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滇东南屏边地区的基底组成一直是个谜。该区域的构造属性对约束扬子地块和华夏地块的西段界线非常重要。本文 对出露于该地区的震旦-寒武纪沉积岩进行了碎屑锆石U-Pb-Hf同位素分析。二个样品的锆石U-Pb同位素分析显示这二个 地层中的碎屑物质组成相似,都是以新元古代(700~937 Ma)碎屑物质为主,构成了~815 Ma的主峰。岩石中都含有少量 古-中元古代碎屑物质。屏边群沉积岩样品六个最年轻谐和锆石年龄变化于696~761 Ma,指示屏边形成于新元古代晚期, 与震旦系相当。屏边地区基底变质沉积岩的碎屑锆石年龄谱为一明显富集新元古代年龄的单峰模式,不同于华夏地块和印 支地块的年龄谱,而与扬子地块南缘及扬子西缘的沉积岩相似。Hf同位素特征也显示了与扬子地块(尤其是西缘)的亲缘 关系。结合其他证据,本文认为滇东南屏边地区属于扬子地块,扬子地块与华夏地块分界线的西延部分应该在研究区以南 或东南,而不可能是研究区以北的师宗-弥勒-罗甸断裂。碎屑锆石年龄分布特征还指示屏边群这套浅变质碎屑岩沉积于弧 后盆地,暗示扬子地块西南缘的新元古代俯冲作用可能一直持续到~752 Ma之后。  相似文献   

陈安国  周涛发  刘东甲 《岩石学报》2017,33(11):3599-3609
长江中下游成矿带是我国最主要的铁铜金多金属成矿带之一。本文通过高精度航磁异常数据分析成矿带内磁异常的分布特征,研究表明,火山岩盆地和郯庐断裂带沿线的正磁异常呈团块状分布,而大别造山带和九华山的正磁异常呈宽缓分布,前者与成矿带内以铁矿化为主的多金属矿床密切相关。航磁异常边界识别结果清晰揭示了郯庐断裂带、晓天-磨子潭断裂和襄樊-广济断裂等区内重要的深大断裂,九江附近的边界可能是郯庐断裂带的南延。长江中下游及邻域的居里等温面深度变化范围约为23.5~31.5km,沉积盆地下方居里等温面总体呈现拗陷,火山岩盆地下方居里等温面总体呈现隆起,郯庐断裂带沿线的居里等温面呈带状分布的隆起。大别造山带和九华山下方居里等温面呈现拗陷,有别于火山岩盆地和郯庐断裂带沿线的居里等温面隆起。长江中下游成矿带内主要的铁铜多金属矿床点集中分布在居里等温面隆起或隆起边缘部位,指示了长江中下游早白垩世剧烈的岩浆活动使区域大地热流值相对较高,地壳深部的构造格局和岩浆活动制约了浅部的成矿。  相似文献   

薛怀民  马芳  宋永勤  谢亚平 《岩石学报》2010,26(11):3215-3244
江南造山带东段发育了一系列新元古代的花岗岩类侵入体,本文用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb法对区内出露的主要岩体(包括许村岩体、歙县岩体、休宁岩体、灵山岩体、莲花山岩体、石耳山岩体)进行了定年,并分析了这些岩体代表性样品的主量和微量元素含量。结果表明,区内的花岗岩类侵入体分属S-型和A-型两类,前者属于同造山的岩浆岩,成分主要为花岗闪长质;后者为晚造山的岩浆岩,成分为花岗质。S-型花岗闪长质岩浆是在碰撞、地壳加厚后由不成熟的变质沉积-火山岩系经减压熔融形成的。由同造山到晚造山阶段,随着地壳应力由挤压转为拉张,所形成的A-型花岗岩中有明显的新生地幔物质的加入。两类岩体的空间分布有明显的规律,且随时间具有明显的向南(大洋侧)迁移的趋势。同造山的S-型花岗闪长质侵入体均分布在皖南蛇绿混杂岩带的北侧(及缝合带内),其中空间位置最北突的许村岩体的侵位时间最早,为850±10Ma;位于皖南蛇绿混杂岩带内,具有同构造特点的歙县岩体的侵位时间为838±11Ma;同样侵位于该缝合带内,具有晚构造特点的休宁岩体的侵位时间为826±6Ma。而晚造山的A型花岗岩均分布在该缝合带的南侧,其中灵山岩体和莲花山岩体的侵位年龄分别为823±18Ma和814±26Ma,两者的侵位时间在误差范围内一致。后造山裂谷环境下形成的石耳山花岗斑岩的年龄为785±11Ma。我们认为江南造山带形成于新元古代,造山过程具有多岛弧拼贴、多缝合的特点。不同缝合带上洋盆闭合的时间存在着差异,最早闭合的可能是赣东北带(蛇绿岩套)、其次是江山-绍兴带,最后是皖南带(歙县蛇绿岩套)。不同缝合带上发育的岛弧型火山岩在地球化学性质上存在着明显的差异,前两者是在洋壳基础上发育起来的,而后者是在不成熟的陆壳基础上发育起来的。江南造山带形成后不久,其南侧即遭受到后造山裂谷(南华裂谷系?)作用的破坏,只是到了早古生代末期(加里东期)扬子克拉通与华夏地块之间的裂谷才最终闭会形成华南统一大陆。  相似文献   

海南地块的亲缘性质归属一直存在分歧。选择海南东方市江边乡白查村峨查组进行碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年,获得年龄为635~1814Ma,具4个年龄峰值,分别为1700Ma、1580Ma、1073Ma和680Ma,记录了哥伦比亚(1700Ma和1580Ma)、罗迪尼亚(1073Ma)和泛非(680Ma)三大地质事件。1700 Ma、1580Ma和1073Ma三个峰值可与南极洲、越南Song Hien、华夏造山带和扬子陆块东南缘同期的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄峰值对比,说明海南地块在中元古代与南极洲、越南、华夏和扬子陆块东南缘共同经历了哥伦比亚和格林威尔(罗迪尼亚)造山事件。1700Ma和1580Ma的峰值虽然在扬子陆块东南缘有弱的显示,但在扬子陆块内部基本没有该年龄峰值的报道,680Ma峰值在扬子陆块未出现,说明中—新元古代海南地块与扬子陆块之间相距较远,而与华夏、越南和南极洲较近。  相似文献   

The Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt (MLYB) is known to contain abundant copper and iron porphyry-skarn deposits, with an increasing number of tungsten deposits and scheelite in Fe–Cu deposits being discovered in the MLYB during recent decades. The ore genesis of the newly-discovered tungsten mineralization in the MLYB is poorly understood. We investigate four sets of scheelite samples from tungsten, iron and copper deposits, using CL imaging and LA–ICP–MS techniques to reveal internal zonation patterns and trace element compositions. The REE distribution patterns of four studied deposits show varying degrees of LREE enrichment with negative Eu anomalies. The oxygen fugacity of ore-forming fluid increased in Donggushan, while the oxygen fugacity of ore-forming fluid decreased in Ruanjiawan, Guilinzheng and Gaojiabang. The scheelites from the Donggushan, Ruanjiawan, Guilinzheng and Gaojiabang deposits show enrichment in LREEs and HFSE, with Nb/La ratios ranging from 1.217 to 52.455, indicating that the four tungsten deposits are enriched in the volatile fluorine. A plot of (La/Lu)N versus Mo/δEu can be used to distinguish quartz vein type, porphyry and skarn tungsten deposits. This study demonstrates that scheelite grains can be used to infer tungsten mineralization and are effective in identifying magmatic types of tungsten deposits in prospective mining sites.  相似文献   

盐井?五龙断裂是龙门山中央断裂北川?映秀断裂的南延部分,也是龙门山南段的三大控制性主干断裂之一。为了详细认识盐井?五龙断裂的构造几何学、运动学特征,在野外构造研究的基础上,运用磁组构方法对盐井?五龙断裂105块构造岩定向样品进行深入研究。野外构造解析表明断裂至少发生了韧性挤压剪切、脆?韧性逆冲和脆性挤压碎裂三期构造变形。磁组构研究显示构造岩磁组构样品的平均磁化率k_m值具有强磁化率和弱磁化率两种特征。磁组构形状参数T、磁面理F值、磁线理L值和T-P_J图解显示磁化率椭球体主要为压扁型,磁面理较磁线理发育,局部发育较强磁线理,进一步表明盐井?五龙断裂以挤压、剪切为主,伴有拉伸变形的整体特征,样品的P_J整体较大,显示出构造强变形磁组构特征。最小磁化率主轴Kmin方位表明盐井?五龙断裂北段和南段分别受到了NW-SE向和NEE-SWW向的挤压作用;Kmin方位和倾伏角表明北段晚一期的脆韧性变形主体为自NW向SE的较高角度的挤压逆冲剪切变形,局部伴有极小量的左行走滑特征。断裂南段早期韧性变形整体以自SWW向NEE的挤压逆冲剪切变形为主,上盘(西盘)远离主干断裂表现为左行走滑兼逆冲的运动学特征,下盘变形主要以逆冲剪切变形为主,走滑分量极小,并且自西向东韧性剪切变形具有相对强弱相间的特征。  相似文献   

长江中下游成矿带陆内斑岩型矿床的成岩成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:21,他引:2  
陆内环境斑岩型矿床的发现对斑岩成矿理论的完善具有重要意义。长江中下游成矿带作为中国东部重要的陆内成矿带之一,成矿带内发育多个重要的斑岩型矿床,如铜山口Cu-Mo矿床、鸡冠嘴Cu-Au矿床、白云山Cu矿、城门山Cu-Mo矿床、武山Cu-Mo矿床、丰山洞Cu-Au矿床、丁家山Cu矿、洋鸡山Au矿、沙溪Cu-Au矿床、冬瓜山Cu-Au矿床、舒家店Cu矿床和安基山Cu矿床等。本文选取成矿带内典型的、具有代表性的斑岩型矿床,对其地质特征(地层、构造、含矿斑岩、脉体特征和围岩蚀变)、成岩成矿年代、成矿岩体的岩石化学和成岩成矿地球化学等方面的研究资料和成果进行了系统总结,讨论和试图阐明长江中下游成矿带陆内斑岩型矿床的成岩成矿作用与成矿模式。研究显示,长江中下游成矿带形成于燕山期陆内造山过程,成矿斑岩岩浆活动和成矿作用主要发生于149~105Ma之间,进一步可以分为早、中、晚三阶段:149~135Ma、133~125Ma和123~105Ma,三阶段岩浆活动和成矿作用主要发生于成矿带中的断隆区,早阶段(149~135Ma)和晚阶段(123~105Ma)多为斑岩-矽卡岩型矿化,中阶段(133~125Ma)矿化为典型的斑岩型矿化。长江中下游成矿带内斑岩型矿床的含矿斑岩为高钾钙碱性-钙碱性系列岩石,大部分具有埃达克岩的地球化学特征,可能为源自富集地幔的岩浆和加厚下地壳部分熔融的岩浆混合的产物,源自富集地幔的基性岩浆对成矿具有至关重要的作用,它的混入使得混合岩浆富水、硫和金属(Cu、Au)等。进一步通过与岩浆弧环境的斑岩型矿床对比研究发现,长江中下游成矿带斑岩型矿床一般不发育高级泥化岩帽(advanced argillic liithocaps)以及浅部的高-中硫矿化蚀变系统,含矿岩浆源区性质和成矿物质来源等与岩浆弧环境的斑岩型矿床明显不同。  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis is presented of the scaling properties of faults within the exceptionally well-exposed Kino Sogo Fault Belt (KSFB) from the eastern part of the 200-km-wide Turkana rift, Northern Kenya. The KSFB comprises a series of horsts and grabens within an arcuate 40-km-wide zone that dissects Miocene–Pliocene lavas overlying an earlier asymmetric fault block. The fault belt is 150 km long and is bounded to the north and south by transverse (N50°E and N140°E) fault zones. An unusual feature of the fault system is that it accommodates very low strains (<1%) and since it is no older than 3 Ma, it could be characterised by extension rates and strain rates that are as low as 0.1 mm/yr and 10−16 s−1, respectively. Despite its immaturity, the fault system comprises segmented fault arrays with lengths of up to 40 km, with individual fault segments ranging up to 9 km in length. Fault length distributions subscribe to a negative exponential scaling law, as opposed to the power law scaling typical of other fault systems. The relatively long faults and segments are, however, characterised by maximum throws of no more than 100 m, providing displacement/length ratios that are significantly below those of other fault systems. The under-displaced nature of the fault system is attributed to early stage rapid fault propagation possibly arising from reactivation of earlier underlying basement fabrics/faults or magmatic-related fractures. Combined with the structural control exercised by pre-existing transverse structures, the KSFB demonstrates the strong influence of older structures on rift fault system growth and the relatively rapid development of under-displaced fault geometries at low strains.  相似文献   

The Matou Mo(-Cu) deposit, located in the Yangtze Valley Metallogenic Belt of central-eastern China, is a typical porphyry-type Mo deposit. The orebodies at the deposit are hosted by Matou porphyritic granodiorite, which is the largest intrusive in the area. Quartz vein-type and disseminated sulfide mineralization are well developed in the porphyry and near its contact with Silurian sandstone. Crosscutting relationships indicate that porphyritic granodiorite is the oldest phase in the pluton, which is crosscut by a porphyritic diorite containing traces of chalcopyrite, and later dolerite dykes. These phases have U-Pb zircon dates of 147 ± 3, 140 ± 1 and 135 ± 1 Ma, which confirms the cross-cutting relationships observed in the field. A Re-Os molybdenite isochron age of 147 ± 4 Ma indicates that the porphyritic granodiorite is the source of the oldest Mo mineralization in the metallogenic belt and was formed during a change of the tectonic setting in the area, from an intracontinental orogeny to extensional tectonics. From 147 to 135 Ma, crust-mantle interaction played an important role in the formation of magmatic rocks at Matou. Systematic petrological and geochemistry investigations reveal that the three phases have a crust source with minor input from the mantle. Investigation of ore-forming fluid, H-O isotopes, S isotopes, and the Re content of molybdenite indicate that the ore-forming fluid and metals were derived from the lower crust. During the evolution of fluid from initial magmatic fluids (stage I) to ore-forming fluids (stage II), fluid boiling accompanied by the input of relatively cooler meteoric water led to the deposition of the Mo mineralization.  相似文献   

Located in the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Block and generally interpreted as the Neoproterozoic collisional product of the Yangtze with the Cathaysia Blocks of South China, the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt (JOB) contains a number of gold (Au) (-polymetallic) ore deposits and mineral showings, mostly hosted by Neoproterozoic low-grade metamorphic volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks. The mineralization styles mainly include auriferous quartz veins and disseminated mineralization in altered mylonite and cataclasite that are developed along shear zones, fracture zones and inter- or intra-formational fault zones closely related to regional folding and shearing deformation. Three gold mineralizing epochs are recognized in the JOB. The ca. 423–397 Ma mineralization was associated with the early Paleozoic tectonothermal event(s), which induced widespread emplacement of Silurian S-type granites, low-grade metamorphism and enrichment of gold in the Neoproterozoic rocks (i.e., forming Au source beds). The second Au mineralization epoch, occurring at ca. 176–170 Ma (Jurassic), was related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate beneath the South China continental margin. The third and most important Au mineralization epoch took place at ca. 144–130 Ma (early Cretaceous), when a Basin-and-Range tectonic pattern was developed, characterized by NE–NNE-trending strike-slip faults, granitic domes and metamorphic core complexes (MCC), and basins filled with red bed lithologies. C, H, O, He-Ar, S and Pb isotopic and fluid-inclusion data suggest that the ore fluids were predominantly metamorphic and/or magmatic, with variable input of mantle-derived fluids and the progressive involvement of meteoric waters in the later stages of mineralization. Ore materials were mostly contributed by the Neoproterozoic source beds, plus a possible contribution from mantle- or magma-derived components. The Au (-polymetallic) deposits in the JOB, particularly those formed in the early Cretaceous, share many geological and geochemical features with the orogenic-type and Carlin-type deposits. In the context of tectonic evolution of South China, the gold mineralization in the JOB may be considered an “intracontinental reactivation type”, characterized by synchronous development of Au–polymetallic mineralization, reactivation of stuctures developed in Neoproterozoic metamorphic rocks, and widespread granite emplacement in the late Mesozoic.  相似文献   

钦-杭结合带硅质岩的分布特征及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钦州—杭州(钦-杭)结合带位于中国东南部地区,跨越浙江、江西、湖南、广东和广西5省(区)。大致以南岭为界,该带可划分为北、中、南三段。中段与南岭带重合,大致分布在北纬24°~27°范围,以北为北段,包括江西、浙江及安徽南部,以南为南段,包括粤西桂东南地区。钦-杭结合带跨带内沉积硅质岩广泛发育,地质和地球化学证据展示它们主要为热水成因。硅质岩相关的热水活动分布偏向于靠近结合带的两侧。钦-杭结合带"北、中、南"三段的硅质岩时空分布存在明显差异:南段及两侧邻区大规模热水活动集中于晚古生代,中段及两侧邻区的集中于早古生代,北段及邻区的热水活动集中于元古宙。这种大规模热水活动自北向南逐渐变新的特点与钦-杭结合带分段演化具有较好的对应关系。作为热水活动地质遗迹的硅质岩,其形成与大地构造与地球动力学背景的演化有密切的关系,特别是与钦-杭结合带的几个拉张阶段存在较好的对应关系。富含硅质的热水活动伴随了丰富的成矿作用,热水喷流沉积型块状硫化物矿床和热水沉积型金矿在该构造带内均较为典型。  相似文献   

长江中下游成矿带的宁芜和庐枞火山岩盆地中发育了大量与早白垩世(约130 Ma)陆相火山-侵入岩有关的玢岩铁矿。这类矿床的特征为具有磁铁矿-磷灰石-阳起石(透辉石)矿物组合,在国际上一般被称为铁氧化物-磷灰石型(Iron Oxide-Apatite, IOA)或基鲁纳型(Kiruna-type)矿床。玢岩铁矿的概念自20世纪70年代提出以来,其成因就一直存在争议,主要有矿浆、岩浆热液及矿浆-热液过渡的观点。近年来的高精度年代学揭示出宁芜和庐枞盆地内玢岩铁矿在约130 Ma集中爆发成矿。矿物学、岩石学及地球化学的综合研究表明成矿物质主要来源于次火山岩体,且成矿早期流体具有高温(550~780 ℃)和超高盐度(可达90% NaCleq)的特点。这些特点与成矿岩体及周围火山岩在成矿早阶段发育大规模钠质蚀变相吻合;但同时S-Sr等同位素和流体包裹体成分分析表明在铁成矿过程中还有外来壳源(如膏盐层物质)流体的加入。一些研究工作还表明玢岩铁矿与夕卡岩型铁矿具有相似的热液蚀变演化过程,暗示两者或许存在某些成因联系,很可能是相似流体与不同性质围岩及在不同温度下水岩交代产物。这些新的证据为探讨玢岩铁矿的成矿作用过程和成因机制提供了新的制约,也带来了新问题。本文从成岩成矿年代学、成矿物质来源、成矿早期流体性质、玢岩铁矿与夕卡岩铁矿及其外围新发现的金铜矿化的成因联系等角度,对近年来长江中下游成矿带玢岩铁矿研究的主要新进展进行初步总结。当前IOA型矿床的成因研究成为国际上矿床学研究的一个热点,除了长期争论的矿浆成因和岩浆热液成因,最近提出多个了岩浆-热液复合成矿模型,如岩浆磁铁矿-气泡悬浮模型及富水铁熔体的上升、脱气和侵位成因模型。将IOA型矿床成因争论的焦点逐渐聚焦在岩浆到岩浆后(岩浆热液)阶段,铁质究竟是以含铁岩浆热液、铁矿浆 (Fe-O或P-Ca-Fe-O),还是岩浆磁铁矿微晶或其他未知的形式来富集成矿的,还有待进一步研究,文章对以上的新模型进行简要介绍和评述,并与长江中下游的矿床进行对比。  相似文献   

2008年MW7.9汶川地震在青藏高原东缘龙门山构造带内毫无征兆的情况下发生,并沿灌县—安县断裂和映秀—北川断裂分别产生了约80 km和275 km的不同性质的地表破裂带,在世界地震史上实属罕见,表明龙门山构造带在以往经历了极为复杂的构造演化和运动变形。地震后迅速启动的汶川地震断裂带科学钻探项目,为我们认识龙门山构造带以往运动和变形本质提供了全新的素材和视角。本文以位于龙门山构造带北段的汶川地震断裂带科学钻探四号孔(WFSD-4)岩心作为主要研究对象,并结合地表构造变形研究,对WFSD-4的岩心变形特征和龙门山构造带北段的构造变形序列进行了分析与探讨,认为:D1变形期以岩心和地表早期面理S1顺成份层发育为特征,多被同时期长英质脉体填充,显示伸展机制下的韧性变形,推测为轿子顶穹隆构造的形成时期; D2变形期为区域主导性面理S2的形成时期,岩心中劈理面上可见绢云母等矿物,石香肠构造指示NW–SE的韧性挤压变形特征。岩心和地表均可见S2切割早期面理S1,错断早期顺S1贯入的长英质脉体; D3变形期以NW–SE向挤压冲断为主,岩心中面理S2发生褶皱变形,局部生成间隔劈理S3。地表可见区域主导面理S2变形,形成平行褶皱,轴面走向北东,发育同时期的NW向陡倾的活动断裂,部分成为汶川地震的发震断裂,该期对应于龙门山构造带北段的喜山期构造运动,褶皱强化,推覆强烈,也是唐王寨向斜的最终成型时期;岩心和地表均可见面理S2膝折的构造现象,为局部地表抬升过程中的重力成因,构成D4期变形。  相似文献   

长江中下游是中国东部一个重要的与中生代岩浆作用有关的Cu-Au-Mo-Fe矿成矿带。近期勘查工作在庐枞矿集区东顾山地区深部首次发现了与隐伏花岗岩密切相关的钨钼多金属矿化。岩石学和岩石地球化学研究结果表明,隐伏花岗岩具有高硅富碱高钾、贫铁贫镁及铝弱饱和的特征,属于高钾钙碱性系列岩石;具有富集Rb、Th、U等强不相容元素和轻稀土元素,亏损Nb、P、Ti、Y等高场强元素,低ε_(Nd)(t)(-18.2~-17.1)和相对高的((~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i)(0.70596~0.70631)的特征,推测其岩浆来源于扬子下地壳的部分熔融,岩浆在就位之前经历了一定程度的分异结晶作用。利用LA-ICP MS锆石U-Pb定年获得96.7±1.3Ma的锆石年龄,表明其属于晚白垩世早期岩浆活动的产物。结合区域成岩成矿时空格架,认为东顾山地区隐伏花岗岩及与之有关的钨钼多金属矿化可能代表了长江中下游成矿带的新一期成岩成矿事件。  相似文献   

边千韬  丁林 《岩石学报》2006,22(4):977-988
在特提斯喜马拉雅带东段哲古错中低温热液型锑-金矿床内首次发现了含金(砷)细粒高镁石英闪长岩,它们呈岩脉或岩枝状侵入于上三叠统—下侏罗统黑色页岩中。矿区内及外围有许多辉长岩脉及少量橄榄二辉岩小岩体产出。含金(砷)细粒高镁石英闪长岩主要为细粒结构,其次为斑状结构,具有与高镁埃达克岩相似的地球化学特征,表现为:SiO_2≥56%,高Al_2O_3(>15%)、高MgO(Mg~#值为48~59),高Cr(75×10~(-6)~130×10~(-6))、高Ni(54×10~(-6)~74×10~(-6)),富集LILE,亏损HREE及HFSE,(La/Yb)_N>12,Eu弱负异常(δEu=0.81~0.91),Sr含量较高且变化大(209.28×10~(-6)~685.14×10~(-6),平均381×10~(-6))、低Y和Yb,Y<16×10~(-6),Yb<1.7×10~(-6),具有平坦的HREE配分型式,(Ho/Yb)_N≈1,Sr/Y值较高且变化大(14.58~47.28,平均24)。Nd-Sr-Pb同位素组成特征为:高I_(Sr)(0.709726~0.711203),ε_(Nd)(t)弱负(-3.08~-1.15),Pb同位素组成变化幅度不大,~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb=18.638~18.672,~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb=15.694~15.702,~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb=38.983~39.016。含金(砷)细粒高镁石英闪长岩的K-Ar年龄为42.54±0.94Ma和43.21±1.14Ma,其岩浆可能是由地球化学性质类似于哲古错辉长岩的底侵玄武质下地壳部分熔融形成的,此底侵玄武质岩浆源自轻度富集EMⅡ物质的大陆下岩石圈地幔,于晚侏罗世底侵到下地壳。距今65Ma前,印度板块与欧亚大陆碰撞,地壳逐渐加厚。约43Ma前,地壳加厚到40km以上,同时发生了构造事件,诱发玄武质下地壳熔融形成含金(砷)细粒高镁石英闪长岩岩浆,此岩浆与构造活动耦合上升到地壳浅部成岩成矿。细粒高镁石英闪长岩是对金成矿有利的岩石,并且赋存有斑岩型金(砷)矿(化)体,指示特提斯喜马拉雅东段可能存在斑岩型金矿带;同时,含金(砷)细粒高镁石英闪长岩的发现对特提斯喜马拉雅带构造-岩浆作用及地球动力学研究也有意义。  相似文献   

Dissolved inorganic nutrient elements were analyzed from the samples collected in the South Passage of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary in March 2003, including NH4 , NO3-, NO2- and PO43-. The water samples were collected with a Niskin sampler hourly at the near-surface, middle and near-bottom depths at the three stations -A1, A2 and A3-during two complete tidal cycles of neap tide and spring tide. Results showed that 1) the concentrations of NH4 , NO3- and NO2- were a little higher respectively during the neap tide than those during the spring tide, while PO43- showed an opposite trend, and each was higher in the ebb tide than in the flood tide, either for the neap tidal cycle or the spring tidal cycle; 2) higher stratification of the nutrients existed obviously in this area, with the concentrations of which increased from the bottom to the surface, especially for NH4 and NO3-; 3) the coefficient of variation (C.V.) values of all dissolved inorganic nutrients varied from 4.06% to 36.8% beyond different influences of the tidal current and Changjiang runoff; 4) with increasing suspended matter in the water column, the concentrations of PO43- became lower in the filtered water; and 5) the total transport of each tidal cycle was much more in the spring tide than in the neap tide, and the positive values indicated that the nutrients had been exported to the East China Sea. Studies on the variations and net transport of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the South Passage of the Changjiang Estuary will provide the scientific basis for the study of the mechanism of red tide in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

刘鹤  颜丹平  魏国庆 《地质学报》2008,82(4):464-474
碧口地块位于秦岭—大别、松潘—甘孜造山带与扬子板块的交汇部位。根据碧口地区各套地层构造变形样式的不同,将地层自下而上划分为三个构造地层单元:①新元古界基底杂岩,主要由新元古界碧口群火山岩系和横丹群浊积岩系组成,杂岩体核部变形较弱,边部发育韧性剪切变形,并以一条由超糜棱岩带组成的基底拆离断层为顶界,与上覆地层分隔。基底杂岩经历了蓝片岩相到硬柱石-钠长石-绿泥石相的变质作用。②古生界中间韧性流变层,由志留系—泥盆系的糜棱岩或千糜岩组成,岩层中发育多期构造面理(S1、S2、S3)和典型的固态流变构造,变质程度普遍达中绿片岩相。③中生界沉积盖层,包括碧口地块以北的三叠系关家沟组和小面积出露的侏罗系—白垩系,以脆性破碎带和小型脆性断层构造为主。拆离断层与各套构造地层中的韧性剪切和流变构造一同反映了区域性上盘向SSE剪切的几何学和运动学特征,证实了碧口地区中生代206~154Ma伸展垮塌事件的存在,从而建立了碧口地块的隆升模式。研究结果表明,松潘—甘孜在中生代造山作用后的区域伸展作用下形成了拆离断层和中地壳韧性流变层,造成了地层缺失和地壳减薄,基底杂岩在造山带的腹陆隆升并露出地表。  相似文献   

In the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt (South Africa), Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism was superimposed on an earlier Archaean orogenic history. Previously determined ages of  2030–2020 Ma obtained from high-temperature chronometers (zircon, garnet, monazite) are generally thought to provide the best estimate of the peak of Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism in the Central Zone, whereas ages as young as  2006 Ma from late melt patches suggest that temperatures remained above the wet solidus for an extended period. We present a new MC-ICP-MS 207Pb–206Pb age of 2030.9 ± 1.5 Ma for titanite found in amphibolite- to greenschist-facies alteration zones developed adjacent to quartz vein systems and related pegmatites that cut a strongly deformed Central Zone metabasite. This age could potentially date cooling of rocks at this locality to temperatures below the wet solidus. Alternatively, the titanite could be inherited from the metabasite host, and the age determined from it date the peak of metamorphism. Integration of the geochronology with LA-ICP-MS trace element data for minerals from the metabasite, the hydrothermal vein systems and comparable rocks elsewhere shows that the titanite formed during the amphibolite-facies hydrothermal alteration, not at the metamorphic peak or during the greenschist-facies phase of veining. This suggests that high-grade rocks in the Central Zone have cooled differentially through the wet solidus, and provides timing constraints on when Palaeoproterozoic reworking in the Central Zone began. This study illustrates the potential of combined geochronological and high-resolution geochemical studies to accurately match mineral ages to distinct crustal processes.  相似文献   

The Middle–Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt (MLYRMB), extending from Daye in Hubei Province in the west to Zhenjiang in Jiangsu Province in the east, hosts a number of large polymetallic (Cu–Au–Mo, Fe, Zn, Pb, and Ag) deposits and constitutes one of the most important metallogenic belts in China. The Cu–Au–Mo deposits in the Jiurui district are an important component of the MLYRMB. In this study we carried out precise and detailed zircon U–Pb dating for all types of magmatic rocks from the Wushan ore deposit in the Jiurui district. Three samples of Cu–Au–Mo-related porphyries from different ore belts at Wushan were analyzed and yielded zircon U–Pb ages of 148.0 ± 1.0 Ma, 145.4 ± 0.9 Ma and 147.3 ± 0.9 Ma, respectively. A series of dykes were emplaced immediately following the Cu–Au–Mo-related porphyries at Wushan. A dark-colored basic dyke which intruded into the granodiorite porphyry at Wujia gold deposit near Wushan was dated at 144.5 ± 1.2 Ma. Two lamprophyre dykes taken from the north ore belt at Wushan underground mining stops were dated at 143.6 ± 0.9 Ma and 144.3 ± 0.9 Ma, respectively. A late-stage dyke which was also taken from the Wushan north ore belt yielded an age of 142.6 ± 1.0 Ma and might represent the end of magmatism in the Wushan ore deposit. These new geochronological data demonstrate that the time range of magmatism in the Wushan ore deposit is approximately between 148 Ma and 143 Ma, showing that the magmatic activity at Wushan was rapid and intensive. The ages of Cu–Au–Mo-related porphyries from other areas in the Jiurui district, such as the Dongleiwan, Yangjishan and Chengmenba ore deposits, were also measured and yielded zircon U–Pb ages of 141.5 ± 1.7 Ma, 143.4 ± 1.4 Ma and 146.6 ± 1.0 Ma, respectively. Combined with those previously reported zircon U–Pb age results from the Jiurui district, the present age data set demonstrates that extensive magmatism in the Jiurui district was coeval and intensive, marked by a magmatic activity in the age range of 148 to 138 Ma and peaked between 148 Ma and 142 Ma. According to the statistics of all those precise zircon U–Pb ages, the Cu–Au–Mo-related porphyries in the Edong and Tongling districts in the MLYRMB show similar ages, and they have a slightly younger peak age and a longer duration than that of the Jiurui district. The geographic shape of the MLYRMB in the Cretaceous shows an arcuate structure, the Jiurui district is located at the transitional point of the arcuate structure and the Edong and Tongling districts are situated on both sides of the arcuate structure. Considering that the Jiurui district has a slightly older peak age and a shorter duration of magmatic activity than that in the Edong and Tongling districts, it seems that the arcuate structure of the MLYRMB played an important role in the formation of these Cu–Au–Mo-related porphyries. Consequently, we suggest that the genesis of the Late Mesozoic magmatic rocks along the MLYRMB may have been due to a tectonic activity developed from southeast to northwest, which probably has a close relationship with the subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate beneath the Eurasian plate in Mesozoic times.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic storms are a natural hazard tohuman health in the Auroral Belt of the Circumpolar.Geomagnetic disturbances in space, and the associated short-term variations in the atmosphere and the geophysical environment,provoke a disturbance of nervous and cardiovascular systems in the human body. The Heart Rate Variability (HRV) method providesa momentary response of human organisms toshort-term geophysical perturbations related to the Polar Aurora. A pilot project was performed in the Murmansk region in 1997–1999 with a contemporaneous series of records for both HRV in a test group of local inhabitants and the variations of natural geomagnetic fields.A correlation between geomagnetic disturbances and heart rate was calculated and different reactions of people on geophysical impact were shown. The special group of `Aurora Disturbance Sensitive People' (ADSP) was revealed. Aninternational study, aimed atevaluation of the impact on human health due to exposure of northern populations to the geophysical risk factor (GRF) in the Circumpolar areas located under the Aurora Belt, is needed.  相似文献   

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