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华北夏季降水的年代际变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
利用我国740个测站逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,使用合成分析等方法,对华北夏季降水的年代际变化特征进行分析。结果表明:华北夏季降水的年代际变化与华北夏季雨带的年代际变化密不可分。在华北夏季降水偏多阶段,华北地区雨带降水量较大,华北雨带能够向西延伸,雨带位置大多数时间能够越过115°E,并且能够接近华北西部边界110°E,位置偏西;而在华北夏季降水偏少阶段,华北雨带降水量偏小,雨带虽然也能够越过115°E,但维持时间不长,且向西延伸并不明显,雨带位置很难接近华北西部边界110°E,位置偏东。华北雨带发生的年代际变化和东亚地区大气环流以及东亚夏季风的年代际变化有关。  相似文献   

分析资料,应用1978—2008年全球逐月观测海表温度驱动NCAR CAM5.1全球大气环流模式进行数值模拟,探讨了华南夏季降水的年代际变化特征及其与南亚高压的关系。结果表明,华南夏季降水与南亚高压的东伸脊点关系密切,均在20世纪90年代初存在年代际转变。在1993—2008(1979—1992)年期间,南亚高压位置偏西(东),西北太平洋副热带高压位置偏东(西),华南地区则低层辐合(辐散)异常、高层辐散(辐合)异常,产生异常上升(下沉)运动,华南地区降水年代际偏多(少),这也被数值试验结果所验证。  相似文献   

东北亚冷夏的年代际变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
陈莉  朱锦红 《大气科学》2004,28(2):241-253
通过对1881~2000年东北亚夏季气温的分析,发现东北亚夏季气温有明显的年代际变化,时间尺度为80年左右和30年左右;120年来东北亚共发生27次冷夏(平均气温距平≤-0.5°C),其中6次为严重冷夏(平均气温距平≤-1.0°C).通过对海平面气压场、对流层中层500 hPa高度场及海温场的分析,研究了东北亚冷夏的环流机制以及与SST异常的关系,指出东北亚夏季气温的年代际变化与大尺度环流特征及海温的变化关系密切.  相似文献   

指出了中国东部夏季气候在20世纪80年代末出现了一次明显的年代际气候转型。伴随着这次年代际转型,80年代末以后中国东部南方地区降水明显增多,500 hPa西太平洋副热带高压西伸且南北范围变大,西北太平洋上空850 hPa反气旋增强。中国东部夏季80年代后期出现南方多雨的年代际转型与欧亚大陆春季积雪、西北太平洋夏季海面温度的年代际变化存在密切联系,它们也都在80年代末出现年代际转型。从80年代末以后,伴随着欧亚大陆春季积雪明显减少和西北太平洋夏季海面温度明显增高,中国夏季南方降水明显增加。文中分析了欧亚大陆春季积雪和西北太平洋夏季海面温度影响中国降水的物理过程,指出欧亚大陆春季积雪能够在500 hPa激发出大气中的遥相关波列,所激发出的波列可以从春季一直持续到夏季,造成中国北方为高压控制,南方为微弱低压控制,使得降水出现在中国南方。西北太平洋夏季海面温度的升高能够减小海陆热力差异,使得夏季风减弱,导致中国南方地区降水增多。  相似文献   

东北夏季降水年代际、年际变化的区域差别   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用REOF方法对我国东北夏季降水异常进行了区划,并通过周期分析等方法分析了各分区降水年代际、年际变化特征。结果表明:东北夏季降水异常可划分为南部、中部、东部、西南部、西北部和北部6个区域,东南部(包括前3个区域)的年代际变化高于西北部(后3个区域)。50 a来东北全区夏季降水没有明显变干或变湿的倾向,但存在明显的年代际变化。其中,南部与全区旱涝在两种时间尺度上(特别在年代际尺度上)的相关均较高;东部与全区的相关也主要表现在年代际尺度上,而中部、西南部主要表现在年际尺度上。  相似文献   

本文利用1951年~1999年冬季海温场(SST)再分析资料,分析得到20世纪70年代中期太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)由负(冷)位相转为正(暖)位相,发生了显著的年代际变化。SVD分析冬季北太平洋SST与亚洲地表温度(SAT)的结果表明,PDO的年代际变化对亚洲SAT北部的增暖有显著的影响。这种影响主要是通过海气间的相互作用间接对亚洲SAT产生作用。当PDO模态进入暖位相的时候,北半球SLP场主要表现出强阿留申低压,弱西伯利亚高压和中低纬气压加强的特征,SLP场的这种变化有利于中纬度西风带的加强,使得亚洲北部大部分区域冬季增暖明显。  相似文献   

东北夏季极端高温频次在1990年代中期出现年代际增多.本文指出该年代际增多只出现在6-7月,而8月则呈现特殊性,即在1990年代初出现年代际减少.进一步分析表明,东北8月极端高温频次的年代际减少由日最高温度变率的年代际减小造成.东北日最高温度受到欧亚遥相关,丝绸之路遥相关和东亚-太平洋遥相关的共同调制.1990年代初之...  相似文献   

东亚夏季风和中国东部夏季降水年代际变化的模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
陈红  薛峰 《大气科学》2013,37(5):1143-1153
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所发展的第四代大气环流模式模拟了1970年代末东亚夏季风和相关的中国东部夏季降水年代际变化。结果表明,在给定的观测海温强迫下,模式能模拟出东亚夏季风的年代际减弱及 相关的环流场变化,包括东亚沿海的偏北风异常以及西太平洋副高的形态变化,模式还较好再现了中国东部夏季降水的雨型变化,即长江流域降水偏多,而华北和华南偏少,但位置略偏南。基于奇异值分解(SVD)的分析表明,热带海洋变暖是这次东亚夏季风的年代际减弱的主要因素,这与太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)在1970年代末期的位相转变有关。此外,模式还较好模拟了长江流域的变冷趋势,进而减弱了海陆温差,使东亚夏季风减弱。  相似文献   

基于1961—2015年东北地区的台站降水观测资料及全球环流和海温再分析资料,利用统计分析、物理量诊断等方法,探讨了东北5月降水的年代际变化,及其与大气环流和海温外强迫的关系。研究发现,东北5月降水具有和东北盛夏降水明显不同的年代际变化特征,在20世纪80年代中期至90年代初处于年代际偏少阶段,而在21世纪初转变为年代际偏多阶段。东北5月降水在21世纪初的年代际变化主要由5月东北亚低压强弱的年代际变化造成,在21世纪初,东北亚低压相对于气候态明显偏强,有利于东北降水偏多;而在20世纪80年代初至90年代初,东北亚低压减弱为较浅的低槽,导致东北降水偏少。来自北大西洋的欧亚大陆位势高度异常波列引起东北亚上空的垂直运动异常,导致了东北亚低压的上述年代际变化。5月热带北大西洋海温异常很可能是激发上述波列进而造成东北亚低压和东北5月降水在21世纪初年代际变化的外强迫信号。  相似文献   

ENSO与中国夏季年际气候异常关系的年代际变化   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
利用热带太平洋海表温度和中国降水和气温站点观测资料,通过滑动相关分析,揭示了ENSO与中国夏季年际气候异常关系的年代际变化事实。结果表明:ENSO与中国夏季年际气候异常的关系既有稳定的方面,又存在年代际变化特征。稳定的关系表现在:处于发展阶段的ENSO事件往往造成华北夏季降水偏少;处于衰减阶段的ENSO事件则易引起长江流域及江南地区夏季降水偏多。而二者关系的年代际变化表现在:1970年代中后期,处于发展阶段的ENSO事件引起的夏季降水异常在华南地区由偏少变为偏多,东北地区则由偏多变为偏少,而江淮地区偏多的现象不再明显,华北和东北夏季气温异常也由偏冷转变为偏暖,而华南则有偏冷趋势;处于衰减阶段的ENSO事件引起的夏季降水异常在华北地区由偏多变为偏少,江淮地区降水由偏少变为正常甚至偏多,华北夏季气温异常则由偏冷变为偏暖,长江流域和华南也有偏暖趋势。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料合成分析表明,在不同的年代际背景下ENSO引起的东亚中高纬度大气环流异常型发生了明显改变是ENSO和降水气温关系发生年代际变化的原因。  相似文献   

利用1983~2011年降水量、环流和海温的再分析资料,探讨了东亚北部地区夏季水汽输送的年代际变化特征,并分析了前冬北大西洋海温对东亚北部地区夏季水汽输送与大气环流的可能影响。研究结果表明,20世纪90年代末期东亚北部地区夏季整层水汽与降水年代际的变化特征相一致,整层水汽通量的年代际变化主要是由于纬向水汽输送异常作用的结果。东亚北部地区(35°~55°N,90°~145°E)西边界的水汽输送通量由多变少,东边界的水汽输送通量由少变多特征则直接导致了该地区降水由偏多转为偏少的年代际变化。就外强迫海温角度来说,前冬北大西洋海温跟东亚北部地区夏季500 hPa高度场、850 hPa风场和850 hPa比湿均显著相关。同时,在20世纪90年代中后期前冬北大西洋海温也表现出由偏低向偏高转变的年代际变化特征,且由于海温自身的记忆性前冬的海温异常一直延续到夏季。并在夏季激发出横跨北大西洋和欧亚大陆中高纬度地区的大西洋-欧亚(AEA)遥相关结构,并进一步影响东亚北部地区夏季水汽输送。  相似文献   

This study identifies a decadal shift of summer surface air temperature (SAT) over Northeast Asia,including southeastern parts of Russia,Mongolia and northern China,around the mid-1990s.The results suggest that the SAT over the Northeast Asia experienced a significant warming after 1994 relative to that before 1993.This decadal shift also extends to northern China,and leads to a warmer summer over Northeast China and North China after the mid-1990s.The decadal warming over Northeast Asia is found to concur with the enhancement of South China rainfall around the mid-1990s.On the one hand,both the Northeast Asian SAT and South China rainfall exhibit this mid-1990s decadal shift only in summer,but not in other seasons.On the other hand,both the Northeast Asian SAT and South China rainfall exhibit this mid-1990s decadal shift not only in the summer seasonal mean,but also in each month of summer (June,July and August).Furthermore,the decadal warming is found to result from an anticyclonic anomaly over Northeast Asia,which can be interpreted as the response to the increased precipitation over South China,according to previous numerical results.Thus,we conclude that the warming shift of summer Northeast Asian SAT around the mid-1990s was a remote response to the increased precipitation over South China.  相似文献   

This study investigated the drivers and physical processes for the abrupt decadal summer surface warming and increases in hot temperature extremes that occurred over Northeast Asia in the mid-1990 s. Observations indicate an abrupt increase in summer mean surface air temperature(SAT) over Northeast Asia since the mid-1990 s. Accompanying this abrupt surface warming, significant changes in some temperature extremes, characterized by increases in summer mean daily maximum temperature(Tmax), daily minimum temperature(Tmin), annual hottest day temperature(TXx), and annual warmest night temperature(TNx) were observed. There were also increases in the frequency of summer days(SU) and tropical nights(TR).Atmospheric general circulation model experiments forced by changes in sea surface temperature(SST)/ sea ice extent(SIE),anthropogenic greenhouse gas(GHG) concentrations, and anthropogenic aerosol(AA) forcing, relative to the period 1964–93, reproduced the general patterns of observed summer mean SAT changes and associated changes in temperature extremes,although the abrupt decrease in precipitation since the mid-1990 s was not simulated. Additional model experiments with different forcings indicated that changes in SST/SIE explained 76% of the area-averaged summer mean surface warming signal over Northeast Asia, while the direct impact of changes in GHG and AA explained the remaining 24% of the surface warming signal. Analysis of physical processes indicated that the direct impact of the changes in AA(through aerosol–radiation and aerosol–cloud interactions), mainly related to the reduction of AA precursor emissions over Europe, played a dominant role in the increase in TXx and a similarly important role as SST/SIE changes in the increase in the frequency of SU over Northeast Asia via AA-induced coupled atmosphere–land surface and cloud feedbacks, rather than through a direct impact of AA changes on cloud condensation nuclei. The modelling results also imply that the abrupt summer surface warming and increases in hot temperature extremes over Northeast Asia since the mid-1990 s will probably sustain in the next few decades as GHG concentrations continue to increase and AA precursor emissions over both North America and Europe continue to decrease.  相似文献   

This study investigates the interannual variation of summer surface air temperature over Northeast Asia(NEA) and its associated circulation anomalies.Two leading modes for the temperature variability over NEA are obtained by EOF analysis.The first EOF mode is characterized by a homogeneous temperature anomaly over NEA and therefore is called the NEA mode.This anomaly extends from southeast of Lake Baikal to Japan,with a central area in Northeast China.The second EOF mode is characterized by a seesaw pattern,showing a contrasting distribution between East Asia(specifically including the Changbai Mountains in Northeast China,Korea,and Japan) and north of this region.This mode is named the East Asia(EA) mode.Both modes contribute equivalently to the temperature variability in EA.The two leading modes are associated with different circulation anomalies.A warm NEA mode is associated with a positive geopotential height anomaly over NEA and thus a weakened upper-tropospheric westerly jet.On the other hand,a warm EA mode is related to a positive height anomaly over EA and a northward displaced jet.In addition,the NEA mode tends to be related to the Eurasian teleconnection pattern,while the EA mode is associated with the East Asia-Pacific/PacificJapan pattern.  相似文献   

Under the background of global warming, summer (JJA) low temperature events in Northeast China had not occurred for about 15 yr since 1994, but one such event took place in 2009. By using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the 100-yr station temperature data at Harbin and Changchun, and the Hadley Center sea surface temperature (SST) data, this paper intends to reveal the cause, circulation background, and influencing factors of this event. Analysis of both horizontal and vertical circulations of a low-value system over Northeast China in summer 2009 during the low temperature event shows that anomalous activities of the Northeast China cold vortex (NECV) played the most direct role. A decadal cooling trend of-0.8 C (10 yr)-1 over 1999-2008 at Changchun and Harbin was found, which is obviously out-of-phase with the linear warming trend (0.2 C (10 yr)-1 ) over 1961-2000 for Northeast China in response to the global warming. The previous winter North Pacific polar vortex (NPPV) area index, significantly positively related to the observed summer temperatures of Harbin and Changchun, was also in a significantly declining tendency. These provide favorable decadal backgrounds for the 2009 low temperature event. Different from the average anomaly field of 500-hPa height for summer 1994-2008 in Northeast China, in the summer of 2009, the Arctic Oscillation (AO) showed a strong negative phase distribution, and significant negative height anomalies dominated Northeast Asia, Aleutian Islands, and North Atlantic. Furthermore, the negative phase of North Pacific Oscillation (NPO) in the winter of 2008 was obviously strong, and it maintained in the spring of 2009. Meanwhile, the SSTA in the equatorial eastern-central Pacific Ocean in the winter of 2008 showed a La Nina phase, but the strength of the La Nina weakened obviously in the spring of 2009. The abnormally strong activities of NECV in June and July of 2009 were related to the disturbances of stationary waves that replaced the original ultra-long waves over the North Pacific region in April and May 2009. The singular value decomposition (SVD) and harmonic analysis results suggest that the anomalous phase of NPO is an important precursor for summer temperature variations over Northeast China, and also a stable planetary-scale component that can be extracted from the atmospheric circulation in addition to the chaotic components on the synoptic scale.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来东北暴雨过程特征分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
使用1990~2005年全国730站日降水资料和NCEP格点分析资料对1990~2005年东北地区大暴雨过程进行了分类研究,探讨21世纪前后夏季东北暴雨的主要特征.按照东北地区日降雨量大于50 mm的站点数不少于5个的标准,统计出1990~2005年东北地区的69个暴雨个例(共90天).在统计的基础上,进一步对造成大范围暴雨过程的天气形势进行分类研究.考虑阻塞高压、热带、副热带系统和西风带之间的相互关系,将暴雨过程的主要影响系统大致分为6类:(1)台风与西风带系统(西风槽、东北低涡)的远距离相互作用(20个,28.9%);(2)登陆台风(或南来低涡)北上与西风带系统(西风槽、东北低涡)相互作用(16个,23.2%);(3)台风直接暴雨(1个,1.5%);(4)低槽冷锋暴雨(16个,23.2%);(5)低空切变型暴雨(2个,2.9%);(6)东北低涡暴雨(14个,20.3%).在所有个例中与台风有关的共有37个,超过一半,占总数53.6%.台风的远距离水汽输送或登陆台风北上与西风带系统相互作用是东北地区产生大暴雨或持续性大暴雨的重要环流条件.此外,东北低涡和西风槽前系统造成暴雨个例也比较多,也是东北地区大范围暴雨的重要影响系统,低槽冷锋暴雨和东北低涡暴雨也各分为4小类.低空切变暴雨的切变线一般在低层较为明显.上述分析表明,夏季东北地区暴雨过程种类繁多,情况较为复杂,且进入新世纪以来该区降雨过程较为活跃,值得深入研究.  相似文献   


Previous studies have shown that the recent summer climate (precipitation in particular) over East Asia is varying significantly. Here we extend the study to April, May, and June (AMJ) or the seasonal transition period associated with the onset of the summer monsoon. It is found that the average 1000–400?hPa AMJ tropospheric temperature (TT) experienced a sudden change at the end of the twentieth century. The change has a dipolar modal structure, with one pole over countries in Central Asia (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.) and the other over the Tibetan Plateau. The difference in the TT between the centres of the two poles (?TT), which characterizes the zonal gradient of the TT over Asia, has seen a significant reduction since 1999. The causal relations of ?TT with the local circulation, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), surface shortwave flux (SSWF), precipitation, etc. have been investigated using a newly developed rigorous causality analysis, which unambiguously reveals a one-way causality from ?TT to each of OLR, SSWF, and precipitation.  相似文献   

基于1979~2015年中国月平均站点温度资料,计算了初夏东北冷涡指数,分析了初夏东北冷涡活动的年代际变化特征。在此基础上,进一步探讨了东北初夏冷涡活动与春季西亚地表热力异常之间的可能联系,并初步讨论了前期西亚地表热力异常影响东北初夏冷涡活动的可能过程。结果表明:(1)1979~2015年间,初夏东北冷涡强度表现出明显的年代际变化特征,2000年前,冷涡活动总体偏强,之后总体减弱。(2)春季西亚地表热力状况在2000年前后也发生了明显的年代际转变:2000年前总体偏冷,之后明显偏暖。(3)春季西亚地区的地表热力异常与东北冷涡活动的在年代际尺度上联系密切。西亚地表异常偏冷,东北冷涡活动偏强;而西亚地表异常偏暖对应了偏弱的冷涡活动。初步分析发现,西亚地表热力因子可能通过影响大气环流分布并通过遥相关型影响我国初夏东北地区冷涡,当然相关的机理还有待深入分析。  相似文献   

Previous studies have found amplified warming over Europe-West Asia and Northeast Asia in summer since the mid-1990s relative to elsewhere on the Eurasian continent, but the cause of the amplification in these two regions remains unclear. In this study, we compared the individual contributions of influential factors for amplified warming over these two regions through a quantitative diagnostic analysis based on CFRAM (climate feedback-response analysis method). The changes in surface air temperature are decomposed into the partial changes due to radiative processes (including CO2concentration, incident solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, surface albedo, water vapor content, ozone concentration, and clouds) and non-radiative processes (including surface sensible heat flux, surface latent heat flux, and dynamical processes). Our results suggest that the enhanced warming over these two regions is primarily attributable to changes in the radiative processes, which contributed 0.62 and 0.98 K to the region-averaged warming over Europe-West Asia (1.00 K) and Northeast Asia (1.02 K), respectively. Among the radiative processes, the main drivers were clouds, CO2concentration, and water vapor content. The cloud term alone contributed to the mean amplitude of warming by 0.40 and0.85 K in Europe-West Asia and Northeast Asia, respectively. In comparison, the non-radiative processes made a much weaker contribution due to the combined impact of surface sensible heat flux, surface latent heat flux, and dynamical processes, accounting for only 0.38 K for the warming in Europe-West Asia and 0.05 K for the warming in Northeast Asia.The resemblance between the influential factors for the amplified warming in these two separate regions implies a common dynamical origin. Thus, this validates the possibility that they originate from the Silk Road pattern.  相似文献   

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