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The authors have carried out the gamma-ray spectrometry of some Vesuvius lavas, by means of a S.E.L.O. equipment which consists of a 100 channels analyzer joined to a photomultiplier tube annexed to aNaI(T1) phosphor. TheU 238,Th 232,Ra 226 andK 2 O contents have been determined and the following conclusions have been drawn: theU 238 seems to be present in the examined lavas and the contents are fairly equal within the errors; also theTh 232 andK 2 O contents show no sensible variations in the different lavas. TheRa 226 content is remarkably higher than that necessary for the equilibrium with the observedU 238 content and shows a decrease with the age of the lavas. TheRa 226 content which exceeds that necessary for the equilibrium with the observedU 238 content decreases with a law similar to the natural radioactive decay ofRa 226.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic study of volcanic rocks from Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two older granitic rocks and some selected Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Japanese Islands were analyzed in a reconnaissance study for the purpose of examining the relationships between Nd and Sr isotopic abundances and the megatectonic structure around the Japanese Islands. Model ages of ~0.9 AE were determined by the Nd and Sr methods on a Paleozoic gneiss which confirms that a relatively ancient acidic basement exists in the Japanese Islands. The Nd and Sr isotopic data show that the Cretaceous granodiorite is the result of partial melting of older crust.The Nd of tholeiitic rocks from the Izu arc gives εNd ranging from 8.3 to 9.3 and with the corresponding εSr from ?14.5 to ?18.5. These results are identical to those found for the Mariana arc. These values are distinctly lower than typical MORB by around 1~2 εu. This difference in εNd between arcs and MORB is attributed to the contribution of oceanic sediments to the partial melts produced during subduction of oceanic crust. The Hakone volcano is clearly confirmed as belonging to an oceanic source by Nd isotopic results.εSrNd values of the volcanics from a section along the Fossa Magna show a clear indication that they are a blend of oceanic mantle material and continental crustal material. The crustal component clearly increases in going from south to north. Volcanics across the Northeast Japan arc also show a distinct correlation of εSrNd related to the position relative to the active subduction zone but with the opposite trend. These relationships of the present isotopic pattern and the zonal arrangement relative to the subduction zone suggest the former existence of a local spreading center in the Japan Sea.In general there appear to be regular isotopic relationships between the Izu-Mariana oceanic island arc and the continental island arc of Japan which indicates that partially melted or assimilated older continental basement is admixed with young rising oceanic arc magmas.  相似文献   

3He/4He ratios in lavas erupted during the last 360 years at Mt. Vesuvius are between 2.2 and 2.7 RA (RA = atmospheric ratio of 1.39 × 10−6), and are among the lowest values measured in young volcanic rocks. They are also identical to values measured in summit crater fumaroles sampled during 1987–1991. This agreement indicates that the 3He/4He ratio in the crater fumaroles faithfully tracks the magmatic value. The relatively low and uniform 3He/4He ratio in the lavas reflects either a mantle source enriched in (U + Th)/3He, or a mixture of magmatic and crustal components.  相似文献   

Eighteen basic rocks from Ascension Island (South Atlantic) give a mean87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70311 ± 17 for both volcanics and plutonic inclusions. The late-stage differentiated rocks (rhyolites and granitic inclusions) have much higher87Sr/86Sr ratios, up to 0.712. All these rocks display the same range of Nd isotopic compositions (εNdvalues from6.9to11.1with a mean on12samples of8.4 ± 0.6) implying a cogenetic relation between the two sequences. The D/H systematics lead to the same conclusion.In the NdSr diagram, the data plot close to the mantle array and show a positive correlation. This suggests a mixing between a depleted MORB-type mantle, i.e. the upper mantle, and a hot-spot with less depleted geochemical characteristics, i.e. the OIB mantle source.The total range of δ18O values lies between 4.8‰ for plagioclase cumulates and 6.7‰ for the most evolved rocks (peralkaline granites and comendites). The basic rocks have values around 5.3‰, typical of mantle-derived material. These oxygen data indicate that the high87Sr/86Sr ratios in the most evolved rocks (both volcanic and plutonic terms) result from the combination of two different processes: incorporation of slight amounts (< 1%) of high-temperature altered oceanic crust by the magma in the late stages of the differentiation process and then in-situ Rb decay since the time of formation of these rocks. Both processes were very effective because of the high Rb and low Sr contents of these evolved rocks.Oxygen isotope systematics in the Ascension Island granites and rhyolites indicate that a fractional crystallization process alone does not produce δ18O values higher than 6.7‰, i.e. that the ultimate δ18O enrichment, relative to the initial basic magma, is not greater than 1.5‰.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxenes separated from two hydrous and four anhydrous ultramafic nodules, selected from a suit of xenoliths from Dreiser Weiher (DW), West Germany, have been studied for Nd and Sr isotopic composition. Nd exhibits a range of εJUV(T) from 0 to +12.4 and 87Sr/86Sr varies between 0.70185 and 0.70400. TICE model ages for anhydrous nodules indicate that the mantle underlying DW was originally depleted ?2 AE ago. Correlation of 143Nd/144Nd with Sm/Nd in this group of samples suggests that a second partial melting event occurred about 560 m.y. ago resulting in LREE enrichment of at least part of the anhydrous mantle. During a later episode, probably contemporaneous with the eruption of the host basalt in Quaternary times, most of the spinel peridotitic upper mantle below DW was modified. This metasomatism led to hydration and incompatible element enrichment of originally anhydrous mantle. The isotopic data for the anhydrous nodules again demonstrate that oceanic-type mantle underlies at least some continental areas. It is apparent that the separation of subcontinental mantle regions from an initially chondritic reservoir may occur in several discrete episodes. However, differing histories of depletion and/or enrichment will produce isotopically distinct mantle reservoirs. Therefore, basalts extracted from these mantle reservoirs will scatter about an average Nd-Sr trend line reflecting the nature of the differentiation in their source regions.  相似文献   

A gravity investigation was carried out in the Somma–Vesuvius complex area (Campania, Italy) based on a dataset recently enlarged with new measurements. These cover the volcanic top and fill some other important spatial gaps in previous surveys. Besides the new gravity map of the Vesuvius, we also present the results of a 3D inverse modelling, carried out by using constraints from deep well exploration and seismic reflection surveys. The resulting density model provides a complete reconstruction of the top of the carbonate basement. This is relevant mostly on the western side of the survey area, where no significant information was previously available. Other new information regards the Somma–Vesuvius structure. It consists of an annular volume of rocks around the volcanic vent and that extends down to the carbonate basement. It results to be denser with respect to the surrounding sedimentary cover of the Campanian Plain and to the material located just along the central axis of the volcanic structure. The coherence between these features and other geophysical evidences from previous studies, will be discussed together with the other results of this research.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic variations of Early Paleozoic oceans   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report143Nd/144Nd and87Sr/86Sr isotopic data for Lower Paleozoic phosphatic brachiopod and conodont fossils. The data appear to represent the isotopic values of Early Paleozoic seawaters. We show that different paleoceanic water masses can be distinguished on the basis of their εNd signatures. Two sides of what is classically considered one circulating Iapetus Ocean have different εNd signatures from at least the Middle Cambrian until the Late Middle Ordovician. We infer two ocean basins between North America and Baltica separated by an island and/or shoal circulation barrier. Thus, it appears necessary to redefine the area of the Iapetus Ocean. The εNd signature of the redefined smaller Iapetus Ocean ranges from −5 to −9 and the εNd signature of the larger, coeval Panthalassa Ocean, including part of what was formerly called the Iapetus Ocean, ranges from −10 to −20. The first time that the εNd values are identical in these two water masses is coincident with the onset of the Taconic Orogeny of North America. The paleogeographic geometry we infer from this work is consistent with paleogeographic reconstructions having the Baltica continent at very high latitudes in the Early/Middle Ordovician. The εNd and faunal distribution support temperature-controlled conodont faunal provinciality. A rough mean age for exposed continental crust in the Early Paleozoic can be obtained from the average εNd value of Early Paleozoic Oceans. The data suggest that the mean age of the crust as a function of time has remained essentially constant or even decreased during the past 500 Ma, and suggest substantial additions of new crust to the continents through the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

The neodymium-strontium isotopic correlation observed in most of the Earth mantle materials is evaluated by means of direct modelling. Several geochemical models are quantitatively developed to explain the observations. The main results of this modelling are that such a correlation is not geochemically trivial and that it corresponds to specific conditions in chemical fractionation. These specific conditions seem to be satisfied by solid-liquid partitioning in magmatic conditions. The discussion of the experimental data supports a continuous convecting-magmatic fractionation model for a large proportion of the mantle.  相似文献   

Abstract The Ryoke Belt is one of the important terranes in the South‐west Japan Arc (SJA). It consists mainly of late Cretaceous granitoid rocks, meta‐sedimentary rocks (Jurassic accretionary complexes) and mafic rocks (gabbros, metadiabases; late Permian–early Jurassic). Initial ?Sr (+ 25– + 59) and ?Nd (? 2.1–?5.9) values of the metadiabases cannot be explained by crustal contamination but reflect the values of the source material. These values coincide with those of island arc basalt (IAB), active continental margin basalt (ACMB) and continental flood basalt (CFB). Spiderdiagrams and trace element chemistries of the metadiabases have CFB‐signature, rather than those of either IAB or ACMB. The Sr–Nd isotope data, trace element and rare earth element chemistries of the metadiabases indicate that they result from partial melting of continental‐type lithospheric mantle. Mafic granulite xenoliths in middle Miocene volcanic rocks distributed throughout the Ryoke Belt were probably derived from relatively deep crust. Their geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic characteristics are similar to the metadiabases. This suggests that rocks, equivalent geochemically to the metadiabases, must be widely distributed at relatively deep crustal levels beneath a part of the Ryoke Belt. The geochemical and isotopic features of the metadiabases and mafic granulites from the Ryoke Belt are quite different from those of mafic rocks from other terranes in the SJA. These results imply that the Ryoke mafic rocks (metadiabase, mafic granulite) were not transported from other terranes by crustal movement but formed in situ. Sr–Nd isotopic features of late Cretaceous granitoid rocks occurring in the western part of the Japanese Islands are coincident with those of the Ryoke mafic rocks. Such an isotopic relation between these two rocks suggests that a continental‐type lithosphere is widely represented beneath the western part of the Japanese Islands.  相似文献   

Lava flowing into a pit crater will become entrapped to form an inactive lava lake. At Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) pit filling lavas are exposed in the walls of Nindiri, Santiago and San Pedro pits. Mapping of these lavas shows that fill can involve emplacement of both ’a’a and pahoehoe, with single fill units ranging in thickness from 2 to 22 m. Thick units with columnar joints were emplaced as simple inactive lava lakes during high effusion rate episodes. Sequences of thinner units, which can form pit floor shields or compound lakes, were emplaced at lower effusion rates. Lava withdrawal caused unsupported sections of three 20-m-thick units to subside, resulting in unit flexure and faulting, and viscous peeling features reveal that subsidence occurred while at least one unit was still partially molten. Where withdrawal has not occurred, fill sequences are flat lying and symmetrically distributed around the feeder structures (cinder cones and dykes). The filled Nindiri pit holds 5 × 107 m3 of lava in a 215-m-thick sequence. Partial fill of Santiago pit with 1 × 107 m3 of lava has filled the pit with a 110-m-thick lava sequence, of which ∼50% has been consumed by formation of a secondary pit. Altogether, 6.4 × 107 m3 of lava was erupted into Nindiri and Santiago during 1525–1965, with 94% of this volume remaining pit-contained; the remainder forms a north flank lava flow field. Pit development and filling is a dynamic and ephemeral process, having short-lived effects on volcano morphology, where pits develop and fill over hours-to-centuries. However, pits play an important role in shaping an edifice, representing lava sinks and controlling whether lavas are trapped or able to spread onto the flanks.  相似文献   

A total of 45 recent and historic lava flows of Mount Etna, Sicily, were sampled to investigate changes in the strength and orientation of the geomagnetic field in the region. Of the flows sampled, 11 yielded one or more samples which provided anomalously high field intensity results. A rock magnetic study has shown that a high resistance to alternating field demagnetization and group 2 low-temperature susceptibility behaviour are the two factors common to these samples.  相似文献   

Field evidence indicates that the Trinity peridotite was partially melted during its rise as a part of the upwelling convecting mantle at a spreading center. A SmNd mineral isochron for a plagioclase lherzolite yields an age,T = 427 ± 32 Ma and initialεNd = + 10.4 ? 0.4 which is distinctly higher than that expected for typical depleted mantle at this time. This age is interpreted as the time of crystallization of trapped melt in the plagioclase lherzoliteP-T field. This time of crystallization probably represents the time when the massif was incorporated as a part of the oceanic lithosphere. The SmNd model age of the plagioclase lherzolite totalrock isTCHURNd = 3.4 AE. This suggests that the Trinity peridotite was derived from a mantle that was depleted rather early in earth history. The peridotite contains many generations of pyroxenite dikes and some microgabbro dikes. We report data for two dikes that clearly crosscut the main metamorphic fabric of the peridotite. A microgabbro dike yields a SmNd mineral isochron age ofT = 435 ± 21 Ma andεNd = + 6.7 ? 0.3. A pyroxenite dike yields an initialεNd = + 7.3 ± 0.4. The initialεNd values for the pyroxenite and gabbro dikes are fairly similar to those for the depleted mantle at this time and are distinct from the lherzolite—demonstrating that they are not genetically related. RbSr data do not give any coherent pattern. However, some bounds can be put on initial Sr values ofεSr ? ?21 for the plagioclase lherzolite andεSr ? ?8.7 for the microgabbro dike. It is plausible that the dikes represent cumulates left behind from island arc magmas that rose through the the oceanic lithosphere within the vicinity of a subduction zone. Major and trace elements and SmNd isotopic data indicate a multiple stage history for the Trinity peridotite; a small melt fraction was extracted from an undepleted source ~ 3.4 AE or more ago to produce the proto-lherzolite; a large fraction of melt (~ 12 to 23%) was extracted from the proto-lherzolite to produce the present rock; the lherzolite was then crosscut by dikes from average depleted mantle ~ 0.44 AE ago. The data are compatible with the depleted mantle source being formed very early in earth history. Although most available data indicate that the depleted upper mantle has been relatively well stirred through time, the Trinity data suggest that very ancient Nd isotopic values are preserved and thus chemical and physical heteorgeneities are sometimes preserved in the depleted source of mid-ocean ridge basalts as well as the oceanic lithosphere which they intrude.  相似文献   

The Deccan flows at Mahabaleshwar are divisible into a lower and an upper group, based on Nd and Sr isotopic ratios, which define two correlated trends. This distinction is supported by incompatible element ratios and bulk compositions. The data reflect contamination in a dynamic system of magmas from an LIL-depleted,εJUV ≥ +8 mantle by two different negative εJUV endmembers, one undoubtedly continental crust, the other either continental crust or enriched mantle. The depleted mantle source, anomalously high in (87Sr/86Sr), may have been in the subcontinental lithosphere or a region of rising Indian Ocean MORB mantle.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine isotopic ages, ranging from 41 to 27 Ma, are presented for the alkali-rich intrusive rocks and their coexisting alkaline volcanic rocks, lamprophyres and acidic porphyries, indicating that they are Tertiary in age. The alkali-rich intrusive rocks have143Nd/144Nd ratios from 0. 512 415 to 0. 512 544, and87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.705 4 to 0.706 8, suggesting that their material originates from an enriched mantle source. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Special Grant of the President of Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

New Sr isotopic and concentration analyses of bulk carbonate and porewaters from a carbonate-rich Miocene section sampled at DSDP Site 575 are reported and used, along with our earlier data from a section of similar age at DSDP Site 590B, in a numerical model to determine for each site the rate of Sr exchange during diagenesis and the degree to which this amount of exchange has shifted the87Sr86Sr of the bulk carbonate from the ratio each increment of sediment had when first deposited. Despite the fact that the two sites have very different water depth (4536 m at 575 vs. 1299 m at 590B), different sedimentation rate ( 10 m/My at 575 vs. 40 m/My at 590B), and significantly different porewater Sr2+ gradients, we find that the rate of Sr exchange as a function of sediment age is almost indistinguishable between the two sites. The rate of Sr exchange determined at the two sites is such that the resulting shift in bulk carbonate87Sr86Sr due to diagenesis is small compared to the total range of87Sr86Sr values measured, but large compared to the analytical uncertainty of the individual isotopic ratio measurements. By taking this shift into account we reconstruct the original87Sr86Sr of each increment of carbonate sampled, which when plotted as a function of age becomes our best estimate of the Sr isotopic evolution of seawater. Because Sr is very well mixed in the ocean, at any given time there is a single worldwide value of seawater87Sr86Sr. Therefore, if we are quantitatively accounting for the effect Sr exchange, we should find the same seawater evolution curve regardless of what DSDP Site is used. When we compare the observed bulk carbonate87Sr86Sr vs. age at the two sites they are seen to differ by amounts that are sometimes large compared to the analytical uncertainties of the measurements. However, when these data are corrected for the post-depositional Sr isotopic shifts predicted by our diagenetic model, we find almost perfect agreement. This agreement suggests that we have made a realistic determination of the rate of Sr exchange and its consequences in terms of shifting the87Sr86Sr of the bulk carbonate, and more importantly, that Sr isotopes can be used to correlate marine sediments with an accuracy comparable to the very small analytical uncertainties of modern isotopic measurements.  相似文献   

Published data showing a linear correlation between initial Nd and Sr isotope compositions in young basalts indicate the existence of a spectrum of isotopically distinct reservoirs in the mantle which represent either (1) mixtures of two homogeneous endmember reservoirs, one of which may be undifferentiated material or (2) fractionated reservoirs all derived from a homogeneous initial reservoir with the same ratio of enrichment factors for Sm/Nd and Rb/Sr. The slope of the correlation, which can be described approximately by (87Sr/86Sr) = ?3.74114 (143Nd/144Nd) + 2.61935orεNd = ?2.7 εSr, places constraints on the origin of these reservoirs and hence on the chemical evolution of the crust-mantle system. The reservoirs could be residual regions of the mantle left after ancient partial melting events. If so, the requirement of constant relative fractionation of Sm/Nd and Rb/Sr in refractory residues is a strong constraint on partial melting models. Calculations suggest that batch melting models are more compatible with this constraint than are fractional melting models, but models incorporating currently accepted distribution coefficients and residual phase assemblages cannot reproduce the observed isotope effects except under highly specific conditions. The slope of the correlation is not consistent with the hypotheses that chemical structure in the mantle is due to accretional heterogeneity or variable loss of elements to the core. If the mantle reservoirs are complementary in composition to the continental crust, and if the crust + mantle has εNd = 0andεSr = 0 and chondritic Sr/Nd, then Rb/Sr in the crust is calculated to be less than 0.10, suggesting that the crust may be more mafic in composition and contain a smaller proportion of the earth's Rb and heat-producing elements than previously estimated.  相似文献   

Trace element and Th, Sr and Pb isotope data for young lavas from the Tonga-Kermadec arc in the southwest Pacific suggest that geochemical variations in the lavas along the arc are linked to differences in the material being subducted beneath the arc. Lavas from the southern (Kermadec) segment of the arc have relatively radiogenic Pb isotope compositions, which reflects a contribution from subducted sediment. In contrast, much of the Pb in Tonga lavas is derived from the altered oceanic crust in the subducting Pacific Plate, and lavas from the northernmost Tonga islands of Tafahi and Niuatoputapu contain Pb and Sr derived from the subducted part of the Louisville Seamount Chain. The origin of the Pb in the lavas from these two islands can thus be traced to a point on the subducting slab, and this observation is used to estimate the rate at which trace elements are transported beneath the arc. Our calculations suggest that fluid-soluble elements such as U, Sr and Pb are transported from the subducted slab, across the mantle wedge and back to the surface in lavas over a period of approximately 2–3 Ma, and that magmas are erupted at the surface less than 350 ka after the melts are generated in the mantle wedge.  相似文献   

RB-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic and trace-element-abundance values have been determined for 15 mafic and intermediate rocks from six Pleistocene volcanic centres of the Fly-Highlands province. 87Sr/86Sr and N d values range from 0.70362 to 0.70540, and +1.9 to +5.9, respectively. These new data can be accounted for by contamination of mantle-derived magmas by the continental crust through which the magmas have risen. They do not, however, preclude derivation of some of the Sr and Nd from subducted crust, nor are they inconsistent with Sr and Nd enrichments having taken place by means of mantle metasomatic events. Nevertheless, there is no Benioff zone beneath the Fly-Highlands province (although there is geological evidence for Cretaceous subduction). A preferred interpretation is that uncontaminated, mantle-derived magmas are related to the Pliocene crustal uplift that caused the development of the highlands and which formed in response to a mid-Tertiary continent/island-arc collision.  相似文献   

While the chemical structure of the earth's mantle is probably rather complex, multi-box models have been used as a first approximation to evaluate this structure. Most commonly, a three-box model is used, involving the continental crust, the upper mantle and the lower mantle. The depleted upper mantle and the continental crust are assumed to represe1nt complementary reservoirs, related by crust formation processes occurring during geologic history.Here we investigate the Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd isotopic systematics of several three-box models, using mass balance equations and the definition of the mean age of the reservoirs. The geochemical uniqueness of the models, chosen from a large family of possible models, is evaluated from elementary graph theory, and these models are then solved using a total inversion approach. This paper (Part I) describes the methodology of the procedure; the companion paper (Part II) discusses the application of this approach to multi-box mantle models.  相似文献   

Historical volcanic rocks of the Aeolian islands range in composition from shoshonitic basalts to rhyolites, which might reflect fractional crystallization of a shoshonitic parent magma. However Sr and Pb isotopic data indicate a more complex history. The shoshonitic basalts at present erupted at Stromboli, although chemically similar to the postulated parent magma, are genetically unrelated to the other studied rocks. Sr isotopes indicate that Vulcano, Vulcanello and Lipari had independent magma sources. It is proposed that crustal contamination raised the Sr isotopic composition of the Lipari rhyolites. The rocks of these island are related by a common very steep trend of207Pb/204Pbvs. 206Pb/204Pb. Such a trend is a common feature of orogenic magmas and shows that Pb was derived by mixing of at least two components. Presently it is impossible to constrain precisely either the timing or the physical meaning of the Pb end members. The Pb isotopic trend in the Eolian island is very distinct from those recorded in volcanic rocks both from behind the arc (Etna, Iblean Mts.) and from Central and Southern Italy.  相似文献   

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