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Lycian Nappes (in SW Turkey) lie between the Menderes Massif and Bey Dağları carbonates and comprise thrust sheets (nappes piles) of Paleozoic-Cenozoic rocks, ophiolitic and tectonic mélanges and serpentinized peridodites. This study focuses on identification of rudists and their palaeoenvironmental features observed within the Cretaceous low grade metamorphic successions (dominated by recrystallized limestones) from the Tavas and Bodrum nappes. The study is based on fifteen stratigraphic sections measured from Tavas, Fethiye, Köyceğiz, Bodrum, Ören and Bozburun areas. The Lower Cretaceous successions with rudists are very sparse in the Lycian Nappes and a unique locality including a Berriasian epidiceratid-requieniid assemblage is reported so far. A new requieniid-radiolitid assemblage was found within the pre-Turonian (?Albian-?Cenomanian) limestones. Four different Late Cretaceous rudist assemblages were firstly identified as well: 1) Caprinid-Ichthyosarcolitid assemblage (middle-late Cenomanian); 2) Distefanellid assemblage (late Turonian); 3) Hippuritid-Radiolitid assemblage (late Coniacian-Santonian-Campanian); 4) Radiolitid-Hippuritid assemblage (‘middle’-late Maastrichtian). Microfacies data and field observations indicate that the rudists lived in the inner and outer shelves of the Cretaceous carbonate platform(s) in this critical part of the Neotethys Ocean. Rudists formed isolated patchy aggregations in very shallow palaeoenvironments and deposited as shell fragments particularly on the outer shelf environment, which is characterized by higher energy and platform slope characteristics.  相似文献   

The Southern Yenisey Range (Eastern Siberia) consists of thegranulite-facies Kanskiy complex bordered by the lower-gradeYeniseyskiy and Yukseevskiy complexes. Samples of metapeliteof the Kanskiy complex typically show characteristic garnet-formingreaction textures and near-isobaric cooling PT paths.An important new result of this study concerns the differencein shape of the PT paths from different parts of theKanskiy granulite complex: metapelites collected 8 km from theboundary with the Yeniseyskiy complex followed a linear pathwith dP/dT 0·006 kbar/°C; metapelites collected3 km from this boundary reveal a kinked PT path withan interval of burial cooling (dP/dT –0·006 kbar/°C).The difference in the shape of the PT paths is supportedby the chemical zoning of garnet studied in the second groupof samples. A mechanism of buoyant exhumation of granulite issuggested by comparison with the results of numerical modelling,which indicate that such a diversity of PT paths mayresult from a transient disturbance of the thermal structureby rapid differential movement of material from different crustallevels. To arrive at a correct tectonic interpretation, thewhole assemblage of interrelated PT paths of metamorphicrocks collected from different localities within the same complexmust be studied. KEY WORDS: crustal diapirism; exhumation; granulites; numerical modelling; PT path  相似文献   

The corundum‐rich metabauxites, found at the northwest limb of an NE–SW‐trending isoclinal recumbent fold at Mt. Ismail, are enclosed in thick‐bedded platform‐type marbles of Late Cretaceous age, surrounding the polymetamorphic core series in the southern part of the Menderes Massif (SW Turkey). The metabauxite horizons observed as typically boudine‐like structure, extend laterally over c. 3 km and are 1 to 5 m thick. These rocks have dominant mineral assemblages of corundum (~50 modal %), chloritoid (~30 modal %), white mica (margarite, muscovite), diaspore, Fe–Ti‐Oxides (ilmenite, ilmenohematite, rutile), and goethite, limonite, pyrite, tourmaline (uvite, schorl) as minor phases. Chemical analyses of whole rock samples and the mineral assemblage indicate that coexisting minerals of metabauxites are highly aluminous. A number of minerals (e.g. chloritoid and margarite) display a large compositional variation reflecting the initial chemical inhomogenetiy of the karstbauxites. The field observations, trace‐element accumulation coefficients, concentration of elements such as Cr, Zr, Ga and Ni and low amounts of immobile elements all suggest that the studied corundum‐rich metabauxites can be classified as karstbauxites, and are more likely to be a product of weathering of intermediate igneous or argillaceous parental rocks, similar to the karstic Tauric bauxites in the Central Taurides (Seydi ?ehir region) and probably are similar in age (Cenomanian–Turonian). In respect of tectono‐metamorphic evolution, the studied corundum‐rich metabauxites were regionally metamorphosed at ~5–6 kbar pressure and 500–600°C as a consequence of the Barrovian metamorphism referred to as the ‘Main Menderes Metamorphism’ related to the ophiolitic obduction onto the Menderes platform from the Izmir–Ankara Suture during the Middle Eocene.  相似文献   

The northern margin of the Inland Branch of the Pan-AfricanDamara Orogen in Namibia shows dramatic along-strike variationin metamorphic character during convergence between the Congoand Kalahari Cratons (M3 metamorphic cycle). Low-P contact metamorphismwith anticlockwise PT paths dominates in the westerndomains (Ugab Zone and western Northern Zone), and high-P Barrovianmetamorphism with a clockwise PT path is documented fromthe easternmost domain (eastern Northern Zone). The sequenceof M3 mineral growth in contact aureoles shows early growthof cordierite porphyroblasts that were pseudomorphed to biotite–chlorite–muscoviteat the same time as an andalusite–biotite–muscovitetransposed foliation was developed in the matrix. The peak-Tmetamorphic assemblages and fabrics were overprinted by crenulationsand retrograde chlorite–muscovite. The KFMASH PTpseudosection for metapelites in the Ugab Zone and western NorthernZone contact aureoles indicates tight anticlockwise PTloops through peak metamorphic conditions of 540–570°Cand 2·5–3·2 kbar. These semi-quantitativePT loops are consistent with average PT calculationsusing THERMOCALC, which give a pooled mean of 556 ± 26°Cand 3·2 ± 0·6 kbar, indicating a high averagethermal gradient of 50°C/km. In contrast, the eastern NorthernZone experienced deep burial, high-P/moderate-T Barrovian M3metamorphism with an average thermal gradient of 21°C/kmand peak metamorphic conditions of c. 635°C and 8·7kbar. The calculated PT pseudosection and garnet compositionalisopleths in KFMASH, appropriate for the metapelite sample fromthis region, document a clockwise PT path. Early plagioclase–kyanite–biotiteparageneses evolved by plagioclase consumption and the growthof garnet to increasing XFe, XMg and XCa and decreasing XMncompositions, indicating steep burial with heating. The developedkyanite–garnet–biotite peak metamorphic parageneseswere followed by the resorption of garnet and formation of plagioclasemoats, indicating decompression, which was followed by retrogressivecooling and chlorite–muscovite growth. The clockwise PTloop is consistent with the foreland vergent fold–thrustbelt geometry in this part of the northern margin. Earlier formed(580–570 Ma) pervasive matrix foliations (M2) were overprintedby contact metamorphic parageneses (M3) in the aureoles of 530± 3 Ma granites in the Ugab Zone and 553–514 Magranites in the western Northern Zone. Available geochronologicaldata suggest that convergence between the Congo and KalahariCratons was essentially coeval in all parts of the northernmargin, with similar ages of 535–530 Ma for the main phaseof deformation in the eastern Northern Zone and Northern Platformand 538–505 Ma high-grade metamorphism of the CentralZone immediately to the south. Consequently, NNE–SSW-directedconvergent deformation and associated M3 metamorphism of contrastingstyles are interpreted to be broadly contemporaneous along thelength of the northern margin of the Inland Branch. In the westheat transfer was dominated by conduction and externally drivenby granites, whereas in the east heat transfer was dominatedby advection and internally driven radiogenic heat production.The ultimate cause was along-orogen variation in crustal architecture,including thickness of the passive margin lithosphere and thicknessof the overlying sedimentary succession. KEY WORDS: Pan-African Orogeny; PT paths; pseudosections; low-P metamorphism; contact metamorphism; Barrovian metamorphism  相似文献   

The PT gradient in a Late Eocene low-T high-P metamorphicbelt in northern New Caledonia increases from SW to NE. Metapelitesin the pumpellyite–prehnite and blueschist zones containlawsonite, Mg-carpholite, Fe-stilpnomelane and Fe-glaucophane.Thermodynamic calculations indicate a progression of metamorphicconditions from less than 0·3 GPa and 250°C in akaolinite-bearing rock in the SW, up to 1·5 GPa and 410°Cin a lawsonite–glaucophane-bearing sample in the NE ofthe Diahot terrane. Through a multi-method investigation ofphyllosilicates, organic matter and fluid inclusions, we demonstratethat the evolution of organic matter and illite crystallinitydepends strongly on the evolution of the PT path withtime. In addition, we show that the illite–muscovite bcell dimension provides a robust estimate of maximum pressurereached in low-temperature domains with polyphase metamorphichistories, despite subsequent high-temperature–low-pressureevents. Fluid inclusion study reveals an isothermal decompressionin the Diahot terrane. KEY WORDS: low-temperature/high-pressure metapelites; illite crystallinity; coal rank; illite–muscovite b cell dimension; New Caledonia  相似文献   

Magmatic accretion is potentially an important mechanism inthe growth of the continental crust and the formation of granulites.In this study, the thermal evolution of a magmatic arc in responseto magmatic accretion is modeled using numerical solutions ofthe one-dimensional heat conduction equation. The initial andboundary conditions used in the model are constrained by geologicalobservations made in the Kohistan area, NW Himalayas. Takingconsideration of the preferred intrusion locations for basalticmagmas, we consider two plausible modes of magmatic accretion:the first involves the repeated intrusion of basalt at mid-crustaldepths (‘intraplate model’), and the second evaluatesthe simultaneous intrusion of basalt and picrite at mid-crustaldepths and the base of the crust respectively (‘double-platemodel’). The results of the double-plate model accountfor both the inferred metamorphic PT paths of the Kohistanmafic granulites and the continental geotherm determined frompeak PT conditions observed for granulite terranes. Thedouble-plate model may be applicable as a key growth processfor the production of thick mafic lower crust in magmatic arcs. KEY WORDS: thermal model; magmatic underplating; PT path; granulite; lower crust  相似文献   

Previous studies of metapelitic rocks from the core of the southernBrittany metamorphic belt suggest a complex clockwise PTevolution. We use pseudosections calculated for an average subaluminousmetapelite composition in the MnNCKFMASH system and averagePT calculations to investigate in more detail the metamorphicevolution of these rocks. For migmatites, sequential occurrenceof kyanite, kyanite + staurolite and sillimanite suggests thata prograde evolution to P > 8 kbar at T  相似文献   

Garnet clinopyroxenite and garnet websterite layers occur locallywithin mantle peridotite bodies from the External Liguride Jurassicophiolites (Northern Apennines, Italy). These ophiolites werederived from an ocean–continent transition similar tothe present-day western Iberian margin. The garnet clinopyroxenitesare mafic rocks with a primary mineral assemblage of pyrope-richgarnet + sodic Al-augite (Na2O 2·5 wt %, Al2O3 12·5wt %), with accessory graphite, Fe–Ni sulphides and rutile.Decompression caused Na-rich plagioclase (An50–45) exsolutionin clinopyroxene porphyroclasts and extensive development ofsymplectites composed of secondary orthopyroxene + plagioclase(An85–72) + Al-spinel ± clinopyroxene ±ilmenite at the interface between garnet and primary clinopyroxene.Further decompression is recorded by the development of an olivine+ plagioclase-bearing assemblage, locally under syn-kinematicconditions, at the expense of two-pyroxenes + Al-spinel. Mg-richgarnet has been also found in the websterite layers, which arecommonly characterized by the occurrence of symplectites madeof orthopyroxene + Al-spinel ± clinopyroxene. The enclosingperidotites are Ti-amphibole-bearing lherzolites with a fertilegeochemical signature and a widespread plagioclase-facies myloniticfoliation, which preserve in places a spinel tectonite fabric.Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd mineral isochrons (220 ±13 Ma and 186.0 ± 1·8 Ma, respectively) have beenobtained from a garnet clinopyroxenite layer and interpretedas cooling ages. Geothermobarometric estimates for the high-pressureequilibration have yielded T 1100°C and P 2·8 GPa.The early decompression was associated with moderate cooling,corresponding to T 950°, and development of a spinel tectonitefabric in the lherzolites. Further decompression associatedwith plagioclase–olivine growth in both peridotites andpyroxenites was nearly isothermal. The shallow evolution occurredunder a brittle regime and led to the superposition of hornblendeto serpentine veining stages. The garnet pyroxenite-bearingmantle from the External Liguride ophiolites represents a raretectonic sampling of deep levels of subcontinental lithosphereexhumed in an oceanic setting. The exhumation was probably accomplishedthrough a two-step process that started during Late Palaeozoiccontinental extension. The low-pressure portion of the exhumationpath, probably including also the plagioclase mylonitic shearzones, was related to the Mesozoic (Triassic to Jurassic) riftingthat led to continental break-up. In Jurassic times, the studiedmantle sequence became involved in an extensional detachmentprocess that resulted in sea-floor denudation. KEY WORDS: garnet pyroxenite; ophiolite; non-volcanic margin; mantle exhumation; Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf geochronology  相似文献   

Migmatitic granulites and arc-related felsic intrusives of Pan-Africanage form the bedrock in the Rio de Janeiro area, SE Brazil.These rocks preserve a partial record of three parageneses.The earliest assemblage (M1) grew during fabric formation inthe rocks (D1) and is characterized by the mineral assemblagePl + Bt + Sil + Kfs + Qtz. Peak metamorphic conditions (M2)are characterized by the assemblage Bt + Crd + Kfs + Pl + Grt+ liq + Qtz and are inferred to have developed during D2 foldingof the rocks at T = 750–800°C and P = 7 kbar. M3 reactiontextures overprint the M2 assemblage and comprise symplectiticintergrowth of cordierite(II) and quartz that formed after garnet,whereas secondary biotite formed as a result of reactions betweengarnet and K-feldspar. By comparing the observed modal abundanceswith modal contours of garnet, cordierite and quartz on therelevant pseudosection a post M2 PT vector indicatingcontemporaneous cooling and decompression can be deduced. Theinferred equilibrium assemblage and reaction textures are interpretedto reflect a clockwise PT path involving heating followedby post-peak decompression and associated cooling. We inferthat metamorphism occurred in response to advective heatingby the abundant syn-collisional (arc-related) I-type granitoidsin the region, consistent with the unusually high peak T/P ratio. KEY WORDS: advective heating; Ribeira belt; granulite; partial melting; PT pseudosection  相似文献   

Widespread bodies of garnet–spinel metaperidotites withpyroxenitic layers occur in the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphicKimi Complex. In this study we address the origin of such peridotite–pyroxeniteassociations in the context of polybaric melting regimes. Weconduct a detailed geochemical investigation of major and traceelement relations and compare them with a range of major elementmodelling scenarios. With increasing bulk-rock MgO content,the garnet–spinel metaperidotites exhibit decreasing CaO,Al2O3, TiO2, and Na2O along with increasing Ni and a graduallyincreasing Zr/Zr* anomaly, consistent with an origin as residuesafter variable degrees of melt extraction. The major elementmodelling further suggests a polybaric adiabatic decompressionmelting regime beginning at high to ultrahigh pressure, withan intermediate character between pure batch and fractionalmelting and a mean extent of melting of 9–11%. The pyroxenitesexhibit major element compositions that cannot be reproducedby experimental or calculated melts of peridotite. Moreover,the Kimi pyroxenites have highly variable Ni and Sc contentsand a wide range of Mg-number (0· 76–0·89), inconsistent with an origin as frozen melts or the productsof melt–peridotite interaction. However, both the majorelement systematics and the observed rare earth element patterns,with both convex and concave shapes, can be explained by anorigin as clinopyroxene-rich, high-pressure cumulates involvinggarnet and/or Cr-spinel. KEY WORDS: peridotite; pyroxenite; partial melting; UHP metamorphism; cumulate  相似文献   

We report experimental results and whole-rock trace-elementcharacteristics of a corundum-bearing mafic rock from the Horomanperidotite complex, Japan. Coronitic textures around corundumin the sample suggest that corundum was not stable in maficrock compositions during the late-stage PT conditionsrecorded in the complex (P < 1 GPa, T < 800°C). Basedon the experimental results, corundum is stable in aluminousmafic compositions at pressures of 2–3 GPa under dry conditions,suggesting that the corundum-bearing mineral assemblages developedunder upper-mantle conditions, probably within the surroundingperidotite. Variations in the trace-element compositions ofthe corundum-bearing mafic rock and related rocks can be controlledby modal variations of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and olivine,suggesting that they formed as gabbroic rocks at low-pressureconditions, and that the corundum-bearing mafic rock was derivedfrom a plagioclase-rich protolith. A complex PT trajectory,involving metamorphism of the plagioclase-rich protolith ata pressure higher than that at which it was first formed, isneeded to explain the origin of the corundum-bearing mafic rocks.They show no evidence for partial melting after their formationas low-pressure cumulates. The Horoman complex is an exampleof a large peridotite body containing possible remnants of subductedoceanic lithosphere still retaining their original geochemicalsignatures without chemical modification during subduction andexhumation. KEY WORDS: Horoman; mafic rock; corundum; experiment; PT history; recycling  相似文献   

Recent field campaign in the southern Menderes Massif in southwestern Turkey revealed that the so-called ‘core of the massif’ comprises two distinct types of granitoid rocks: an orthogneiss (traditionally known as augen gneisses) and leucocratic metagranite, where the latter is intrusive into the former and the structurally overlying ‘cover’ schists. These differ from one another in intensity of deformation, degree of metamorphism and kinematics. The orthogneiss display penetrative top-to-the-N–NNE fabrics formed under upper-amphibolite facies conditions during the Eocene main Menderes metamorphism (MMM), whereas foliation and stretching lineation exists in the leucocratic metagranites but are not strongly developed. The leucocratic metagranites show evidence of syn- to post-emplacement deformation in a series of weakly developed top-to-the-S–SSW fabrics formed under lower greenschist-facies (?) conditions. Leucocratic metagranite bodies occur all along the augen gneiss–schist contact in the southern Menderes Massif; they are emplaced as sheet-like bodies into country rocks (previously deformed and metamorphosed during a top-to-the-N–NNE Alpine orogeny) along a ductile extensional shear zone, located between orthogneisses and metasediments, which was possibly active during emplacement. The data presently available indicate that emplacement and associated ductile extensional deformation occurred during Late Oligocene–Early Miocene time. These results confirm previous contentions that there are Tertiary granites in this part of the Menderes Massif.  相似文献   

The Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex, Central Germany, formspart of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise, which is assumed torepresent the Variscan collision zone between the East Avalonianterrane and the Armorican terrane assemblage. High-precisionU–Pb zircon and monazite dating indicates that sedimentaryrocks of the Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex are youngerthan c. 470 Ma and were intruded by gabbros and diorites between345 ± 4 and 340 ± 1 Ma. These intrusions had magmatictemperatures between 850 and 900°C, and caused a contactmetamorphic overprint of the sediments at PT conditionsof 690–750°C and 5–7 kbar, corresponding toan intrusion depth of 19–25 km. At 337 ± 1 Ma themagmatic–metamorphic suite was intruded by granites, syenitesand diorites at a shallow crustal level of some 7–11 km.This is inferred from a diorite, and conforms to PT pathsobtained from the metasediments, indicating a nearly isothermaldecompression from 5–7 to 2–4 kbar at 690–750°C.Subsequently, the metamorphic–magmatic sequence underwentaccelerated cooling to below 400°C, as constrained by garnetgeospeedometry and a previously published K–Ar muscoviteage of 333 ± 7 Ma. With respect to PTDtdata from surrounding units, rapid exhumation of the KCC canbe interpreted to result from NW-directed crustal shorteningduring the Viséan. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; U–Pb dating; hornblende; garnet; Mid-German Crystalline Rise; PT pseudosection  相似文献   

A combined petrological and geochronological study was carriedout on mafic granulites and associated felsic gneisses fromthe McKaskle Hills, eastern Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica.Garnet-bearing mafic granulites exhibit reaction textures andexsolution textures that indicate two-stage metamorphic evolution.Thermobarometric estimates from matrix and symplectite assemblagesyield peak and retrograde PT conditions of 9·0–9·5kbar and 880–950°C and 6·6–7·2kbar and 700–750°C, respectively. Similar but slightlyscattered peak PT estimates of 7·9–10·1kbar and 820–980°C are obtained from the core compositionsof minerals from felsic para- and orthogneisses. Evidence forthe prograde history is provided by muscovite inclusions ingarnet from a paragneiss. Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobeU–Pb zircon dating reveals an evolutionary history forthe granulites, including a mafic and felsic igneous intrusionat 1174–1019 Ma, sedimentation after 932–916 Ma,and a high-grade metamorphism at 533–529 Ma. In contrast,Sm–Nd mineral–whole-rock dating mainly yields asingle age population at 500 Ma. This suggests that the McKaskleHills form part of the Prydz Belt, and that the relatively highpeak PT conditions and a decompression-dominated PTpath for the rocks resulted from a single Cambrian metamorphiccycle, rather than two distinct metamorphic events as formerlyinferred for the granulites from Prydz Bay. The age data alsoindicate that the Precambrian history of the McKaskle Hillsis not only distinct from that of the early Neoproterozoic terranein the northern Prince Charles Mountains, but also differentfrom that of other parts of the Prydz Belt. The existence ofmultiple basement terranes, together with considerable crustalthickening followed by tectonic uplift and unroofing indicatedby the clockwise PTt evolution, suggests thatthe Prydz Belt may represent a collisional orogen that resultedin the assembly of Gondwana during the Cambrian period. KEY WORDS: Mesoproterozoic basement; Cambrian metamorphism; P–T path; Prydz Belt; East Antarctica  相似文献   

Layers of Ca-rich garnet–clinopyroxene rocks enclosedin a serpentinite body at Hujialin, in the Su–Lu terraneof eastern China, preserve igneous textures, relict spinel ingarnet, and exsolution lamellae of Ca-rich garnet, ilmenite/magnetite,Fe-rich spinel, and also amphibole in clinopyroxene. In termsof their major and trace element compositions, the studied samplesform a trend from arc cumulates towards Fe–Ti gabbros.Reconstructed augite compositions plot on the trend for clinopyroxenein arc cumulates. These data suggest that the rocks crystallizedfrom mantle-derived magmas differentiated to various extentsbeneath an arc. The Ca-rich garnet + diopside assemblage isinferred to have formed by compressing Ca-rich augite, whereasthe relatively Mg-rich cores of garnet porphyroblasts may haveformed at the expense of spinel. The protolith cumulates weresubducted from near the crust–mantle boundary (c. 1 GPa)deep into the upper mantle (4·8 ± 0·6 GPaand 750 ± 50°C). Negatively sloped P–T pathsfor the garnet–clinopyroxene rocks and the corollary ofcorner flow induced subduction of mantle wedge peridotite arenot supported by the available data. Cooling with, or without,decompression of the cumulates after the igneous stage probablyoccurred prior to deep subduction. KEY WORDS: arc cumulates; Ca-rich garnet; garnet–clinopyroxene rocks; Su–Lu terrane; UHP metamorphism  相似文献   

Zoned garnet and amphibole occur in metabasites of the KraubathMassif, Eastern Alps, that contain relic magmatic clinopyroxene.The amphibole composition gradually changes from core (XMg =0·83) to rim (XMg = 0·6–0·7). A numberof compositional varieties of garnet occur in the metabasite.An older porphyroblastic garnet (Py23–27, Alm41–43,Grs29–33) has two different compositional domains, onerelatively rich in Mg (Py27–30) and the other rich inCa (Grs35–38) with a low Mg (Py20–25) content. Theyoungest variety, which forms rims on, or microveins in, theporphyroblastic garnet, has high Ca and low Mg (Grs40–57,Py2–7, Alm46–51). The amphibole cores and garnetporphyroblasts are interpreted to represent minerals formedduring Variscan regional metamorphism under amphibolite-faciesconditions. Alpine metamorphism is represented by the most recentCa-rich and Mg-poor variety of garnet that coexists with theamphibole rims, epidote and chlorite. Fracturing in the porphyroblasticgarnet probably originated during retrogression of the Variscanamphibolite-facies assemblages. Textural relations suggest thatthe garnet in the microveins formed by dehydration of hydrousphases during an Alpine metamorphic overprint that reached PTconditions of 550–583°C at 1·0 GPa. KEY WORDS: microveins; garnet; metabasites; Kraubath Massif; Eastern Alps  相似文献   

In the Ranmal migmatite complex, non-anatectic foliated graniteprotoliths can be traced to polyphase migmatites. Structural–microtexturalrelations and thermobarometry indicate that syn-deformationalsegregation–crystallization of in situ stromatic and diatexiteleucosomes occurred at 800°C and 8 kbar. The protolith,the neosome, and the mesosome comprise quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase,hornblende, biotite, sphene, apatite, zircon, and ilmenite,but the modal mineralogy differs widely. The protolith compositionis straddled by element abundances in the leucosome and themesosome. The leucosomes are characterized by lower CaO, FeO+MgO,mg-number, TiO2 , P2O5 , Rb, Zr and total rare earth elements(REE), and higher SiO2 , K2O, Ba and Sr than the protolith andthe mesosome, whereas Na2O and Al2O3 abundances are similar.The protolith and the mesosome have negative Eu anomalies, butprotolith-normalized abundances of REE-depleted leucosomes showpositive Eu anomalies. The congruent melting reaction for leucosomeproduction is inferred to be 0·325 quartz+0·288K-feldspar+0·32 plagioclase+0·05 biotite+0·014hornblende+0·001 apatite+0·001 zircon+0·002sphene=melt. Based on the reaction, large ion lithophile element,REE and Zr abundances in model melts computed using dynamicmelting approached the measured element abundances in leucosomesfor >0·5 mass fraction of unsegregated melts withinthe mesosome. Disequilibrium-accommodated dynamic melting andequilibrium crystallization of melts led to uniform plagioclasecomposition in migmatites and REE depletion in leucosome. KEY WORDS: migmatite; REE; trace element; partial melting; P–T conditions  相似文献   

The Himalia Ridge Formation (Fossil Bluff Group), AlexanderIsland is a 2·2-km-thick sequence of Upper Jurassic–LowerCretaceous conglomerates, sandstones and mudstones, derivedfrom an andesitic volcanic arc and deposited in a fore-arc basin.The metamorphic and thermal history of the formation has beendetermined using authigenic mineral assemblages and vitrinitereflectance measurements. Metamorphic effects include compaction,pore-space reduction, cementation and dissolution and replacementof detrital grains by clay minerals (smectite, illite/smectite,corrensite and kaolinite), calcite, chlorite, laumontite, prehnite,pumpellyite, albite and mica, with less common quartz, haematite,pyrite and epidote. The authigenic mineral assemblages exhibita depth-dependence, and laumontite and calcite exhibit a strongantipathetic relationship. Detrital organic matter in the argillaceouslayers has vitrinite reflectance values (Ro) ranging from 2·3to 3·7%. This indicates considerable thermal maturation,with a systematic increase in reflectivity with increasing depth.There is good correlation of metamorphic mineral assemblageswith chlorite crystallinity and vitrinite reflectance values—allindicating temperatures in the range of 140 ± 20°Cat the top of the sequence to 250 ± 10°C at the baseof the sequence. The temperatures suggest a geothermal gradientof 36–64°C/km and a most likely gradient of 50°C/km.It is suggested that this higher-than-average gradient for afore-arc basin resulted either from rifting during basin formationor from a late-stage arc migration event. KEY WORDS: Antarctica; diagenesis; fore-arc basin; low-temperature metamorphism; vitrinite reflectance  相似文献   

This study presents new geochemical (major and trace element,Nd–Sr isotope) and U–Pb zircon, monazite, titaniteand rutile data for various rock types (eclogite, high-pressuregranulite, amphibolite, orthogneiss, leucosome) of the high-grademetamorphic Mariánské Lázn  相似文献   

Different lithologies (impure marble, eclogite and graniticorthogneiss) sampled from a restricted area of the coesite-bearingBrossasco–Isasca Unit (Dora Maira Massif) have been investigatedto examine the behaviour of 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Srsystems in phengites developed under ultrahigh-pressure (UHP)metamorphism. Mineralogical and petrological data indicate thatzoned phengites record distinct segments of the PT path:prograde, peak to early retrograde in the marble, peak to earlyretrograde in the eclogite, and late retrograde in the orthogneiss.Besides major element zoning, ion microprobe analysis of phengitein the marble also reveals a pronounced zoning of trace elements(including Rb and Sr). 40Ar–39Ar apparent ages (35–62Ma, marble; 89–170 Ma, eclogite; 35–52 Ma, orthogneiss),determined through Ar laserprobe data on phengites (step-heatingand in situ techniques), show wide intra-sample and inter-samplevariations closely linked to within-sample microchemical variations:apparent ages decrease with decreasing celadonite contents.These data confirm previous reports on excess Ar and, more significantly,highlight that phengite acted as a closed system in the differentlithologies and that chemical exchange, not volume diffusion,was the main factor controlling the rate of Ar transport. Conversely,a Rb–Sr internal isochron from the same eclogite yieldsan age of 36 Ma, overlapping with the time of the UHP metamorphicpeak determined through U–Pb data and thereby corroboratingthe previous conclusion that UHP metamorphism and early retrogressionoccurred in close succession. Different phengite fractions ofthe marble yield calcite–phengite isochron ages of 36to 60 Ma. Although this time interval matches Ar ages from thesame sample, Rb–Sr data from phengite are not entirelyconsistent with the whole dataset. According to trace elementvariations in phengite, only Rb–Sr data from two wet-groundphengite separates, yielding ages of 36 and 41 Ma, are internallyconsistent. The oldest age obtained from a millimetre-sizedgrain fraction enriched in prograde–peak phengites mayrepresent a minimum age estimate for the prograde phengite relics.Results highlight the potential of the in situ 40Ar–39Arlaser technique in resolving discrete PT stages experiencedby eclogite-facies rocks (provided that excess Ar is demonstrablya negligible factor), and confirm the potential of Rb–Srinternal mineral isochrons in providing precise crystallizationages for eclogite-facies mineral assemblages. KEY WORDS: 40Ar–39Ar dating; Rb–Sr dating; phengite; SIMS; UHP metamorphism  相似文献   

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