under high pressure and temperature conditions. The author experimented on acid plagioclase with analytical data and physical constants corresponding to those of oligoclase. The reaction between oligoclase and water was studied under various pressures and temperatures, using a diffusion autoclave (previously described by the author [1]). Silicon, sodium, and aluminum in significant amounts went into solution; and, smaller amounts of calcium and potassium were observed. With increased temperature, larger amounts of material constituting oligoclase went into solution: The maximum occurred at 350 to 400° C; and, a marked decrease, at 500 to 600° C. Quantitative ratios of material in the condensate were found to correspond to albite indices. Increased pressure does not alter this behavior, there is only increased passage of separate components of the mineral into solution. At 350°, newly formed material was not observed microscopically; at higher temperatures, kaolinite and chalcedony appeared at sucessively higher temperatures. Experimentation by Morey and Chen on albite indicate that transfer of the albite component of oligoclase into solution is predominant. By comparison of its stability with that of two other minerals, albite is the most reactive with water. At 350° Centigrade and under pressure of 350 kilograms per square centimeter, the transfer into solution (in milligrams per liter) is for albite, 318; for microcline, 268; and, for oligoclase, 220. Labradorite was studied under analogous conditions; in that the transfer of labradorite predominates over that of the anorthite molecule, its behavior corresponds to albite. It was found that basic plagioclase shows less stability than is evident from microscopic examination of plagioclase in rocks. Data from these and previous experiments indicate possible types of solutions that can form within intragranular spaces in rocks by reaction between acid plagioclase and water. It is evident from the data that leaching of the albite component predominates by variation in composition of the solution throughout a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions. --D. D.Fisher  相似文献   

Batch reactor experiments were conducted to assess perthitic alkali-feldspar dissolution and secondary mineral formation in an initially acidic fluid (pH = 3.1) at 200 °C and 300 bars. Temporal evolution of fluid chemistry was monitored by major element analysis of in situ fluid samples. Solid reaction products were retrieved from two identical experiments terminated after 5 and 78 days. Scanning electron microscopy revealed dissolution features and significant secondary mineral coverage on feldspar surfaces. Boehmite and kaolinite were identified as secondary minerals by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of alkali-feldspar surfaces before and after reaction showed a trend of increasing Al/Si ratios and decreasing K/Al ratios with reaction progress, consistent with the formation of boehmite and kaolinite.Saturation indices of feldspars and secondary minerals suggest that albite dissolution occurred throughout the experiments, while K-feldspar exceeded saturation after 216 h of reaction. Reactions proceeded slowly and full equilibrium was not achieved, the relatively high temperature of the experiments notwithstanding. Thus, time series observations indicate continuous supersaturation with respect to boehmite and kaolinite, although the extent of this decreased with reaction progress as the driving force for albite dissolution decreased. The first experimental evidence of metastable co-existence of boehmite, kaolinite and alkali feldspar in the feldspar hydrolysis system is consistent with theoretical models of mineral dissolution/precipitation kinetics where the ratio of the secondary mineral precipitation rate constant to the rate constant of feldspar dissolution is well below unity. This has important implications for modeling the time-dependent evolution of feldspar dissolution and secondary mineral formation in natural systems.  相似文献   

This study focused on typical injection layers of deep saline aquifers in the Shiqianfeng Formation used in the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Demonstration Projects in the Ordos Basin, Northwest China. The study employed experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the mechanism of CO2 mineral sequestration in these deep saline aquifers. The experimental results showed that the dissolved minerals are plagioclase, hematite, illite–smectite mixed layer clay and illite, whereas the precipitated minerals are quartz (at 55, and 70 °C) and kaolinite (at 70 °C). There are rare carbonate mineral precipitations at the experimental time scale, while the precipitation of quartz as a product of the dissolution of silicate minerals and some intermediate minerals rich in K and Mg that transform to clay minerals, reveals the possibility of carbonate precipitation at the longer time scale. These results are consistent with some results previously reported in the literature. We calibrated the kinetic parameters of mineral dissolution and precipitation by these experimental results and then simulated the CO2 mineral sequestration under deep saline aquifer conditions. The simulation results showed that the dissolved minerals are albite, anorthite and minor hematite, whereas the precipitated minerals are calcite, kaolinite and smectite at 55 and 70 °C. The geochemical reaction of illite is more complex. At 55 °C, illite is dissolved at the relatively lag time and transformed to dawsonite; at 70 °C, illite is precipitated in the early reaction period and then transformed to kaolinite. Based on this research, sequestrated CO2 minerals, which are mainly related to the temperature of deep saline aquifers in Shiqianfeng Fm., are calcite and dawsonite at lower temperature, and calcite at higher temperature. The simulation results also establish that calcite could precipitate over a time scale of thousands of years, and the higher the temperature the sooner such a process would occur due to increased reaction rates. These characteristics are conducive, not only to the earlier occurrence of mineral sequestration, but also increase the sequestration capacity of the same mineral components. For a sequestration period of 10,000 years, we determined that the mineral sequestration capacity is 0.786 kg/m3 at 55 °C, and 2.180 kg/m3 at 70 °C. Furthermore, the occurrence of mineral sequestration indirectly increases the solubility of CO2 in the early reaction period, but this decreases with the increase in temperature.  相似文献   

A mass transfer model of bauxite formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The formation of bauxite due to weathering of a granitic protolith has been simulated by means of a one-dimensional flow and reaction model based on the mass transfer principle. The model couples mineral dissolution and precipitation reactions, speciation in solution, and advective solute transport in a porous medium. A very important aspect of the modeling study is the use of mineral reaction rates determined experimentally in the laboratory. The important effects of solution saturation state and pH have been incorporated into the kinetic rate laws governing the heterogeneous reactions. The values of these parameters have been obtained from the scientific literature to guarantee that realistic reaction rates are used in the simulations. Albite and quartz are the minerals that make up the parent rock in the model. Gibbsite, kaolinite, and a Na-mica (as a surrogate for smectite) are the secondary minerals that have been taken into account. Long-term simulations (>1 Ma) have been run, and the formation of a bauxitic profile, with an upper gibbsite-rich and a lower kaolinite-rich zone, is predicted. In early stages of the process (up to a few hundreds of thousands of years), both gibbsite and kaolinite precipitate directly from solution as a consequence of albite dissolution. In later stages, the bulk of gibbsite precipitation derives from the incongruent dissolution of kaolinite, while kaolinite precipitation is still caused by the dissolution of albite. This is also reflected by the formation of two reaction fronts in the profile. These results are compared with weathering sequences from the Los Pijiguaos bauxite deposit, Venezuela. The overlap between the gibbsite and kaolinite zones and the replacement of kaolinite by gibbsite are consistent with model calculations. Mechanical denudation has to be called upon to explain the limited thicknesses of the weathering profiles in the field. The role of mechanical erosion is supported by the presence of microsedimentary structures in the bauxite and the balance between dissolved and suspended loads in the streams draining the area.  相似文献   

Mineral dissolution and precipitation reactions actively participate to control fluid chemistry during water-rock interaction. However, it is difficult to estimate and normalize bulk reaction rates if the mineral surface area effectively participating in the reactions is unknown. In this study, we evaluated the changing of the reactive mineral surface area during the interaction between CO2-rich fluids and albitite rock reacting under flow-through conditions. Our methodology, adopting an inverse modelling approach, is based on the measured chemical fluid composition as raw data. We estimated the rates of dissolution and the reactive surface areas of the different minerals by reconstructing the chemical evolution of the interacting fluids. This was done by a reaction process schema that was defined by a fractional degree of advance of the irreversible mass-transfer process and by attaining the continuum limit during the water-rock interaction. Calculations were carried out for albite, microcline, biotite and calcite assuming that the ion activity of dissolved silica and aluminium ions was limited by the equilibrium with quartz and kaolinite.We found that the absolute dissolution rate of albite, microcline, biotite and calcite remains essentially constant as a function of time, and the calcite dissolution rate is orders of magnitude higher than silicate minerals. On the contrary, the reactive surface area of the parent minerals varied by more than two orders of magnitude during the observed reaction time, especially for albite. We propose that the reactive surface area depends mainly on the stability of the secondary mineral coating that may passivate the effective reactive surface area of the parent minerals.  相似文献   

The reaction between plagioclase (labradorite and oligoclase) and Mg-rich aqueous solutions was studied experimentally at hydrothermal conditions (600–700 °C, 2 kbar). During the experiments, plagioclase grains were readily converted to cordierite and quartz within 4 days. The cordierite crystals had well-developed polyhedral shapes, but showed skeletal internal morphologies suggesting that the initial growth occurred fast under high-driving-force conditions. In pure MgCl2 solutions (0.5–5 M), plagioclase dissolution and cordierite precipitation were spatially uncoupled indicating that Al was to some extent mobile in the fluid. Cordierite crystals formed at 700 °C showed orthorhombic symmetry, whereas those formed at 600 °C dominantly persisted in the metastable hexagonal form suggesting a strong increase in Al, Si ordering speed between 600 and 700 °C. The thermodynamic evolution of the fluid–solid system ultimately resulted in stabilization of Ca-rich plagioclase as demonstrated by partial anorthitization of unreacted plagioclase grains. Cordierite was also observed to form when Mg was added to a potentially albitizing Na-silicate-bearing solution. In that case, cordierite precipitation appeared to be more closely coupled to plagioclase dissolution, and secondary alteration of remnant plagioclase grains did not occur most likely due to armoring of the plagioclase by the cordierite overgrowth. The fast reaction rates observed in our experimental study have potential implications for Mg-metasomatism as a rock-forming process.  相似文献   

The effect of oxalate, a strong chelator for Al and other cations, on the dissolution rates of oligoclase feldspar and tremolite amphibole was investigated in a flow-through reactor at 22°C. Oxalate at concentrations of 0.5 and 1 mM has essentially no effect on the dissolution rate of tremolite, nor on the steady-state rate of release of Si from oligoclase. The fact that oxalate has no effect on dissolution rate suggests that detachment of Si rather than Al or Mg is the rate-limiting step. At pH 4 and 9, oxalate has no effect on the steady-state rate of release of Al, and dissolution is congruent. At pH 5 and 7, oligoclase dissolution is congruent in the presence of oxalate, but in the absence of oxalate Al is preferentially retained in the solid relative to Si.Large transient “spikes” of Al or Si are observed when oxalate is added to or removed from the system. The cause of the spikes is unknown; we suggest adsorption on feldspar surfaces away from sites of active dissolution as a possibility. Solutions in the reactors are undersaturated with respect to both gibbsite and kaolinite, so neither the spikes nor the incongruent dissolution can be explained by formation of a secondary precipitate.The rate of dissolution of tremolite is independent of pH over the pH range 2–5, and decreases at higher pH. The rate of dissolution of oligoclase in our experiments was independent of pH over the pH range 4–9. Since the dissolution rate of these minerals is independent of pH and organic ligand concentration, the effect of acid deposition from the atmosphere on the rate of supply of cations from weathering of granitic rocks should be minor.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of soil, soil water, and soil gas was characterized in representative soil profiles of three Michigan watersheds. Because of differences in source regions, parent materials in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (the Tahquamenon watershed) contain only silicates, while those in the Lower Peninsula (the Cheboygan and the Huron watersheds) have significant mixtures of silicate and carbonate minerals. These differences in soil mineralogy and climate conditions permit us to examine controls on carbonate and silicate mineral weathering rates and to better define the importance of silicate versus carbonate dissolution in the early stage of soil-water cation acquisition.Soil waters of the Tahquamenon watershed are the most dilute; solutes reflect amphibole and plagioclase dissolution along with significant contributions from atmospheric precipitation sources. Soil waters in the Cheboygan and the Huron watersheds begin their evolution as relatively dilute solutions dominated by silicate weathering in shallow carbonate-free soil horizons. Here, silicate dissolution is rapid and reaction rates dominantly are controlled by mineral abundances. In the deeper soil horizons, silicate dissolution slows down and soil-water chemistry is dominated by calcite and dolomite weathering, where solutions reach equilibrium with carbonate minerals within the soil profile. Thus, carbonate weathering intensities are dominantly controlled by annual precipitation, temperature and soil pCO2. Results of a conceptual model support these field observations, implying that dolomite and calcite are dissolving at a similar rate, and further dissolution of more soluble dolomite after calcite equilibrium produces higher dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations and a Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio of 0.4.Mass balance calculations show that overall, silicate minerals and atmospheric inputs generally contribute <10% of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in natural waters. Dolomite dissolution appears to be a major process, rivaling calcite dissolution as a control on divalent cation and inorganic carbon contents of soil waters. Furthermore, the fraction of Mg2+ derived from silicate mineral weathering is much smaller than most of the values previously estimated from riverine chemistry.  相似文献   

The effect of lattice strain on mineral dissolution rates was examined by comparing the dissolution rates of shocked and unshocked minerals. Labradorite, oligoclase and hornblende were explosively shocked at mean pressures ranging from 4 to 22 GPa. The labradorite was examined with transmission electron microscopy to estimate the density of dislocations produced by the shock-loading experiment. Subsamples of the labradorite were then thermally annealed to remove some of the dislocations, and to evaluate the importance of such thermal pre-treatment in preparing mineral surfaces for experiments. The dissolution rates of these minerals were measured in batch experiments at pH-values of 2.7 and 4.0.

Shock-loading did not produce extremely high dislocation densities in the labradorite. The density of dislocations in the unshocked labradorite is ≤ 1010 m−2. After shocking, the density increases to 1012-1013 m−2. The distribution of dislocations is heterogeneous, and the amount of deformation does not increase substantially with shock pressure. These results are highly atypical of shock-modified minerals, where relatively low shock pressures usually induce high ( 1015 m−2) densities of dislocations. Thermal annealing for 1 hr. at 900°C in a dry furnace removes many dislocations from the shocked labradorite.

The difference in observed dissolution rates between shocked and unshocked minerals appears to have a weak correlation with the increase in the density of dislocations on the mineral surface. The unshocked and shocked oligoclase and hornblende samples exhibit limited dissolution enhancement at pH 4.0. Increasing the density of dislocations by several orders of magnitude with shock-loading causes a relatively small increase in dissolution rates for these silicate minerals. These results suggest that the surface dislocations produced by the shock treatment are not the primary sites for dissolution reactions.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1998,13(4):491-507
Rock–fluid interactions induced by steamflood enhanced oil recovery were investigated in laboratory simulations to determine the geochemical reactions and the effects of these reactions on reservoir permeability. Flow-through laboratory experiments using mixtures of quartz, kaolinite, and siderite were performed in a high temperature/high pressure permeameter at a confining pressure of 1200 psi and temperatures between 150–250°C. Fluid compositions used in the experiments simulated the vapor and residual liquid phases encountered in steamflood operations as well as an intermediate fluid composition. Effects of fluid pH, fluid salinity and flow rate were systematically investigated in the experiments.The most extensive fluid–rock interactions were observed in the vapor phase simulations and high temperature/high pH condition simulations. Smectite, chlorite, illite, mixed-layer clays, greenalite, analcime, and K-feldspar were all identified as products of rock fluid interaction in the experiments. Smectite was the dominant authigenic phase to reduce permeability in the experiments. The experiments showed that the formation of smectite in Fe-rich environments does not require a clay precursor.Smectite is likely the most damaging neoformed mineral to reservoir permeability under different hydrogeochemical conditions for several reasons including: (1) its relatively high surface area (including microporosity in the “honeycomb texture”), (2) its propensity to migrate and block pore throats during fluid flow in porous media because of its small particle size, pore-lining texture, and electrochemical surface properties, and (3) the wide range of stability of smectites in the physical and chemical conditions that exist in reservoirs undergoing steamflood EOR.The rapid precipitation of authigenic minerals in these experiments suggests that the period required for fluids and rock to reach equilibrium in diagenetic environments are extremely short when considering geologic time scales. The armoring of pre-existing minerals by grain-coating authigenic minerals appears to result in the attainment of local equilibrium conditions prior to when one would predict assuming a continuous supply of reactant minerals was present.  相似文献   

Chemical weathering of silicate minerals has long been known as a sink for atmospheric CO2, and feedbacks between weathering and climate are believed to affect global climate. While warmer temperatures are believed to increase rates of weathering, weathering in cool climates can be accelerated by increased mineral exposure due to mechanical weathering by ice. In this study, chemical weathering of silicate minerals is investigated in a small temperate watershed. The Jamieson Creek watershed is covered by mature coniferous forest and receives high annual precipitation (4000 mm), mostly in the form of rainfall, and is underlain by quartz diorite bedrock and glacial till. Analysis of pore water concentration gradients indicates that weathering in hydraulically unsaturated ablation till is dominated by dissolution of plagioclase and hornblende. However, a watershed scale solute mass balance indicates high relative fluxes of K and Ca, indicating preferential leaching of these solutes possibly from the relatively unweathered lodgement till. Weathering rates for plagioclase and hornblende calculated from a watershed scale solute mass balance are similar in magnitude to rates determined using pore water concentration gradients.When compared to the Rio Icacos basin in Puerto Rico, a pristine tropical watershed with similar annual precipitation and bedrock, but with dissimilar regolith properties, fluxes of weathering products in stream discharge from the warmer site are 1.8 to 16.2-fold higher, respectively, and regolith profile-averaged plagioclase weathering rates are 3.8 to 9.0-fold higher. This suggests that the Arrhenius effect, which predicts a 3.5- to 9-fold increase in the dissolution rate of plagioclase as temperature is increased from 3.4° to 22 °C, may explain the greater weathering fluxes and rates at the Rio Icacos site. However, more modest differences in K and Ca fluxes between the two sites are attributed to accelerated leaching of those solutes from glacial till at Jamieson Creek. Our findings suggest that under conditions of high rainfall and favorable topography, weathering rates of silicate minerals in warm tropical systems will tend to be higher than in cool temperate systems, even if the temperate system is has been perturbed by an episode of glaciation that deposits regolith high in fresh mineral surface area.  相似文献   

This study presents lithium (Li) and magnesium (Mg) isotope data from experiments designed to assess the effects of dissolution of primary phases and the formation of secondary minerals during the weathering of basalt. Basalt glass and olivine dissolution experiments were performed in mixed through-flow reactors under controlled equilibrium conditions, at low pH (2-4) in order to keep solutions undersaturated (i.e. far-from equilibrium) and inhibit the formation of secondary minerals. Combined dissolution-precipitation experiments were performed at high pH (10 and 11) increasing the saturation state of the solutions (moving the system closer to equilibrium) and thereby promoting the formation of secondary minerals.At conditions far from equilibrium saturation state modelling and solution stoichiometry suggest that little secondary mineral formation has occurred. This is supported by the similarity of the dissolution rates of basalt glass and olivine obtained here compared to those of previous experiments. The δ7Li isotope composition of the experimental solution is indistinguishable from that of the initial basalt glass or olivine indicating that little fractionation has occurred. In contrast, the same experimental solutions have light Mg isotope compositions relative to the primary phases, and the solution becomes progressively lighter with time. In the absence of any evidence for secondary mineral formation the most likely explanation for these light Mg isotope compositions is that there has been preferential loss of light Mg during primary phase dissolution.For the experiments undertaken at close to equilibrium conditions the results of saturation state modelling and changes in solution chemistry suggest that secondary mineral formation has occurred. X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements of the reacted mineral products from these experiments confirm that the principal secondary phase that has formed is chrysotile. Lithium isotope ratios of the experimental fluid become increasingly heavy with time, consistent with previous experimental work and natural data indicating that 6Li is preferentially incorporated into secondary minerals, leaving the solution enriched in 7Li. The behaviour of Mg isotopes is different from that anticipated or observed in natural systems. Similar to the far from equilibrium experiments initially light Mg is lost during olivine dissolution, but with time the δ26Mg value of the solution becomes increasingly heavy. This suggests either preferential loss of light, and then heavy Mg from olivine, or that the secondary phase preferentially incorporates light Mg from solution. Assuming that the secondary phase is chrysotile, a Mg-silicate, the sense of Mg fractionation is opposite to that previously associated with silicate soils and implies that the fractionation of Mg isotopes during silicate precipitation may be mineral specific. If secondary silicates do preferentially remove light Mg from solution then this could be a possible mechanism for the relatively heavy δ26Mg value of seawater. This study highlights the utility of experimental studies to quantify the effects of natural weathering reactions on the Li and Mg geochemical cycles.  相似文献   

To understand the initial reactions of granite in a CO2-saturated hydrothermal system, experiments were conducted using a batch-type autoclave over a temperature range of 100–350 °C at up to 250 bar and numerical computations of phase equilibria based on the experimental results were carried out. The experiments showed that the dissolution of granite and the deposition of secondary minerals were encouraged by the addition of CO2. Solution chemistry and examination of the granite’s surface texture suggested that its initial dissolution is characterized by the release of Na and Ca (from the dissolution of plagioclase) and that initial precipitation occurs by deposition of some secondary minerals on to plagioclase and/or biotite in the CO2-saturated system. However, the effect of CO2 was small at 350 °C owing to the low activity of H2CO3. According to EDX analysis and numerical phase equilibrium calculations, the secondary minerals formed might be kaolinite, muscovite, smectite and calcite. That is, the granite as a whole might have the potential to take-up dissolved CO2. The results suggest that the alteration of granite under CO2-saturated hydrothermal conditions has the potential to capture CO2 when it is injected at moderate temperatures (150–250 °C) into granite-hosted rock masses.  相似文献   

To evaluate mineralogical-geochemical changes within the reservoir of the Ketzin pilot CO2 storage site in Brandenburg, Germany, two sets of laboratory experiments on sandstone and siltstone samples from the Stuttgart Formation have been performed. Samples were exposed to synthetic brine and pure CO2 at experimental conditions and run durations of 5.5 MPa/40 °C/40 months for sandstone and 7.5 MPa/40 °C/6 months for siltstone samples, respectively. Mineralogical changes in both sets of experiments are generally minor making it difficult to differentiate natural variability of the whole rock samples from CO2-induced alterations. Results of sandstone experiments suggest dissolution of the anorthite component of plagioclase, anhydrite, K-feldspar, analcime, hematite and chlorite + biotite. Dissolution of the anorthite component of plagioclase, anhydrite and K-feldspars is also observed in siltstone experiments. In an inverse modeling approach, an extensive set of equilibrium simulations was set up in order to reproduce the experimental observations of the sandstone experiments. Simulations generally show fairly good matches with the experimental observations. Best matches with measured brine data are obtained from mineral combinations of albite, analcime, anhydrite, dolomite, hematite, illite, and kaolinite. The major discrepancies during equilibrium modeling, however, are reactions involving Fe2+ and Al3+. The best matching subsets of the equilibrium models were finally run including kinetic rate laws. These simulations reveal that experimentally determined brine data was well matched, but reactions involving K+ and Fe2+ are not fully covered. The modeling results identified key primary minerals as well as key chemical processes, but also showed that the models are not capable of covering all possible contingencies.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the complex interplay between dissolution and precipitation reaction kinetics, we examined the hypothesis of partial equilibria between secondary mineral products and aqueous solutions in feldspar-water systems. Speciation and solubility geochemical modeling was used to compute the saturation indices (SI) for product minerals in batch feldspar dissolution experiments at elevated temperatures and pressures and to trace the reaction paths on activity-activity diagrams. The modeling results demonstrated: (1) the experimental aqueous solutions were supersaturated with respect to product minerals for almost the entire duration of the experiments; (2) the aqueous solution chemistry did not evolve along the phase boundaries but crossed the phase boundaries at oblique angles; and (3) the earlier precipitated product minerals did not dissolve but continued to precipitate even after the solution chemistry had evolved into the stability fields of minerals lower in the paragenesis sequence. These three lines of evidence signify that product mineral precipitation is a slow kinetic process and partial equilibria between aqueous solution and product minerals were not held. In contrast, the experimental evidences are consistent with the hypothesis of strong coupling of mineral dissolution/precipitation kinetics [e.g., Zhu C., Blum A. E. and Veblen D. R. (2004a) Feldspar dissolution rates and clay precipitation in the Navajo aquifer at Black Mesa, Arizona, USA. In Water-Rock Interaction (eds. R. B. Wanty and R. R. I. Seal). A.A. Balkema, Saratoga Springs, New York. pp. 895-899]. In all batch experiments examined, the time of congruent feldspar dissolution was short and supersaturation with respect to the product minerals was reached within a short period of time. The experimental system progressed from a dissolution driven regime to a precipitation limited regime in a short order. The results of this study suggest a complex feedback between dissolution and precipitation reaction kinetics, which needs to be considered in the interpretation of field based dissolution rates.  相似文献   

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