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We analyse star formation rates (SFRs) derived from photometric and spectroscopic data of galaxies in pairs in different environments using the 2-degree field galaxy redshift survey (2dFGRS) and the Sloan digital sky survey (SDSS). The two samples comprise several thousand pairs, suitable to explore into detail the dependence of star formation activity in pairs on orbital parameters and global environment. We use the projected galaxy density derived from the fifth brightest neighbour of each galaxy, with a convenient luminosity threshold to characterize environment in both surveys in a consistent way. Star formation activity is derived through the η parameter in 2dFGRS and through the SFR normalized to the total mass in stars,  SFR/ M *  , given by Brinchmann et al. in the SDSS-second data release (SDSS-DR2). For both galaxy pair catalogs, the star formation birth rate parameter is a strong function of the global environment and orbital parameters. Our analysis on SDSS pairs confirms previous results found with the 2dFGRS where suitable thresholds for the star formation activity induced by interactions are estimated at a projected distance   r p= 100  h −1 kpc  and a relative velocity  Δ V = 350 km s−1  . We observe that galaxy interactions are more effective at triggering important star formation activity in low- and moderate-density environments with respect to the control sample of galaxies without a close companion. Although close pairs have a larger fraction of actively star-forming galaxies, they also exhibit a greater fraction of red galaxies with respect to those systems without a close companion, an effect that may indicate that dust stirred up during encounters could affect colours and, partially, obscure tidally induced star formation.  相似文献   

We investigate the properties of optically passive spirals and dusty red galaxies in the A901/2 cluster complex at redshift ∼0.17 using rest-frame near-ultraviolet–optical spectral energy distributions, 24-μm infrared data and Hubble Space Telescope morphologies from the STAGES data set. The cluster sample is based on COMBO-17 redshifts with an rms precision of  σ cz ≈ 2000 km s−1  . We find that 'dusty red galaxies' and 'optically passive spirals' in A901/2 are largely the same phenomenon, and that they form stars at a substantial rate, which is only four times lower than that in blue spirals at fixed mass. This star formation is more obscured than in blue galaxies and its optical signatures are weak. They appear predominantly in the stellar mass range of  log  M */M=[10, 11]  where they constitute over half of the star-forming galaxies in the cluster; they are thus a vital ingredient for understanding the overall picture of star formation quenching in clusters. We find that the mean specific star formation rate (SFR) of star-forming galaxies in the cluster is clearly lower than in the field, in contrast to the specific SFR properties of blue galaxies alone, which appear similar in cluster and field. Such a rich red spiral population is best explained if quenching is a slow process and morphological transformation is delayed even more. At  log  M */M < 10  , such galaxies are rare, suggesting that their quenching is fast and accompanied by morphological change. We note that edge-on spirals play a minor role; despite being dust reddened they form only a small fraction of spirals independent of environment.  相似文献   

We present new near-infrared J and K imaging data for 67 galaxies from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) survey used in the determination of the SFR density of the local Universe by Gallego et al. This is a sample of local star-forming galaxies with redshift lower than 0.045, and they constitute a representative subsample of the galaxies in the complete UCM survey. From the new data, complemented with our own Gunn- r images and long-slit optical spectroscopy, we have measured integrated K -band luminosities, r − J and J − K colours, and H α luminosities and equivalent widths. Using a maximum likelihood estimator and a complete set of evolutionary synthesis models, these observations allow us to estimate the strength of the current (or most recent) burst of star formation, its age, the star formation rate and the total stellar mass of the galaxies. An average galaxy in the sample has a stellar mass of 5×1010 M and is undergoing (or has recently completed) a burst of star formation involving about 2 per cent of its total stellar mass. We identify two separate classes of star-forming galaxies in the UCM sample: low-luminosity, high-excitation galaxies (H  ii like ) and relatively luminous spiral galaxies (starburst disc- like ). The former show higher specific star formation rates (SFRs per unit mass) and burst strengths, and lower stellar masses than the latter. With regard to their specific star formation rates, the UCM galaxies are intermediate objects between normal quiescent spirals and the most extreme H  ii galaxies.  相似文献   

We present and discuss optical, near-infrared and H  i measurements of the galaxy Markarian 1460 at a distance of 19 Mpc in the Ursa Major Cluster. This low-luminosity ( M B =−14) galaxy is unusual because (i) it is blue ( B − R =0.8) and has the spectrum of an H  ii galaxy, (ii) it has a light profile that is smooth and well fitted by an r 1/4 and not an exponential function at all radii larger than the seeing, and (iii) it has an observed central brightness of about μ B =20 mag arcsec−2 , intermediate between those of elliptical galaxies (on the bright μ B side) and normal low-luminosity dwarf irregular (on the low μ B side) galaxies. No other known galaxy exhibits all these properties in conjunction. On morphological grounds this galaxy looks like a normal distant luminous elliptical galaxy, since the Fundamental Plane tells us that higher luminosity normal elliptical galaxies tend to have lower surface-brightnesses. Markarian 1460 has 2×107 M of H  i and a ratio M (H  i )/ L B of 0.2, which is low compared to the typical values for star-forming dwarf galaxies. From the high surface-brightness and r 1/4 profile, we infer that the baryonic component of Markarian 1460 has become self-gravitating through dissipative processes. From the colours, radio continuum, H  i and optical emission line properties, and yet smooth texture, we infer that Markarian 1460 has had significant star formation as recently as ∼1 Gyr ago but not today.  相似文献   

We have quantified the average filamentarity of the galaxy distribution in seven nearly two-dimensional strips from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release Five (SDSS DR5) using a volume-limited sample in the absolute magnitude range  −21 ≤ M r ≤−20  . The average filamentarity of star-forming (SF) galaxies, which are predominantly blue, is found to be more than that of other galaxies which are predominantly red. This difference is possibly an outcome of the fact that blue galaxies have a more filamentary distribution. Comparing the SF galaxies with only the other blue galaxies, we find that the two show nearly equal filamentarity. Separately analyzing the galaxies with high star formation rates (SFR) and low SFR, we find that the latter has a more filamentary distribution. We interpret this in terms of two effects. (i) A correlation between the SFR and individual galaxy properties like luminosity with the high-SFR galaxies being more luminous. (ii) A relation between the SFR and environmental effects like the density with the high-SFR galaxies preferentially occurring in high-density regions. These two effects are possibly not independent and are operating simultaneously. We do not find any difference in the filamentarity of SF galaxies and active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

We present the optical identifications of a 95-μm ISOPHOT sample in the Lockman hole over an area of approximately half a deg2. The Rodighiero et al. catalogue includes 36 sources, making up a complete flux-limited sample for   S 95 μm≥ 100 mJy  . Reliable sources were detected, with decreasing but well-controlled completeness, down to   S 95 μm≃ 20 mJy  . We have combined mid-infrared (IR) and radio catalogues in this area to identify the potential optical counterparts of the far-IR sources. We found 14 radio and 13 15-μm associations, 10 of which have both associations. For the 11 sources with spectroscopic redshift, we have performed a spectrophotometric analysis of the observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Four of these 95-μm sources have been classified as faint IR (FIR) galaxies  ( L FIR < 1. e 11 L)  , six as luminous IR galaxies (LIRGs) and only one as an ultraluminous IR galaxy (ULIRG). We have discussed the redshift distribution of these objects, comparing our results with evolutionary model predictions 95 and 175 μm. Given their moderate distances (the bulk of the closest spectroscopically identified objects lying at   z < 0.2  ), their luminosities and star formation rates (SFR; median value  ∼ 10 M yr−1  ), the sources unveiled by ISOPHOT at 95 μm seem to correspond to the low redshift  ( z < 0.3)  FIRBACK 175-μm population, composed of dusty, star-forming galaxies with moderate SFRs. We computed and compared different SFR estimators, and found that the SF derived from the bolometric IR luminosity is well correlated with that computed from the radio and mid-IR fluxes.  相似文献   

We have combined multiwavelength observations of a selected sample of star-forming galaxies with galaxy evolution models in order to compare the results obtained for different star formation rate (SFR) tracers and to study the effect that the evolution of the star-forming regions has on them. We also aimed at obtaining a better understanding of the corrections due to extinction and nuclear activity on the derivation of the SFR. We selected the sample from Chandra data for the well studied region Chandra Deep Field -South (CDFS) and chose the objects that also have ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) data from Galaxy Evolution Explorer ( GALEX ) and Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) Spitzer , respectively.
Our main finding is that there is good agreement between the extinction corrected SFR(UV) and the SFR(X), and we confirm the use of X-ray luminosities as a trustful tracer of recent star formation activity. Nevertheless, at SFR(UV) larger than about  5 M yr−1  there are several galaxies with an excess of SFR(X) suggesting the presence of an obscured active galactic nucleus (AGN) not detected in the optical spectra. We conclude that the IR luminosity is driven by recent star formation even in those galaxies where the SFR(X) is an order of magnitude higher than the SFR(UV) and therefore may harbour an AGN. One object shows SFR(X) much lower than expected based on the SFR(UV); this SFR(X) 'deficit' may be due to an early transient phase before most of the massive X-ray binaries were formed. An X-ray deficit could be used to select extremely young bursts in an early phase just after the explosion of the first supernovae associated with massive stars and before the onset of massive X-ray binaries.  相似文献   

We present the rest-frame optical and infrared colours of a complete sample of  1114 z < 0.3  galaxies from the Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) Legacy Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We discuss the optical and infrared colours of our sample and analyse in detail the contribution of dusty star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) to optically selected red sequence galaxies.
We propose that the optical  ( g − r )  colour and infrared  log( L 24/ L 3.6)  colour of galaxies in our sample are determined primarily by a bulge-to-disc ratio. The  ( g − r )  colour is found to be sensitive to the bulge-to-disc ratio for disc-dominated galaxies, whereas the  log( L 24/ L 3.6)  colour is more sensitive for bulge-dominated systems.
We identify ∼18 per cent (195 sources) of our sample as having red optical colours and infrared excess. Typically, the infrared luminosities of these galaxies are found to be at the high end of star-forming galaxies with blue optical colours. Using emission-line diagnostic diagrams, 78 are found to have an AGN contribution and 117 are identified as star-forming systems. The red  ( g − r )  colour of the star-forming galaxies could be explained by extinction. However, their high optical luminosities cannot. We conclude that they have a significant bulge component.
The number densities of optically red star-forming galaxies are found to correspond to ∼13 per cent of the total number density of our sample. In addition, these systems contribute ∼13 per cent of the total optical luminosity density, and 28 per cent of the total infrared luminosity density of our SWIRE/SDSS sample. These objects may reduce the need for 'dry mergers'.  相似文献   

We present the results of a search for strong H α emission line galaxies (rest frame equivalent widths greater than 50 Å) in the z ≈0.23 cluster Abell 2390. The survey contains 1189 galaxies over 270 arcmin2, and is 50 per cent complete at M r ≈−17.5+5 log  h . The fraction of galaxies in which H α is detected at the 2 σ level rises from 0.0 in the central regions (excluding the cD galaxy) to 12.5±8 per cent at R 200. For 165 of the galaxies in our catalogue, we compare the H α equivalent widths with their [O  ii ] λ 3727 equivalent widths, from the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology (CNOC1) spectra. The fraction of strong H α emission line galaxies is consistent with the fraction of strong [O  ii ] emission galaxies in the CNOC1 sample: only 2±1 per cent have no detectable [O  ii ] emission and yet significant (>2 σ ) H α equivalent widths. Dust obscuration, non-thermal ionization, and aperture effects are all likely to contribute to this non-correspondence of emission lines. We identify six spectroscopically 'secure' k+a galaxies [ W 0(O  ii )<5 Å and W 0(H δ )≳5 Å]; at least two of these show strong signs in H α of star formation in regions that are covered by the slit from which the spectra were obtained. Thus, some fraction of galaxies classified as k+a based on spectra shortward of 6000 Å are likely to be undergoing significant star formation. These results are consistent with a 'strangulation' model for cluster galaxy evolution, in which star formation in cluster galaxies is gradually decreased, and is neither enhanced nor abruptly terminated by the cluster environment.  相似文献   

We generate mock galaxy catalogues for a grid of different cosmologies, using rescaled N -body simulations in tandem with a semi-analytic model run using consistent parameters. Because we predict the galaxy bias, rather than fitting it as a nuisance parameter, we obtain an almost pure constraint on σ8 by comparing the projected two-point correlation function we obtain to that from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). A systematic error arises because different semi-analytic modelling assumptions allow us to fit the r -band luminosity function equally well. Combining our estimate of the error from this source with the statistical error, we find  σ8= 0.97 ± 0.06  . We obtain consistent results if we use galaxy samples with a different magnitude threshold, or if we select galaxies by b J-band rather than r -band luminosity and compare to data from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). Our estimate for σ8 is higher than that obtained for other analyses of galaxy data alone, and we attempt to find the source of this difference. We note that in any case, galaxy clustering data provide a very stringent constraint on galaxy formation models.  相似文献   

We analyse the observed distribution of Eddington ratios  ( L / L Edd)  as a function of supermassive black hole mass for a large sample of nearby galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We demonstrate that there are two distinct regimes of black hole growth in nearby galaxies. The first is associated with galaxies with significant star formation [   M */star formation rate (SFR) ∼  a Hubble time] in their central kiloparsec regions, and is characterized by a broad lognormal distribution of accretion rates peaked at a few per cent of the Eddington limit. In this regime, the Eddington ratio distribution is independent of the mass of the black hole and shows little dependence on the central stellar population of the galaxy. The second regime is associated with galaxies with old central stellar populations (   M */SFR ≫  a Hubble time), and is characterized by a power-law distribution function of Eddington ratios. In this regime, the time-averaged mass accretion rate on to black holes is proportional to the mass of stars in the galaxy bulge, with a constant of proportionality that depends on the mean stellar age of the stars. This result is once again independent of black hole mass. We show that both the slope of the power law and the decrease in the accretion rate on to black holes in old galaxies are consistent with population synthesis model predictions of the decline in stellar mass loss rates as a function of mean stellar age. Our results lead to a very simple picture of black hole growth in the local Universe. If the supply of cold gas in a galaxy bulge is plentiful, the black hole regulates its own growth at a rate that does not further depend on the properties of the interstellar medium. Once the gas runs out, black hole growth is regulated by the rate at which evolved stars lose their mass.  相似文献   

We determine the underlying shapes of spiral and elliptical galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 (SDSS DR6) from the observed distribution of projected galaxy shapes, taking into account the effects of dust extinction and reddening. We assume that the underlying shapes of spirals and ellipticals are well approximated by triaxial ellipsoids. The elliptical galaxy data are consistent with oblate spheroids, with a correlation between luminosity and ellipticity: the mean values of minor to middle axis ratios are 0.41 ± 0.03 for   M r ≈−18  ellipticals and 0.76 ± 0.04 for   M r ≈−22.5  ellipticals. Ellipticals show almost no dependence of axial ratio on galaxy colour, implying a negligible dust optical depth.
There is a strong variation of spiral galaxy shapes with colour indicating the presence of dust. The intrinsic shapes of spiral galaxies in the SDSS DR6 are consistent with flat discs with a mean and dispersion of thickness to diameter ratio of (21 ± 2) per cent, and a face-on ellipticity, e , of  ln( e ) =−2.33 ± 0.79  . Not including the effects of dust in the model leads to discs that are systematically rounder by up to 60 per cent. More luminous spiral galaxies tend to have thicker and rounder discs than lower luminosity spirals. Both elliptical and spiral galaxies tend to be rounder for larger galaxies.
The marginalized value of the edge-on r -band dust extinction E 0 in spiral galaxies is   E 0≃ 0.45  mag for galaxies of median colours, increasing to   E 0= 1  mag for   g − r > 0.9  and   E 0= 1.9  for the luminous and most compact galaxies, with half-light radii  <2  h −1 kpc  .  相似文献   

We investigate the variation of current star formation in galaxies as a function of distance along three supercluster filaments, each joining pairs of rich clusters, in the Pisces-Cetus supercluster, which is part of the two-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). We find that even though there is a steady decline in the rate of star formation, as well as in the fraction of star-forming galaxies, as one approaches the core of a cluster at an extremity of such a filament, there is an increased activity of star formation in a narrow distance range between 3 and  4  h −170 Mpc  , which is 1.5–2 times the virial radius of the clusters involved. This peak in star formation is seen to be entirely due to the dwarf galaxies  (−20 < M B ≤−17.5)  . The position of the peak does not seem to depend on the velocity dispersion of the nearest cluster, undermining the importance of the gravitational effect of the clusters involved. We find that this enhancement in star formation occurs at the same place for galaxies which belong to groups within these filaments, while group members elsewhere in the 2dFGRS do not show this effect. We conclude that the most likely mechanism for this enhanced star formation is galaxy–galaxy harassment, in the crowded infalling region of rich clusters at the extremities of filaments, which induces a burst of star formation in galaxies, before they have been stripped of their gas in the denser cores of clusters. The effects of strangulation in the cores of clusters, as well as excess star formation in the infalling regions along the filaments, are more pronounced in dwarfs since they more vulnerable to the effects of strangulation and harassment than giant galaxies.  相似文献   

We confirm and extend the recent finding that the central surface density  μ0D≡ r 0ρ0  of galaxy dark matter haloes, where r 0 and  ρ0  are the halo core radius and central density, is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity. Based on the co-added rotation curves (RCs) of ∼1000 spiral galaxies, the mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high-quality RCs, and the galaxy–galaxy weak-lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies, we find that  log μ0D= 2.15 ± 0.2  in units of  log(M pc−2)  . We also show that the observed kinematics of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this value. Our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 mag, belonging to different Hubble types and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods. In the same objects, the approximate constancy of  μ0D  is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations, by several orders of magnitude, of galaxy properties, including  ρ0  and central stellar surface density.  相似文献   

We investigate the role that dry mergers play in the build-up of massive galaxies within the cold dark matter paradigm. Implementing an empirical shut-off mass scale for star formation, we find a nearly constant dry merger rate of  ∼6 × 10−5 Mpc−3 Gyr−1  at   z ≤ 1  and a steep decline at larger z . Less than half of these mergers are between two galaxies that are morphologically classified as early-types, and the other half is mostly between an early- and late-type galaxy. Latter are prime candidates for the origin of tidal features around red elliptical galaxies. The introduction of a transition mass scale for star formation has a strong impact on the evolution of galaxies, allowing them to grow above a characteristic mass scale of   M *, c ∼ 6.3 × 1010 M  by mergers only. As a consequence of this transition, we find that around   M *, c   , the fraction of 1:1 mergers is enhanced with respect to unequal mass major mergers. This suggests that it is possible to detect the existence of a transition mass scale by measuring the relative contribution of equal mass mergers to unequal mass mergers as a function of galaxy mass. The evolution of the high-mass end of the luminosity function is mainly driven by dry mergers at low z . We however find that only 10–20 per cent of galaxies more massive than   M *, c   experience dry major mergers within their last Gyr at any given redshift   z ≤ 1  .  相似文献   

We study the distribution of projected offsets between the cluster X-ray centroid and the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) for 65 X-ray-selected clusters from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey, with a median redshift of   z = 0.23  . We find a clear correlation between X-ray/BCG projected offset and the logarithmic slope of the cluster gas density profile at  0.04 r 500(α  ), implying that more dynamically disturbed clusters have weaker cool cores. Furthermore, there is a close correspondence between the activity of the BCG, in terms of detected Hα and radio emission, and the X-ray/BCG offset, with the line-emitting galaxies all residing in clusters with X-ray/BCG offsets of ≤15 kpc. Of the BCGs with  α < −0.85  and an offset <0.02 r 500, 96 per cent (23/24) have optical emission and 88 per cent (21/24) are radio active, while none has optical emission outside these criteria. We also study the cluster gas fraction ( f gas) within r 500 and find a significant correlation with X-ray/BCG projected offset. The mean f gas of the 'small offset' clusters (<0.02 r 500) is  0.106 ± 0.005 (σ= 0.03  ) compared to  0.145 ± 0.009 (σ= 0.04  ) for those with an offset >0.02 r 500, indicating that the total mass may be systematically underestimated in clusters with larger X-ray/BCG offsets. Our results imply a link between cool core strength and cluster dynamical state consistent with the view that cluster mergers can significantly perturb cool cores, and set new constraints on models of the evolution of the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

Although the stellar initial mass function (IMF) has only been directly determined in star clusters, it has been manifoldly applied on galaxy-wide scales. But taking the clustered nature of star formation into account the galaxy-wide IMF is constructed by adding all IMFs of all young star clusters leading to an integrated galactic initial mass function (IGIMF). The IGIMF is top-light compared to the canonical IMF in star clusters and steepens with decreasing total star formation rate (SFR). This discrepancy is marginal for large disc galaxies but becomes significant for Small Magellanic Cloud type galaxies and less massive ones. We here construct IGIMF-based relations between the total far- and near-ultraviolet luminosities of galaxies and the underlying SFR. We make the prediction that the Hα luminosity of star-forming dwarf galaxies decreases faster with decreasing SFR than the ultraviolet (UV) luminosity. This turn-down of the Hα/UV-flux ratio should be evident below total SFRs of  10−2 M yr−1  .  相似文献   

We describe ISAAC/ESO-VLT observations of the Hαλ6563 Balmer line of 33 field galaxies from the Canada–France Redshift Survey (CFRS) with redshifts selected between 0.5 and 1.1. We detect Hα in emission in 30 galaxies and compare the properties of this sample with the low-redshift sample of CFRS galaxies at   z ∼ 0.2  . We find that the Hα luminosity,   L (Hα)  , is tightly correlated to   M ( B AB)  in the same way for both the low- and high-redshift samples.   L (Hα)  is also correlated to L ([O  ii ]λ3727), and again the relation appears to be similar at low and high redshifts. The ratio L (lsqb;O  ii ])/   L (Hα)  decreases for brighter galaxies by as much as a factor of 2 on average. Derived from the Hα luminosity function, the comoving Hα luminosity density increases by a factor 12 from  〈 z 〉= 0.2  to  〈 z 〉= 1.3  . Our results confirm a strong rise of the star formation rate (SFR) at   z < 1.3  , proportional to  (1 + z )4.1±0.3  (with   H 0= 50 km s−1 Mpc−1, q 0= 0.5  ). We find an average  SFR(2800 Å)/SFR (Hα)  ratio of 3.2 using the Kennicutt SFR transformations. This corresponds to the dust correction that is required to make the near-ultraviolet data consistent with the reddening-corrected Hα data within the self-contained, I -selected CFRS sample.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution SPH simulations in a fully cosmological Λ cold dark matter context, we study the formation of a bright disc-dominated galaxy that originates from a 'wet' major merger at   z = 0.8  . The progenitors of the disc galaxy are themselves disc galaxies that formed from early major mergers between galaxies with blue colours. A substantial thin stellar disc grows rapidly following the last major merger and the present-day properties of the final remnant are typical of early-type spiral galaxies, with an i -band bulge-to-disc ratio ∼0.65, a disc scalelength of 7.2 kpc,   g − r = 0.5 mag  , an H  i linewidth ( W 20/2) of 238 km s−1 and total magnitude   i =−22.4  . The key ingredients for the formation of a dominant stellar disc component after a major merger are (i) substantial and rapid accretion of gas through cold flows followed at late times by cooling of gas from the hot phase, (ii) supernova feedback that is able to partially suppress star formation during mergers and (iii) relative fading of the spheroidal component. The gas fraction of the progenitors' discs does not exceed 25 per cent at   z < 3  , emphasizing that the continuous supply of gas from the local environment plays a major role in the regrowth of discs and in keeping the galaxies blue. The results of this simulation alleviate the problem posed for the existence of disc galaxies by the high likelihood of interactions and mergers for galaxy-sized haloes at relatively low z .  相似文献   

We estimate the fraction of star-forming galaxies in a catalogue of groups, constructed from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey by Merchán & Zandivarez. We use the η spectral type parameter of galaxies and subdivide the sample of galaxies in groups into four types depending on the values of the η parameter following Madgwick et al. We obtain a strong correlation between the relative fraction of galaxies with high star formation and the parent group virial mass. We find that even in the environment of groups with low virial mass   M ∼1013 M  the star formation of their member galaxies is significantly suppressed. The relation between the fraction of early-type galaxies and the group virial mass obeys a simple power law spanning over three orders of magnitude in virial mass. Our results show quantitatively the way that the presence of galaxies with high star formation rates is inhibited in massive galaxy systems.  相似文献   

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