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The Afyon stratovolcano exhibits lamprophyric rocks, emplaced as hydrovolcanic products, aphanitic lava flows and dyke intrusions, during the final stages of volcanic activity. Most of the Afyon volcanics belong to the silica-saturated alkaline suite, as potassic trachyandesites and trachytes, while the products of the latest activity are lamproitic lamprophyres (jumillite, orendite, verite, fitztroyite) and alkaline lamprophyres (campto-sannaite, sannaite, hyalo-monchiquite, analcime–monchiquite). Afyon lamprophyres exhibit LILE and Zr enrichments, related to mantle metasomatism.  相似文献   

The Ordovician mafic volcanic rocks in the Parkes region of New South Wales occur as three distinct packages of volcaniclastic and coherent volcanic rocks and minor limestone that formed part of an oceanic island arc succession. The oldest package is the Early Ordovician Nelungaloo Volcanics and overlying Yarrimbah Formation. These formations consist of volcanic siltstone, sandstone, polymictic breccia, conglomerate facies interpreted as moderately deep-water turbidites and coarser grained debris-flow deposits emplaced in the medial to distal part of a subaqueous volcaniclastic apron flanking an active volcanic centre(s). Broadly conformable massive to brecciated andesites in the apron deposits are interpreted as synsedimentary sills and/or lava flows. A hiatus in volcanism occurred between the Bendigonian and early Darriwilian (ca 476 – 466 Ma). Deposition of the second package, which produced the Middle to Late Ordovician Goonumbla Volcanics, Billabong Creek Limestone and Gunningbland Formation, commenced with shallow-water limestones and minor volcaniclastic rocks. During an approximately 15 million years period, a thick sequence of bedded volcanic sandstone, limestone and minor siltstone and volcanic breccia were deposited in very shallow to moderate water depths. The top of this package is marked by thick volcanic conglomerate and sandstone mass-flow deposits and approximately coeval basaltic andesite lavas and sills sourced from a nearby volcano. The upper age limit of this package is constrained as approximately 450 Ma by Ea3/4 fossils and monzodiorite that intrudes the Goonumbla Volcanics. The lower limit of the third package, which constitutes the Wombin Volcanics, is poorly constrained and the duration of the hiatus that separates the Goonumbla and Wombin Volcanics is unknown but may be as long as 10 million years. The Wombin Volcanics record development of a thick, proximal volcaniclastic apron flanking a compositionally more evolved volcanic edifice in the immediate Parkes area. Thick crystal-rich turbiditic sandstones of mafic provenance are intercalated with polymictic volcanic breccias and megablock breccias that are interpreted as proximal subaqueous debris-flow and debris-avalanche deposits, respectively. The sequence also includes numerous trachyandesite bodies, many of which were emplaced within the volcaniclastic apron as synsedimentary sills. No evidence was found at Parkes to support the existence of a previously proposed 22 km diameter collapse caldera and the source volcanoes for the Ordovician are envisaged as complex stratovolcanoes.  相似文献   

The Neogene Yamadağ volcanics occupy a vast area between Sivas and Malatya in eastern Anatolia, Turkey. These volcanic rocks are characterized by pyroclastics comprising agglomerates, tuffs and some small outcrops of basaltic–andesitic–dacitic rocks, overlain upward by basaltic and dacitic rocks, and finally by basaltic lava flows in the Arapkir area, northern Malatya Province. The basaltic lava flows in the Arapkir area yield a 40Ar/39Ar age of 15.8 ± 0.2 Ma, whereas the dacitic lava flows give 40Ar/39Ar ages ranging from 17.6 through 14.7 ± 0.1 to 12.2 ± 0.2 Ma, corresponding to the Middle Miocene. These volcanic rocks have subalkaline basaltic, basaltic andesitic; alkaline basaltic trachyandesitic and dacitic chemical compositions. Some special textures, such as spongy-cellular, sieve and embayed textures; oscillatory zoning and glass inclusions in plagioclase phenocrysts; ghost amphiboles and fresh biotite flakes are attributable to disequilibrium crystallization related to magma mixing between coeval magmas. The main solidification processes consist of fractional crystallization and magma mixing which were operative during the soldification of these volcanic rocks. The dacitic rocks are enriched in LILE, LREE and Th, U type HFSE relative to the basaltic rocks. The basaltic rocks also show some marked differences in terms of trace-element and REE geochemistry; namely, the alkaline basaltic trachyandesites have pronounced higher HFSE, MREE and HREE contents relative to the subalkaline basalts. Trace and REE geochemical data reveal the existence of three distinct magma sources – one subalkaline basaltic trachyandesitic, one alkaline basaltic and one dacitic – in the genesis of the Yamadağ volcanics in the Arapkir region. The subalkaline basaltic and alkaline basaltic trachyandesitic magmas were derived from an E-MORB type enriched mantle source with a relatively high- and low-degree partial melting, respectively. The magmatic melt of dacitic rocks seem to be derived from an OIB-type enriched lithospheric mantle with a low proportion of partial melting. The enriched lithospheric mantle source reflect the metasomatism induced by earlier subduction-derived fluids. All these coeval magmas were generated in a post-collisional extensional geodynamic setting in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to attempt assessing the age of a monumental olive tree located between the Antique Cities of Militus (Didim-Aydın region) and Iasos (Milas-Muğla region). Wood from the trunk of an olive tree is not appropriate for conventional dating approaches such as dendrochronology or 14C. The sediments closely located surrounding and beneath the roots of the olive tree are considered indicative of the age of the planting event; therefore these sediments were dated using both quartz and feldspar luminescence signal protocols. Methodological aspects including the preheating plateaus, equivalent dose statistical approaches and dose rate using gamma spectrometry are also discussed, as dating of the associated palaeochannel sediments of the area are presented for the first time in the dating literature. The optically stimulated luminescence and/or infrared stimulated luminescence ages are extrapolated to date the event of the tree planting; it is the first time in the literature that an age is reported for an olive tree in the eastern Mediterranean region. The present study stands as the first experimental evidence that olive trees have been cultivated in the area since the Iron Age.  相似文献   


The Karasu Rift (Antakya province, SE Turkey) has developed between east-dipping, NNE-striking faults of the Karasu fault zone, which define the western margin of the rift and westdipping, N-S to N20°-30°E-striking faults of Dead Sea Transform fault zone (DST) in the central part and eastern margin of the rift. The strand of the Karasu fault zone that bounds the basin from west forms a linkage zone between the DST and the East Anatolian fault zone (EAFZ). The greater vertical offset on the western margin faults relative to the eastern ones indicates asymmetrical evolution of the rift as implied by the higher escarpments and accumulation of extensive, thick alluvial fans on the western margins of the rift. The thickness of the Quaternary sedimentary fill is more than 465 m, with clastic sediments intercalated with basaltic lavas. The Quaternary alkali basaltic volcanism accompanied fluvial to lacustrine sedimentation between 1.57 ± 0.08 and 0.05 ± 0.03 Ma. The faults are left-lateral oblique-slip faults as indicated by left-stepping faulting patterns, slip-lineation data and left-laterally offset lava flows and stream channels along the Karasu fault zone. At Hacilar village, an offset lava flow, dated to 0.08 ± 0.06 Ma, indicates a rate of leftlateral oblique slip of approximately 4.1 mm?year?1. Overall, the Karasu Rift is an asymmetrical transtensional basin, which has developed between seismically active splays of the left-lateral DST and the left-lateral oblique-slip Karasu fault zone during the neotectonic period. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

Isolated outcrops of ophiolitic rocks, termed the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, are found as allochthonous bodies in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, that represent the metamorphosed passive northern edge of the Tauride–Anatolide Platform, central Turkey. In terms of pseudostratigraphic relationships of the magmatic units and their chemical designation, the Central Anatolian Ophiolites exhibit a supra‐subduction zone (fore‐arc) setting within the Vardar–İzmir–Ankara–Erzincan segment of the Neotethys. The epi‐ophiolitic sedimentary cover of the Central Anatolian Ophiolites is generally characterized by epiclastic volcanogenic deep‐sea sediments and debris flows intercalated with pelagic units. The richest and most significant planktonic foraminiferal association recorded from the lowest pelagic members infer a formation age of early–middle Turonian to early Santonian. K/Ar ages of post‐collisional granitoids (81–65 Ma) intruding the basement rocks as well as the Central Anatolian Ophiolites suggest a post‐early Santonian to pre‐middle Campanian emplacement age. The marked high volume of epiclastic volcanogenic sediments intercalated with the pelagics of the Central Anatolian Ophiolite is suggestive of rifting in a marginal sea adjacent to a volcanic arc. Penecontemporaneous tectonism is reflected in repetitions in the stratigraphy and in debris flows, which result from major slides and mass‐gravity reworking of pre‐existing units and of arc‐derived volcanics and sediments. Correlating the rock units and formation/obduction ages of the Central Anatolian Ophiolites with further supra‐subduction zone type ophiolites in the eastern (Turkey) and western (Greece) parts of the Vardar–İzmir–Ankara–Erzincan segment of Neotethys we conclude that the intraoceanic subduction in the east is definitely younger and the closure history of this segment is more complex than previously suggested. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

About 400 km of new seismic reflection data has been acquired in the study region offshore of Alaçatı, Doğanbey, and Kuşadası, which enables investigation of the active crustal deformation in this region. The deformation onshore in western Turkey is dominated by crustal extension, and clear evidence of this process is also now available from this offshore area. However, in the onshore area adjacent to this study region evidence of active right-lateral strike-slip faulting has also previously been observed. This strike-slip faulting has previously been thought only to accommodate variations in extension between adjacent normal faults. However, in the offshore area there is considerable evidence of zones of deformation, some of which may link to the strike-slip faulting onshore, suggesting that strike-slip faulting may be of greater importance in this region than previously thought.  相似文献   

The Late Miocene lacustrine Acıgöl Basin, SW Turkey, formed as an orogen-top, extensional half-graben, with the subaqueous accommodation controlled by the lake level and the bulk accommodation provided by active subsidence along a WSW-trending normal fault at the basin's southern margin. The basin-fill sedimentary succession consists of terminal alluvial-fan facies overlain by ephemeral lake-margin facies and perennial lake facies, with widespread fluvial facies at the top. The distal alluvial-fan facies include massive to stratified sandstones and massive mudstones with intervening nodular dolostones and incipient pedogenic horizons. The lake-margin facies are micritic magnesites passing laterally into peloidal, irregularly laminated magnesites towards the palaeolake margin and overlain by marlstones and dolostones, all with abundant evidence of episodic subaerial exposure (desiccation cracks, pedogenic features, and tepee structures). The perennial lake facies are micritic magnesites passing upwards into clayey dolostones and dolomitic or clayey marlstones. The fluvial facies capping the succession include planar cross-stratified conglomerates (channel-fill deposits), planar parallel-stratified, planar cross-stratified and rippled cross-laminated sandstones (crevasse-fill and crevasse splay deposits), and assemblages of mudstones intercalated with thin sandstone beds (overbank floodplain deposits).The sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical data reveal large variations in the basin's hydrological regime, including short-term oscillations and bulk rise of the lake level, periodical changes in the Mg/Ca ratio and terrigenous mud supply, and a negative covariance of δ18O and δ13C fluctuations. The composition of terrigenous sediment and the chemistry of water supplied to the lake were controlled by the weathering, chemical leaching and erosion of the ultramafic–dolomitic bedrock in the catchment area. The bedrock yielded Mg-rich carbonate solutions that caused the deposition of Mg-carbonates in the lake.Despite short-term lake-level fluctuations, the lake's net water budget remained positive. It is suggested that the region's present-day climate and Mg-rich alkaline lakes can serve as an analogue for the climatic and hydrological conditions in the Late Miocene Acıgöl Basin.  相似文献   

 The Kos Plateau Tuff (KPT) erupted during a moderate-volume explosive rhyolitic event approximately 161 ka from a source south of Kos in the eastern Aegean sea. Six major stratigraphic units have been identified, from A at the base, to F, uppermost. Unit A is a widespread vitric ash fall layer that is thickest (1.5 m), and most extensive, southeast of the source. Unit B is a 1- to 2-m-thick, low-angle cross-stratified armoured pumice lapilli and ash layer found on Kos. Unit C resembles unit B but includes a greater abundance of lithic lapilli, less fine ash, is only diffusely stratified and is on Kos and west of the source. Unit D includes a sequence of three non-welded, 1- to 20-m-thick ignimbrites that extend radially >38 km from the source in areas of low topography. Unit E is a sequence of two non-welded, 3- to 8-m-thick ignimbrites which occur radially from the vent regardless of topography, >64 km from source. Unit F has a 6-m-thick, basal, low-angle cross-stratified armoured pumice lapilli and ash part probably deposited radially from source. The upper part of unit F is a widespread >1-m-thick vitric ash fall layer, found to at least 50 km from the source. These six units represent a change in eruptive conditions from initial and final phreatomagmatic activity depositing fallout and internally stratified pyroclastic density current deposits to "dry" explosive during the more intense phases of the eruption which generated ignimbrites. Received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 14 January 1999  相似文献   

近年来,在汶川地震等强震区常发生一种特大的高位滑坡地质灾害,它从高陡斜坡上部位置剪出并形成凌空加速坠落,具有撞击粉碎效应和动力侵蚀效应,导致滑体解体碎化,从而转化为高速远程碎屑流滑动或泥石流流动,并铲刮下部岩土体,使体积明显增加。新磨滑坡就是这种典型,它发生于2017年6月24日,滑坡后缘高程约3450m,前缘高程约2250 m,高差1200 m,水平距离2800 m,堆积体体积达1637×10~4m~3,摧毁了新磨村村庄,导致83人死亡。新磨滑坡地处叠溪较场弧形构造带前弧西翼,母岩为中三叠统中厚层变砂岩夹板岩,是1933年叠溪Ms7.5级震中区(烈度X度)和汶川Ms8.0级强震区(烈度IX度),形成震裂山体。滑源区分布多组不连续结构面,将厚层块状岩体分割成碎裂块体,在高程3150~3450 m区间形成明显的压裂鼓胀区,特别是存在2组反倾节理带,具有典型的"锁固段"失稳机理。滑坡体高位剪出滑动,连续加载并堆积于斜坡体上部,体积达390×10~4m~3,导致残坡积岩土层失稳并转化为管道型碎屑流;碎屑流高速流滑至斜坡下部老滑坡堆积体后,因前方地形开阔、坡度变缓,转化为扩散型碎屑流散落堆积,具有"高速远程"成灾模式。据此,可建立强震山区高位滑坡的早期识别方法,当陡倾山脊存在大型岩质高位滑坡时,应当考虑冲击作用带来的动力侵蚀效应和堆积加载效应,特别是沿沟谷赋存丰富的地下水时,发生高速远程滑坡的可能性将明显增加。因此,在地质灾害调查排查中,在高位岩质滑坡剪出口下方的斜坡堆积体上的聚居区等应划定为地质灾害危险区。在强震山区地质灾害研究中,不仅应采用静力学理论分析滑坡的失稳机理,而且应采用动力学方法加强运动过程的成灾模式研究。  相似文献   

New field mapping, U–Pb zircon geochronology and structural analysis of the southernmost Sardinia metamorphic basement, considered a branch of the Variscan foreland, indicate that it is, in part, allochthonous and was structurally emplaced within the foreland area, rather than being older depositional basement beneath the foreland succession. The Bithia Formation, classically considered part of the ‘Southern Sulcis metamorphic Complex’ (and here termed the Bithia tectonic unit, or BTU), is a greenschist facies metamorphic unit commonly interpreted as Precambrian in age. New geochronology of felsic volcanic rocks in the BTU, however, yield a U–Pb zircon age of 457.01 ± 0.17 Ma (Upper Ordovician). Thus, the depositional age of the unit is younger than the weakly metamorphosed Lower Cambrian rocks of the adjacent foreland succession. New detailed mapping and analysis of the field relationships between the BTU and foreland succession indicates that their contact is a mylonitic shear zone. The metamorphic character, general lithology, and deformational history of the BTU are similar to those of units in the Variscan Nappe Zone located northeast of the foreland area. We reinterpret the BTU as a synformal klippe of material related tectonically to the Variscan Nappe Zone. We infer that it was thrust over and became infolded into the foreland during late stages of the Variscan contractional deformation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have carried out stratigraphic mapping in the Upper Miocene basalt lava pile around the fjords Mjoifjördur and Seydisfjördur, eastern Iceland. The mapping is based on conventional methods including the use of interbasaltic clastic horizons and petrographically distinct lava groups. These units are also used to provide correlations with the Nordfjördur area south of Mjoifjördur. We present a 3-km composite stratigraphic column for the area between Mjoifjördur and Seydisfjördur. The geology of this area shows some differences from the classical model of Walker for the structure of eastern Iceland partly due to the fact that most of Mjoifjördur is not in the vicinity of central volcanoes. Detailed laboratory measurements of remanent magnetization were carried out on oriented core samples from 363 lavas in 10 selected profiles. The local paleomagnetic polarity stratigraphy supports correlations made on the basis of other criteria. Over 20 geomagnetic reversals are recorded in the eastern Iceland lava pile in a period approximately 13-10 Ma ago. The geomagnetic field during this period averages to a central axial dipole field, and its overall statistical properties resemble those obtained in earlier surveys in Iceland.  相似文献   

Post‐collisional granitoid plutons intrude obducted Neo‐Tethyan ophiolitic rocks in central and eastern Central Anatolia. The Bizmişen and Çaltı plutons and the ophiolitic rocks that they intrude are overlain by fossiliferous and flyschoidal sedimentary rocks of the early Miocene Kemah Formation. These sedimentary rocks were deposited in basins that developed at the same time as tectonic unroofing of the plutons along E–W and NW–SE trending faults in Oligo‐Miocene time. Mineral separates from the Bizmişen and Çaltı plutons yield K‐Ar ages ranging from 42 to 46 Ma, and from 40 to 49 Ma, respectively. Major, trace, and rare‐earth element geochemistry as well as mineralogical and textural evidence reveals that the Bizmişen pluton crystallized first, followed at shallower depth by the Çaltı pluton from a medium‐K calcalkaline, I‐type hybrid magma which was generated by magma mixing of coeval mafic and felsic magmas. Delta 18O values of both plutons fall in the field of I‐type granitoids, although those of the Çaltı pluton are consistently higher than those of the Bizmişen pluton. This is in agreement with field observations, petrographic and whole‐rock geochemical data, which indicate that the Bizmişen pluton represents relatively uncontaminated mantle material, whereas the Çaltı pluton has a significant crustal component. Structural data indicating the middle Eocene emplacement age and intrusion into already obducted ophiolitic rocks, suggest a post‐collisional extensional origin. However, the pure geochemical discrimination diagrams indicate an arc origin which can be inherited either from the source material or from an upper mantle material modified by an early subduction process during the evolution of the Neo‐Tethyan ocean. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Beni Issef Massif, nearly 30 km west of Chefchaouen (Morocco), the thickest post-nappe succession within the Rifian sector of the Maghrebian Chain seals the tectonic contact between the Intrarifian External Tanger and Loukkos Units, related to the Rifian External Domain. This succession is very important for the reconstruction of the deformation timing of the Rifian Maghrebids. The age of its base, in fact, is an important constraint for defining an upper boundary to the stacking of both the Intrarifian and Maghrebian Flysch Basin Units, because clasts fed by the Melloussa and Numidian Flysch Nappes are abundant in the conglomerate layers. Field and biostratigraphic analyses pointed out the presence of a Lower Beni Issef Fm, unconformable on the Intrarifian External Tanger and Loukkos Units, and an Upper Beni Issef Fm, unconformable on both the Intrarifian Units and the Lower Beni Issef Fm. The Lower Beni Issef Fm, 150 m thick, consists of lenticular conglomerates with huge blocks in a marly-clayey matrix, followed by marls and minor sandstones. It deposited in a siliciclastic platform, shows a fining upward trend and is affected by metre- to hectometre-sized, locally reversed, folds. Samples collected 45–50 m above the base of the formation resulted not older than Late Tortonian in age, but an older age for the base of the formation cannot be excluded. The Upper Beni Issef Fm, up to 550 m thick, starts with coarse conglomerates followed by medium- to coarse-grained well-bedded sandstones and by grey-blue marls and mudrocks. It indicates deposition in a channelized marine delta, with evolution towards pro-delta pelites, and shows sub-horizontal or gently dipping beds towards the east. Biostratigraphic data indicate a probable Messinian age for this formation. The composition of the arenites of both Lower Beni Issef and Upper Beni Issef Fms is quartzolithic and all samples show a notable content of monocrystalline well-rounded quartz and sedimentary lithic fragments. Detrital modes, all falling in the Quartzose Recycled and Transitional Recycled fields, suggest a provenance from recycling of sedimentary successions, easily recognizable in the Flysch Basin and External Units, mainly the Numidian Nappe sandstones. A Tortonian age of the Lower Beni Issef Fm would agree with the Late Serravallian age of the uppermost beds of the External Tanger Unit and indicate that the most probable age for the stacking of the Intrarifian Units falls in the Late Serravallian-Middle Tortonian time span. The Lower Beni Issef Fm was involved in a compressive tectonic phase testified by north-south striking folds. Later, probably during Messinian, the Upper Beni Issef Fm deposited in a younger intramontane basin, resting on both the Intrarifian Units and the Lower Beni Issef Fm. Successively, the Upper Beni Issef Fm was passively transported piggyback on top of the fold and thrust belt during later tectonic evolution of the Rifian Maghrebids. This tectonic evolution results quite similar to that recognized in the Tellian and Sicilian Maghrebids and also in the southern Apennines.  相似文献   

The Çal Basin formed in the late Miocene as an orogen-top rift hosting terrestrial sedimentation. The initial array of alluvial fans in a half-graben basin was replaced by an axial meandering-river system during the late Tortonian. Palaeomammal taxa indicate a mid-Turolian age of the deposits and a grass-dominated steppe ecosystem. Isotopic data from pedogenic carbonates indicate a warm, semiarid to arid climate. Subhumid to humid climatic conditions prevailed in the Pliocene, with a palustrine environment and savannah-type open ecosystem, recording a regional response to the marine flooding that terminated the Messinian ‘salinity crisis’ in the Mediterranean. Pleistocene saw re-establishment of a fluvial system in the basin with the development of an open steppe ecosystem in warm, semiarid to arid climatic conditions. The sedimentary facies analysis of the basin-fill succession, combined with biostratigraphic data, render the basin a regional reference and help to refine the Neogene tectono-climatic history of SW Anatolia.  相似文献   

Tertiary volcanism in the İkizce region at the western edge of the eastern Pontides paleo-magmatic arc is represented by basaltic and andesitic rocks associated with sediments deposited in a shallow basin environment. The basaltic rocks contain plagioclase (An58–80), olivine (Fo82–84), clinopyroxene (Wo44–48En35–42Fs7–17), hornblende (Mg# = 0.68–0.76) phenocrysts, and magnetite microcrysts, whereas the andesitic rocks include plagioclase (An25–61), clinopyroxene (Wo46–49En38–43Fs11–13), hornblende (Mg# = 0.48–0.81), biotite (Mg# = 0.48–0.60) phenocrysts, titanomagnetite, apatite, and zircon microcrysts.Geochemical data indicate magmatic evolution from tholeiitic-alkaline transitional to calc-alkaline characteristics with medium-K contents. The geochemical variation in the rocks can be explained by fractionation of common mineral phases such as clinopyroxene, olivine, hornblende, plagioclase, magnetite, and apatite. The trace elements’ distributions of the volcanic rocks show similarities to those of E-Type MORB, have a shape that is typical of rocks from subduction-related tectonic setting with enrichment in LILE and to a lesser extent in LREE, but depletion in HFSE. The rocks evolved from a parental magma derived from an enriched source formed by subduction induced metasomatism of basaltic rocks, the latter formed through clinopyroxene ± olivine controlled fractionation in a high level magma chamber. The andesitic rocks developed through hornblende ± plagioclase controlled fractionation in shallow level magma chamber(s).  相似文献   

The Malatya Basin is situated on the southern Taurus-Anatolian Platform. The southern part of the basin contains a sedimentary sequence which can be divided into four main units, each separated by an unconformity. From base to top, these are: (1) Permo-Carboniferous; (2) Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleocene, (3) Middle-Upper Eocene and (4) Upper Miocene. The Upper Cretaceous–Tertiary sedimentary sequence resting on basement rocks is up to 700 m thick.The Permo-Carboniferous basement consist of dolomites and recrystallized limestones. The Upper Cretaceous–Lower Paleocene transgressive–regressive sequence shows a transition from terrestrial environments, via lagoonal to shallow-marine limestones to deep marine turbiditic sediments, followed upwards by shallow marine cherty limestones. The marine sediments contain planktic and benthic foraminifers indicating an upper Campanian, Maastrichtian and Danian age. The Middle-Upper Eocene is a transgressive–regressive sequence represented by terrestrial and lagoonal clastics, shallow-marine limestones and deep marine turbidites. The planktic and benthic foraminifers in the marine sediments indicate a Middle-Upper Eocene age. The upper Miocene sequence consists of a reddish-brown conglomerate–sandstone–mudstone alternation of alluvial and fluvial facies.During Late Cretaceous–Early Paleocene times, the Gündüzbey Group was deposited in the southern part of a fore-arc basin, simultaneously with volcanics belonging to the Yüksekova Group. During Middle-Late Eocene times, the Yeşilyurt Group was deposited in the northern part of the Maden Basin and the Helete volcanic arc. The Middle-Upper Eocene Malatya Basin was formed due to block faulting at the beginning of the Middle Eocene time. During the Late Paleocene–Early Eocene, and at the end of the Eocene, the study areas became continental due to the southward advance of nappe structures.The rock sequences in the southern part of the Malatya Basin may be divided into four tectonic units, from base to top: the lower allochthon, the upper allochthon, the parautochthon and autochthonous rock units.  相似文献   

Quantitative X‐ray diffraction analysis of the <2 mm sediment fraction was carried out on 1257 samples (from the seafloor and 16 cores) from the Iceland shelf west of 18° W. All but one core (B997‐347PC) were from transects along troughs on the NW to N‐central shelf, an area that in modern and historic times has been affected by drift ice. The paper focuses on the non‐clay mineralogy of the sediments (excluding calcite and volcanic glass). Quartz and potassium feldspars occupy similar positions in an R‐mode principal component analysis, and oligoclase feldspar tracks quartz; these minerals are used as a proxy for ice‐rafted detritus (IRD). Accordingly, the sum of these largely foreign minerals (Q&K) (to Icelandic bedrock) is used as a proxy for drift ice. A stacked, equi‐spaced 100 a record is developed which shows both low‐frequency trends and higher‐frequency events. The detrended stacked record compares well with the flux of quartz (mg cm?2 a?1) at MD99‐2269 off N Iceland. The multi‐taper method indicated that there are three significant frequencies at the 95% confidence level with periods of ca. 2500, 445 and 304 a. Regime shift analysis pinpoints intervals when there was a statistically significant shift in the average Q&K weight %, and identifies four IRD‐rich events separated by intervals with lower inputs. There is some association between peaks of IRD input, less dense surface waters (from δ18O data on planktonic foraminifera) and intervals of moraine building. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

广东省雷州半岛新生代钻孔ZKA01揭露的地层序列自下向上为渐新统涠洲组、中新统下洋组、角尾组、灯楼角组、上新统望楼港组、下更新统湛江组和中更新统北海组,涠洲组—望楼港组为滨浅海沉积,湛江组和北海组为陆相河湖相沉积。本文在ZKA01钻孔地层中自下向上88个层位中获取的29311粒孢粉化石的81个属中,选取了常见的种子植物花粉种属42个,通过共存因子分析法,定量重建了研究区晚渐新世—早更新世的古气候参数,划分出晚渐新世—早中新世(25~17 Ma)、中中新世(17~13.5 Ma)、晚中新世—上新世初期(13.5~4 Ma)和上新世—早更新世(4~1.5 Ma)4个气候演化阶段。孢粉共存因子定量法重建的研究区晚渐新世—早更新世4个阶段的古气候变化过程能较好地与全球气候变化的趋势相匹配,晚渐新世—早中新世温度降低的时间拐点大致可与Mi1a气候变冷事件相吻合。中中新世可以与中中新世气候适宜期(MMCO)相对应,表现为炎热潮湿的气候特征。中中新世晚期的气温是下降的,在一定程度上响应了Mi3中中新世气候变冷事件。  相似文献   

The corundum‐rich metabauxites, found at the northwest limb of an NE–SW‐trending isoclinal recumbent fold at Mt. Ismail, are enclosed in thick‐bedded platform‐type marbles of Late Cretaceous age, surrounding the polymetamorphic core series in the southern part of the Menderes Massif (SW Turkey). The metabauxite horizons observed as typically boudine‐like structure, extend laterally over c. 3 km and are 1 to 5 m thick. These rocks have dominant mineral assemblages of corundum (~50 modal %), chloritoid (~30 modal %), white mica (margarite, muscovite), diaspore, Fe–Ti‐Oxides (ilmenite, ilmenohematite, rutile), and goethite, limonite, pyrite, tourmaline (uvite, schorl) as minor phases. Chemical analyses of whole rock samples and the mineral assemblage indicate that coexisting minerals of metabauxites are highly aluminous. A number of minerals (e.g. chloritoid and margarite) display a large compositional variation reflecting the initial chemical inhomogenetiy of the karstbauxites. The field observations, trace‐element accumulation coefficients, concentration of elements such as Cr, Zr, Ga and Ni and low amounts of immobile elements all suggest that the studied corundum‐rich metabauxites can be classified as karstbauxites, and are more likely to be a product of weathering of intermediate igneous or argillaceous parental rocks, similar to the karstic Tauric bauxites in the Central Taurides (Seydi ?ehir region) and probably are similar in age (Cenomanian–Turonian). In respect of tectono‐metamorphic evolution, the studied corundum‐rich metabauxites were regionally metamorphosed at ~5–6 kbar pressure and 500–600°C as a consequence of the Barrovian metamorphism referred to as the ‘Main Menderes Metamorphism’ related to the ophiolitic obduction onto the Menderes platform from the Izmir–Ankara Suture during the Middle Eocene.  相似文献   

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