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系统描述了采自贵州省兴义中三叠统竹杆坡组一件较完整的巨胫龙(Macrocnemus)属化石标本,补充和完善了M.fuyuanensis部分头骨及腕骨和跗骨特征。基于当前标本与欧洲的M.bassaniis和中国的M.fuyuanensis的比较,认为当前标本与M.fuyuanensis四肢骨骼大小及比例较为接近,但两者的胫骨与桡骨、尤其第4跖骨和第4掌骨之间的比例不同。鉴于当前标本较少,头骨保存不完整,且当前标本与M.fuyuanensis正模标本的产地相距不远,本文暂将其确定为后者的相似种。  相似文献   

New specimens of the enigmatic Ediacara-type fossil Palaeopascichnus have been identified from the upper part of the Neoproterozoic Ranford Formation in the Kimberley region, northwest Australia. New material is morphologically similar to Palaeopascichnus and represents the largest species of this genus. They resemble the present-day xenophyophore protists in chamber morphology and growth patterns, supporting the interpretation that Palaeopascichnus is possibly a xenophyophore body fossil rather than a trace fossil. Stratigraphic correlation reveals that the new Palaeopascichnus specimens are preserved in the interglacial successions between the Landrigan/Marinoan and Egan/Ediacaran glaciations. If correlation with the early Ediacaran formations of South Australia is accepted, this represents the earliest known identifiable member of the Ediacara biota. New fossil record fills the evolutionary gap between the Cryogenian and Ediacaran animal assemblages and well-known Ediacaran biota. The new Palaeopascichnus specimens represent the first record of Ediacara-type fossils in Kimberley, and suggest the probability that additional Ediacaran fossils may be found in northwestern Australia.  相似文献   

Pachycephalosaurs, a group of ornithischian dinosaurs with distinctive cranial ornamentation and skull domes, underwent dramatic changes in cranial morphology during ontogeny. This has caused debate about whether some specimens belong to juveniles or adults, which impacts studies of pachycephalosaur phylogeny and evolution. One such debate concerns a small skull roof specimen from the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) of New Mexico, NMMNH P-33898, which was originally described as an indeterminate juvenile but later regarded as a mature adult and erected as the holotype of a new small-bodied species, Stegoceras novomexicanum. We restudied NMMNH P-33898 using computed tomography scanning, morphometric and phylogenetic analyses, and comparisons to growth series of other pachycephalosaurs (Stegoceras validum, Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis). We conclude that two purported paratype specimens of Stegoceras novomexicanum cannot be referred to the same taxon as the holotype, that the holotype and controversial paratypes all belong to immature specimens and not aberrant small-bodied adults, but that current evidence cannot clearly determine whether NMMNH P-33898 is a juvenile belonging to its own diagnostic species (S. novomexicanum) or is a juvenile of Stegoceras validum, Sphaerotholus goodwini, or another known taxon. We review the pachycephalosaur record of New Mexico and demonstrate that pachycephalosaurs were important components of dinosaur faunas in the southern part of Western North America during the ∼15 million years before the end-Cretaceous extinction, just as they were in roughly contemporaneous northern localities.  相似文献   

The fluvio-lacustrine deposits of the ?Cenomanian-Turonian Candeleros Formation in the northwestern fringe of Patagonia have yielded numerous remains of vertebrates, including anurans. A new, partially articulated immature specimen of a small pipimorph pipoid from the upper part of this unit is described herein. Although incompletely preserved, the morphology and proportions of the skeleton are strongly reminiscent of corresponding elements of the holotype of Avitabatrachus uliana from the lower section of the same formation at a nearby locality, thus suggesting that these specimens might represent the same, or a closely related, taxon. The new specimen is a metamorphosing individual: it has a zygapophyseal articulation between the sacrum and the neural arch of a postsacral vertebra that bears conspicuous transverse processes, and four pairs of ribs. These traits are not present in the available material of A. uliana, but they might have occurred within the normal range of variation of a single species. Although the generic and specific allocation of the new material is uncertain, a parsimony analysis performed to clarify the relationships of A. uliana supports a phylogenetic placement of this taxon outside the crown Pipidae. The evidence provided by the Candeleros anurans confirms the presence of stem pipids in Patagonia in the early Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Karydomys, a rare genus of cricetid rodents from the Middle Miocene of central Europe, had previously been reported only from the Swiss part of the North Alpine Foreland basin; documented evidence from the German part was lacking. This paper describes several new specimens of Karydomys from the German localities Höll and Laimering 3. A correlation of both localities to the Bavarian local biostratigraphic scale OSM F is proposed. Taxonomically, the fossils are most probably linked to K. wigharti from Hambach 6C (north-west Germany), and thus assigned to K. cf. wigharti. In spite of the scarcity of Karydomys fossils in the Upper Freshwatermolasse, the taxon is an important biostratigraphical marker because of its short stratigraphical range.  相似文献   

Eleven specimens of the lobster Meyeria magna from the Simití Formation (Santander Province, Colombia) represent a new occurrence for this species in South America. Ammonites collected both below and above the bed that yielded M. magna allow dating of these specimens as early Albian. Morphological characteristics observed in these Colombian specimens were compared with those of other specimens from Mexico, the United Kingdom and Spain. Our interpretation of the cuticular structure in thin section does not unambiguously allow interpretation of the specimens studied to corpses or molts.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous lizard Yabeinosaurus was one of the first taxa described from the now famous Jehol Biota of northeast China. Misinterpreted for more than 60 years and misclassified as a gekkotan based on juvenile specimens, it is now recognised to be a large, well-ossified lizard with an extended period of skeletal maturation. Here we describe two additional complete specimens of Yabeinosaurus that provide new information on skeletal morphology, most notably of the skull, pectoral girdle, and tail. Both specimens also preserve gut contents, showing that large individuals took vertebrate prey, including fish. A more complete understanding of Yabeinosaurus permits a review of the type specimen of Yabeinosaurus youngi. Skull traits used to distinguish Y. youngi from Yabeinosaurus tenuis are invalid but, as noted by Hoffstetter, the two species differ markedly in limb proportions. Attribution of Young’s specimen to Yabeinosaurus is equivocal, but could potentially extend the temporal range of the lineage into the Jurassic. A new phylogenetic analysis based on a morphological data set places Yabeinosaurus on the stem of Scleroglossa, as the sister taxon of the contemporaneous Japanese lizard Sakurasaurus.  相似文献   

The authors reassessed the taxonomic distinction of Iteravis huchzermeyeri and Gansus zheni, which are two species of Ornithuromorpha based on specimens from the same locality in western Liaoning and derive from the Jehol Biota. The detailed comparisons of the holotype and referred specimens of both species, reveal no anatomical features that distinguish these taxa as separate species. Some minor differences are considered to relate to ontogenetic or interspecific differences. The stratigraphic occurrence for both specimens is the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation. Accordingly, the authors conclude that Iteravis huchzermeyeri has priority, by 15 days, for this taxon and that Gansus zheni is a junior synonym. The diagnosis of Iteravis huchzermeyeri is revised based on further study on all specimens referred to this species. Its generic distinction from Gansus is maintained thereby removing a potential genus-level correlation linking Xiagou Formation in Gansu Province with the Jiufotang Formation in Liaoning Province.  相似文献   

This work is a study of the ammonite record of a new stratigraphic section of Aptian age, at the Mina Texali (Puebla State, Central Mexico). A detailed biostratigraphic analysis was carried out on 309 specimens systematically sampled on a bed-by-bed basis. An Aptian ammonite zonation is proposed for the Mina Texali (= MT) section with two interval zones, Dufrenoyia justinae and Caseyella sp., and one informal biostratigraphic unit represented by the Huastecoceras trispinosoides beds. We also analyze the taxonomic composition, paleoecology and some systematic issues of the ammonite record of the MT section. The first record in Mexico of the genera Pseudosaynella, Xerticeras and the nautiloid Heminautilus is identified in this section. The ammonite assemblage is assigned to the proximal part of the outer neritic region of the continental shelf. The ammonite record of the studied section is diagnostic in establishing the lower-upper Aptian transition, and the local zonation of the MT provides important data for the development of an Aptian standard ammonite zonation for the Central Atlantic province.  相似文献   

Historical published works on the fossil fauna of the Llanberis Slates Formation in Gwynedd, North Wales, concentrated on the endemic trilobite Pseudatops viola (Woodward, 1888), and placed the formation towards the top of Stage 3 (Series 2) of the Cambrian chronostratigraphy.The impression given was that the fauna is not particularly diverse and fossils are rare. However, recent collecting has produced a comprehensive fauna of sponges, hyolithids and diverse arthropods including over 250 trilobite specimens from two localities of the uppermost Green Slate horizon. Among them are examples of the endemic trilobite Pseudatops viola, sufficiently well preserved to enable a reappraisal of its status. The most abundant trilobite is a form of Strenuella (cf. strenua), but the collection includes previously unrecorded eodiscoid trilobites and specimens representing unrecorded and potentially new taxa. These additions result in the most comprehensive lower Cambrian trilobite assemblage yet described from Wales, and place it in the lower part of Stage 4, Series 2 in standard global terms.  相似文献   

As part of the completion of studies on the Miocene fishes of the Chelif Basin (north-western Algeria), this paper represents a contribution to the knowledge of the Messinian gadiform diversity of this western Mediterranean, semi-enclosed, Neogene basin. A new genus and species of the family Macrouridae is erected (Razelainia paradoxa n. gen. et sp.), two specimens are tentatively referred to already existing taxa (Gadiculus cf. jonas; Merluccius cf. merluccius), and a species formerly assigned to the gadid genus Brosme is transferred to the genus Gaidropsarus (Gaidropsarus murdjadjensis). The macrourid Razelainia paradoxa n. gen. et sp. is characterized by an unusual combination of: plesiomorphic gadiform features, such as low vertebral number (presumed), well-developed caudal-fin rays, presence of a single continuous dorsal fin originating just posterior to the neurocranium, anal-fin rays slightly longer than dorsal-fin rays; and derived, typically macrourid features, such as the presence of spinoid scales and the anterior anal-fin pterygiophores extending forward over the abdominal wall. A paleoecological analysis reveals that the Messinian gadiform assemblage of the Chelif Basin had a subtropical/warm temperate affinity, with a marked north-eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean biogeographic character.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the morphometry and taxonomy of the Late Cretaceous coccolith genus Arkhangelskiella. Sixty samples from the Campanian–Maastrichtian interval of DSDP Hole 390A (Blake Nose) were investigated for their contents of Arkhangelskiella spp. In each sample one hundred specimens of Arkhangelskiella spp. were examined by measuring the coccolith length and width, as well as the length and width of the central area. In the samples investigated the Arkhangelskiella group exhibits a large size variation, specimens length varies from 4.95 μm to 14.52 μm. Former taxonomic concepts, based on morphometry, subdivided the Arkhangelskiella group into three species: Arkhangelskiella maastrichtiana, Arkhangelskiella confusa and Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis. Our data show a large variability of the morphometric data (coccolith length, width of the outer rim). There is no indication for three independant species; two of the quoted taxa (1. thick outer rim = Arkhangelskiella maastrichtiana; 2. very thin outer rim = Arkkhangelskiella cymbiformis) seem to be extreme forms of a continuous morphometric lineage. The lower part of the investigated succession (139.92–133.42 mbsf) is dominated by small specimens with an average length of 6.8 μm whereas the upper part (132.86–126.15 mbsf) is characterized by larger specimens (mean 8.7 μm). In DSDP Hole 390A the size increase appears to be very abrupt, within two samples (samples 133.42 mbsf, 132.86 mbsf) the mean size increases by 1.51 μm. Previous morphometric studies of Arkhangelskiella indicate a more continuous size increase throughout the late Campanian–Maastrichtian. The abrupt size increase observed here hints toward a minor hiatus in DSDP Hole 390A separating upper Campanian from lower Maastrichtian sediments. It seems likely that the size increase of Arkhangelskiella reflects changes of various environmental factors like nutrient supply and sea water chemistry (Mg/Ca ratio; Ca concentration). A comparison of morphometric results with previous palaeoecological studies documents a nutrient control for the growth of Arkhangelskiella. Small specimens can be related to more mesotrophic conditions whereas large specimens are linked to oligotrophic surface waters.  相似文献   

The recently described clade Allodaposuchidae includes European eusuchian crocodyliforms restricted to the Late Cretaceous (Campanian and Maastrichtian). A new allodaposuchid crocodyliform is here described based on two specimens from the upper Campanian–lower Maastrichtian fossil site of Lo Hueco (Cuenca, Spain). This new taxon, Agaresuchus fontisensis gen. et sp. nov., is described by two complete skulls and a lower jaw associated with one of them. This new species can be distinguished unambiguously from Lohuecosuchus megadontos, the other allodaposuchid known from the same fossil site. The presence of two allodaposuchid crocodyliforms in Lo Hueco allows the recognition of the synchronic and sympatric existence of two representatives of this clade for the first time. The new genus Agaresuchus, comprises a previously described Iberian allodaposuchid species, “Allodaposuchussubjuniperus, as Agaresuchus subjuniperus, new combination.  相似文献   

A charophyte flora from the Upper Berriasian is described from the Lakota (Black Hills, South Dakota) and Cedar Mountain formations (San Rafael Swell, Utah) of the Western Interior Basin, United States of America. Whereas the latter is dominated by monotonous assemblages of the clavatoracean Nodosoclavator bradleyi (Harris, 1939), found in temporary lakes within palustrine facies, the flora of the Lakota Formation consists of more varied assemblages of the clavatoraceans N. bradleyi (Harris, 1939), Clavator grovesii grovesii Harris 1939, C. bilateralis Peck 1957 and early characeans (Mesochara sp. or Tolypella sp.). This flora was found in deposits related to permanent lakes in fluvial floodplains, i.e. lacustrine marls and limestones that do not show any evidence of subaerial exposure. To date, little is known about C. bilateralis, we provide a new definition on the basis of its particular structure, which shows lateral bract-cell units with a pinnate arrangement. This species appears to be endemic to North America and stratigraphically limited to the earliest Cretaceous. C. grovesii grovesii is part of a long-lasting charophyte lineage, which until now was considered to have originated in the Central Tethyan Archipelago (Europe) during the Early Berriasian, about 145 Ma, and limited to Eurasia until most of the Early Cretaceous. The new data presented here suggest that during the Berriasian this species was very broadly distributed, comprising North America, Europe and China.  相似文献   

Taphonomy and diagenesis of the ammonoid Libycoceras ismaeli (Zittel) have been approached in order to interpret the post-mortem depositional history during the Late Cretaceous of Jordan based on the comparative analysis of composition and taphonomy. The Campanian–Maastrichtian Al-Hisa Phosphorite Formation is exposed in northwestern and central Jordan is rich in cephalopods. It consists of alternating thin-bedded limestone, more or less silicified or calcified phosphorite layers, thick- and cross-bedded oyster lumachells, and lenses and layers of minable phosphate. The sphenodiscid ammonite L. ismaeli (Zittel) predominantly occurs in the middle part of this formation. L. ismaeli is associated with different nautiloid and baculitid species. The mode of occurrence of the studied ammonoids suggesting that they are best interpreted to been nektobenthic, not nektoplanktic. Taphonomic and diagenetic studies of transversely sliced specimens were carried out by means of polarizing and scanning electron microscope.  相似文献   

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