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The Denali Fault is an active strike‐slip fault system responsible for the highest topography in North America, yet there are conflicting constraints on the fault's Cenozoic slip history. The long‐term slip rate constraint of the eastern Denali Fault is ~400 km since 57 Ma. In apparent conflict, the long‐term slip rate of the western Denali Fault is 38 km since 38 Ma based on the reconstruction of the Foraker and McGonagall plutons. Tests of the genetic relationship of the plutons with bulk rock geochemical and paired U‐Pb and Hf zircon analysis suggest a disparate origin. The McGonagall pluton, despite having a lower SiO2, has lower εHf values inconsistent with chemical and isotopic variations between the two being the result of contamination. The Denali Fault is a highly strain partitioned system, but the amount of Cenozoic slip dispersed east to west is likely significantly less than the previous ~360 km constraint.  相似文献   

Metamorphic core complexes are usually thought to be associated with regional crustal extension and crustal thinning, where deep crustal material is exhumed along gently dipping normal shear zones oblique to the regional extension direction. We present a new mechanism whereby metamorphic core complexes can be exhumed along crustal‐scale strike‐slip fault systems that accommodated crustal shortening. The Qazaz metamorphic dome in Saudi Arabia was exhumed along a gently dipping jog in a crustal‐scale vertical strike‐slip fault zone that caused more than 25 km of exhumation of lower crustal rocks by 30 km of lateral motion. Subsequently, the complex was transected by a branch of the strike‐slip fault zone, and the segments were separated by another 30 km of lateral motion. Strike‐slip core complexes like the Qazaz Dome may be common and may have an important local effect on crustal strength.  相似文献   

We derive a slip rate for a frontal thrust in the western Hexi Corridor along the northern Qilian Shan by combining topographic profiling and 10Be exposure dating. The active Yumen‐Beidahe thrust fault offsets late Pleistocene alluvial‐fan deposits, and a prominent north‐facing scarp is well preserved. To quantify the slip rate, we surveyed the uplifted terraces and sampled quartz‐rich pebbles on terrace surfaces and river channels to determine surface exposure ages and pre‐depositional inheritance. The minimum vertical slip rate of the fault is 0.73 ± 0.09 mm a?1. This represents a horizontal shortening rate of 1.26 ± 0.31 mm a?1 for a fault dip of 30 ± 5°. This estimated slip rate supports the inference made from previous geological and GPS constraints that NNE‐directed shortening across the western Qilian Shan and the Hexi Corridor is distributed on several active faults with a total shortening rate of 4–10 mm a?1.  相似文献   

The Kongur Shan Extensional System (KES) is a ~250 km long normal fault system that bounds the Muji–Tashkorgan basin of the Chinese Pamir. It accommodates E–W extension due to the northward indentation of the Pamir salient, and its late Miocene activity has been the focus of tectonic studies. While the KES has a main normal component, ~WNW–ESE‐striking segments have an additional right‐lateral strike‐slip component. Here, we quantify late Quaternary horizontal and vertical slip rates at three locations along the KES, where active faults cut and offset abandoned geomorphic features. We find rates of >3–4 mm a?1 (horizontal) along the western Muji fault in the north and of ~1.7 mm a?1 (vertical) and ~1 mm a?1 (horizontal) along the Kongur Shan fault in the south during the late Pleistocene. These rates are consistent with GPS and late Miocene rates, and imply that E–W extension in the Muji–Tashkorgan basin is faster in the north than in the south.  相似文献   

Abstract: On May 12th, 2008, the Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake ruptured the Beichuan, Pengguan and Xiaoyudong faults simultaneously along the middle segment of the Longmenshan thrust belt at the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau. Field investigations constrain the surface rupture pattern, length and offsets related to the Wenchuan earthquake. The Beichuan fault has a NE-trending right-lateral reverse rupture with a total length of 240 km. Reassessment yields a maximum vertical offset of 6.5±0.5 m and a maximum right-lateral offset of 4.9±0.5 m for its northern segment, which are the largest offsets found; the maximum vertical offset is 6.2±0.5 m for its southern segment. The Pengguan fault has a NE-trending pure reverse rupture about 72 km long with a maximum vertical offset of about 3.5 m. The Xiaoyudong fault has a NW-striking left-lateral reverse rupture about 7 km long between the Beichuan and Pengguan faults, with a maximum vertical offset of 3.4 m and left-lateral offset of 3.5 m. This pattern of multiple co-seismic surface ruptures is among the most complicated of recent great earthquakes and presents a much larger danger than if they ruptured individually. The rupture length is the longest for reverse faulting events ever reported.  相似文献   

Teleseismic and strong-motion data are inverted to determine the rupture process during the November 1999 Düzce earthquake in NW Turkey. The fault geometry, rise time and rupture velocity are determined from the aftershock distribution and preliminary inversions of the teleseismic data. Joint inversion of the teleseismic and strong-motion data is then carried out for the slip distribution. We obtain the strike 264°, dip 64°, rake −172°, seismic moment 5.0×1019 N m (Mw 7.1), and average stress drop 7 MPa. This earthquake was characterized by bilateral fault rupture and asymmetric slip distribution. Two asperities (areas of large slip) are identified, the eastern one being 1.5 times larger than the western one. The derived slip distribution is consistent with the aftershock distribution, surface rupture and damage. The point of rupture initiation in this Düzce earthquake coincided with the eastern tip of the aftershock distribution of the August 1999 Izmit earthquake.  相似文献   

The Vienna Basin Transfer Fault (VBTF) is a slow active fault with moderate seismicity (I max~8–9, M max~5.7) passing through the most vulnerable regions of Austria and Slovakia. We use different data to constrain the seismic potential of the VBTF including slip values computed from the seismic energy release during the 20th century, geological data on fault segmentation and a depth-extrapolated 3-D model of a generalized fault surface, which is used to define potential rupture zones. The seismic slip of the VBTF as a whole is in the range of 0.22–0.31 mm/year for a seismogenic fault thickness of 8 km. Seismic slip rates for individual segments vary from 0.00 to 0.77 mm/year. Comparing these data to geologically and GPS-derived slip velocities (>1 mm/year) proofs that the fault yields a significant seismic slip deficit. Segments of the fault with high seismic slip contrast from segments with no slip representing locked segments. Fault surfaces of segments within the seismogenic zone (4–14 km depth) vary from 55 to 400 km2. Empirical scaling relations show that these segments are sufficiently large to explain both, earthquakes observed in the last centuries, and the 4th century Carnuntum earthquake, for which archeo-seismological data suggest a magnitude of M ≥ 6. Based on the combination of all data (incomplete earthquake catalog, seismic slip deficits, locked segments, potential rupture areas, indications of strong pre-catalog earthquakes) we argue, that the maximum credible earthquake for the VBTF is in the range M max = 6.0–6.8, significantly larger than the magnitude of the strongest recorded events (M = 5.7).  相似文献   

The mountain belts of the Dzungarian Alatau (SE Kazakhstan) and the Tien Shan are part of the actively deforming India–Asia collision zone but how the strain is partitioned on individual faults remains poorly known. Here we use terrace mapping, topographic profiling, and 10Be exposure dating to constrain the slip rate of the 160-km-long Usek thrust fault, which defines the southern front of the Dzungarian Alatau. In the eastern part of the fault, where the Usek River has formed five terraces (T1–T5), the Usek thrust fault has vertically displaced terrace T4 by 132 ± 10 m. At two sites on T4, exposure dating of boulders, amalgamated quartz pebbles, and sand from a depth profile yielded 10Be ages of 366 ± 60 ka and 360 + 77/− 48 ka (both calculated for an erosion rate of 0.5 mm/ka). Combined with the vertical offset and a 45–70° dip of the Usek fault, these age constraints result in vertical and horizontal slip rates of ~ 0.4 and ~ 0.25 mm/a, respectively. These rates are below the current resolution of GPS measurements and highlight the importance of determining slip rates for individual faults by dating deformed landforms to resolve the pattern of strain distribution across intracontinental mountain belts.  相似文献   

The Jiashian earthquake (ML 6.4) occurred on 4 March 2010. It was the largest inland event in southern Taiwan of 2010. The mainshock location was unexpected since it occurred in an area with relatively low background seismicity. In addition, reports of earthquake focal mechanisms do not fit with any known active fault geometry. In order to understand the origin of this earthquake, especially its rupture process, we perform a joint source inversion by using teleseismic body wave, GPS coseismic displacements and near field ground motion data. In this study, we considered a northwest–southeast trending fault with a northeast dip retrieved from GPS coseismic data and aftershocks distribution. To analyze the detailed slip distribution in space and time, we used near field 3D Green’s functions provided by spectral-element method and a full time–space inversion technique. We find a complex rupture process with several slip patches distributed inside two main asperities. The slip map reveals a mean slip of 12.9 cm for a maximum slip of 27.3 cm leading to a Mw 6.47 for this event. The rupture initiates in the deepest portion of the fault at 20 km depth, and propagated upward up to 2 km depth to form the two asperities. The source time function of this event revealed two pulses corresponding to the two asperities, for a total duration time of about 16 s. Most aftershocks occurred near the upper boundary of the deepest asperity while no aftershocks are located close to the shallowest one. We infer that the locations of these slip patches are related to the surrounding fault systems that may have restricted the rupture propagation during the earthquake.  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary slip rate along the Maqu segment of the eastern Kunlun Fault was estimated using a combination of high-resolution remote sensing imagery interpretation, field observations and differential Global Positioning System(GPS) measurements of offset river terraces, and 14 C dating of snail shells collected from offset risers. The results show that the left-slip rate along the segment is 3–5 mm/a, and that the vertical slip rate is 0.3–0.5 mm/a. Both the horizontal and vertical slips on the segment remain consistent over a distance of ~100 km. It means that no slip gradient as previously suggested occurred along the Maqu segment, and which thus might behave as an independent seismogenic fault. Judging from multiple relationships among young terrace offsets, we infer that co-seismic surface rupture produced by a characteristic earthquake with a magnitude of Ms7.0–7.5 on the Maqu fault could generate a horizontal slip of 4.5–5 m and a vertical slip of 0.45–0.5 m, with a corresponding ratio(Dh/Dv) of about 9. Two surface rupture events must have occurred over the past 3300 years, the latest one possibly between 1485 cal BP and 1730 cal BP.  相似文献   

Fault‐bend folding is the most commonly used kinematic mechanism to interpret the architecture and evolution of thrust‐related anticlines in thrust wedges. However, its basic requirement of an instantaneous propagation of the entire fault before hangingwall deformation, limits its kinematic effectiveness. To overcome this limitation, we used the interdependence between fold shape and fault slip vs. propagation rate (S/P ratio) implemented in double‐edge fault‐propagation folding. We show that very small S/P values produce fault‐propagation anticlines that, when transported forelandward along an upper décollement layer, closely resemble fault‐bend anticlines. Accordingly, if small geometric discrepancies between the two solutions are accepted, transported double‐edge fault‐propagation provides an effective kinematic alternative to fault‐bend folding. Even at very low S/P values, it in fact predicts a fast but finite propagation rate of the fault. We thus propose that double‐edge fault‐propagation folding provides a broadly applicable model of fault‐related folding that includes fault‐bend folding as an end‐member kinematic solution. Terra Nova, 18, 270–275, 2006  相似文献   

We use three‐dimensional mechanical modelling with fault as Coulomb‐type frictional surface to explore the active deformation of the Xianshuihe–Xiaojiang fault system in south‐eastern Tibet. Crustal rheology is simplified as an elastoplastic upper crust and a viscoelastic lower crust. Far‐field GPS velocities and Quaternary fault slip rates are used to constrain the model results. Numerical experiments show that effective fault friction lower than ∼0.1–0.08 leads to a high slip rate that fits well with geological estimates of the slip rate on the fault system. Associating with the modelled fault slip rate, strain in the surrounding crust distributes broadly, and is partitioned into strike–slip and thrust senses. This means that in the Indian‐Eurasia convergence, accommodation of the large fraction of sinistral motion on the fault system is achieved mainly due to its lower fault friction. This in turn affects crustal deformation around the south‐eastern Tibetan margin, resulting in negligible compression across the Longmen Shan.  相似文献   

Estimating the timing of faulting is crucial to modelling tectonics, palaeoseismicity, landscape evolution and fault mechanics. Four slickenfibre calcite samples from a conjugate strike‐slip fault set in a platformal limestone, SE Sweden, were dated using U–Pb. Three of the samples yielded an average age of 64.8 ± 6.5 Ma, while the fourth yielded a marginally younger age of 54.7 ± 5.5 Ma. Precipitation of the fibres is interpreted as syn‐deformational. Age uncertainty and dispersion reflect incorporation of common Pb and tiny host‐rock components into the dated calcite and/or possible fault reactivation through ca. 55 Ma. We infer from crystal characteristics, stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C) and rare‐earth elements that fibres formed in an environment rich in deep‐seated fluids, at temperatures of 40–200°C, with shear stresses exceeding 10 MPa and at a maximum burial depth of c. 4 km. This Palaeocene faulting may reflect far‐field stresses from shortening in the Alps.  相似文献   

To precisely determine the abundances of fifty‐two elements found within natural water samples, with mass fractions down to fg g?1 level, we have developed a method which combines freeze‐drying pre‐concentration (FDC) and isotope dilution internal standardisation (ID‐IS). By sublimation of H2O, the sample solution was reduced to < 1/50 of the original volume. To determine element abundance with accuracy better than 10%, we found that for solutions being analysed by mass spectrometry the HNO3 concentration should be > 0.3 mol l?1 to avoid hydrolysis. Matrix‐affected signal suppression was not significant for the solutions with NaCl concentrations lower than 0.2 and 0.1 cg g?1 for quadrupole ICP‐MS and sector field ICP‐MS, respectively. The recovery yields of elements after FDC were 97–105%. The detection limits for the sample solutions prepared by FDC were ≤ 10 pg g?1, except for Na, K and Ca. Blanks prepared using FDC were at pg‐levels, except for eleven elements (Na, Mg, Al, P, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn). The abundances of fifty‐two elements in bottled drinking water were determined from five different geological sources with mass fractions ranging from the fg g?1 to μg g?1 level with high accuracy.  相似文献   

元谋断裂晚第四纪活动特征及其构造应力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用冲沟、山脊等断错构造地貌的卫星遥感图像解析,结合野外构造地貌观测以及断层露头剖面的研究,详细分析了元谋断裂一平浪-江边段的晚第四纪活动特征。研究结果表明,元谋断裂一平浪-江边段在晚更新世末期-全新世以左旋走滑活动为主,兼有一定正断层分量,其晚第四纪走滑速率大致为 0.45~2.60mm/a,其中一平浪-大龙潭一带,水平滑动速率约2.00mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.07mm/a;   木莲旧-秧田井一带,水平滑动速率接近0.53mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.06mm/a;   乐胜古-江边一带,水平滑动速率接近1.42mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.04mm/a。同时表明,断裂表现出至少两期明显活动的分段性特征:  较早期活动时间大致为 50.87±4.32~53.23±5.89kaB.P.,为一平浪-秧田井段的最新活动时间,且一平浪-江边整段均活动;   在秧田井-江边段,断裂最新活动时间应晚于17.92±1.52kaB.P.。2008年8月30日的攀枝花61级地震的震源机制解也显示出与元谋断裂晚第四纪左旋走滑的活动特征一致。  相似文献   

The Oligocene to Present Wrangell Volcanic Belt (WVB) extends for ~500 km across south‐central Alaska (USA) into Canada at a volcanic arc‐transform junction. Previously, geochemistry documented mantle wedge and slab‐edge melting in <12 Ma WVB volcanic rocks; new geochemistry shows that the same processes characterized ~18–30 Ma WVB magmatism in Alaska. New 40Ar/39Ar ages demonstrate that WVB magmatism in Alaska initiated at ~30 Ma due to flat‐slab subduction of the Yakutat microplate and that the dextral Totschunda fault was active at this time. Our results, together with prior studies, show that Alaskan WVB magmatism occurred chiefly due to subduction and should be considered a volcanic arc (e.g. the Wrangell Arc). The WVB provides a long‐term geological record of subduction, strike‐slip and magmatism. Slab‐edge upwelling, flat‐slab defocused fluid‐flux and faults acting as magma conduits are likely responsible for the exceptionally large volcanoes and high eruption rates of the Wrangell Arc.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of the kinematics of the active faults distributed around the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is critical to understand current tectonic processes of the plateau. Chronological analysis, based on the comparison among regional climate and geomorphology, digital photogrammetry, offset landforms, and the tectonics were adopted in this study on the Xianshuihe fault in the eastern Tibetan plateau. Two or more offset-age data were obtained for each segment of the Xianshuihe and the Yunongxi faults. The offset landforms, including river terrace, alluvial fan and glacial moraine, provide constraints for the late Quaternary slip rate of the Xianshuihe fault. The left-lateral strike slip rate of the Xianshuihe fault decreases from 17 mm/a on the northwest segment to 9.3 mm/a on the southeast segment. Regarding the Xianshuihe fault zone and its adjacent blocks as a regional tectonic system, vector analysis was used to quantitatively analyze the longitudinal kinematical transformation and transversal slip partitioning on the fault zone in terms of the kinematical parameters of the main faults within the zone. The results show that there is a distributed vertical uplift at a rate of 6.1 mm/yr caused by shortening across the Gongga Mountains region. Based on these results, we established a model of the slip partitioning for the southeastern segment of the Xianshuihe fault zone.  相似文献   

Yu Wang 《地学学报》2006,18(6):423-431
In eastern China, the Dabie Shan–Su–Lu orogenic belt has been separated by the Tan–Lu sinistral strike–slip fault. Mylonites are exposed along the strike–slip fault system in the southern segment, and along the eastern margin of the Dabie Shan orogenic belt. The country rocks of the mylonites are retrograde UHP eclogites, gneissic granites, muscovite granites and gneisses. The ductile strike–slip shear zone trends 30–40°N (NE30–40°‐trending) and exhibits stretching lineations and nearly vertical, SE‐dipping foliations. Most of the zircon grains separated from mylonites have a weighted average radiometric age of 233 ± 6–225 ± 6 Myr. These data constrain the onset of the Tan–Lu sinistral strike–slip movement and imply that the Tan–Lu sinistral strike–slip motion developed after retrograde UHP metamorphism. The related phengite within the eclogite rocks on the western side of the Tan–Lu fault, with 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of c. 182–190 Myr, is also deformed and aligned parallel to the almost NE trending stretching lineations. Non‐metamorphosed granites exhibit sinistral strike–slip shearing and indicate that the Tan–Lu fault initially developed after 182–190 Myr. Muscovite collected from the mylonite yields 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 162 ± 1–156 ± 2 Myr. The zircon SHRIMP age data, the muscovite 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages, together with structural and petrological field information support the interpretation that the Tan–Lu strike–slip fault was not related to the Yangtze–north China plates collision, but corresponded to the formation of a NE‐trending tectonic framework in eastern China starting c. 165–160 Ma.  相似文献   

We investigate spatial clustering of 2414 aftershocks along the Izmit Mw = 7.4 August 17, 1999 earthquake rupture zone. 25 days prior to the Düzce earthquake Mw = 7.2 (November 12, 1999), we analyze two spatial clusters, namely Sakarya (SC) and Karadere–Düzce (KDC). We determine the earthquake frequency–magnitude distribution (b-value) for both clusters. We find two high b-value zones in SC and one high b-value zone in KDC which are in agreement with large coseismic surface displacements along the Izmit rupture. The b-values are significantly lower at the eastern end of the Izmit rupture where the Düzce mainshock occurred. These low b-values at depth are correlated with low postseismic slip rate and positive Coloumb stress change along KDC. Since low b-values are hypothesized with high stress levels, we propose that at the depth of the Düzce hypocenter (12.5 km), earthquakes are triggered at higher stresses compared to shallower crustal earthquake. The decrease in b-value from the Karadere segment towards the Düzce Basin supports this low b-value high stress hypothesis at the eastern end of the Izmit rupture. Consequently, we detect three asperity regions which are correlated with high b-value zones along the Izmit rupture. According to aftershock distribution the half of the Düzce fault segment was active before the 12 November 1999 Düzce mainshock. This part is correlated with low b-values which mean high stress concentration in the Düzce Basin. This high density aftershock activity presumably helped to trigger the Düzce event (Mw = 7.2) after the Izmit Mw 7.4 mainshock.  相似文献   

Zircon crystals in the age range of ca. 10–300 ka can be dated by 230Th/238U (U‐Th) disequilibrium methods because of the strong fractionation between Th and U during crystallisation of zircon from melts. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) analysis of nine commonly used reference zircons (at secular equilibrium) and a synthetic zircon indicates that corrections for abundance sensitivity and dizirconium trioxide molecular ions (Zr2O3+) are critical for reliable determination of 230Th abundances in zircon. When corrected for abundance sensitivity and interferences, mean activity ratios of (230Th)/(238U) for nine reference zircons analysed on five different days averaged 0.995 ± 0.023 (95% confidence weighted by data‐point uncertainty only, MSWD = 1.6; = 9), consistent with their U‐Pb ages > 4 Ma that imply equilibrium for all intermediate daughter isotopes (including 230Th) within the 238U decay chain. U‐Th zircon ages generated by LA‐ICP‐MS without mitigating (e.g., by high mass resolution) or correcting for abundance sensitivity and molecular interferences on 230Th are potentially unreliable. To validate the applicability of LA‐ICP‐MS to this dating method, we acquired data from three late Quaternary volcanic units: the 41 ka Campanian Ignimbrite (plutonic clasts), the 161 ka Kos Plateau Tuff (juvenile clasts) and the 12 ka Puy de Dôme trachyte lava (all eruption ages by Ar/Ar, with zircon U‐Th ages being of equal or slightly older). A comparison of the corrected LA‐ICP‐MS results with previously published secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) data for these rocks shows comparable ages with equivalent precision for LA‐ICP‐MS and SIMS, but much shorter analysis durations (~ 2 min vs. ~ 15 min) per spot with LA‐ICP‐MS and much simpler sample preparation. Previously undated zircons from the Yali eruption (Kos‐Nisyros volcanic centre, Greece) were analysed using this method. This yielded a large age spread (~ 45 to > 300 ka), suggesting significant antecryst recycling. The youngest zircon age (~ 45 ± 10 ka) provides a reasonable maximum estimate for the eruption age, in agreement with the previously published age using oxygen isotope stratigraphy (~ 31 ka).  相似文献   

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