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The abundance and diversity of macrofossils in the Ediacaran have attracted much attention. The upper Doushantuo macrobiotas in South China, including the Miaohe biota from Hubei and the Wenghui biota from Guizhou, are mainly preserved as the carbonaceous compressions and dominated by macroscopic algae and metazoans. Here, we describe 10 genera and 10 species (including 6 new genera and species) of macrofossils from the Wenghui biota. At present, the Wenghui biota yields macrofossils in more than 31 genera and 33 species, excluding those given no image and established on a few unascertained specimens. Based on the occurrence and distribution of macrofossils in both Miaohe and Wenghui areas, the middle-late Ediacaran (back shales of the upper Doushantuo Formation) in South China can be subdivided into two assemblage biozones in biostratigraphy: (i) the Protoconites–Linbotulitaenia–Eoandromeda–Anomalophton assemblage biozone characterized by abundant and diverse macrofossils and by the ranges of Protoconites, Linbotulitaenia and Anomalophton; and (ii) the Baculiphyca–Gesinella–Cucullus–Beltanelliformis assemblage biozone characterized by the acme of the longer macrofossils Baculiphyca and Gesinella, and by few shorter and discoidal macrofossils.  相似文献   

Metazoan fossils in the Gaojiashan Biota are famous for being well preserved and may provide new insights into the early evolution and skeletonization of Metazoans. We are studying the isotopic compositions of organic and carbonate carbon from a sequence of sedimentary rocks at the Gaojiashan section, northern Yangtze Platform, Shaanxi Province of China. Organic carbon isotope values display a range between –30.8‰ and –24.7‰ with clear stratigraphic variations. Carbonate carbon isotope data vary between 0.1‰ and +6‰. Positive δ13C values from sediments with Gaojiashan biota reflect temporal variations in carbon turnover, i.e. an increasing in photosynthetic carbon fixation followed by an increasing subsequent fractional organic carbon burial, and that related to bio-radiation such as increasing algae, bacteria, and original creatures productivity in biomass. These secular variations are interpreted to reflect perturbations of the regional carbon cycle, specifically changes in the fractional burial of organic carbon, and discuss the relationship between Gaojiashan biota and paleoenvrionmental variation.  相似文献   

Vase-shaped microfossils (VSMs) are described from the Ediacaran Doushantuo phosphorites (ca. 599–584 Ma) of Guizhou Province, South China. They are morphologically attributed to two genera and three species, and thus expand our knowledge of the Neoproterozoic protozoans in the Weng'an biota. They resemble to the VSMs from the Lower Cambrian pre-trilobitic Kuanchuanpu Formation of southern Shaanxi Province in terms of the microstructures and chemical composition of the fossil walls. Microscopic observations indicate that the VSMs from both the Weng'an biota and the Kuanchuanpu Formation are preserved in either single-layered or multi-layered walls, and composed of calcium phosphate in chemical composition. The present fossils also share similarities, in size and general contour, to the VSMs previously described from the Gaojiashan Member, middle part of the Dengying Formation (ca. 551–542 Ma) in southern Shaanxi. The discovery of the VSMs from the Doushantuo phosphorite is an important contribution to the Weng'an biota, and may throw much light on the early evolution and diversification of protozoans during Precambrian–Cambrian interval.  相似文献   

Two typical representatives of the Ediacaran biota, Ediacaria booleyi n.sp. and Nimbia occlusa have been found in deep-water turbidites within the Upper Cambrian Booley Bay Formation at Booley Bay in Co. Wexford, Eire. The examples of E. booleyi were transported over short distances by the turbidity currents and then impacted, in some instances at high angles, into the ocean floor muds where they formed moulds but, as their bodies decayed, these were filled by casting sand from the overlying turbidite. They preserved fine detail during transportation and impaction, thereby indicating the existence of a rigid body wall. The three-dimensional nature of their preservation allows reconstruction, which shows that Ediacaria had a discoid form with prominent relief, particularly on its dorsal side, which was divided into three main concentric zones with thin radial features, more evident at the periphery. The ventral side had lower relief, with alternate areas of coarse and fine concentric markings and numerous fine radial lines, some also thicker at the periphery. Nimbia occlusa are disc-like bodies of low relief and occur in profusion on one sole. Some show a circular outline indicating that they were preserved flat on the bedding plane, but others occur as semicircular reliefs oriented in the palaeocurrent direction. This indicates that they too were moved by the turbidity current, but their abundance and excellent preservation indicate that transport distances were short. There is no evidence in either genus for the coelenterate characteristics of a mouth and a two-layered body wall enclosing a single cavity. This, and the evidence for a rigid outer wall, adds to recent doubt on the concept of the world-wide Ediacaran fauna as dominated by soft-bodied coelenterates.  相似文献   

Macroscopic organisms lived in the Yangtze Sea of South China during the Late Doushantuo period of the Ediacaran. The results of the specimen collections and statistics within each meter show that the macroscopic biota from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in northeast Guizhou, South China, can be subdivided into Globusphyton, Cucullus, Sectoralga–Longifuniculum, Beltanelliformis, and Baculiphyca–Gesinella paleo-communities. The paleo-community evolution indicates the relationship not only between biota and environment, but also between metaphytes and metazoans. From the Globusphyton paleo-community, through to the Sectoralga–Longifuniculum paleo-community, to the Cucullus paleo-community, the increase in the abundance and diversity of metaphytes (especially the branching macroalgae) and metazoans implies that the oxygen content in the seawater increased gradually. Both the Beltanelliformis and Baculiphyca–Gesinella paleo-communities could be related to a deteriorated environment and fragile ecosystem. The emergence, abundance, and diversity of macroscopic metaphytes, which were closely connected with the environmental microchanges, accelerated the process, improving the environment and increasing oxygen, and established an important platform for the development of macroscopic metazoans.  相似文献   

近2~3年来,陕西省考古研究院科研人员再次对蓝田县的新街遗址进行了抢救性发掘,经过清理整理,发现于新街遗址灰坑、探沟和探方中的全新世鸟类骨骼共70件.鸟类化石均为分散保存骨骼,但此次发现的鸟类骨骼保存不仅数量多,而且形态也较完好,是国内全新世鸟类化石发现记录所罕见的.本文记述了对这批鸟类化石开展形态解剖学的鉴定,并系统完成分类学研究的成果,新街遗址中总计鸟类所属8目、8科、8属,共9种,其中以水生鸟类居多.此外,根据鸟类的生存习性及鸟类骨骼上残存的人工痕迹,还针对新街遗址全新世时期的环境和古人类的生活行为进行了全方位多角度的分析和推理,为新街遗址在传统考古学研究的基础上提供了全新的科学信息和有益的补充.  相似文献   

华南伊迪卡拉纪"庙河生物群"的属性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国南方伊迪卡拉(震旦)系陡山沱组页岩中,保存了以"庙河生物群"为代表的宏体碳质压膜化石群,以大量底栖固着的多细胞藻类为主,还包含推测的后生动物和海绵动物、可疑的遗迹化石等多门类生物化石,化石类型多样、分异显著,代表着新元古代"雪球"冰期之后和寒武纪早期后生动物大爆发前夕地球早期多细胞生物的一次大规模的进化辐射事件。本文通过比较湖北秭归庙河和贵州江口翁会两个典型产地的宏体化石优势属种的形态特征,以及两地所处的沉积古环境,分析探讨了这些优势类别与现生多细胞生物(包括红藻、褐藻和绿藻三大高级藻类)的亲缘关系。研究表明,寒武纪之前大约35~10Ma间,各门类多细胞藻类广泛发育,与后生动物的先驱分子构成独特的古生态群落。  相似文献   

胡永亮  王伟  周传明 《沉积学报》2020,38(1):138-149
地质历史时期新元古代大气氧含量普遍较低。在硫酸盐还原细菌作用下,作为海洋重要的氧化性离子,陆源硫酸根离子有效促进了深层海水的氧化进程。在此过程中,硫元素在硫酸根和黄铁矿之间发生显著同位素分馏,其分馏程度可反推当时古海洋的氧化还原状态。沉积地层中的黄铁矿普遍具有多种形态,不同形态黄铁矿的形成环境多有不同。如草莓状黄铁矿多形成于底层缺氧水体或沉积物的浅表面,而大颗粒单晶黄铁矿或脉状黄铁矿则多沉积于成岩早期的沉积物孔隙或形成于成岩后期的热液改造。与草莓状黄铁矿不同,大颗粒单晶或脉状黄铁矿的硫同位素组成并不能反映沉积时期的古海洋氧化还原条件。判定沉积地层中不同形态的黄铁矿及形成过程,是获得有效反映海洋沉积环境硫同位素组成特征的基本前提。简要总结了地质历史时期沉积地层中的黄铁矿类型及矿物形成过程,并以华南埃迪卡拉纪蓝田组岩芯样品为例,识别出各个样品中的黄铁矿形态组成特征,对比分析了全岩黄铁矿与样品中大颗粒黄铁矿硫同位素组成差异。研究结果表明:不同岩性样品中黄铁矿的形态种类及含量均存在差异。页岩样品保存有更好形态的自形晶以及草莓状黄铁矿;碳酸盐岩样品中具有较多自形晶以及他形晶黄铁矿,并且其中的少量草莓状黄铁矿遭受后期成岩作用而发生不同程度的晶体蚀变。样品中大颗粒黄铁矿的硫同位素值(δ34SL-pyr)通常显著高于全岩黄铁矿的硫同位素值(δ34ST-pyr),最大差值可达48.5‰。在利用黄铁矿的硫同位素组成来反推当时古海洋环境时,需要区分不同形态黄铁矿,仔细剔除大颗粒黄铁矿,降低成岩期黄铁矿对样品中硫同位素组成的影响。更细致的微区黄铁矿硫同位素分析工作将依赖于SIMS分析测试手段进行。  相似文献   

黔东北伊迪卡拉纪陡山沱组的宏体藻类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王约  王训练  黄禹铭 《地球科学》2007,32(6):828-844
宏体生物广泛地生活于扬子地区伊迪卡拉纪陡山沱期的海洋中,它们为后生动物的快速发展和演化奠定了一个崭新的环境和一个新生态链的基础.产自于黔东北伊迪卡拉系陡山沱组的瓮会生物群生活环境应在贫氧的、透光性良好的浅海低能环境,以宏体藻类为主,共描述15属18种(其中包括3个新属、5个新种、2个修定属和4个修定种)和1个未命名藻以及不明藻类固着器,另包含有宏体后生动物,可能的后生动物以及遗迹化石.瓮会生物群不但含有鄂西庙河生物群和皖南蓝田植物群的分子,也有南澳大利亚Ediacara生物群和俄罗斯WhiteSea生物群的分子,而且具有自已的特征而有别于其他伊迪卡拉期的生物群.其宏体藻类形态变化较大,组织器官和功能已出现明显的分化,并与高等植物之间存在一定的演化关系.宏体藻类多为直立固着于海底,提高了光合作用的效率,增加了水体中的含氧量.同时,宏体藻类作为生态系统中的初级生产者成为一种新的食物,改变了后生动物的食谱.因此,陡山沱期的宏体植物不仅改善了环境,为依赖一定氧而生活、生长和繁殖的后生动物给予了必要的支持,而且作为生态系统中的必要基础,为宏体后生动物的快速发展和演化提供了一个新的食物源.另外,宏体生物群的繁盛不仅提高了有机质的生产率,而且促进了富有机碳的沉积和保存.  相似文献   

After the Marinoan glaciation, macroscopic organisms thrived in the Yangtze Sea, South China, during the Ediacaran period. The Wenghui biota, which is found from the upper Doushantuo Formation black shales (>551 Ma) in northeastern Guizhou, South China, includes macroscopic algae, metazoans and ichnofossils. Most macroalgae in the Wenghui biota bear a holdfast to secure them onto seafloor and have a thallus of various lengths extending into the water column. This biota can be divided into Globusphyton, Sectoralga–Longifuniculum, Cucullus, Beltanelliformis and Baculiphyca–Gesinella assemblages. A fossil-barren interval containing a thin layer of feldspathic sandstone separates the macroscopic organisms into two distinct parts. From the Globusphyton assemblage through the Sectoralga–Longifuniculum assemblage to the Cucullus assemblage, metazoans show a positive correlation with the abundance and diversity of branching macroalgae at both metre and millimetre scales. Nevertheless, both Beltanelliformis and Baculiphyca–Gesinella assemblages, in which the number and diversity of macroscopic algae and metazoans, especially the shorter branching macroalgae, are obviously decreasing or even lacking, might be related to a special environment and a fragile ecosystem. In addition, the ratios of Ni/Co, U/Th and V/(V + Ni) display zigzagged profiles at millimetre scales indicating frequent redox fluctuations. Variations in macrofossils and trace elements at both millimetre and metre scales indicate that the oxygen content in the northeast Guizhou Sea fluctuated frequently during the middle–late Ediacaran period and the Wenghui biota possibly lived in the redox buffering zone. Moreover, the abundance and diversity of macroalgae, especially the branching macroalgae, could have significantly influenced the redox conditions in water column. The increase in oxygen may have improved the environment for the growth and reproduction of macroalgae and metazoans.  相似文献   

Doushantuo acanthomorphic acritarchs are large morphologically complex organic-walled microfossils broadly constrained between the 635 Ma Nantuo glaciation and the 551 Ma Miaohe Biota. They are potential biostratigraphic tools for subdivision and correlation of the Ediacaran System in South China. However, major variations in sedimentary facies and stratigraphic thickness present challenges in understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of these acritarchs. Further, the distribution of acritarchs in the Doushantuo Formation is associated with the presence of early diagenetic chert and phosphate, implying a certain degree of preservational bias and/or environmental control. The purpose of this paper is to document the stratigraphic distribution of Doushantuo acritarchs and to quantitatively evaluate their biostratigraphic significance and possible taphonomic–environmental biases, based on high-resolution paleontological data from six sections over 100 km in the Yangtze Gorges area, South China.A total of 1082 acritarch fossils were recorded from 84 chert horizons in the six sections of the study area. These chert horizons are not uniformly distributed throughout the Doushantuo Formation, thus the presence/absence of early diagenetic chert does play a role in controlling the distribution of acritarchs. The sampled chert horizons can be grouped into two stratigraphic intervals in the lower and upper Doushantuo Formation, respectively, based on regional stratigraphic correlation. Quantitative analysis shows that the two intervals are distinct taxonomically and largely independent of taphonomic or facies controls. Thus, the two intervals can be regarded as assemblage biozones. The lower biozone (biozone 1) is numerically dominated by Tianzhushania spinosa (n = 587; 68.3%) and Meghystrichosphaeridium magnificum (n = 74; 8.6%), whereas the upper biozone (biozone 2) is dominated by Ericiasphaera rigida (n = 104; 47.1%) and Tianzhushania spinosa (n = 34; 14.1%). The three most common genera, Meghystrichosphaeridium, Tianzhushania, and Ericiasphaera, have been identified in all sections. Correspondence analysis (CA), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), discriminant analysis (DA), and pairwise comparisons of samples (Spearman rank coefficient and Jaccard–Chao index), all consistently support biostratigraphic zonations. Thus, the distribution of the Doushantuo acanthomorphs is primarily controlled by biostratigraphic position of samples, with facies and taphonomic differences playing a secondary role. Our case study suggests that acanthomorphic acritarchs can offer a viable tool for regional correlation of the Ediacaran System.  相似文献   

过去认为涝池河—阳郭动物群的时代相当或稍晚于泥河湾动物群,早于公王岭动物群,厚镇涝池河动物群的时代与公王岭动物群的一致。但各动物群的层位及在动物群演化上所处的位置表明涝池河—阳郭动物群的时代应与公王岭动物群的一致,比泥河湾动物群的晚,而厚镇涝池河动物群的时代应与陈家窝动物群的相当。重新厘定了公王岭期与陈家窝期的涵义,认为蓝田黄土地层中、早更新统的界线应划在S8与L9交界处。  相似文献   

王约  徐一帆 《现代地质》2007,21(3):469-478
贵州瓮安地区埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组上段产有保存良好的具有生物多样化特征、包含多种门类磷质球粒状化石库的“瓮安生物群”,成为地球早期生物特别是早期后生动物和动物胚胎化石研究的焦点地区。描述了产自瓮安陡山沱组“瓮安生物群”产出层位底部和之下层位的3个后生动物遗迹:Wenganichnus nanbaoensis(ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov.)为具有衬里和半月形回填构造的微弯曲的潜穴管; Doushantuoichnus curvatus(ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. )为具有细小横纹脊的中沟和两排呈叠瓦状排列的小羽叶状凸起的表生迹;?Planolites ichnosp. 为任意弯曲的、与围岩岩性略有区别的长线状底迹突起。遗迹化石的形态特征表明它们的造迹生物为沿一定方向运动的、背部与腹部以及前部与后部分化的、两侧对称的蠕虫状后生动物,而非沉积构造。“瓮安生物群”中后生动物的卵和胚胎化石可能系不易保存的软躯体动物的卵和胚胎在水动力作用下与沉积物一起被搬运、沉积,埋藏于较高能浅水环境并处于休眠状态,且被保存。  相似文献   

In South China, various megascopic symmetrical metazoan fossils were found in the upper Doushantuo (陡山沱)Formation of the Neoproterozoic Ediacaran.The worm-like fossil is characterized by modern taxological annelid, for many metameres, parapodia, one possible tentale, an alimentary canal, and a dorsal vessel. The triradiate discoidal fossil is belong to Trilobozoa, and the octaradiate discoidal fossil might be Ctenophora. All these fossils indicate that the megascopic metazoans have appeared in the Doushantuoian of Eidacaran and imply that the symmetrical metazoans must have originated at least 550 Ma ago.  相似文献   

A new genus with one new species and five new species of genus Amblomma of fossil ommatids are described and illustrated: Euryomma tylodes gen. et sp. nov., Amblomma cyclodonta sp. nov., Amblomma miniscula sp. nov., Amblomma porrecta sp. nov., Amblomma eumeura sp. nov., and Amblomma protensa sp. nov. All of them were collected from the Upper Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. A key to the species of Amblomma is given. The wide epipleural space shows that Euryomma may be a primitive genus in Ommatidae. Many different species of Amblomma occurred within the same sedimentary horizon in this area could be environmental changes caused by frequent volcanic activities during the deposition of the Yixian Formation.  相似文献   

Two new species of elaterids assigned to two new genera with intriguing fossa on prosternum are described and illustrated: Bilineariselaterfoveatus gen. et sp. nov. and Curtelater wui gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. The origin of the clicking mechanism in these beetles and the systematic position of the two genera are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

"雪球事件"以来,早期生命呈现多层次、大规模的加速演化,到寒武纪前夕,生命大爆发达到高潮;在生命剧烈演替的同时,地球环境标志也发生着响应,碳同位素剧烈漂移,并且与各个生命演化节点相对应。但是在划分最重要的地质界线,埃迪卡拉(震旦)系——寒武系界线及界线层型和点位("金钉子",GSSP)确立的问题上迄今仍存在着较大的分歧,以遗迹化石Treptichnus pedum作为该GSSP的标志化石,因其跨系、跨阶产出,生物延限长,因而在全球的生物地层划分对比中(特别在西伯利亚和中国华南地区)一直质疑声不断,而且以遗迹化石作为标志化石本身也具有一定的缺陷。中国华南地区两类古老的宏体化石——矿化管状的Cloudina和条带状的Shaanxilithes在全球范围内可以很好的对比,并且这两种实体化石的出现都对应着碳同位素的明显正漂移。本文通过研究华南震旦系顶部化石带的地层分布和地理分布,综合分析了其时空分布特点和系统演化意义,深入探讨了Cloudina和Shaanxilithes作为寒武系底界标志化石所具备的潜力,对埃迪卡拉(震旦)纪—寒武纪地层界线划分和层型选择提出了更为理想的标准。  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota, one of the most important Mesozoic lagerstätten in East Asia, is especially well-known for occurrences of fossil feathered dinosaurs and early angiosperms. However, the terrestrial biodiversity, especially the fossil wood record, is poorly known. In this study, several structurally preserved coniferous wood specimens from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation are investigated, based on collections from the Heichengzi Basin in Beipiao of western Liaoning, Northeast China. Four species referred to four genera of fossil wood are described, including Taxodioxylon heichengziense sp. nov., Thujoxylon beipiaoense sp. nov., Sciadopityoxylon liaoningense Ding and Protocedroxylon shengjinbeigouense sp. nov. These new records enlarge the fossil wood diversity of the Yixian Formation up to 10 species in 9 genera, and provide further insights into the forest vegetation composition of the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota. Systematic analysis of the floral constitution indicates that the petrified forests of the Yixian Formation are dominated by conifers, represented by Araucariaceae, Podocarpaceae, Sciadopityaceae, Pinaceae and Cupressaceae in the western Liaoning region. Palaeoclimatical analysis of the fossil wood assemblage implies that the western Liaoning region was dominated by a cool temperate, wet and seasonal climate with variable interannual water supply in the western Liaoning region during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

本文报道的微体化石产于湖北宜昌樟村坪万家沟剖面埃迪卡拉纪陡山沱组第10层的硅磷质结核中,化石组合包括疑源类Appendisphaera grandis、Ericiasphaera spjeldnaesii、Knollisphaeridium maxi mum、Leiosphaeridia tenuissi ma、Meghystrichosphaeridium perfectum、Tianzhushania polysiphonia、T.spinosa、T.ornata;丝状蓝藻Oscillatoriopsis obtusa、Polytrichoides induviatus、P.lineatus、Salome hubeiensis、Siphonophycustypicum;多细胞藻类Sarcinophycus palilloformis、Wengania minuta。该微体化石组合面貌与黄陵背斜东、南翼陡山沱组二段硅质结核中以大型具刺疑源类Tianzhushania为特征的组合相同,与贵州瓮安地区陡山沱组上磷块岩下部保存的微体化石组合面貌基本一致。  相似文献   

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