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The supersaturation of neon in southeastern Pacific deep sea water is unexpectedly high, 6.6% on the average, while surface waters have values about a factor of two lower. A comparison of neon and argon concentrations indicates the presence of injected air in the deep water. The results from surface samples cannot be reconciled with air injection.  相似文献   

Concentrations of trace elements (V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, Hg, Tl, Pb and Bi) were determined in muscle and liver of 12 species of marine fish collected from coastal areas in Malaysia. Levels of V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Ba and Pb in liver were higher than those in muscle, whereas Rb and Cs concentrations showed the opposite trend. Positive correlations between concentrations in liver and muscle were observed for all the trace elements except Cu and Sn. Copper, Zn, Se, Ag, Cd, Cs and Hg concentrations in bigeye scads from the east coast of the Peninsular Malaysia were higher than those from the west, whereas V showed the opposite trend. The high concentration of V in the west coast might indicate oil contamination in the Strait of Malacca. To evaluate the health risk to Malaysian population through consumption of fish, intake rates of trace elements were estimated on the basis of the concentrations of trace elements in muscle of fish and daily fish consumption. Some specimens of the marine fish had Hg levels higher than the guideline value by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indicating that consumption of these fish at the present rate may be hazardous to Malaysian people. To our knowledge, this is the first study on multielemental accumulation in marine fish from the Malaysian coast.  相似文献   

A kill of lobsters around wrecks off the New Jersey coast seem not to be a direct result of pollution but may have been due to an influx of water causing reduced oxygen levels combined with high temperatures. Mortalities of this kind have been observed before in the area but it is not known if this is an annual event or due to abnormal circumstances. It would be worth keeping the situation under review in the future.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels has become of more interest in recent years. This, in relation to globally rising CO2 levels and related considerations of geological CO2 storage as a mitigating measure. In the present study effect data from literature were collected in order to conduct a marine ecological risk assessment of elevated CO2 levels, using a Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD). It became evident that information currently available from the literature is mostly insufficient for such a quantitative approach. Most studies focus on effects of expected future CO2 levels, testing only one or two elevated concentrations. A full dose-response relationship, a uniform measure of exposure, and standardized test protocols are essential for conducting a proper quantitative risk assessment of elevated CO2 levels. Improvements are proposed to make future tests more valuable and usable for quantitative risk assessment.  相似文献   

Adverse effects of invasive alien species (IAS), or biological pollution, is an increasing problem in marine coastal waters, which remains high on the environmental management agenda. All maritime countries need to assess the size of this problem and consider effective mechanisms to prevent introductions, and if necessary and where possible to monitor, contain, control or eradicate the introduced impacting organisms. Despite this, and in contrast to more enclosed water bodies, the openness of marine systems indicates that once species are in an area then eradication is usually impossible. Most institutions in countries are aware of the problem and have sufficient governance in place for management. However, there is still a general lack of commitment and concerted action plans are needed to address this problem. This paper provides recommendations resulting from an international workshop based upon a large amount of experience relating to the assessment and control of biopollution.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide concentrations [H(2)O(2)] have been measured over the last two decades in multiple studies in surface waters in coastal, estuarine and oceanic systems. Diurnal cycles consistent with a photochemical production process have frequently being observed, with [H(2)O(2)] increasing by two orders of magnitude over the course of the day, from low nM levels in the early morning to 10(2)nM in late afternoon. Production rates range from <10 for off-shore ocean waters to 20-60nMh(-1) for near-shore coastal and estuarine environments. Slow night-time loss rates (<10nMh(-1)) have been attributed to biological and particle mediated processes. Diurnal cycles have also frequently been observed in fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) levels in surf zone waters monitored for microbial water quality. Measured peak peroxide concentrations in surface coastal seawaters are too low to directly cause FIB mortality based on laboratory studies, but likely contribute to oxidative stress and diurnal cycling. Peroxide levels in the surf zone may be increased by additional peroxide production mechanisms such as deposition, sediments and stressed marine biota, further enhancing impacts on FIB in marine bathing waters.  相似文献   

The presence of booster biocides in the aquatic environment has been associated with a risk to non-target species due to their proven toxicity. The aim of the present study was to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of common booster biocides in different harbours of the island of Gran Canaria (Spain) and evaluate, by means of a probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), the ecological risk posed by these compounds. With these objectives, a monitoring campaign was conducted between January 2008 and May 2009, collecting a total of 182 seawater samples. Four common booster biocides (TCMTB, diuron, Irgarol 1051 and dichlofluanid) were monitored. Diuron levels ranged between 2.3 and 203 ng/L and Irgarol 1051 between 2.4 and 146.5 ng/L. The ecological risk associated with these levels was always low, however, with probabilities of exceeding the 10th percentile of autotroph toxicity below 3.5%.  相似文献   

Herein we report on the abundance and composition of floating marine debris (FMD) in coastal waters of the SE-Pacific (off the Chilean coast) during the austral summer 2002. The observed FMD consisted mainly of plastic material (86.9%). Densities of FMD were highest between 20 degrees S and 40 degrees S, corresponding to the main concentrations of human population and activities. Low densities of FMD were found in the south between 40 degrees S and 50 degrees S (<1 item km(-2)). Generally, the highest densities were recorded in nearshore waters of major port cities (>20 items km(-2)), but occasionally high concentrations of debris were also found 50 km offshore. Densities of FMD in coastal waters of the SE-Pacific are of similar magnitudes as those found in coastal waters or inland seas of highly populated regions in the northern hemisphere, indicating the need for improved regulation and legislation in the countries of the SE-Pacific.  相似文献   

Earthquake risk assessment for Istanbul metropolitan area   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
The impact of earthquakes in urban centers prone to disastrous earthquakes necessitates the analysis of associated risk for rational formulation of contingency plans and mitigation strategies. In urban centers, the seismic risk is best quantified and portrayed through the preparation of “Earthquake Damage and Loss Scenarios.” The components of such scenarios are the assessment of the hazard, inventories and the vulnerabilities of elements at risk. For the development of the earthquake risk scenario in Istanbul, two independent approaches, one based on intensities and the second on spectral displacements, are utilized. This paper will present the important features of a comprehensive study, highlight the methodology, discuss the results and provide insights to future developments.  相似文献   

The Marine Ecosystems Analysis (MESA) Puget Sound Project was initiated to determine the existing levels, sources, fates and effects of toxic chemicals in Puget Sound, Washington. An approach was developed to assess the concentrations of a suite of contaminants and to measure a suite of biological parameters known to be responsive to contaminants. Metals, aromatic hydrocarbons and synthetic organics were found throughout the Sound. Highest concentrations were in bays near urban areas, particularly Elliott Bay near Seattle and Commencement Bay near Tacoma. A variety of biological disorders, including liver tumors in flatfish, and benthic community parameters were correlated with elevated contaminant levels. Because of the high contaminant concentrations there, and the high potential for exposure of humans to them, Commencement Bay has been identified by the US Environmental Protection Agency as a high priority toxic dump site in the United States, and remedial action is planned.  相似文献   

The European project SERGISAI developed a computational tool where amethodology for seismic risk assessment at different geographical scales hasbeen implemented. Experts of various disciplines, including seismologists,engineers, planners, geologists, and computer scientists, co-operated in anactual multidisciplinary process to develop this tool. Standard proceduralcodes, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and Artificial Intelligence(AI) techniques compose the whole system, that will enable the end userto carry out a complete seismic risk assessment at three geographical scales:regional, sub-regional and local. At present, single codes or models thathave been incorporated are not new in general, but the modularity of theprototype, based on a user-friendly front-end, offers potential users thepossibility of updating or replacing any code or model if desired. Theproposed procedure is a first attempt to integrate tools, codes and methodsfor assessing expected earthquake damage, and it was mainly designedto become a useful support for civil defence and land use planning agencies.Risk factors have been treated in the most suitable way for each one, interms of level of detail, kind of parameters and units of measure.Identifying various geographical scales is not a mere question of dimension;since entities to be studied correspond to areas defined by administrativeand geographical borders. The procedure was applied in the following areas:Toscana in Italy, for the regional scale, the Garfagnana area in Toscana, forthe sub-regional scale, and a part of Barcelona city, Spain, for the localscale.  相似文献   

The effects of free chlorine and chloramine on stage I lobster larvae and juvenile killifish were investigated in continuous flow bioassay units. In comparing mortality and changes in standard respiration rates during and after exposure to either chlorine form, significant respiratory stress was observed with exposure to sublethal levels. Sublethal responses to free and combined chlorine should be considered when establishing regulations for chlorine residuals in cooling waters.  相似文献   

The concentrations and isotopic compositions of strontium in interstitial waters from several DSDP sites, where sediments consist chiefly of carbonate oozes and chalks, are used as indicators of carbonate diagenesis by reference to a recently-produced curve showing detailed variations in the87Sr/86Sr ratio of seawater with time. Carbonate sediments of the Walvis Ridge show increases in interstitial Sr2+ concentrations in the upper carbonate-ooze sections with the highest concentrations near the ooze-chalk boundary where maximum rates of carbonate recrystallization occur. Below this, in situ production of Sr2+ diminishes and there is a diffusive flux of Sr to an underlying sink, presumably volcanogenic sediments or basalts, leading to Sr isotopic disequilibrium between carbonates and interstitial waters. In some other sites, however, there is no apparent Sr sink at depth and isotopic equilibrium is retained. Overall, diffusive smoothing of profiles exerts an important control on the87Sr/86Sr ratios, although lower ratios than contemporaneous seawater values in the carbonate oozes often correlate with zones of Mg2+ loss and reflect a combination of a flux of Sr2+ from the zone of maximum recrystallization rates together with a contribution from the in situ alteration of volcanic matter.  相似文献   

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