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Lake Emma, which no longer exists because of a mining accident, was a tarn in a south-facing cirque near the headwaters of the Animas River in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. During the Pinedale glaciation, this area was covered by a large transection glacier centered over the Lake Emma region. Three radiocarbon dates on basal organic sediment from Lake Emma indicate that by ca. 15,000 yr B.P. this glacier, one of the largest in the southern Rocky Mountains, no longer existed. Twenty-two radiocarbon dates on Picea and Abies krummholz fragments in the Lake Emma deposits indicate that from ca. 9600 to 7800 yr B.P., from 6700 to 5600 yr B.P., and at 3100 yr B.P. the krummholz limit was at least 70 m higher than present. These data, in conjunction with Picea:Pinus pollen ratios from both the Lake Emma site and the Hurricane Basin site of J. T. Andrews, P. E. Carrara, F. B. King, and R. Struckenrath (1975, Quaternary Research 5, 173–197) suggest than from ca. 9600 to 3000 yr B.P. timberline in the San Juan Mountains was higher than present. Cooling apparently began ca. 3000 yr B.P. as indicated by decreases in both the percentage of Picea pollen and Picea:Pinus pollen ratios at the Hurricane Basin site (Andrews et al., 1975). Cooling is also suggested by the lack of Picea or Abies fragments younger than 3000 yr B.P. at either the Lake Emma or the Hurricane Basin site.  相似文献   

This geoarcheological study investigates soil stratigraphy and geochronology of alluvial deposits to determine Holocene landscape evolution within the Hot Creek, La Jara Creek, and Alamosa River drainage basins in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. Geomorphic mapping and radiocarbon dating indicate synchronicity in patterns of erosion, deposition, and stability between drainage basins. In all three basins, the maximum age of mapped alluvial terraces and fans is ~ 3300 cal yr BP. A depositional period seen at both Hot Creek and the Alamosa River begins ~ 3300 to 3200 cal yr BP. Based on soil development, short periods of stability followed by alluvial fan aggradation occur in the Alamosa River basin ~ 2200 cal yr BP. A period of landscape stability at Hot Creek before ~ 1100 cal yr BP is followed by a period of rapid aggradation within all three drainages between ~ 1100 and 850 cal yr BP. A final aggradation event occurred between ~ 630 and 520 cal yr BP at La Jara Creek. These patterns of landscape evolution over the past ~ 3300 yr provide the framework for an archeological model that predicts the potential for buried and surficial cultural materials in the research area.  相似文献   

Cores from five high alpine basins in the northern San Juan Mountains show several fluctuations in lithology. Typically, peats are interbedded with coarser clastic sediments or else woody peats alternate with fibrous peat. Twenty 14C dates provide radiometric control. Sediment rates averaged about 2.5 cm/100 yr but varied at the different sites between 1.19 and 50 cm/100 yr. Rates were lower during the middle of the Holocene. Basal radiocarbon dates indicate that these high (ca. 3600 m a.s.l.) northeasterly facing cirques were icefree by 9000 BP. There is some evidence in the cores for a short climatic reversal sometime between 8000 and 7000 BP. A major change occurred in the high basins very close to 5000 BP and thereafter there are several intervals of increased clastic sedimentation which may be related to Neoglacial climatic fluctuations. Analysis of a 2.15 m core near Hurricane Basin indicates significant fluctuation of pollen and macrofossils occurred during the 9000 ± year record. The Picea/Pinus ratios are used to delimit changes in the apparent elevation of the site: the ratios indicate that a short drop of “treeline” occurred about 8000 BP and then remained near present level until about ≥1800 BP when the apparent elevation of the site rose. Macrofossils indicate that spruce was present in the Hurricane Basin (and others) at specific periods and confirms the general results of the Picea/Pinus ratios. The San Juan Mountains do not possess a glacial Neoglacial record but the stratigraphy of these high cirque basins can be used to define glacial stades (cf. Jardine, 1972). The interpreted climatic response record on vegetation and sediment flux has both similarities and differences from other records in the western mountains of North America.  相似文献   

Geomorphic mapping in the upper Conejos River Valley of the San Juan Mountains has shown that three distinct periods of aggradation have occurred since the end of the last glacial maximum (LGM). The first occurred during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition (~ 12.5–9.5 ka) and is interpreted as paraglacial landscape response to deglaciation after the LGM. Evidence of the second period of aggradation is limited but indicates a small pulse of sedimentation at ~ 5.5 ka. A third, more broadly identifiable period of sedimentation occurred in the late Holocene (~ 2.2–1 ka). The latest two periods of aggradation are concurrent with increases in the frequency of climate change in the region suggesting that Holocene alpine and sub-alpine landscapes respond more to rapid changes in climate than to large singular climatic swings. Soil development and radiocarbon dating indicate that hillslopes were stable during the Holocene even while aggradation was occurring in valley bottoms. Thus, we can conclude that erosion does not occur equally throughout the landscape but is focused upslope of headwater streams, along tributary channels, or on ridge tops. This is in contrast to some models which assume equal erosion in headwater basins.  相似文献   

The Huerto Andesite is the largest of several andesite sequences interlayered with the large-volume ash-flow tuffs of the San Juan volcanic field, Colorado. Stratigraphically this andesite is between the region's largest tuff (the 27.8 Ma, 3,000 km3 Fish Canyon Tuff) and the evolved product of the Fish Canyon Tuff (the 27.4 Ma, 1,000 km3 Carpenter Ridge Tuff), and eruption was from vents located approximately 20–30 km southwest and southeast of calderas associated with these ashflow tuffs. Olivine phenocrysts are present in the more mafic, SiO2-poor samples of andesite, hence the parent magma was most likely a mantle-derived basaltic magma. The bulk compositions of the olivine-bearing andesites compared to those containing orthopyroxene phenocrysts suggest the phenocryst assemblage equilibrated at 2–5 kbar. Two-pyroxene geothermometry yields equilibrium temperatures consistent with near-peritectic magmas at 2–5 kbar. Fractionation of phenocryst phases (olivine or orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase + Ti-magnetite + apatite) can explain most major and trace element variations of the andesites, although assimilation of some crustal material may explain abundances of some highly incompatible trace elements (Rb, Ba, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) in the most evolved lavas. Despite the great distance of the San Juan volcanic field from the inferred Oligocene destructive margin, the Huerto Andesite is similar to typical plate-margin andesites: both have relatively low abundances of Nb and Ta and similar values for trace-element ratios such as La/Yb and La/Nb.Deriving the Fish Canyon and Carpenter Ridge Tuffs by crystal fractionation from the Huerto Andesite cannot be dismissed by major-element models, although limited trace-element data indicate the tuffs may not have been derived by such direct evolution. Alternatively, heat of crystallization released as basaltic magmas evolved to andesitic compositions may have caused melting of crust to produce the felsic-ash flows. Mafic magmas may have been gravitationally trapped below lighter felsic magmas; mafic magmas which ascended to the surface probably migrated upwards around the margins of silicic chambers, as suggested by the present-day outcrops of andesitic units around the margins of recognized ash-flow calderas.  相似文献   

Asynchronous Holocene climatic change across China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A review of Holocene climatic variations in different parts of China shows that they were asynchronous. Proxy data from ice cores, pollen, loess, lacustrine sediments, and changes of sea and lake levels demonstrate that many warm and cold oscillations have occurred in China during the Holocene, including a most important climatic event known as the “Holocene optimum,” a milder and wetter period, and that the duration and amplitude of the optimum period, as well as its start and end times, differed in different parts of China. Uplift of the Tibetan plateau over the past millions of years led to the development of the monsoon climate and to complex atmospheric circulation over continental China during the Holocene. As a result, the Holocene optimum began and terminated earlier in high-altitude regions of western China than at lower elevations in eastern China, and the amplitude of the variations was lower in the east. This suggests that the western higher-altitude areas were more sensitive to climatic change than were the eastern lower-altitude areas. Holocene climatic records in the Dunde and Guliya ice cores do not correspond. Inverse δ18O variations between the two cores indicate that the effects of climate and atmospheric processes on the stable isotopes at the two sites differed. The correlation between the isotopic composition of carbonates in lake deposits in western China and climatic variations is similar to that in the ice cores. The climatic resolution in ice cores and lake sediments is higher than that in other media. The lack of precise correspondence of climatic records constructed on the basis of proxy data from different parts of China is a result of the different locations and elevations of the sampling sites, the different resolutions of the source material, and the varied climatic conditions within China. Further work is needed to confirm both the conclusions and the inferences presented here.  相似文献   

Remains of dead bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva Bailey) are found at altitudes up to 150 m above present treeline in the White Mountains. Standing snags and remnants in two study areas were mapped and sampled for dating by tree-ring and radiocarbon methods. The oldest remnants represent trees established more than 7400 y.a. Experimental and empirical evidence indicates that the position of the treeline is closely related to warm-season temperatures, but that precipitation may also be important in at least one of the areas. The upper treeline was at high levels in both areas until after about 2200 B.C., indicating warm-season temperatures about 3.5°F higher than those of the past few hundred years. However, the record is incomplete, relative warmth may have been maintained until at least 1500 B.C. Cooler and wetter conditions are indicated for the period 1500 B.C.-500 B.C., followed by a period of cool but drier climate. A major treeline decline occurred between about A.D. 1100 and A.D. 1500, probably reflecting onset of cold and dry conditions. High reproduction rates and establishment of scattered seedlings at high altitudes within the past 100 yr represents an incipient treeline advance, which reflected a general climatic warming beginning in the mid-19th century that has lasted until recent decades in the western United States. This evidence for climatic variation is broadly consistent with the record of Neoglacial advances in the North American Cordillera, and supports Antevs' concept of a warm “altithermal age” in the Great Basin.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1986,1(3):357-373
A porphyritic monzonite (25.1 Ma) intrudes Tertiary volcanic rocks of pre- and post-San Juan Caldera age along the western margin of the Silverton Caldera and the northern side of the Sultan Mountain monzonite stock (25.9 Ma), within an area of strong sericitic to argillic alteration (25.0 Ma). These alteration facies, which are genetically related to the monzonite, are characterized by quartz-MoS2 mineralization (Type 1), are surrounded by pyritic and propylitic facies alteration within which quartz/ base-metal sulfide (Type 2), quartz pyrite (Type 3), and barren quartz (Type 4) veining occurs. Whole-rock H- and O-isotope compositions are variable throughout the district (δD= − 148 to −72%; δ18O= − 3.5 to +9.3%). The propylitized country rocks are strongly depleted in18O and D but more highly altered samples have “normal” δD and δ18O values. Coarse-grained sericites that also exhibit a very large range of δD values to −60%) with respect to biotites and clay-sized sericites that also exhibit a very large range of δD values (−137 to −98% and −139 to −84%, respectively). Type 1 veins have a very restricted range of18O/16O ratios (+7.6 to 9.3%), whereas veins of Type 2 and Types 3 and 4 have very large, overlapping, δ18O ranges of −2.7 to +12.0% and −2.8 to +9.0%, respectively. Type 1 veinlets are characterized by halite-bearing and vapour-rich types, whereas liquid-rich types (excluding halite-bearing types) are dominant in quartz and sphalerite of vein Types 2, 3, and 4. Homogenization and salinity data indicate higher temperatures and much higher salinities of quartz fluids in the central alteration zones (∼350°C, ∼40 ≡wt%NaCl) ompared with those of the peripheral pyritic and propylitic (∼60°C, ≦5 ≡wt%NaCl). The δD values for quartz fluid inclusion waters are quite variable: Type 1 (−125 to −79%0); Type 2 (−130 to −67%0); and Types 3 and 4 (−128 to −98%0). A “magmatic” fluid component is indicated by the calculated composition of sericitic fluids. Of the quartz fluids, those associated with MoS2-mineralization lie closest to the field of “Primary Magmatic Water”; those associated with the other vein types lie within a large field which ranges from the composition of nearly unexchanged, local meteoric water to compositions reflecting extensive hydrothermal exchange and mixing.  相似文献   

青藏高原气候变化在冰期-间冰期、千年、十年际和季节尺度上受亚洲季风和西风环流的交互影响,表现出显著的区域性特征。然而全新世以来青藏高原气候变化的机制还不甚清楚,主要原因之一是缺少指示意义明确的古气候代用指标。课题组近年来利用叶蜡氢同位素(δDwax)重建了高原东北部的青海湖、中北部的令戈错、中部的达则错、西部的班公错和阿翁错不同时间尺度的大气降水同位素记录,本文对上述工作进行总结,并结合青藏高原全新世以来已发表的其他地点的同位素和古水文记录,揭示全新世以来季风与西风对青藏高原不同区域气候变化的影响。结果表明:1)早全新世青海湖、令戈错、班公错和阿翁错4个湖泊均主要受夏季风影响,夏季风可以影响到青藏高原的大部分地区,此时夏季风在青藏高原的最北界限可能位于青海湖以北、克鲁克湖以南。2)中全新世青海湖、班公错和阿翁错受夏季风影响逐渐减弱;然而令戈错在7.0~4.5 ka水汽主要来源于西风环流。3)晚全新世青海湖和班公错受季风的影响进一步减弱;西风在3.5~1.7 ka和2.0~1.0 ka分别影响到高原中部的令戈错和达则错;晚全新世阿翁错受冰川融水补给影响降水同位素异常偏负。4)本研究表明在中晚全新世季风较弱的时期,西风能够深入到青藏高原内部地区,给高原内部地区带来冷湿的水汽。  相似文献   

Locally, voluminous andesitic volcanism both preceded and followedlarge eruptions of silicic ash-flow tuff from many calderasin the San Juan volcanic field. The most voluminous post-collapselava suite of the central San Juan caldera cluster is the 28Ma Huerto Andesite, a diverse assemblage erupted from at least5–6 volcanic centres that were active around the southernmargins of the La Garita caldera shortly after eruption of theFish Canyon Tuff. These andesitic centres are inferred, in part,to represent eruptions of magma that ponded and differentiatedwithin the crust below the La Garita caldera, thereby providingthe thermal energy necessary for rejuvenation and remobilizationof the Fish Canyon magma body. The multiple Huerto eruptivecentres produced two magmatic series that differ in phenocrystmineralogy (hydrous vs anhydrous assemblages), whole-rock majorand trace element chemistry and isotopic compositions. Hornblende-bearinglavas from three volcanic centres located close to the southeasternmargin of the La Garita caldera (Eagle Mountain–FourmileCreek, West Fork of the San Juan River, Table Mountain) definea high-K calc-alkaline series (57–65 wt % SiO2) that isoxidized, hydrous and sulphur rich. Trachyandesitic lavas fromwidely separated centres at Baldy Mountain–Red Lake (westernmargin), Sugarloaf Mountain (southern margin) and Ribbon Mesa(20 km east of the La Garita caldera) are mutually indistinguishable(55–61 wt % SiO2); they are characterized by higher andmore variable concentrations of alkalis and many incompatibletrace elements (e.g. Zr, Nb, heavy rare earth elements), andthey contain anhydrous phenocryst assemblages (including olivine).These mildly alkaline magmas were less water rich and oxidizedthan the hornblende-bearing calc-alkaline suite. The same distinctionscharacterize the voluminous precaldera andesitic lavas of theConejos Formation, indicating that these contrasting suitesare long-term manifestations of San Juan volcanism. The favouredmodel for their origin involves contrasting ascent paths anddifferentiation histories through crustal columns with differentthermal and density gradients. Magmas ascending into the mainfocus of the La Garita caldera were impeded, and they evolvedat greater depths, retaining more of their primary volatileload. This model is supported by systematic differences in isotopiccompositions suggestive of crust–magma interactions withcontrasting lithologies. KEY WORDS: alkaline; calc-alkaline; petrogenesis; episodic magmatism; Fish Canyon system  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Mörner, N-A. & Karlén, W. (eds.) 1984: Climatic Changes on a Yearly to Millennial Basis .  相似文献   

Our study provides detailed information on the Lateglacial landscape and vegetation development of Tibet. Based on a suite of geomorphological and palynological proxy data from the Nianbaoyeze Shan on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau (33°N/101°E, 3300–4500 m asl.), we reconstruct the current state as a function of climate history and the longevity of human influence. Study results constrain several major phases of aeolian sedimentation between 50–15 ka and various glacier advances during the Late Pleistocene, the Holocene and the Little Ice Age. Increased aeolian deposition was primarily associated with periods of more extensive glacial ice extent. Fluvial and alluvial sediment pulses document an increase of erosion starting at 3926 ± 79 cal yr B.P., coinciding with cooling (Neoglacial) and a growing anthropo-zoogenic influence. Evidence for periglacial mass movements indicate that the late Holocene cooling started at around 2000 cal yr B.P., demonstrating increased surface activity under the combined effects of human influence and climate deterioration. The onset of peat growth generally depended on local conditions that include relief, meso-climate and in more recent times also on soil compaction due to animal trampling. We distinguish three initiation periods of peat growth: 12,700–10,400 cal yr B.P. for flat basins inside last glacial terminal moraines; 7000–5000 cal yr B.P. for the main valley floors; and 3000–1000 cal yr B.P. for the higher terrace surfaces.The Holocene vegetation history started with an open landscape dominated by pioneer shrubs along braided rivers (<10,600–9800 cal yr B.P.), followed by the spreading of conifers (Picea, Juniperus, Abies) and Betula-trees accompanied by a successive closing of the vegetation cover by Poaceae, Cyperaceae and herbs (9800–8300 cal yr B.P.). First signs of nomadic presence appear as early as 7200 cal yr B.P., when temperatures were up to 2 °C warmer than today. Forest remained very patchy with strong local contrasts. During the following cooling phase (5900–2750 cal yr B.P.) the natural vegetation was transformed by nomadic grazing to Bistorta-rich Kobresia pygmaea-pastures. Modern nomadic migration routes were established at least 2200 years ago. Overgrazing and trampling led to the shrinking of Bistorta and the spreading of annual weeds. Short-lived cold events (8000, 6200, 3500 cal yr B.P.) impacted on the vegetation only temporarily.As the transformation of the natural Poaceae-rich vegetation into Kobresia-pastures modified the influence of the Tibetan Plateau (“hot plate”) on the monsoon system, our data even point to an early start of a nomadic (!) Anthropocene nearly 6000 years ago. Against the background of a very long grazing history, modern Tibet must be seen as a cultural landscape.  相似文献   

Mapping of Holocene pollen data in the midwestern United States has revealed several broadscale vegetational changes that can be interpreted in climatic terms. These changes include (1) the early Holocene northward movement of the spruce-dominated forest and its later southward movement after 3000 yr B.P. and (2) the eastward movement of the prairie/forest border into southwestern Wisconsin by 8000 yr B.P. and its subsequent westward retreat after 6000 yr B.P. When certain basic assumptions are met, multiple regression models can be derived from modern pollen and climate data and used to transform the pollen record of these vegetational changes into quantitative estimates of temperature or precipitation. To maximize the reliability of the regression equations, we followed a sequence of procedures that minimize violations of the assumptions that underlie regression analysis. Reconstructions of precipitation during the Holocene indicated that from 9000 to 6000 yr B.P. precipitation decreased by 10 to 25% over much of the Midwest, while mean July temperature increased by 0.5° to 2.0°C. At 6000 yr B.P. precipitation was less than 80% of its modern values over parts of Wisconsin and Minnesota. After 6000 yr B.P. precipitation generally increased, while mean July temperature decreased in the north, and increased in the south. The time of the maximum temperature varies within the Midwest and is earlier in the north and later in the south.  相似文献   

Coal beds of the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation in the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado have significant liquid hydrocarbon generation potential as indicated by typical Rock-Eval Hydrogen Indexes in the range of 200–400 mg hydrocarbon/g organic carbon (type II and III organic matter). Small, non-commercial quantities of oil have been produced from the coal beds at several locations. The oils are characterized by high pristane/phytane (ca 4) and pristane/n-C17 ratios (ca 1.2), abundant C21+ alkanes in the C10+ fraction with a slight predominance of odd carbon-numbered n-alkanes, abundant branched-chain alkanes in the C15+ region, and a predominance of methylcyclohexane in the C4----C10 fraction. The oils are indigenous to the Fruitland Formation coals and probably migrated at thermal maturities corresponding to vitrinite reflectance values in the range 0.7–0.8%. Although the oils found to date are not present in commercial amounts, these findings illustrate the potential of some coals to generate and expel oil under conditions of moderate thermal heating.  相似文献   

The Fish Canyon Tuff is one of the largest currently recognizedash-flow tuffs (> 3000 km3). It is a crystal-rich quartzlatite containing about 40 per cent phenocrysts of plagioclase,sanidine, biotite, hornblende, quartz, magnetite, sphene, andilmenite. Pyrrhotite occurs as inclusions in magnetite, sphene,and hornblende. The consistency of mineralogy and whole rockchemistry confirms that the Fish Canyon tuff is remarkably homogeneous.Most chemical variations can be accounted for by phenocryst-matrixfractionation, probably due to glass winnowing during eruptionand emplacement. The composition of the parent magma, correctedfor such winnowing, is very similar to that of calc-alkalinebatholiths such as the Boulder and the Sierra Nevada batholiths. Fe-Ti oxide geothermometers indicate temperatures of 800 ? 30?C for most of the outflow tuff. No evidence for a regular thermalgradient in the magma chamber could be detected. Two feldsparand Fe-Ti oxide equilibria indicate that the magma developedat depths of 25 to 30 km (about 9 kb pressure), and was eruptedwithout time for phenocryst re-equilibration. The reconstructedcomposition of the liquid in equilibrium with the phenocrystsalso suggests a deep source for this ash flow. A late, upperpackage of flow units have mineralogical characteristics whichmay reflect partial re-equilibration in a shallower environment. Oxygen fugacities are moderately high (log fO2 = — 11.5?0.3) but are similar to those obtained from other continentalcalc-alkaline ash-flow tuffs. The water fugacity is limitedby calculations using biotite equilibria and experimental workrelating to the stability of the phenocryst assemblage. Bestestimates are that water fugacity was 2000 ? 1000 bars. Theactivities of sulphurous gases are estimated at fSO2 = 2 to4 bars, fso2 = 150 to 200 bars, fH2S = 70 to 80 bars. The Fish Canyon Tuff therefore came from a deep, homogeneous,granitic magma body of batholithic proportions. Calculationsof its probable viscosity, density, and size indicate that thesystem should convect with any reasonable thermal gradient.Convective mixing may account for the homogeneity of the parentmagma body.  相似文献   

Although bulk-rock normative analyses of the trachytic inclusions from the Carpenter Ridge Tuff yield abundant quartz and minor corundum, a portion of the phenocryst assemblage is indicative of an alkaline parentage. Sanidine and biotite contain up to 8 and 5 wt% BaO respectively. In addition, both amphibole and clinopyroxene compositions are compatible with having crystallized from a mildly silica-undersaturated magma. Amphibole is magnesiohastingsite with 3 wt% TiO2 and less than 0.3 mole fraction vacancies in the A site. Clinopyroxene compositions straddle the calcic augite-salite boundary. Chrondite-normalized REE patterns are similar for both inclusions and rhyolites. The inclusions are slightly poorer in REE and have a positive Eu anomaly versus the negative anomaly of the rhyolites. The similarity in REE patterns would seem to indicate that the two rock types are genetically related with the positive Eu anomalies resulting from feldspar accumulation. However, this possibility is denied by the antithetic alkaline and subalkaline phenocryst assemblages of the two rock types. We suggest that the best explanation for these discrepancies is that a mildly silica-undersaturated magma was the parent for the phenocrysts. This magma intruded the Carpenter Ridge chamber, and because the crystallization temperatures of both magma overlapped, the alkaline magma mixed with the ambient rhyolite to form a hybrid. This hybrid consisted of a portion of the phenocryst assemblage from the alkaline magma but the bulk-rock chemistry depended upon the proportions of the endmember liquids. The abundance of normative quartz, the minor normative corundum, and the similarity of REE patterns indicates that the inclusions are mixtures dominated by the rhyolitic component. Additional processes such as liquid-state diffusion, crystal accumulation, and alkali loss may have contributed to obscure the compositions of the initial liquids involved in the inferred mixing process.  相似文献   

Changes of climate have characterized parts, and at times apparently all, of Earth's surface. Changes that have occurred during the Quaternary period have special significance because, being comparatively recent, they are revealed by physical geologic features that are still at or near the surface, as yet little damaged by erosion. Although some of these features can be interpreted in terms that are broadly quantitative, most are still only qualitative in that they are limited to specifying climatic parameters that are positive or negative relative to those prevailing today in the same area. The common parameters indicated by the physical evidence include temperature (mean annual or summer) and precipitation (mean annual or seasonal). More rarely directions and minimum speeds of effective winds can be specified. A useful basis for reconstructions of former climates is a checklist of the relict geologic features from which climatic inferences can be drawn. Such a list is given here.  相似文献   

Dimensions of Holocene relict channels and sedimentological characteristics of point bars associated with these relict channels were used to reconstruct a Holocene history of long-term changes in magnitudes of 1.58-yr floods in Upper Mississippi Valley watersheds of southwestern Wisconsin. The reconstructed record of floods shows relatively large and persistent (nonrandom) departures from contemporary long-term average flood magnitudes. The flood history indicates climatic changes that are broadly similar to climatic changes indicated from fossil pollen in the same region. The Holocene floods ranged from about 10–15% larger to 20–30% smaller than contemporary floods of the same recurrence frequency. Large floods were characteristic between about 6000 – 4500 and 3000 – 2000 yr B.P., and during a brief interval after 1200 yr B.P. Small floods were common between about 8000 – 6500, 4500 – 3000, and 2000 – 1200 yr B.P. These fluvial responses were found to be closely associated with a long-term episodic mobility and storage of sediments in the Wisconsin watersheds. During periods of relatively large floods, relatively rapid lateral channel migration either reworked or removed extensive tracts of valley bottom alluvium. In contrast, during periods of relatively small floods, relatively slow lateral channel migration is apparent and the channel and floodplain system appear to have been relatively stable.  相似文献   

Man's interference with the landscape process places him in the role of a “paraglacial” agent: He tends to duplicate ice-age stresses such as deforestation, accelerated erosion, and climate alteration. Against a background climatic control dictated by the Milankovich mechanisms, the 10,000-year history of the Holocene has seen very large secondary modulations that must be better understood so that they may be distinguished from anthropogenic effects. If they are exogenetically controlled, as it seems, then they are probably predictable from astronomic data. Four geomorphic type areas are selected for demonstrating Holocene changes in tropical regions, because they have been somewhat neglected within the framework of Quaternary science and because they include some of the most fragile and easily disrupted environments: lakes, semiarid desert margins, coastlines, and coral reefs. In a nutshell, the tropical Holocene has seen three major changes: (a) the evolution from the hyperaridity of the last pleniglacial stage to the “postglacial pluvial”; (b) the “climatic optimum,” which was highly diachronous and strongly retarded as it shifted from low latitudes to high; (c) the postoptimum “deterioration” that has involved desiccation of lakes, readvances of the deserts, fall of sea level, and truncation of coral reefs. While this deterioration is predictable in terms of an interglacial-glacial climatic transition, strong natural climatic oscillations, not yet well understood, together with man's activities, make the future a cause for concern.  相似文献   

The San Juan River, located in San Juan Province (Argentina), crosses the Precordillera and other geologic units including the Ullum tectonic valley and the La Laja Zone between latitudes 31°S and 32°S. The San Juan River is antecedent as is suggested by its two perpendicular segments linked by an almost parallel segment to the main structural trend. Along the Precordillera, the San Juan River valley has many different alluvial fans at the river junctions with its tributaries. The Quaternary alluvial fans display surfaces cut in a series of steps which we consider to be alluvial terraces generated by aggradation and repeated incision episodes. The studied sector includes one area with recent major seismic activity (La Laja Zone), another without major seismic activity (Precordillera area), and a subsident area (Ullum area) where a large lake was formed 6500 yr BP. The old San Juan River was captured by the Quebrada de Ullum valley by means of a 25-m incision, which resulted in river-gradient headward erosion. The San Juan River gradient shows some irregularities that, although unrelated to the main structures, are associated with river dynamics, which emphasizes lithologic differences. The main river valley width, the geometry and gradient of each tributary, together with the basement rock lithologies and the size of each local source area are the major factors which control the alluvial terrace generation processes. In the La Laja Zone, where the uppermost terrace is capped by travertine, dating of travertine deposits suggests that the maximum incision rate is 0.9–1 mm/yr related to episodic activity on the La Laja Fault.  相似文献   

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