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Mario Bossolasco 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1952,21(1):169-181
Riassunto Vengono illustrate le principali caratteristiche della brezza marina a Genova, a Savona ed a Belvedere Marittimo. L'esame relativo alle prime due località dimostra fra l'altro l'intervento di unacorrente costiera, diretta in senso ciclonico lungo la Liguria, la cui azione è importante per l'origine della brezza marina e per determinarne il suo comportamento. In base alle registrazioni della radiazione globale eseguite a Genova si trova altresì che la durata minima della brezza di mare dipende dall'intensità della medesima radiazione globale.
Summary In the present treatise the chief characteristics of the sea breeze of Genoa, Savona and Belvedere Marittimo are being elucidated. Investigations carried out at the first two mentioned places showed a temporary coastal current which is pointing cyclonically along the coast of Liguria. Its activity has an important bearing upon the origin and behaviour of the breeze. The registrations of the total radiation from sun and sky at Genoa furthermore show that the minimum duration of sea breeze depends on the intensity of that radiation.
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die wichtigsten Charakteristiken der Seebrise von Genua, Savona und Belvedere Marittimo erläutert. Die Untersuchung an den zwei ersten Orten ergab eine zeitweilige Küstenströmung, die längs der Liguria zyklonal gerichtet ist. Ihre Aktivität ist für den Ursprung und das verhalten der Brise wichtig. Die Registrierungen der Globalstrahlung in Genua zeigen überdies, dass die Minimaldauer der Seebrise von der Intensität der Globalstrahlung abhängt.相似文献
Mario Bossolasco 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1948,11(1):122-126
Riassunto Le depressioni del Golfo di Genova dei periodi 1901–15 e 1947–48 vengono indagate statisticamente in funzione della loro genesi, durata e sviluppo, ponendole in relazione con le corrispondenti situazioni bariche del tempo in grande dominanti sull'Europa (secondo la classificazione diFr. Baur).
Zusammenfassung Die Genua-Zyklonen der Perioden 1901–15 und 1947–48 werden statistisch hinsichtlich ihrer Genesis, Lebenslänge und Entwicklung untersucht und in Beziehung zu den entsprechenden, über Europa herrschenden Grosswetterlagen (nach der Klassifikation vonFr. Baur gesetzt).相似文献
Arnaldo Belluigi 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1958,40(1):97-119
Riassunto L'A. esamina l'aspetto non-stazionario dei fenomeni elettrogeosmotici. Nella Parte I considera unidroemungimento catodico a pressione costante; nella Parte II si pone nelle condizioni più aderenti alla realtà,pompaggio catodico a pressione variabile.La determinazione temporale della quantità d'acqua catodicaK (Parte I) comporta una legge che comprende, come caso limite, l'aspetto stazionario. La determinazione diK, in funzione di (quantità d'elettricità), oltre che permettere di dedurre la legge di Wiedemann della stazionarità, porta a nuovi risultati. Ne elenchiamo alcuni dei più importanti: l'impiego vantaggioso di correnti relativamente forti di breve durata, il calcolo della durata per conseguire il consolidamento, la definizione della distribuzione spaziale dell'acqua estraibile, ed altro.Nella Parte II si evidenzia, in partenza, l'utilità dell'impiego della corente pulsante. Si ricava perK una nuova formula, che completa quella ottenuta nella Parte I. Derivano norme razionali, siaper il pompaggio intermittente dell'acqua catodica, sia per l'idonea erogazione della corrente elettrica. Efficace risulta non tutta la corrente, ma solo il suo salto da cui tutta una nuova prassi elettrogeosmotica, di maggior rendimento generale delle vigenti.
Parte di questo lavoro ha formato oggetto di una relazione presentata il 10 Aprile 1957 alla Sesta Assemblea Generale della Società Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova, 10–12 Aprile 1958). 相似文献
Summary The A. investigates the non stationary aspect of electrogeo-osmotic phenomena. In part 1 the A. considers the cathodichydraulic discharge at steady pressure; in part 2 the conditions are closer to those of reality, i.e.:cathodic discharge at nonsteady pressure.The timing of the amount of cathodic waterK (Part 1) leads to a law which, as boundary condition, comprises the stationary aspect of the phenomenon. The determination ofK, as function of (amount of electric current), besides to allow to infer the Wiedemann's stationarity law, leads to new consequences. Some of the most important are: advantegeous use of relatively high electric currents for short times; calculation of the duration of treatment in order to attain the consolidation; definition of the spacial distribution of the water which may be discharged.
Parte di questo lavoro ha formato oggetto di una relazione presentata il 10 Aprile 1957 alla Sesta Assemblea Generale della Società Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova, 10–12 Aprile 1958). 相似文献
Prof. Mario Tenani 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1952,21(1):131-132
Summary The A. points out that the confirmation of the theory ofNeumann's significative waves, which differ from those ofSverdrup andMunk, would require observations of an accuracy not yet available. The existence of these waves would not change, anyhow,Sverdrup andMunk's conclusions out of the wind area. 相似文献
Riassunto Il lavoro riguarda una serie di misure su campioni di 5 tipi diversi di rocce italiane aventi lo scopo di determinare la rispettiva conducibilità termica. Dopo la descrizione dell'apparecchiatura usata, vengono esposti i risultati ottenuti, analizzando in dettaglio l'influenza della scistosità. In base alle misure fatte su campioni di ardesia questa influenza può esprimersi con la formola:k=k90+m cos , dove è l'angolo fra la direzione del flusso termico ed il piano di stratificazione, mentrem è una costante caratteristica della scistosità.
Lavoro eseguito con un contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Comitato per la Geologia). 相似文献
Summary Experiments made for obtain the thermal conductivity of different kinds of italian rocks are described and discussed. The effect of schistosity was derived for slate rocks and it can be represented with the formula:k=k90+m cos , where is the angle between the direction of thermal flux and the plain of stratification, whereasm is a constant characterizing the schistosity.
Lavoro eseguito con un contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Comitato per la Geologia). 相似文献
P. Prof. Francesco Saverio Zanon 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1952,23(1):174-184
Riassunto L'anno 1951, climatologicamente, fu un anno straordinario. Ebbe temperatura moderatamente più elevata della normale, specialmente in Gennaio e Febbraio. Notevole in alcuni mesi l'abbondanza di pioggia. Le condizioni meteorologiche sono rispecchiate dalle date di fioritura, che anticipano o ritardano in corrispondenza non solo con le variazioni della temperatura, ma anche con le variazioni di piovosità e di intensità della radiazione solare.
Summary The year 1951 was climatologically an extraordinary year. It had a little higher temperature than normally, especially in January and February. In some months there was abundance of rainfall. The meteorological conditions are shown by the dates of flowering which are in advance or delayed in conformity not only with the variations of the temperature, but also with the variations of rainfall and of the intensity of the sun's radiation.相似文献
Prof. Silvio Polli 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1952,21(1):63-70
Riassunto Dalle osservazioni di visibilità verso il mare, eseguite giornalmente a Trieste alle ore 8, 14 e 19, nel ventennio 1931–1950, si deducono le medie mensili, stagionali e annue. La visibilità risulta massima alle ore 14 e nei mesi estivi. Il valore medio annuo è 6.5 del codice internazionale, la visibilità è di 15.000 m ed è classificata mediocre-buona. Nel ventennio l'andamento medio annuo risulta leggermente crescente.
Summary From the visibility-observations towards the sea, effectuated every day at 8h, 14h and 19h, during the period of twenty years (1931–1950), the monthly and annual mean values are calculated. The visibility results maximum at 14h of the summer months. The mean annual value is 6.5 of the International Codex, the visibility is 15.000 m and it is classified middle-good. In the twenty years 1931–1950, the mean annual going results lightly increasing.相似文献
Prof. Arnaldo Belluigi 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1956,34(1):57-65
Riassunto L'A. espone a titolo di sintesi, alcuni propri risultati che riguardano le questioni dei principi d'equivalenza nei sondaggi elettrici, e l'erroneità di alcune leggi di composizione relative a terreni a più strati.
Relazione presentata il 5 Aprile 1956 alla Quarta Assemblea generale dellaSocietà Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova: 5–8 Aprile 1956). 相似文献
Summary The Author explais as a synthesis come own results about the equivalence principles of the electric soundings and the erronousness of some composition laws regarding grounds with more layers.
Zusammenfassung Der Verfasser erklärt als Synthese einige Ergebnisse über die Equivalenzgrundlageu der elektrischen Sondierungen und den falschen Inhalt einiger Verteilungsgesetze betreffend die Boden mit mehrerer Schichten.
Relazione presentata il 5 Aprile 1956 alla Quarta Assemblea generale dellaSocietà Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova: 5–8 Aprile 1956). 相似文献
A record of recent change in terrestrial sedimentation in a coral-reef environment, La Parguera, Puerto Rico: a response to coastal development? 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Increased sediment flux to the coastal ocean due to coastal development is considered a major threat to the viability of coral reefs. A change in the nature of sediment supply and storage has been identified in a variety of coastal settings, particularly in response to European colonization, but sedimentation around reefs has received less attention. This research examines the sedimentary record adjacent to a coastal village that has experienced considerable land-use change over the last few decades. Sediment cores were analyzed to characterize composition and sediment accumulation rates. Sedimentation rates decreased seaward across the shelf from 0.85 cm y(-1) in a nearshore bay to 0.19 cm y(-1) in a fore-reef setting. Data reflected a significant (up to 2x) increase over the last approximately 80 years in terrestrial sediment accumulating in the back-reef setting, suggesting greater terrestrial sediment flux to the area. Reef health has declined, and increased turbidity is believed to be an important impact, particularly when combined with additional stressors. 相似文献
Catchment hydrological responses to precipitation inputs, particularly during exceptionally large storms, are complex and variable, and our understanding of the associated runoff generation processes during those events is limited. Hydrological monitoring of climatically and hydrologically distinct catchments can help to improve this understanding by shedding light on the interplay between antecedent soil moisture conditions, hydrological connectivity, and rainfall event characteristics. This knowledge is urgently needed considering that both the frequency and magnitude of extreme precipitation events are increasing worldwide as a consequence of climate change. In autumn 2018, we installed water level sensors to monitor stream water and near-stream groundwater levels at two Mediterranean forest headwater catchments with contrasting hydrological regimes: Font del Regàs (sub-humid climate, perennial flow regime) and Fuirosos (semi-arid climate, intermittent flow regime). Both catchments are located in northeastern Spain, where the extratropical cyclone Gloria hit in January 2020 and left in ca. 65 h outstanding accumulated rainfalls of 424 mm in Font del Regàs and 230 mm in Fuirosos. During rainfall events of low mean intensity, hydrological responses to precipitation inputs at the semi-arid Fuirosos were more delayed and more variable than at the sub-humid Font del Regàs. We explain these divergences by differences in antecedent soil moisture conditions and associated differences in catchment hydrological connectivity between the two catchments, which in this case are likely driven by differences in local climate rather than by differences in local topography. In contrast, during events of moderate and high mean rainfall intensities, including the storm Gloria, precipitation inputs and hydrological responses correlated similarly in the two catchments. We explain this convergence by rapid development of hydrological connectivity independently of antecedent soil moisture conditions. The data set presented here is unique and contributes to our mechanistic understanding on how streams respond to rainfall events and exceptionally large storms in catchments with contrasting flow regimes. 相似文献
Daniel Dores Craig R. Glenn Giuseppe Torri Robert B. Whittier Brian N. Popp 《水文研究》2020,34(24):4675-4696
The project captured a subset of the hydrological cycle for the tropical island of O'ahu, linking precipitation to groundwater recharge and aquifer storage. We determined seasonal storm events contributed more to aquifer recharge than year-round baseline orographic trade wind rainfall. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope values from an island-wide rain collector network with 20 locations deployed for 16 months and sampled at 3-month intervals were used to create the first local meteoric water line for O'ahu. Isotopic measurements were influenced by the amount effect, seasonality, storm type, and La Niña, though little elevation control was noted. Certain groundwater compositions from legacy data showed a strong similarity with collected precipitation from our stations. The majority of these significant relationships were between wet season precipitation and groundwater. A high number of moderate and heavy rainfall days during the dry season, large percentage of event-based rainfall, and wind directions outside of the typical NE trade wind direction were characteristics of the 2017–2018 wet season. This indicates that the majority of wet season precipitation is from event-based storms rather than typical trade wind weather. The deuterium-excess values provided the strongest evidence of a relationship between groundwater and different precipitation sources, indicating that this may be a useful metric for determining the extent of recharge from different rain events and systems. 相似文献
Antonio Montalto 《Bulletin of Volcanology》1994,56(3):220-227
Since the last eruption (1888–1890) volcanism at Vulcano, Aeolian Archipelago, southern Tyrrhenian Sea, has taken the form of persistent fumarolic activity. The gas-vapour phases of the geothermal systems are mainly discharged within two restricted areas about 1 km apart from each other, in the northern part of the island. These areas are La Fossa crater, and the beach fumaroles of the Baia di Levante. Fluids released at the two main fumarolic fields display quite different chemical and temperature characteristics, implying different origins. The local seismicity essentially takes the form of discrete shocks of shallow origin (depth1 km) at La Fossa, usually with energy < 1013
ergs. They are thought to be related to the uprise of pressurized hot gases and vapours discharged at the crater fumaroles. The present investigation points to the existence of two principal categories of seismic events (called M-shocks and N-shocks). These are short events (normally < 10 s). M-type shocks are thought to be due to resonance vibrations within the interior of the volcano, probably driven by the excitation of shock-waves within cavities deeply affected by deposition and alteration of self-sealant hydrothermal minerals. N-type events display features that resemble those of volcano-tectonic earthquakes, but have no recognizable S-phases. Here they are tentatively attributed to microfracturing of rocks which have been extensively hydrothermally altered. Results of the present study permit a preliminary conceptual model of the local shallow seismic processes in the framework of geochemical modelling of fumarolic activity and geological inferences from geothermal drilling. 相似文献