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Micropalentological studies of limestones and isotopic-geochronological determinations of the age of zircons found in vulcanites dredged from the region of the northern chain of the group of Bahia seamounts in the 28th cruise of the R/V Akademik Vavilov were undertaken. The recognized age difference of the northern chain of the Bahia seamounts of northwestern strike from 75 to 84 Ma from the southeast to the northwest indicates the fact that this chain was formed as a result of hot spot activity. The age of vulcanites is in good correlation with the Maastricht and Coniacian-Santonian age of limestones occurring on the slopes of the seamounts. The similarity of the seamounts age and the age of the oceanic bottom indicates the fact that the hot spot was localized near the spreading axial zone of the MAR. Along the strike of the chain, the centers of volcanic activity are correlated to the zones of transform faults, which are important in the hot spot activation. The formed chain is a weak zone in the lithosphere and the focus of younger stages of volcanic activity; there were at least two of stages within the northern chain of the Bahia seamounts, and these occurred about 75 and 59 Ma ago.  相似文献   

Thick ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) crusts from four Cretaceous seamounts (The Paps, Tropic, Echo and Drago) at the southern Canary Island Seamount Province (CISP) in the northeastern tropical Atlantic were recovered along the flanks and summits from 1700 to 3000 m water depths. CISP is composed of > 100 seamounts and submarine hills, is likely the oldest hotspot track in the Atlantic Ocean, and is the most long-lived of known hotspots globally. The Fe-Mn crusts grow on basalt-sedimentary rock substrates below the northeastern tropical Atlantic core of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) with a maximum thickness of 250 mm at a water depth of 2400 m. The mineralogical and chemical composition of these Fe-Mn crusts indicate a hydrogenetic origin. The main Mn minerals are vernadite with minor interlayered todorokite and asbolane-buserite. Fe oxides are essentially ferroxyhyte and goethite. The Fe-Mn crusts show high average contents in Fe (23.5 wt%), Mn (16.1 wt%), and trace elements like Co (4700 μg/g), Ni (2800 μg/g), V (2400 μg/g) and Pb (1600 μg/g). Rare earth elements plus yttrium (REY) averages 2800 μg/g with high proportions of Ce (1600 μg/g). Total platinum group elements (PGEs) average 230 ng/g, with average Pt of 182 ng/g. Two main types of growth layers form the crusts: 1) a dense laminae of oxides with high contents in Mn, Co and Ni associated with vernadite and Cu, Ni, and Zn associated with todorokite; 2) botryoidal layers with high contents in Fe, Ti, V and REY associated with goethite. The Fe-Mn crusts from the CISP region show higher contents in Fe, V, Pb and REY but lower Mn, Co, Ni and PGEs contents than Pacific or Indian ocean seamount crusts. The oldest maximum age of initiation of crust growth was at 76 Ma (Campanian, Late Cretaceous). Using a combination of high resolution Co-chronometer and geochemical data along an Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA) transect, four stages in morphology, chemical contents and growth rates can be differentiated in the the Cenozoic crusts since 28 Ma, which we interpret as due to changes in the ventilation of the North Atlantic OMZ and to the increase of Saharian dust inputs. An earliest growth period, characterized by similar contents of Fe and Mn in the interval 27.8–24.45 Ma (late Oligocene-early Miocene) reflects slow precipitation related to a thick OMZ. An intermediate laminated zone with higher contents of Fe, Si and P, high growth rates reaching 4.5 mm/Ma, and precipitation of Fe-Mn oxides during the interval 24.5–16 Ma is related to periods of ventilation of the OMZ by intrusion of deep upwelling currents. Significant increase in Fe contents at ca. 16 Ma correlates with the onset of incursions of Northern Component Waters into the North Atlantic. Finally, since 12 Ma, the very low growth rates (< 0.5 mm/Ma) of the crust are related to a thick North Atlantic OMZ, an increase in Sahara dust input and a stable thermohaline circulation.  相似文献   

During the 28th trip of the R/V Akademik Sergei Vavilov undertaken in 2009, exploration was carried out using a Parasound acoustic profilograph that permitted examining the upper portion of the sedimentary cover and getting transverse bathymetric profiles through a number of seamounts within the northern range of the Bahia group of seamounts, which were also sampled by dredging. The studies performed indicated that this linear structure consists of paleovolcanoes and formed under impulse conditions of volcanic activity. A number of seamount types have been distinguished, the morphostructural settings and the positions of which reflect the intensity of volcanic impulses and the association with deep permeable zones. The strongest impulse led to the formation of a northwest striking arched uplift, on which there are several central type paleovolcanoes of different heights. The largest of these paleovolcanoes, including the Stocks and Groll Seamounts, have flattened tops formed as a result of marine abrasion. Isolated seamounts have formed during shorter and lower power impulses of volcanic activity. The northern range of the Bahia seamounts, which have a major northwesterly strike, is an ensemble of structures with northwesterly, nearly east-west, and nearly north-south strikes, which indicates the presence of relevant deep permeable zones for the mantle matter; that mantle matter is the source of the melts, eruptions of which led to the formation of the volcanic edifices. The prevailing zone of weakness has a northwesterly strike. Volcanic activity in the Bahia group of seamounts ended in the Paleocene, but tectonic movements continued there up until the Holocene. Neotectonic structures are represented by horsts, diapirlike piercement structures, and folded zones. The paleovolcanoes are areas where slope processes of transport of sedimentary material occurred.  相似文献   

The geologic evolution of the New Zealand microcontinent was characterised by intermittent Cretaceous to Quaternary episodes of intraplate volcanism. To evaluate the corresponding mantle evolution beneath New Zealand with a specific focus on the tectonic evolution, we performed a combined major and trace element and Hf, Nd, Pb, Sr isotope investigation on a suite of representative intraplate volcanic rocks from both main islands and the Chatham Islands. Isotopically, the data set covers a range between “HIMU-like” end member compositions (206Pb/204Pb: 20.57, 207Pb/204Pb: 15.77, 87Sr/86Sr: 0.7030, εHf: + 3.8, εNd: + 4.2), compositions tending towards MORB (206Pb/204Pb: 19.01, 207Pb/204Pb: 15.62, 87Sr/86Sr: 0.7028, εHf: + 9.9, εNd: + 7.0) and compositions reflecting the influence of subducted sediments (206Pb/204Pb: 18.99, 207Pb/204Pb: 15.67, 87Sr/86Sr: 0.7037, εHf: + 4.4, εNd: + 3.9). Whereas volcanism on the Chatham Islands constitutes the HIMU end member of our data set, intraplate volcanic rocks from the North Island are dominated by MORB-like compositions with relatively radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb signatures. Volcanic rocks from the South Island form a trend between the three end members. Assuming a polybaric melting column model, the primary melt compositions reflect variations in the degree of melting, coupled to variable average melting depths. As the three isotope and trace element end members occur throughout the volcanic episodes, the “HIMU-like” and the sediment influenced signatures most likely originate from a heterogeneous subcontinental lithospheric mantle, whereas an asthenospheric origin is inferred for the MORB-like component. For the South Island, affinities to HIMU wane with decreasing average melting depths whereas MORB and sediment-like signatures become more distinct. We therefore propose a polybaric melting model involving upper asthenospheric mantle and a lithospheric mantle source that has been modified by subduction components and veins of fossil “HIMU-like” asthenospheric melts. The proportion of asthenospheric versus lithospheric source components is controlled by variations in lithospheric thickness and heat flow, reflecting the different tectonic settings and rates of extension. Generally, low degree melts preferentially tap enriched vein material with HIMU signatures. The widespread occurrence of old Gondwana-derived lithospheric mantle beneath intraplate volcanic fields in East Gondwana is suggested by overall similarities between New Zealand intraplate volcanic rocks and volcanic rocks in East Australia and Antarctica. The petrogenetic model proposed here may therefore serve as a general model for the petrogenesis of Cretaceous to Recent intraplate volcanic rocks in former East Gondwana. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

It has been found that the origin of the Patom Crater is related to endogenous processes with the main role played by deep flow of fluid components, which determine formation of the ejecta cone at about 500 years ago or more. This is evidenced by the zonal structure of the crater and geochemical peculiarities of rocks, caused by the long formation time for particular zones. Sandstone and schist blocks that were included into eruptive breccia within the crater were affected by gaseous or fluid components and intensively carbonized. During carbonatization, these rocks within the crater were being enriched in Ca and Sr, but the shares of the 87Sr and, consequently, 87Sr/86Sr ratio in them abruptly decrease. This is explained by the influence of deep fluids on terrigenous rocks, which were initially depleted in the radiogenic strontium isotope and might flow from a magmatic source with a low 87Sr/86Sr ratio. However, these fluids were enriched in CO2 and transported significant quantities of Sr, which led to enrichment of all terrigenous rocks in the crater in this element. The discovery of individual sandstone blocks with high concentrations of summarized rare earth elements (up to 557 g/t) and higher Sr and Ba contents among the fragments of host stratum within the Patom Crater allows us to suppose that there is a magmatic source enriched in fluid components at depths. The effect of the active fluid phase with low strontium isotopic ratios on rocks during the Patom Crater formation might lead to an abrupt decrease in values of the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio in carbonized sandstones and schists.  相似文献   

The West Siberian Basin (WSB) records a detailed history of Permo-Triassic rifting, extension and volcanism, followed by Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentation in a thermally subsiding basin. Sedimentary deposits of Permian age are absent from much of the basin, suggesting that large areas of the nascent basin were elevated and exposed at that time. Industrial seismic and well log data from the basin have enabled extension and subsidence modelling of parts of the basin. Crustal extension (β) factors are calculated to be in excess of 1.6 in the northern part of the basin across the deep Urengoy graben. 1-D backstripping of the Triassic to Cenozoic sedimentary sequences in this region indicates a period of delayed subsidence during the early Mesozoic. The combination of elevation, rifting and volcanism is consistent with sublithospheric support, such as a hot mantle plume.

This interpretation accords with the geochemical data for basalts from the Siberian Traps and the West Siberian Basin, which are considered to be part of the same large igneous province. Whilst early suites from Noril'sk indicate moderate pressures of melting (mostly within the garnet stability field), later suites (and those from the West Siberian Basin) indicate shallow average depths of melting. The main region of magma production was therefore beneath the relatively thin (ca. 50–100 km) lithosphere of the basin, and not the craton on which the present-day exposure of the Traps occurs. The indicated uplift, widespread occurrence of basalts, and short duration of the volcanic province as a whole are entirely consistent with published models involving a mantle plume. The main argument against the plume model, namely lack of any associated uplift, appears to be untenable.  相似文献   

The distributions of dimethyldibenzothiophenes (DMDBTs), the relationship between DMDBTs and dimethylbiphenyls (DMBPs), and the applications of DMDBTs as maturity indicators in source rocks have been investigated in a set of 21 lacustrine shales from the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Well SG1) in the Western Depression, Liaohe Basin, China. All source rock samples are characterized by total organic carbon contents of 1.37–3.27% and Type II (with minor Type III) kerogen. They were deposited in suboxic and brackish lacustrine environments and have maturities ranging from immature to mid-mature. The 3,3′-DMBP isomer can potentially react to yield 4,6-DMDBT; 2,6-DMDBT and 2,8-DMDBT by incorporating sulfur into biphenyl, which may be supported by a strong positive correlation between the absolute concentration changes of 3,3′-DMBP and those of 4,6-DMDBT, 2,6-DMDBT plus 2,8-DMDBT. The relative abundance of DMDBT isomers may be explained by the sulfur radical mechanism and are also controlled by steric hindrance and thermodynamic stability. The 4,6-/(1,4- + 1,6)-DMDBT ratio shows no regular trend with increasing maturity at the low stage, and it should be used with caution as a maturity indicator for immature sediments. However, within the oil generation window, the relative concentration of 4,6-DMDBT progressively increases with increasing maturity, which can be explained by its higher thermodynamic stability relative to the 1,4-DMDBT isomer. The 4,6-/(1,4- + 1,6)-DMDBT ratio exhibits a linear increase with increasing thermal maturity of the sediments. Thus, this ratio can be applied as an effective maturity indicator for source rocks within oil generation window.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地北部丘里塔格群(寒武系至奥陶系)白云岩的成因   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
叶德胜 《沉积学报》1992,10(4):77-86
本文通过详细岩石学及地球化学研究,探讨了塔里木盆地丘里塔格群(寒武至奥陶系)白云岩的成因。研究表明藻纹层白云岩、微晶白云岩及颗粒白云岩中的颗粒为近地表准同生白云化的产物。结晶白云岩(细晶以上)及颗粒白云岩中的中粗晶白云岩胶结物是深埋藏成岩环境的产物。并对埋藏白云化的镁离子来源及搬运机理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Major element chemistry, rare-earth element distribution, and H and O isotopes are conjointly used to study the sources of salinisation and interaquifer flow of saline groundwater in the North East German Basin. Chemical analyses from hydrocarbon exploration campaigns showed evidence of the existence of two different groups of brines: halite and halite Ca–Cl brines. Residual brines and leachates are identified by Br?/Cl? ratios. Most of the brines are dissolution brines of Permian evaporites. New analyses show that the pattern of rare-earth elements and yttrium (REY) are closely linked to H and O isotope distribution. Thermal brines from deep wells and artesian wells indicate isotopically evaporated brines, which chemically interacted with their aquifer environment. Isotopes and rare-earth element patterns prove that cross flow exists, especially in the post-Rupelian aquifer. However, even at depths exceeding 2,000 m, interaquifer flow takes place. The rare-earth element pattern and H and O isotopes identify locally ascending brines. A large-scale lateral groundwater flow has to be assumed because all pre-Rupelian aquifer systems to a depth of at least 500 m are isotopically characterised by Recent or Pleistocene recharge conditions.  相似文献   

本文应用岩浆岩地球化学图解对东非裂谷系统(EARS)火山岩的岩石地球化学数据进行处理,重点回顾和讨论埃塞俄比亚大裂谷(MER)、阿法(Afar)盆地及肯尼亚裂谷火山作用的构造环境和地幔柱成因.MER火山岩的岩石类型具双峰式火山岩套特征,以高Ti的大陆溢流玄武岩(CFB)-大陆洋岛玄武岩(OIB)-流纹岩系列为主,缺少中性岩,是来自地幔柱岩浆分异的结果,与板块俯冲作用无关.阿法(Afar)盆地和红海为CFB-MORB系列.肯尼亚裂谷(KR)及埃塞俄比亚大裂谷最南端图尔卡纳盆地只见以大陆OIB,缺乏流纹岩.EARS是一个主动型地幔柱,由地幔上涌冲击地壳底部而成,其火山岩以富集常量元素Ti、Fe和Mg,富集高场强元素Nb、Ta和相容元素V、Cr、Co和Ni为特征.绝大多数EARS火山岩的Nb/Zr>0.04和Ta/Hf比值>0.1,在地球化学-构造环境判别图上落在板内火山岩的范围内(大洋板内和地幔柱),集中在Nb/Zr>0.15和Ta/Hf比值>0.3范围内的火山岩样品可能为主动地幔柱成因.根据La/Nb、Ce/Pb和Ba/La比值,地幔柱成因的MER火山岩可分为受地壳混染地幔和未受地壳混染的原始地幔两种类型.La/Nb(≤1)、Ce/Pb(30~50)、Ba/Nb比值(>10)和La/Yb≤12是来源于未受地壳混染原始地幔的重要判别标志.地球化学证据(微量元素,Sr-Nd-Pb-He同位素)表明,MER-阿拉伯-也门地幔柱起源于深部核-幔边界的HIMU.MER-Afar的前裂谷和同裂谷火山岩(50-12 Ma)具有高的3He同位素标志(R/Ra比值>16.4)说明其非洲板块之下存在一个深藏的地幔岩浆源深度大于670 km,位于石榴子石-尖晶石橄榄岩过渡带(图6b、c、d).MER-Afar大火山岩省及其最南端图尔卡纳湖和肯尼亚地体(克拉通,改造的克拉通边缘和活动带)深部地壳底部之下的HIMU地幔可能是导致裂谷型的OIB和CFB异常发育的岩浆源区,而Afar洼地(吉布提)、红海和亚丁湾形成于后裂谷期(5~0 Ma)的MORB和亏损LREE玄武岩则归因于HIMU、富集地幔(EM1-EM2)与DM混合地幔源的熔融,其岩浆源区位地壳拉张减薄带之下的尖晶石橄榄岩区.  相似文献   

The salt waters from the Emilia-Romagna sector of the Northern Apennine Foredeep have been investigated using major and trace element and stable isotope (δ2H, δ18O, δ37Cl, δ81Br and 87Sr/86Sr ratio). Ca, Mg, Na, K, Sr, Li, B, I, Br and SO4 vs. Cl diagrams suggest the subaerial evaporation of seawater beyond gypsum and before halite precipitation as primary process to explain the brine’s salinity, whereas saline to brackish waters were formed by mixing of evaporated seawater and water of meteoric origin. A diagenetic end-member may be a third component for mud volcanoes and some brackish waters. Salinization by dissolution of (Triassic) evaporites has been detected only in samples from the Tuscan side of the Apennines and/or interacting with the Tuscan Nappe. In comparison with the seawater evaporation path, Ca–Sr enrichment and Na–K–Mg depletion of the foredeep waters reveal the presence of secondary processes such as dolomitization–chloritization, zeolitization–albitization and illitization. Sulfate concentration, formerly buffered by gypsum-anhydrite deposition, is heavily lowered by bacterial and locally by thermochemical reduction during burial diagenesis. From an isotopic point of view, data of the water molecule confirm mixing between seawater and meteoric end-members. Local 18O-shift up to +11‰ at Salsomaggiore is related to water–rock interaction at high temperature (≈150°C) as confirmed by chemical (Mg, Li, Ca distribution) and isotopic (SO4–H2O) geothermometers. 37Cl/35Cl and 81Br/79Br ratios corroborate the marine origin of the brines and evidence the diffusion of halogens from the deepest and most saline aquifers toward the surface. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio suggests a Miocene origin of Sr and rule out the hypothesis of a Triassic provenance of the dissolved components for the analyzed waters issuing from the Emilia-Romagna sector of the foredeep. Waters issuing from the Tuscan side of the Apennines and from the Marche sector of the foredeep show higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios because of the interaction with siliciclastic rocks.  相似文献   

The marine sedimentary formations of the Middle Albian to Maastrichtian in the Cretaceous Sakhalin Basin (CSB) were investigated. These successions of strata consist of interbedded sandy, clayey and calcareous rocks which are underlain by heterogeneous metamorphosed (up to greenschist facies) Paleozoic to Mesozoic (pre-Aptian) rocks. The studied sections display several different facies reflecting geological settings ranging from an inner shelf to a continental slope. Three depositional complexes bound by regional subaerial unconformities are recognized within the marine successions. Since the Albian, the CSB has been a rapidly subsiding marginal part of the Okhotsk Sea plate. The Naiba Valley succession, corresponding to a sublittoral zone, shows extremely high sedimentation rates up to 190 m/Ma. The stratigraphic distribution of lithofacies indicates that the CSB became shallower from the Middle Albian to the Maastrichtian.  相似文献   

盆地研究中不整合成因分析   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
沉积盆地的不整合使地层记录呈非连续性,不整合时的时空型式可以反映出不整合所成因,不整合成因分析不仅是对不整合形成的主要方式-侵蚀(包括陆上暴露侵蚀和水下侵蚀)和非侵蚀作用的研究,而且对其控制因素如大陆抬升,海平面变化以及盆地构造活动等进行分析,本文在对不整合研究进行历史回顾的基础上介绍了近来有关对不整合成因分析的认识和一些分析方法。  相似文献   

滨里海盆地东部盐下成藏主控因素及勘探思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
滨里海盆地普遍发育一套下二叠统空谷阶盐岩层,是良好的区域性盖层,它把盆地分为盐上和盐下两大复合成藏组合。海西运动晚期,盆地东部地区断续、强烈的构造运动决定了地层空间展布、组合特点,控制了三个成藏带的形成,共发育三套成藏组合。盆地东部地区盐下油气藏规模、储量较大,大中型油气藏主要与石炭系两套海相碳酸盐岩层(KT-Ⅰ和KT-Ⅱ)有关。在盆地东部发现的10个盐下油气藏中,KT-Ⅰ、KT-Ⅱ产层的盖层均为其顶部泥岩层。下石炭统生物碎屑灰岩和下二叠统页岩是有效生油岩,分散有机质属混合类型。储层类型以孔隙型为主,溶洞型、孔洞型储层较发育,裂缝型储层偶尔发育;储层的次生改造作用非常重要。石炭系碳酸盐岩储层普遍分布,油气成藏主要受圈闭位置及其特点所控制。90%以上的失利探井是因为构造不落实,精确落实构造圈闭的具体位置,成为勘探的重中之重。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地东部地区天然气地球化学特征及成因探讨(之一)   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
陈践发  黄第藩 《沉积学报》2000,18(4):606-610
塔里木盆地是世界上勘探程度较低的大型盆地之一。近年来在该盆地中进行了大规模的油气勘探,发现了一系列的油、气田,其油、气资源量近似1∶1,说明在该盆地中天然气资源非常丰富。该盆地已发现的天然气主要分布在塔里木盆地东部地区的塔北隆起、塔中隆起和库车拗陷。天然气主要与凝析油及原油伴生。该盆地天然气组分分析表明,已发现的天然气藏绝大多数烃类气体含量大于65%;非烃气体CO2含量小于5%,N2含量小于10%。一些天然气中N2含量达25%到35%。在塔北隆起油气藏中天然气的干湿指数(C1/C2+比值)具有从东到西降低的趋势,天然气中N2含量具有从东到西升高的趋势,天然气甲烷的碳同位素组成也具有由东到西变轻的趋势,结合该区的地质背景可知造成这一趋势的主要因素可能是由于该区下古生界烃源岩热演化程度具有东高西低的特征。  相似文献   

Microorganisms play important roles in mediating biogeochemical reactions in deep-sea hydrothermal plumes, but little is known regarding the mechanisms that underpin these transformations. At Guaymas Basin (GB) in the Gulf of California, hydrothermal vents inject fluids laden with dissolved Mn(II) (dMn) into the deep waters of the basin where it is oxidized and precipitated as particulate Mn(III/IV) oxides, forming turbid hydrothermal “clouds”. Previous studies have predicted extremely short residence times for dMn at GB and suggested they are the result of microbially-mediated Mn(II) oxidation and precipitation. Here we present biogeochemical results that support a central role for microorganisms in driving Mn(II) oxidation in the GB hydrothermal plume, with enzymes being the primary catalytic agent. dMn removal rates at GB are remarkably fast for a deep-sea hydrothermal plume (up to 2 nM/h). These rapid rates were only observed within the plume, not in background deep-sea water above the GB plume or at GB plume depths (∼1750-2000 m) in the neighboring Carmen Basin, where there is no known venting. dMn removal is dramatically inhibited under anoxic conditions and by the presence of the biological poison, sodium azide. A conspicuous temperature optimum of dMn removal rates (∼40 °C) and a saturation-like (i.e. Michaelis-Menten) response to O2 concentration were observed, indicating an enzymatic mechanism. dMn removal was resistant to heat treatment used to select for spore-forming organisms, but very sensitive to low concentrations of added Cu, a cofactor required by the putative Mn(II)-oxidizing enzyme. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) and synchrotron radiation-based X-ray diffraction (SR-XRD) revealed the Mn oxides to have a hexagonal birnessite or δ-MnO2-like mineral structure, indicating that these freshly formed deep-sea Mn oxides are strikingly similar to primary biogenic Mn oxides produced by laboratory cultures of bacteria. Overall, these results reveal a vigorous Mn biogeochemical cycle in the GB hydrothermal plume, where a distinct microbial community enzymatically catalyzes rapid Mn(II) oxidation and the production of Mn biooxides.  相似文献   

滨里海盆地普遍发育一套下二叠统空谷阶盐岩层 ,是良好的区域性盖层 ,它把盆地分为盐上和盐下两大复合成藏组合。海西运动晚期 ,盆地东部地区断续、强烈的构造运动决定了地层空间展布、组合特点 ,控制了三个成藏带的形成 ,共发育三套成藏组合。盆地东部地区盐下油气藏规模、储量较大 ,大中型油气藏主要与石炭系两套海相碳酸盐岩层 (KT Ⅰ和KT Ⅱ )有关。在盆地东部发现的 10个盐下油气藏中 ,KT Ⅰ、KT Ⅱ产层的盖层均为其顶部泥岩层。下石炭统生物碎屑灰岩和下二叠统页岩是有效生油岩 ,分散有机质属混合类型。储层类型以孔隙型为主 ,溶洞型、孔洞型储层较发育 ,裂缝型储层偶尔发育 ;储层的次生改造作用非常重要。石炭系碳酸盐岩储层普遍分布 ,油气成藏主要受圈闭位置及其特点所控制。 90 %以上的失利探井是因为构造不落实 ,精确落实构造圈闭的具体位置 ,成为勘探的重中之重。  相似文献   

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