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The Cayconi district of the Cordillera de Carabaya, SE Peru, exposes a remnant of an upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene (22.2–24.4 Ma) volcanic field, comprising a diverse assemblage of S-type silicic and calc-alkaline basaltic to andesitic flows, members of the Picotani Group of the Central Andean Inner Arc. Basaltic flows containing olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, ilmenite and glass, and glassy rhyolitic agglutinates with phenocrystic quartz, cordierite, plagioclase, sanidine, ilmenite and apatite, respectively exhibit mineralogical and geochemical features characteristic of medium-K mafic and Lachlan S-type silicic lavas. Cordierite-bearing dacitic agglomerates and lavas, however, are characterized by dispersed, melanocratic micro-enclaves and phenocrysts set in a fine-grained quartzo-feldspathic matrix. They contain a bimodal mica population, comprising phlogopite and biotite, as well as complexly zoned, sieve-textured plagioclase grains, sector-zoned cordierite, sanidine, quartz, irregular patches of replaced olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene and accessory phases including zircon, monazite, ilmenite and chromite. The coexistence of minerals not in mutual equilibrium and the growth/dissolution textures exhibited by plagioclase are features indicative of magmatic commingling and mixing. Trachytic-textured andesite flows interlayered with olivine+plagioclase–glomerophyric, calc-alkaline basalts have a phenocrystic assemblage of resorbed orthopyroxene and plagioclase and exhibit melanocratic groundmass patches of microphenocrystic phlogopite, Ca-rich sanidine, ilmenite and aluminous spinel. The mineralogical and mineral chemical relationships in both the dacites and the trachytic-textured andesites imply subvolcanic mixing between distinct ultrapotassic mafic melts, not represented by exposed rock types, and both the S-type silicic and calc-alkaline mafic magmas. Such mixing relationships are commonly observed in the Oligo-Miocene rocks of the Cordillera de Carabaya, suggesting that the S-type rocks in this area and, by extension, elsewhere derive their unusually high K2O, Ba, Sr, Cr and Ni concentrations from commingling and mixing with diverse, mantle-derived potassic mafic magmas.  相似文献   

Variscan to Alpine magmatic activity on the North Tethys active Eurasian margin in the Caucasus region is revealed by 40Ar/39Ar ages from rocks sampled in the Georgian Crystalline basement and exotic blocs in the Armenian foreland basin. These ages provide insights into the long duration of magmatic activity and related metamorphic history of the margin, with: (1) a phase of transpression with little crustal thickening during the Variscan cycle, evidenced by HT-LP metamorphism at 329–337 Ma; (2) a phase of intense bimodal magmatism at the end of the Variscan cycle, between 303 and 269 Ma, which is interpreted as an ongoing active margin during this period; (3) further evolution of the active margin evidenced by migmatites formed at ca. 183 Ma in a transpressive setting; (4) paroxysmal arc plutonic activity during the Jurassic (although the active magmatic arc was located farther south than the studied crystalline basements) with metamorphic rocks of the Eurasian basement sampled in the Armenian foreland basin dated at 166 Ma; (5) rapid cooling suggested by similar within-error ages of amphibole and muscovite sampled from the same exotic block in the Armenian fore-arc basin, ascribed to rapid exhumation related to extensional tectonics in the arc; and finally (6) cessation of ‘Andean’-type magmatic arc history in the Upper Cretaceous. Remnants of magmatic activity in the Early Cretaceous are found in the Georgian crystalline basement at c. 114 Ma, which is ascribed to flat slab subduction of relatively hot oceanic crust. This event corresponds to the emplacement of an oceanic seamount above the N Armenian ophiolite at 117 Ma. The activity of a hot spot between the active Eurasian margin and the South Armenian Block is thought to have heated and thickened the Neo-Tethys oceanic crust. Finally, the South Eurasian margin was uplifted and transported over this hot oceanic crust, resulting in the cessation of subduction and the erosion of the southern edge of the margin in Upper Cretaceous times. Emplacement of Eocene volcanics stitches all main collisional structures.  相似文献   

The predominant 1480 Ma granites and rhyolites of the St. Francois Mountains, southeastern Missouri, are intruded by mafic rocks. A 40Ar—39Ar study of some of these, the Skrainka Mafic Group, indicates an age of ~ 1240 Ma, significantly younger than the host rocks, significantly older than Grenville/Keweenawan age, and close to the age of similar rocks in Labrador.  相似文献   

Surtseyan tuff cones of the Baño Nuevo Volcanic Complex erupted in shallow marine water during the waning stage of the Aisén Basin, the northern part of the Austral Basin of the Central Patagonian Cordillera. This volcanic complex was emplaced within the Hauterivian to early Aptian Apeleg Formation, the youngest sedimentary unit of this basin, whilst the sediments were still wet. Three new Ar/Ar dates (amphibole) and one U–Pb SHRIMP date (zircon) from this complex yielded concordant early Aptian ages of 122–121 Ma. These data agree with the contact relationships between the Apeleg Formation and the tuff cones. These dates also agree with those of early Aptian ammonites collected from the Apeleg Formation 100 km south of the study area, which represent the youngest fossils identified in this unit. Aptian to Albian subaerial volcanic rocks of the Divisadero Group, paraconformably overlie the Apeleg Formation. The emplacement of the Baño Nuevo Volcanic Complex pre-dates the disappearance of the Aisén Basin.  相似文献   

张进江  戚国伟  郭磊  刘江 《岩石学报》2009,25(3):609-620
内蒙古大青山呼和浩特段北侧发育3条走向北东东、指向北西的逆冲断层,并与被其分割的3个逆冲席体及一个原地系构成大青山逆冲推覆体系。逆冲断层上盘底部发育较深层次的糜棱岩,下盘顶部多发育低温的千糜岩。本研究在构造地质调查基础上,结合宏-微观岩石矿物学分析,采用40Ar-39Ar定年对该逆冲体系的活动时间进行约束。逆冲断层带内3个千糜岩绢云母40Ar-39Ar年龄范围为120~119Ma,另一样品给出了120Ma的概率统计峰值年龄。千糜岩为低温同变形变质产物,细粒绢云母为同变形新生矿物,其40Ar-39Ar年龄可代表变形年龄。侵位在断层内弱变形的花岗闪长岩为同构造晚期侵位,角闪石40Ar-39Ar年龄限定其冷却时间下限为121Ma,概率统计峰值年龄为119Ma。逆冲断层上盘底部发育较高温的糜棱岩,而低温千糜岩的形成时间应属于变形后期。因此,120Ma至119Ma期间,大青山逆冲推覆体系的逆冲作用应已是处于变形晚期。  相似文献   

The amphibolite facies grade North Qinling metamorphic unit forms the centre of the Qinling orogenic belt. Results of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon, 40Ar/39Ar amphibole and biotite dating reveal its Palaeozoic tectonic history. U-Pb zircon dating of migmatitic orthogneiss and granite dykes constrains the age of two possible stages of migmatization at 517 ± 14 Ma and 445 ± 4.6 Ma. A subsequent granite intrusion occurred at 417 ± 1.6 Ma. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of amphibole ranging from 397 ± 33 Ma to 432 ± 3.4 Ma constrain the cooling of the Qinling complex below ca. 540 °C and biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages at about 330–368 Ma below ca. 300 °C. The ages are used to construct a cooling history with slow/non-exhumation during 517– 445 Ma, a time-integrated cooling at a rate < 2.5 °C/Ma during the period of 445–410 Ma, an acceleration of cooling at a rate of 8 °C/Ma from 397 Ma to 368 Ma, and subsequently slow/non-cooling from 368 to 330 Ma. The data show a significant delay in exhumation after peak metamorphic conditions and a long period of tectonic quiescence after the suturing of the North China and South China blocks along the Shangdan suture. These relationships exclude classical exhumation models of formation and exhumation of metamorphic cores in orogens, which all imply rapid cooling after peak conditions of metamorphism.  相似文献   

We report cosmogenic surface exposure 10Be ages of 21 boulders on moraines in the Jeullesh and Tuco Valleys, Cordillera Blanca, Peru (~10°S at altitudes above 4200 m). Ages are based on the sea-level at high-latitude reference production rate and scaling system of Lifton et al. (2005. Addressing solar modulation and long-term uncertainties in scaling secondary cosmic rays for in situ cosmogenic nuclide applications. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 239, 140–161) in the CRONUS-Earth online calculator of Balco et al. (2008. A complete and easily accessible means of calculating surface exposure ages or erosion rates from 10Be and 26Al measurements. Quaternary Geochronology 3, 174–195). Using the Lifton system, large outer lateral moraines in the Jeullesh Valley have a 10Be exposure age of 12.4 ka, inside of which are smaller moraine systems dated to 10.8, 9.7 and 7.6 ka. Large outer lateral moraines in the Tuco Valley have a 10Be exposure age of 12.5 ka, with inner moraines dated to 11.3 and 10.7 ka. Collectively, these data indicate that glacier recession from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the Cordillera Blanca was punctuated by three to four stillstands or minor advances during the period 12.5–7.6 ka, spanning the Younger Dryas Chronozone (YDC; ~12.9–11.6 ka) and the cold event identified in Greenland ice cores and many other parts of the world at 8.2 ka. The inferred fluctuations of tropical glaciers at these times, well after their withdrawal from the LGM, indicate an increase in precipitation or a decrease in temperature in this region. Although palaeoenvironmental records show regional and temporal variability, comparison with proxy records (lacustrine sediments and ice cores) indicate that regionally this was a cold, dry period so we ascribe these glacier advances to reduced atmospheric temperature rather than increased precipitation.  相似文献   

The Yaogangxian deposit in the central Nanling region, South China consists of vein-type ore bodies hosted in Cambrian to Jurassic strata and Mesozoic granitic intrusions. Wolframite and molybdenite are the dominant ore minerals intergrown with gangue minerals of quartz, feldspar, phlogopite, and muscovite. We have carried out molybdenite Re–Os and phlogopite and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar dating to better understand the timing and genesis of mineralization. Re–Os dating of eight molybdenite samples yielded model ages ranging from 152.0±3.5 to 161.1±4.5 Ma, with an average of 156.0 Ma. The Re–Os analyses give a well-defined 187Re/187Os isochron with an age of 154.9±2.6 Ma (MSWD=2.4). Hydrothermal phlogopite and muscovite display extremely flat 40Ar/39Ar age spectra. Phlogopite yields a 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of 153.0±1.1 Ma, whereas muscovite yields a plateau age of 155.1±1.1 Ma. Both 40Ar/39Ar ages are in good agreement with the Re–Os ages, placing the timing of tungsten mineralization at about 154 Ma. This age is consistent with the field relationships. Our new data, when combined with published geochronological results from other major deposits in this region, suggest that large scale W–Sn mineralization occurred throughout the central Nanling region in the Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

辽西义县组火山岩40Ar/39Ar、K-Ar法年龄测定   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35  
义县组为辽西地区广泛分布的陆相火山-沉积地层,义县火山旋回分为 4个亚旋回.含珍稀化石的湖相沉积层与第二亚旋回火山岩伴生.运用激光微区 40Ar/39Ar法、常规 40Ar/39Ar阶段升温测年法和 K- Ar法,对义县旋回火山岩进行了系统的年龄测定,结果表明,直接覆盖义县组底砾岩的义县旋回第一亚旋回第一小旋回玄武岩的 K- Ar年龄为 (133.3± 2.6) Ma、 (133.6± 2.6) Ma,激光微区 40Ar/39Ar法给出的相关性很好的 Ar- Ar等时线年龄为 (132.9± 4.5) Ma,第三、第四小旋回玄武岩样品 40Ar/39Ar阶段升温获得平坦的年龄谱线,坪年龄分别为 (130.6± 0.5) Ma、 (127.7± 0.2) Ma;第二亚旋回玄武岩和流纹质凝灰岩样品 Ar- Ar等时线年龄为 (126.1± 1.7) Ma、 (127.4± 1.3) Ma,第三亚旋回火山岩全岩 K- Ar年龄为 (124.4± 2.4)~ (124.9± 2.4) Ma.义县火山旋回发生的时间大致介于 120~ 135 Ma之间, 义县组的时代应为早白垩世.  相似文献   

Hornblende incremental heating 40Ar/39Ar data were obtained from augen gneiss and amphibolite of the Sveconorwegian Province of S. Norway. In the Rogaland-Vest Agder and Telemark terranes, four pyroxene-rich samples, located close (≤ 10 km) to the anorthosite-charnockite Rogaland Igneous Complex, define an age group at 916 + 12/ − 14 Ma and six samples distributed in the two terranes yield another group at 871 + 8/ − 10 Ma. The first age group is close to the reported zircon U---Pb intrusion age of the igneous complex (931 ± 2 Ma) and the regional titanite U---Pb age (918 ± 2 Ma), whereas the second group overlaps reported regional mineral Rb---Sr ages (895-853 Ma) as well as biotite K---Ar ages (878-853 Ma). In the first group, the comparatively dry parageneses of low-P thermal metamorphism (M2) associated with the intrusion of the igneous complex are well developed, and hornblende 40Ar/39Ar ages probably record a drop in temperature shortly after this phase. In other hornblende + biotite-rich samples, with presumably a higher fluid content, the hornblende ages are probably a response to hornblende-fluid interaction during a late Sveconorwegian metamorphic or hydrothermal event. A ca 220 m.y. diachronism in hornblende 40Ar/39Ar ages is documented between S. Telemark (ca 870 Ma) and Bamble (ca 1090 Ma). Differential uplift between these terranes was mostly accommodated by shearing along the Kristiansand-Porsgrunn shear zone. The final stage of extension along this zone occurred after intrusion of the Herefoss post-kinematic granite at 926 ± 8 Ma. On the contrary, the southern part of the Rogaland-Vest Agder and Telemark terranes share a common cooling evolution as mineral ages are similar on both sides of the Mandal-Ustaoset Line the tectonic zone between them. The succession within 20 m.y. of a voluminous pulse of post-tectonic magmatism at 0.93 Ga, a phase of high-T-low-P metamorphism at 0.93-0.92 Ga, and fast cooling at a regional scale ca 0.92 Ga, suggests that the southern parts of Rogaland-Vest Agder and Telemark were affected by an event of post-thickening extension collapse at that time. This event is not recorded in Bamble.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(1):77-94
The Chayu area is located at the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This region was considered to be in the southeastward extension of the Lhasa Block, bounded by Nujiang suture zone in the north and Yarlung Zangbo suture zone in the south. The Demala Group complex, a set of high-grade metamorphic gneisses widely distributed in the Chayu area, is known as the Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Lhasa Block in the area. According to field-based investigations and microstructure analysis, the Demala Group complex is considered to mainly consist of banded biotite plagiogneisses, biotite quartzofeldspathic gneiss, granitic gneiss, amphibolite, mica schist, and quartz schist, with many leucogranite veins. The zircon U-Pb ages of two granitic gneiss samples are 205 ± 1 Ma and 218 ± 1 Ma, respectively, representing the ages of their protoliths. The zircons from two biotite plagiogneisses samples show core-rim structures. The U-Pb ages of the cores are mainly 644 –446 Ma, 1213 –865 Ma, and 1780 –1400 Ma, reflecting the age characteristics of clastic zircons during sedimentation of the original rocks. The U-Pb ages of the rims are from 203 ± 2 Ma to 190 ± 1 Ma, which represent the age of metamorphism. The zircon U-Pb ages of one sample taken from the leucogranite veins that cut through granitic gneiss foliation range from 24 Ma to 22 Ma, interpreted as the age of the anatexis in the Demala Group complex. Biotite and muscovite separates were selected from the granitic gneiss, banded gneiss, and leucogranite veins for 40Ar/39Ar dating. The plateau ages of three muscovite samples are 16.56 ± 0.21 Ma, 16.90 ± 0.21 Ma, and 23.40 ± 0.31 Ma, and the plateau ages of four biotite samples are 16.70 ± 0.24 Ma, 16.14 ± 0.19 Ma, 15.88 ± 0.20 Ma, and 14.39 ± 0.20 Ma. The mica Ar-Ar ages can reveal the exhumation and cooling history of the Demala Group complex. Combined with the previous research results of the Demala Group complex, the authors refer that the Demala Group complex should be a set of metamorphic complex. The complex includes not only Precambrian basement metamorphic rock series, but also Paleozoic sedimentary rock and Mesozoic granitic rock. Based on the deformation characteristics, the authors concluded that two stages of the metamorphism and deformation can be revealed in the Demala Group complex since the Mesozoic, namely Late Triassic-Early Jurassic (203 –190 Ma) and Oligocene –Miocene (24 –14 Ma). The early stage of metamorphism (ranging from 203 –190 Ma) was related to the Late Triassic tectono-magmatism in the area. The anatexis and uplifting-exhumation of the later stage (24 –14 Ma) were related to the shearing of the Jiali strike-slip fault zone. The Miocene structures are response to the large-scale southeastward escape of crustal materials and block rotation in Southeast Tibet after India-Eurasia collision.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

华北地块中东部中生代侵入杂岩存在有富闪侵入岩和花岗闪长岩类两套岩石组合.对其中 8个侵入杂岩体中的角闪石和黑云母进行了 40Ar/39Ar定年研究.山西临汾塔儿山正长闪长斑岩、山西长治西安里岩体和河南安阳东冶岩体富闪侵入岩中角闪石的 40Ar/39Ar坪年龄分别为(124.9± 0.3)Ma,(127.7± 0.3)Ma和(127.1± 0.1)Ma;鲁西临朐铁寨正长闪长岩和枣庄流井花岗闪长斑岩中角闪石的 40Ar/39Ar坪年龄均为(124.9± 0.2)Ma;鲁西莱芜铁铜沟辉石闪长岩和蒙阴虎头崖花岗闪长斑岩中黑云母的 40Ar/39Ar坪年龄分别为(132.8± 0.3)Ma和(124.4± 0.3)Ma;皖北管店花岗闪长斑岩中角闪石的 40Ar/39Ar坪年龄为(126.9± 0.2)Ma.上述结果显示华北地块中生代的岩浆活动主要发生在早白垩世.含有丰富幔源捕虏体的富闪侵入岩类和具有地壳成因的花岗闪长岩类岩石的共存,暗示早白垩世华北地块中生代岩石圈减薄达到了峰期.  相似文献   

Global warming in high mountain areas has led to visible environmental changes as glacial retreat, formation and evolution of moraine dammed lakes, slope instability, and major mass movements. Landslide dams and moraine dams are rather common in the Cordillera Blanca Mountains Range, Peru, and have caused large damages and fatalities over time. The environmental changes are influencing the rivers’ and dams’ equilibrium, and the potential induced consequences, like catastrophic debris flows or outburst floods resulting from dam failures, can be major hazards in the region. The studies of past landslide dam cases are essential in forecasting induced risks, and specific works on this topic were not developed in the study region. Reflecting this research gap, a database of 51 cases and an evolution study of landslide dams in the Cordillera Blanca Mountains is presented. The main morphometric parameters and information of the landslide, the dam body, the valley, and the lake, if any, have been determined through direct and indirect survey techniques. Low variability in some of the main morphometric parameter distributions (valley width and landslide volume) has been shown, most likely due to an environmental control connected to the regional tectonic and glacial history. In order to analyze present and future landslide dam evolution, a morphological analysis was carried out using two recently developed geomorphological indexes employed on the Italian territory. The results of the Cordillera Blanca analysis have been compared with a large Italian landslide dam inventory, highlighting as much the differences as the similarities between the two datasets. The long-term geomorphological evolution changes are evaluated. Many of the stable dams are in disequilibrium with their surrounding environment and their classification result is of “uncertain determination.”  相似文献   

The 40Ar/39Ar stepwise crushing technique is applied for the first time to date garnet from ultra-high-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) eclogites. Three garnet samples from the Bixiling eclogites analyzed by 40Ar/39Ar stepwise crushing yield regular, predictable age spectra, and a clear separation between excess 40Ar and concordant plateau and isochron ages. All three age spectra begin with high apparent ages followed by step by step decreasing ages, and finally age plateaux with apparent ages in the range from 427 ± 20 to 444 ± 10 Ma. The data points constituting the age plateaux yield excellent isochrons with radiogenic intercept ages ranging from 448 ± 34 to 459 ± 58 Ma, corresponding to initial 40Ar/36Ar ratios from 292.1 ± 4.5 to 294.5 ± 6.7, statistically indistinguishable from the modern air. The high initial ages are interpreted to derive from secondary fluid inclusions containing excess 40Ar, whereas the plateau ages are attributed to gas from small primary fluid inclusions without significant excess 40Ar. The plateau ages are interpreted to approximate the time of garnet growth during initial UHPM metamorphism. Phengite analyzed by laser stepwise heating yielded a complicated two-saddle age spectrum with a scattered isochron corresponding to age of 463 ± 116 Ma and initial 40Ar/36Ar ratio of 1843 ± 1740 indicative of the presence of extraneous 40Ar within phengite. These concordant isochron ages measured on minerals diagnostic of eclogite grade metamorphism strongly suggest that Dabie UHPM eclogites were first formed in the early Paleozoic, during the same event that caused the Qinling-Northern Qaidam Basin-Altyn Tagh eclogites.  相似文献   

This study presents a new high-precision 40Ar/39Ar age for the Devonian hot-spring system at Rhynie. Hydrothermal K-feldspar sampled from two veins that represent feeder conduits and a hydrothermally altered andesite wall rock, date the hydrothermal activity, the fossilised biota, and syn - K-feldspar gold mineralization at 403.9 ± 2.1 Ma (2σ). Oxygen isotope data for the parent fluid (−4‰ to 2‰) show that the K-feldspar was precipitated from a dominantly meteoric fluid, which mixed with magmatic fluids from a degassing magma chamber.The 40Ar/39Ar age (403.9 ± 2.1 Ma [2σ]) when recalculated (407.1 ± 2.2 Ma [2σ]) with respect to the astronomically tuned age for Fish Canyon sanidine (28.201 ± 0.023 Ma [1σ]), also provides a robust marker for the polygonalis-emsiensis Spore Assemblage Biozone within the Pragian-?earliest Emsian. Furthermore, the age identifies the Devonian pull-apart volcano-sedimentary basins of the British and Irish Caledonides (and their root zones), as specific targets for future gold exploration.  相似文献   

桐柏——大别山主要构造热事件及40Ar/39Ar地质定年研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
桐柏——大别山是一条复合造山带。在其演化过程中曾经历了扬子旋回(1000Ma-761Ma)和加里东旋回(470Ma-401Ma)两个板块构造旋回的俯冲-碰撞造山作用,之后又经历了早、中华力西(357Ma-314Ma)的平移走滑和晚华力西(286Ma-261Ma)、印支期(224Ma-185Ma)、燕山期(130Ma-111Ma)逆掩或逆冲推覆的陆-陆叠覆造山作用。印支期的高压超高压变质岩系是在陆-陆叠覆造山作用下形成的。燕山期的造山不仅具显著的深层次构造岩浆作用特点,而且还伴随快速的隆升作用。  相似文献   

湘东锡田垄上锡多金属矿床40Ar/39Ar同位素定年研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
垄上锡多金属矿床是湘东锡田锡矿田中的一个大型矿床,矿体赋存在锡田复式花岗岩体与泥盆系中统棋梓桥组的接触带中.笔者以白云母为测试对象,利用40Ar/39Ar同位素定年方法,精确厘定了该矿床的形成时间.结果表明:垄上矿床2个白云母样品的40Ar/39Ar坪年龄分别为(155.6±1.3)Ma、(157.2±1.4)Ma,等时线年龄分别为(155.4±1.7)Ma(MSWD=0.74)、(156.5±1.7)Ma(MSWD=1.4),与该矿田中的荷树下锡多金属矿床的成矿年龄(150 Ma)在误差范围内一致,也与锡田复式岩体早期花岗岩侵入时间(151~165 Ma)吻合.因此得出以下认识:湘东锡田地区主要锡多金属矿床的成矿年龄为150~160 Ma;成矿作用与区内的锡田复式花岗岩体关系密切,它们都是华南燕山早期大规模成岩成矿作用高峰期的产物.  相似文献   

A granite was drilled in the prevolcanic basement of Thera, an island of the Attico-Cycladic belt. It intruded the blueschist facies country rocks. K-Ar biotite ages and Ar-Ar plateau ages on two feldspars indicate rapid cooling, as all ages cluster around 9.5 Ma. Its occurrence indicates that the thermometamorphic evolution that characterizes the Attiko-Cycladic belt extends as far as Thera.
Zusammenfassung Auf der Insel Thera, im Attiko-Kykladishen Gürtel, ist ein Granitkörper in einer Tiefe von ca. 250 m durch eine Bohrung aufgedeckt. Dieser Granitkörper ist in metamorphen Gesteinen von Blauschiefer-Facies intrudiert. K-Ar-Biotit- und Ar-Ar-Feldspat-Altersbestimmungen streuen um 9.5 Ma. Diese Alter weisen auf rasche Abkühlung des Granitkörpers hin. Es zeigt sich somit, daß die thermometamorphe Entwicklung des Attiko-Kykladischen Gürtels bis zur Insel Thera reicht.

Résumé Un forage a été pratiqué dans un granite du socle pré-volcanique de l'île de Thera, qui appartient à la ceinture attico-cycladique. Ce granite a intrudé les roches encaissantes de facies schistes bleus. Les datations effectuées sur les biotites par la méthode K-Ar et les âges-plateau des feldspaths obtenus par la méthode Ar-Ar indiquent un refroidissement rapide, puisque tous les âges sont de l'ordre de 9,5 Ma. Ce granite montre que l'évolution thermométamorphique qui caractérise la ceinture Attico-Cycladique s'étend jusqu'à l'île de Thera.

Thera 250 . . / / 9,5 . , . .. , Thera.

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