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The Nenjiang Formation in the Songliao Basin is a symmetrical sequence of progradation-retrogradation,and is formed in the transgression cycle and regression cycle(T-R cycles)of the base level of deposition.We analyzed the drilling,well logging,core data,and seismic profiles of basin level,and by using the sequence stratigraphy,identified one secondary sequence boundary,two third-order sequence boundaries,and eight fourth-order sequence boundaries in the Nenjiang Formation.These eleven sequence boundaries can be divided into structural unconformity,depositional unconformity,flooding surface,and forced regression surface.Therefore the Nenjiang Formation can be subdivided into one secondary sequence,three third-order sequences,and ten fourth-order sequences.We have restored the sedimentary filling evolution within the stratigraphic framework of fourth-order sequences in the Nenjiang Formation.The sedimentary period of the first member of the Nenjiang Formation was corresponded to the global transgression period,which is also the development period of transgression cycle(T cycle),when the lake basin had the largest scope and deepest sedimentary water,the SB07(the maximum flooding surface)was formed on the top of strata during this period;covering above the SB07,there developed a set of condensation layer-oil shale,which is distributed in the whole basin and is the important source bed and regional cover.Therefore,a retrogradation sequence was formed in the T cycle of the first member of the Nenjiang Formation,characterized by the retrograding delta at a low angle.The delta has a giant front,a small plain,and many underwater distributary channels.Meanwhile,large gravity flow channels and sublacustrine fans are developed in the front of the delta.During the depositional period of the second member of the Nenjiang Formation,the R cycle began to develop due to the compression of the pacific tectonic domain;the source direction rotated 90°along with the eastern uplifting of the basin,and formed a series of east-west prograded and forced retrogradations.The prograding delta at high angel was developed in the interior of the sequence;the delta had a small front,a giant plain,and fewer underwater distributary channels,with the collapse at the foreslope,forming a series of slump fans.The slump fans can be divided into three types:discrete type,superimposed type,and fluid type.We built a whole"triad model"of the slump fan.Pointed out that the sequence of forced retrogradation formed by R cycle is a good structural mark of basin optimization,and rejected the viewpoint of"transgression"in the Nenjiang Formation of the Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

黄河下游南四湖地区黄河河道变迁的湖泊沉积响应   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
黄河下游地区湖泊演化多与黄河河道变迁密切相关,进行高分辨率的湖泊沉积环境的研究,可揭示历史时期黄河下游的河道变迁,本文以南四湖DS孔为例,探讨河道变迁的湖泊沉响应。  相似文献   

在巢湖杭埠河流域中的古湖盆中心——三河圩区获取28.6 m长的湖相岩芯(SZK1507孔),利用AMS14C测年技术建立可靠的地层年代序列,通过对SZK1507孔738 cm以上段湖相沉积物平均粒径、磁化率、总氮(TN)、总有机碳(TOC)及C/N的综合分析,高分辨率重建了巢湖杭埠河流域全新世以来的古环境演变过程.结果表明,本区域的环境变化过程可以分为4个阶段,阶段Ⅰ(约10050—9700 cal.a B.P.)与阶段Ⅲ(约9250—5300 cal.a B.P.)气候较为湿润,巢湖水位较高,平均粒径、磁化率值较低,TN、TOC、C/N也偏低;阶段Ⅱ(约9700—9250 cal.a B.P.)与阶段Ⅳ(约5300 cal.a B.P.以来)气候干燥,巢湖水量减少,水位降低,平均粒径、磁化率值、TN、TOC、C/N均较高.一些全球范围内显著发生的气候突变事件在SZK1507孔沉积记录中也有体现,如9.3、8.2和4.2 ka B.P.事件等.将巢湖杭埠河流域10000 cal.a B.P.以来的平均粒径、磁化率、TN、TOC、C/N沉积记录与全新世以来的北纬30°夏季太阳辐射量、太阳黑子数、火山喷发对大气中硫酸盐含量贡献率等进行对比,发现巢湖杭埠河流域全新世气候突变事件主要受控于北半球夏季太阳辐射量变化、太阳活动以及火山活动等因素,并与它们之间复杂的响应机制有关.  相似文献   

赵茜  潘福霞  李斌  臧小苗  丁森 《湖泊科学》2024,36(2):523-535
河流生物群落组成由多种环境因子共同作用形成,但其影响机制尚不清楚。本研究基于环境DNA技术,选择黄河流域下游4条山区河流(锦绣川、锦阳川、锦云川和三川汇合后河流)的10个样点开展大型底栖动物监测。结果发现:不同溪段水质状况有所差异,锦云川盐化程度(以电导率EC表征)和营养盐浓度较高,锦阳川抗生素浓度较高,锦绣川水质较好。山区河流大型底栖动物群落组成差异明显,锦绣川以水生昆虫为主,软体动物占比较低。其中,昆虫纲的大蚊(Tipula abdominalis)、天角蜉(Uracanthella punctisetae)和寡毛纲的顠体虫(Aeolosoma sp.)是造成锦绣川与其他河流大型底栖动物群落结构差异的关键物种。冗余分析和变差分解分析结果表明,盐化、营养盐和抗生素均会对大型底栖动物群落组成产生影响。其中,EC的解释率为22.86%,营养盐中的TP、NH3-N和TN的解释率分别为20.12%、13.25%和7.81%;此外,盐化可与营养盐和抗生素通过耦合效应对大型底栖动物群落组成产生影响,贡献率分别为21.60%和16.20%;抗生素与营养盐的贡献率为19.60%。逐步判别回归模型结果显示,Margalef指数(d)受盐化(EC)和营养盐(NH3-N和NO3--N)的共同影响;随着河流中EC浓度升高,d 与NH3-N之间的正响应关系及其与NO3--N之间的负响应关系显著增强。因此,多环境因子对水生生物的影响不容忽视,在大型底栖动物生物多样性保护中应关注各类环境因子的影响贡献。  相似文献   

李华贞  张强  顾西辉  史培军 《湖泊科学》2018,30(4):1138-1151
根据黄河流域1960—2005年5个水文站逐日流量、77个气象站1959—2013年逐日降水数据,结合流域内主要农作物种植面积及大型水库资料,全面探讨气候与农业面积变化及人类活动对黄河流域径流变化的影响.研究表明:黄河流域所有流量分位数总体呈下降趋势,并于1980s中后期到1990s中期发生突变.降水变化是黄河流域径流变化的主要影响因素.在考虑不同流量分位数情况下,农作物种植面积变化对不同分位数径流变化的影响也有差异性.花园口站农作物种植面积变化对径流量量级和可变性均有显著影响;其余4站各项气候变化与农作物种植指标参数较大,虽均未达到10%的显著性水平,但仍会对径流的量级变化产生影响.对唐乃亥站,农作物耕作面积的下降减少了灌溉用水,在0.5流量分位数时有高达60%增加径流量的间接作用.对于头道拐站,农作物耕作面积的增加使得流域总蒸发量增加,灌溉用水增加,在0.3流量分位数时有高达40%减少径流量的间接作用.该研究为气候变化与人类活动影响下黄河流域水资源优化配置提供重要理论依据.  相似文献   


本文对黄河三角洲Z07孔沉积物进行了系统的磁性地层学和环境磁学研究.通过结合沉积速率和古地磁长期变化数据,我们为该孔建立了较为精确可信的年代框架(1999-03-2006-06 A.D.).环境磁学结果表明黄河三角洲沉积物与中国黄土的磁学特征相似,主要载磁矿物为单畴(SD)磁铁矿,超顺磁颗粒(SP)含量也较高.整体上,该孔沉积物磁学参数的变化主要受粒度和含量控制.岩芯磁性参数在2003年前后发生了系统变化.我们认为,黄河自2002年起进行调水调沙工程,黄河下游河道冲刷加剧,形成新的物质来源,河流输入的沉积物粒度变粗,输沙量增加,这一新的物质来源是造成Z07钻孔磁性参数发生显著变化的主因.


南黄海北部盆地中、新生代构造热演化史模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

盆地深部地球动力学过程控制和影响着浅部的构造热演化过程,针对南黄海北部中、新生界断陷盆地,将地球动力学模拟技术与传统古温标法相结合,对研究区中、新生代伸展断陷期演化以来的构造热演化史进行了研究.对基于改进McKenzie模型的数值模拟的原理、方法和过程进行了探讨,包括理论与计算构造沉降趋势拟合、伸展系数计算与误差校正、模拟参数定义及一维模拟结果的三维初步应用等方面.研究表明,南黄海北部盆地中生代以来伴随裂陷拉张过程其古热流整体呈现升高趋势,至晚白垩世末到古新世期间最高可达80 mW·m-2,古地温梯度最高可达49 ℃/km,部分单井构造沉降史模拟结果显示多期拉张特征,裂后期热流持续降低,至渐新世末到中新世热流约为65 mW·m-2,与现今热流值相当.利用一维数值模拟获取的相应参数及热史恢复结果,对盆地的古地温场进行了三维模拟恢复,取得了较好的应用效果,研究方法和成果对于盆地构造演化、油气资源评价及成藏模拟等均有重要意义.


Hydraulic geometry relations comprise a classic way to understand characteristics of a river. However, environmental changes pose large uncertainties for the reliability of such relations. In the current study, on the basis of the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) formed through linear treatment of the deterministic power-law hydraulic geometry relations, a set of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) driven by Fractional white noise and Poisson noise are developed to simulate the historical dynamic probability distributions of typical hydraulic geometry variables such as slope, width, depth, and velocity with bankfull discharge variation over time in the lower Yellow River of China. One group of possible stochastic average behaviors within the next 50 years are calculated under three different design incoming water-sediment conditions (including 300, 600, and 800 million t of annual average sediment discharge). In each part of the lower reaches, after estimation of the SDE parameters using a nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method, the model is carefully examined using Monte Carlo simulation as compared with the deterministic control models. The results of this comparison reveal the potential responses of hydraulic geometry characteristics to environmental disturbances, and the average trends mainly agree with the measurements. Comparisons among the three different prediction results reveal the stochastic average solution generally is greater than the deterministic solution. The results also confirm the severe negative impacts that result from the condition of 300 million t of incoming sediment, thus, pointing out the need to raise the level of river evolution alert for the lower Yellow River of China in the future. Moreover, with the help of the stochastic computation, the stream power and hydraulic width/depth ratio could be representative of an effective systematic measure for river dynamics. The proposed stochastic approach is not only important to development in the field of fluvial relations, but also beneficial to the practical design and monitoring of a river system according to specified accuracy requirements.  相似文献   

郭羽羽  李思悦  刘睿  张静 《湖泊科学》2021,33(3):737-748
为探究不同时空尺度土地利用与水质的相互关系,以黄河流域为研究对象,基于2018年河流水质与土地利用数据,提取3种空间尺度(1000 m河段缓冲区、500 m河岸带缓冲区、子流域)的景观格局指数,结合4个季节河流水质指标,采用冗余分析方法定量探讨土地利用对河流水质的多时空尺度影响,获得水质资源管理最有效的时空尺度.结果表...  相似文献   

西辽河流域鱼类生物完整性指数评价及与环境因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张浩  丁森  张远  贾晓波  孟伟  郭彪 《湖泊科学》2015,27(5):829-839
采用鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)评估西辽河流域环境质量,利用相关分析筛选了影响F-IBI的环境因子,结合局部加权回归散点修匀法(LOWESS)估算了这些环境因子的保护限值.结果表明:20个候选参数指标中,鳅科鱼类物种百分比、底层鱼类物种数、耐受性鱼类个体数、杂食性鱼类物种数和筑巢产卵鱼类个体百分比适合作为西辽河流域F-IBI构建参数.采用比值法统一参数量纲,以参考点F-IBI值的95%分位数作为健康参考值,对全流域44个采样点进行健康评价,得到健康点位5个(11.4%),亚健康点位9个(20.5%),一般点位12个(27.3%),差点位11个(25.0%),极差点位7个(15.9%).电导率、氨氮浓度、碱度和泥沙比例与F-IBI呈显著负相关,坡降和草地比例与F-IBI呈显著正相关.经LOWESS和独立样本t检验发现,电导率、氨氮浓度、碱度、泥沙比例和草地比例等环境因子的保护限值分别为531μS/cm、0.55 mg/L、4.4 mmol/L、47.2%和37.0%,且限值两侧的F-IBI分值差异显著,该结果可作为西辽河流域环境管理中鱼类群落完整性保护的有益参考.  相似文献   

Our analyses of the monthly mean air temperature of meteorological stations show that altitude, global solar radiation and surface effective radiation have a significant impact on air temperature. We set up a physically-based empirical model for monthly air temperature simulation. Combined the proposed model with the distributed modeling results of global solar radiation and routine meteorological observation data, we also developed a method for the distributed simulation of monthly air temperatures over rugged terrain. Spatial distribution maps are generated at a resolution of 1 km×1 km for the monthly mean, the monthly mean maximum and the monthly mean minimum air temperatures for the Yellow River Basin. Analysis shows that the simulation results reflect to a considerable extent the macro and local distribution characteristics of air temperature. Cross-validation shows that the proposed model displays good stability with mean absolute bias errors of 0.19°C–0.35°C. Tests carried out on local meteorological station data and case year data show that the model has good spatial and temporal simulation capacity. The proposed model solely uses routine meteorological data and can be applied easily to other regions. Supported by China Meteorological Administration key Project on New Technique Diffusion (Grant No. CMATG2006Z10) and Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disasters (Grant No. KLME050102)  相似文献   

起伏地形下黄河流域太阳散射辐射分布式模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
针对天文、大气、宏观地理与局地地形等因子对起伏地形下太阳散射辐射的复杂作用,将影响起伏地形下太阳散射辐射的天空因素与地面因素分开处理.通过基于数字高程模型(DEM)数据的起伏地形下天文辐射模型和地形开阔度模型,综合考虑地面因素对散射辐射的影响;基于常规地面气象站观测资料建立的水平面散射辐射模型考虑天空因素对散射辐射的影响;依据各向异性散射机理,建立了起伏地形下太阳散射辐射分布式计算模型,探索出一条利用DEM数据和常规气象观测资料实现山区太阳散射辐射定量模拟的技术路线.以1 km×1 km分辨率的DEM数据作为地形的综合反映,实现了起伏地形下黄河流域1 km×1 km分辨率的太阳散射辐射分布式模拟.  相似文献   

Two gravity cores collected off the modern Huanghe (Yellow River) delta in the southern Bohai Sea were analyzed for grain size, the total organic carbon (TOC)/total nitrogen (TN) ratio, color diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, 14C dating and 137Cs and 210Pb isotope contents to clarify changes in the sedimentary environment during the Holocene. In particular, the effect of natural and artificial river-course shifts of the Huanghe on the Bohai Sea sediment was investigated. A peat layer, scouring surface and sharp changes in the grain size, TOC/TN ratio, sediment color (L?, a?) and magnetic susceptibility were identified and are likely to be due to the early-Holocene sea-level rise resulting in environmental changes from coastal to shelf environments in the Bohai Sea. After the sea level reached its maximum at 6-7 ka BP, the lateral shifts in the river course of the Huanghe formed 10 superlobes, and superlobe 7 (11-1048 AD) and superlobe 10 (1855-present) of the Huanghe delta affected the core sites. The northern site of BH-239 has been more affected by the Huanghe since the middle Holocene. Notably, in the superlobe 10 period, the reshaping of the northern Huanghe delta due to an artificial river-course shift from northward to eastward in 1976 (e.g., a∼10 km shoreline retreat due to coastal erosion) was recorded in the core sediments, particularly in terms of the TOC/TN ratio, sediment color (L? and a?) and magnetic susceptibility, owing to the huge sediment supply from coastal erosion of the former river mouth area.  相似文献   

我国滑坡灾害频发,尤其是西部地区,滑坡的隐蔽性强且危害巨大,对其灾害隐患进行早期识别对防灾减灾意义重大.传统的人工排查、大地测量等手段在山区难以开展且耗时耗力,合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(InSAR)作为新兴的遥感测量手段,可以更精确、高效地进行大范围的滑坡灾害隐患识别.以黄河流域刘家峡-兰州段为研究区,采用永久散射体I...  相似文献   


南黄海盆地是在前古生代变质基底及中-古生代海相沉积基底之上发育起来的中-新生代陆相叠合盆地.本文基于南黄海深部地学探测的主动源地震数据(OBS2013测线),通过多尺度层析成像方法利用初至波走时反演得到测线下方沉积层的纵波速度结构,结合多道地震、重、磁等资料,综合分析南黄海盆地北部沉积地层的特征.结果表明,OBS2013测线下方的地层纵、横向上有多个速度分界面,纵向上以印支面为界,下部挤压与上部伸展地层速度分别呈现高、低速特征;横向上表现为众多断裂,断裂控制了盆地发育,个别断裂发生走滑.断裂将速度剖面划分为四个纵波低速区和五个高速区,6 km深度以内纵波速度的低值区(< 4.5 km·s-1)是中-新生代沉积地层;而高值区(>5 km·s-1)归属于不同的形成机制:北部高速区对应千里岩隆起区的变质岩,中部高速区是被挤压的海相沉积地层,南部高速区属于中部隆起,为埋藏较浅、但厚度较大的中、古生代海相地层,部分位置可能含有火成岩.北部坳陷的中、南部区域,在陆相中-新生代沉积盆地之下的海相地层中发育砂岩,该区域(埋深不超过6 km)的砂岩沉积分布于约2 km厚度的地层中.



The runoff and sediment of large rivers usually come from different source areas, which make different contributions to the sediment flux into the sea. This has been studied with the example of the Yellow River in China, whose suspended sediment flux into the Bohai Sea accounts for 19.4% of the world total. The drainage basin of this river can be divided into four major water and sediment source areas. The sediment flux into the sea is found to be closely related to the water and sediment from the different source areas in the drainage basin and, accordingly, an empirical regression model has been established to express this relationship. According to this model, in each tonne (t) of sediment from the fine sediment producing area (FSA), 0.85 t (for yearly series) and 0.72 t (for event series) can be transported into the sea; in each tonne of sediment from the coarse sediment producing area (CSA), only 0.21 t (for yearly series) and 0.34 t (for event series) can be transported into the sea. Since the 1970s, the Yellow River's sediment flux into the sea has declined markedly and this reduction can be attributed to a great degree to the soil control measures in the fine sediment producing area. Coupling the models of this study to the previously established models for estimating the impacts of soil control measures on water and sediment balance in the Yellow River basin, a quantitative prediction may be made for the change of sediment flux into the sea that might result from climate change and human activities in the future.  相似文献   

王昊  冉祥滨  臧家业  刘军  曹磊  刘森  马永星 《湖泊科学》2018,30(5):1246-1259
根据长江与黄河各一个完整水文年的调查数据,并结合历史资料分析了我国这两条大型河流活性硅((RSi,RSi=溶解硅(DSi)+生物硅(BSi))的入海通量及长时间序列的变化规律与影响因素.结果表明,长江与黄河RSi的组成存在显著的差异,二者水体中BSi/RSi的平均比值分别为0.22和0.49;黄河DSi的年平均浓度为长江的74%,而BSi年平均浓度却是长江的3倍.黄河水体中相对较高的BSi浓度反映了黄河流域水体浑浊度与土壤侵蚀程度较高,源自黄土高原高的泥沙输送量是导致黄河水体中BSi浓度较长江高的主要原因.长江与黄河下游RSi通量在丰水期、平水期与枯水期的比值分别为5.3∶3.1∶1.6与3.8∶3.4∶2.8,长江半数以上的RSi入海通量是在丰水期输出的,而黄河在3个时期的差异不明显.相比于径流的变化,1958-2014年间长江DSi通量变化主要是由DSi浓度的变化引起的,流域气候变化(如温度变化)是其浓度及其通量年代际变化的重要原因;而黄河1985-2001年间DSi通量下降是由于径流量与DSi浓度降低的双重原因引起的.气候变化,特别是温度的变化会对流域硅的风化速率与硅的产出产生重要影响,但其具体的影响有待进一步揭示.  相似文献   

Based on the regional water resources character, the concept of soil water resources is first redefined, and then associated with their transfer relationship in the hydrological cycle, Evapotranspiration (ET)-based consumption structure and consumption efficiency of soil water resources are analyzed. According to ET 's function in productivity, the consumption efficiency of soil water resources is di- vided into three classes: high efficient consumption from vegetation transpiration, low efficient con- sumption from soil evaporation among plants with high vegetation coverage and inefficient consump- tion from soil evaporation among plants with low vegetation coverage and bare soil evaporation. The high efficient and low efficient consumption were further classified as productive consumption. The ineffi- cient consumption is considered non-productive consumption because it is significant in the whole hydrological cycle process. Finally, according to these categories, and employing a WEP-L dis- tributed hydrological model, this paper analyzes the consumption efficiency of soil water resources in the Yel- low River Basin. The results show that there are 2078.89×108 m3 soil water resources in the whole basin. From the viewpoint of consumption structure, the soil water resources are comprised of 381.89×108 m3 transpiration consumption from vegetation and 1697.09×108 m3 evaporation consumption from soil among plants and bare soil. From the viewpoint of consumption efficiency, soil water re- sources are composed of 920.11×108 m3 efficient consumption and 1158.86×108 m3 of inefficient con- sumption. High efficient consumption accounts for 41.5 percent of the total efficient consumption of the whole basin, low efficient for 58.5 percent. Furthermore, consumption efficiency varies by region. Compared with ET from different land use conditions, the whole basin appears to follow the trend of having the greatest proportion of consumption as inefficient consumption, followed by low efficient consumption, and then the least proportion as high efficient consumption. The amount of inefficient consumption in some regions with vegetation is less than in other regions without vegetation. The amount of inefficient consumption in grasslands is much greater than in forestlands. However, the proportion of low efficient consumption is the greatest in crop fields. The amount of high efficient con- sumption in grasslands and forelands is similar to the corresponding low efficient consumption. However, the low efficient consumption in grasslands is larger than in the forelands. Therefore, when adjusting the utilization efficiency of soil water resources, vegetation coverage and plant structure should be modulated in terms of the principle of decreasing inefficient consumption, improving low efficiency ET and increasing high efficiency ET according to area character.  相似文献   

The temporal trends of reference evapotranspiration (ETref) reflect the combined effects of radiometric and aerodynamic variables, such as global solar radiation (Rs), wind speed, relative humidity and air temperature. The temporal trends of annual ETref during 1961–2006 calculated by Penman‐Monteith method were explored and the underlying causes for these trends were analysed in the Yellow River Basin (YRB). The contributions of key meteorological variables to the temporal trend of ETref were detected using the detrended method and then sensitivity coefficients of ETref to meteorological variables were determined. For ETref, positive trends in the upper, middle and whole of YRB, and significant negative trend (P = 0·05) in the lower basin were obtained by the linear fitted model. Significant increasing trend (P = 0·05) in air temperature and decreasing trend in relative humidity were the main causes for the increasing trends of ETref in the upper, middle and whole basins. For the whole basin, the increasing trend of ETref was mainly caused by the significant increase (P = 0·05) in air temperature and to a lesser extent by a decrease in the relative humidity, decreasing trends of Rs and wind speed reduced ETref. The spatial distribution of sensitivity coefficients addressed that the sensitive regions for ETref response to the changes of the four meteorological variables are different in the YRB. The sensitive region lay in the upper basin for Rs, the northwest portion of the middle basin for wind speed, the south portion of YRB for relative humidity and the west portion of the upper basin and the north portion of the middle basin for air temperature. In general, Rs was the most sensitive variable for ETref, followed by relative humidity, air temperature and wind speed in the basin scale. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

赵雁捷  王荣  羊向东  董旭辉  徐敏 《湖泊科学》2016,28(6):1381-1390
长江中下游浅水湖泊在过去百年内受到强烈的人类活动影响,生态系统状态发生显著的变化,服务功能逐渐丧失.为了更科学有效地管理浅水湖泊,当前迫切需要了解湖泊的生态系统转变过程.以长江中下游典型富营养化浅水湖泊太白湖为例,结合历史资料和监测数据,基于铅铯同位素重建年代序列,利用粒度、地化指标和沉积物中硅藻群落的时间序列数据,对太白湖过去百年间生态系统转变进行分析.基于T检验的STARS法检测硅藻群落的结果显示,有2个稳态转换分别发生在1950s末和1990s末.1950s末太白湖硅藻群落代表的生态系统状态发生了显著突变,这主要归因于由于建闸筑坝造成的水文条件和营养条件的改变;1990s期间的湖泊生态系统整体转变则是由长期营养输入和渔业活动加强导致的生态系统弹性损失引起的.讨论了不同阶段太白湖生态系统主要要素间反馈机制在水文条件改变和营养富集影响下的变化,加深了对人类活动干扰下太白湖生态系统结构变化过程的理解,为建立浅水湖泊系统动力学模型提供基础.  相似文献   

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