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Excellent hydrocarbon source rocks (oil shales), containing Type I organic matter (OM), were deposited in the continental Songliao rift basin during the Late Cretaceous. A major contribution of aquatic organisms (dinoflagellates, green algae, botryococcus) and minor input from macrophytes and land plants to OM accumulation is indicated by n-alkane distribution, steroid composition and δ13C values of individual biomarkers. Microbial communities included heterotrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria and chemoautotrophic bacteria, as well as purple and green sulfur bacteria. The presence of methanotrophic bacteria is indicated by 13C-depleted methyl hopane. The sediments were deposited in a eutrophic, alkaline palaeolake. Highly reducing (saline) bottom water conditions and a stratified water column existed during OM accumulation of the Qingshankou Formation and Member 1 of the Nenjiang Formation. This is indicated by low pristane/phytane, gammacerane index and MTTC ratios, and the presence of β-carotane and aryl isoprenoids. However, an abrupt change in environmental conditions during deposition of Member 2 of the Nenjiang Formation is indicated by significant changes in salinity and redox-sensitive biomarker ratios. A freshwater environment and suboxic conditions in the deep water prevailed during this period. Higher input of terrigenous OM occurred during deposition of the upper Nenjiang Formation.Good oil-to-source rock correlation was obtained using biomarker fingerprints of oil-stained sandstone from the Quantou Formation and oil shales from the Qingshankou Formation. Based on the extent of isomerisation of C31 hopanes, the oil was most probably derived from oil shales of the Qingshankou Formation in deeper parts of the basin.  相似文献   

以吉扶地6井为主,结合邻井资料研究了松辽盆地东南隆起三井子地区青山口组油页岩特征.吉扶地6井于1058.6~1079.9 m处青山口组中见有油页岩5层,累计厚度10.3 m,含油率(3.5~10.5)%,平均5.46%,为中等品质油页岩.具有有机质丰度高的特征,平均TOC 7.72%,有机质类型主要为Ⅰ型,有机质成熟度...  相似文献   

正Objective The Songliao Basin is located in northeastern China. The Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation(Fm.)(K2 qn), Yaojia Fm.(K2 y), and Nenjiang Fm.(K2 n) were deposited in its depression. The sediments are mainly continental clastic rocks. The first member of the Qingshankou Fm.(K2 qn1) in the southern Songliao Basin mainly comprises semi-deep to deep lacustrine shale of large thickness, generally 30,100 m, with wide distribution; the thickness of the shale has an average thickness of 70 m.  相似文献   

吉林省松辽盆地白垩系下统青山口组油页岩沉积特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉林省松辽盆地白垩系下统青山口组一段是油页岩的含矿层位,形成时为松辽盆地的坳陷期,油页岩是盆地两次最大湖泛期的产物,盆地内油页岩属于典型的深湖相成因。  相似文献   

以松辽盆地北部为研究区域,以上白垩统青山口组一、二段泥岩为研究对象,通过国内外页岩油研究资料收集整理分析、典型井岩心观察、样品测试数据分析等,对研究区青山口组一、二段泥岩的岩性、物性、电性、含油气性、烃源岩、脆性及地应力特征七方面页岩油评价参数进行了研究,结果表明,松辽盆地北部上白垩统青山口组一、二段具有页岩油发育的有利石油地质条件,其中古龙凹陷为页岩油的有利区,具有良好的勘探前景。  相似文献   

Micropores of shale are significant to the gas content and production potential of shale, which has been verified in the research of marine shale gas; while, few studies have been conducted on lacustrine shales. This study collected 42 samples from three wells in the Late Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation of the southern Songliao Basin, NE China, and investigated these samples by the focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope (FIB–SEM) and nitrogen adsorption analysis techniques. Four types of micropores were identified in the samples, i.e., intergranular pore, intracellular pore, organic matter pore and microfracture. The pore structure type is characterized by open slit pores and “ink type” pores which are mainly 1.5–5 nm in diameter with mesopores as the main pores. The mesopores account for 74.01% of the pore volume and 54.68% of the pore surface area. Compared with the lacustrine shales from the Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin and Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin, the intergranular clay mineral interlayer pores are considered to be the main reservoir space for shale gas storage in the study area, followed by intraparticle pores, organic matter pores and microfractures. Maturity and micropore are the key controlling factors which affect the shale gas content of the Qingshankou Formation in southern Songliao Basin.  相似文献   

<正>Southern Songliao basin consists of four A structural units from west to east:western slopes,southwest ridge,central depression and southeast uplift.Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation shale sedimented in large-scale invasion of the lake,with a quick settlement,super fast filling compensation deposition characteristics and widely deposition of organic-rich,thick black shale interbedded oil shale,which is the most important source rocks on Songliao basin.The main organic matter types of  相似文献   

松辽盆地上白垩统青山口组发育含大量介形虫化石的介形虫层,介形虫层的单层厚约5~200cm。介形虫层具有低伽马、高电阻、低声波等测井响应特征。以测井资料识别介形虫层为基础,研究了介形虫层在平面上不同相带及其在纵向高频层序格架下的分布规律,探讨了介形虫群集性死亡的原因。介形虫层平面上主要分布在大庆、龙虎泡—红岗阶地、黑帝庙等环坳带,盆地东部相对不太发育,滨浅湖是介形虫生存的有利环境;纵向上主要分布在青一段上部及青二段。高频层序旋回控制了介形虫的繁殖与死亡,介形虫群集性死亡事件主要发生在基准面下降期间。介形虫的群集性死亡与湖泊面积扩大无关,更与海侵事件无关。基准面下降造成水体变浅、矿化度增高以及砂岩进入滨浅湖可能是导致介形虫群集性死亡的直接原因。  相似文献   

The Yaojiachezhan (YJCZ) section and NGN1, Zk3389 and SK1-S wells, which are located in the southeastern part of the Songliao Basin, NE China, were used to analyse paleoseismic events recorded in the Upper Cretaceous first member of the Nenjiang Formation. Two representative seismic sequences are recognised in these lacustrine deposits. The seismic sequence observed in the YJCZ section, from the base to top, includes step micro-faulting, seismic fissures, liquefaction sandstone veins, brecelated structures, liquefied fold-deformed laminations and sand pillow structures. Whereas in NGN1 core, from the base to top, includes micro-faulting, seismic fissures, sand pillow structures, liquefied fold-deformed laminations and liquefaction sandstone veins. These two seismic sequences together reflect the processes resulting from a strong seismic event from initiation to culmination, then decline and recession. The occurrence of brecciated structures reflects the earthquake magnitude in the YJCZ section area probably reached M7.5, while liquefied fold-deformed laminations in the NGN1 core area reflects an earthquake magnitude of M7.0. Empirical relations between earthquake magnitude and the maximum distance of liquefaction deformation structure sites from the epicentres show that the longest distance between the earthquake source area for the YJCZ section and NGN1 well are <100?km, whereas the distance for the Zk3389 and SK1-S wells is >100?km. The trigger source area for this paleoseismic event is most likely the Yilan-Yitong Fault, meaning that the Yilan-Yitong Fault was active during the deposition of the first member of the Nenjiang Formation.  相似文献   

The Daqing exploration area in the northern Songliao Basin has great potential for unconventional oil and gas resources, among which the total resources of tight oil alone exceed 109 t and is regarded as an important resource base of Daqing oilfield. After years of exploration in the Qijia area, Songliao Basin,NE China, tight oil has been found in the Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation. To work out tight oil’s geological characteristics, taking tight oil in Gaotaizi oil layers of the Upper C...  相似文献   

松辽盆地断陷期白垩纪营城组的时代归属   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
本文结合生物地层,同位素年代学,古地磁及地层序列的最新研究成果,探讨了松辽盆地断陷期营城组的时代归属。营城组孢粉组合多繁盛于白垩纪早—中期的Hauterivian期—Albian期;营城组同位素年龄分布表现出两个峰值135 ~ 120Ma和115 ~ 110Ma,结合采样层位及地层序列特征认为135~130Ma代表营城组下段中基性火山岩的年龄,130 ~ 120Ma代表营城组一段酸性火山岩的年龄,115~110Ma代表营城组三段基性火山岩及顶部酸性火山岩的年龄;古地磁研究表明在Hauterivian期底界偏上的135Ma发生过磁性的倒转以及松辽盆地的快速北移。这些特征表明营城组的时代为Hauterivian期—Albian早期,同位素年龄为135 ~ 110Ma。  相似文献   

松辽盆地古龙凹陷有丰富的页岩油气资源。但是目前对古龙凹陷页岩油储层的岩石学特征和页岩油的状态,尤其是储集空间的类型及其组合关联性认识不清。通过对古龙凹陷白垩系青山口组岩芯的精细描述及其薄片分析和电子显微镜观察及三维CT深入研究,发现古龙青山口组页岩油的储集空间具有多样性和多尺度性。除了纳米孔缝外,还有页理缝。根据页理缝的规模和与油气的关系,可分为5类:① 纳米缝,缝宽在10~50 nm,缝长50~100 nm,或更长;两端尖中间宽,微弯曲呈蠕虫状;本身也是重要的储集空间,是纳米级油元的重要组成部分,与纳米级孔油元和微米级油基关系密切;② 微米缝,宽 0.1 μm 到数微米,长数十微米到数百微米,与纳米级油元和微米级油基关系密切;③中微缝,宽数微米到数十余微米,缝长数百微米,与微米级油基关系密切;④大微缝,宽数十微米到100 μm,长数百微米到数毫米,与微米级油基和微微缝及中微缝关系密切和⑤ 大页理缝(宽数百微米,肉眼明显可见),与各级微裂缝关系密切。此外,可见高角度倾斜或直立的裂缝,由于这些页理缝顺层发育,所以往往当做页理对待。通过研究,认为页理缝主要是嫩江组沉积末期(嫩末)和明水组沉积末期(明末)的构造反转褶皱过程中形成的。另外,还发育了大量的顺层方解石脉,根据方解石脉的宽度分为3类:① 小型介于0.1~1.0 mm;② 中型介于1.0~5.0 mm;③ 大者介于0.5~1.0 cm,最大宽度2.5 cm。较大的顺层方解石脉由垂直页理的纤柱状方解石组成。大方解石普遍发育共轭裂缝和挤出构造,是古龙凹陷嫩末和明末古应力反转的结果,也是古应力恢复的重要依据。经应力恢复认为嫩末和明末,可能一直延续到依安组的最大应力来自于水平方向(东西方向),在1500 m和2500 m深度水平最大挤压应力分别可达139.16 MPa和204.27 MPa,而垂向最小应力则分别为35.44 MPa和59.07 MPa。所以,在这种应力状态下导致顺层发育了大量页理缝和顺层纤柱状方解石脉。此外,在页理面上还发育了一系列摩擦镜面、擦痕、阶步、光面、剪裂面、鳞片构造、碎片构造等,揭示了沿页理发育了强烈的顺层剪切。四级纳微缝与大页理缝密集发育,在顺层面方向构成了裂缝空间联通网络,使页岩在顺层面方向渗透率较好或很好;裂缝空间联通网络与纳米和微米孔一起构成了一个三维的特殊缝孔体,与碳酸盐岩的缝洞体相当。纳米孔缝和微米孔缝及页理缝对于松辽盆地青一段页岩油的勘探开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

松辽盆地古龙凹陷有丰富的页岩油气资源.但是目前对古龙凹陷页岩油储层的岩石学特征和页岩油的状态,尤其是储集空间的类型及其组合关联性认识不清.通过对古龙凹陷白垩系青山口组岩芯的精细描述及其薄片分析和电子显微镜观察及三维CT深入研究,发现古龙青山口组页岩油的储集空间具有多样性和多尺度性.除了纳米孔缝外,还有页理缝.根据页理缝...  相似文献   

通过对松辽盆地北部青山口组15个湖相页岩样品进行岩石矿物学、有机地球化学和储集空间特征分析,综合运用XRD、热解、分步热解、分步抽提和分步核磁测试等实验方法,以表征青山口组不同赋存状态页岩油含量、组成和分布特征,进一步探讨了滞留烃含量评价、生产潜力以及勘探制约因素与建议。此次研究得到以下认识:① 青山口组矿物组成较为均一,岩性主要为黏土质页岩,但以伊利石为主的黏土矿物特征有利于储层的压裂。有机质分布较为均一,TOC平均值为2. 41%。含油性好,油质轻、饱和烃含量和含油饱和度指数(OSI)高。② 页岩油的赋存状态被定义为在冷抽提和索氏抽提条件下从不同粒度中提取的游离油、游离- 吸附油和吸附油。游离油主要以轻质组分为主,吸附油的重质组分增多,较大孔隙以游离油为主,吸附油绝大部分分布在较小孔隙中。游离油与吸附油化学组成的变化,也揭示了石油排出微运移过程中的组分分馏效应,运移后的石油具有更高的饱和烃+芳烃含量、更小的分子量和更低的Pr/n- C17、Ph/n- C18值,指示更大的流动可能。③ 青山口组油质相对优越,但相对较高的黏土矿物含量是研究层段生产需要关注的制约因素。页岩油微运移后指示更大的生产可能,在该区未来一段时间勘探过程中可以尝试寻找油气运移汇聚区。  相似文献   

An ostracod biostratigraphic study was performed on 425 samples from the composite geological section constructed by using cores taken from five selected wells drilled in the Late Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation in the Songliao basin.A total of 19 ostracod zones are established in the formation,of which 3 are newly established and 3 are revised.The 19 ostracod zones are described in detail.This study provides a basis for the detailed stratigraphic division and correlation of the Qingshankou Formation and the Gaotaizi oil reservoir in the oilfield in the Songliao basin.  相似文献   

The Songliao basin (SB) is a superposed basin with two different kinds of basin fills. The lower one is characterized by a fault-bounded volcanogenic succession comprising of intercalated volcanic, pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks. The volcanic rocks, dating from 110 Ma to 130 Ma, are of geochemically active continental margin type. Fast northward migration of the SB block occurred during the major episodes of the volcanism inferred from their paleomagnetic information. The upper one of the basin fill is dominated by non-marine sag-style sedimentary sequence of siliciclastics and minor carbonates. The basin center shifted westwards from the early to late Cretaceous revealed by the GGT seismic velocity structure suggesting dynamic change in the basin evolution. Thus, a superposed basin model is proposed. Evolution of the SB involves three periods including (1) Alptian and pre-Aptian: a retroarc basin and range system of Andes type related to Mongolia-Okhotsk collisional belt (MOCB); (2) Albian to Companian: a sag-like strike-slip basin under transtension related to oblique subduction of the Pacific plate along the eastern margin of the Eurasian plate; (3) since Maastrichtian: a tectonic inverse basin under compression related to normal subduction of the Pacific plate under the Eurasian plate, characterized by overthrust, westward migration of the depocenter and eastward uplifting of the basin margin.  相似文献   

何文渊  赵莹  钟建华  孙宁亮 《地质论评》2022,68(6):2022112023-2022112023
页岩油储层中的有机质一直是页岩油研究的重点。用电子背散射(HDBSD)详细地研究了古龙页岩油储层中的有机质中的微孔,发现了古龙页岩油储层有机质中的微孔非常发育。有机质微孔可以分为4种类型:①结构镜质体微孔;②均质镜质体微孔;③沥青质体微孔;④有机黏土微孔。有机质微米孔的直径多在1 μm到数微米,圆形、近圆形或不规则;研究还发现,古龙页岩油储层中的孔隙度与有机碳呈一定的正相关关系。对有机质中的微孔孔隙度进行了初步的定量分析,获得了平均值为2239%;初步计算表明有机微孔对储层孔隙度总的贡献在044%左右(有机碳取20%)。有机质中的微米孔(包括其他微米孔)可以与更高一级的微缝和页理缝互相联结,构成了一个很好的空间联通网络系统,为古龙页岩油的有效开发奠定了物质基础。  相似文献   

总有机碳含量(TOC)、有机质碳稳定同位素(δ13C)、氢指数(HI)和有机质类型是进行古湖泊学研究的良好替代性指标,本研究以岩石热解分析数据和总有机碳测试数据为替代指标来综合反映松辽盆地青山口组二—三段晚期集水盆地的气候、湖泊生产力和湖泊底部水体环境等古湖泊学特征。指标显示:青山口组二—三段晚期集水盆地的古气候经历了温暖冷暖湿温暖而干燥干冷的演化过程;1933~1932m沉积时期,有机质以湖相为主,湖底为弱氧化环境,古湖泊初始生产力最高,其它阶段,有机质以陆源为主,虽然TOC含量高,但古湖泊初始生产力并不高;TOC值随深度减小而降低,δ13C值随深度变浅而偏正,而且δ13C值正向偏移量最大的时期晚于TOC值最高的时期;暖期时,TOC值较高,HI值较高,δ13C值偏负;冷期时,TOC值较低,HI值较低,δ13C值偏正。  相似文献   

何文渊  赵莹  钟建华  孙宁亮 《地质论评》2023,69(3):1161-1183
页岩油储层中的有机质一直是页岩油研究的重点。用电子背散射(HDBSD)详细地研究了松辽盆地古龙凹陷古龙页岩油储层中的有机质中的微孔,发现了古龙页岩油储层有机质中的微孔非常发育。有机质微孔可以分为4种类型:(1)结构镜质体微孔;(2)均质镜质体微孔;(3)沥青质体微孔;(4)有机黏土微孔。有机质微米孔的直径多在1μm到数微米,圆形、近圆形或不规则;研究还发现,古龙页岩油储层中的孔隙度与有机碳呈一定的正相关关系。对有机质中的微孔孔隙度进行了初步的定量分析,获得了平均值为22.39%;初步计算表明有机微孔对储层孔隙度总的贡献在0.44%左右(有机碳取2.0%)。有机质中的微米孔(包括其他微米孔)可以与更高一级的微缝和页理缝互相联结,构成了一个很好的空间连通网络系统,为松辽盆地古龙页岩油的有效开发奠定了物质基础。  相似文献   

以NGN1井全取芯井为标杆,通过岩芯观察、地球化学分析和显微组分镜下鉴定,揭示青山口组一段的有机质演化规律。NGN1钻井位于松辽盆地东南缘,青一段由底至顶分别为灰绿色泥质粉砂岩-深灰色泥岩、油页岩-灰色泥岩-灰绿色粉砂质泥岩沉积,揭示了由滨浅湖-半深湖-滨浅湖的沉积环境演化。TOC、S2、含油率以及HI呈现增大-高值-减小的趋势,而半焦含量和块状密度则呈相反的变化趋势。青一段泥岩中主要的有机质显微组分为层状藻、孢子体和骨屑等,有机质含量与单位面积显微组分、藻类相对含量均呈明显的正相关,并结合有机质判别图解,说明有机质类型主要为I型和II1型,来源以湖泊藻类为主。泥岩中的陆源有机质含量较少,说明湖泊生物控制着有机质的来源,浅湖由于水体较浅、水底含氧,保存条件较差,导致泥岩中的有机质丰度较低,半深湖-深湖水体较深,保存条件良好,促进有机质的富集,因此垂向上沉积环境演化是导致有机质变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

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