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西藏拉屋铜多金属矿床产于冈底斯构造岩浆成矿带的申扎—旁多铜-银-铅-锌-金成矿亚带内。分别对干矽卡岩阶段(Ⅰ)的石榴石、早期硫化物阶段(Ⅲ)的石英和晚期硫化物阶段(Ⅳ)的方解石中的流体包裹体进行岩相学观察和显微测温研究,研究表明成矿各阶段热液矿物中的流体包裹体主要为气液水两相包裹体,其次为纯液相水包裹体,偶见气液两相甲烷包裹体,石英中也有大量的含NaCl子矿物多相包裹体,其均一温度变化于95~476℃之间,盐度介于1.57%~37.33%,密度变化于0.68~1.23 g/cm3,总体属中-高温、中-高盐度、中等密度的体系;据此计算的成矿压力范围为24.63~133.61 MPa,成矿深度介于2.46~9.64 km,表明该矿床形成于中深成矿环境。不同成矿阶段流体包裹体研究数据表明,该矿床的成矿作用是一个温度、盐度和压力总体显著降低(减小)、密度略渐增大的过程。氢、氧同位素研究表明,成矿流体在主成矿阶段主要为初始混合岩浆水,随着成矿作用进行,大气降水大量加入,到晚期阶段成矿流体逐渐演化成大气降水。成矿流体在Ⅲ阶段(主成矿阶段)发生了沸腾作用,导致成矿元素沉淀形成矿体。因此认为沸腾作用可能是该矿床金属沉淀的主要机制。  相似文献   

邹平王家庄铜矿床成矿地球化学及成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王家庄铜矿床的矿化脉石英中流体包裹体均一温度介于116 ~ 566 ℃之间,均值为 289 ℃;盐度介于7.2%~63.2% NaCleq,均值为21.1% NaCleq。流体的气相成分主要为H2O和CO2。在均一温度为240 ~ 440 ℃区间内,出现了富气相的两相水溶液包裹体、富液相的两相水溶液包裹体和含子晶的三相水溶液包裹体共存现象,以及加温后富气相包裹体均一到气相和同期富液相包裹体均一到液相的特征,表明成矿流体曾发生过沸腾作用;其中第一次发生于360 ~ 400 ℃,主要形成高温、高盐度含子晶的三相水溶液包裹体和高温、中盐度富液相的两相水溶液包裹体及高温、低盐度富气相的两相水溶液包裹体;第二次发生于240 ~ 320 ℃,主要形成高—中温、高盐度的含子晶的三相水溶液包裹体和高—中温、中盐度富液相的两相水溶液包裹体及高—中温、低盐度富气相的两相水溶液包裹体;之后主要形成富液相的两相水溶液包裹体,具有中低温和中盐度的特征。矿化脉石英中的δ18OH2O介于-1.14‰ ~ 1.79‰之间,均值为0.94‰;δD介于-63.70‰ ~ -56.50‰之间,均值为-59.8‰;说明王家庄铜矿床的成矿流体主要来源于岩浆,后期混入大气降水。矿石矿物的δ34S变化于-8.80‰ ~ -2.80‰之间,均值为-6.33‰。矿石矿物的n(206Pb)/n(204Pb)介于18.1684 ~ 18.3637之间,均值为18.2892;n(207Pb)/n(204Pb)介于155546 ~ 156342之间,均值为155777;n(208Pb)/n(204Pb)介于38.1286 ~ 38.4840之间,均值为38.2780。说明矿石具有贫重硫和富放射性成因铅的特征,硫、铅主要来源于深部,后期可能受到地壳物质或大气降水的混染。  相似文献   

"三九"地区三江口铀矿床为华南花岗岩地区典型的中低温热液型铀矿床,其大地构造位置处于诸广山南北向构造带与诸广-万洋山华夏复式断隆带的复合部位,定位于遂川-热水断裂、上堡断裂、塘湾断裂和四方坪断裂所构成的三角形构造地块内。该矿床的含矿流体包裹体特征研究表明,其成矿期脉体形成时的氧逸度高于矿前期,且成矿期脉体含有较多的沸腾包裹体。矿床的稀土元素特征表明,北部九龙江地段铀矿(化)体为弱酸性环境下的成矿作用产物;南部石壁窝地段铀矿(化)体为弱碱性环境下的产物。岩(矿)石同位素特征表明,铀成矿物质来源具有壳幔源混合特点;水源主要来自于大气降水,部分来源于岩浆水。铀成矿过程主要经历了构造-岩浆演化、含矿流体形成及运移、矿质沸腾沉淀和蚀变交代叠加4个阶段。矿床的成矿模式属于"加气(ΣCO2)去气(ΣCO2)成矿"模式范畴。  相似文献   

The Jinman Cu polymetallic deposit is located within Middle Jurassic sandstone and slate units in the Lanping Basin of southwestern China. The Cu mineralization occurs mainly as sulfide‐bearing quartz–carbonate veins in faults and fractures, controlled by a Cenozoic thrust–nappe system. A detailed study of fluid inclusions from the Jinman deposit distinguishes three types of fluid inclusions in syn‐ore quartz and post‐ore calcite: aqueous water (type A), CO2–H2O (type B), and CO2‐dominated (type C) fluid inclusions. The homogenization temperatures of CO2–H2O inclusions vary from 208°C to 329°C, with corresponding salinities from 0.6 to 4.6 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The homogenization temperatures of the aqueous fluid inclusions mainly range from 164°C to 249°C, with salinities from 7.2 to 20.2 wt.% NaCl equivalent. These characteristics of fluid inclusions are significantly different from those of basinal mineralization systems, but similar to those of orogenic or magmatic mineralization systems. The H and O isotope compositions suggest that the ore‐forming fluid is predominantly derived from magmatic water, with the participation of basinal brine. The δ34S values are widely variable between ?9.7 ‰ and 9.7 ‰, with a mode distribution around zero, which may be interpreted by the variation in physico‐chemical conditions or by compositional variation of the sources. The mixing of a deeply sourced CO2‐rich fluid with basinal brine was the key mechanism responsible for the mineralization of the Jinman deposit.  相似文献   

The Darreh‐Zereshk (DZ) and Ali‐Abad (AB) porphyry copper deposits are located in southwest of the Yazd city, central Iran. These deposits occur in granitoid intrusions, ranging in composition from quartz monzodiorite through granodiorite to granite. The ore‐hosting intrusions exhibit intense hydrofracturing that lead to the formation of quartz‐sulfide veinlets. Fluid inclusions in hydrothermal quartz in these deposits are classified as a mono‐phase vapor type (Type I), liquid‐rich two phase (liquid + vapor) type (Type IIA), vapor‐rich two phase (vapor + liquid) type (Type IIB), and multi‐phase (liquid + vapor + halite + sylvite + hematite + chalcopyrite and pyrite) type (Types III). Homogenization temperatures (Th) and salinity data are presented for fluid inclusions from hydrothermal quartz veinlets associated with potassic alteration and other varieties of hypogene mineralization. Ore precipitation occurred between 150° to >600°C from low to very high salinity (1.1–73.9 wt% NaCl equivalent) aqueous fluids. Two stages of hydrothermal activity characterized are recognized; one which shows relatively high Th and lower salinity fluid (Type IIIa; Th(L‐V) > Tm(NaCl)); and one which shows lower Th and higher salinity (Type IIIb; Th(L‐V) < Tm(NaCl)). The high Th(L‐V) and salinities of Type IIIa inclusions are interpreted to represent the initial existence of a dense fluid of magmatic origin. The coexistence of Type IIIb, Type I and Type IIB fluid inclusions suggest that these inclusions resulted either from trapping of boiling fluids and/or represent two immiscible fluids. These processes probably occurred as the result of pressure fluctuations from lithostatic to hydrostatic conditions under a pressure of 200 to 300 bar. Dilution of these early fluids by meteoritic water resulted in lower temperatures and low to moderate salinity (<20 wt% NaCl equiv.) fluids (Type IIA). Fluid inclusion analysis reveals that the hydrothermal fluid, which formed mineralized quartz veinlets in the rocks with potassic alteration, had temperatures of ~500°C and salinity ~50 wt% NaCl equiv. Cryogenic SEM‐EDS analyses of frozen and decrepitated ore‐bearing fluids trapped in the inclusions indicate the fluids were dominated with NaCl, and KCl with minor CaCl2.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous Sabzevar ophiolite represents one of the largest and most complete fragments of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere in the NE Iran. It is mainly composed of serpentinized mantle peridotites slices; nonetheless, minor tectonic slices of all crustal sequence constituents are observed in this ophiolite. The crustal sequence contains a well-developed ultramafic and mafic cumulates section, comprising plagioclase-bearing wehrlite, olivine clinopyroxenite, olivine gabbronorite, gabbronorite, amphibole gabbronorite and quartz gabbronorite with adcumulate, mesocumulate, heteradcumulate and orthocumulate textures. The crystallization order for these rocks is olivine ​± ​chromian spinel → clinopyroxene → plagioclase → orthopyroxene → amphibole. The presence of primary magmatic amphiboles in the cumulate rocks shows that the parent magma evolved under hydrous conditions. Geochemically, the studied rock units are characterized by low TiO2 (0.18–0.57 ​wt.%), P2O5 (<0.05 ​wt.%), K2O (0.01–0.51 ​wt.%) and total alkali contents (0.12–3.04 ​wt.%). They indicate fractionated trends in the chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) plots and multi-element diagrams (spider diagrams). The general trend of the spider diagrams exhibit slight enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) relative to high field strength elements (HFSEs) and positive anomalies in Sr, Pb and Eu and negative anomalies in Zr and Nb relative to the adjacent elements. The REE plots of these rocks display increasing trend from La to Sm, positive Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu1 ​= ​1.06–1.54) and an almost flat pattern from medium REE (MREE) to heavy REE (HREE) region [(Gd/Yb)N ​= ​1–1.17]. Moreover, clinopyroxenes from the cumulate rocks have low REE contents and show marked depletion in light REE (LREE) compared to MREE and HREE [(La/Sm)N ​= ​0.10–0.27 and (La/Yb)N ​= ​0.08–0.22]. The composition of calculated melts in equilibrium with the clinopyroxenes from less evolved cumulate samples are closely similar to island arc tholeiitic (IAT) magmas. Modal mineralogy, geochemical features and REE modeling indicate that Sabzevar cumulate rocks were formed by crystal accumulation from a hydrous depleted basaltic melt with IAT affinity. This melt has been produced by moderate to high degree (~15%) of partial melting a depleted mantle source, which partially underwent metasomatic enrichment from subducted slab components in an intra-oceanic arc setting.  相似文献   

阿日特克山铜钼矿床位于柴北缘中北段,为近年来新发现的隐伏斑岩型矿床,矿体产出于海西晚期—印支期花岗闪长(斑)岩和古元古代达肯大坂岩群接触部位。为探讨该矿床成矿流体特征和成矿机制,本文对矿床野外地质特征、流体包裹体及稳定同位素组成进行了系统的研究。根据不同类型矿脉之间的相互关系,可将热液成矿期次划分为成矿早期石英阶段、成矿期辉钼矿-多金属硫化物-石英阶段和成矿晚期石英-方解石阶段。流体包裹体岩相学研究表明,阿日特克山铜钼矿床流体包裹体以Ⅰ型(富液相L+V两相水溶液包裹体)、Ⅱ型(富气相L+V两相水溶液包裹体)和Ⅲ型(含子矿物三相水溶液包裹体)为主。显微测温及包裹体拉曼光谱分析结果显示,成矿流体体系为中高温、中低盐度、中高密度的NaCl-H2O体系,至成矿晚期,流体性质变化为低温、低盐度、高密度流体,矿床形成深度为0.40~4.00 km。氢氧同位素分析测试结果显示,δDV-SMOW值为-92.9‰~-78.4‰,δ18OH2O值为-7.4‰~2.0‰,表明成矿流体以混合流体为主,随着成矿流体的演化,有更多的大气降水不断混入。矿石中金属硫化物δ34S值处于9.4‰~11.7‰之间,平均值为10.2‰,表现出明显的地层硫特征,为岩浆热液与围岩地层相互作用所致。综上认为,阿日特克山铜钼矿床为矽卡岩型-斑岩型矿床,形成于海西晚期—印支期俯冲碰撞构造环境,混合成矿流体强烈的不混溶作用为斑岩型铜钼矿床形成的主要机制。  相似文献   

The Yaoling tungsten deposit is a typical wolframite quartz vein‐type tungsten deposit in the South China metallogenic province. The wolframite‐bearing quartz veins mainly occur in Cambrian to Ordovician host rocks or in Mesozoic granitic rocks and are controlled by the west‐north‐west trending extensional faults. The ore mineralization mainly comprises wolframite and variable amounts of molybdenite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, fluorite, and tourmaline. Hydrothermal alteration is well developed at the Yaoling tungsten deposit, including greisenization, silicification, fluoritization, and tourmalinization. Three types of primary/pseudosecondary fluid inclusions have been identified in vein quartz, which is intimately intergrown with wolframite. These include two‐phase liquid‐rich aqueous inclusions (type I), two‐ or three‐phase CO2‐rich inclusions (type II), and type III daughter mineral‐bearing multiphase high‐salinity aqueous inclusions. Microthermometric measurements reveal consistent moderate homogenization temperatures (peak values from 200 to 280°C), and low to high salinities (1.3–39 wt % NaCl equiv.) for the type I, type II, and type III inclusions, where the CO2‐rich type II inclusions display trace amounts of CH4 and N2. The ore‐forming fluids are far more saline than those of other tungsten deposits reported in South China. The estimated maximum trapping pressure of the ore‐forming fluids is about 1230–1760 bar, corresponding to a lithostatic depth of 4.0–5.8 km. The δDH2O isotopic compositions of the inclusion fluid ranges from ?66.7 to ?47.8‰, with δ18OH2O values between 1.63 and 4.17‰, δ13C values of ?6.5–0.8‰, and δ34S values between ?1.98 and 1.92‰, with an average of ?0.07‰. The stable isotope data imply that the ore‐forming fluids of the Yaoling tungsten deposit were mainly derived from crustal magmatic fluids with some involvement of meteoric water. Fluid immiscibility and fluid–rock interaction are thought to have been the main mechanisms for tungsten precipitation at Yaoling.  相似文献   

The Pb–Zn deposit at Jebel Ghozlane, in the Nappe zone (northern Tunisia), is hosted by Triassic dolostones and Eocene limestones and is located along faults and a thrust‐sheet boundary. The sulfide mineralization of the deposit consists mainly of galena and sphalerite and occurs as vein, stockwork, breccia, dissemination and replacement ores. Three hydrothermal stages are involved in the formation of the ores: stage I is dominated by celestite‐barite, hydrothermal dolomite DII, colloform sphalerite, and galena I; stage II consist of galena II; and stage III contains calcite. Galena in the deposit yielded average 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 18.705, 15.667 and 38.734, respectively, suggesting a single upper crustal source reservoir for metals. Trace element data indicate the presence of Zn‐ and As‐free galena and As‐rich galena (with 0.2–0.5% As). Sphalerite contains 0.4% As, 0.7–0.9% Cd and 0.1–1.5% Fe. Microthermometric analysis of fluid inclusions in celestite shows that the deposit formed from fluids composed of heterogeneous mixtures of saline (19.5 ± 1 wt% NaCl eq.) aqueous solutions sourced from basinal brines, and gaseous CO2‐rich phases bearing low amounts of CH4, N2 and/or H2S, at temperatures of 172 ± 5°C.  相似文献   

东川铜矿床是我国重要的沉积岩容矿的层状铜矿床(SSC),具有显著的多层位成矿特征和典型的铜硫化物分带。本研究以不同层位铜矿体的流体包裹体为研究对象,通过岩相学观察、显微测温和激光拉曼成分分析,发现东川群多层位铜矿体存在浅色和深色包裹体2种类型:浅色包裹体成分以H2O为主,含丰富的石盐子晶和少量钾盐、硬石膏子晶,代表了氧化型含矿卤水,具中低温(140~300 ℃)、中高盐度(12%~44%)的特征,属于Na +、K +、Ca 2+-Cl -(SO4 2-)型盆地卤水,主要来源于海相蒸发岩的溶解和层间建造水;深色的含有机质包裹体代表了还原型流体,来源于黑山组碳质板岩和落雪组中的藻类生物分解。东川铜矿床以落雪组的含叠层石砂质白云岩作为主要沉淀系统,黑山组碳质板岩为隔挡层,形成一个流体封闭的物理化学圈闭,氧化含矿卤水通过供给系统运移到具还原性质的沉淀系统中,与还原型富硫流体和含有机质的地层发生混合反应,形成多层位的层状铜矿体和层控脉状铜矿体。  相似文献   

东胜铀矿流体包裹体同位素组成与成矿流体来源研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
东胜铀矿与典型的层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿床特征明显不同。矿物流体包裹体分析表明东胜铀矿成矿流体温度主要为150~160℃。流体包裹体的3He/4He值为0.02~1.00R/Ra,是地壳比值的5~40倍,其40Ar/36Ar同位素比值高达584~1243,明显偏离大气氩的同位素组成(40Ar/36Ar=295.5)。流体包裹体的δ18OH2O在-3.0‰~-8.75‰之间,δD在-55.8‰~-71.3‰之间,具有大气降水与岩浆水混合流体的特点。铀矿底板高岭石δ18OH2O为6.1‰,δD为-77‰,具有岩浆水的特点。铀矿方解石脉的δ13CV-PDB为-8.0‰,δ18OH2O为5.76‰,显示出地幔来源的特征。东胜铀矿成矿流体He-Ar同位素和碳、氢和氧同位素组成特征一致表明,成矿流体具有地壳与深部混合流体的特征。结合区域地质分析认为,侏罗—白垩纪鄂尔多斯盆地北部隆起区大面积分布的富铀变质岩和花岗岩遭受风化剥蚀,被大气降水搬运到当时地貌较低的东胜地区沉积。中生代鄂尔多斯盆地构造热事件和岩浆活动,促使地下深部流体和浅部油气沿断裂带和活化的裂隙上涌,充注到含铀碎屑砂岩中,为铀的活化和成矿作用提供了重要的能量。  相似文献   

东胜砂岩型铀矿床低温热液流体的证据及意义   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
东胜地区砂岩型铀矿床是近年来发现的大型砂岩型铀矿床。笔者首次发现了低温热液流体成矿作用的证据:矿体中有后生的钛铀矿和锐钛矿组合。矿石流体包裹体均一温度为58~176℃,平均114.9℃。研究表明,鄂尔多斯盆地在中晚侏罗世-白垩纪发生过显著的构造热事件,造成砂岩型铀矿含矿层之下产生大量的微裂隙与裂隙带的出现,导致下部热液流体向上运移。低温热液流体的成矿作用是形成东胜铀矿床的重要因素。  相似文献   

The Chitudian Zn‐Pb ore deposit, Luanchuan, Henan province, was recently discovered in the southern margin of the North China Craton. The Zn‐Pb orebodies are hosted in the Proterozoic Guandaokou and Luanchuan Groups, occurring as veins in interbedding fracture zones mainly in a WNW‐ and partially in a NS‐direction. The Zn‐Pb ores are characterized by banded, massive, and breccia structures, coarse crystal grains, and a simple mineral composition mainly of galena, sphalerite, pyrite, quartz, dolomite, and calcite. In addition to the vein type orebodies, there are Mo‐ and Zn‐bearing skarn orebodies in the northwest of the Chitudian ore field. Four types of primary fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite were recognized in the Chitudian Zn‐Pb ores, including aqueous, aqueous‐CO2, daughter‐mineral‐bearing aqueous, and daughter‐mineral‐bearing aqueous‐CO2 inclusions, with aqueous inclusion being most common. The homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions from the main mineralization stage are from 290°C to 340°C, and the salinities mainly from 3.7 to 14.8 wt% NaCl equivalent. In addition to CO2, CH4 and H2S were detected in the vapor phase and HS in the liquid phase of the fluid inclusions by Laser Raman spectroscopy. The δ34SV‐CDT values of ore sulfides from the Chitudian deposit range from ?0.32‰ to 8.30‰, and show two modal peaks in the histogram, one from 1‰ to 4‰, and the other from 5‰ to 7‰. The former peak is similar to that of porphyry‐type Mo‐W deposits in the area, whereas the latter is relatively close to the sulfur in the strata. The ore sulfur may have been derived from both the magma and the strata. The Pb‐isotopic compositions of the ore minerals from Chitudian, with 206Pb/204Pb from 17.005 to l7.953, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.414 to 15.587, and 208Pb/204Pb from 37.948 to 39.036, are similar to those of Mesozoic porphyries in the Chitudian ore field, suggesting that the ore‐forming metals were mainly derived from the Mesozoic magmatic intrusions. The Chitudian Zn‐Pb deposit is interpreted to be a distal hydrothermal vein‐type deposit, which was genetically related to the proximal, skarn‐type Mo ore deposits in the region.  相似文献   

新疆博乐喇嘛苏铜矿床地质特征和成因研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
杨军臣  崔彬 《地质论评》1998,44(1):23-30
喇嘛苏铜矿床矿区地层铜背景为含量偏低,但矿区岩浆岩含铜较高,“I”型花岗岩类,成矿阶段划分为3个阶段,石英-氧化物阶段,硫化物阶段,晚期石英-硫化物阶段,硫,铅同位素证据表明,成矿物质主要来源于矿区岩浆岩,氢氧同位素证据表明在氧化物阶段成矿热液主要为岩浆水,硫化物阶段则已是大气降水与岩浆水的混合热液,结合黄铁矿的富硫特征,进一步论证喇嘛苏铜矿床典型夕卡岩型铜矿,并探讨其厚大似层状贫铜矿体内的富铜矿  相似文献   

徐启东  李建威 《矿床地质》2003,22(4):365-376
滇西兰坪盆地北部发育了一类受逆冲推覆构造控制的浅成热液Cu—Ag—Pb-Zn矿化,形成了白秧坪、富隆厂、吴底厂、麻栗坪及金满、科登涧等大-中型矿床和矿点,并存在矿化分带。文章利用这些矿化脉体的流体包裹体和热液方解石的碳氧同位素组成资料,研究成矿流体与矿化分带的关系。结果表明,成矿流体主要属于NaCl-H2O成分体系,盐度ω(NaCleq)为2%~11%,形成温度为170~300℃,形成于1.8~3.8km深度内,这些相似性说明这类矿化的发生具有相似的流体性质和沉淀机制。热液方解石在δ^13C-δ^18O图解中呈近水平线展布的型式,指示流体源自地壳浅部的地下水系统,与海相灰岩等围岩作用形成了溶解碳以[HCO3^]-为主的成矿流体,流体与岩石的相互作用可能是成矿流体沉淀的主要机理。从西到东,流体包裹体的盐度-温度由高到低变化与矿化分带和逆冲推覆构造的根带→中带→锋带相配套,显示重力驱动流动可能是主要的流体流动机制。成矿流体在不同构造部位流动的通畅及流体.岩石系统的封闭-开放程度等流体流动性质与矿化发生的强度和规模有关,兰坪北部逆冲推覆构造中带的流体通畅地流动及沉淀时处于相对开放状态,有利于该区形成较大规模的浅成热液多金属矿化。  相似文献   

三官庙金矿床位于秦岭造山带南秦岭北部逆冲推覆构造带内,为断裂构造控矿的热液型矿床.热液成矿期划分为成矿早阶段(S1)、主阶段(S2)和晚阶段(S3).成矿主阶段流体包裹体的完全均一温度Th为150~420℃,盐度为2.1%~24.1%;成矿晚阶段Th为81~190℃,盐度为5.6%~22.2%.包裹体研究显示,在成矿主...  相似文献   

西藏洞中拉铅锌矿床成矿流体研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
费光春 《地质与勘探》2010,46(4):576-582
洞中拉铅锌矿床是念青唐古拉山地区扎雪-亚贵拉多金属成矿带内新发现的矿床。通过对洞中拉矿床各矿化阶段石英和方解石中的流体包裹体均一温度、压力、深度、盐度、密度和流体包裹体成分等诸多方面的初步研究表明,洞中拉铅锌矿床成矿流体属中低温(106.80℃~296.70℃)、低等盐度(0.88~5.86wt%NaCleq)、中低等密度流体(0.83~0.95g/cm3)、属Cl-SO42-K+-Na+型水化学类型,成矿环境为低压(26.47~67.03MPa)浅成环境(0.96~2.44km)。流体包裹体气相成分以H2O为主,次为CO2;液相组分中,阳离子以Na+和K+为主,阴离子以SO24-和Cl-为主。流体包裹体H和O同位素,流体包裹体成分N2-Ar-He图解和离子比值研究表明,成矿流体可能主要来源于大气降水。  相似文献   

The Aghbolaq skarn deposit is located in the Urumieh-Golpayegan plutonic belt,NW Iran.The garnetite skarn(stage I) has been intensely cross-cut by the magnetite-garnet skarn (stage II) which were,in turn,cut and offset by the orehosting quartz veins/veinlets (stage III).The predominance of andradite (Adr_(82.5–89.1)) and its high Fe~(3+)/Al ratio (up to 1685)apparently supports the high f O_2,salinity and prevalence of magmatic/hydrothermal fluids involved,rather than meteoric waters,during the magnetite-garnet skarn formation.Two major groups of fluid inclusions,namely aqueous (LV,LVS) and aqueous–carbonic (LV_C,LL_CV_C),were recognized in garnet and quartz veins that,especially in growth zones and along intra-granular trails,better display fluid inclusion assemblages (FIAs) than those in clusters.The prograde magnetite-garnet skarn was formed by the metasomatic fluid at relatively high T_h (209–374℃),under a lithostatic pressure of~200 bars.The retrograde mineralized quartz veins were formed at temperatures ranging from 124℃to 256℃,by dilute and less saline(2.57–11.93 wt%Na Cl eq.) hydrothermal fluids under a hydrostatic pressure of~80 bars.The fluid evolution of the Aghbolaq skarn began with an earlier simple cooling of metasomatic fluid during the prograde stage,followed by the later influx of low salinity meteoric fluids during the retrograde stage.  相似文献   

The Archean mafic–ultramafic complex of Lac des Iles, Ontario, Canada, hosts economic platinum group elements (PGE)-Au-Cu-Ni mineralization in the Roby Zone. All lithologies in the North Roby Zone have been affected by hydrothermal alteration. The alteration products include talc (the most dominant mineral), anthophyllite, serpentine, actinolite, tremolite, chlorite, hornblende, zoisite, clinozoisite, epidote and sericite. In the altered rocks, light rare earth elements (La, Ce, Nd, Sm), Pb, Rb, Ba, Cs, S and possibly Y have been added by hydrothermal solution whereas Eu and heavy rare earth elements (Yb, Gd, Dy, Er) remained immobile. There are five types of fluid inclusions in the pegmatitic plagioclase with homogenization temperature and salinity ranging from 240°C to 445°C and 15.37 to 48.52 wt% equivalent NaCl, respectively. The δ18O and δD of talc range form 6.2‰ to 6.9‰ and −28‰ to −48‰, respectively. δ18O and δD water in equilibrium with talc during the hydrothermal alteration suggest a modified source for the hydrothermal solution. Microthermometry and stable isotope studies suggest that high temperature–high salinity fluid was diluted by, and mixed with, low temperature–low salinity meteoric solution. This mechanism precipitated the hydrothermal assemblage and redistributed trace elements during and after pegmatite formation in the North Ruby Zone.  相似文献   

大井铜-锡多金属矿床成矿作用与岩浆流体的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
储雪蕾  刘伟 《地质论评》1999,45(7):1166-1172
通过对大井铜锡多金属矿床硫化物的硫同位素和流体包裹体的氢同位素测定,确定了成矿期的流体以大气降水为主,但硫主要来源于深部的岩浆流体。岩浆流体对这类热液脉型矿床的形成起着重要作用, 富硫和其它挥发组分的岩浆流体携带了岩浆中的Cu、Sn等多种成矿金属元素,它与大气降水的混合是造成Sn、Cu和Zn等金属成矿物质逐步沉淀的主要原因  相似文献   

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