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ten Veen  & Postma 《Basin Research》1999,11(3):223-241
Six time-slice reconstructions in the form of palaeogeographical maps show the large-scale tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Hellenic outer-arc basins in central and eastern Crete for the middle and late Miocene. The reconstructions are based on extensive field mapping and a detailed chronostratigraphy. Latest compressional features related to subduction and associated crustal thickening are poorly dated and assigned a middle Miocene age. These are possibly contemporaneous with widespread occurrence of breccia deposits all over Crete. The precise date for the onset of extension, possibly controlled by the roll-back of the subsiding African lithosphere, remains at this point a discussion. We present circumstantial evidence to place the beginning of the roll back in the middle Miocene, during the accumulation of an arc-parallel, westward-draining fluvial complex. The continental succession is transgressed steadily until it is interrupted by an important tectonic event at the boundary of the middle and late Miocene (normally seen as the onset of slab roll-back). In the earliest late Miocene a few large-sized fault blocks along arc-parallel normal faults subsided rapidly causing a deepening of the half-graben basins up to approximately 900 m. About 1 Myr later, a new N020E and N100E fault system developed fragmenting the existing half-grabens into orthogonal horst and graben structure. The development of the new fault system caused original continental regions to subside and original deep basins to emerge, which is not easy to reconcile with roll back controlled extensional processes alone. Underplating and inherited basement structure may have played here an additional role, although evidence for firm conclusions is lacking. In late Miocene times (late Tortonian, ≈7.2 Ma), the extensional outer arc basins become deformed by N075E-orientated strike-slip. The new tectonic regime begins with strong uplift along existing N100E fault zones, which developed about E–W-striking topographical highs (e.g. Central Iraklion Ridge and Anatoli anticline) in about 0.4 Myr. The strong uplift is contemporaneous with abundant landsliding observed along an important N075E fault zone crossing eastern Crete and with renewed volcanic activity of the arc. The origin of the ridges may be due to active folding related to the sinistral slip.  相似文献   

Vertical trends in architecture and facies of delta systems are preserved in a clastic wedge of an expanding marine half-graben in which tectonics, eustatic sea-level change and climatic change are roughly known from independent evidence. The studied half-graben is situated on Crete (Greece) and part of a larger, E-W-trending extensional domain situated north of the Hellenic subduction zone. The extension seems to be related to the southward migration of the trench (roll-back) in early Late Miocene times. The infill pattern is discussed in the light of theoretical fault-growth models for expanding half-grabens. The geometry of the half-graben fill is typically wedge shaped, with a thickness of nearly 1000 m near the fault scarp thinning to c. 50 m about 20 km away from the scarp. The lower part of the wedge (Stratified Prina Series) contains coarsening-upward units representing progradational, shallow-marine deltas. At the base of the wedge these units are thin and retrogradationally stacked. Upwards in the succession, the units become composite (coarsening-upward subunits), thicker and finer grained. The composite structure, the thickening and the fining trend is related to progressive increase in accommodation space inherent in fault growth. Rapid deepening of the basin from the photic zone (evidenced by intercalated coral and stromatolite beds) up to a depth of 900 m started at the top of the Stratified Prina Series. The deepening continued over some tens of metres of marly sediments of the base of the Kalamavka Formation and may be related to structural collapse of the fault block. After the structural collapse, basin depth remained more or less constant and basin infilling occurred by progradation of deep-water delta systems. These systems are characterized by a muddy delta slope with channelized conglomerates, and by mainly aggradation of prodelta turbidites deposited in small lobes at the base of slope.  相似文献   

Tertiary extension in the Aegean region has led to extensional detachment faulting, along which metamorphic core complexes were exhumed, among which is the Early to Middle Miocene South Aegean core complex. This paper focuses on the supradetachment basin developed during the final stages of exhumation of the South Aegean core complex along the Cretan detachment, plus the Late Miocene to Pliocene basin development and palaeogeography associated with the southward motion of Crete during the opening of the Aegean arc. For the latter purpose, the sedimentary and palaeobathymetric evolutions of a large number of Middle Miocene to Late Pliocene sequences exposed on Crete, Gavdos and Koufonisi were studied. The supradetachment basin development of Crete is characterised by a break‐up of the hanging wall of the Cretan detachment into extensional klippen and subsequent migration of laterally coexisting sedimentary systems, and finally the deformation of the exhumed core complex by processes related to the opening of the Aegean arc. Hence, three main tectonic phases are recognised: (1) Early to Middle Miocene N–S extension formed during the Cretan detachment, exhumed in the South Aegean core complex. The Cretan detachment remained active until 11–10 Ma, based on the oldest sediments that unconformably overlie the metamorphic rocks. Successions older than 11–10 Ma unconformably overlie only the hanging wall of the Cretan detachment, and do not contain fragments of the footwall rocks; they therefore predate the oldest exposure of the metamorphic rocks of the footwall. The hanging wall rocks and Middle Miocene sediments form isolated blocks on top of the exhumed metamorphic rocks, which are interpreted as extensional klippen. (2) From approximately 10 Ma onward, southward migration of the area that presently covers Crete was accompanied by E–W extension, and the opening of the Sea of Crete to the north. Contemporaneously, large folds with WNW–ESE striking, NNE dipping axial planes developed, possibly in response to sinistral transpression. (3) During the Pliocene, Crete emerged and tilted to the NNW, probably as a result of left‐lateral transpression in the Hellenic fore‐arc, induced by the collision with the African promontory.  相似文献   

Several lacustrine basins were formed by late Miocene tectonic processes in western Macedonia, Greece. These were occupied by a series of lakes and wetland swamps during the late Miocene and early Pliocene giving rise to diatomaceous claystones, siltstones and diatom-bearing tufa deposits. Diatoms are rare or fragmentary in sandstones and chemical sediments, and are absent in conglomerates. The Fe2+-rich phosphate minerals anapaite and vivianite are present in parts of the diatomaceous siltstones. Six major diatom groups were identified using cluster and correspondence analyses, each of which tends to be associated with a particular lithofacies. The floras are indicative of mildly acidic to alkaline water of varying depths. The dominant taxa include Aulacoseira ambigua, A. distans, Cyclotella iris and several of its varieties, C. aegeae, C. castracanei, C. elymaea, C. ocellata, and two unidentified Cyclotella. Fragilariaceae are common, consisting mainly of Fragilaria bituminosa, Pseudostaurosira brevistriata, P. zeilleri, Staurosira construens, Staurosirella leptostauron, and S. pinnata. Locally, chysophycean stomatocysts are common, suggesting more oligotrophic conditions. Nine diatom stages are recognized in the Lower Neogene Series at Kariditsa (Kozani basin), reflecting shallow swamps, small alkaline lakes, and terrestrial settings. The Upper Neogene Series rocks are characterized by Mg-rich carbonates such as hydromagnesite, huntite and magnesite. A detailed stratigraphy was developed for Mio-Pliocene deposits in the Florina basin at Klidi. Parts of this sequence show clear cyclicity in both the sediments and the diatom floras, with shallow-water diatoms repeatedly giving way to taxa indicative of deeper conditions. Larger-scale, shallow-deep cycles are also present and may be related to precession- and eccentricity-forced climate change.  相似文献   

Abstract Detailed single-channel continuous seismic reflection profiling data from four gulfs as well as onshore neotectonic investigations have allowed the study of the neotectonic structure of the Hellenic arc along a complete transverse section from its external area in the trench to the internal back-arc area.
Messiniakos Gulf is an asymmetric NW-SE structure with considerable tilt towards the NE. It is the direct continuation of the continental slope from the trench to the island arc (Peloponnesus, Crete, Dodekannese). Argolikos Gulf is an almost symmetric NW-SE graben occupying the northern edge of the Cretan back-arc basin. Saronikos Gulf is a multi-complex structure of a NW-SE graben in the SW (Epidaurus Basin) and alternation of E-W horsts and grabens in the North. Its neotectonic evolution is characterized by the Plio-Quaternary volcanic arc activity. Southern Evoikos Gulf is a relatively shallow neotectonic graben in the back-arc area at the northern prolongation of the Cycladic Platform.
Each of the above neotectonic basins has its own characteristics which are probably due to their geodynamic position in the Hellenic arc. In general, there is a decrease in the neotectonic deformation, the sediment thickness and the sedimentation rates from SW to NE, going from the periphery to the core of the arc.  相似文献   

Shear wave splitting measurements from S arrivals of local earthquakes recorded at the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) broadband sensor SNZO are used to determine a basic anisotropic structure for the subduction zone in the Wellington region. With the use of high-frequency filters, fast anisotropic polarization ( φ ) and splitting time ( δt ) measurements typical of crustal anisotropy are evident, but the larger splitting expected from the mantle is often not resolved. The small splitting seen agrees well with the results of previous studies concerning shallow crustal anisotropy. With the use of lower-frequency filters, measurements more consistent with mantle anisotropy are made. Anisotropy of 4.4 ± 0.9 per cent with a fast polarization of 29° ± 38° is calculated for the subducting slab, from 20 to 70  km depth. Using this result in addition to the results of previous studies, a model is proposed. The model requires a frequency-dependent anisotropy of less than 1.4 per cent when measured with a period of ~2  s to be present in the sub-slab mantle.
Separate from this population, a band of events in northern Cook Strait with an 86° ± 10° fast polarization is seen. This is at about 40° from the strike of the Hikurangi margin, and suggests a source of shear strain 40° removed from that found in the majority of the region. The cause of this is probably a deformation in the subducting slab in this region, as it moves towards a greater incline to the south.  相似文献   

Summary. A method of simultaneous reduction is presented for determining strain rates from multiple triangulation surveys where common triangulation stations have been used, but the angles of the old survey have not necessarily been reobserved. This method is applied to triangulation in the northern South Island, at the southern end of the Tonga-Kermadec-Hikurangi subduction zone. From a profile of shear strain across the Indian-Pacific plate boundary, the displacement of the Indian plate relative to the Pacific is calculated to be 54 ± 9 mm yr−1 at an azimuth of 84°± 10°, in remarkable agreement with the motion predicted by global plate tectonic models. Most of this motion occurs within a 150 km wide zone bounded on the east by the Hikurangi Trough. Within this zone the motion is partitioned: near the Hikurangi Trough no slip is occurring at the upper surface of the subducting Pacific plate (the subduction thrust) and motion is predominantly thrusting normal to the trough axis: to the west is a region of predominantly dextral strike slip faulting. This pattern is consistent with Fitch's model of oblique subduction. To the south of the profile, a change is observed in the azimuth of the faulting along a line which marks the southern extent of the subduction slab, indicating the end of the partitioned motion.  相似文献   

In this paper we present revised locations and original focal mechanisms computed for intermediate and deep earthquakes that occurred within the Southern Tyrrhenian subduction zone between 1988 and 1994, in order to improve our knowledge of the state of stress for this compressional margin. In particular, we define the stress distribution within a large portion of the descending slab, between 40 and about 450 km depth. The seismicity distribution reveals a continuous 40–50 km thick slab that abruptly increases its dip from subhorizontal in the Ionian Sea to a constant 70° dip in the Tyrrhenian. We computed focal mechanisms for events with magnitudes ranging from 2.7 and 5.7, obtaining the distribution of P - and T -axes for many events for which centroid moment tensor (CMT) solutions are not available, thus enabling the sampling of a larger depth range compared to previous studies. We define three portions of the slab characterized by different distributions of P - and T -axes. A general down-dip compression is found between 165 and 370 km depth, whereas in the upper part of the slab (40–165 km depth) the fault-plane solutions are strongly heterogeneous. Below 370 km the P -axes of the few deep events located further to the north have a shallower dip and are not aligned with the 70° dipping slab, possibly suggesting that they belong to a separated piece of subducted lithosphere. There is a good correspondence between the depth range in which the P -axes plunge closer to the slab dip (∼ 70°) and the interval characterized by the highest seismic energy release (190–370 km).  相似文献   

Postcollisional tectonic movements in orogens and their adjacent foreland basins related to intraplate stresses and the presence of a remnant slab are likely to induce significant deformations overprinting the existing patterns of nappe emplacement. In the Carpathian Bend Zone, Romania, vertical motions associated with very limited postorogenic intraplate shortening are of similar magnitude as those generally caused by large orogenic deformations. In the Latest Miocene–Pliocene, up to 6 km of postcollisional sediments of remarkably parallel stratification were deposited in a basin extending over a large part of the present‐day orogen. The Early Quaternary featured a dramatical change as the orogen was uplifted while subsidence continued in the basin, tilting the basin flank adjacent to the orogen to a vertical position. The remnant slab presently below the Bend zone in Vrancea is the prime mechanism to have driven the Pliocene subsidence. The Quaternary changes and the eastwards migration of the pattern of vertical motions can be explained by large‐scale folding, in response to the overall compressive regime that is recorded in the whole Pannonian‐Carpathian area.  相似文献   

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