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陈宁  彭霞  黄舟 《测绘科学》2016,41(12):167-171,216
针对大数据时代,蕴含地理位置信息的社交媒体(Social Media)数据规模正呈爆炸性增长,通过对这类时空数据的挖掘可以整合用户的群体智慧,发现热门景点或线路,为用户提供更加精细的旅行服务。该文基于2005—2016年Flickr图片分享网站中用户分享的带地理标签的图片信息,通过空间聚类以及文本语义挖掘的方法对北京市的热门景点进行了提取。此外,本文还利用北京市的历史天气信息与用户图片信息进行融合,分析在不同时间、不同天气情景下,不同景点的热度分布规律,可以为旅行爱好者提供热门景点在多种视角下的游览规律。  相似文献   

Recent urban studies have used human mobility data such as taxi trajectories and smartcard data as a complementary way to identify the social functions of land use. However, little work has been conducted to reveal how multi‐modal transportation data impact on this identification process. In our study, we propose a data‐driven approach that addresses the relationships between travel behavior and urban structure: first, multi‐modal transportation data are aggregated to extract explicit statistical features; then, topic modeling methods are applied to transform these explicit statistical features into latent semantic features; and finally, a classification method is used to identify functional zones with similar latent topic distributions. Two 10‐day‐long “big” datasets from the 2,370 bicycle stations of the public bicycle‐sharing system, and up to 9,992 taxi cabs within the core urban area of Hangzhou City, China, as well as point‐of‐interest data are tested to reveal the extent to which different travel modes contribute to the detection and understanding of urban land functions. Our results show that: (1) using latent semantic features delineated from the topic modeling process as the classification input outperforms approaches using explicit statistical features; (2) combining multi‐modal data visibly improves the accuracy and consistency of the identified functional zones; and (3) the proposed data‐driven approach is also capable of identifying mixed land use in the urban space. This work presents a novel attempt to uncover the hidden linkages between urban transportation patterns with urban land use and its functions.  相似文献   

Species distribution modeling (SDM) at fine spatial resolutions requires species occurrence data of high positional accuracy to achieve good model performance. However, wildlife occurrences recorded by patrols in ranger‐based monitoring programs suffer from positional errors, because recorded locations represent the positions of the ranger and differ from the actual occurrence locations of wildlife (hereinafter referred to as positional errors in patrol data). This study presented an evaluation of the impact of such positional errors in patrol data on SDM and developed a heuristic‐based approach to mitigating the positional errors. The approach derives probable wildlife occurrence locations from ranger positions, utilizing heuristics based on species preferred habitat and the observer's field of view. The evaluations were conducted through a case study of SDM using patrol records of the black‐and‐white snub‐nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) in Yunnan, China. The performance of the approach was also compared against alternative sampling methods. The results showed that the positional errors in R. bieti patrol data had an adverse effect on SDM performance, and that the proposed approach can effectively mitigate the impact of the positional errors to greatly improve SDM performance.  相似文献   

Residential locations play an important role in understanding the form and function of urban systems. However, it is impossible to release this detailed information publicly, due to the issue of privacy. The rapid development of location‐based services and the prevalence of global position system (GPS)‐equipped devices provide an unprecedented opportunity to infer residential locations from user‐generated geographic information. This article compares different approaches for predicting Twitter users' home locations at a precise point level based on temporal and spatial features extracted from geo‐tagged tweets. Among the three deterministic approaches, the one that estimates the home location for each user by finding the weighted most frequently visited (WMFV) cluster of that user always provides the best performance when compared with the other two methods. The results of a fourth approach, based on the support vector machine (SVM), are severely affected by the threshold value for a cluster to be identified as the home.  相似文献   

Spatial data conflation involves the matching and merging of counterpart features in multiple datasets. It has applications in practical spatial analysis in a variety of fields. Conceptually, the feature‐matching problem can be viewed as an optimization problem of seeking a match plan that minimizes the total discrepancy between datasets. In this article, we propose a powerful yet efficient optimization model for feature matching based on the classic network flow problem in operations research. We begin with a review of the existing optimization‐based methods and point out limitations of current models. We then demonstrate how to utilize the structure of the network‐flow model to approach the feature‐matching problem, as well as the important factors for designing optimization‐based conflation models. The proposed model can be solved by general linear programming solvers or network flow solvers. Due to the network flow formulation we adopt, the proposed model can be solved in polynomial time. Computational experiments show that the proposed model significantly outperforms existing optimization‐based conflation models. We conclude with a summary of findings and point out directions of future research.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth and popularity of mobile devices and location‐aware technologies, online social networks such as Twitter have become an important data source for scientists to conduct geo‐social network research. Non‐personal accounts, spam users and junk tweets, however, pose severe problems to the extraction of meaningful information and the validation of any research findings on tweets or twitter users. Therefore, the detection of such users is a critical and fundamental step for twitter‐related geographic research. In this study, we develop a methodological framework to: (1) extract user characteristics based on geographic, graph‐based and content‐based features of tweets; (2) construct a training dataset by manually inspecting and labeling a large sample of twitter users; and (3) derive reliable rules and knowledge for detecting non‐personal users with supervised classification methods. The extracted geographic characteristics of a user include maximum speed, mean speed, the number of different counties that the user has been to, and others. Content‐based characteristics for a user include the number of tweets per month, the percentage of tweets with URLs or Hashtags, and the percentage of tweets with emotions, detected with sentiment analysis. The extracted rules are theoretically interesting and practically useful. Specifically, the results show that geographic features, such as the average speed and frequency of county changes, can serve as important indicators of non‐personal users. For non‐spatial characteristics, the percentage of tweets with a high human factor index, the percentage of tweets with URLs, and the percentage of tweets with mentioned/replied users are the top three features in detecting non‐personal users.  相似文献   

Social media networks allow users to post what they are involved in with location information in a real‐time manner. It is therefore possible to collect large amounts of information related to local events from existing social networks. Mining this abundant information can feed users and organizations with situational awareness to make responsive plans for ongoing events. Despite the fact that a number of studies have been conducted to detect local events using social media data, the event content is not efficiently summarized and/or the correlation between abnormal neighboring regions is not investigated. This article presents a spatial‐temporal‐semantic approach to local event detection using geo‐social media data. Geographical regularities are first measured to extract spatio‐temporal outliers, of which the corresponding tweet content is automatically summarized using the topic modeling method. The correlation between outliers is subsequently examined by investigating their spatial adjacency and semantic similarity. A case study on the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is conducted using Twitter data to evaluate our approach. This reveals that up to 87% of the events detected are correctly identified compared with the official TIFF schedule. This work is beneficial for authorities to keep track of urban dynamics and helps build smart cities by providing new ways of detecting what is happening in them.  相似文献   

The interpretation of remotely sensed images in a spatiotemporal context is becoming a valuable research topic. However, the constant growth of data volume in remote sensing imaging makes reaching conclusions based on collected data a challenging task. Recently, data mining appears to be a promising research field leading to several interesting discoveries in various areas such as marketing, surveillance, fraud detection and scientific discovery. By integrating data mining and image interpretation techniques, accurate and relevant information (i.e. functional relation between observed parcels and a set of informational contents) can be automatically elicited.  相似文献   

王善辉  张和生 《测绘通报》2019,(1):56-59,64
城市建成区边界是城市土地资源管理和城市扩张管理的重要依据。本文提出了基于出租车轨迹数据,利用多分辨率下规则格网对比分析法及Densi-Graph阈值确定法,来自动提取城市建成区边界的方法。试验采用北京市2008年出租车GPS轨迹点数据,依据该方法模型计算提取城市建成区并进行结果准确度评价,将提取结果与北京市2008年土地覆盖空间分布图进行比对,所提取建成区边界范围与城镇、建设用地区域范围基本相符;将提取结果与中国城市统计年鉴数据进行比对,该年鉴中给定2008年北京市建成区总面积为1 310.94 km^2,本文方法提取建成区总面积约为1 077.33 km^2,提取准确度约为82.18%,表明本文方法可以获得准确的建成区范围。  相似文献   

The use of social media data in geographic studies has become common, yet the question of social media's validity in such contexts is often overlooked. Social media data suffers from a variety of biases and limitations; nevertheless, with a proper understanding of the drawbacks, these data can be powerful. As cities seek to become “smarter,” they can potentially use social media data to creatively address the needs of their most vulnerable groups, such as ethnic minorities. However, questions remain unanswered regarding who uses these social networking platforms, how people use these platforms, and how representative social media data is of users' everyday lives. Using several forms of regression, I explore the relationships between a conventional data source (the U.S. Census) and a subset of Twitter data potentially representative of minority groups: tweets created by users with an account language other than English. A considerable amount of non‐stationarity is uncovered, which should serve as a warning against sweeping statements regarding the demographics of users and where people prefer to post. Further, I find that precisely located Twitter data informs us more about the digital status of places and less about users' day‐to‐day travel patterns.  相似文献   

A time series of leaf area index (LAI) has been developed based on 16-day normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) at 250 m resolution (MOD250_LAI). The MOD250_LAI product uses a physical radiative transfer model which establishes a relationship between LAI, fraction of vegetation cover (FVC) and given patterns of surface reflectance, view-illumination conditions and optical properties of vegetation. In situ measurements of LAI and FVC made at 166 plots using hemispherical photography served for calibration of model parameters and validation of modelling results. Optical properties of vegetation cover, summarized by the light extinction coefficient, were computed at the local (pixel) level based on empirical models between ground-measured tree crown architecture at 85 sampling plots and spectral values in Landsat ETM+ bands. Influence of view-illumination conditions on optical properties of canopy was simulated by a view angle geometry model incorporating the solar zenith angle and the sensor viewing angle. The results revealed high compatibility of the produced MOD250_LAI data set with ground truth information and the 30 m resolution Landsat ETM+ LAI estimated using the similar algorithm. The produced MOD250_LAI was also compared with the global MODIS 1000-m LAI product (MOD15A2 LAI). Results show good consistency of the spatial distribution and temporal dynamics between the two LAI products. However, the results also showed that the annual LAI amplitude by the MOD15A2 product is significantly higher than by the MOD250_LAI. This higher amplitude is caused by a considerable underestimation of the tropical rainforest LAI by the MOD15A2 during the seasonal phases of low leaf production.  相似文献   

顾俊凯  刘聪  崔建军  魏宏安 《测绘科学》2010,35(4):142-144,119
本文借助于GIS强大的空间数据管理和分析功能,以Lidar点云数据为数据源,对交通信息系统基础空间数据进行快速采集和更新。文章并且在前人工作的基础上,提出了一种新的基于四维Hough变换的Lidar数据的提取和分类方法,对提取的道路信息进行重构。实践证明,此方法较之传统Lidar数据分类和提取方法,能够有效地解决其计算量过大、噪声过于敏感、道路边缘方向不平行等问题,实现道路的自动提取。  相似文献   

Recent advances in time geography offer new perspectives for studying animal movements and interactions in an environmental context. In particular, the ability to estimate an animal's spatial location probabilistically at temporal sampling intervals between known fix locations allows researchers to quantify how individuals interact with one another and their environment on finer temporal and spatial scales than previously explored. This article extends methods from time geography, specifically probabilistic space–time prisms, to quantify and summarize animal–road interactions toward understanding related diurnal movement behaviors, including road avoidance. The approach is demonstrated using tracking data for fishers (Martes pennanti) in New York State, where the total probability of interaction with roadways is calculated for individuals over the duration tracked. Additionally, a summarization method visualizing daily interaction probabilities at 60 s intervals is developed to assist in the examination of temporal patterns associated with fishers’ movement behavior with respect to roadways. The results identify spatial and temporal patterns of fisher–roadway interaction by time of day. Overall, the methodologies discussed offer an intuitive means to assess moving object location probabilities in the context of environmental factors. Implications for movement ecology and related conservation planning efforts are also discussed.  相似文献   

An intense process of urbanization, witnessed particularly in the last decade, has stressed the need to comprehend human mobility behavior in urban settings. Although the emergence of contributed geospatial data (i.e., pervasive activity‐based data) has contributed to substantial progress toward understanding human activity, the relationship between human‐crowd mobility and the functional structure of a city is not yet well understood. In this context, the present research focuses on the intra‐urban origin–destination matrix modeling founded on a combination of two major crowdsourced datasets as well as the inclusion of urban communities’ structure. Specifically, the well‐known “radiation” and “PWO” models were modified through first, identifying the communities embedded in the cyberspace network then employing the identified hierarchical structure of the spatial‐interaction network for the formulation of the users’ movement network and second, imposing proper input variables including the telecommunication activity volume and check‐in frequency. The results obtained by various empirical analyses suggest that the modified community‐constrained origin–destination flow estimation models exhibit better performance levels than those of alternative conventional mobility models.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) of Beijing area was retrieved from Landsat TM thermal band data utilizing a radiative transfer equation and the urban heat island (HUI) effects of Beijing and its relationship with land cover and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were discussed. The result of LST showed that the urban LST was evidently higher than the suburban one. The average urban LST was found to 4. 5°C and 9°C higher than the suburban and outer suburban temperature, respectively, which demonstrated the prominent UHI effects in Beijing. Prominent negative correlation between LST and NDVI was found in the urban area, which suggested the low percent vegetation cover in the urban area was the main cause of the urban heat island.  相似文献   

高分二号数据的城市生态用地分类方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统分类法分类精度低、速度慢等问题,同时也为了探索国产卫星高分二号遥感数据在城市生态用地分类中的方法及效果,及时获取其生态用地信息,该文以四川省内江市隆昌县城区为研究范围,提出了一种辅以影像光谱特征和纹理特征信息的随机森林分类方法。该方法提取城市生态用地信息,并将其分类结果与传统的支持向量机分类、最大似然分类进行对比,结果表明,新方法具有更高的分类精度和更快的分类速度,更适合高分辨率、多特征参数、大面积的高分二号遥感影像城市生态用地分类。  相似文献   

The availability of geospatial data has increased significantly over recent decades. As a result, the question of how to update spatial data across different scales has become an attractive topic. One promising strategy is to use an updated larger‐scale dataset as a reference for detecting and updating changed objects represented in a to‐be‐updated smaller‐scale dataset. For such an update method, an understanding of the different types of changes that can occur is crucial. Using polygonal building data as an example, this study examines the various possible changes from different perspectives, such as the reasons for their occurrence, the forms in which they manifest, and their effects on output. Then, we apply map algebra theory to establish a cartographic model for updating polygonal building data. Supported by concepts of map algebra, an update procedure involving change detection, filtering, and fusion is implemented through a series of set operations. In addition to traditional polygon overlay functions, the constrained Delaunay triangulation model and knowledge of map generalization procedures are employed to construct set operations. The proposed method has been validated through tests using real‐world data. The experimental results show that our method is effective for updating 1:10k map data using 1:2k map data.  相似文献   

针对中、低分辨率影像采用常规分类方法进行变化检测无法取得理想效果的问题,本文提出了一种基于比值法的雷达数据和光学影像相结合的城市变化检测方法。该方法综合雷达数据和光学影像的优势,以赣州定南县为研究对象,首先利用比值法分别对两种数据源进行城市变化检测,然后通过分析城区地物目标散射特性,对多个时相变化情况进行真彩色合成,最后结合城市建设规划进行分析验证,从而完成城市实时动态变化检测。试验结果表明,利用多源多时相数据进行比值法可成功地提取出试验区域的变化信息,在城区建筑变化检测中,纹理信息更清晰,准确性更高。  相似文献   

针对我国城市化进程不断加快,城市生态用地发生翻天覆地变化的状况下,如何及时准确地获取城市生态用地覆盖信息的问题,该文以北京部分城区高分一号遥感影像数据作为实验数据,提出一种面向对象的城市生态用地信息提取方法。通过分析城市生态用地5种地物类型的光谱信息和几何信息,建立相应的规则集以提取小尺寸遥感影像中生态用地信息;针对建筑物和裸土难以区分的问题,引入纹理信息来提高提取精度,并将含有纹理信息的规则集应用于北京市遥感影像。实验结果表明,该方法提取精度可以满足大面积的城市生态用地信息提取的需求。  相似文献   

IntroductionThe scientists have begun to retrieve land sur-face temperature (LST) fromsatellite data sincethe launch of TIROS-Ⅱin 60s of the 20th centu-ry . With the development of remote sensingtechnology and its application, more and moreLST retrieval …  相似文献   

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