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Dust grains that formed around ancient stars and in stellar explosions seeded the early solar protoplanetary disk. While most of such presolar grains were destroyed during solar system formation, a fraction of such grains were preserved in primitive materials such as meteorites. These grains can provide constraints on stellar origins and secondary processing such as aqueous alteration and thermal metamorphism on their parent asteroids. Here, we report on the nature of aqueous alteration in the Miller Range (MIL) 07687 chondrite through the analysis of four presolar silicates and their surrounding material. The grains occur in the Fe-rich and Fe-poor lithologies, reflecting relatively altered and unaltered material, respectively. The O-isotopic compositions of two grains, one each from the Fe-rich and Fe-poor matrix, are consistent with formation in the circumstellar envelopes of low-mass Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB)/Red Giant Branch (RGB) stars. The other two grains, also one each from the Fe-rich and Fe-poor matrix, have O-isotopic compositions consistent with formation in the ejecta of type-II supernovae (SNe). The grains derived from AGB/RGB stars include two polycrystalline pyroxene grains that contain Fe-rich rims. The SNe grains include a polycrystalline Ca-bearing pyroxene and a polycrystalline assemblage consistent with a mixture of olivine and pyroxene. Ferrihydrite is observed in all focused ion beam sections, consistent with parent-body aqueous alteration of the fine-grained matrix under oxidizing conditions. The Fe-rich rims around presolar silicates in this study are consistent with Fe-diffusion into the grains resulting from early-stage hydrothermal alteration, but such alteration was not extensive enough to lead to isotopic equilibration with the surrounding matrix.  相似文献   

Abstract– Although it has been suggested that the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Adelaide and the K chondrite Kakangari could be considered highly primitive, our study of their presolar grain abundances shows that both have experienced more secondary processing than other primitive chondrites with high presolar grain abundances. Presolar grains are rare in Kakangari and are present in reduced abundances in Adelaide (approximately 70 ppm for O‐anomalous grains). Thermal annealing has led to widespread crystallization of their fine‐grained matrices, and accounts for the partial to complete destruction of presolar grains. In addition, presolar silicates in Adelaide show elevated Fe abundances and Fe‐rich rims indicative of infiltration of Fe into the grains from the surrounding matrix. This process probably also took place during annealing, most likely in the solar nebula, in a region with an enhanced dust‐to‐gas ratio. The most primitive meteorites, with the highest presolar grain abundances, appear to be those whose matrices contain abundant amorphous material that has escaped any significant thermal or aqueous alteration.  相似文献   

Abstract– Acfer 094 is an unshocked, nearly unaltered carbonaceous chondrite with an unusual suite of refractory inclusions. The refractory inclusions in a newly prepared thin section and a small aliquot of disaggregated material were studied to compare the population with previous work, and to report new or unusual inclusion types. A total of 289 Ca‐, Al‐rich inclusions in the thin section and 67 among the disaggregated material, having a total of 31 different mineral assemblages, were found. Inclusions are largely free of secondary alteration products, and are typically ≤200 μm across. The most common are gehlenitic melilite+spinel±perovskite, spinel+perovskite, and spinel with a thin, silicate rim, typically melilite±diopside. Such rims and (thicker) mantles are very common among Acfer 094 inclusions, and they exhibit a variety of zoning patterns with respect to åkermanite and FeO contents. In the thin section, about 13% of the inclusions contain hibonite and approximately 5% are grossite‐bearing; in the disaggregated material, the percentages are 14 and 9, respectively, comparable to previous work. Among the unusual inclusions are a fine‐grained, porous, Ti‐rich hibonite+spinel+perovskite+melilite inclusion with a compact, coarse, Ti‐poor hibonite+spinel+melilite clast; two inclusions in which hibonite has reacted to form grossite; two inclusions with FeO‐rich spinel; and a small object consisting of fassaite enclosing euhedral spinel, the first fragment of a Type B inclusion reported from Acfer 094. Inclusions similar to those found in CM or CV chondrites are rare; Acfer 094 contains a distinctive population of inclusions. The population, dominated by small, melilite‐bearing inclusions, is most similar to that of CO chondrites. A distinguishing feature is that in Acfer 094, almost every phase in almost every refractory inclusion contains 0.5–1.5 wt% FeO. A lack of diffusion gradients and the pristinity of the matrix imply that the inclusions experienced prolonged exposure to FeO‐bearing fluid prior to accretion into the Acfer 094 parent body. There are no known nebular conditions under which the refractory phases found in the present samples could acquire FeO enrichments to the observed levels. The most likely setting is therefore in an earlier, FeO‐rich parent body. The inclusions were ejected from this parent body, mixed with typical CAIs, chondrules, amoeboid olivine aggregates, and amorphous material, and incorporated into the Acfer 094 parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lewis Cliff 85332 (LEW85332) is a highly unequilibrated (type 3.0–3.1) unique carbonaceous chondrite. It resembles CI and “CR” chondrites in its abundance ratios of refractory lithophiles and refractory siderophiles, but differs significantly from these groups in important ways: relative to CI chondrites, LEW85332 has low abundances of Mn, Se, Zn and most volatile siderophiles; relative to “CR” chondrites, LEW85332 has high abundance ratios of Mn and most volatile siderophiles. Although several petrologic characteristics of LEW85332 resemble those of CO chondrites, LEW85332 differs from this group in having lower abundance ratios of refractory lithophiles and higher abundance ratios of common and volatile siderophiles. Chondrules (mean diameter of 170 μm) are smaller than those in CV and CM chondrites and bigger than those in most CO chondrites. Two melilite-rich (Åk 22) fluffy type-A refractory inclusions were observed. Weathering of LEW85332 has resulted in the formation of 6.2 vol.% limonite; 3.9 vol.% metallic Fe-Ni remains. The inferred original metallic Fe-Ni abundance (13–15 wt.%) is very high for a carbonaceous chondrite and is most similar to those of Kainsaz and Colony (both CO3). LEW85332 is a breccia: the one thin section we examined contains (a) ≥ 10 primitive carbonaceous chondrite clasts (with both C1 and C2 affinities) that contain magnetite framboids and platelets, (b) two clasts containing numerous 10-μm-size clusters of troilite grains, and (c) one clast containing small needles of schreibersite embedded in fine-grained silicate matrix. The unique nature of LEW85332 underscores the wide diversity of materials produced in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

A carbonaceous chondrite was recovered immediately after the fall near the village of Diepenveen in the Netherlands on October 27, 1873, but came to light only in 2012. Analysis of sodium and poly‐aromatic hydrocarbon content suggests little contamination from handling. Diepenveen is a regolith breccia with an overall petrology consistent with a CM classification. Unlike most other CM chondrites, the bulk oxygen isotopes are extremely 16O rich, apparently dominated by the signature of anhydrous minerals, distributed on a steep slope pointing to the domain of intrinsic CM water. A small subset plots closer to the normal CM regime, on a parallel line 2 ‰ lower in δ17O. Different lithologies in Diepenveen experienced varying levels of aqueous alteration processing, being less aqueously altered at places rather than more heated. The presence of an agglutinate grain and the properties of methanol‐soluble organic compounds point to active impact processing of some of the clasts. Diepenveen belongs to a CM clan with ~5 Ma CRE age, longer than most other CM chondrites, and has a relatively young K‐Ar resetting age of ~1.5 Ga. As a CM chondrite, Diepenveen may be representative of samples soon to be returned from the surface of asteroid (162173) Ryugu by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Orgueil CI carbonaceous chondrite contains magnetite (Fe3O4) that displays a rich and seemingly unique variety of morphologies. While many have already been described, recent images provide far greater definition and, thus, provide more unambiguous identification of trapezohedral crystals and possibly also trisoctahedral forms. Although it is an extremely abundant terrestrial mineral and commonly occurs in well-developed crystals, neither of these forms have been recognized previously from magnetite. The barrel-shaped arrays of magnetite discs (“plaquettes”) are also unique. It appears as if the circumstances for the formation of these unusual crystals were somehow exceptional. Their morphologies and association with sulfates and carbonates suggest an aqueous origin.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report detailed chemical, petrological, and mineralogical studies on the Ningqiang carbonaceous chondrite. Ningqiang is a unique ungrouped type 3 carbonaceous chondrite. Its bulk composition is similar to that of CV and CK chondrites, but refractory lithophile elements (1.01 × CI) are distinctly depleted relative to CV (1.29 × CI) and CK (1.20 × CI) chondrites. Ningqiang consists of 47.5 vol% chondrules, 2.0 vol% Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs), 4.5 vol% amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs), and 46.0 vol% matrix. Most chondrules (95%) in Ningqiang are Mg‐rich. The abundances of Fe‐rich and Al‐rich chondrules are very low. Al‐rich chondrules (ARCs) in Ningqiang are composed mainly of olivine, plagioclase, spinel, and pyroxenes. In ARCs, spinel and plagioclase are enriched in moderately volatile elements (Cr, Mn, and Na), and low‐Ca pyroxenes are enriched in refractory elements (Al and Ti). The petrology and mineralogy of ARCs in Ningqiang indicate that they were formed from hybrid precursors of ferromagnesian chondrules mixed with refractory materials during chondrule formation processes. We found 294 CAIs (55.0% type A, 39.5% spinel‐pyroxene‐rich, 4.4% hibonite‐rich, and several type C and anorthite‐spinel‐rich inclusions) and 73 AOAs in 15 Ningqiang sections (equivalent to 20 cm2surface area). This is the first report of hibonite‐rich inclusions in Ningqiang. They are texturally similar to those in CM, CH, and CB chondrites, and exhibit three textural forms: aggregates of euhedral hibonite single crystals, fine‐grained aggregates of subhedral hibonite with minor spinel, and hibonite ± Al,Ti‐diopside ± spinel spherules. Evidence of secondary alteration is ubiquitous in Ningqiang. Opaque assemblages, formed by secondary alteration of pre‐existing alloys on the parent body, are widespread in chondrules and matrix. On the other hand, nepheline and sodalite, existing in all chondritic components, formed by alkali‐halogen metasomatism in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

The Sutter's Mill (SM) carbonaceous chondrite fell in California on April 22, 2012. The cosmogenic radionuclide data indicate that Sutter's Mill was exposed to cosmic rays for 0.082 ± 0.008 Myr, which is one of the shortest ages for C chondrites, but overlaps with a small cluster at approximately 0.1 Myr. The age is significantly longer than proposed ages that were obtained from cosmogenic noble gas concentrations, which have large uncertainties due to trapped noble gas corrections. The presence of neutron‐capture 60Co and 36Cl in SM indicates a minimum preatmospheric radius of approximately 50 cm, and is consistent with a radius of 1–2 m, as derived from the fireball observations. Although a large preatmospheric size was proposed, one fragment (SM18) contains solar cosmic ray–produced short‐lived radionuclides, such as 56Co and 51Cr. This implies that this specimen was less than 2 cm from the preatmospheric surface of Sutter's Mill. Although this conclusion seems surprising, it is consistent with the observation that the meteoroid fragmented high in the atmosphere. The presence of SCR‐produced nuclides is consistent with the high SCR fluxes observed during the last few months before the meteorite's fall, when its orbit was less than 1 AU from the Sun.  相似文献   

Miller Range 07273 is a chondritic melt breccia that contains clasts of equilibrated ordinary chondrite set in a fine‐grained (<5 μm), largely crystalline, igneous matrix. Data indicate that MIL was derived from the H chondrite parent asteroid, although it has an oxygen isotope composition that approaches but falls outside of the established H group. MIL also is distinctive in having low porosity, cone‐like shapes for coarse metal grains, unusual internal textures and compositions for coarse metal, a matrix composed chiefly of clinoenstatite and omphacitic pigeonite, and troilite veining most common in coarse olivine and orthopyroxene. These features can be explained by a model involving impact into a porous target that produced brief but intense heating at high pressure, a sudden pressure drop, and a slower drop in temperature. Olivine and orthopyroxene in chondrule clasts were the least melted and the most deformed, whereas matrix and troilite melted completely and crystallized to nearly strain‐free minerals. Coarse metal was largely but incompletely liquefied, and matrix silicates formed by the breakdown during melting of albitic feldspar and some olivine to form pyroxene at high pressure (>3 GPa, possibly to ~15–19 GPa) and temperature (>1350 °C, possibly to ≥2000 °C). The higher pressures and temperatures would have involved back‐reaction of high‐pressure polymorphs to pyroxene and olivine upon cooling. Silicates outside of melt matrix have compositions that were relatively unchanged owing to brief heating duration.  相似文献   

Absorption spectra in the visible to the near ultraviolet were measured on the Belgica chondrite B-7904 in a form of thin solid film made by the vacuum evaporation. The spectra obtained exhibit a sharp peak at 226 nm and a broad bump around 280nm. These features were found arising from the meteorite component FeS (troilite). The peak at 226 nm shows a doublet structure with the band-width considerably narrower than the 217.5 nm feature in the interstellar extinction. The absorption spectra obtained previously with the pulverized chondrites suspended in a liquid were also found reproducible by the pulverized FeS.Sponsored by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-840R21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.  相似文献   

Based on the high abundance of fine‐grained material and its dark appearance, NWA 11024 was recognized as a CM chondrite, which is also confirmed by oxygen isotope measurements. But contrary to known CM chondrites, the typical phases indicating aqueous alteration (e.g., phyllosilicates, carbonates) are missing. Using multiple analytical techniques, this study reveals the differences and similarities to known CM chondrites and will discuss the possibility that NWA 11024 is the first type 3 CM chondrite. During the investigation, two texturally apparent tochilinite–cronstedtite intergrowths were identified within two thin sections. However, the former phyllosilicates were recrystallized to Fe‐rich olivine during a heating event without changing the textural appearance. A peak temperature of 400–600 °C is estimated, which is not high enough to destroy or recrystallize calcite grains. Thus, calcites were never constituents of the mineral paragenesis. Another remarkable feature of NWA 11024 is the occurrence of unknown clot‐like inclusions (UCLIs) within fine‐grained rims, which are unique in this clarity. Their density and S concentration are significantly higher than of the surrounding fine‐grained rim and UCLIs can be seen as primary objects that were not formed by secondary alteration processes inside the rims. Similarities to chondritic and cometary interplanetary dust particles suggest an ice‐rich first‐generation planetesimal for their origin. In the earliest evolution, NWA 11024 experienced the lowest degree of aqueous alteration of all known CM chondrites and subsequently, a heating event dehydrated the sample. We suggest to classify the meteorite NWA 11024 as the first type 3 CM chondrite similar to the classification of CV3 chondrites (like Allende) that could also have lost their matrix phyllosilicates by thermal dehydration.  相似文献   

We determined the abundances and enantiomeric compositions of amino acids in Sutter's Mill fragment #2 (designated SM2) recovered prior to heavy rains that fell April 25–26, 2012, and two other meteorite fragments, SM12 and SM51, that were recovered postrain. We also determined the abundance, enantiomeric, and isotopic compositions of amino acids in soil from the recovery site of fragment SM51. The three meteorite stones experienced terrestrial amino acid contamination, as evidenced by the low d/l ratios of several proteinogenic amino acids. The d/l ratios were higher in SM2 than in SM12 and SM51, consistent with rain introducing additional l‐ amino acid contaminants to SM12 and SM51. Higher percentages of glycine, β‐alanine, and γ‐amino‐n‐butyric acid were observed in free form in SM2 and SM51 compared with the soil, suggesting that these free amino acids may be indigenous. Trace levels of d +l‐ β‐aminoisobutyric acid (β‐AIB) observed in all three meteorites are not easily explained as terrestrial contamination, as β‐AIB is rare on Earth and was not detected in the soil. Bulk carbon and nitrogen and isotopic ratios of the SM samples and the soil also indicate terrestrial contamination, as does compound‐specific isotopic analysis of the amino acids in the soil. The amino acid abundances in SM2, the most pristine SM meteorite analyzed here, are approximately 20‐fold lower than in the Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite. This may be due to thermal metamorphism in the Sutter's Mill parent body at temperatures greater than observed for other aqueously altered CM2 meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The fine-grained matrix of the unique, unequilibrated carbonaceous chondrite Lewis Cliff (LEW) 85332 has been studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Compositionally, LEW 85332 has a matrix that is more Fe-rich than typical CI chondrites but has elemental abundance ratios that appear to be closer to CI matrices than to CM or CR chondrites. The mineralogy of the matrix is dominated by phyllosilicate phases that are predominantly interlayered Fe-rich serpentine/saponite; anhydrous silicate phases such as olivine and pyroxene are rare. Minor magnetite, troilite and ferrihydrite also occur associated with the phyllosilicates. Despite the high degree of weathering in LEW 85332, the phyllosilicates appear to have an extraterrestrial origin, but the highly variable Mg/Fe ratios of saponite may be the result of partial terrestrial oxidation of Fe-rich saponite to a more Mg-rich saponite and ferrihydrite. Alternatively, some of the ferrihydrite may have formed as a result of terrestrial weathering of Fe-Ni metal. The compositional and mineralogical data suggest that the matrix of LEW 85332 may represent a very early stage in the type of aqueous alteration experienced by the CI chondrites, although it is improbable that LEW 85332 was a precursor to the CI chondrites because of its high abundance of chondrules. The absence of carbonates, the high-Fe content of the matrix and phyllosilicate phases and relatively low abundance of magnetite all indicate that the degree of oxidation and leaching of LEW 85332 matrix was significantly less than that experienced by the CI chondrites. The absence of clear evidence for alteration of chondrules suggests that either the formation of the hydrous phases in the matrix occurred prior to accretion or that alteration occurred on a parent body and involved limited amounts of fluid, such that the reactions took place preferentially and exclusively within the fine-grained (anhydrous?) matrix materials.  相似文献   

Abstract Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) in the Yamato-791717 CO carbonaceous chondrite contain 5 to 80 vol% of nepheline, along with minor sodalite, and thus are among the most nepheline-rich CAIs known. The primary phases in inclusions are mainly spinel, fassaite, aluminous diopside, perovskite, and hibonite. In contrast to many CO chondrites, melilite is rare. Spinel contains variable amounts of Fe (0 to 57 mol% FeAl2O4) and is commonly zoned. Texture suggests that nepheline is a secondary alteration product formed by replacing mainly melilite, fassaite, and spinel; melilite is the most susceptible to alteration of the primary phases, so most of it was probably already consumed to form nepheline. The majority of inclusions are single concentric objects or aggregates of concentric objects. Lightly altered inclusions have cores of spinel surrounded by bands of nepheline (replacing fassaite), fassaite, and diopside. In moderately altered inclusions, spinel cores are replaced by nepheline. In heavily altered inclusions, the major part of internal areas (50 to 80% in volume) are replaced by nepheline. In some moderately and heavily altered inclusions, only diopside rims remain unaltered. Textural relationships indicate that the resistance of primary phases to alteration increases in the order melilite, fassaite, spinel, diopside. The alteration probably proceeded with reaction of the primary phases with the low-temperature (≤ 1000 K) nebular gas rich in Na, Fe and CI. The degree of alteration in Y791717 CAIs appears to be much higher than those in CAIs in other reported meteorites.  相似文献   

The Paris carbonaceous chondrite represents the most pristine carbonaceous chondrite, providing a unique opportunity to investigate the composition of early solar system materials prior to the onset of significant aqueous alteration. A dual origin (namely from the inner and outer solar system) has been demonstrated for water in the Paris meteorite parent body (Piani et al. 2018 ). Here, we aim to evaluate the contribution of outer solar system (cometary‐like) water ice to the inner solar system water ice using Xe isotopes. We report Ar, Kr, and high‐precision Xe isotopic measurements within bulk CM 2.9 and CM 2.7 fragments, as well as Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe isotope compositions of the insoluble organic matter (IOM). Noble gas signatures are similar to chondritic phase Q with no evidence for a cometary‐like Xe component. Small excesses in the heavy Xe isotopes relative to phase Q within bulk samples are attributed to contributions from presolar materials. CM 2.7 fragments have lower Ar/Xe relative to more pristine CM 2.9 fragments, with no systematic difference in Xe contents. We conclude that Kr and Xe were little affected by aqueous alteration, in agreement with (1) minor degrees of alteration and (2) no significant differences in the chemical signature of organic matter in CM 2.7 and CM 2.9 areas (Vinogradoff et al. 2017 ). Xenon contents in the IOM are larger than previously published data of Xe in chondritic IOM, in line with the Xe component in Paris being pristine and preserved from Xe loss during aqueous alteration/thermal metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract The majority of the carbonaceous chondrite clasts found in howardites, eucrites and diogenites are CM2 material, a lesser proportion is CR2 material, and other rare types are present. A single clast that was found on the Moon and called the Bench Crater meteorite is apparently shocked CM1 material. The CM2 clasts are matrix supported mixtures of olivine-pyroxene-phyllosilicate-sulfide bearing aggregates, loose olivines and pyroxenes, sulfides, carbonates, and sinuous spinel-phyllosilicate-diopside calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs). Magnetite and metal are rare. Some aggregates have fine-grained rims of material resembling matrix. The opaque, fine-grained matrix consists predominantly of serpentine of extremely variable composition and sulfides; tochilinite is occasionally present. The trace element data for one Jodzie clast from this study and the average of similar clasts from Kapoeta support a CM classification; volatiles are depleted relative to CI and enriched relative to CR material. The CR2 clasts are found (in small numbers) in only four howardites: Bholghati, Jodzie, Kapoeta and Y793497. Petrographically, they are matrix-supported mixtures of olivine aggregates (sometimes containing sulfides), loose olivines, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, low-Ca pyroxene (minor), hedenbergite (rare), kamacite (rare and only found within olivine), Ca-carbonates and abundant magnetite framboids and plaquets. Phyllosilicates are fine-grained and largely confined to matrix; they are mixtures of serpentine and saponite. The matrix of CR2 clasts also contains pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chromite and a significant fraction of poorly-crystalline material with the same bulk composition as matrix phyllosilicate. There is evidence of heating in a substantial number of clasts, both CM2 and CR2, including: (1) corrugated serpentine flakes, (2) pseudomorphs of anhydrous ferromagnesian material after flaky phyllosilicates, and (3) hedenbergite rims on calcite. While the timing of the hedenbergite rims is debatable, the destruction of phyllosilicates clearly occurred at a late stage, plausibly during impact onto the HED asteroid(s) and Moon, and required peak heating temperatures on the order of 400 °C. We note that in general, CM2 material was the most common carbonaceous chondrite lithology impacting the HED asteroids (with howardites and eucrites taken together), as it is for the Earth today. A total of 61 out of 75 carbonaceous chondrite clasts from HED meteorites belong to the CM clan, petrologic grade 2. This is also supported by published siderophile and volatile element data on howardites, eucrites and diogenites that are taken to indicate that CM-like materials were the most common impactors on the HED asteroid(s). The ratio of CR/CM clasts in HED asteroids is essentially the same as for modern falls at Earth. This may indicate that the ratio of disaggregated CM2 to CR2 asteroidal material has been approximately constant through the history of the solar system. Finally, our results are also compatible with type-2 carbonaceous chondrites being equivalent to or from the same source as the material that originally accreted to form the HED asteroid.  相似文献   

Maralinga,a metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrite found in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— The Maralinga meteorite was found near the village of Maralinga, South Australia (30°18′S, 131°16′E) in 1974, but was not recognized as a meteorite until 1989. One weathered individual was recovered with a total mass of 3.38 kg. The bulk composition and petrography of Maralinga indicate that it is a metamorphosed (petrographic type 4) carbonaceous chondrite with major similarities to the Vigarano-subtype. However, recent trace element data from the literature suggest that Maralinga should be included with the CK (Karoonda-type) carbonaceous chondrites. We classify Maralinga as an anomalous CK4 chondrite because of its abundant chondrules and refractory inclusions relative to other known members of the CK group. Maralinga contains homogeneous silicates, including Ni-bearing olivines (Fa34), high-Ca clinopyroxene, and rare orthopyroxene. Plagioclase is chemically heterogeneous and falls into two distinct compositional groups one of ~ An20 and an ~ An80 group. Highly oxidizing conditions during metamorphism of Maralinga are indicated by the abundance of magnetite and the paucity of Fe-Ni metal.  相似文献   

Abstract— Insoluble organic matter (IOM) dominates the HF/HCl residue of the Orgueil (CI) carbonaceous chondrite meteorite. The IOM is composed primarily of two C‐rich particle types. The first has a fluffy texture similar to crumpled tissue paper, and the second type occurs as solid or hollow nanospheres. High‐resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) images of the fluffy material show it is poorly ordered, with small, irregularly shaped regions having fringes with 0.34–0.38 nm spacings and locally 0.21 nm cross‐fringes. Nanodiamonds occur in the fluffy material. The rounded C‐rich particles are common in the residue and their HRTEM images show neither fringes nor nanodiamonds. Both types of carbonaceous materials have a high aromatic component, as revealed by electron energy‐loss spectroscopy (EELS), with up to 10 at% substitution by S, N, and O. The average compositions of the fluffy material and nanospheres are C100S1.9N3.7O4.9 and C100S2.4N5.0O3.9, respectively. The structural and chemical heterogeneity of the carbonaceous materials may represent material from multiple sources.  相似文献   

We report a correlated NanoSIMS‐transmission electron microscopy study of the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 5958. We identified 10 presolar SiC grains, 2 likely presolar graphite grains, and 20 presolar silicate and/or oxide grains in NWA 5958. We suggest a slight modification of the commonly used classification system for presolar oxides and silicates that better reflects the grains’ likely stellar origins. The matrix‐normalized presolar SiC abundance in NWA 5958 is ppm (2σ) similar to that seen in many classes of unmetamorphosed chondrites. In contrast, the matrix‐normalized abundance of presolar O‐rich phases (silicates and oxides) is ppm (2σ), much lower than seen in interplanetary dust particles and the least‐altered CR, CO, and ungrouped C chondrites, but close to that reported for CM chondrites. NanoSIMS mapping also revealed an unusual 13C‐enriched (δ13C≈100–200‰) carbonaceous rim surrounding a 1.4 μm diameter phyllosilicate grain. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of two presolar grains with a likely origin in asymptotic giant branch stars identified one as enstatite and one as Al‐Mg spinel with minor Cr. The enstatite grain amorphized rapidly under the electron beam, suggesting partial hydration. TEM data of NWA 5958 matrix confirm that it has experienced aqueous alteration and support the suggestion of Jacquet et al. (34) that this meteorite has affinities to CM2 chondrites.  相似文献   

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