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岩体冻融风化作用主要受控于岩性、岩体结构、饱和状态及温变环境等因素。采取新疆寒区4种裂隙岩石进行温度变化下的冻融应变试验,得到了裂隙岩石在饱水及干燥冻融状态下的应变过程,即饱水状态下为8个阶段、干燥状态下为5个阶段;针对饱水裂隙岩石提出了冻融作用的胀缩率?,得到了不同岩性的?与冻融循环次数的拟合关系表达式,同时分析了在循环冻融过程中应变的变化规律,即裂隙岩石的冻胀阶段的微应变最大值都随循环次数的增加而增大。此外,通过在不同恒温下裂隙岩石冻融应变试验,分析了应变的变化规律,得到应变与不同恒温的拟合关系表达式;试验结果表明:裂隙岩石的?都随冻融次数的增加而增大,胀缩率的变化程度与不同岩样的孔隙率特征有关。饱水裂隙岩石在冻融过程中对温度具有较强的敏感性,损伤表现在温度损伤和冻胀损伤。  相似文献   

To contribute to the understanding of how opening-mode fractures (joints) form and open or close at depth in layered rocks, we present a 2D numerical study aiming to determine whether tensile stress can develop in pre-fractured elastic multilayers submitted to biaxial compressive strain conditions.First, we investigate the role of the elastic and geometrical properties of the layers on the development of tensile stress in models with five bonded layers and containing one open fracture in the central layer. Our results indicate that, in absence of elastic contrast (in Young's modulus) between the layers, no tensile stress develops in the models. However, when the fractured layer is stiffer than the two adjacent layers directly above and below, a lobe of horizontal tensile stress develops centered on the pre-existing fracture. The creation of this tensile stress is contingent upon the partial closing of the fracture. The levels of tensile stress and the thickness of the lobe of tensile stress increase logarithmically with an increase in the elastic contrast and are systematically larger for a larger Soft/Stiff ratio (ratio of the total thickness of the soft layers with the total thickness of the stiff layers).Second, we investigate the role of fracture interaction in the development of tensile stress in models containing a pair of open fractures. We observe that the levels of tensile stress in the region between the fractures are systematically higher than those observed in identical models containing a single fracture. This increase in tensile stress is very large for small elastic contrasts between the layers but diminishes when the elastic contrast increases. Furthermore, the spacing between the pre-existing fractures plays an important role in the stress distribution in the region between them. When the fracture spacing is equal to or lower than 1.15 times the height of the fractured layer for the experimental conditions chosen, the lobes of tensile stress centered on the fractures coalesce. This results in the formation of vast areas of tensile stress in models under remote compressive loading conditions. Such tensile areas are likely to allow the initiation and propagation of subsequent opening-mode fractures.The results obtained provide new insights into the formation of joints in layered rocks in compressive environments, with important consequences on fluid flow.  相似文献   

硫酸盐侵蚀环境下水泥土的力学行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
傅小茜  冯俊德  谢友均 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):659-662
针对含硫酸盐介质的环境水服役条件,通过室内模拟试验手段,研究了不同配合比参数和不同条件下水泥土的无侧限强度、弹性模量以及应力-应变的变化规律,分析了硫酸盐侵蚀环境下水泥土力学性能的劣化机理。结果表明,配合比参数以及环境条件对水泥土的无侧限抗压强度、弹性模量、应力-应变曲线有显著的影响;硫酸盐溶液中的水、硫酸根离子与水泥土之间的复杂物理、化学作用,影响水泥土内部微细观结构,从而对水泥土的力学性能存在显著劣化作用;且这种侵蚀作用在90d龄期内最为显著。  相似文献   

Multi-borehole pumping and tracer tests on the 10 to 100-m scale were conducted in a fractured chalk aquitard in the Negev Desert, Israel. Outcrop and core fracture surveys, as well as slug tests in packed-off intervals, were carried out at this site to obtain the parameters needed for construction of a stochastic discrete fracture network (DFN). Calibration of stochastic DFNs directly to the multiple borehole test data was inadequate. Instead, two equivalent deterministic DFN flow models were used: the vertical-fractures (VF) model, consisting of only vertical fractures, and the fractures’ intersections (INT) model, consisting of vertical and horizontal fractures with enhanced transmissivity at their intersections. Both models were calibrated against the multi-borehole response of one pumping test and their predictions were tested against three other independent pumping tests. The average accuracies of all transient drawdown predictions of the VF and INT models were 65 and 66%, respectively. In contrast to this equality in average drawdown predictions of both models, the INT model predicted better important breakthrough curve features (e.g., first and peak arrival times), than the VF model. This result is in line with previously assumed channeled flow, derived from analytical analysis of these pumping and tracer tests. Ronit Nativ, deceased, may her memory be blessed.  相似文献   

The Cr(VI) reduction behaviour of five different types of grey cast iron shavings meant for construction of a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) in Thun, Switzerland, was investigated by performing batch and column experiments. Closed system batch experiments clearly demonstrated that the largest shavings also containing the largest spherical C inclusions, were best qualified for the PRB due to their fast Cr(VI) reduction rate. However, the column experiment performed with this type of material revealed that a complete and long term Cr(VI) treatment by the planned PRB was questionable due to the site-specific high groundwater flow velocities and the almost O2 and CaCO3 saturated aquifer conditions. The experimentally observed Cr(VI) breakthrough is explained as a result of a decline of reactivity provoked by a strong passivation by observed Fe hydroxides (FeOOH-polymorphs) and carbonates (calcite and aragonite).The column experiment was simulated using the reactive transport modelling code CrunchFlow. Iron cycling and intra-aqueous reactions were incorporated into a previously described reaction network in order to model the strong decline in reactivity of grey cast iron. All key parameters like aqueous species concentrations and mineralogical evolution of the column were successfully modelled. The modelling results confirmed that the observed Cr(VI) breakthrough was caused by surface passivation of the Fe shavings. Complete oxidation of the initially present mass of shavings is not predicted to occur during the expected PRB lifetime of several decades. The model seems to be robust, and it is expected that an application of the calibrated model in 2D to field sites will allow a quantitative evaluation for the performance of planned PRB’s in such environments.  相似文献   

We combined microstructural observations and high-resolution crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) mapping to unravel the active deformation mechanisms in garnet clinopyroxenites, garnet–spinel websterites, and spinel websterites from the Beni Bousera peridotite massif. All pyroxenites display microstructures recording plastic deformation by dislocation creep. Pyroxene CPOs are consistent with dominant slip on [001]{110} in clinopyroxene and on [001](100) or [001](010) in orthopyroxene. Garnet clinopyroxenites have however high recrystallized fractions and finer grain sizes than spinel websterites. Recrystallization mechanisms also differ: subgrain rotation dominates in garnet clinopyroxenites, whereas in spinel websterites nucleation and growth also contribute. Elongated shapes and strong intracrystalline misorientations suggest plastic deformation of garnet, but CPOs are weak. Clinopyroxene porphyroclasts in spinel websterites show deformation twins underlined by orthopyroxene exsolutions. Thermodynamic calculations indicate that garnet clinopyroxenites deformed at 2.0 GPa and 950–1000 °C and spinel pyroxenites at 1.8 GPa and 1100–1150 °C. The lower temperatures may explain the faster work rates implied by the finer grained microstructures in garnet clinopyroxenites. Greater stresses may have also reduced the competence contrast between garnet and pyroxene in the garnet pyroxenites and, at the outcrop scale, lowered the competence contrast between pyroxenites and peridotites, favoring mechanical dispersion of pyroxenites in the cooler lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

This paper presents the fiber-optic monitoring model and scheme for utilizing a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor array to measure relative humidity. The effect of evaporation on reservoir rock involves various physical and chemical reactions under ambient laboratory conditions, which will result in a significant influence on the mechanical properties, especially for the surface of rock blocks in the fields. In this experiment, it was of great importance to better understand the effects induced by deionized water (DIW) evaporation occurring on the surface of a DIW-saturated sandstone core in terms of the induced small strains. The primary objective of this paper is to identify the applicability and feasibility of using the fiber Bragg grating sensors to monitor small strains induced by natural evaporation. This work also brings novel insights into the capability of high-precision measurements to predict the deformation mechanism of outcropped rocks, which often are subjected to natural evaporation. In this work, two arrays of fiber Bragg grating sensors were employed in the real-time monitoring of strain changes along the axial surface of a cylindrical sandstone core and to record the potential implications of the wavelength shifts induced by the evaporation factor. The experimental results could provide novel insights into the influences of natural evaporation on a rock monitored by FBG sensing technology under ambient laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Shale with high clay content has caused instability from hydration during the hydraulic fracturing process. Macro-level migration phenomenon of water molecules is induced by the chemical potential difference between low-salinity fracturing fluid and high-salinity formation brine. This study aims to establish the equation for the chemical potential difference between fracturing fluid and formation brine by theoretical deduction in order to investigate the effect of the aforementioned phenomenon on fracturing flowback. Accordingly, a mathematical model was established for the gas–water two-phase flow which driven by the chemical potential difference. Viscous force, capillarity and chemiosmosis were considered as the driving forces. A numerical simulation of fracturing fluid flowback with or without considering of the effect of chemiosmosis was performed. A simulation analysis of the water saturation and salinity profiles was also conducted. Results show that capillarity and chemiosmosis hinder fracturing fluid flowback in different degrees. As the condition worsens, they inhibit more than 80% of water to flow back out of the formation, forming a permanent water lock. This study contributes to improvement of the theory on shale gas–water two-phase flow, establishment of a flowback model that suitable for shale gas wells, and accurate evaluation of the fracturing treatment.  相似文献   

Rainfall infiltration can cause a dramatic decrease of suction in unsaturated soils and, consequently, of shear strength, triggering various instability phenomena, such as the slip of steep surface soil layers. Swelling of cracked soils and capillary barrier effects, induced by fine-grained soils overlying a more permeable material, can also affect water flow through this type of soil systems. In the past, few studies on infiltration and rainfall-induced landslides considered the simultaneous effects of surface cracks, swelling materials, and/or the capillary barrier phenomenon. To this purpose, this paper presents the results obtained by a dual-permeability model, which simulates water flow through a fractured swelling soil overlying a more permeable soil and focusing on the influence of these phenomena on triggering of landslides. Numerical results show that for high-intensity precipitations, flow through fractures quickly reaches significant depths and the capillary barrier is broken, while soil swelling leads to a uniform narrowing of cracks. On the other hand, for low-intensity precipitations, fracture flow and swelling are limited only to the first 30–50 cm of the topsoil, while cracks almost completely closed. Evaluations of the slope stability show that prolonged low-intensity rainfalls might be more dangerous than short high-intensity rains in triggering surface landslides.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory reduction of Fe(III) by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 was evaluated using natural specular hematite as sole electron acceptor in an open system under dynamic flow conditions to obtain a better understanding of biologic Fe(III) reduction in the natural environment. During initial exposure to hematite under advective flow conditions, cells exhibited a transient association with the mineral characterized by a rapid rate of attachment followed by a comparable rate of detachment before entering a phase of surface colonization that was slower but steadier than that observed initially. Accumulation of cells on the hematite surface was accompanied by the release of soluble Fe(II) into the aqueous phase when no precautions were taken to remove amorphous Fe(III) from the mineral surface before colonization. During the period of surface colonization following the detachment phase, cell yield was estimated at 1.5-4 × 107 cells/μmol Fe(II) produced, which is similar to that reported in studies conducted in closed systems. This yield does not take into account those cells that detached during this phase or the Fe(II) that remained associated with the hematite surface. Hematite reduction by the bacterium led to localized surface pitting and localized discrete areas where Fe (II) precipitation occurred. The cleavage plane of hematite left behind after bacterial reduction, as revealed by our results, strongly suggests, that heterogeneous energetics of the mineral surface play a strong role in this bioprocess. AQDS, an electron shuttle shown to stimulate bioreduction of Fe(III) in other studies, inhibited reduction of hematite by this bacterium under the dynamic flow conditions employed in the current study.  相似文献   

Shallow groundwater in the northern Negev desert of Israel flows preferentially through a complex system of discontinuities. These discontinuities intersect what would otherwise be a massive, low-conductivity, high-porosity Eocene chalk. Vertical fractures and horizontal bedding planes were observed and mapped along approximately 1,200 m of scanline, 600 m of core and 30 two-dimensional trace planes. A bimodal distribution of size exists for the vertical fractures which occur as both single-layer fractures and multi-layer fractures. A bimodal distribution of log transmissivity was observed from slug tests conducted in packed-off, vertical intervals within the saturated zone. The different flow characteristics between the horizontal bedding planes and vertical-type fractures appear to be the cause of the bimodality. Two distinct conceptual models (discrete fracture network) were developed based on the fracture orientation, size, intensity and transmissivity statistics derived from field data. A correlation between fracture size and hydraulic aperture was established as the basis for calibrating the simulated model transmissivity to the field observations. This method of defining transmissivity statistically based on prior information is shown to be a reasonable and workable alternative to the usual conjecture approach towards defining transmissivity in a fractured-rock environment.  相似文献   

This paper describes the mobilization and speciation of As found in hydrothermally altered rock under oxic column conditions. The altered rock sample was obtained from a tunnel project located in the Nakakoshi area of Hokkaido, Japan, whose geology is represented by slate, shale and sandstone. This area has undergone silicification, pyritization and argillic alteration resulting in As-enrichment of the rock. Results of the column experiments show that the infiltration rate, bulk density and rock bed thickness affected the duration of water residence, which in turn influenced the pH of the rock–water system. Coexisting ions most notably Ca2+ at amounts greater than ca. 50 mg/L retarded the mobilization of As. Mobilization of As from the rock with time occurred in two stages: stage 1 (weeks 1–20) with higher As leaching and stage 2 (weeks 20–76) characterized by nearly constant As release. In addition, pore water As concentrations revealed that the columns developed into two regions: the top half where most of the leaching occurred and the bottom part dominated by adsorption. Thus, the mechanism controlling the mobilization of As from the rock is a combination of one or more of the following processes: dissolution of soluble As-bearing fractions, pyrite oxidation and adsorption reactions. Arsenite (As[III]) was the dominant species in the effluent at the start of the experiment in columns with shorter water residence time and lower pH conditions (<8). On the other hand, arsenate (As[V]) was the major inorganic species released from the rock at higher pH (8–9.5) and when the system was close to equilibrium. Speciation of As with depth also indicated that As[III] disappeared around the bottom half of the columns, probably as a result of adsorption and/or oxidation. Arsenic speciation is partially controlled by the pH dependent adsorption of As species. The important adsorbent phases in the rock included Fe–Al oxides/oxyhydroxides, clay minerals and organic matter, which permitted the columns to attenuate additional As loadings including As[III]. Implications of these results on the design of a novel disposal method for these altered rocks include the enhancement of As adsorption through the addition of natural or artificial adsorbents and the utilization of a covering soil with low permeability to minimize rainwater infiltration into the rock.  相似文献   

There is no straightforward way to extrapolate solute retention properties from typical site characterisation scales to typical scales in the performance assessment of the geological disposal of nuclear wastes. Solutes diffuse much deeper into the rock matrix under performance assessment flow conditions than under site characterisation flow conditions. The modelling approach applied in this study, associated with the Äspö Task Force, enables evaluation of the contribution of the individual immobile layers to the overall retention. This makes it possible to determine the influence of the immobile zone heterogeneity on solute retention under different flow conditions. It appears that there is a significant difference between the dominating immobile retention zones on site characterisation and performance assessment scales. Fractured rock is characterised by heterogeneity and in particular a large spread of hydraulic properties. This favours formation of the preferential flow paths by leading to a few dominating transport paths. Large hydraulic features are, on average, better hydraulic conductors than smaller ones. This causes spatial scale effects for the solute retention properties. In particular, the hydraulic properties at the early parts of flow paths are more favourable to retention than those at the later parts of the flow paths.  相似文献   

非饱和带裂隙岩体渗流的特点和概念模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
宋晓晨  徐卫亚 《岩土力学》2004,25(3):407-411
非饱和带裂隙岩体中的渗流和饱和带相比有其不同的特点,包括毛细管流、薄膜流、优先流和裂隙-基质相互作用等。这些特点导致非饱和带裂隙岩体中的渗流具有相当的非均质性。笔者描述了裂隙岩体中非饱和渗流的这些特点,并简单讨论了目前所存在的模拟非饱和渗流的概念模型。  相似文献   

The nature of the surface oxidation phase on pyrite, FeS2, reacted in aqueous electrolytes at pH = 2 to 10 and with air under ambient atmospheric conditions was studied using synchrotron-based oxygen K edge, sulfur LIII edge, and iron LII,III edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. We demonstrate that O K edge X-ray absorption spectra provide a sensitive probe of sulfide surface oxidation that is complementary to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Using total electron yield detection, the top 20 to 50 Å of the pyrite surface is characterized. In air, pyrite oxidizes to form predominantly ferric sulfate. In aqueous air-saturated solutions, the surface oxidation products of pyrite vary with pH, with a marked transition occurring around pH 4. Below pH = 4, a ferric (hydroxy)sulfate is the main oxidation product on the pyrite surface. At higher pH, we find iron(III) oxyhydroxide in addition to ferric (hydroxy)sulfate on the surface. Under the most alkaline conditions, the O K edge spectrum closely resembles that of goethite, FeOOH, and the surface is oxidized to the extent that no FeS2 can be detected in the X-ray absorption spectra. In a 1.667 × 10−3 mol/L Fe3+ solution with ferric iron present as FeCl3 in NaCl, the oxidation of pyrite is autocatalyzed, and formation of the surface iron(III) oxyhydroxide phase is promoted at low pH.  相似文献   

Steady-state radial flow in three-dimensional heterogeneous media is investigated using a geostatistical approach. The goal of the study is to develop a model of the relationship between corescale hydraulic conductivities measured at the wellbore and the conductivity of the surrounding drainage region as measured by a larger scale flow experiment such as a pump test. Conductivity at the point or core-scale is modeled as a stationary and multivariate lognormal spatial random function. Conductivity of the drainage region is obtained by a weighted nonlinear spatial average over the point-scale values within. This empirical spatial averaging process is shown to yield excellent approximations of true effective drainage region conductivities calculated using a numerical flow model. The geostatistical model for point-scale conductivity and the spatial averaging process are used to determine the first and second order ensemble moments of drainage region conductivity. In particular, an expression is derived for the conditional expectation of drainage region conductivity given point-scale values measured at the wellbore. The results are illustrated in a case study of a well from a sandstone oil reservoir where both core and transient-test conductivity data from the same interval are available for comparison.  相似文献   

X-ray absorption and emission spectra were used to characterize the surface of chalcopyrite after oxidation both in air and in air-saturated aqueous solution (pH = 2-10). For chalcopyrite oxidized in aqueous solution, the Cu and Fe L-edge spectra show that the surface oxidation layer is copper deficient. As the pH increases, O K-edge spectra reveal a change in the nature of the oxidation layer. An iron (hydroxy)sulfate is dominant at low pH, whereas FeOOH is the major surface phase under alkaline conditions. Fe2O3 may be present at intermediate pH. The surfaces of chalcopyrite samples oxidized in air consist of a mixture of copper oxides, FeOOH, and sulfate phases. Sulfate is much more abundant on the surface of air-oxidized chalcopyrite because of its high solubility in aqueous solution. Likewise, copper oxidation products can be observed in the O K-edge spectra of air-oxidized chalcopyrite in contrast to the aqueous samples.  相似文献   

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