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In order to better understand modern human behavioral variability in Hokkaido, Japan, we consider the geoarchaeology of the Kamihoronai‐Moi site in terms of its geochronology, stratigraphy, depositional environments, and post‐depositional disturbances. A Paleolithic component is stratigraphically situated between the Eniwa‐a (15,000–17,000 14C yr B.P.) and the Tarumae‐d (8000–9000 14C yr B.P.) tephras. Moreover, six AMS 14C ages on charcoal from a Pleistocene‐aged hearth feature are between 14,400 and 14,800 14C yr B.P. Quantitative examinations of patterns in artifact distributions show a low degree of vertical and horizontal displacement of chipped‐stone artifacts, suggesting that post‐depositional movement of the cultural material was insufficient to disrupt the original pattern of artifact distribution. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In geoarchaeological studies, there is an issue with distinguishing between natural and anthropogenic signals in pedological paleoarchives. With the pedostratigraphy of the Upper Paleolithic site of Kostenki 14, this issue is reflected by problems with the determination of features of pedogenic and pyrogenic processes. This issue was addressed by means of a thorough analysis of the magnetic properties of paleosols accompanied by micromorphological observations. Most of the humic samples were shown to be a result of pedogenesis, but two samples (a Paleolithic hearth sample and a sample from paleosol IIc) had features of intensely burnt material. The difference in the typical intensity of large-scale (natural or human-induced) and local-scale anthropogenic fire allowed for suggesting that the magnetic properties of the burnt sample were the result of an anthropogenically controlled fire event, that is, a hearth. This study shows that the magnetic properties of paleosols can be used to differentiate anthropogenic activity, in particular—burning, from pedogenic processes. This indicator is especially helpful in finding disturbed combustion features when the hearth structure is lost. This methodology used to demonstrate the local human-induced pyrogenic effect at the Upper Paleolithic site can contribute to the discussion of the niche construction effect of human activities in the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Since 2002, a new hydrogeological experimental site (HES) has been developed in Poitiers, France. The overall research objective related to this site is to improve the understanding of flow and solute transport in carbonate aquifers. The benchmarking of various types of numerical models against the HES field data is one of the main research projects supported by three national scientific programs. Within this framework, the purpose of this report is to synthesize existing knowledge about both aquifer geology and flowpath structure, based on core analysis and well logging. The combined use of core-hole data, borehole logs and outcrop data provide valuable information about lithostratigraphy and fracturing. The comparison of flow-meter data with borehole images indicates that flowpaths in the HES aquifer are strongly constrained within (1) subhorizontal karstic structures and (2) subvertical fractures. The presence of karstic levels appears to be conditioned by the stratigraphy and are unevenly developed in the HES. The vertical interconnectivity between the three karstic levels seems to result from fractures occurrence in this limestone formation. Following the observations, data and interpretations, a conceptual model of the Dogger aquifer is proposed.
Résumé  La vocation première du Site Expérimental Hydrogéologique (SEH) de Poitiers, France, est de fournir des données pertinentes-y compris des chroniques ou expériences long terme-pour la caractérisation, la quantification et la modélisation des transferts d’eau et de solutés dans les aquifères carbonatés. Depuis 2002, les investigations menées sur le SEH ont permis de recueillir une importante quantité de données concernant un aquifère calcaire captif de 100 m d’épaisseur. Ces données servent actuellement de support à un exercice de modélisation comparée (benchmark) soutenu par trois programmes scientifiques nationaux. Dans le cadre de ce projet, l’objectif ici est de synthétiser les connaissances actuelles relatives à la géologie et la structure des écoulements dans l’aquifère du Dogger. La structure lithostratigraphique et la fracturation de l’aquifère sont analysées à partir des carottes de forages, des affleurements, et des diagraphies de puits. L’analyse croisée des données de débitmétrie verticale et des imageries de parois des forages indique que les écoulements sont principalement associés à des structures karstiques subhorizontales et des fractures subverticales. Les niveaux karstiques sont irrégulièrement répartis sur le SEH mais apparaissent fortement corrélés avec des niveaux stratigraphiques précis. La connectivité hydraulique des différents niveaux karstiques semble liée à la fracturation des calcaires.

Resumen  Desde 2002, se desarrolló en Potiers, Francia, un sitio experimental hidrogeológico (SEH). El objetivo general de la investigación relacionada a este sitio es mejorar el entendimiento del flujo y transporte de solutos en acuíferos calcáreos. El punto de referencia de varios tipos de modelos numéricos utilizando los datos del SEH es uno de los principales proyectos de investigación financiados por tres programas científicos nacionales. Dentro de este marco, el propósito de este reporte es sintetizar el conocimiento existente tanto acerca de la geología como de la estructura de los caminos de flujo, basado en el análisis de testigos y perfiles de pozos. El uso combinado de testigos, perfiles de pozos e datos de afloramientos provee información valiosa acerca de la litoestratigrafía y el fracturamiento. La comparación de datos de medidores de flujo con imágenes de pozos indica que los caminos de flujo en el acuífero del SEH están fuertemente condicionados por (1) estructuras cársticas subhorizontales, y (2) fracturas subverticales. La presencia de niveles cársticos pareciera estar condicionada por la estratigrafía y estar desarrollada en forma no igualmente distribuida dentro del SHE. La interconectividad vertical entre tres niveles cársticos sería el resultado de la ocurrencia de fracturas en la formación de las calizas. En base a las observaciones, los datos e interpretaciones, se propone un modelo conceptual del acuífero Dogger.

《Applied Geochemistry》1994,9(5):583-595
A steady-state geochemical model has been developed to study water-rock interactions controlling metal release from waste rock heaps at the Aitik Cu mine in northern Sweden. The Cu release in drainage waters from the site is of environmental concern. The waste rock heaps are treated as single completely mixed flow-through reactors. The geochemical model includes kinetices of sulphide and primary silicate mineral weathering, heterogeneous equilibrium with secondary mineral phases and speciation equilibrium. Field monitoring of drainage water composition provides a basis for evaluation of model performance.The relative rate of oxidative weathering of sulphides and dissolution of primary silicate minerals, using published kinetic data, are consistent with net proton and base cation fluxes at the site. The overall rate of Fe2+ oxidation within the heap is three orders of magnitude faster than that which could be explained by surface-catalysed reaction kinetics. This suggests significant activity of iron-oxidizing bacteria. The absolute weathering rates of sulphides and silicate minerals, normalized to a measured BET surface area, are approximately two orders of magnitude lower at field scale than published rates from laboratory experiments. Because of the relative absence of carbonate minerals, the weathering of biotite and plagioclase feldspar are important sources of alkalinity.  相似文献   

The Geelbek Dunes located north of Cape Town, South Africa, are an active, northward migrating dune field. Interdunal deflation hollows temporarily expose former land surfaces that are associated with archaeological sites. These open‐air sites shed light on large‐scale patterns of Middle and Later Stone Age settlement and augment the information gained from well‐stratified, but spatially limited caves, rock shelters, and coastal shell middens. Based on paleopedological and sedimentological parameters, three former land surfaces were identified and associated with different assemblages. A chronostratigraphy of the various land surfaces was established by applying optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. The youngest former land surface is represented by a dune generation (AD2) which stabilized at a maximum of 5 ka. An older dune generation (AD1) shows a more heterogeneous age pattern where deposition started at ca. 27 ka with a maximum estimated age of stabilization at ca. 10 ka. Both of these dune generations overlie a weathered calcrete complex of Middle to Late Pleistocene age. While the third dune generation (AD0) was observed between underlying calcrete layers, samples taken from this unit could not be dated. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Site formation processes at the Late Pleistocene rockshelter deposit of Obi‐Rakhmat were reconstructed through soil micromorphology and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The entire sequence has undergone limited diagenesis and is well preserved. The base of the stratified sequence represents a karstic setting with intermittent, low‐energy deposition of autochthonous gravitational debris and anthropogenic material in a wet, muddy environment. These sediments were post‐depositionally affected by episodic waterlogging. The bulk of the sequence overlying the karstic layers comprises a continuous series of primary freshwater spring deposits containing reworked anthropogenic material that was buried penecontemporaneously with calcium carbonate deposition. The top of the sequence is weakly cryoturbated, indicating a periodically cold, wet environment. No alluvial elements that could suggest sediment inputs from the nearby river terraces were documented. A single exogenous layer was identified, representing an episode of colluviation from directly above the rockshelter preceding a major roofspall event. The basal part of the sequence contains slightly reworked anthropogenic remnants of intense activities, including combustion. The anthropogenic elements present in the spring deposits show higher degrees of reworking, suggesting within‐layer translocation. The development of spring activity at the site did not cause humans to abandon the rockshelter; they continued to carry out their activities throughout a changing local environment. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

研究表明,阿尔泰南缘和准噶尔北缘晚古生代大地构造演化及成矿作用均受古亚洲洋形成与演化的控制。晚古生代该地区经历了3个不同性质的构造演化阶段,同时伴有不同的多金属成矿作用。早泥盆世,由于古亚洲洋板块的俯冲,在阿尔泰南缘形成了一系列陆缘断陷盆地,并伴随以铅、锌、铜、铁多金属为主的矿化;同时,俯冲的古亚洲洋板块发生部分熔融,形成了埃达克岩及与其有关的铜矿床。随着板块俯冲的继续,中泥盆世出现了前弧盆地,并形成了铜-铅-锌多金属矿床。至石炭纪,西伯利亚板块与哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块发生碰撞,在额尔齐斯缝合带附近出现了由于挤压作用而形成的金矿床,同时,在缝合带北侧(阿尔泰地区),由于壳型花岗岩的广泛发育,形成了稀有金属矿床。早二叠世,在额尔齐斯缝合带附近又发生了碰撞后的板内拉张作用,从而诱发了一系列与地幔作用有关的岩浆活动,形成了以喀拉通克为代表的铜-镍矿化。因此,阿尔泰南缘和准噶尔北缘晚古生代多金属找矿远景区包括:阿勒泰南缘早泥盆世火山-沉积盆地内铅、锌、铜及铁多金属矿床和准噶尔北缘早泥盆世与埃达克岩有关的铜矿床;中泥盆世前弧盆地内的铜多金属矿床;石炭纪额尔齐斯缝合带内与碰撞有关的金矿床及稀有金属矿床;早二叠世与板内拉张有关的铜-镍多金属矿床。  相似文献   

The Late Neolithic pile‐dwelling of Palù di Livenza yielded archaeological remains typical of the Square Mouth Pottery and Lagozza Cultures. A palynological investigation reveals important changes in the vegetation due to anthropogenic pressure. Between ca. 6590 and 5960 cal. yr BP, dense oak wood forests with deciduous Quercus, Fagus and Corylus extended around the mire, with no signs of human impact. The establishment of the pile‐dwelling, dated to ca. 5960 cal. yr BP, led to a strong reduction of forests, reclamation of wetlands, and expansion of herbaceous communities, with cultivated species, infestant weeds, nitrophilous and ruderal herbs, pastures and meadows. According to AMS dates and previous archaeological chronologies, the pile‐dwelling persisted for about 700 years (from ca. 5960 to 5260 cal. yr BP). The history of the pile‐dwelling after ca. 5260 cal. yr BP cannot be reconstructed because of recent contamination of the top part of the section. Rarefaction analysis was applied to estimate changes of palynological richness through time: the highest E(Tn) (between 56 and 69 taxa) are contemporaneous with the local development of the pile‐dwelling. The comparison of pollen data with archaeobotanical evidence indicates that Fragaria vesca, Malus sylvestris, Papaver somniferum and Physalis alkekengi were gathered at some distance from the site and that Linum usitatissimum is strongly under‐represented in pollen samples. Crop cultivation can be estimated for a radius of several hundred metres around the mire. Palù di Livenza is significant in the context of Neolithic archaeobotany of northern Italy and neighbouring countries. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have examined the data of 600 geothermal wells and re‐interpreted approximately 500 km seismic profiles through the field of Larderello, Italy. We conclude that the two main seismic reflectors present below the geothermal area host two different fluids: (1) superheated steam in the upper H‐horizon (reached by drillholes) and (2) supercritical fluid in the deeper K‐horizon (reached by few unproductive or damaged wells). The superheated steam has the physical and chemical connotation of the geothermal fluid exploited so far at Larderello, whereas the supercritical fluid represents a potential unconventional deep‐seated resource still to be assessed. The high temperatures existing in correspondence of the K‐horizon suggest that the silica‐rich rocks are close to a plastic state and the fluids should remain confined in a medium sealed to the confining rocks, unless occasional fluid overpressure and abrupt high strain rates occur.  相似文献   

Twenty thin sections were studied from Cactus Hill, a ca. 20 ka stratified sand dune site in Virginia, USA, with a Clovis and hypothesized pre‐Clovis component. The high‐resolution soil micromorphology investigation focused on testing the integrity of Clovis and pre‐Clovis stratigraphy from one location where there is a high density of artifacts. Site formation processes were dominated by eolian (dune) sand formation. There was also ephemeral topsoil development and associated occupation, along with their penecontemporaneous disturbance and dispersal by scavenging animals (assumed) and localized down‐working by small invertebrate mesofauna (as evidenced by aggregates of fine phytolith‐rich humic soil and fine soil‐coated charcoal fragments). Partial erosion of these occupation soils (deflation?) was followed by successive sand burial. Post‐depositional processes affecting these sand‐buried occupations involved only small‐scale bioturbation and overprinting of clay lamellae, suggesting site stratigraphy has been stable for a long time. Soil micromorphological analysis has defined a difference between occupational units (pre‐Clovis and Clovis) and sterile units found between these units as well as above and below. In summary, according to this analysis, the site appears intact with only minor disturbances affecting the long‐term integrity of the stratigraphy. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

杜水生 《第四纪研究》2021,41(1):153-163



Palaeoglaciological reconstructions of the North Sea sector of the last British Ice Sheet have, as other shelf areas, suffered from a lack of dates directly related to ice‐front positions. In the present study new high‐resolution TOPAS seismic data, bathymetric records and sediment core data from the Witch Ground Basin, central North Sea, were compiled. This compilation made it possible to map out three ice‐marginal positions, partly through identification of terminal moraines and partly through location of glacial‐fed debrisflows. The interfingering of the distal parts of the glacial‐fed debrisflows with continuous marine sedimentation enabled the development of a chronology for glacial events based on previously published and some new radiocarbon dates on marine molluscs and foraminifera. From these data it is suggested that after the central Witch Ground Basin was deglaciated at c. 27 cal. ka BP, the eastern part was inundated by glacial ice from the east in the Tampen advance at c. 21 cal. ka BP. Subsequently, the basin was inundated by ice from northeast during the Fladen 1 (c. 17.5 cal. ka BP) and the Fladen 2 (16.2 cal. ka BP) events. It should be emphasized that the Fladen 1 and 2 events, individually, may represent dynamics of relatively small lobes of glacial ice at the margin of the British Ice Sheet and that the climatic significance of these may be questioned. However, the Fladen Events probably correlate in time with the Clogher Head and Killard Point re‐advances previously documented from Ireland and the Bremanger event from off western Norway, suggesting that the British and Fennoscandian ice sheets both had major advances in their northwestern parts, close to the northwestern European seaboard, at this time.  相似文献   

This synopsis highlights some of the main results presented in this issue of Boreas. The collection of papers deals with ice sheet reconstruction in space and time, isostatic and eustatic response to deglaciation, land to shelf sediment interaction, and Eemian and Holocene environmental variations. The most significant new results are that the last glacial maximum of the Kara Sea and Barents Sea ice sheets were both much smaller and much older than in most previous hypotheses. This puts new constraints on, for example, climate and ice sheet linkages, ice sheet interactions (Scandinavian-Barents Sea-Kara Sea), and land-ocean riverine input through time.  相似文献   

Paleobathymetrical reconstructions were performed for the Volgian-Neocomian basin in northern West Siberia. The proposed technique takes into account a number of factors, such as the rates of basin subsidence and sedimentation, sediment lithification and types of lithology, sea level changes, and isostasy. The role of each factor controlling the depth of the paleobasin is considered. The study reveals several stages of formation of the Neocomian clinoform complex of West Siberia, with different regimes of basin subsidence, sedimentation, and isostatic compensation.  相似文献   

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