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As a type of negative topography in sand land, blowout has always been one of the main research object of aeolian geomorphology. Especially, multi-directions and long-term research has been conducted internationally on basic morphology, development process and dynamic mechanism of coastal sandy blowout. Based on the systematic review of research on coastal sandy blowout, the main progress of research on coastal sandy blowout in morphological evolution, morpho-dynamic process, and research methods was summarized. In consideration of the disadvantages of research on coastal sandy blowout, it was proposed that, at present, the research on coastal sandy blowout in China should strengthen the further research on the evolution mechanism, morphology-material-dynamic process and numerical simulation of different types of blowouts, and attach importance to the influence of blowout on the beach-dune dynamic environment and foredune restoration.  相似文献   

Research Progress of Coastal Dunes Response to Storm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The major areas of world coastal dunes have been frequently attacked by storms. The storm, as a high energy influential factor for the formation and evolution of coastal dunes, is also one of the important research contents on the surf zone-beach-dune interaction. The research progress are reviewed from the following aspects: Coastal dune morphological response to storms, coastal dune sediments response to storms, mechanisms of coastal dunes in response to storms, and the research methods and techniques used in the research on coastal dunes to storms. Finally, open questions and future developments were suggested.  相似文献   

The Sustainable Livelihoods (SLs) is a significant subject and concept within the sustainable development research and it also has the potential to deal with the fundamental challenge in terms of inequalities between inter-generation and intra-generation, now and in the future. This paper adopted bibliometrics to conduct the quantitative analysis of the development, hot topics, and collaboration network in terms of SLs researches. Moreover, the analyzed parameters included publication output, distribution of publications by authors and organizations, subject classification of publication, etc. Some 809 papers were analyzed on various aspects of publication, and the results show that publication output has increased promptly over the past two decades; however, the cooperation network among different organizations and authors on the topic of SLs has not been closely linked. The hot topics of SLs involve three categories, which are ①theoretical research in terms of sustainable livelihoods; ②the research on livelihood strategy (problem-orientated); ③the research of ecological vulnerability. It is important for Chinese scholars to continue the future SLs researches in accordance with the strategy of target poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. Additionally, it is also vital to broaden the theoretical horizons by transitioning from the research on agricultural economy to the exploration of relationship of SLs-ecological environment, SLs-biodiversity, SLs-climate change and adaptation, SLs-human capital development, etc.; to strengthen the academic cooperation and exchanges; to innovate research approach; to improve both quantity and quality of research output for the purpose of providing long-term and scientific decision for the decision makers.  相似文献   

黑河干流浅层地下水与地表水相互转化的水化学特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过分析黑河干流地表水与地下水的水化学特征,识别沿黑河干流不同地带地下水与地表水的相互转化关系.研究结果表明:(1)在祁连山区,地下水与地表水的转化以地下水向河流排泄为主.(2)南部盆地,在山前戈壁带,出山河水入渗转化为地下水;溢出带地下水以泉的形式转化为地表水;进入细土平原后,汛期河水补给地下水,非汛期地下水补给河水;在农灌区引河水通过田间入渗补给地下水.(3)北部盆地,在金塔灌区,地下水主要接受引水灌溉入渗补给;在金塔灌区到额济纳旗,河流入渗转化为地下水.  相似文献   

Coastal areas are located in marine-terrestrial interlaced zone. With their unique geographical positions, the coastal ecological risk assessment has both the complexity of regional ecological risk assessment and its own particularity. In recent years, due to the coastal economic development and the deterioration of ecological environment, coastal ecological risk has received more and more attention, but there are still lacking in further systematic study about the coastal ecological risk assessment. With the summary and analysis of the existing research results from home and abroad, based on land-ocean interaction plan and full consideration of the uniqueness, regionalism and complexity of the coastal zone environment, this paper made scientific conclusion on the definition of the coastal ecological risk assessment concept and its components from risk source, habitat and risk suffer-the three basic elements. Moreover, from risk source, risk suffer and comprehensive evaluation-the three aspects, it discussed in detail the related research topics, progress as well as main conclusions. Then, it analysed the characteristics and evaluation methods, and put forward the framework model of coastal ecological risk assessment. Finally, it analysed and proposed the existing deficiencies and future research direction, providing new ideas for future research on coastal ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

The notion of Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems (ReSES) in balancing and sustaining development are increasingly breeding more multidisciplinary attentions from world scientists and government managers. However, with the tremendous growing in theoretical system, certain problems hinder the integration of theory and practice, such as the low degree of research recognition, lacking of unified paradigm, unevenly development of research topics, etc. Thus, it is an urgent need to sort out the construction, source and development in theory, and its gaps with practices. To identify the hotspot in current research, including the fundamental theories and methods, current focus and future trends, a bibliometric analysis integrating Citespace and TDA tools were made. Using searching queries on “system resilience”, 10 315 articles in Web of Science database were retrieved. Then, a series of contents were examined on these publications, including: topics division on co-occurrence network of keywords; journal and co-citation analysis of highly cited papers; trends by keyword burst analysis; changing of high-frequency categories and keywords. Several findings were achieved through scientometric analysis. Firstly, research on system resilience were summarized into five basic theoretical issues, namely, research objects, changes incentives, spatial and temporal scale, and adaptive measures. Secondly, by analyzing the knowledge atlas, it is found that the theory has developed for nearly 45 years since 1973. In the past 20 years, ecosystem resilience driven by climate changes has been one of the earliest and consistent research topics, and formed a well-developed theoretical framework. Over the past ten years, research on the system resilience on community and urban scale has rapidly become a hot topic. In the past five years, adaptation strategies such as social learning and knowledge dissemination have attracted increasing attentions. Overall, improving system simulation and scenario based adaptive management analysis can build the bridge of theoretical research and adaptive management practice.  相似文献   

黑河流域地下水与地表水转化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地处我国干旱内陆区的黑河流域,其地表水与地下水在不同的地貌单元发生着大数量的、有规律的、重复的转化过程,极大地提高了水资源的利用率.早在20世纪80年代,甘肃省地矿局等单位率先开展了有关黑河流域地表水与地下水转化过程研究的国家"七五"、"八五"科技攻关项目,取得了丰富的勘查研究成果,促进了这一地区有限水资源的合理开发利用.进入21世纪以来,随着勘查研究理论的丰富和环境同位素技术的广泛应用,黑河流域地表水与地下水资源及其循环转化引起了学术界的广泛关注,并相继完成并发表了一批具有较高水平和学术价值的科研成果,进一步提高了干旱区水资源的开发与保护.但仍存在着水资源转化关系和转化规律还缺乏流域系统研究、中下游盆地深层地下水的补给来源尚不能确定等方面的不足,不利于协调社会经济发展与生态环境保护之间的用水矛盾.  相似文献   

The ammonia-nitrogen in shallow groundwater of coastal area of Tangshan Fengnan exceeds the content limit at varying degrees. To analyze the the migration features of ammonia-nitrogen in the groundwater, a two-dimensional groundwater flow and quality model has been established on the basis of investigation and analysis of hydeogeological conditions in this region. Ammonia-nitrogen in the first aquifer groundwater migrates slowly and is difficult to diffuse during the migration process for the low exploitation, the small hydraulic gradient, the relatively fine aquier rock particles and poor permeability of the aquifer  相似文献   

The coastal wind-eroded landform, one of the kinds of wind-eroded landforms which widely distribute and have complex causes of formation, now is being much more concerned in recent years with the major research development of wind-eroded landform based on the advanced research techniques and methods. According to the summarization about the main progresses of foreign research on coastal wind-eroded landform in different periods, the status and dispute of research on coastal wind-eroded landform in China, and the development difference of coastal and mainland wind-eroded landform in China, it is essential work to improve the research on the coastal wind-eroded landform in China. Finally future research directions of coastal wind-eroded landforms are suggested such as to find out the types and their distribution features of coastal wind-eroded landforms in China, investigate their morphology and change characteristics,probe into the interaction essence between the morphological changes and the airflow and wind-sand flux of typical coastal wind-eroded landforms, and explore the model and laws of formation and evolution of coastal wind-eroded landforms in China.  相似文献   

洮儿河扇形地地表水与地下水资源的转化关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
洮儿河扇形地地表水与地下水的转化关系十分复杂,主要表现在转化量的确定和转化关系影响因素的分析。通过水量平衡法、地下水均衡法分析计算了河水向地下水的转化量。在水量平衡法计算中,首先确定了区间产流,然后建立地表水均衡方程,以此确定转化量;在地下水均衡法计算中,主要通过建立第四系孔隙潜水均衡方程来求取转化量。地表水向地下水转化关系的影响因素主要有地层岩性、降水量、上游来水量、地下水开采量。地层岩性对转化关系的影响属于稳定因素,而上游来水量和地下水开采量属于非稳定因素,直接影响了转化关系的变化规律。  相似文献   

The interaction between surface water and groundwater is not only an important part of the water cycle, but also the foundation of the study on regional water resources quantity. The field hydrogeological investigation and sampling in the Liujiang basin were conducted in the dry season, in April, 2015. The isotopic ratios of hydrogen and oxygen and ion compositions as well as the hydrogeochemical characteristics indicated that the groundwater in the basin was mainly HCO3-Ca and HCO3-Ca·Mg type low salinity water. The groundwater of each region had a unified connection, experiencing the same or similar hydrochemical formation, and the surface water had the same hydrochemical type and source of hydrochemical composition as groundwater. The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of surface water and groundwater were close to each other, which were mainly from the atmospheric precipitation. In the runoff process, the river water was affected by the evaporation concentration so that the heavy isotopes were slightly enriched. Under the influence of topographical, geological and hydrogeological conditions, the interaction between groundwater and surface water in the basin had obvious segmentation and mutual transformation. The river was recharged by both sides of groundwater in upstream region of Dashi River and Donggong River basin while river water supplied groundwater on both sides of it in downstream region of Dashi River.  相似文献   

地下水与地表水相互作用下硝态氮的迁移转化实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
全球水体氮污染形势严峻,且以硝态氮(NO3--N)污染为主,研究地下水与地表水(G-S)相互作用模式对NO3--N在“潜流带”(HZ)中迁移转化的影响是开展水体氮污染综合防控的关键.开展地表水(S)补给地下水(G)(下降流)、地下水(G)补给地表水(S)(上升流)以及交替作用3种模式的NO3--N迁移转化实验,研究表明:3种模式下,出水NO3--N浓度可降低95%以上;上升流中反硝化强度大于下降流;异化还原作用(DNRA)对下降流与上升流出水氨氮(NH4+-N)浓度的贡献分别约为71%和11%;上升流实验后水-土界面有机氮含量是下降流实验后水-土界面的2.3倍.结果表明,G-S相互作用下NO3--N的衰减途径主要包括:合成有机氮、反硝化及DNRA;相互作用模式对各衰减途径的强度存在影响;HZ介质通过吸附NH4+-N和微生物作用合成有机氮的方式截留氮素.   相似文献   

采用文献计量学方法,运用CiteSpace和TDA等引文分析及可视化工具,对国内外"社会—生态系统恢复力"相关研究论文进行分析。构建检索式,得到1900—2017年WOS(Web of Science)期刊论文共10 315篇,对研究态势及热点进行梳理和分析。结果发现,系统恢复力研究可归纳为5个基本理论问题,即内涵、变化诱因、空间尺度、研究对象及响应措施。自1973年提出,该理论发展了近45年,借助知识图谱分析发现,形成了三大研究主题领域:内涵与理论、诱因与方法、适应与管理。分析研究热点时序演化发现,近20年来,以气候变化为诱因、以生态系统为对象的研究形成了最为完备的理论和方法体系;近10年来,社区和城市尺度的研究发展迅速成为热点;近5年来,社会学习和知识传播等适应对策得到关注。深化对同质社会经济单元的研究,开展案例研究与实地观测、实验和建模方法的融合是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

用分光光度法测定水中高锰酸盐指数。方法检出限为0.05mg/L。对实际水样进行连续5次测定,方法精密度为1.01%~1.20%,回收率为95.0%~100.5%。经国家标准容量法验证,结果与标准方法测定值相符。方法简便快速,灵敏度高,精密度好,试剂试样量少,成本低,适用于测定氯化物低于300mg/L、清洁或污染轻微的水样高锰酸盐指数的分析。  相似文献   

刘扬 《地下水》2003,25(3):160-162
结合工程实例,对地表水水源及地下水水源进行了分析评价,认为在乡镇供水中。联合运用地表水和地下水,既充分发挥了现有水源工程(地表水水库)的作用,又开发利用了地下水资源。实现了开源的目的。提高了乡镇供水的保证率,为水行政主管部门发展乡镇供水提供了可靠的水源保障,达到了充分合理利用水资源的效果。  相似文献   

为探明淮河下游地区地表水与地下水稳定同位素的组成特征,于2020年11月对该区域进行代表性采样,共采集地表水样13个,地下水样82个.结合全球大气降水同位素监测网(GNIP)公布的南京降水同位素数据,根据最小二乘法得出当地大气降水线(LMWL)方程为:δD=8.49δ18O+17.71,其斜率和截距高于全球大气降水线(...  相似文献   

Karst is a special type of landscape that is formed by the dissolution of soluble rocks and forces the investigators to pay attention to hydrological and ecological problems, karst hazards, karst management, and the sustainability of karst environments, etc. To better explore the research hotspots of karst in 2016, 1472 papers included in the Web of Science (WoS) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) were collected and the CiteSpace software was used to generate visualizing information for bibliometrics analysis. The frontiers in the karst research can be reflected, which provides the basis information for scholars to achieve concise objectives and find breakthrough innovation in the future. When karst or stalagmite was selected as the key word, 795 SCI papers published in 2016 were collected. The clustering results of key words in 795 papers showed that the main research hotspots were “karst hydrochemistry”, “karst rocky desertification and biogeochemistry”, “climate change and paleoenvironmental reconstruction” and “karst engineering and hazard”. China has made great contributions to these papers on karst research, which reflects the regional comparative advantage on karst research in China, though Chinese scholars are lacking in the tight linkage with scholars from other countries. Moreover, 677 papers were collected when karst or stalagmite was chosen as the key word in CNKI. The clustering data showed that the main research hotspots in CNKI were “karst hydrochemistry”, “karst rocky desertification and biogeochemistry”, “karst oil and gas resources” and “karst engineering and hazard”. From the above results, it was found that domestic and international research hotspots of karst were different.  相似文献   

平原区地表水与地下水联合调控模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曲兴辉  谷秀英 《水文》2005,25(4):23-25,38
平原区三水转化关系强烈,由地表水和地下水形成了统一的水资源系统。本文研究分析了基于费用准则和供水量准则的地表水与地下水联合调控模型,以合理开发、优化调度本区的水资源.充分发挥该区地表水库和地下含水层空间的联合调蓄作用,提高水资源的利用率,达到最佳的社会效益、环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

李秀丽  韩廷印 《地下水》2010,32(4):34-37
地下水资源是水资源的重要组成部分,随着经济社会的发展,很多地区地下水超采严重,利用地表水回补地下水成为保护地下水资源的重要手段。通过对朱庄水库水源条件以及下游河道的地质构造、水文地质条件和百泉泉域水资源的供需现状与发展趋势等进行分析后,认为利用朱庄水库放水回补百泉泉域地下水从条件上及经济上是可行的。  相似文献   

陈立华  王焰  吕淑婷  关昊鹏 《水文》2019,39(3):41-45
以钦州市为例,根据1956~2016年月降雨、径流数据,采用双累积曲线(DMC)模型和蒸发差值法计算地表水资源量,采用剔除入海河流感潮河段水量及汛期河道内最小生态水量的改进扣损法和直接法综合分析地表水资源可利用量。结果表明:钦州市地表水资源量在106.573~111.216×10~8m~3范围内,地表水资源可利用量为38.444×10~8m~3,占比地表水资源总量的34.6%。钦州市水量相对丰富,但水资源可利用量并不富裕且时空分布不均。空间上,独流入海河流分区地表水资源可利用量最多,南流江分区次之,郁江干流分区最少;时间上,19条流域汛期水量高达81.949×10~8m~3,其中难以控制利用量为62.272×10~8m~3,有35.823×10~8m~3经入海河流直接外排入海;4.973×10~8m~3为感潮河段咸水难以利用;调水工程的规划与建设为改善河道环境、缓解供需矛盾方面起到积极作用。  相似文献   

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