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Caledonian orogenesis in NE Greenland resulted from the collision of Laurentia and Baltica during the Ordovician–Silurian. Anatectic pelites within the metasedimentary Smallefjord Sequence record a clockwise P – T  path, the result of early crustal thickening at c . 445–440 Ma and subsequent exhumation of the high-grade metamorphic core by a combination of ductile extension and tectonic denudation. The early prograde segment of the path followed a shallow, near-isothermal trajectory and attained a metamorphic peak of c . 9.0–10.0 kbar at >790 and <850 °C. Prograde metamorphism initiated anatexis of pelites in the kyanite stability field and continued with sillimanite stable. Inclusion trails in the garnet cores are textural remnants of early deformation, which occurred either before or during prograde metamorphism. The peak metamorphic conditions are anomalously high in the context of thermal models and P – T  paths for continental collision zones. The additional heat input required to promote migmatization may have been provided by advection as lower crustal high-pressure rocks and the uppermost mantle were uplifted following lithospheric thinning at an early stage in the orogeny. The prograde path was interrupted by the development of retrograde extensional shear fabrics defined by biotite+sillimanite and associated with garnet breakdown. Field observations indicate that ductile extension was accompanied by melt extraction, transport and emplacement of intracrustal granites dated at c . 430 Ma. Regional ductile extension and exhumation probably resulted from the development of gravitational instabilities within the overthickened crust during continental collision.  相似文献   

Cordierite and garnet are common in migmatites adjoining Caldeonian (sensu lato) synorogenic intrusions in the Highlands of Scotland. Migmatitic hornfelses of the Huntly-Portsoy area, of particular interest in being closely associated with the regional andalusite/kyanite boundary, contain both of the pressure-sensitive sub-assemblages (cordierite-garnet-sillimanite) and (cordierite-garnet-ortho-pyroxene). In other areas regional metamorphism was of higher-pressure (kyanite-sillimanite) type, the metamorphic patterns having been subsequently modified at lower pressures. The subassemblage cordierite-garnet-sillimanite is found in pelites occurring near contacts of the Strontian Granodiorite and the nearby, but probably earlier, Glen Scaddle basic complex, where andalusite also occurs in the contact zone. The sub-assemblage cordierite-garnet-orthopyroxene is studied in migmatitic hornfelses of the Lochnagar aureole. Zoning of cordierite and garnet is found in all specimens, and results largely from retrograde diffusive reactions.The calibrations of the garnet-cordierite-sillimanite geobarometer by Thompson (1976) and by Holdaway and Lee (1977) are used to estimate pressures of migmatization. These calibrations give results 2–3 kbar lower than that of Hensen and Green (1973). In the Huntly-Portsoy area, where the pressure must have been close to that of the Al2SiO5 triple point, the Thompson result is 5.5 ±0.1 kbar. The calibration by Holdaway and Lee (1977), in which the H2O content of cordierite is treated, gives a maximum pressure estimate (for P H 2 O=P) of 6.1 ±0.2 kbar. Rough calculations in which is also estimated, using a simplified biotite-sillimanite-quartz dehydration reaction, give P=4.9±0.1 kbar with 0.6P.The Glen Scaddle area gives P = 5.6–5.9 kbar, P by this method, compared with P=5.2–5.3 kbar by the Thompson calibration. The Strontian area gives lower values (<5kbar) despite being structurally below the Glen Scaddle area; this would indicate late origin of the cordierite-bearing migmatites and is consistent with their interpretation in terms of the thermal effects of the Strontian Granodiorite. The Lochnagar aureole is also relatively low-pressure.Estimates of maximum temperatures are 700–740 °C for the Strontian and Huntly-Portsoy areas, and 780–820 °C for the higher grade localities in the Glen Scaddle and Lochnagar areas, where orthopyroxene coexists with potash felspar and cordierite (but not sillimanite). It is likely that cordierite in all the rocks studied was produced as a result of melting reactions that are also responsible for migmatization.  相似文献   

Abstract Textural relationships between porphyroblasts of biotite and garnet in metasediments in the Nordkinn Peninsula area of the Finnmarkian Caledonides of North Norway are apparently complex. There is evidence for two textural zones in both mineral phases and superficially the development of these appears to have overlapped, at least in part, in time and space. This apparently complex porphyroblast growth history can be considerably simplified if only one period of garnet growth occurred and if different inclusion fabrics developed where garnet replaced biotite porphyroblasts and where it overgrew the matrix foliation. The possibility that porphyroblasts with textural evidence for multiphase growth histories actually grew during a single crystallization event is of importance in the interpretation and elucidation of tectonometamorphic relationships.  相似文献   

Abstract Porphyroblast textures in a Karakorum phyllite reveal that porphyroblast growth was syn-tectonic with respect to a cleavage forming deformation. During and after porphyroblast growth it partitions the deformation such that zones of intensified cleavage are developed which wrap around the porphyroblast whilst the porphyroblast and its strain shadow undergo little deformation. Porphyroblast strain shadows comprise quartz, calcite and felspar with little mica, and are probably formed by solution transfer during deformation. Unless the deformation is so strongly partitioned that no deformation of the porphyroblasts and their immediate surrounds occurs, inequidimensional porphyroblasts will rotate. Porphyroblasts undergo some dissolution after they have finished growing.  相似文献   

A review of currently available information relevant to the Basal Gneiss Complex (BGC) of Western South Norway, combined with the authors'own observations, leads to the following conclusions.
1. Most of the BGC consists of Proterozoic crystalline rocks and probably subordinate Lower Palaeozoic cover.
2. The last major deformation of these rocks was during the Caledonian orogeny and involved large-scale thrusting, recumbent folding and doming. The structural development of the BGC is closely tied in with that of the Caledonian allochthon.
3. The whole eclogite-bearing part of the BGC has suffered a high pressure metamorphism with conditions of between 550°C, 12.5 kbar (Sunnfjord) and about 750°C, 20 kbar (Møre og Romsdal) at the metamorphic climax.
4. This metamorphism was of Caledonian age, probably rather early in the Caledonian tectonic history of the BGC and is considered to have been a rather transient event.
By setting these conclusions in a framework provided by geophysical evidence for the deep structure of the crust in southern Norway we have constructed a geotectonic model to explain the recorded metamorphic history of the BGC. It is suggested that considerable crustal thickening was caused by imbrication of the Baltic plate margin during continental collision with the Greenland plate. This resulted in high pressure metamorphism in the resulting nappe stack. Progradation of the suture caused underthrusting of the Baltic foreland below the eclogite-bearing terrain causing it to emerge at the Earth's surface, aided by tectonic stripping and erosion.
Application of isostacy equations to the model shows that eclogites can be formed by in-situ metamorphism in crustal rocks and reappear at the land surface above a normal thickness of crust in a single orogenic episode of approximately 65-70 Ma duration.  相似文献   

The Sanddal mafic‐ultramafic complex (SMUK) is a cluster of variably eclogitised mafic and ultramafic bodies that comprise the westernmost known eclogite facies locality in the North‐East Greenland eclogite province (NEGEP). Although there are no true eclogites in the SMUK, we interpret three distinct textural types of plagioclase replacement to record sequential stages in adjustment of SMUK olivine gabbro‐norites to eclogite facies conditions. The earliest stage, in which plagioclase was replaced by omphacite/spinel symplectite before nucleation of garnet (Type 1A & 1B) has not previously been described. Documentation of this texture provides clear evidence that, at least in some cases, garnet nucleation is delayed relative to nucleation of omphacite and is a rate‐limiting step for eclogitisation. Type 1C domains were produced by scattered nucleation of garnet in the same sample. In Type 2 domains, plagioclase was replaced by a layered corona with an outer layer of garnet, an inner layer of omphacite and an interior of inclusion‐rich plagioclase. In Type 3 domains, the omphacite layer was overgrown by the garnet rim, and omphacite is preserved only as inclusions in garnet. In more coarse grained leucogabbros, recrystallization was more complete, plagioclase replacement textures were less localised, and could not be divided into distinct stages. Plagioclase replacement in SMUK samples was not isochemical, and required diffusion of at least Mg and Fe from replacement of mafic phases in the surroundings. Strong compositional gradients in garnet reflect disequilibrium and were controlled by the different diffusion rates of Mg/Fe and Ca, different local chemical environments, and progress of the plagioclase breakdown reaction. The presence of small amounts of hydrous minerals (amphibole, phlogopite and clinozoisite) in local equilibrium in plagioclase domains of most SMUK samples indicates that a small amount of H2O was present during high pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract Corona textures, which developed in alternating layers in rocks in a supracrustal belt at Errabiddy, Western Australia, involved:
(a) The production of staurolite, cordierite and quartz or sapphirine between Kyanite and/or sillimanite and gedrite; and
(b) The production of cordierite between garnet and gedrite.
These textures are inconsistent with development along the same pressure–temperature path in the system FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O, but can be accounted for if CaO, mainly in garnet, is taken into account. The sapphirine-bearing kyanite–gedrite textures are explained by lower a (SiO2) during their development. The assemblages indicate a consistent pressure–temperature ( P–T ) trajectory involving substantial uplift with only a slight decrease in temperature. The history of these rocks includes reheating of originally high-grade rocks that had cooled to a stable conductive geotherm, followed by substantial, essentially isothermal uplift. The tectonic environment for this was presumably the one responsible for emplacement of the high-grade terrain in the upper crust.  相似文献   

In the North‐East Greenland Caledonides, P–T conditions and textures are consistent with partial melting of ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite during exhumation. The eclogite contains a peak assemblage of garnet, omphacite, kyanite, coesite, rutile, and clinozoisite; in addition, phengite is inferred to have been present at peak conditions. An isochemical phase equilibrium diagram, along with garnet isopleths, constrains peak P–T conditions to be subsolidus at 3.4 GPa and 940°C. Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry on inclusions in garnet yields values of ~820°C at 3.4 GPa. In the eclogite, plagioclase may exhibit cuspate textures against surrounding omphacite and has low dihedral angles in plagioclase–clinopyroxene–garnet aggregates, features that are consistent with former melt–solid–solid boundaries and crystallized melt pockets. Graphic intergrowths of plagioclase and amphibole are present in the matrix. Small euhedral neoblasts of garnet against plagioclase are interpreted as formed from a peritectic reaction during partial melting. Polymineralic inclusions of albite+K‐feldspar and clinopyroxene+quartz±kyanite±plagioclase in large anhedral garnet display plagioclase cusps pointing into the host, which are interpreted as crystallized melt pockets. These textures, along with the mineral composition, suggest partial melting of the eclogite by reactions involving phengite and, to a large extent, an epidote‐group mineral. Calculated and experimentally determined phase relations from the literature reveal that partial melting occurred on the exhumation path, at pressures below the coesite to quartz transition. A calculated P–T phase diagram for a former melt‐bearing domain shows that the formation of the peritectic garnet rim occurred at 1.4 GPa and 900°C, with an assemblage of clinopyroxene, amphibole, and plagioclase equilibrated at 1.3 GPa and 720°C. Isochemical phase equilibrium modelling of a symplectite of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and amphibole after omphacite, combined with the mineral composition, yields a P–T range at 1.0–1. 6 GPa, 680–1,000°C. The assemblage of amphibole and plagioclase is estimated to reach equilibrium at 717–732°C, calculated by amphibole–plagioclase thermometry for the former melt‐bearing domain and symplectite respectively. The results of this study demonstrate that partial melt formed in the UHP eclogite through breakdown of an epidote‐group mineral with minor involvement of phengite during exhumation from peak pressure; melt was subsequently crystallized on the cooling path.  相似文献   

Based on the geological and geochemical information about migmatites,the following lines of evidence have been proposed for discriminating the anatectic leucosome in the Dabieshan Complex:(1)its width is larger than that derived from the subsolidus genesis,cutting across regional foliation,thus giving rise to complicated folds and wider selvages;(2)it is composed of melanic and accessory minerals in addition to quartz and feldspars;(3)the significant dfference in anorthites of plagioclase between paleosome and leucosome;(4)temperature and pressure(P/T) conditions revealed by the mineral compositions and assemblages are over those for the onset of anatexis;and (5)it is enriched in the major elements(e.g.Al2O3.Fe2O3and TiO2)and immobile and incompatible elements(e.g.LREE,Th,Hf and Zr).Finally,by combining the geological and geochemical features with the statistical data for the spatial distribution of minerals and mass-balance in the migatites,it is concluded that anatexis is the cardinal mechanism of migmatization in the Dabieshan Complex.  相似文献   

Abstract The Paikon Series is considered to be a volcanic arc sequence with a mainly neritic sedimentary sequence and bimodal tholeiitic volcanism of early Mesozoic age. The metamorphic assemblages are syn- to post-kinematic with respect to a pre-Tithonian tectonic phase and range from the lawsonite-chlorite-albite facies through transitional Na-amphibole-greenschist facies to the chlorite sub-zone of the greenschist facies. The metamorphic imprint of the Paikon Series corresponds to a temperature range from less than 330° C to ± 450° C under a total pressure from 3 kbar to 6–7 kbar. The overprinting of these facies on an earlier blueschist assemblage, related either to a subduction zone or to a tectonic overpressure caused by thrusting, is suspected.  相似文献   

粤西云开地块内高州地区深熔混合岩的锆石U-Pb年龄   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
云开地块区域混合岩是在低压变质作用基础上形成的。多数古成体原岩是富黑云母的过铝质片麻岩。混合岩野外特征、岩石学、矿物空间分布和地球化学综合研究均表明,该区浅色体是深熔成因的。单颗粒锆石定年结果表明,混合岩形成于加里东期,其时代为394 ~449Ma,这期混合岩化作用可能与云开地块大规模的加里东期岩浆活动有关。  相似文献   

Detailed geochronological, structural and petrological studies reveal that the geological evolution of the Field Islands area, East Antarctica, was substantially similar to that of the adjacent Archaean Napier Complex, though with notable differences in late and post Archaean times. These differences reflect the area's proximity to the Proterozoic Rayner Complex and consequent vulnerability to tectonic process involved in the formation of the latter. Distinctive structural features of the Field Islands are (1) consistent development of a discordant, pervasive S3 axial-plane foliation; (2) re-orientation of S3 axial planes to approximate to the subsequent E-W tectonic trend of the nearby Rayner Complex; (3) selective retrogression by a post-D3 static thermal overprint; and (4) relatively common development of retrogressive, E-W-trending, mylonitic shear zones. Peak metamorphic conditions in excess of 800°C at 900 ± 100 M Pa (9 kbar) were attained at one locality following, but probably close to the time of D2 folding. D3 took place in late Archaean times when metamorphic temperatures were about 650°C and pressures were about 600 MPa (6 kbar). Later, temperatures of 600 ± 50°C and pressures of 700 MPa (7kbar) were attained in an amphibolite-facies event, presumably associated with the widespread granulite to amphibolite-facies metamorphism and intense deformation involved in the formation of the Rayner Complex at about 1100 Ma. The area was subsequently subjected to near-isothermal uplift. Rb-Sr isotopic data indicate that the pervasive D3 fabric developed at about 2400–2500 Ma, and this age can be further refined to 2456+8-5 Ma by concordant zircon analyses from a syn-D3 pegmatite. All zircons were affected by only minor (<7–10%) Pb loss and/or new zircon growth during the Rayner event at about 1100Ma. Thus the 450–850 μg/gU concentrations of these zircons were too low to cause sufficient lattice damage over the 1350 Ma (from 2450 Ma) for excessive Pb to be lost during the 1100 Ma event. The emplacement of pegmatite at 522 ± 10 Ma substantially changed the Rb-Sr systematics of the only analysed rock that developed a penetrative fabric during the 1100 Ma event. Monazite in this pegmatite contains an inherited Pb component, which probably resides in small opaque inclusions. A good correlation is found between Rb-Sr total-rock ages and rock fabric. U-Pb zircon intercepts with concordia also mostly correspond to known events. However, in one example a near perfect alignment of zircon analyses, probably developed by mixing of unrelated components, produced concordia intercepts that appear to have no direct geochronological significance.  相似文献   

The oligoclase-biotite zone of the Bessi area, central Shikoku is characterized by sodic plagioclase (XCa= 0.10–0.28)-bearing assemblages in pelitic schists, and represents the highest-grade zone of the Sanbagawa metamorphic terrain. Mineral assemblages in pelitic schists of this zone, all with quartz, sodic plagioclase, muscovite and clinozoisite (or zoisite), are garnet + biotite + chlorite + paragonite, garnet + biotite + hornblende + chlorite, and partial assemblages of these two types. Correlations between mineral compositions, mineral assemblages and mineral stability data assuming PH2O = Psolid suggests that metamorphic conditions of this zone are about 610 ± 25°C and 10 ± 1 kbar.
Based upon a comparative study of mineralogy and chemistry of pelitic schists in the oligoclase-biotite zone of the Sanbagawa terrain with those in the New Caledonia omphacite zone as an example of a typical high-pressure type of metamorphic belt and with those in a generalized'upper staurolite zone'as an example of a medium-pressure type of metamorphic belt, progressive assemblages within these three zones can be related by reactions such as:  相似文献   

Abstract The magnitudes of plastic strains of 104 metacherts were determined from the deformed shape of initially spherical radiolarians in the Sambagawa high- P type metamorphic belt of Western Shikoku, Japan. The strain magnitude increases with increasing metamorphic temperature from several per cent to 250%. The a2/a3 ratio of strain ellipsoids in the higher metamorphic grades decreases with increasing metamorphic grade while the a1/a2 ratio increases rapidly. The long axis of the strain ellipsoid for every grade is nearly parallel to the length of the metamorphic belt, suggesting that the flow direction of the synmetamorphic deformation was uniform along the belt. A map of strain zones within the Sambagawa high- P type metamorphic belt reveals that the metamorphic belt underwent a progressive bulk inhomogeneous shear deformation and that the high-grade zones represent a deep-seated boundary shear zone on the accretionary wedge between a subducting oceanic plate and the immobile rigid continental plate.  相似文献   

Abstract Fluids, some of which are CO2-rich (up to 40 mol.% CO2) and some of which are highly saline (up to 18 wt% NaCl equivalent), are trapped as fluid inclusions in quartz-calcite (∼ metallic minerals) veins which cross-cut the pumpellyite-actinolite to amphibolite facies rocks of the Alpine Schist. Fluids were commonly trapped as immiscible liquid-vapour mixes in quartz and calcite showing open-space growth textures. Fluid entrapment occurred at fluid pressures near 500 bars (possibly as low as 150 bars) at temperatures ranging from 260 to 330° C. Saline fluids may have formed by partitioning of dissolved salts into an aqueous phase on segregation of immiscible fluids from a low-density CO2-rich fluid. Calcite deposited by these fluids has δ13C ranging from – 8.4 to – 11.5 and δ18O from + 4 to + 13. Isotopic data, fluid compositions and mode of occurrence suggest that the fluids are derived from high-grade metamorphic rocks. Fluid interaction with wall-rock has caused biotite crystallization and/or recrystallization in some rocks and retrogression of biotite to chlorite in other rocks.
Fluid penetration through the rock is almost pervasive in many areas where permeability, probably related to Alpine Fault activity, has focussed fluids on a regional scale into fractured rocks. The fluid flow process is made possible by high uplift-rates (in excess of 10 mm/year) bringing hot rocks near to the surface.  相似文献   

Abstract Part of the augite in the Artfjället gabbro consists of symplectitic intergrowths between augite and blebs or lamellae of orthopyroxene. Mineral compositions are consistent with formation of these symplectites by exsolution of orthopyroxene from magmatic augite at a temperature of ca . 900–1000°C. The microstructures indicate that the exsolution mechanism is discontinuous precipitation, whereby the boundary of an augite grain sweeps through a neighbouring augite, leaving the symplectite in its wake. The formation of this symplectitic augite is catalysed by the presence of an intergranular water-rich fluid phase, which promotes grain boundary mobility.  相似文献   

Abstract An inverted metamorphic gradient associated with the northern mylonite zone of the Cheyenne belt, a deeply eroded Precambrian suture in southern Wyoming, has been documented within metasedimentary rocks of the Early Proterozoic Snowy Pass Supergroup. Metamorphic grade in the steeply dipping supracrustal sequence increases from the chlorite through the biotite, garnet, and staurolite zones both stratigraphically and structurally upward toward the northern mylonite zone. A minimum temperature increase of approximately 100° C over a km-wide zone is required for this transition. Parallelism of inverted isograds with the trace of the northern mylonite zone implies a genetic relationship between deformation associated with that zone and the inverted metamorphic gradient within the Snowy Pass Supergroup. Field evidence together with microstructural and petrofabric analysis indicate northward thrusting of amphibolite-grade rocks over rocks of the Snowy Pass Supergroup along the northern mylonite zone. Mineral equilibria and garnet-biotite geothermometry on synkinematic mineral assemblages within the Snowy Pass metasedimentary rocks indicate deformation at minimum temperatures of 480° C and pressures of 350–400 MPa (3°5–4°0 kbar). This implies tectonic burial or upper plate thickness of 13–15 km. The narrow character of metamorphic zonation and microtextures within the Snowy Pass Supergroup which indicate late synkine-matic growth of garnet and staurolite, preclude rotation of pre-existing isograds by folding as a mechanism for development of the inverted gradient. Conductive transport of heat from the upper into the lower plate across the originally low-angle thrust is insufficient to produce the necessary temperatures in the lower plate. Shear heating is considered insufficient to produce the observed metamorphic transition unless high shear stresses are postulated. Up-dip advection of metamorphic fluids is a feasible, but unproven, mechanism for heat transport. The possibility that rapid uplift due to stacking of several thrust sheets may have played a role in preserving the inverted metamorphic gradient cannot be evaluated at present.  相似文献   

Abstract In the Kamuikotan zone, jadeite occurs in pelitic rocks, in metaplagiogranites, in veins in amphibolites and mafic sedimentary rocks, and in jadeite-albite rocks. In the first and second types, jadeite is associated with quartz, and is often in direct contact with it. However, such rock-types never occur as part of the coherent metamorphic sequence, but are found only as exotic blocks enclosed in serpentinite. Thus, jadeite + quartz-bearing assemblages are not regarded as representative of the Kamuikotan metamorphism. Lawsonite and aragonite, however, commonly do occur in the Kamuikotan metamorphic rocks, and this metamorphism belongs to a subfacies of the lawsonite-albite facies, in which aragonite is stable. The serpentinite matrix which carried jadeite + quartz-bearing pelites and metaplagiogranites into the metamorphic sequence is interpreted as a tectonic rather than a sedimentary melange.  相似文献   

Regional metamorphism in the Sulitjelma area of the arctic Scandinavian Caledonides has produced a series of Barrovian zones, from chlorite through to kyanite in more aluminous pelites, which transect the major lithological boundaries in a large nappe unit of the Köli Nappe Complex. The metamorphic zones are inverted, and metamorphic grade increases westwards from the foreland to the hinterland. The Furulund Group comprises a mixed sequence of originally flysch-like sediments which crop out over the whole range of the observed Barrovian zones, but are usually too calcareous to develop the characteristic Barrovian aluminous phases staurolite and kyanite. Instead, above the garnet isograd, the Furulund Group pelites and semi-pelites have widely developed hornblende porphyroblasts in the common assemblage Grt + Pl + Bt + Ms + Qtz ± Hbl ± Ep ± Czo ± Chl ± Cal ± Dol. Thermobarometric estimates of metamorphic peak P–T conditions (i.e. at maximum recorded temperatures) from this assemblage, using three different methods, indicate a westward increase of both pressure and temperature over a distance of 14 km away from the garnet isograd towards the hinterland of the orogen, independent of topographic level and without change in the common mineral assemblage. The increased peak pressure in the west indicates greater initial burial and subsequent exhumation in the hinterland than towards the foreland. Restoration indicates that the Furulund Group has been subjected to substantial eastward bulk tilting after peak metamorphic conditions. Whilst this enhances the overturning of the metamorphic zones, the amount of tilting was not sufficient to cause the overturning.  相似文献   

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