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We present velocity constraints for the upper-mantle transition zones beneath Central Siberia based on observations of the 1982 RIFT Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profile. The data consist of seismic recordings of a nuclear explosion in north-western Siberia along a 2600 km long seismic profile extending from the Yamal Peninsula to Lake Baikal. We invert seismic data from the mantle transition zones using a non-linear inversion scheme using a genetic algorithm for optimization and the WKBJ method to compute the synthetic seismograms. A statistical error analysis using a graph-binning technique was performed to provide uncertainty values in the velocity models.
Our best model for the upper-mantle velocity discontinuity near 410 km depth has a two-stage velocity-gradient structure, with velocities increasing from 8.70–9.25 km s−1 over a depth range of 400–415 km, a gradient of 0.0433 s−1, and from 9.25–9.60 km s−1 over a depth range of 415–435 km, a gradient of 0.0175 s−1. This derived model is consistent with other seismological observations and mineral-physics models. The model for the velocity discontinuity near 660 km depth is simple, sharp and includes velocities increasing from 10.15 km s−1 at 655 km depth to 10.70 km s−1 at 660 km depth, a gradient of 0.055 s−1.  相似文献   

In this paper we present revised locations and original focal mechanisms computed for intermediate and deep earthquakes that occurred within the Southern Tyrrhenian subduction zone between 1988 and 1994, in order to improve our knowledge of the state of stress for this compressional margin. In particular, we define the stress distribution within a large portion of the descending slab, between 40 and about 450 km depth. The seismicity distribution reveals a continuous 40–50 km thick slab that abruptly increases its dip from subhorizontal in the Ionian Sea to a constant 70° dip in the Tyrrhenian. We computed focal mechanisms for events with magnitudes ranging from 2.7 and 5.7, obtaining the distribution of P - and T -axes for many events for which centroid moment tensor (CMT) solutions are not available, thus enabling the sampling of a larger depth range compared to previous studies. We define three portions of the slab characterized by different distributions of P - and T -axes. A general down-dip compression is found between 165 and 370 km depth, whereas in the upper part of the slab (40–165 km depth) the fault-plane solutions are strongly heterogeneous. Below 370 km the P -axes of the few deep events located further to the north have a shallower dip and are not aligned with the 70° dipping slab, possibly suggesting that they belong to a separated piece of subducted lithosphere. There is a good correspondence between the depth range in which the P -axes plunge closer to the slab dip (∼ 70°) and the interval characterized by the highest seismic energy release (190–370 km).  相似文献   

Summary. Group velocities for first and second higher mode Rayleigh waves, in the frequency range 0.8–4.8 Hz, generated from a local earthquake of magnitude 3.7 M L in western Scotland, are measured at stations along the 1974 LISPB line. These provide detailed information about the crustal structure west of the line. The data divide the region into seven apparently homogeneous provinces. Averaged higher mode velocity dispersion curves for each province are analysed simultaneously using a linearized inversion technique, yielding regionalized shear velocity profiles down to a depth of 17 km into the upper crust. Shear wave velocity is between 3.0 and 3.4 km s−1 in the upper 2 km, with a slow increase to around 3.8 km s−1. P -wave models computed using these results agree with profiles from the LISPB and LUST refraction experiments.  相似文献   

Summary. An inversion of ISC travel-time data from selected earthquakes in the distance range 30°-90° to 53 stations in Central Europe has been used to model velocity down to 600 km depth. The model explains 0.1–0.2s of the residuals, as for other array studies, leaving 0.5 s unexplained as noise. The uppermost 100 km of the mantle and crust contains inhomogeneities that correlate remarkably well with the geology. This may be due to deep-seated thermal anomalies or, in some areas, to delays introduced by passage of the rays through sedimentary cover. The deeper anomalies are smaller and unrelated to those in the lithosphere, which suggests that the asthenosphere is decoupled from the rigid lithosphere. The structure at 600 km depth is again quite inhomogeneous and might be due to undulations of the 650 km discontinuity. The models show some suggestion of a high velocity slab trending from east to west beneath the Alps.  相似文献   

Summary. P -wave seismograms at ranges less than 10 km are synthesized by asymptotic ray theory and by summation of Gaussian beams for point sources located in a low-velocity wedge surrounding a fault. The computations are performed using models of the wedge inferred from the analysis of reflection and refraction experiments across the San Andreas and Hayward-Calaveras faults. Calculations in these models show that the 10–20Hz vertical displacements of earthquakes located at 3–10km depth are amplified by up to an order of magnitude in a 1–2km wide region centred on the fault trace compared to displacements predicted by laterally homogeneous models of the crust. This amplification is not cancelled by high attentuation in the fault zone and compensates for the reduction in amplitudes directly above the source predicted from the radiation pattern of a strike-slip earthquake. Depending on the source depth of the earthquake and the structure and velocity contrast of the wedge, multiple triplications in the travel-time curve of direct P - and S -waves will occur at stations in the fault zone. A wedge model successfully predicts the triplications observed in the P waveforms of aftershocks of the Coyote Lake earthquake recorded in the fault zone, showing that body waves from microearthquakes can be used to determine the three-dimensional velocity structure of the fault zone. The amplification, waveform complexity, and distortion of ray paths introduced by the low- velocity wedge suggest that its effects should be included in the interpretation of strong ground motions and travel times observed in the fault zone. For realistic models of the wedge, asymptotically approximate methods of calculating the body waveforms are strictly valid for frequencies greater than 20Hz. Numerical methods may be necessary to calculate accurately the wavefield at lower frequencies.  相似文献   

The deep seismicity of the Tyrrhenian Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The study reappraises the deep seismicity of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Careful examination of the quality of reported hypocentres shows that the earthquakes define a zone dipping NW, about 200 km along strike, 50 km thick, and reaching a depth of about 500 km. The zone is slightly concave to the NW at a depth of 300 km, but, contrary to many previous reports, is not tightly concave, nor are there significant spatial gaps in the seismicity, which is effectively continuous with depth. Seismicity is, however, concentrated in the depth interval 250–300 km, where the dip of the seismic zone changes from 70° (above 250 km) to a more gentle dip of 45° at greater depths. Seven fault-plane solutions are available for the largest earthquakes in this depth interval, all of them consistent with a P -axis down the dip of the seismic zone, and all of them requiring movement on faults out of the plane of the subducting slab.
Two deep earthquakes near Naples lie well outside the main zone of activity; for one of which a fault-plane solution is available that has a P -axis not aligned with the dip of the seismic zone. The tightly concave slab-geometry favoured by other reports is supported mainly by the location of these events near Naples, which we think may represent deformation in a separate, probably shallower dipping, piece of subducted lithosphere.
The lack of shallow seismicity, and particularly of thrust faulting earthquakes, at the surface projection of the Benioff zone suggests that active subduction has ceased. Estimates of the convergence rate responsible for subduction in the last 10 Myr far exceed the present convergence rate of Africa and Eurasia, suggesting that the subduction was related instead to the stretching and thinning of the crust in the Tyrrhenian Sea.  相似文献   

The Narmada zone in central India is a zone of weakness that separates the region of Vindhyan (Meso-Neoproterozoic) deposition to the north from Gondwana (Permo-Carboniferous–lower Cretaceous) deposits to the south. The reinterpretation of analogue seismic refraction data, acquired during the early 1980s, using 2-D ray-tracing techniques reveals a basement (velocity 5.8–6.0 km s−1 ) topography suggesting that the Narmada zone, bounded by the Narmada North and Narmada South faults is a region of basement uplift. A layer of anomalously high velocity (6.5–6.7 km s−1 ) at depths between 1.5 and 9.0 km appears to be present in the entire region. Within the Narmada zone this layer occurs at shallower depths than outside the Narmada zone. At two places within the Narmada zone this layer is at a depth of about 1.5 km. This layer cannot be considered as the top of the lower crust because in this case it should have produced large positive gravity anomalies at the shallowest parts. Instead, these parts correspond to Bouguer gravity lows. Furthermore, lower crust at such shallow depths has not been reported from any other part of the Indian shield. Therefore, this layer is likely to represent the top of a high-velocity mafic body that has different thicknesses in different places.  相似文献   

Summary. Seven Schlumberger resistivity soundings with maximum current electrode spacings of 20 km have been conducted south of Lake Frome in South Australia. These experiments were done partly to test new electrical sounding equipment and partly to investigate a large conductivity anomaly previously delineated by other workers using magnetometer array and MT methods (the 'Flinders'anomaly). These previous studies left some doubt as to the depth to the conductive region responsible for the anomaly.
The electrical soundings did not detect a buried conductive zone, which constrains it to lie deeper than 5–7 km. However, the study did show the surface sediments of the region to be very conductive; resistivities of 2–9 μm were measured over thicknesses of 50–400 m, with sediment thickness inferred to be up to 2 km to the north of the studied area. This raises the question of whether current channelling in the surface sediments could have been responsible for the earlier results. Simple modelling and application of the criteria given by Jones suggest this may be so.
The equipment used for this study is a low power (200 W), computer controlled system which employs synchronous stacking and other signal processing to achieve signal to noise improvement ratios of up to 1000.  相似文献   

Summary. Nine portable seismic stations deployed across the Western Plains of New South Wales recorded signals in the distance range 250–1000 km from large timed explosions at both ends of the line. A velocity—depth model derived from the travel-time data has the following features: a two-layer crust with a thickness of 35 km; a sub-Moho velocity of 7.98 km/s; an abrupt increase to 8.36 km/s at 100 km depth; a further step to 8.72 km/s at 190 km depth, with a low-velocity channel immediately above the discontinuity. The model has several features in common with others derived from long-range profiles in Australia and elsewhere. The data, however, provide the first suggestion of a low P -velocity channel in Eastern Australia.  相似文献   

Summary. Four seismic refraction profiles have been interpreted which serve to indicate the structure of the lithosphere near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge close to the Azores. An east–west profile which crosses the ridge axis yields a crustal structure. Although energy is propagated across the ridge axis within the crust the axial region marks a clear barrier to propagation within the mantle. A profile parallel to the axis (4 my isochron) shows, below a 7.6 km/s layer, a low-velocity zone underlain by an 8.3 km/s refractor 9 km below the sea bed. On profies normal to the ridge axis higher velocities, which are observed on lines shot towards the ridge, can be attributed to this refractor if it has a dip of several degrees away from the ridge. On another profile parallel to the axis (9 my isochron) a velocity of about 8.3 km/s is only found to exist much deeper at about 30 km depth. These observations are interpreted in the light of seismic refraction results recently obtained by Lewis & Snydsman and of quantitative petrological models, such as that of Bottinga & Allègre. A velocity model based on Bottinga & Allègre's model allows us to understand our results qualitatively. In particular the two 8.3 km/s refractors at 9 and 30 km depth correspond to two different residual peridotite layers. The upper layer contains 1.5–2 wt per cent water and as the lithosphere moves away from the ridge axis the temperature in this layer becomes low enough to start hydration reactions. These cause the low-velocity zone observed at 4 my and the total disappearance of the shallow level refractor before 9 my.  相似文献   

The highest intermediate depth moment release rates in Indonesia occur in the slab beneath the largely submerged segment of the Banda arc in the Banda Sea to the east of Roma, termed the Damar Zone. The most active, western-part of this zone is characterized by downdip extension, with moment release rates (∼1018 Nm yr–1 per 50 km strike length) implying the slab is stretching at ∼10−14 s−1 consistent with near complete slab decoupling across the 100–200 km depth range. Differential vertical stretching along the length of the Damar Zone is consistent with a slab rupture front at ∼100–200 km depth beneath Roma propagating eastwards at ∼100 km Myr–1. Complexities in the slab deformation field are revealed by a narrow zone of anomalous in-plane P -axis trends beneath Damar, where subhorizontal constriction suggests extreme stress concentrations ∼100 km ahead of the slab rupture front. Such stress concentrations may explain the anomalously deep ocean gateways in this region, in which case ongoing slab rupture may have played a key role in modulating the Indonesian throughflow in the Banda Sea over the last few million years.  相似文献   

Upper mantle shear structure of North America   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary. The waveforms and travel times of S and SS phases in the range 10°–60° have been used to derive upper mantle shear velocity structures for two distinct tectonic provinces in North America. Data from earthquakes on the East Pacific Rise recorded at stations in western North America were used to derive a tectonic upper mantle model. Events on the north-west coast of North America and earthquakes off the coast of Greenland provided the data to investigate the upper mantle under the Canadian shield. All branches from the triplications due to velocity jumps near 400 and 660 km were observed in both areas. Using synthetic seismograms to model these observations placed tight constraints on heterogeneity in the upper mantle and on the details of its structure. SS–S travel-time differences of 30 s along with consistent differences in waveforms between the two data sets require substantial heterogeneity to at least 350 km depth. Velocities in the upper 170 km of the shield are about 10 per cent higher than in the tectonic area. At 250 km depth the shield velocities are still greater by about 4.5 per cent and they gradually merge near 400 km. Below 400 km no evidence for heterogeneity was found. The two models both have first-order discontinuities of 4.5 per cent at 405 km and 7.5 per cent at 695 km. Both models also have lids with lower velocities beneath. In the western model the lid is very thin and of relatively low velocity. In the shield the lid is 170 km thick with very high elocity (4.78 km s-1); below it the velocity decreases to about 4.65 km s-1. Aside from these features the models are relatively smooth, the major difference between them being a larger gradient in the tectonic region from 200 to 400 km.  相似文献   

Summary. The mid-crustal earthquake of 1973 March 9 (mb= 5.5, h ≤ 20 km) located 60 km south-west of Sydney, Australia, provides unambiguous evidence of contemporary thrust faulting in South-eastern Australia — a region of high heat flow and Cenozoic basaltic volcanism. Aftershock locations suggest a steeply dipping fault in the depth range from 8 to 24 km with a lateral extent of about 8 km. The mechanism solution is consistent with a tectonic stress field that is dominated by east—west horizontal compression. A seismic moment of 5.7 ± 1023± 20 per cent dyne-cm was computed from surface-wave amplitudes. Minimum values of slip and stress drop, 2 cm and 1 bar respectively, were estimated from the moment and a fault size taken' from aftershock locations.
Refinement modelling by a controlled Monte Carlo technique was used to provide unbiased models directly from multimode group velocities. The dispersion of fundamental and higher mode surface waves recorded at the digital high-gain station at Charters Towers, Queensland, and the WWSSN station at Adelaide, South Australia, is satisfied by crust- and upper-mantle models which have neither pronounced S-wave low-velocity zones nor thick high-velocity lids within 140 km of the Earth's surface. These models have subcrustal shear velocities of 4.20–4.32 km/s which are 0.4–0.5 km/s slower than Canadian shield shear velocities (CANSD).  相似文献   

We image the Hikurangi subduction zone using receiver functions derived from teleseismic earthquakes. Migrated receiver functions show a northwest dipping low shear wave feature down to 60 km depth, which we associate with the crust of the subducted Pacific Plate. Receiver functions (RF) at several stations also show a pair of negative and positive polarity phases with associated conversion depths of ∼20–26 km, where the subducted Pacific Plate is at a depth of ∼40–50 km beneath the overlying Australian Plate. RF inversion solutions model these phases with a thin low S -wave velocity zone less than 4 km thick, and an S -wave velocity contrast of more than ∼0.5 km s−1 with the overlying crust. We interpret this phase pair as representing fluids near the base of the lower crust of the Australian Plate, directly overlying the forearc mantle wedge.  相似文献   

The conductivity structure of the Earth's mantle was estimated using the induction method down to 2100  km depth for the Europe–Asia region. For this purpose, the responses obtained at seven geomagnetic observatories (IRT, KIV, MOS, NVS, HLP, WIT and NGK) were analysed, together with reliable published results for 11  yr variations. 1-D spherical modelling has shown that, beneath the mid-mantle conductive layer (600–800  km), the conductivity increases slowly from about 1  S  m−1 at 1000  km depth to 10  S  m−1 at 1900  km, while further down (1900–2100  km) this increase is faster. Published models of the lower mantle conductivity obtained using the secular, 30–60  yr variations were also considered, in order to estimate the conductivity at depths down to the core. The new regional model of the lower mantle conductivity does not contradict most modern geoelectrical sounding results. This model supports the idea that the mantle base, situated below 2100  km depth, has a very high conductivity.  相似文献   

We use teleseismic waveform analysis and locally recorded aftershock data to investigate the source processes of the 2004 Baladeh earthquake, which is the only substantial earthquake to have occurred in the central Alborz mountains of Iran in the modern instrumental era. The earthquake involved slip at 10–30 km depth, with a south-dipping aftershock zone also restricted to the range 10–30 km, which is unusually deep for Iran. These observations are consistent with co-seismic slip on a south-dipping thrust that projects to the surface at the sharp topographic front on the north side of the Alborz. This line is often called the Khazar Fault, and is assumed to be a south-dipping thrust which bounds the north side of the Alborz range and the south side of the South Caspian Basin, though its actual structure and significance are not well understood. The lack of shallower aftershocks may be due to the thick pile of saturated, overpressured sediments in the South Caspian basin that are being overthrust by the Alborz. A well-determined earthquake slip vector, in a direction different from the overall shortening direction across the range determined by GPS, confirms a spatial separation ('partitioning') of left-lateral strike-slip and thrust faulting in the Alborz. These strike-slip and thrust fault systems do not intersect within the seismogenic layer on the north side, though they may do so on the south. The earthquake affected the capital, Tehran, and reveals a seismic threat posed by earthquakes north of the Alborz, located on south-dipping thrusts, as well as by earthquakes on the south side of the range, closer to the city.  相似文献   

Summary. Ray amplitudes are computed in a one-dimensional velocity structure where the quality factor Q varies continuously with depth. An iterative process is then proposed to derive the quality factor distribution in the upper crust from deep sounding data. Results for compressional waves in the French Massif Central and for a signal frequency close to 20 Hz show that Q increases in a rather linear way from about 40 in surface up to 600 at 7 km depth. Q seems to be higher in the Central Alps: 180 in surface, 1600 at 5 km depth (at 20 Hz). Using proper signal processing, the frequency dependence of Q is finally investigated in the frequency range 10–25 Hz. The results indicate a dependence of the form Q = Q 0 f α, where α= 0.25 ± 0.1.  相似文献   

Summary. The three-dimensional (3-D) shear wave structure of the mantle, down to the depth of about 900 km, is obtained by inverting waveforms of radial component seismograms. Radial component seismograms contain large amplitude overtone signals which circle the Earth as wave packets and are sometimes called X1, X2, X3, … We use data which contain R1, X1 and X2 and filtered between 2 and 10mHz. It is shown that, unless each seismogram is weighted, all seismograms are not fitted uniformly. Only data from large earthquakes are fitted and the final velocity anomalies are biased by the small number of large earthquake data. Resolution is good at shallow depths, becomes worse in the intermediate depth range between about 400 and 500 km and then becomes better at greater depth ranges (600–900km). Even though we use only spheroidal mode data, velocity anomalies in the shallow structure show excellent correlation with the age of the surface rocks of the Earth. In the deeper regions, between about 600 and 900km, South America shows a fast velocity anomaly which may indicate the slab penetration beyond 700 km there. Another region which shows a fast velocity anomaly is the Mariana trench, but other subduction regions do not show such features.  相似文献   

According to recent estimates, the continental mid-crust contains 35–40 per cent amphibolites. Heating of the crust by an underlying mantle plume, for example beneath continental rifts, high plateaus, and areas of intraplate volcanic activity, releases water. Dehydration of amphibole-bearing rocks at depths of 20–40  km occurs mainly in the temperature range 650–700 °C, and this releases about 0.4  wt per cent of water.
  Seismic tomography studies of the crust in the Kirgyz Tien Shan Range, where the age of the tectonic activity is less than 30  Ma, revealed a low-velocity zone in the mid-crust. The velocity of P waves was 0.4  km  s1 lower than in normal crust. MT sounding data in the region show the existence of a low-resistivity layer with an average resistivity of about 25  Ω  m at the depth of the low-velocity layer. The spatial correlation of the observed anomalous layers and calculated effect of fluid phase on seismic and electric parameters of rocks suggests the presence of aqueous fluids released by the heating of the mid-crust.  相似文献   

We describe results of an active-source seismology experiment across the Chilean subduction zone at 38.2°S. The seismic sections clearly show the subducted Nazca plate with varying reflectivity. Below the coast the plate interface occurs at 25 km depth as the sharp lower boundary of a 2–5 km thick, highly reflective region, which we interpret as the subduction channel, that is, a zone of subducted material with a velocity gradient with respect to the upper and lower plate. Further downdip along the seismogenic coupling zone the reflectivity decreases in the area of the presumed 1960 Valdivia hypocentre. The plate interface itself can be traced further down to depths of 50–60 km below the Central Valley. We observe strong reflectivity at the plate interface as well as in the continental mantle wedge. The sections also show a segmented forearc crust in the overriding South American plate. Major features in the accretionary wedge, such as the Lanalhue fault zone, can be identified. At the eastern end of the profile a bright west-dipping reflector lies perpendicular to the plate interface and may be linked to the volcanic arc.  相似文献   

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