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Recent studies indicate that the motillas (Chalcolithic and Bronze Age settlements in La Mancha, Spain) could have constituted the most ancient groundwater collection system at regional scale in Europe. This paper presents the first hydrogeoarchaeological study at the regional level in La Mancha. The research includes borehole drilling and hydrogeological analysis of the territory on which the motillas are settled. The resulting data confirm a relationship between the geological substrate and the spatial distribution of the motillas, sited where groundwater was accessible by means of prehistoric technology. The motillas were built during the climatic event known as 4.2 ka cal BP, in a time of environmental stress after a period of severe and prolonged drought. In these environmental conditions, the construction of these wells was a successful solution that lived on for nearly a millennium and played a major part in the processes of change towards a more complex, hierarchical society.  相似文献   

The tectonically deepest part of the eastern Betic Cordilleras consists of rocks showing medium grade metamorphism of alpine age. In this zone several individual tectonic units are distinguished, each with a basis of polymetamorphic pre-Silurian schists, covered by a sequence of younger metamorphites considered to be partly of Triassic age. The crystalline schists of the Sierra Nevada, together with their cover of younger schists — which represent the deepest part of the mixed zone of previous authors — form a single tectonic unit. It seems appropriate to combine the crystalline schists of the Sierra Nevada and this former mixed zone to a complex of tectonic units, which are characterized by a medium grade metamorphism of alpine age and for which the name Nevado-Filabride units or Nevado-Filabrides is proposed.The Nevado-Filabrides are tectonically overlain by the Alpujarrides, generally characterized by low grade alpine metamorphism, and these in their turn by the Betic of Málaga — merely present as small dispersed remnants — consisting of rocks that are almost devoid of alpine metamorphism.Important movements, that have taken place after the major thrust movements leading to the formation of the nappe structures, have caused horizontal displacements of considerable magnitude, sometimes resulting in changes of the original tectonic succession.
Zusammenfassung Der tektonisch tiefste Teil der östlichen betischen Kordilleren besteht aus Gesteinen, die eine mittlere Metamorphose alpidischen Alters zeigen. In dieser Zone kann man mehrere selbständige tektonische Einheiten unterscheiden. Bei jeder von ihnen besteht die Basis aus polymetamorphen präsilurischen Schiefern, die überlagert werden von einer Folge jüngerer metamorpher Gesteine, bei denen z. T. triassisches Alter angenommen wird. Die kristallinen Schiefer der Sierra Nevada und die darüber liegenden jüngeren Schiefer (die den tiefsten Teil der Mischungszone älterer Autoren bilden) sind eine telefonische Einheit. Diese kristallinen Schiefer der Sierra Nevada und die früher verwendete Mischungszone faßt man am besten zu einem Komplex tektonischer Einheiten zusammen, die gekennzeichnet sind durch eine mittlere Metamorphose alpidischen Alters. Für sie wird der Name Nevado-Filabride Einheiten oder Nevado-Filabriden vorgeschlagen.Die Nevado-Filabriden werden tektonisch überlagert von den Alpujarriden, die durch einen geringen alpinen Metamorphismus gekennzeichnet werden. Auf diesen liegt das Betikum von Malaga, das vorwiegend in kleinen verstreuten Resten vorliegt und aus Gesteinen besteht, denen eine alpidische Metamorphose fast ganz fehlt.Nach den großen Überschiebungen, die die Deckenstrukturen schufen, haben bedeutende Bewegungen zu Horizontalverschiebungen beträchtlichen Ausmaßes geführt. Bisweilen bewirkten sie eine Änderung der ursprünglichen tektonischen Abfolge.

Résumé La partie tectoniquement la plus profonde des cordillères bétiques orientales est formée de roches montrant un métamorphisme d'âge alpin de degré moyennement élevé. Dans pette zone on distingue plusieurs unités tectoniques individuelles, chacune avec une partie inférieure constituée de schistes polymétamorphiques pré-siluriens, recouverte par une succession de roches métamorphiques plus récentes considérées partiellement d'âge triasique. Les « schistes cristallins de la Sierra Nevada », avec leur couverture de schistes plus récents — qui représentent la partie la plus profonde de la « Mischungszone » des anciens auteursforment une seule unité tectonique. Il semble convenable de considérer les « schistes crystallins de la Sierra Nevada » et cette ancienne « Mischungszone » comme un seul complexe d'unités tectoniques qui sont caractérisées par un métamorphisme de degré moyen, d'âge alpin, et pour lesquelles l'auteur propose le nom d'unités Nevado-Filabrides ou, simplement, Nevado-Filabrides.Les Nevado-Filabrides sont tectoniquement surmontées par les Alpujarrides, généralement caractérisées par un degré de métamorphisme alpin peu élevé, et celles-ci sont à leur tour recouvertes par le Bétique de Málaga, dont n'existent —dans la région en question — que des témoins dispersés, constitués de roches presque dépourvues de métamorphisme alpin.Des mouvements importants, postérieurs aux grands charriages conduisant à la formation de la structure en nappes, ont causé des déplacements horizontaux de grand ampleur, causant parfois des changements dans la succession tectonique originelle.

, Guadalhorce Campo de Gibraltar, , . , , , .

Methods commonly used in regional geological analysis were employed to study the visual landscapes of the Sigüenza–Molina de Aragón area (Spain). Landscape data were compiled to produce a landscape map and a photograph catalogue. Lithological composition, tectonic structure and recent erosive processes are the main factors controlling the visual landscapes. Territorial properties, such as colours and agricultural capacities, are controlled by these geological characteristics. The landscape map and the photographic catalogue is the main contribution of this paper. The first level of landscape classification distinguishes zones with dominance of either flat, concave or convex areas. Other parts of the territory are, however, composed of concave and convex combinations that originate hybrid orographic structures. In a second level of classification, several subdivisions for each of these types are established.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the selenium content in soils from the Region of Murcia (SE, Spain) and to study the possible relationship between mineralogical composition, soil properties and selenium content. In addition, generic reference level (GRL) for selenium was determined according to Spanish legislation. For this study, 490 samples were selected in areas subjected to agricultural activity or abandoned agricultural soils with natural vegetation. Five different zones were established in order to study selenium variability. Four different mineralogical groups were established, based on significant relationship with the mineralogical composition, and each sample was included in one mineralogical group. The results showed that the concentration of selenium is correlated with the electrical conductivity, sulphate content and with the mineralogical composition, particularly positively with quartz and in a negative way with calcite percentage. In addition, selenium level was positively correlated with the phyllosilicate content. Established GRL for selenium varies with the mineralogical group, having a great transcendence from the legal and economic points of view.  相似文献   


The evolution of Neogene and Quaternary littoral basins in the Eastern Betic Cordillera is largely related to tectonic activity along the Eastern Betic sinistral shear zone.

Detailed mapping of sedimentary units in these basins, together with sedimentological and paleomagnetic analysis lead to the proposal of a new chronostratigraphie framework for Pliocene and Quaternary deposits.

This chronostratigraphie setting rejects the synchronous character of the “Pliocene Unite” previously referred to as: “P.I” (grey-blue marls), “P.H” (yellow calcarenites), and “Р.Ш” (variegated silts and clays). Instead, tectonics would have controlled the paleogeographic evolution of the Eastern Betic realms, causing the lithofacies to occur repeated in space and time. The Plio-Pleistocene boundary in these basins is not accompanied by changes in geodynamic behaviour or climatic conditions. According to the paleomagnetic data, these changes occurred at different times during the Pleistocene in the different studied basins.  相似文献   

In the region of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), over half of the soils are under cropping. This vast agricultural activity, combined with other anthropological uses, has led to a deterioration of the soil quality and virtual degradation. Therefore, it was deemed to assess the quality of these soils, which was achieved by applying two different methods. Three soils, representative of typical conditions in this community, were sampled and diverse properties were analysed in order to apply two different approaches. The first soil evaluation was carried out by a traditional method developed by FAO using a productivity index, whereas the second method consisted of the application of a new method called SINDI, developed in New Zealand. Both approaches make an evaluation based on a number of indicators that differs in each case. These differences explain why each method ranked the soils studied in different order reaching diverse conclusions on their quality.  相似文献   

Summary The Miocene volcanic suite of Sierra de Gata (Betic Cordillera) is composed of dacites, rhyodacites and rhyolites, besides basaltic andesites and andesites. The latter are very fresh and are the least fractionated rock types; thus they have been investigated in order to put some constraints on the genetic interpretation of the volcanic sequence. These rocks are composed of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and magnetite both as phenocrysts and in the groundmass. Olivine and ilmenite occur occasionally. The andesites exhibit orogenic chemical features. They are characterized by very low Ni, Co and Cr contents and show negative Eu anomalies, which support fractionation of mafic phases and plagioclase at depth. The petrogenesis of the andesites, however, cannot be related simply to fractionation processes of a single mafic magma since the lack of good interelemental correlations, the scattering of Sr-isotope ratios and the isotope disequilibrium between the phases conflict with such a simple mechanism. A model which can better explain the petrogenesis of the analyzed andesites considers the intervention of different mafic melts, generated in a heterogeneous mantle and characterized by different chemical and isotopic compositions, which fractionated at depth and concomitantly interacted significantly with the continental crust.
Geochemie und Petrogenese von Pyroxen-Andesiten der Sierra de Gata (SE Spanien)
Zusammenfassung Die miozäne Vulkanitabfolge der Sierra de Gata (Betische Kordillere) wird von Daciten, Rhyodaciten, Rhyoliten sowie basaltischen Andesiten and Andesiten aufgebaut, letztere sind in einem guten Erhaltungszustand and zeigen die geringste Fraktionierung. Sie wurden daher genauer untersucht, um Aussagen über die Genese dieser Vulkanite machen zu können.Phenokrysten und Grundmasse bestehen aus Plagioklas, Orthopyroxen, Klinopyroxen und Magnetit. Manchmal kommen Olivin und Ilmenit hinzu. Die Geochemie der Andesite folgt typisch orogenen Trends. Sie sind durch sehr niedrige Ni-, Co- und Cr-Gehalte und negative Eu-Anomalien charakterisiert; dies belegt eine Fraktionierung der mafischen Gemengteile und des Plagioklases in der Tiefe. Die petrogenetische Entwicklung der Andesite kann allerdings nicht einfach mit Fraktionierungsprozessen eines einzigen mafischen Magmas erklärt werden. Das Fehlen von Element-Korrelationen, das starke Streuen der Sr-Isotopenverhältnisse und das Isotopenungleichgewicht zwischen den einzelnen Mineralphasen stehen in Widerspruch zu einem derartigen einfachen Modell. Ein Modell, das die Petrogenese der untersuchten Andesite besser erklärt, zieht die Beteiligung verschiedener mafischen Schmelzen-sie bildeten sich in einem heterogenen Mantel und sind durch Unterschiede im Chemismus und ihrer Isotopenzusammensetzung charakterisiert—in Betracht. Dabei kam es zu Fraktionierung dieser Magmen in der Tiefe und zu beträchtlichen Reaktionen mit kontinentalem Krustenmaterial.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(6):735-745
In the Lower Andarax river basin 3 aquifer units have been defined, namely the Carbonate Aquifer, the Deep Aquifer and the Detrital Aquifer, which between them contain a wide variety of water types. Identification of hydrogeochemical processes has been performed by studying a series of ionic ratios, comprising the principal constituents together with B and Li (Cl vs SO4, Cl vs Mg, Cl vs Li, B vs Li). Among the processes detected, the circulation of groundwaters with high concentrations of SO4 was found to have significant effects. Moreover, in the coastal region, naturally occurring processes related to the flushing of saline waters from sediments of marine origin occur in conjunction with others, clearly of human origin, that are related to saltwater intrusion. A further factor is the entry, from overlying deposits, of waters with a high saline content; this salinity is related to the flushing of sediments of marine origin. The use of B and Li together enables waters in which salinity is related to seawater to be distinguished from others in which salinity is related to evaporitic layers or to thermal areas. The concentration of Li is directly related to water temperature, while that of B is greater in the most saline sectors, of gypsiferous and/or seawater origin.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - Aquifers provide a reliable freshwater source in arid and semiarid regions, where droughts are common and irrigated crops present significant water requirements, so intensive...  相似文献   

The Guadix–Baza basin is one of a number of intramontane depressions located within the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain), where the geological and geomorphological evolution is controlled by tectonic activity. The basin ceased to be closed after capture by the Atlantic network, when five main land systems developed. Late Pleistocene geological evolution basically consisted of erosional modelling, when badlands were deeply incised in highly erodible materials (marls and silts). Three travertine platforms and several Palaeolithic sites were used to determine that this main incision period fell within a 115,000–48,000 yr range. There are few signs of geomorphological evolution of this basin in the last 48,000 yr. Based on these geomorphological data and soil development, tectonic uplift of the basin probably played a secondary role in its evolution, and climatic conditions in southern Iberia in the 144,000–48,000 yr period were more humid and variable than later.  相似文献   

The Messinian gypsum of Sorbas is intensively karstified, with hundreds of dolines and numerous, highly unusual exo- and endokarstic forms. Amongst these the tumuli are especially spectacular, as are the large caverns, adorned with numerous speleothems, some of which have not been described anywhere else in the World. The extraction of the gypsum has impacted practically all the elements of the environment (landscape, water, soil, subsoil, flora, fauna, etc.) and, in particular, all of the karstic forms. In addition to endangering the caves and the natural treasures that they contain, it affects the surface waters, markedly modifying the hydrographic network. Groundwaters, which now occur in the bottom of a quarry, are also affected.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(3):283-299
The chemical characteristics, 3H contents and radioactivity of groundwaters from the Sierras Blanca and Mijas (Southern Spain) have been studied in relation to the chemical composition and radioactivity of the aquifer host rocks, and the residence time of the water. The Sierras Blanca and Mijas are made up of calcitic and dolomitic marbles of Triassic age. The groundwaters that drain the calcitic marbles (which outcrop principally in the western Sierra Blanca) have less mineralization, which descreases quickly with recharge (as does the 3H content), and the gross alpha and beta activities are below detection limit. This is due to the short residence time of water inside the aquifers which are conduit flow systems. The waters of the dolomitic marbles (eastern Sierra Blanca and Sierra Mijas) have higher and less variable mineralization and contain greater concentrations of Mg2+, SiO2 and SO2−4 (ions normally associated with slow flows). The 3H contents are more uniform with time (indicating an older age) and there is detectable natural radioactivity, because the waters have a longer residence time in the aquifers, which are diffuse flow systems.  相似文献   

A small karst aquifer of great structural complexity has been subjected to significant resource withdrawal over recent decades. This exploitation aroused social conflict due to the effect it has had on emblematic springs. This research has analysed piezometric data collected over the course of 12 years and the spatial hydrochemical data supplied by the main water points associated with it. The spatial and temporal evolution of the main chemical species in the groundwater and the hydrogeochemical processes affecting them have been studied, modelling them with the programme PHREEQC. These data suggest a complicated model of hydrogeological function with sectors storing water at different depths and connected to each other locally as determined by the geological structure.  相似文献   

The Eastern Marlim oilfield, located in the northeastern offshore of the Campos Basin, is a portion of the Marlim Complex, one of the most important oil accumulations ever found in Brazil. This paper presents findings from lithofacies, sequence stratigraphy and petrophysical analyses for the Oligocene-Miocene section of the Eastern Marlim oilfield. Here, we evaluate at least four main lithofacies associations and three major zones recognized in the latter section, presenting sedimentological and stratigraphical interpretations based on stratigraphic correlations, distribution and sand proportion maps, and accompanying petrophysical analysis. Our findings suggest at least two bipartite turbiditic flows representing different stages of deposition associated with a deep-water turbidite sequence, composing the elements of a submarine lobe complex. Massive unconsolidated amalgamated sandstone bodies, displaying very good porosity, lateral and vertical continuity, reflecting excellent reservoirs. The final depositional model of the studied Oligocene-Miocene interval in this work is part of the first-order Highstand System Tract (HST) of the Campos Basin, which in turn represents a second-order, exploration-scale depositional sequence. Finally, the sequence stratigraphic model of the Oligocene-Miocene section of the Eastern Marlim oilfield has an architecture similar to those that have been developed from Oligocene-Miocene global sea level changes.  相似文献   

Hg mobilization from contaminated soils and mine wastes was the source of environmental contamination in the Valle del Azogue mining area. We researched solid-phase speciation and aqueous mobility of Hg through Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron probe microanalysis analysis, solid-phase-Hg-thermo-desorption (SPTD) and laboratory column experiments. We found that in contaminated soils and mine wastes, the predominant Hg species was cinnabar (HgS), mainly formed from the weathering of Hg-rich pyrite, and metallic Hg (0) in the matrix, whereas in calcines and tailings the dominant species was metallic Hg (0). The mobilization of Hg in the aqueous phase seems to have originated from the dissolution of elemental Hg (0) present in soils and wastes, reaching concentrations of up to 67 μg l−1, and showing a higher long-term environmental potential risk, in addition to atmospheric emissions.  相似文献   

Cesium and Strontium concentrations were analyzed in eight pedogenetic soil profiles developed on different rocks from a semiarid mediterranean region: La Mancha (Central Spain). Concentration activities of 137Cs and 90Sr, as for some soil properties, were also measured. The results are presented in this document: Cs concentrations range between 0.4 and 18.3 mg kg−1 and Sr varies widely between 11.0 and 3,384 mg kg−1. Therefore, it is clear that there is a broad range of concentrations and there are also values significantly higher than the average values stated by several authors. Concentrations of long-life artificial radionuclides (137Cs, 90Sr) were determined in some of the same soils. The activity concentration mean values (Bq kg−1) were ranging between 0.82 and 21.76 for 137Cs and 90Sr variations range between 6.73 and 0.35. There were no significant correlations between radionuclides and stable trace elements. The data indicate that the soils do not show significant radioactivity of these elements and therefore they do not pose a danger. By the same token, no risk of contamination by this activity was detected. Finally, spatial patterns seem to be affected by the soil type and some soil properties.  相似文献   

To evaluate trace element soil contamination, geochemical baseline contents and reference values need to be established. Pedo-geochemical baseline levels of trace elements in 72 soil samples of 24 soil profiles from the Mediterranean, Castilla La Mancha, are assessed and soil quality reference values are calculated. Reference value contents (in mg kg?1) were: Sc 50.8; V 123.2; Cr 113.4; Co 20.8; Ni 42.6; Cu 27.0; Zn 86.5; Ga 26.7; Ge 1.3; As 16.7; Se 1.4; Br 20.1; Rb 234.7; Sr 1868.4; Y 38.3; Zr 413.1; Nb 18.7; Mo 2.0; Ag 7.8; Cd 4.4; Sn 8.7; Sb 5.7; I 25.4; Cs 14.2; Ba 1049.3; La 348.4; Ce 97.9; Nd 40.1; Sm 10.7; Yb 4.2; Hf 10.0; Ta 4.0; W 5.5; Tl 2.3; Pb 44.2; Bi 2.2; Th 21.6; U 10.3. The contents obtained for some elements are below or close to the detection limit: Co, Ge, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Yb, Hf, Ta, W, Tl and Bi. The element content ranges (the maximum value minus the minimum value) are: Sc 55.0, V 196.0, Cr 346.0, Co 64.4, Ni 188.7, Cu 49.5, Zn 102.3, Ga 28.7, Ge 1.5, As 26.4, Se 0.9, Br 33.0 Rb 432.7, Sr 3372.6, Y 39.8, Zr 523.2, Nb 59.7, Mo 3.9, Ag 10.1, Cd 1.8, Sn 75.2, Sb 9.9, I 68.0, Cs 17.6, Ba 1394.9, La 51.3, Ce 93.5, Nd 52.5, Sm 11.2, Yb 4.2, Hf 11.3, Ta 6.3, W 5.2, Tl 2.1, Pb 96.4, Bi 3.0, Th 24.4, U 16.4 (in mg kg?1). The spatial distribution of the elements was affected mainly by the nature of the bedrock and by pedological processes. The upper limit of expected background variation for each trace element in the soil is documented, as is its range as a criterion for evaluating which sites may require decontamination.  相似文献   

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