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本文从描述流体流动的基本方程出发,推导了地下水在岩体结构面系统中运移的有限元方程,并基于这一方程编制了地下水在岩体中流动的三维数值模拟程序。  相似文献   

Measured concentrations of environmental tracers in spring discharge from a karst aquifer in the Shenandoah Valley, USA, were used to refine a numerical groundwater flow model. The karst aquifer is folded and faulted carbonate bedrock dominated by diffuse flow along fractures. The numerical model represented bedrock structure and discrete features (fault zones and springs). Concentrations of 3H, 3He, 4He, and CFC-113 in spring discharge were interpreted as binary dilutions of young (0–8  years) water and old (tracer-free) water. Simulated mixtures of groundwater are derived from young water flowing along shallow paths, with the addition of old water flowing along deeper paths through the model domain that discharge to springs along fault zones. The simulated median age of young water discharged from springs (5.7  years) is slightly older than the median age estimated from 3H/3He data (4.4  years). The numerical model predicted a fraction of old water in spring discharge (0.07) that was half that determined by the binary-dilution model using the 3H/3He apparent age and 3H and CFC-113 data (0.14). This difference suggests that faults and lineaments are more numerous or extensive than those mapped and included in the numerical model.  相似文献   

Land subsidence and earth fissuring can cause damage in semiarid urbanized valleys where pumping exceeds natural recharge. In places such as Las Vegas Valley (USA), Quaternary faults play an important role in the surface deformation patterns by constraining the migration of land subsidence and creating complex relationships with surface fissures. These fissures typically result from horizontal displacements that occur in zones where extensional stress derived from groundwater flow exceeds the tensile strength of the near-surface sediments. A series of hypothetical numerical models, using the finite-element code ABAQUS and based on the observed conditions of the Eglington Fault zone, were developed. The models reproduced the (1) long-term natural recharge and discharge, (2) heavy pumping and (3) incorporation of artificial recharge that reflects the conditions of Las Vegas Valley. The simulated hydrostratigraphy consists of three aquifers, two aquitards and a relatively dry vadose zone, plus a normal fault zone that reflects the Quaternary Eglington fault. Numerical results suggest that a 100-m-wide fault zone composed of sand-like material produces: (1) conditions most similar to those observed in Las Vegas Valley and (2) the most favorable conditions for the development of fissures to form on the surface adjacent to the fault zone.  相似文献   

Although intense rainfall and localized flooding occurred as Hurricane Isabel tracked inland northwestardly across the Blue Ridge Mountains of central Virginia on September 18–19, 2003, few landslides occurred. However, the hurricane reactivated a dormant landslide along a bluff of an incised alluvial fan along Meadow Run on the western flanks of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Subsequent monitoring showed retrogressive movement involving several landslide blocks for the next several months. Using dendrochronology, aerial photography, and stream discharge records revealed periods of landslide activity. The annual variation of growth rings on trees within the landslide suggested previous slope instability in 1937, 1972, 1993, 1997, and 1999, which correlated with periods of local flood events. The avulsive and migrating nature of Meadow Run, combined with strong erosional force potential during flood stages, indicates that landslides are common along the bluff-channel bank interface, locally posing landslide hazards to relatively few structures within this farming region.  相似文献   

Increased groundwater withdrawals for the growing population in the Rio Grande Valley and likely alteration of recharge to local aquifers with climate change necessitates an understanding of the groundwater connection between the Jornada del Muerto Basin and the adjoining and more heavily used aquifer in the Mesilla Basin. Separating the Jornada and Mesilla aquifers is a buried bedrock high from Tertiary intrusions. This bedrock high or divide restricts and/or retards interbasin flow from the Jornada aquifer into the Mesilla aquifer. The potentiometric surface of the southern Jornada aquifer near part of the bedrock high indicates a flow direction away from the divide because of a previously identified damming effect, but a groundwater outlet from the southern Jornada aquifer is necessary to balance inputs from the overall Jornada aquifer. Differences in geochemical constituents (major ions, δD, δ18O, δ34S, and 87Sr/86Sr) indicate a deeper connection between the two aquifers through the Tertiary intrusions where Jornada water is geochemically altered because of a geothermal influence. Jornada groundwater likely is migrating through the bedrock high in deeper pathways formed by faults of the Jornada Fault Zone, in addition to Jornada water that overtops the bedrock high as previously identified as the only connection between the two aquifers. Increased groundwater withdrawals and lowering of the potentiometric surface of the Jornada aquifer may alter this contribution ratio with less overtopping of the bedrock high and a continued deeper flowpath contribution that could potentially increase salinity values in the Mesilla Basin near the divide.  相似文献   

The reasons for the rapid degradation and salination of the shallow aquifer in the northern Jordan Valley were investigated. Shallow groundwater, surface water and thermal water were sampled from the study area for this purpose. The geochemical mass-balance technique was used to quantify the contribution of different sources, geochemical processes and rock types to the final water composition, applying the NETPATH software package. The isotopic compositions of the water were also investigated. The results suggest three potential recharge sources: the Yarmouk River, the Jordan River, and the Mukheibah thermal water. Evaporation significantly contributes to the current chemistry of the shallow water, as is indicated by the geochemical models and the isotopic results. Tritium analyses indicate that the water is clearly new (less than 50 years). The relatively high values of nitrate in some wells may be of anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

In northern Puerto Rico (USA), subsurface conduit networks with unknown characteristics, and surface features such as springs, rivers, lagoons and wetlands, drain the coastal karst aquifers. In this study, drain lines connecting sinkholes and springs are used to improve the developed regional model by simulating the drainage effects of conduit networks. Implemented in an equivalent porous media (EPM) approach, the model with drains is able to roughly reproduce the spring discharge hydrographs in response to rainfall. Hydraulic conductivities are found to be scale dependent and significantly increase with higher test radius, indicating scale dependency of the EPM approach. Similar to other karst regions in the world, hydraulic gradients are steeper where the transmissivity is lower approaching the coastline. This study enhances current understanding of the complex flow patterns in karst aquifers and suggests that using a drainage feature improves modeling results where available data on conduit characteristics are minimal.  相似文献   

美国Sand Hills地区地下水数值模拟及水量平衡分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用地下水数值模型MODFLOW和非饱和带水平衡模型对处于半干旱半湿润沙丘地区(Sand Hills)地下水位进行了模拟,并分析了含水层补排水量,河流与地下水补排关系,以及区域水平衡过程。揭示了独特沙丘地形和土壤特性对地下水补排量的影响。模拟结果表明,入渗率大、非饱和带厚的沙丘有利于降水入渗补给,减少了地下水蒸散发损失。加上下覆含水层具有良好的地下水储水空间,是该地区储存丰富的地下水量,以维持河流稳定流量,供给众多湖泊和湿地的原因。该研究对我国地下水资源评价和生态环境脆弱地区水资源保护具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Fundamental knowledge of groundwater systems in areas of permafrost is often lacking. The likelihood of finding good quality groundwater resources of acceptable quantities generally decreases as the areal coverage of permafrost increases. In areas of continuous permafrost, the probability of finding areas of groundwater recharge and discharge are minimal. Still, in northeastern Alaska (USA), the presence of numerous springs and associated downstream aufeis formations clearly indicates that there has to be a groundwater system with the required complementary areas of groundwater recharge and transmission. Recharge zones and transmission pathways in this area of extensive permafrost, however, are essentially unknown. This study shows that the recharge occurs on the south side of the Brooks Range in northeastern Alaska, where extensive limestone outcrops are found. The transmission zone is beneath the permafrost, with discharge occurring through the springs via taliks through the permafrost (where faults are present) and also likely at the northern edge of the permafrost along the Beaufort Sea coast.  相似文献   

Volusia Blue Spring (VBS) is the largest spring along the St. Johns River in Florida (USA) and the spring pool is refuge for hundreds of manatees during winter months. However, the water quality of the spring flow has been degraded due to urbanization in the past few decades. A three-dimensional contaminant fate and transport model, utilizing MODFLOW-2000 and MT3DMS, was developed to simulate boron transport in the Upper Florida Aquifer, which sustains the VBS spring discharge. The VBS model relied on information and data related to natural water features, rainfall, land use, water use, treated wastewater discharge, septic tank effluent flows, and fertilizers as inputs to simulate boron transport. The model was calibrated against field-observed water levels, spring discharge, and analysis of boron in water samples. The calibrated VBS model yielded a root-mean-square-error value of 1.8 m for the head and 17.7 μg/L for boron concentrations within the springshed. Model results show that anthropogenic boron from surrounding urbanized areas contributes to the boron found at Volusia Blue Spring.  相似文献   

Relict rock glaciers are complex hydrogeological systems that might act as relevant groundwater storages; therefore, the discharge behavior of these alpine landforms needs to be better understood. Hydrogeological and geophysical investigations at a relict rock glacier in the Niedere Tauern Range (Austria) reveal a slow and fast flow component that appear to be related to the heterogeneous structure of the aquifer. A numerical groundwater flow model was used to indicate the influence of important internal structures such as layering, preferential flow paths and aquifer-base topography. Discharge dynamics can be reproduced reasonably by both introducing layers of strongly different hydraulic conductivities or by a network of highly conductive channels within a low-conductivity zone. Moreover, the topography of the aquifer base influences the discharge dynamics, which can be observed particularly in simply structured aquifers. Hydraulic conductivity differences of three orders of magnitude are required to account for the observed discharge behavior: a highly conductive layer and/or channel network controlling the fast and flashy spring responses to recharge events, as opposed to less conductive sediment accumulations sustaining the long-term base flow. The results show that the hydraulic behavior of this relict rock glacier and likely that of others can be adequately represented by two aquifer components. However, the attempt to characterize the two components by inverse modeling results in ambiguity of internal structures when solely discharge data are available.  相似文献   

Groundwater movement and availability in crystalline and metamorphosed rocks is dominated by the secondary porosity generated through fracturing. The distributions of fractures and fracture zones determine permeable pathways and the productivity of these rocks. Controls on how these distributions vary with depth in the shallow subsurface (<300 m) and their resulting influence on groundwater flow is not well understood. The results of a subsurface study in the Nashoba and Avalon terranes of eastern Massachusetts (USA), which is a region experiencing expanded use of the fractured bedrock as a potable-supply aquifer, are presented. The study logged the distribution of fractures in 17 boreholes, identified flowing fractures, and hydraulically characterized the rock mass intersecting the boreholes. Of all fractures encountered, 2.5% are hydraulically active. Boreholes show decreasing fracture frequency up to 300 m depth, with hydraulically active fractures showing a similar trend; this restricts topographically driven flow. Borehole temperature profiles corroborate this, with minimal hydrologically altered flow observed in the profiles below 100 m. Results from this study suggest that active flow systems in these geologic settings are shallow and that fracture permeability outside of the influence of large-scale structures will follow a decreasing trend with depth.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - The Geba basin is one of the most food-insecure areas of the Tigray regional state in northern Ethiopia due to recurrent drought resulting from erratic distribution of...  相似文献   

Based on satellite observations of Earth’s time variable gravity field from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), it is possible to derive variations in terrestrial water storage, which includes groundwater, soil moisture, and snow. Given auxiliary information on the latter two, one can estimate groundwater storage variations. GRACE may be the only hope for groundwater depletion assessments in data-poor regions of the world. In this study, soil moisture and snow were simulated by the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) and used to isolate groundwater storage anomalies from GRACE water storage data for the Mississippi River basin and its four major sub-basins. Results were evaluated using water level records from 58 wells set in the unconfined aquifers of the basin. Uncertainty in the technique was also assessed. The GRACE-GLDAS estimates compared favorably with the well based time series for the Mississippi River basin and the two sub-basins that are larger than 900,000 km2. The technique performed poorly for the two sub-basins that have areas of approximately 500,000 km2. Continuing enhancement of the GRACE processing methods is likely to improve the skill of the technique in the future, while also increasing the temporal resolution.  相似文献   

Chemical and isotopic data for groundwater from throughout the Middle Rio Grande Basin, central New Mexico, USA, were used to identify and map groundwater flow from 12 sources of water to the basin, evaluate radiocarbon ages, and refine the conceptual model of the Santa Fe Group aquifer system.Hydrochemical zones, representing groundwater flow over thousands to tens of thousands of years, can be traced over large distances through the primarily siliciclastic aquifer system. The locations of the hydrochemical zones mostly reflect the modern predevelopment hydraulic-head distribution, but are inconsistent with a trough in predevelopment water levels in the west-central part of the basin, indicating that this trough is a transient rather than a long-term feature of the aquifer system. Radiocarbon ages adjusted for geochemical reactions, mixing, and evapotranspiration/dilution processes in the aquifer system were nearly identical to the unadjusted radiocarbon ages, and ranged from modern to more than 30 ka. Age gradients from piezometer nests ranged from 0.1 to 2 year cm–1 and indicate a recharge rate of about 3 cm year–1 for recharge along the eastern mountain front and infiltration from the Rio Grande near Albuquerque. There has been appreciably less recharge along the eastern mountain front north and south of Albuquerque.
Resumen Se utilizaron datos químicos e isotópicos de agua subterránea a lo largo de la cuenca central del río Grande, Nuevo México, EEUU, para identificar y mapear el flujo de agua subterránea de 12 fuentes de agua a la cuenca para evaluar edades por medio de radio carbon y para refinar el modelo conceptual del sistema acuífero del Grupo Santa Fé. Se puede establecer zonas hidrotérmicas que representan el flujo de agua subterránea a lo largo de miles a miles de decenas de años en grandes distancias a través del sistema acuífero principalmente siliclástico. Las ubicaciones de las zonas hidroquímicas mayormente reflejan la distribucion de la cabeza hidráulica pre-desarollo moderna pero son inconsistentes con una depresión en los niveles de agua pre-desarollo en la zona central oeste de la cuenca. Esto indica que esta depresión es un rasgo transitorio y no un rasgo de largo plazo del sistema acuífero. Las edades de radio carbon ajustadas para los procesos de reaciones geoquímicas, de mezclado y de evapotranspiración-dilución son casi idénticas a los edades de radio carbon no ajustadas oscilan en un rango desde la modernidad a 30 mil años. Las gradientes de edad de nidos de piezometros van de 0.1 a 2 años cm–1 e indican un sitio de recarga de aproximadamente 3 cm/yr para la recarga a lo largo del frente montañoso oriental e infiltración del río Grande cerca de Albuquerque. Se aprecia una recarga menor a lo largo del frente oriental de montañas al norte y al sur de Albuquerque.

Résumé Des données sur les éléments chimiques et les isotopes présents dans leau souterraine prélevée à divers endroits dans le bassin moyen du Rio Grande, au centre du Nouveau-Mexique (É-U), ont permis de déterminer lexistence et létendue de douze sources deau régionales dans le bassin, dévaluer les âges radiocarbones et de raffiner le modèle conceptuel du système aquifère du groupe de Santa Fe. Des zones hydro-chimiques qui représentent lécoulement de leau souterraine depuis des dizaines de milliers dannées peuvent être suivies sur de longues distances à travers laquifère principalement siliclastique. La position des zones hydro-chimiques reflète principalement la distribution moderne des charges hydrauliques mais est incohérente avec une dépression dans le niveau deau dans la partie centre-ouest du bassin, ce qui indique que cette dépression est un élément transitoire du système aquifère plutôt quun élément à long terme. Les âges radiocarbones ajustés aux réactions géochimiques et aux processus de mélange et dévapotranspiration/dilution qui ont lieu dans laquifère sont presque identiques aux âges non ajustés et varient de la période moderne jusquà 30 ka. Les gradients dâge établis à partir des nids de piézomètres sétendent de 0.1 à 2 a cm–1 et suggèrent un taux de recharge denviron 3 cm a–1 le long du front des montagnes à lest et pour linfiltration provenant du Rio Grande près dAlbuquerque. Il y a eu substantiellement moins de recharge le long du front des montagnes à lest, au nord et au sud dAlbuquerque.

Groundwater for domestic and irrigation purposes is produced primarily from shallow parts of the Bengal Basin aquifer system (India and Bangladesh), which contains high concentrations of dissolved arsenic (exceeding worldwide drinking water standards), though deeper groundwater is generally low in arsenic. An essential first step for determining sustainable management of the deep groundwater resource is identification of hydrogeologic controls on flow and quantification of basin-scale groundwater flow patterns. Results from groundwater modeling, in which the Bengal Basin aquifer system is represented as a single aquifer with higher horizontal than vertical hydraulic conductivity, indicate that this anisotropy is the primary hydrogeologic control on the natural flowpath lengths. Despite extremely low hydraulic gradients due to minimal topographic relief, anisotropy implies large-scale (tens to hundreds of kilometers) flow at depth. Other hydrogeologic factors, including lateral and vertical changes in hydraulic conductivity, have minor effects on overall flow patterns. However, because natural hydraulic gradients are low, the impact of pumping on groundwater flow is overwhelming; modeling indicates that pumping has substantially changed the shallow groundwater budget and flowpaths from predevelopment conditions.  相似文献   

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