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This paper systematically compares modeled rates of change provided by global integrated assessment models aiming for the 2 °C objective to historically observed rates of change. Such a comparison can provide insights into the difficulty of achieving such stringent climate stabilization scenarios. The analysis focuses specifically on the rates of change for technology expansion and diffusion, emissions and energy supply investments. The associated indicators vary in terms of system focus (technology-specific or energy system wide), temporal scale (timescale or lifetime), spatial scale (regional or global) and normalization (accounting for entire system growth or not). Although none of the indicators provide conclusive insights as to the achievability of scenarios, this study finds that indicators that look into absolute change remain within the range of historical growth frontiers for the next decade, but increase to unprecedented levels before mid-century. Indicators that take into account or normalize for overall system growth find future change to be broadly within historical ranges. This is particularly the case for monetary-based normalization metrics like GDP compared to energy-based normalization metrics like primary energy. By applying a diverse set of indicators alternative, complementary insights into how scenarios compare with historical observations are acquired but they do not provide further insights on the possibility of achieving rates of change that are beyond current day practice.  相似文献   

Today’s climate policies will shape the future trajectory of emissions. Consumption is the main driver behind recent increases in global greenhouse gas emissions, outpacing savings through improved technologies, and therefore its representation in the evidence base will impact on the success of policy interventions. The IPCC’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C (SR1.5) summarises global evidence on pathways for meeting below-2 °C targets, underpinned by a suite of scenarios from integrated assessment models (IAMs). We explore how final energy demand is framed within these, with the aim to making demand-related assumptions more transparent, and evaluating their significance, feasibility, and use or underutilisation as a mitigation lever. We investigate how the integrated assessment models compensate for higher and lower levels of final energy demand across scenarios, and how this varies when mitigating for 2 °C and 1.5 °C temperature targets through an analysis of (1) final energy demand projections, (2) energy-economy relationships and (3) differences between energy system decarbonisation and carbon dioxide removal in the highest and lowest energy demand pathways. We look across the full suite of mitigation pathways and assess the consequences of achieving different global carbon budgets. We find that energy demand in 2100 in the highest energy demand scenarios is approximately three to four times higher than the lowest demand pathways, but we do not find strong evidence that 1.5 °C-consistent pathways cluster on the lower end of demand levels, particularly when they allow for overshoot. The majority of demand reductions happen pre-2040, which assumes absolute decoupling from economic growth in the near-term; thereafter final energy demand levels generally grow to 2100. Lower energy demand pathways moderately result in lower renewable energy supply and lower energy system investment, but do not necessarily reduce reliance on carbon dioxide removal. In this sense, there is more scope for IAMs to implement energy demand reduction as a longer-term mitigation lever and to reduce reliance on negative emissions technologies. We demonstrate the need for integrated assessments to play closer attention to how final energy demand interacts with, relates to, and can potentially offset supply-side characteristics, alongside a more diverse evidence base.  相似文献   

利用14C的比度测定年代是一项划时代的工作,对推动考古学及古气候研究起了决定性的作用。这项工作是从Libby开始的,他创建了14C年代学的理论基础和实验方法。14C年代学的原理是放射性14C只存在于大气和一切与大气处于交换状态的含碳物质中。一旦该物质脱离交换状态,14C放射性不再得到补偿,只会按衰变规律降低。这样就可以按下列公式算出该物质的年龄,即:  相似文献   

C矢量(C)是Q矢量(Q)在三维空间中的延伸,表征了三维非地转运动。然而,C是基于地转风近似和绝热条件得到的,不包含大气运动的非绝热加热信息。大气中的降水及其影响天气系统往往与大气凝结潜热释放所产生的非绝热效应有关。从β平面下的p坐标系大气原始方程组出发,考虑大气非绝热效应,推导湿C矢量(C*),揭示C*的物理意义。利用ERA5再分析资料和高原低涡数据集,通过C*诊断青藏高原低涡(简称“高原涡”)个例形成、发展和移动过程,并与C的诊断结果进行对比以证实C*的应用价值。结果表明,相较于Q和C, C*包含更全面的非地转运动信息,在诊断中具有优势。C*的水平分量(Chor*)表征了热成风非平衡和非绝热加热作用产生的次级环流,能更好地解释高原涡移动方向改变的原因;C*的垂直分量(Cp*)恢复了被Q丢失的非地转运动信息,描述了地转非平衡产生的水平非地转运动,...  相似文献   

In this study, 24-h PM2.5 samples were collected using Harvard Honeycomb denuder/filter-pack system during different seasons in 2006 and 2007 at an urban site in Guangzhou, China. The particles collected in this study were generally acidic (average strong acidity ([H+]) ~ 70 nmol m? 3). Interestingly, aerosol sulfate was not fully neutralized in the ammonia-rich atmosphere (NH3 ~ 30 ppb) and even when NH4+]/[SO42?] was larger than 2. Consequently, strong acidity ([H+]) as high as 170 nmol m? 3 was observed in these samples. The kinetic rate of neutralization of acidity (acidic sulfate) by ambient ammonia was significantly higher than the rate of formation of ammonium nitrate involving HNO3 and NH3 for [NH4+]/[SO42?]  1.5 and much lower for NH4+]/[SO42?] > 1.5. Therefore, higher nitrate principally formed via homogeneous gas phase reactions involving ammonia and nitric acid were observed for [NH4+]/[SO42?] > 1.5. However, little nitrate, probably formed via heterogeneous processes e.g. reaction of HNO3 with sea salt or crustal species, was observed for [NH4+]/[SO42?]  1.5. These demonstrate a clear transition in the pathways of ambient ammonia to form aerosol ammonium at [NH4+]/[SO42?] = 1.5 and evidently explain the observed high acidity due to the unneutralized sulfate in the ammonium-rich aerosol (NH4+]/[SO42?] > 1.5). In fact, the measured acidity was almost similar to the excess acid defined as the acid that remains at [NH4+]/[SO42?] = 1.5 due to the un-neutralized fraction of sulfate ([H+] = 0.5[SO42?]). The presence of high excess acid and ammonium nitrate significantly lowered the deliquescence relative humidity of ammonium sulfate (from 80% to 40%) in the ammonium-rich samples.  相似文献   

C语言处理气象资料初探梁立光(四川省绵阳气象局邮码621000)我通过省局主办的微机应用进修班的学习,对C语言有了初步的认识;后经自学和实践,已能较为熟练地运用C语言来处理多种实用性问题。最近,我用C语言设计了一套预报业务上较为有用的资料处理程序,再...  相似文献   


利用榆林2007—2012年夏季(6—8月)逐日0o C、-20o C层高度探测资料及2012年夏季全市平均逐日降水资料,分析了2012年夏季榆林降水异常与0o C、-20o C层高度的关系。结果表明:夏季强降水的发生与6月暖空气活跃,7、8月冷空气活动频繁有密切关系;榆林2012年夏季08时0o C、-20o C层高度较近5a平均值偏低,且特性层高度变化特征为缓降—下降—下降,与近5a上升—维持—缓降的平均变化趋势存在较大差异;特性层高度时间累积与日降水量的相关关系20时优于08时,日常降水预报中应更多地考虑20时特性层高度的变化。


针对C程序设计语言中复合语句的使用状况,指出复合语句是C语言选择结构和循环结构中常用的一种语句形式,对复合语句使用不当的个例进行了修改,对一个使用C语言编写的加密程序编程实现了解密程序。  相似文献   

C语言之所以能被广泛的应用,其高效率是一个关键因素。而C 作为C语言的继承和发展,不仅保留了C语言的诸多优点,还包含面向对象的特征,成为新一代软件系统构建的利器。本文通过析构函数、虚函数、内联函数、普通成员函数、静态函数的调用,以单一继承为例介绍一些提高C 编程效率的简单方法。  相似文献   

2004年10月19日,我国自主研制的“风云二号”C静止气象卫星(简称FY-2C)在西昌卫星发射基地由“长征”三号甲运载火箭成功发射升空。  相似文献   

2005年4月二连浩特站701C雷达持续出现现象相似的故障,经过分析检查,排除了由多种原因引起的混合故障。现将此过程呈现给机务同行,希望大家提出宝贵意见。1故障现象抓球困难,跟球过程中测角四条亮线变化异常,有时出现两两等高现象。2原理分析701C型雷达是根据天线波瓣偏扫的原理,用等信号法进行测角的。雷达天线具有很强的方向性,只有一个方向上辐射(接收)的无线电波最强,偏离这个方向则逐渐减弱到零。701C型雷达有上、下、左、右四组天线,由换相环控制按上、右、下、左顺序偏扫。利用垂直面上的波瓣可以测仰角,利用水平面上的波瓣可以测…  相似文献   

一、C语言的发展过程及其特点 1.C语言的发展过程 C语言是现代UNIX系统的主要编写语言,它的出现及发展都与UNIX系统有着密切的联系.从一九六九年开始,美国Bell实验室的K·Thompson和D·M·Ritche两人着手研制UNIX系统,并用不到两年的时间将其研制成功.该系统最早运行在DEC的PDP-7上,第一版本是在GE635机上产生并通过纸带把可执行代码传送到PDP-7上.此后,UNIX系统又以汇编语言进行了编写.由于汇编语言的不可移植,以及描述问题的效率不如高级语言,特别是可读性比较差,所以K·T  相似文献   

王伟平 《山西气象》2001,(3):42-43,45
本文对714C天气雷达接收系统可能发生的故障及原因进行分析,从而为检修接收系统的故障提供参考。  相似文献   

FoxBASE是国内在微机上使用最广泛的关系式数据库,它具有较强的数据管理能力,提供十分方便的菜单设计技术。FoxBASE2.1版还可用于多用户操作系统环境,是计算机进行数据管理的良好工具。但在用FoxBASE开发较大规模的应用项目时,由于其处理速度慢,数据能力弱等,而希望用C语言或其它高级语言来弥补不足。因此若将两者结合,利用FoxBASE采集、管理数据,利用C语言对数据进行各种综合处理、分析,就会加快项目的开发,提高数据的利用率。为此本文将讨论FoxBASE与C语言之间的数据共享。1FoxBASE数据文件的存储结构FoxBASE…  相似文献   

天气雷达是探测天气变化的重要工具,尤其是机场短时天气预报的重要手段,是保证航班安全正常的可靠保障。针对呼和浩特机场714C天气雷达收发机维护过程中的一些问题方法进行总结,从中总结可行性经验。  相似文献   

C波段多普勒天气雷达地物识别方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地物回波对雷达数据应用会造成负面影响,是影响定量降水估测等产品精度的重要因素,识别并剔除地物回波是雷达基数据质量控制的一个重要内容。该文在现有S波段雷达地物识别方法的基础上,使用长治、哈尔滨两部CINRAD/CC雷达2011年观测数据,对C波段雷达地物回波特征进行分析,改进识别参量的隶属函数,建立适合C波段多普勒天气雷达的地物识别方法 (MCC方法),并对该方法进行效果检验。结果表明:S波段及C波段雷达地物回波与回波强度有关的参量分布较为相近,与降水回波的参量分布有明显区别;S波段雷达地物识别方法中与回波强度有关的参量可用于C波段雷达地物的识别,与速度有关的参量中仅中值速度可用于C波段雷达。通过统计分析与个例分析,相对于现有S波段雷达识别方法,MCC方法可显著提高C波段雷达地物回波的识别正确率,并可减少层状云降水回波的误判。  相似文献   

《风云一号》C极轨气象卫星是继1988年和1990年发射《风云一号》A星和B星之后,我国发射的第三颗极轨气象卫星。这是我国空间遥感科学技术的又一个新的大发展,是我国气象现代化建设的一个里程碑。《风云一号》气象卫星作为一个系统工程,从研制到发射、运行,共包括5个基本组成部分,即卫星、运载火箭、发射靶场、测控及地面业务应用系统。(风云一号》C卫星运行轨道是近国形的太阳同步轨道,轨道高度870km,轨道倾角98.85”,卫星绕地球一周的时间为102ndn,偏。心率小于0.0034,一天内卫星绕地球运行约14目,轨道回时间14.4天,卫星…  相似文献   

Long-term measurements of light hydrocarbons(C2–C5 HCs) were performed in the courseof the EUROTRAC sub-project TOR (Tropospheric Ozone Research) in thesouthern part of the Black Forest in southwest Germany. The measurementscover a time period of five years (January 1989–January 1994) and theair samples were analyzed onsite by an automated GC-system. Pronouncedannual cycles with maxima in late winter and minima in late summer wereobserved in the case of the slowly reacting hydrocarbons ethane, propane andacetylene, reflecting the fact that the seasonal variation of these speciesis photochemically driven. For the shorter lived compounds the seasonalvariations are considerably weaker, connected with a stronger scatter of theindividual measurements, which is caused by different distances to theirmain sources for different wind vectors as well as by varying sourcestrengths. From a detailed characterization of the hydrocarbon patterns theinfluence of two different sources could be distinguished. An extrapolationto photochemical age of zero and completion of our data with those from aspeciated VOC inventory yields an estimated [VOC]/NOx sourceratio for Schauinsland of 5 [ppbC/ppb]. Comparable[VOC]/NOx ratios are observed in automobile exhaust gasesunder low speed conditions, which points to the important role of trafficunder conditions, when freshly polluted air masses from a near-by city areadvected to the site. From an investigation of the photochemical age of theadvected air masses it becomes clear that there must exist biogenic sourcesof light olefins in the vicinity of the observatory during the vegetationperiod. For propene and the butenes we are able to estimate a lower limit oftheir contributions in terms of reactivity to the total reactivity( [HC](i) k_OH(i),i=C2-C5) of the measured hydrocarbons. Forlowest pollution levels in summer (acetylene <300 ppt, about 40%of the summer values) this source is found to be responsible for15–20% of the total C2–C5reactivity observed at Schauinsland. On the average, this source accountsfor 5–10% of the total C2–C5reactivity.  相似文献   

We use an early twentieth century (1908?C1958) atmospheric reanalysis, based on assimilation of surface and sea level pressure observations, to contrast atmospheric circulation during two periods of persistent drought in North America: 1932?C1939 (the ??Dust Bowl??) and 1948?C1957. Primary forcing for both droughts is believed to come from anomalous sea surface temperatures (SSTs): a warm Atlantic and a cool eastern tropical Pacific. For boreal winter (October?CMarch) in the 1950s, a stationary wave pattern originating from the tropical Pacific is present, with positive centers over the north Pacific and north Atlantic ocean basins and a negative center positioned over northwest North America and the tropical/subtropical Pacific. This wave train is largely absent for the 1930s drought; boreal winter height anomalies are organized much more zonally, with positive heights extending across northern North America. For boreal summer (April?CSeptember) during the 1930s, a strong upper level ridge is centered over the Great Plains; this feature is absent during the 1950s and appears to be linked to a weakening of the Great Plains low-level jet (GPLLJ). Subsidence anomalies are co-located over the centers of each drought: in the central Great Plains for the 1930s and in a band extending from the southwest to the southeastern United States for the 1950s. The location and intensity of this subsidence during the 1948?C1957 drought is a typical response to a cold eastern tropical Pacific, but for 1932?C1939 deviates in terms of the expected intensity, location, and spatial extent. Overall, circulation anomalies during the 1950s drought appear consistent with the expected response to the observed SST forcing. This is not the case for the 1930s, implying some other causal factor may be needed to explain the Dust Bowl drought anomalies. In addition to SST forcing, the 1930s were also characterized by massive alterations to the land surface, including regional-scale devegetation from crop failures and intensive wind erosion and dust storms. Incorporation of these land surface factors into a general circulation model greatly improves the simulation of precipitation and subsidence anomalies during this drought, relative to simulations with SST forcing alone. Even with additional forcing from the land surface, however, the model still has difficulty reproducing some of the other circulation anomalies, including weakening of the GPLLJ and strengthening of the upper level ridge during AMJJAS. This may be due to either weaknesses in the model or uncertainties in the boundary condition estimates. Still, analysis of the circulation anomalies supports the conclusion of an earlier paper (Cook et?al. in Proc Natl Acad Sci 106:4997, 2009), demonstrating that land degradation factors are consistent with the anomalous nature of the Dust Bowl drought.  相似文献   

研制了一种模块化设计的瑞萨系列单片机实验系统.系统采用集成度高的温度传感器,运用模块化设计完成了基于16位单片机(M3062LFGPGP)的数字式温度计设计,同时在处理温度数据时运用一种新算法,温度精度通过主控模块软件和温度硬件校正处理得到提高.根据传统设计原理,结合瑞萨单片机M3062LFGPGP特点,系统将A/D转换模块和万年历模块集中于主控模块,实现了用软件编程替代A/D模块、万年历硬件模块的新型设计.设计需要模块仅为主控模块、温度模块和显示模块,能够显示当前环境温度以及年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒.此设计可以大大降低系统功耗,减少硬件设计错误,提高系统的稳定性,计时准确,显示清晰,具有较高的应用价值.  相似文献   

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