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Augmented reality (AR) overlays real‐world views or scenes with virtual, computer‐generated objects that appear to visually coexist in the same space. Location‐based social networks (LBSNs) are platforms for individuals to be connected through the interdependency derived from their physical locations and their location‐tagged social media content. Current research and development in both areas focuses on integrating mobile‐based AR and LBSNs. Several applications (e.g., Sekai Camera and Wallame) have been developed and commercialized successfully. However, little research has been done on the potential impacts and successful evaluation methods of AR‐integrated LBSNs in the GIScience field. To close this gap, the article outlines the impacts and benefits of AR‐integrated LBSNs and highlights the importance of LBSNs in GIScience research. Based on the status quo of AR‐integrated LBSNs, this article discusses—from theoretical and application‐oriented perspectives—how AR‐integrated LBSNs could enrich the GIScience research agenda in three aspects: data conflation, platial GIS, and multimedia storytelling. The article concludes with guidelines on visualization, functionality, and ethics that aim to help users develop and evaluate AR‐integrated LBSNs.  相似文献   

Data about points of interest (POI) have been widely used in studying urban land use types and for sensing human behavior. However, it is difficult to quantify the correct mix or the spatial relations among different POI types indicative of specific urban functions. In this research, we develop a statistical framework to help discover semantically meaningful topics and functional regions based on the co‐occurrence patterns of POI types. The framework applies the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic modeling technique and incorporates user check‐in activities on location‐based social networks. Using a large corpus of about 100,000 Foursquare venues and user check‐in behavior in the 10 most populated urban areas of the US, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methodology by identifying distinctive types of latent topics and, further, by extracting urban functional regions using K‐means clustering and Delaunay triangulation spatial constraints clustering. We show that a region can support multiple functions but with different probabilities, while the same type of functional region can span multiple geographically non‐adjacent locations. Since each region can be modeled as a vector consisting of multinomial topic distributions, similar regions with regard to their thematic topic signatures can be identified. Compared with remote sensing images which mainly uncover the physical landscape of urban environments, our popularity‐based POI topic modeling approach can be seen as a complementary social sensing view on urban space based on human activities.  相似文献   

Online representations of places are becoming pivotal in informing our understanding of urban life. Content production on online platforms is grounded in the geography of their users and their digital infrastructure. These constraints shape place representation, that is, the amount, quality, and type of digital information available in a geographic area. In this article we study the place representation of user‐generated content (UGC) in Los Angeles County, relating the spatial distribution of the data to its geo‐demographic context. Adopting a comparative and multi‐platform approach, this quantitative analysis investigates the spatial relationship between four diverse UGC datasets and their context at the census tract level (about 685,000 geo‐located tweets, 9,700 Wikipedia pages, 4 million OpenStreetMap objects, and 180,000 Foursquare venues). The context includes the ethnicity, age, income, education, and deprivation of residents, as well as public infrastructure. An exploratory spatial analysis and regression‐based models indicate that the four UGC platforms possess distinct geographies of place representation. To a moderate extent, the presence of Twitter, OpenStreetMap, and Foursquare data is influenced by population density, ethnicity, education, and income. However, each platform responds to different socio‐economic factors and clusters emerge in disparate hotspots. Unexpectedly, Twitter data tend to be located in denser, more deprived areas, and the geography of Wikipedia appears peculiar and harder to explain. These trends are compared with previous findings for the area of Greater London.  相似文献   

Data contributed by a large number of non‐experts is increasingly used to validate and curate land cover data, with location‐based games (LBGs) developed for this purpose generating particular interest. We here present our findings on StarBorn, a novel LBG with a strong focus on game play. Users conquer game‐tiles by visiting real‐world locations and collecting land cover data. Within three months, StarBorn generated 13,319 land cover classifications by 84 users. Results show that data are concentrated around users’ daily life spaces, agreement among users is highest for urban and industry land cover, and user‐generated land cover classifications exhibit high agreement with an authoritative data set. However, we also observe low user retention rates and negative correlations between number of contributions and agreement rates with an authoritative land cover product. We recommend that future work consider not only game play, but also how motivational aspects influence behavior and data quality. We conclude that LBGs are suitable tools for generating cost‐efficient in‐situ land cover classifications.  相似文献   

Location‐based social media (LBSM) has been widely utilized to supplement traditional survey methods in modeling human activity patterns. However, there has not been sufficient study to assess the reliability of these data in deriving human movement. This research aims to evaluate how data collection duration and sample sizes affect the reliability of LBSM data in activity modeling based on two indicators: radius of gyration (ROG) and entropy. We use a linear regression model with logarithmic transformation to approximate how the magnitude of each indicator changes with different data collection durations—from 1 to 12 months. The results indicate that both ROG and entropy increase when the amount of data increases. However, the rate of increase slows down and approaches zero eventually. We also approximated the limit values and verified that with 12‐month data, we are at approximately >95% magnitude of the limit values for both indicators in all three cities. The clustering analysis also demonstrated that there are outlier users who exhibit distinct patterns. This case study focuses on three Chinese cities (Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou) and provides a useful reference to explore the balance point between data effectiveness and an appropriate sample size from LBSM data.  相似文献   

China's social media platform, Sina Weibo, like Twitter, hosts a considerable amount of big data: messages, comments, pictures. Collecting and analyzing information from this treasury of human behavior data is a challenge, although the message exchange on the network is readable by everyone through the web or app interface. The official Application Programming Interface (API) is the gateway to access and download public content from Sina Weibo and is used to collect messages for all mainland China. The nearby_timeline() request is used to harvest only messages with associated location information. This technical note serves as a reference for researchers who do not speak Mandarin but want to collect data from this rich source of information. Ways of data visualization are presented as a point cloud, density per areal unit, or clustered using Density‐Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN). The relation of messages to census information is also given.  相似文献   

As large amounts of trajectories from a wide variety of Volunteered Geographic Information (referred to as VGI) contributors pour into the spatial database, the geometric qualities of the VGI road networks generated from these trajectories are different from the ground truth road dataset and so need to be differently assessed. To address this issue, an assessment approach based on symmetric arc similarity is proposed, and the geometric quality of a VGI road network is assessed by its conformity with the corresponding ground truth road network, the results being visualized as hierarchical thematic maps. To compute the conformity, the geometric similarity between the VGI road arc and the corresponding ground truth road arc, which is selected by the adaptive searching distance, is measured based on the symmetric arc similarity method; the geometric quality is assessed based on an assessment matrix. Also, the symmetric arc similarity method is independent of directions and with a feature of shift‐independence, which is applicable to assess the geometric qualities of different VGI road networks and makes the assessment result consistent with the actual situation of the real world. The robustness and scalability of the approach are examined using VGI road networks from different sources.  相似文献   

This study proposes multi‐criteria group decision‐making to address seismic physical vulnerability assessment. Granular computing rule extraction is combined with a feed forward artificial neural network to form a classifier capable of training a neural network on the basis of the rules provided by granular computing. It provides a transparent structure despite the traditional multi‐layer neural networks. It also allows the classifier to be applied on a set of rules for each incoming pattern. Drawbacks of original granular computing (GrC) are covered, where some input patterns remained unclassified. The study was applied to classify seismic vulnerability of the statistical units of the city of Tehran, Iran. Slope, seismic intensity, height and age of the buildings were effective parameters. Experts ranked 150 randomly selected sample statistical units with respect to their degree of seismic physical vulnerability. Inconsistency of the experts' judgments was investigated using the induced ordered weighted averaging (IOWA) operator. Fifty‐five classification rules were extracted on which a neural network was based. An overall accuracy of 88%, κ = 0.85 and R2 = 0.89 was achieved. A comparison with previously implemented methodologies proved the proposed method to be the most accurate solution to the seismic physical vulnerability of Tehran.  相似文献   

Path segmentation methods have been developed to distinguish stops and moves along movement trajectories. However, most studies do not focus on handling irregular sampling frequency of the movement data. This article proposes a four‐step method to handle various time intervals between two consecutive records, including parameter setting, space‐time interpolation, density‐based spatial clustering, and integrating the geographic context. The article uses GPS tracking data provided by HOURCAR, a non‐profit car‐sharing service in Minnesota, as a case study to demonstrate our method and present the results. We also implement the DB‐SMoT algorithm as a comparison. The results show that our four‐step method can handle various time intervals between consecutive records, group consecutive stops close to each other, and distinguish different types of stops and their inferred activities. These results can provide novel insights into car‐sharing behaviors such as trip purposes and activity scheduling.  相似文献   

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