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Migmatite structures in the Central Gneiss Complex, Boca de Quadra, Alaska   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Migmatite structures in the Coast Plutonic-Metamorphic Complex are well exposed in the inlet of Boca de Quadra, southeast Alaska. Two types of anatectic migmatites are present. Patch migmatites formed by in situ melting and subsequent crystallization of melt. Diktyonitic migmatites comprise a discontinuous veined network of leucocratic material, in which leucosomes enclose boudins of host rock. The margins of these boudins show the development of both melanosomes and shear band fabrics.
Strain analysis of diktyonitic melanosomes indicates that these regions have undergone volume decreases of 20-27%. This volume decrease is attributed to melt extraction into the adjacent fracture-filling leucosomes. Thus, diktyonitic migmatites formed by shear-induced segregation of partial melt, whereas in patch migmatites the lack of shear stresses inhibited melt segregation. The variable structural style of anatectic migmatites in Boca de Quadra is not related to host-rock composition, but may be due to differences in the amount of differential stress during migmatization. These in turn may be controlled by host-rock strength and/or diachroneity of migmatization and deformation.
Determination of volume changes during migmatization using strain analysis is potentially capable of discriminating intrusive and anatectic migmatites and consequently of documenting melt segregation and subsequent migration across crustal levels.  相似文献   

SAWYER  E. W. 《Journal of Petrology》1991,32(4):701-738
Migmatites are developed in Archaean metabasites south of theGrenville Front. Relative to equivalent greenschist facies metabasites,those hosting the migmatites have undergone some mobilizationof CaO, Na2O, and Sr, and, in the case of sheared metabasites,the introduction of K2O, Ba, Cs, and Rb, before migmatization.Three types of anatectic migmatite are recognized, based ontheir leucosome-melanosome relationships: (1) non-segregatedmigmatites in which new leucocratic and magic phases are intimatelymixed in patches up to 15 cm across, (2) segregated migmatitesin which the leucosomes are located in boudin necks and shearbands, and are separated from their associated mafic selvedgesby 5–100 cm, and (3) vein-type migmatites where discordantleucosomes lack mafic selvedges. The non-segregated and segregatedmigmatites have a local and essentially isochemical origin,whereas the vein-type represent injected melt. Leucosomes fromthe segregated and vein-type migmatites have similar tonaliticmajor oxide compositions, but they differ greatly in their trace-elementcharacteristics. The vein-type leucosomes are enriched in K2O, Ba, Cs, Rb, LREE,Th, Hf, Zr, and P2O5 relative to their metabasite hosts, andhave greater La/YbN ratios (27 compared with 0?6–17).These veins may have formed by between 5 and 25%equilibriumbatch partial melting of Archaean metabasalt, leaving garnet+ hornblende in the residuum. In contrast, leucosomes from the segregated migmatites are depletedin REE, Sc, V, Cr, Ni, Co, Ti, Th, Hf, Zr, Nb, and P2O5 relativeto their source rocks; the associated mafic selvedges are enrichedin these elements. The leucosomes and mafic selvedges both haveLa/YbN ratios that are similar to those of the source metabasitesirrespective of whether the source is LREE depleted or LREEenriched. The abundances of many trace elements in the leucosomesappear to be controlled by the degree of contamination withresiduum material. Zr concentrations in the leucosomes are between10 and 52% of the estimated equilibrium concentrations in felsicmelts at the temperature (750–775 ?C) of migmatization.A numerical simulation of disequilibrium melting using bothLREE-depleted and LREE-enriched sources yields model melts withtrace element abundances that match those of the natural leucosomes.Mafic selvedge compositions indicate that the segregated migmatitesrepresent a range of between 12 and 36% partial melting of theirhost metamatization. Based upon calculated dissolution times for zircon in wet melts,the melt and residuum were separated in less than 23a, otherwisemelts would have become saturated in Zr. Rapid melt extractionis thought to be driven by pressure gradients developed duringnon-coaxial deformation of the anisotropic palaeosome duringmigmatization. The common occurrence, based on published work, of disequilibriumcompositions in migmatite leucosomes implies that during mid-crustalmelting the melt-segregation rates are greater than the rateof chemical equilibration between melt and the residual solid.In contrast, at the higher temperatures of granite formation,the rate of chemical equilibration exceeds that of melt-segregationand equilibrium melt compositions are reached before segregationcan occur. On the basis of their trace element characteristics,the melt which forms segregated migmatites cannot be the sameas that which forms the vein-like migmatites, or granitoid plutons.  相似文献   

The grain‐ and outcrop‐scale distribution of melt has been mapped in anatectic rocks from regional and contact metamorphic environments and used to infer melt movement paths. At the grain scale, anatectic melt is pervasively distributed in the grain boundaries and in small pools; consequently, most melt is located parallel to the principal fabric in the rock, typically a foliation. Short, branched arrays of linked, melt‐bearing grain boundaries connect melt‐depleted parts of the matrix to diffuse zones of melt accumulation (protoleucosomes), where magmatic flow and alignment of euhedral crystals grown from the melt developed. The distribution of melt (leucosome) and residual rocks (normally melanocratic) in outcrop provides different, but complementary, information. The residual rocks show where the melt came from, and the leucosomes preserve some of the channels through which the melt moved, or sites where it pooled. Different stages of the melt segregation process are recorded in the leucosome–melanosome arrays. Regions where melting and segregation had just begun when crystallization occurred are characterized by short arrays of thin, branching leucosomes with little melanosome. A more advanced stage of melting and segregation is marked by the development of residual rocks around extensive, branched leucosome arrays, generally oriented along the foliation or melting layer. Places where melting had stopped, or slowed down, before crystallization began are marked by a high ratio of melanosome to leucosome; because most of the melt has drained away, very few leucosomes remain to mark the melt escape path — this is common in melt‐depleted granulite terranes. Many migmatites contain abundant leucosomes oriented parallel to the foliation; mostly, these represent places where foliation planes dilated and melt drained from the matrix via the branched grain boundary and larger branched melt channel (leucosome) arrays collected. Melt collected in the foliation planes was partially, or fully, expelled later, when discordant leucosomes formed. Leucosomes (or veins) oriented at high angles to the foliation/layering formed last and commonly lack melanocratic borders; hence they were not involved in draining the matrix of the melting layer. Discordant leucosomes represent the channels through which melt flowed out of the melting layer.  相似文献   

This study uses field, microstructural and geochemical data to investigate the processes contributing to the petrological diversity that arises when granitic continental crust is reworked. The Kinawa migmatite formed when Archean TTG crust in the São Francisco Craton, Brazil was reworked by partial melting at ~730 °C and 5–6 kbar in a regional‐scale shear zone. As a result, a relatively uniform leucogranodiorite protolith produced compositionally and microstructurally diverse diatexites and leucosomes. All outcrops of migmatite display either a magmatic foliation, flow banding or transposed leucosomes and indicate strong, melt‐present shearing. There are three types of diatexite. Grey diatexites are interpreted to be residuum, although melt segregation was incomplete in some samples. Biotite stable, H2O‐fluxed melting is inferred via the reaction Pl + Kfs + Qz + H2O = melt and geochemical modelling indicates 0.35–0.40 partial melting. Schlieren diatexites are extremely heterogeneous; residuum‐rich domains alternate with leucocratic quartzofeldspathic domains. Homogeneous diatexites have the highest SiO2 and K2O contents and are coarse‐grained, leucocratic rocks. Homogeneous diatexites, quartzofeldspathic domains from the schlieren diatexites and the leucosomes contain both plagioclase‐dominated and K‐feldspar‐dominated feldspar framework microstructures and hence were melt‐derived rocks. Both types of feldspar frameworks show evidence of tectonic compaction. Modelling the crystallization of an initial anatectic melt shows plagioclase appears first; K‐feldspar appears after ~40% crystallization. In the active shear zone setting, shear‐enhanced compaction provided an essentially continuous driving force for segregation. Thus, Kinawa migmatites with plagioclase frameworks are interpreted to have formed by shear‐enhanced compaction early in the crystallization of anatectic melt, whereas those with K‐feldspar frameworks formed later from the expelled fractionated melt. Trace element abundances in some biotite and plagioclase from the fractionated melt‐derived rocks indicate that these entrained minerals were derived from the wall rocks. Results from the Kinawa migmatites indicate that the key factor in generating petrological diversity during crustal reworking is that shear‐enhanced compaction drove melt segregation throughout the period that melt was present in the rocks. Segregation of melt during melting produced residuum and anatectic melt and their mixtures, whereas segregation during crystallization resulted in crystal fractionation and generated diverse plagioclase‐rich rocks and fractionated melts.  相似文献   

The migmatites of Yaound? consist essentially of anatectic metapelitickyanite-garnet gneisses characterized by granulite-facies mineralassemblages. Several types of migmatitic rocks have been recognized:(1) leucosomes associated with garnet-rich melanosomes, conformablewith the regional metamorphic layering; some leucosomes aregranitic in composition whereas some others are granodioriticand characterized by low K and Rb and by the lack of HREE fractionation;(2) quartzo-feldspathic differentiations without the relatedmelanosomes, occurring as veins conformable with or cross-cuttingthe regional metamorphic layering or along shear-zones, andcorresponding mineralogi-cally to granitic or quartz-rich v?ins;(3) garnet-rocks mainly composed of garnet with abundant accessories,occurring as intrusive bodies within the migmatitic series. Structural and petrographic data suggest that the migmatitesare not derived from the surrounding granulite-facies gneissesbut that both types of rock result from a single dehydrationmelting event. The formation of migmatites or gneisses, interpretedin terms either of absence of melt extraction or of shear-inducedmelt segregation, is ascribed to variations in strain distributionwithin the metamorphic pile. The chemical characteristics of the rocks and petrogenetic modellingsuggest that the migmatites of Yaounde arose from the superimpositionof the following events: (1) subsolidus differentiation of biotite-gneisses;(2) dehydration melting of biotite-gneisses at temperaturesaround 800?C (P=10–12 kbX leading to low amounts of melt(F<0?2), which was either tectonically segregated (migmatites)or not (granulite-facies gneisses); (3) injection of anatecticmaterial comprising both partial melts and garnet-rich residues,corresponding to high melt fractions (F>0?5) and probablyformed at higher temperatures (850?C) and at deeper structurallevels. The REE signature of equilibrium partial melts (9?3<CeN/YbN78;l?2<YbN<5?4) indicates that granitic magmas cannot bederived from dehydration melting of biotite-bearing metapelitesonly. Several other possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

Stromatic and schlieren-type migmatites are a major lithology in the type section of the Skagit Gneiss complex in the North Cascades Range of Washington State, USA. Migmatite mesosomes are chiefly biotite schist, amphibolite, and orthogneiss, in decreasing order of abundance. Leucosomes are predominantly leucotrondhjemites with a very limited range of composition that is nearly independent of associated mesosome type. Melanosomes, consisting mainly of biotite and/or hornblende±garnet, are inconsistently developed and absent in places. The age of migmatization is not well established, but appears to be Late Cretaceous or early Tertiary. This is also the age of syntectonic tonalite to trondhjemite intrusives that are predominant in most parts of the Skagit complex. Although temperatures in excess of 700° C and pressures as high as 10 kb occurred, there is no evidence for widespread partial melting of the mesosomes with which the migmatites are closely associated. Mass balance calculations preclude an origin by injection of a silicate melt or hydrothermal fluid unless accompanied by metasomatic replacement reactions. Mass balance relationships also show that the Skagit migmatites could not have formed solely by closed system processes such as partial melting or metamorphic segregation, unless the mesosomes present were not the protolith from which the migmatites formed. Field, petrographic and geochemical data indicate that an origin by migmatization of a missing mesosome is quite unlikely. The most feasible process of migmatization appears to be infiltration of an aqueous fluid into a metamorphic protolith along fracture or foliation planes. This triggers a variable degree of metamorphic segregation or possibly minor partial melting. Unmixing of leucosomes and melanosomes from the mesosome protolith must be accompanied by metasomatic replacement, but the total mass transfer required is only a few wt%.  相似文献   

CO2–CH4 fluid inclusions are present in anatectic layer-parallel leucosomes from graphite-bearing metasedimentary rocks in the Skagit migmatite complex, North Cascades, Washington. Petrological evidence and additional fluid inclusion observations indicate, however, that the Skagit Gneiss was infiltrated by a water-rich fluid during high-temperature metamorphism and migmatization. CO2-rich fluid inclusions have not been observed in Skagit metasedimentary mesosomes or melanosomes, meta-igneous migmatites, or unmigmatized rocks, and are absent from subsolidus leucosomes in metasedimentary migmatites. The observation that CO2-rich inclusions are present only in leucosomes interpreted to be anatectic based on independent mineralogical and chemical criteria suggests that their formation is related to migmatization by partial melting. Although some post-entrapment modification of fluid inclusion composition may have occurred during decompression and deformation, the generation of the CO2-rich fluid is attributed to water-saturated partial melting of graphitic metasedimentary rocks by a reaction such as biotite + plagioclase + quartz + graphite ± Al2SiO5+ water-rich fluid = garnet + melt + CO2–CH4. The presence of CO2-rich fluid inclusions in leucosomes may therefore be an indication that these leucosomes formed by anatexis. Based on the inferences that (1) an influx of fluid triggered partial melting, and (2) some episodes of fluid inclusion trapping are related to migmatization by anatexis, it is concluded that a free fluid was present at some time during high-temperature metamorphism. The infiltrating fluid was a water-rich fluid that may have been derived from nearby crystallizing plutons. Because partial melting took place at pressures of at least 5 kbar, abundant free fluid may have been present in the crust during orogenesis at depths of at least 15 km.  相似文献   

Isocon analysis of migmatization in the Front Range, Colorado, USA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Isocon analysis has been applied to five sets of leucosome, mafic selvages and immediately adjacent mesosome in the migmatites from a 15-m outcrop in the Colorado Front Range. The results show: (i) mafic selvages formed from the adjacent mesosome by loss of felsic components and therefore the mesosomes are indeed palaeosomes or protoliths; (ii) the leucosomes did not form in a closed system from the palaeosome (in which case the material lost from the palaeosome during selvage formation would become the leucosome). The observed volumes and compositions of leucosomes require that the present leucosome must contain some material in addition to the felsic components lost from the selvages. The materials that must be added are leucotonalitic to granitic in composition, varying greatly in K/(Na + Ca) ratio. The trend in leucosome composition can be reproduced by assuming that a metasomatic exchange, KNa + Ca, modified originally leucotonalitic leucosomes to more K-rich compositions. These leucosomes most likely formed by injection of silicate melts accompanied, or followed, by metasomatism. The trend of leucosome compositions in this study reflects the general trend in the leucosome compositions which have been published from other areas, indicating that the proposed mechanism can be applicable to other regional migmatites.  相似文献   

Abstract Migmatites in the Quetico Metasedimentary Belt contain two types of leucosome: (1) Layer-parallel leucosomes that grew during deformation and prograde metamorphism. These are enriched in SiO2, Sr, and Eu, but depleted in TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, Cs, Rb, REE, Sc, Th, Zr, and Hf relative to the Quetico metasediments. (2) Discordant leucosomes that formed after the regional folding events when metamorphic temperatures were at their peak. These are enriched in Rb, Ba, Sr and Eu, but display a wide range of LREE, Th, Zr, and Hf contents relative to the Quetico metasediments.
Layer-parallel leucosomes formed by a subsolidus process termed tectonic segregation. This stress-induced mass transfer process began when the Quetico sediments were deformed during burial, and continued whilst the rocks were both stressed and heterogeneous. Subsolidus leucosome compositions are consistent with the mobilization of quartz and feldspar from the host rocks by pressure solution. The discordant leucosomes formed by partial melting of the Quetico metasediments, possibly during uplift of the belt. The range of composition displayed by the anatectic leucosomes arises from crystal fractionation during leucosome emplacement. Some anatectic leucosomes preserve primary melt compositions and have smooth REE patterns, but those with negative Eu anomalies represent fractionated melts, and others with positive Eu anomalies represent accumulations of feldspar plus trapped melt.  相似文献   

Metasediments of the Rantasalmi-Sulkava area (Finland) showprogressive regional metamorphism with migmatization. The metasedimentsare represented by various types of metapsammites (plagioclase-rich,quartz-rich, and layers of granitic compositions—somerich in microcline and others in plagioclase) and metapelites(dark and light layers). The migmatites of this area are of stromatic type. They consistof leucosomes, mesosomes, and light-coloured plagioclase-richlayers which do not fit the definition of leucosome. Melanosomes,which usually separate leucosomes and mesosomes in stromaticmigmatites, are almost absent. The leucosomes are of three types: (i) quartz-rich; (ii) cordierite-rich;and (iii) granitic. The quartz-rich leucosomes formed firstat subsolidus temperatures through recrystallization. The graniticleucosomes are considered to have developed via partial melting.The cordierite-rich leucosomes are formed—like the graniticones—at supersolidus conditions, but the role of partialmelting is not clear. The mesosomes are the metamorphic portions of the migmatiteswhich are not transformed into leucosomes. They include metapsammiticlayers and light-coloured metapelitic layers, both rich in plagioclase. Besides mineral reactions resulting in new assemblages duringregional metamorphism, the main process changing the protolithsinto migmatites is the conversion of some of the protolith layersinto leucosomes, through (as we believe) an almost isochemicalpartial melting. The migmatites of the Rantasalmi-Sulkava area differ from othermigmatites investigated by the authors in having two differentgenetic types of leucosomes: one formed via partial meltingand the other through subsolidus recrystallization as mentionedabove. The process of migmatization is described and modelledin three steps. Reprint requests to W. Johannes  相似文献   

Partial melting of ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks is common during collisional orogenesis and post‐collisional reworking, indicating that determining the timing and processes involved in this partial melting can provide insights into the tectonic evolution of collisional orogens. This study presents the results of a combined whole‐rock geochemical and zirconological study of migmatites from the Sulu orogen in eastern China. These data provide evidence of multiple episodes of crustal anatexis and geochemical differentiation within the UHP metamorphic rocks. The leucosomes contain higher concentrations of Ba and K and lower concentrations of the rare earth elements (REE), Th and Y, than associated melanosomes and granitic gneisses. The leucosomes also have homogenous Sr–Nd–O isotopic compositions that are similar to proximal (i.e. within the same outcrop) melanosomes, suggesting that the anatectic melts were generated by the partial melting of source rocks that are located within individual outcrops. The migmatites contain zircons with six different types of domains that can be categorized using differences in structures, trace element compositions, and U–Pb ages. Group I domains are relict magmatic zircons that yield middle Neoproterozoic U–Pb ages and contain high REE concentrations. Group II domains represent newly grown metamorphic zircons that formed at 230 ± 1 Ma during the collisional orogenesis. Groups III, IV, V, and VI zircons are newly grown anatectic zircons that formed at 222 ± 2 Ma, 215 ± 1 Ma, 177 ± 2 Ma, and 152 ± 2 Ma, respectively. The metamorphic zircons have higher Th/U and lower (Yb/Gd)N values, flat heavy REE (HREE) patterns with no significantly negative Eu anomalies relative to the anatectic zircons, which are characterized by low Th/U ratios, steep HREE patterns, and negative Eu anomalies. The first two episodes of crustal anatexis occurred during the Late Triassic at c. 222 Ma and c. 215 Ma as a result of phengite breakdown. The other two episodes of anatexis occurred during the Jurassic period at c. 177 Ma and c. 152 Ma and were associated with extensional collapse of the collision‐thickened orogen. The majority of Triassic anatectic zircons and all of the Jurassic zircons are located within the leucosomes, whereas the melanosomes are dominated by Triassic metamorphic zircons, suggesting that the leucosomes within the migmatites record more episodes of crustal anatexis. Both metamorphic and anatectic zircons have elevated εHf(t) values compared with relict magmatic zircon cores, suggesting that these zircons contain non‐zircon Hf derived from material with more radiogenic Hf isotope compositions. Therefore, the Sulu and Dabie orogens experienced different episodes of reworking during the exhumation and post‐collisional stages.  相似文献   

Mineral and isotope studies were undertaken on migmatites from the Schwarzwald, Moldanubian zone of the Variscan belt. The aims of the study were to date the migmatite formation and to determine the processes involved in migmatization in order to evaluate their influence on isotopic resetting. Textural evidence and the comparison of mineral compositions from leucosomes and mesosomes of two centimetre-scale migmatite profiles, respectively, suggest that migmatitic textures and mineral assemblages were formed by metamorphic segregation (deformation-enhanced mass transport) rather than by partial melting (anatexis). The results of Rb-Sr thin-slab dating on these profiles indicate that Sr isotopes were not completely reset during migmatization. No true isochron ages, but ages of approximate isotopic homogenization were obtained on the thin slabs by calculating 87Sr/86Sr ratios back to various stages in their evolution. The coincidence of these Rb-Sr data with U-Pb ages of monazites from migmatites and non-migmatitic gneisses shows that gneisses and migmatites were formed during the same high-temperature event in the Carboniferous (330-335 Ma). The observation that high-temperature metamorphism failed to equilibrate Sr isotopes on the centimetre-scale imposes limitations on the use of conventional whole-rock isochron techniques in dating migmatites.  相似文献   

Partial melting changes rocks from single phase (solid) to two phase (solid+melt) systems. The bulk viscosity decreases as the melt fraction increases and this effect raises the rate of deformation and heat transfer, as well as causing crustal differentiation. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognise which rocks have partially melted.Macroscopic textures provide the simplest criteria for recognising partial melting. Melting and deformation are generally synchronous, and when the melt fraction retained is low (<20%) metatexite migmatites are formed. Typically, these are morphologically complex because the melt fraction is squeezed out of the deforming matrix and collects in whatever dilatant sites are present. The presence of melanosome layers and patches provides the best evidence of where the melt formed, and the leucosomes where it collected. Diatexite migmatites can be easily recognised by the presence of a flow foliation, schlieren, enclaves and vein like leucosomes, and are evidence of a high melt fraction and pervasive partial melting. For the unusual case of melting without synchronous deformation, rounded neosome patches containing both the melt and solid fractions of the melt-producing reaction develop and, as the degree of melting increases these enlarge, to form diatexite migmatites. In both cases the characteristic feature is an increased grainsize and loss of pre-migmatization structures. Migmatite textures are robust, they survive later deformation well.Microscopic textures such as: (1) thin films of quartz, plagioclase and K-feldspar along brain boundaries that represent crystallized melt and, (2) melt-solid reaction textures, also provide good criteria for identifying partially melted rocks. However, these textures are fragile and easily destroyed by deformation. The identification of mineral assemblages from which melt-forming reactions can be inferred is another reliable critera for recognising partial melting, but post-migmatization rehydration in granulite terranes can destroy this evidence.Whole rock geochemistry can be used to model the partial melting process, but problems in identifying the palaeosome and an unmodified melt compositions can restrict its application. However, whole rock geochemistry coupled with good field based control, can be used to deduce what processes have occurred in a terrane where the rocks have partially melted.Variations in field appearance, texture and composition are, in large part a consequence of whether, or not, and when, the melt-fraction separated from the solid fraction.  相似文献   

南迦巴瓦地区广泛出露的中下地壳变基性岩部分熔融形成的层状混合岩和淡色花岗岩,为研究部分熔融过程中榍石的地球化学行为对熔体的微量元素组成的影响提供了良好的机会。相对于源岩或熔融残留体,淡色体亏损Ti、V、REE、Y、Nb、Ta、U等元素,与混合岩中榍石的微量元素特征互补。混合岩、淡色体和榍石微量元素特征表明南迦巴瓦角闪岩部分熔融形成的淡色体的微量元素特征主要受控于榍石的地球化学行为。角闪岩脱水部分熔融过程中,由于长英质熔体的低Ti溶解度,榍石以未熔残留体形式存在于暗色体中,导致熔体亏损Ti、REE、Nb、Ta、V、U等元素和Sr/Y比值相对升高。关键元素在榍石和熔体之间的配分系数受熔体成分影响明显。角闪岩中变质榍石DNb/Ta<1,因此变质榍石残留导致熔体Nb/Ta相对于源岩升高;而高Si-Al花岗质熔体中榍石DNb/Ta>1,因此与高Si-Al熔体平衡的榍石的分离(转熔或结晶分异)将导致熔体Nb/Ta比值相对源岩降低。榍石在部分熔融过程中的微量元素效应为理解变基性岩部分熔融产生熔体的地球化学特征提供新的认识。  相似文献   

SAWYER  E. W. 《Journal of Petrology》1987,28(3):445-473
Anatectic migmatite leucosomes in the Quetico MetasedimentaryBelt (Superior Province) are discordant to the host rock layering.Two morphological varieties within the anatectic leucosome suiteare distinguished. The first type show little compositionalor textural variation either across, or along, the leucosomes.In contrast, the second variety exhibits both compositionaland textural variations in a single leucosome, typically withinternal cross-cutting relationships. Major-oxide contents varycomparatively little in the Quetico anatectic leucosome suite,but there is a considerable range in the incompatible element(REE, Hf, Zr, Y and Th) concentrations. In particular La contentsrange from 1.8 to 78.1 p.p.m. and the La/Yb ratios from 9.1to 101.9. Samples with high REE contents have negative Eu anomalies,whereas those with low total REE abundances have positive Euanomalies, which indicate that feldspar fractionation was importantin their petrogenesis. Three samples which have no Eu anomalies,and which are taken not to have experienced significant feldsparfractionation, are regarded as the closest approximation toa primary melt composition. Petrographic evidence indicates that only the most aluminousbulk compositions in the host rocks have melted, with cordieriteand biotite as the principal residual phases. Batch partialmelting models indicate that the three leucosomes without Euanomalies could have been derived from 40–80 per centpartial melting of the aluminous metasediments, but garnet musthave been a residual phase. Since the residuum from 40 per centpartial melting is more mafic than any of the rocks currentlyexposed in the area, it is concluded that the melting whichgave rise to the leucosomes occurred at greater depth. Crystallization models indicate that the observed range of leucosomecompositions can be derived by crystal fractionation of meltcompositions similar to the three leucosomes lacking Eu anomalies(i.e. the assumed primary melts). Samples with high abundancesof incompatible elements and negative Eu anomalies representfractionated melts, whereas those with low levels of REE andpositive Eu anomalies represent cumulates. Leucosome composition,morphology and texture can be related to crystallization history,notably the timing of crystallization with respect to leucosomeintrusion. In particular, those leucosomes that exhibit compositionaland textural zoning are interpreted to have undergone crystalfractionation during intrusion. Although a suite of migmatite leucosomes may be derived by partialmelting, it is concluded that the trace-element compositionof any particular leucosome depends, to a great extent, uponits segregation and crystallization history. Indeed, the primarymelt composition may not be preserved.  相似文献   

鄂东北大别杂岩中条带混合岩的质量平衡研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
王江海 《岩石学报》1993,9(1):20-32

W. Johannes  F. Holtz  P. M  ller 《Lithos》1995,35(3-4):139-152
The REE distributions in mesosomes, neosomes, leucosomes and melanosomes of four layered migmatites have been investigated. In one example (Arvika migmatites) the REE patterns in adjacent paragneisses, the presumed parent rock of the migmatites, were also determined. REE patterns of neosomes and mesosomes of Arvika migmatites are similar to the finegrained layers and coarse-grained layers, respectively, observed in the adjacent paragneiss. This is in agreement with the layer-by-layer paragneiss-migmatite transformation model.

The REE patterns of mesosomes and neosomes indicate that these lithologies may have been closed systems (for REE) during the formation of the migmatites. No indication of metasomatic reactions, melt segregation or injection could be detected. Within the neosomes, leucosomes are depleted and melanosomes enriched in REE contents. This is interpreted to be due to separation and concentration of accessory minerals (monazite, epidote, allanite, zircon, sphene, apatite, garnet) into the melanosomes. The behaviour of accessory minerals during migmatite formation is closely allied to that of biotite, which is also concentrated in the melanosomes.  相似文献   

A correlation between the style of partial melting and synmeta-morphic fluid flow exists in metapelites from the Mount Lofty Ranges, Reynolds Range, and Omeo Zone (Australia). Mount Lofty Ranges migmatites comprise granitic leucosomes in rocks that are still biotite rich, with no indications of other mafic minerals being formed along with the melts. By contrast, in the Reynolds and Omeo migmatites, garnet, cordierite, and/or spinel formed along with the melts. Oxygen isotope data are most consistent with the Mount Lofty Ranges undergoing significant fluid–rock interaction during regional metamorphism, which may have fluxed fluid-present partial melting. By contrast regional metamorphic fluid flow in the Reynolds Range and Omeo Zone was limited, leading to partial melting via fluid-absent reactions. The style of melting reactions may help to constrain the timing of isotopic resetting and fluid flow in metamorphic terrains, which is currently a contentious issue.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope ratios and rare earth element (REE) concentrations provide independent tests of competing models of injection v. anatexis for the origin of migmatites from amphibolite and granulite facies metasedimentary rocks of the Adirondack Mountains, New York. Values of δ18O and REE profiles were measured by ion microprobe in garnet–zircon pairs from 10 sample localities. Prior U–Pb SIMS dating of zircon grains indicates that inherited cores (1.7–1.2 Ga) are surrounded by overgrowths crystallized during the Grenville orogenic cycle (~1.2–1.0 Ga). Cathodoluminescence imaging records three populations of zircon: (i) featureless rounded ‘whole grains’ (interpreted as metamorphic or anatectic), and rhythmically zoned (igneous) cores truncated by rims that are either (ii) discordant rhythmically zoned (igneous) or (iii) unzoned (metamorphic or anatectic). These textural interpretations are supported by geochronology and oxygen isotope analysis. In both the amphibolite facies NW Adirondacks and the granulite facies SE Adirondacks, δ18O(Zrc) values in overgrowths and whole zircon are highly variable for metamorphic zircon (6.1–13.4‰; n = 95, 10 μm spot). In contrast, garnet is typically unzoned and δ18O(Grt) values are constant at each locality, differing only between leucosomes and corresponding melanosomes. None of the analysed metamorphic zircon–garnet pairs attained oxygen isotope equilibrium, indicating that zircon rims and garnet are not coeval. Furthermore, REE profiles from zircon rims indicate zircon growth in all regions was prior to significant garnet growth. Thus, petrological estimates from garnet equilibria (e.g. P–T) cannot be associated uncritically with ages determined from zircon. The unusually high δ18O values (>10‰) in zircon overgrowths from leucocratic layers are distinctly different from associated metaigneous rocks (δ18O(Zrc) < 10‰) indicating that these leucosomes are not injected magmas derived from known igneous rocks. Surrounding melanosomes have similarly high δ18O(Zrc) values, suggesting that leucosomes are related to surrounding melanosomes, and that these migmatites formed by anatexis of high δ18O metasedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

中天山地块南缘两类混合岩的成因及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王信水  江拓  高俊  高强  李继磊  张喜 《岩石学报》2019,35(10):3233-3261
中天山地块是位于中亚造山带西南缘的西天山造山带的重要组成块体,其基底演化和构造亲缘性对恢复西天山的增生造山方式和大地构造格局具有重要意义。混合岩在中天山地块的高级变质地体中广泛分布,是揭示中天山地块基底演化和构造属性的窗口。本文通过开展锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素及岩石地球化学研究,确定了中天山地块南缘乌瓦门杂岩的两类条带状混合岩的原岩性质和形成时代以及混合岩化作用时代和成因机制。第一类条带状混合岩的原岩为中基性岩屑砂岩,混合岩化时代为~1. 8Ga,是在同期角闪岩相变质过程中通过变质分异形成的。第二类条带状混合岩的古成体包括黑云角闪斜长片麻岩和黑云斜长角闪片麻岩,原岩均形成于~2. 5Ga,并叠加~1. 8Ga角闪岩相变质作用,是洋陆俯冲背景下由俯冲洋壳或岩石圈地幔部分熔融形成。侵入古成体的变基性岩墙形成于~1. 72Ga,具有Fe-Ti玄武岩的地球化学特征,起源于后碰撞伸展背景下的软流圈地幔。该类混合岩的浅色体同时穿插古成体和变基性岩墙,呈现突变的野外接触关系,与区域内约787~785Ma混合岩化同期,即混合岩化作用是外来岩浆注入的结果,可能是造山带垮塌引发地壳深熔作用的产物。乌瓦门杂岩记录的~2. 5Ga岩浆活动、~1. 8Ga变质作用和~790Ma混合岩化作用可以和塔里木北缘进行对比,暗示中天山地块是一个具有确切新太古代-古元古代结晶基底的微陆块,并且和塔里木克拉通存在构造亲缘性。  相似文献   

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