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The spatial and temporal relationships between subarctic Canadian sea‐ice cover and atmospheric forcing are investigated by analysing sea‐ice concentration, sea‐level pressure and surface air temperature data from 1953 to 1988. The sea‐ice anomalies in Hudson Bay, Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea are found to be related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Southern Oscillation (SO). Through a spatial Student's i‐test and a Monte Carlo simulation, it is found that sea‐ice cover in both Hudson Bay and the Baffin Bay‐Labrador Sea region responds to a Low/Wet episode of the SO (defined as the period when the SO index becomes negative) mainly in summer. In this case, the sea‐ice cover has a large positive anomaly that starts in summer and continues through to autumn. The ice anomaly is attributed to the negative anomalies in the regional surface air temperature record during the summer and autumn when the Low/Wet episode is developing. During strong winter westerly wind events of the NAO, the Baffin Bay‐Labrador Sea ice cover in winter and spring has a positive anomaly due to the associated negative anomaly in surface air temperature. During the years in which strong westerly NAO and Low/Wet SO events occur simultaneously (as in 1972/73 and 1982/83), the sea ice is found to have large positive anomalies in the study region; in particular, such anomalies occurred for a major portion of one of the two years. A spectral analysis shows that sea‐ice fluctuations in the Baffin Bay‐Labrador Sea region respond to the SO and surface air temperature at about 1.7‐, 5‐ and 10‐year periods. In addition, a noticeable sea‐ice change was found (i.e. more polynyas occurred) around the time of the so‐called “climate jump” during the early 1960s. Data on ice thickness and on ice‐melt dates from Hudson Bay are also used to verify some of the above findings.  相似文献   

In this paper, I first conduct a preliminary analysis of monthly rainfall data from West Kalimantan, Indonesia that indicates that (1) dry periods periodically occur in this otherwise humid environment; (2) these dry periods are often linked to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events; and (3) the intensity of these ENSO linked dry periods has been increasing over the past two or three decades. I then examine the economic costs of the 1991 dry period to residents of several small villages near Gunung Palung National Park. Costs I considered included reduced durian fruit harvest, loss of coffee gardens, delayed rice crops, increased water hauling labor, lost wages in the forest product industry, and increased health problems. The total cost was estimated to be between approximately one-quarter and one-half of annual township income. These results of this economic ground truthing indicate that even in one of the wettest places of the world, droughts occur and can have serious welfare consequences. To the extent that the increasing intensity of these droughts may be linked to climate change, prudence dictates that policy and decision makers should use these results to plan accordingly.  相似文献   

Previous study comes to the conclusion:based on the anomalies of the South Asian high (SAH),100-hPa geopotential height,and 100-hPa circulation over tropical and subtropical regions,we can predict precipita- tion anomaly in the Yangtze River Valley and North China.To test its validity,a series of experiments have been designed and operated,which include controlled experiment,sensitivity experiment (which has added anomalies into 100-hPa geopotential height and wind field),and four-composite experiments.Experiments based on the composed initial field such as EPR-CF,EPR-CD,EPR-HF,and EPR-HD,can reproduce the floods or droughts in the Yangtze River Valley and North China.It suggests that anomalies of the SAH,100- hPa geopotential height,and circulation over tropical and subtropical regions may probably imply summer precipitation anomalies in the two regions.Sensitivity experiment results show that anomalies of the SAH, 100-hPa geopotential height,and southwest flow in the previous period is a signal of droughts or floods for the following summer in the Yangtze River Valley and North China.And it is also one of the factors that have impact on summer precipitation anomaly in the two regions.Positive anomaly of 100-hPa geopotential height and the anomalous intensifying of the SAH and southwest flow will induce floods in the Yangtze River Valley and droughts in North China;while negative anomaly of 100-hPa geopotential height and anomalous weakening of the SAH and southwest flow will induce droughts in the Yangtze River Valley and floods in North China.  相似文献   

Linkages between hydroclimate variability and economic development are often theorized to be present only in developing economies. Using spatially small-scaled data from multiple decades for European regions, we examine the relationship between precipitation anomalies and economic performance in highly developed economic systems. We conduct a disaggregated empirical analysis to mitigate the bias potentially arising from spatial aggregation because precipitation realizations tend to vary drastically within larger sized economic units. We modify original precipitation indices to capture the dynamic expectation formation of economic agents about climate conditions to measure deviations from these anticipated environmental states. Using panel model regressions in a quasi-experimental research design, we analyse whether deviations from average growth rates of aggregated economic output are potentially non-linearly related to the magnitude of precipitation deviations from the anticipated climate norm within regions, after accounting for any shocks common to all regions. We find that precipitation deviations that exceed critical thresholds (intermediate anomalies) for both unusually dry and unusually wet years reduce regional growth rates. The adverse impacts are more pronounced for overly dry periods. Importantly, the relationship between economic growth and precipitation anomalies is not generalizable across all regions. Natural geographical circumstances such as prevailing climatic conditions (“first-nature” geographies) and human-made socio-economic factors such as sector structure and income level (“second-nature” geographies) moderate the anomaly response. The empirical findings substantiate the necessity to incorporate precipitation variability into the assessment of economic costs of climate change; not only in developing countries or agricultural societies but also in highly developed economic systems. Moreover, the empirical results have important implications for policy makers as uneven effect sizes at the subnational level suggest that policy measures should be targeted in space and coordinated between national and regional levels of government.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionAnideallandsurfacemodelmustbothrealisticallydescribethelandsurfacecharacteristics(especiallytheuniversalheterogeneity)andbecomputationallyinexpensive.CurrentlyPOpularlandsurfacemodelsareallbasedon"bigfeartheory,inwhichamodelgridcellisdividedintomanypatches(e.g.,abaresoilpatchoravegetationpatch;manyregularpatchesdividedintoaccordingtogeographicallocations),andinwhichonlyinterpatchvariabilityistakenintoaccountwhileseldomintrapatchvariabilityis,whentheheterogeneityisconsidered.Even…  相似文献   

A method based on Giorgi (1997a, 1997b) and referred to as ‘combined approach’, which is a combination of mosaic approach and analytical-statistical-dynamical approach, is proposed. Compared with those of other approaches, the main advantage of the combined approach is that it not only can represent both interpatch and intrapatch variability, but also cost less computational time when the land surface heterogeneity is considered. Because the independent variable of probability density function (PDF) is extended to the single valued function of basic meteorological characteristic quantities, which is much more universal, the analytical expressions of the characteristic quantities, (e.g., drag coefficient, snow coverage, leaf surface aerodynamical resistance) affected by roughness length are derived, when the roughness length (and/ or the zero plane displacement) heterogeneity has been mainly taken into account with the approach. On the basis of the rule which the PDF parameters should follow, we choose a function y of the roughness length z0 as the PDF independent variable, and set different values of the two parameters width ratio αn and height ratio γ of PDF (here a linear, symmetric PDF is applied) for sensitivity experiments, from which some conclusions can be drawn, e.g., relevant characteristic terms show different sensitivities to the heterogeneous characteristic (i.e., roughness length), which suggests that we should consider the heterogeneities of the more sensitive terms in our model instead of the heterogeneities of the rest, and which also implies that when the land surface scheme is coupled into the global or regional atmospheric model, sensitivity tests against the distribution of the heterogeneous characteristic are very necessary; when the parameterαn is close to zero, little heterogeneity is represented, andαn differs with cases, which have an upper limit of about 0.6; in the reasonable range ofαn, a peak-like distribution of roughness length can be depicted by a small value ofγ, etc..  相似文献   

Global forest governance has recently seen the emergence of a timber legality regime. In an aim to regulate global timber trade flows, the US, the EU and Australia adopted laws prohibiting illegally harvested timber from entering their markets. While some view this as a milestone for environmental and social stewardship in the global forest sector, the effects of the regime remain contested.In order to better understand likely effects of the regime, we apply the Discursive Agency Approach to analyze discursive dynamics of policy making among the stakeholders involved in the creation of each law and their effects on governance design and implementation.Based on 120 interviews in the US, Australia, the EU and with global organizations/institutions, as well as 19 informal conversations, 300 documents, and participant observation data, our results show that legality is a powerful concept in forest governance. Drawing attention away from sustainability, it enables discursive divides between the global North and South as well as between wood producers and importers. These divides were crucial for the emergence of the legality regime. While some forest industry groups perceived the new laws as an opportunity, others saw them as a threat. In all three regions this led to coalitions between supportive industry factions and environmental groups. These coalitions were based on a complementarity of goals; environmentalists aimed to protect “Third World” forests while industry groups aimed to protect “First World” markets against growing competition from these former regions. Yet each coalition was composed differently and employed distinct – albeit related – discursive strategies in policy making. This affected the design of each law and its implementation. The shift from sustainability towards legality re-surfaces prominently in implementation. Stakeholder discussions range from coercive “threatening” to more learning-oriented “educating” approaches. We conclude by discussing the effects these discursive struggles in Australia, the EU and the US have on the global timber legality regime.  相似文献   

Summary During the months January and February 1990 a series of severe cyclones were responsible for enormous wind-induced damage in Europe. The final of this series, on 27 February 1990, cyclone Vivian mainly affected the alpine valleys of Switzerland. 5 Millions m3 of timber were felled by the severe winds, a record number in this century. A complete damage survey of the deforested areas offers in combination with meteorological data an unique data set for a detailed case study of this extreme event.This paper describes the general meteorological development from the synoptic scale down to the mesoscale of Switzerland and presents a general overview of the damage situation. The main results show that a rare situation of a straight frontal zone stretching over the whole Atlantic Ocean and showing a strong gradient in temperature pointed directly toward Central-Europe. Two waves formed along this elongated polar front and deepend rapidly to depressions. The first low travelled on the southernmost trajectory of the whole storm series and affected Switzerland most. North of the Alps the prefrontal warm air was blocked to the east by the arriving coldfront and had to escape into the complex terrain of the alpine valleys. There, the stormy winds were strengthened by channelizing and Föhn effects. The large temperature gradient between the prefrontal and the incoming air masses induced thunderstorm activity which vortices and downdrafts might have enhanced locally. As a result most of the damaged forested areas were found between 1200 and 1600 m MSL on slopes, which were mainly exposed toward the prevailing NW-winds. A comparison of extreme wind speeds for the period 1978–1992 revealed that this event's extreme high speed of 74.5 m/s, measured at a high elevated pass station in the mountains, was exceptional. For lower elevated stations the wind speeds were high but in the range of other observed extreme values. In addition to the severe wind forces the duration of sustained high wind speed was exceptionally long during February 1990.With 16 Figures  相似文献   

For the Cree First Nation communities of the eastern James Bay region in the Canadian Subarctic, local weather plays a key role in traditional subsistence activities. There is rising concern among the Cree about changes in inland ice conditions as they pose challenges to Cree livelihood, health and culture. Here we contrast Crees’ observations of inland ice conditions and long-term measurements obtained to foster interdisciplinary climate change research between scientists and Cree communities. We compiled qualitative observations of inland ice conditions and compared them with long-term measurements (> 25 years) of air temperature, precipitation and snow depth from three meteorological stations in the Cree territory. Cree hunters observed a weakening of lake ice cover (e.g., change in ice composition and structure, increased rain in winter). Trend analysis of long-term measurements showed a significant increase in mean autumn air temperature as well as in winter and autumn precipitation. By contrasting Cree hunters’ observations with climate data, we identified that an increase in fall and winter precipitation could be causing a weakening of inland ice through a change in its composition (i.e., snow ice instead of congelation ice). We conclude that Cree and scientific knowledge are complementary when investigating and understanding climate change in the Subarctic.  相似文献   


Droughts are major natural disasters for many parts of the world. Dry areas, where the precipitation pattern is markedly seasonal, or is otherwise highly variable, are the most susceptible. The Canadian Prairies, together with the U.S. Great Plains, are one such area. While immediate loss of life is seldom a feature of most droughts, malnutrition and even starvation do follow severe droughts in some parts of the world. In Canada, economic losses, particularly in the agricultural sector, may reach several hundred millions of dollars in a drought year, with major socio‐economic repercussions affecting the entire region. Environmental damages include soil degradation and erosion, vegetation damage, slough and lake deterioration and wildlife loss. Unlike most other natural disasters, drought onset is difficult to identify. Droughts develop slowly, and until human activity begins to be affected by an on‐going reduction of precipitation, their existence is unrecognized. Development and application of specific soil moisture and drought indices based on cumulative precipitation deficits have enhanced drought monitoring programs. These in turn provide guidance on the need for mitigative measures that can be initiated early in the course of a drought. Any improvement in the timely application of these measures is, however, strongly dependent on being able to determine the drought's course, extent and likely severity at the earliest stage possible. The identification of precursor conditions for past drought has raised the possibility that the likelihood of a drought occurring in a particular year or growing season might be predictable. Teleconnections between North American precipitation patterns and ENSO events and other surface boundary conditions in the North Pacific have been detected. Forecasting seasonal temperature and perhaps precipitation anomalies appears to be potentially feasible using a suitable merging of precursor parameters and modelling methodologies. Clearly, future research must focus both on those precursors that have been identified and on a search for possible new ones. Development of better forecasting methodology is also essential. Research activity to identify and evaluate new mitigative measures should also be increased to keep pace with the prospects of drought predictability.  相似文献   

Forecasting austral summer rainfall in southern Africa is hampered by a lack of long-term instrumental data. This paper extends the historical record for the subcontinent by presenting the first extensive 19th century climate history for Lesotho derived from documentary evidence. The data sources included unpublished English-, French- and Sesotho-language materials archived in Lesotho, South Africa and the UK. These included letters, journals and reports written by missionaries and colonial authorities, which were supplemented by newspapers, diaries, travelogues and other historical sources. Each source was read in chronological order, with any climate information recorded verbatim. Observations were classified into five categories (Very Wet, Relatively Wet, ‘Normal’, Relatively Dry, and Very Dry) based upon the predominant documented climate during each ‘rain-year’ (July to June). The latter portion of the chronology was then compared for accuracy against available instrumental precipitation records from Maseru (1886–1900). The results yield a semi-continuous record of climate information from 1824 to 1900. Data are restricted to lowland areas, but reveal drought episodes in 1833–34, 1841–42, 1845–47, 1848–51, 1858–63, 1865–69, 1876–80, 1882–85 and 1895–99 (the most severe drought years being 1850–51 and 1862–63) and wet periods or floods in 1835–36, 1838–41, 1847–48, 1854–56, 1863–65, 1873–75, 1880–81, 1885–86 and 1890–94. The rainfall chronology is compared with similar records for South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe. Linkages to possible forcing mechanisms, including ENSO teleconnections and historical coral-derived southwest Indian Ocean sea surface temperature variations are also explored.  相似文献   

Based on a coupled physical-biogeochemical model of the Yellow and East China Seas (YECS), the influence of biological activity on the seasonal variation of the air–sea CO2 flux is evaluated. The solution of a sensitivity experiment that excludes biological activity is compared with that of a reference experiment that includes the full processes. The comparison reveals that biological activity results in a much stronger seasonal variation of surface dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and, hence, the ratio of total alkalinity to DIC in the northern parts of the YECS. The increased ratio resulting from biological DIC consumption contributes to the undersaturated partial pressure of CO2 at the sea surface with respect to the atmosphere, causing the central Yellow Sea in summer and autumn to shift from being a CO2 source to a sink; this same shift also occurs over the Changjiang Bank in summer. In the southern YECS, the biological effect is relatively weak. The comparison further reveals that low water temperature, instead of biological activity, is the dominant factor causing the YECS to become a carbon sink in spring. The biological effect on the variation of DIC (both at the surface and in the water column) differs greatly among the three representative regions of the YECS because of differences in primary production and hydrodynamic conditions. Particle-tracking simulations quantify the regional difference in horizontal advection. In the northern region, weaker horizontal advection causes the longer residence time of low DIC water induced by biological consumption. Over the entire YECS, biological activity contributes to about one-third of the total annual absorption of atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Lu  Mengmeng  Yang  Song  Li  Zhenning  He  Bian  He  Shan  Wang  Ziqian 《Climate Dynamics》2018,51(4):1485-1498

We conduct several experiments using a fully-coupled climate model to understand the role of Tibetan Plateau (TP) surface heating in the climate variations over West Asia, South Europe, North Africa, and the North Atlantic during summer. Emphasis has been placed on the physical processes and responsible mechanisms that involve the shift of the Hadley cell and the important features of rotational and divergent response of the atmosphere to the TP heating. The relative importance of the TP to the Asian continent is also analyzed. A heating of the TP surface leads to local increases in tropospheric temperature and the thickness of the air column due to the so-called air pumping effect. In the upper troposphere, the South Asian high intensifies and extends westward. To the west of TP, especially in West Asia, South Europe, North Africa, and the North Atlantic, distinguished Rossby wave responses to the TP heating occur with anomalous high pressure and uniform warming in the entire troposphere. Correspondingly, descending motions intensify and precipitation decreases. However, the tropical Sahel rainfall increases because of a northward shift of the Atlantic intertropical convergence zone and the anomalous westerlies due to the weakening of the southeastern portion of the Atlantic subtropical high. These effects of the TP heating explain a remarkable portion of the effects by the Asian continent heating. In addition, the impacts of different magnitudes of TP surface heating are also discussed.


l.Intr0ducti0nAschemeforretrievingCOprofilesinthetroPOspherehasbeendiscussedinthepreviousPartI(WuandGille,partI)foragascorrelationradiometerMeasurementsofPollutionintheTroPOsphere(M0PITT)workingatthe4.6pmwaveband.Thebasicequationshavebeendiscussed.TheuseofthewidebandsignalforprovidingthesurfacetemPeratureandanaddi-tionalchannelforthecolumnarC0amounttoimprovetheretrievalinthenearsurfacelayerhasbeentested.Itisfoundthaterrorsinthetemperatureprofilemayincreaseerrorsinthere-trievedprofiles…  相似文献   

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