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The size-fractionated distribution of chlorophylla was studied in a temporary hypersaline lake situated in the south of Spain during an annual hydrological cycle characterized by low levels of rainfall. The contribution of each size class to the total chlorophylla concentration indicates that ultraplankton (size class <5m) was the most important fraction of phytoplankton biomass during this year.  相似文献   

The present study deals with phytoplankton composition and dynamics of three ephemeral saline lakes (La Muerte, Piñol and Sulfúrica) situated in one of the most arid inland zone in Europe (Los Monegros). The lakes show marked differences among one another, although they are all temporary, shallow and saline systems (>30 g l−1). La Muerte is dominated by microbial mats that are absent from the other two. Piñol is more exposed to strong winds than the other two lakes and exhibits higher turbidity. Sulfúrica appears to be the most extreme system, with the highest salinity, which leads to a complete absence of macrozooplankton. Phytoplankton composition in these lakes varies as a consequence of the different physico-chemical conditions; it is fundamentally composed of typical hypersaline species such as Dunaliella sp., Aphanothece sp., and soil benthic species (e.g. Hantzschia amphyoxis) that appear to play an important role in these systems. Comparative analysis of the microbial component (phytoplankton diversity and temporal evolution) under in situ conditions and the presence of various abiotic and biotic factors, including the impact of macrozooplankton grazing, shows that it is easy to overlook large differences in the community structure of apparently similar ecosystems. The present study is a contribution to the understanding of the often-neglected microbial ecology of ephemeral shallow lakes.  相似文献   

The changes in the trophic state in the Salada de Chiprana (north-eastern Spain) over two quite different seasonal cycles (1989, 1994/95) were studied. During the former cycle, the lake was permanently stratified, and was biogenically meromictic, and in the latter, showed no apparent stratification. The main variables related to the physico-chemical changes observed can be attributed to the effect caused by the increase in the nutrient loading. The large amounts of nutrients (total-N and total-P) and organic matter are due to the use of the lake as a reservoir for water discharged from irrigation. Two remarkable effects of the change are the permanent mixing of the water column and the immobilization of phosphorus in the form of ionic species and solid phases that are not available to the biota especially primary producers (phytoplankton, periphyton, microbial mats). The results of the present study emphasize the fragility of (hyper) saline ecosystems to anthropogenic disturbances such as increases in freshwater inflow and nutrient inputs. Likewise, the study reveals the failure of conservation criteria that have been used to manage this lake, especially those which refer to the control of freshwater, nutrient-rich influents.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes of soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations in sediments of Fuente de Piedra, a saline lake, have been observed and linked to salinity changes. Phosphate availability in sediments was studied in the laboratory under different salinities, from 10 to 70 g L−1. Changes in adsorption of dissolved phosphate appear to be controlled by salinity variations. The adsorption coefficient increases with salinity and the amount of phosphorus adsorbed ranged between 10 and 30 per cent of the total. Salinity-modulated adsorption is proposed as the primary mechanism explaining the seasonal dynamics of phosphorus in this saline lake and its effects on progressive eutrophication.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of two salt ponds at Aveiro was studied to evaluate its density and diversity. Samples were collected biweekly from the salt ponds Esmolas and Tanoeiras. Samples were first separated into Holoplankton (Copepoda, nauplii,Acartia, Ostracoda and Anostraca) and Meroplankton (Mollusca, Insecta, annelidan larvae and Ichthyoplankton). The Holoplankton was mainly composed of:Acartia tonsa, Acartia sp.,Eurytemora velox, Artemia sp., and harpacticoids and calanoids. In both salt ponds, species diversity was identical, but total zooplankton density was higher in the Tanoeiras salt pond, probably because its physical and chemical characteristics allowed the development of stable communities.  相似文献   

Chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) head capsules were studied from a core of recent sediments from shallow, macrophyte-dominated Lake Opinicon, Ontario, Canada, to determine if assemblages have changed in response to lake-level changes and other watershed disturbances, including deforestation and agriculture. Our results indicate that the construction of the Rideau Canal in the early 1830s and subsequent flooding of Lake Opinicon has had the greatest impact on this system, but that even this disturbance did not greatly affect chironomid assemblages. Despite other significant cultural disturbances in the watershed, the lake sediments have recorded only minor changes in its recent history, providing support for the hypothesis of alternative lake equilibria. These results correspond well with diatom inferences of only minor changes in past lake trophic status.  相似文献   

This is an updated study on the biogeographic distribution of the populations of the genusArtemia (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Spain, with special focus on populations inhabiting salt lagoons and inland salterns. The populations recorded (40) belong to the bisexual speciesA. tunisiana and to the asexual groupA. parthenogenetica (diploid and tetraploid strains). They usually appear in three different hypersaline ecosystems: solar salterns and lagoons filled with sea water, solar salterns and lagoons containing brines of diluted mineral salts, and lagoons filled with athalassic (endorheic) brines. The brines in salinas are chemically characterized by high Cl concentrations, especially in inland salinas, whose brine sources are geologically associated with evaporitic formations developed in the Triassic and Lower Liassic of eastern Spain. Brines in athalassic lagoons, geologically associated with Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods, show higher levels of sulfate (up to 40–50%) as well as Mg2+. From a geographical point of view, bisexual and diploid asexual populations are mainly found in coastal and inland salinas or lagoons below 40° N, while asexual tetraploid populations are found in inland salinas and athalassic lagoons above that latitude. These populations have been biologically characterized by the morphology of their adults through multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the zooplankton composition of the glacially influenced Kongsfjorden, Svalbard (79°N, 12°E), and its adjacent shelf were studied in 2002. Samples were collected in the spring, summer and autumn in stratified hauls (according to hydrographic characteristics), by means of a 0.180-mm Multi Plankton Sampler. A strong front between the open sea and the fjord waters was observed during the spring, preventing water mass exchange, but was not observed later in the season. The considerable seasonal changes in zooplankton abundance were related to the seasonal variation in hydrographical regime. The total zooplankton abundance during the spring (40–2010 individuals m−3) was much lower than in the summer and autumn (410–10 560 individuals m−3). The main factors shaping the zooplankton community in the fjord include: the presence of a local front, advection, the flow pattern and the decreasing depth of the basin in the inner fjord. Presumably these factors regulate the gross pattern of zooplankton density and distribution, and override the importance of biological processes. This study increased our understanding of seasonal processes in fjords, particularly with regard to the strong seasonal variability in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Primary production in Lake Hayward, Western Australia, is dominated by benthic microbial communities, with limited planktonic primary production. This study investigated the question of howArtemia, commonly regarded as simple, obligate, non-selective filter feeders, were able to survive in this system. Bacteria (heterotrophic and autotrophic, filamentous and unicellular) were the major components in the diet of theArtemia in Lake Hayward. These bacteria were derived from bacterial aggregates in the water column and also from benthic mat material (both still attached to the substrate and from pieces floating in the water column). Benthic diatoms were a substantial dietary component of animals living in the unstratified shallow regions. Photosynthetic eukaryotic nanoplankton comprised a minor component of the diet of thisArtemia population. Gut contents of a large number of animals and the results of a simple laboratory test indicated that these animals utilise substrate-bound food resources. The results of the present study raises the question of the ecological significance of surface grazing by brine shrimps in other shallow, benthos dominated saline systems.  相似文献   

Early Miocene transpressional wrenching yielded a series of NW–SE-elongated pull-apart basins in the Dinarides of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. They accommodated a huge lake system that gave rise to spectacular endemic mollusk radiation. Lake Sinj, moderately sized at 342 km2, flooded the south-westernmost basin of this system. Due to the karstic environment, the hard-water, alkaline, long-lived lake developed a sediment infill with an average thickness of 370 m, dominated by authigenic limestone. The studied section represents the upper third of the basinal infill and provides detailed insights into the critical period of the lake and of the basinal evolution during the final stages of its filling. It comprises two large-scale, shallowing-upward cycles, both starting with fossil-poor limestones, gradually passing into coal-bearing carbonate rocks and coal seams. The fossil-poor intervals are interpreted as phases of repetitive acidification events due to changing lake level, which induced periodic drying and flooding of the uppermost littoral zone inhabited by starfruit (Damasonium) meadows. The flooding of the aerated, limy mud plain introduced H+ ions from organic-matter decay reactions into the shallow lake. This decreased its pH level, with catastrophic consequences for its biota. The ecosystem then stabilized during the orbitally-forced, dry climate phases. Based on the mollusk record, streams still influenced the marginal lake environment and rich organic-matter production created swamps and mires. The onset of mollusk radiation in the section correlates with stabilized lake alkalinity, as indicated by the disappearance of starfruits, ongoing authigenic carbonate production and by coal seams representing textbook examples for coal formation in alkaline environments. The inferred basinal setting fits well with the pull-apart basin model, pointing to the presence of an extended shallow ramp in front of a steep, fault-induced hillside of the hinterland.  相似文献   

Zeekoevlei is the largest freshwater lake in South Africa and has a century-long history of anthropogenic impact that caused hyper-eutrophic conditions. We used biomarkers (alkanes and pigments), stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N), rates of primary palaeoproduction and total inorganic carbon (TIC) accumulation rates in the lake sediments to investigate changes in plankton and macrophyte communities in response to anthropogenic activities in this shallow lake. Specific alkanes (ΣC15,17,19, pristane, phytane and n-C29/n-C17 ratio) and pigment (chlorophyll a, β,β-carotene, echinenone, fucoxanthin and zeaxanthin) concentrations in lake waters indicated the present-day hyper-eutrophic condition and seasonal fluctuations of cyanobacteria, zooplankton and diatom populations. Eutrophic conditions were initiated in the lake with the start of recreational activities and construction of a sewage treatment plant in the early 1920s. The lake transformed from a eutrophic to a hyper-eutrophic waterbody following damming, pondweed eradication and accelerated catchment-derived nutrient input. The change in lake trophic state was recorded by a sharp decline in the terrestrial to aquatic ratio (TAR) of specific n-alkanes, low carbon preference index (CPI) and increased δ13C values in the sediment core. In addition, the aquatic macrophyte n-alkane proxy (Paq) values (~1) indicated a slow takeover by floating macrophytes after the eradication of submerged pondweeds in 1951. Elevated n-alkane (ΣC15,17,19), total alkane and pigment (chlorophyll a, β,β-carotene, zeaxanthin and zeaxanthin to β,β-carotene ratio) concentrations, low δ15N values and low TIC accumulation rates in the upper middle section of the core indicated the beginning of intense cyanobacterial blooms after the dredging in 1983. Although the cyanobacterial population has decreased in recent years, hyper-eutrophic conditions are reflected by low CPI <0.04 and TAR <1 values at the top of the sediment core.  相似文献   

Remarkably high rates of sedimentation (up to nearly 60 kg m−2 yr−1) are documented for offshore areas of Freefight Lake, a deep, hypersaline, meromictic lake in the northern Great Plains of Canada. Most material in the offshore sediment traps consists of soluble and suparingly soluble endogenic salts. Deposition of allogenic sediment is minor. The observed high sedimentation rates are in response to several mechanism: (i) freeseout precipitation of salts from the mixolimnion; (ii) redistribution of shallow water endogenic precipitates by turbidity flows and interflow processes; and (iii) precipitation of salts from within the monimolimnion Because the bottom water mass of the lake is essentially isothermal and isochemical, large scale temperature induced remobilization of these salts at or near the sediment-water interface is unlikely. Similarly, the morphology of the basin suggests that resuspension of bottom sediment by waves in the offshore areas of the basin is negligible. Although the sedimentation rates observed in Freefight Lake are extraordinarily high and considerably greater than other modern lacustrine sedimentation rates documented in the literature to date, the observed rates are entirely compatible with suggested accumulation rates of ancient evaporite sequences. Palliser Tringle Global Change Contribution Number 6.  相似文献   

Unconsolidated, flocculent sediments that are frequently resuspended by wind action are found in many shallow-water lakes. Collecting sediment/water interface cores in such lakes for paleolimnological study may be problematic because it is difficult to determine the depth to the water/sediment interface. Accurately determining this water depth is necessary to guarantee that a piston corer does not penetrate the sediments prior to the drive and to maximize the core length. A simple instrument constructed with inexpensive, readily available components is described. This infrared floc detector (IFD) is used to sense the increased optical density of unconsolidated sediments as the detector is lowered into a lake. The IFD, in effect, yields a precise as well as an accurate measure of water depth. The depth to the water/sediment interface can be measured with an accuracy of approximately 1 cm, provided surface waters are relatively calm.  相似文献   

Lake Chen Co, situated at 90°33–39E, 28°53–59N with a lake level of 4420 m asl, is an enclosed lake with 148 km2 of catchment area and 40 km2 of lake surface. It is mainly supplied by glacier melt water either from surface inflow or groundwater. Atmospheric precipitation is mainly concentrated in June–September. A 216-cm long lake sediment core was obtained at a site with 8 m of water depth, 800 m from the lakeshore and 1.5% of the bottom slope in this lake. The sediment core was taken by a piston sampler and was sliced with an interval of 1 cm each. 210Pb dating measurement suggested that the average sedimentary rate was 0.16 cm yr–1, which also was confirmed by 137Cs peak occurrence. Magnetic analyses included low-frequency dependent susceptibility (LF), susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetism (ARM), the saturation isothermal remanent magnetism (SIRM), the isothermal remanent magnetism (IRM) reverse and Soft and Hard contents were performed for the sediment core. Results showed that LF was an index for reflecting the environmental conditions, but was not sufficient to reveal details of magnetic features. This had been proved by measurements of IRM Reverse percentage and Soft and Hard magnetic minerals values. The log(SIRM/LF) had much more information to reveal environmental changes. The ARM/LF might be more sensitive to the local environmental conditions because it was well able to indicate the grain-size variations of magnetic particles. In the past ca. 1400 years, the warm stages were ca. 620–740 AD, 1120–1370 AD and since ca. 1900 AD. After an intensively cold stage during ca. 1550–1690 AD, a cold-humid stage from ca. 1690–1900 AD and a warm-dry stage since ca. 1900 AD followed. Among these stages, the warmest one occurred in ca. 1120–1370 AD and the coldest stage was between ca. 1550 and 1690 AD. This result might be compared with many other research results from lake cores, ice cores and the Chinese historical documents.  相似文献   

During the past twelve years, Lake Poopo, located on the Bolivian Altiplano, has had two main types of morphometry. Before 1985, its level was low and the depth shallow (maximum 3 m); there was no outlet and a strong salinity gradient existed from north to south. After 1985, the depth doubled, an outlet developed and the salinity became uniform throughout the lake (∼10 g L−1). Before 1985, the phytoplankton was distinguished by a high number of diatom taxa and by the dominance of diatoms in the algal biomass. After 1985, while diatoms were still numerous in terms of species composition, Peridiniales or Chlorophyceae dominated the algal biomass. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02GG003 00002  相似文献   

Shallow lakes have been described as existing in two alternative equilibrium states, dominated by either submerged plants or phytoplankton. Causes of, often catastrophic, shifts between these states have been widely debated but may often result from displacement of the dominant community by stochastic influence. In Australian cut-off river meanders (also known as ‘billabongs’), anecdotal and palaeolimnological evidence suggests widespread loss of aquatic macrophytes since European occupation of the region c. post-1800. Our detailed and high-resolution stratigraphic study of a sediment core from Hogan’s Billabong (Murray River, Australia) seeks to identify the causes of the loss of aquatic macrophytes. Little direct evidence of the past extent and composition of submerged macrophyte communities was recovered. Nevertheless, results derived from other sediment proxies, including declines in the abundance of epiphytic diatoms and in plant-associated invertebrates, provide further indirect evidence of macrophyte disappearance. Despite limitations with radiometric dating, the sequence of events in the derived record suggests that a period of high abiotic turbidity, leading to a critical reduction in water transparency and caused by widespread erosion during the late 19th century, is the most likely factor contributing to loss of submerged vegetation from this billabong.  相似文献   

A 27-m sequence of deposits from the Plio-Pleistocene Banyoles-Besalú lacustrine complex, at Tres Pins, N.-E. Spain, shows lithological, carbonate, pollen and spores, and ostracode-gastropod evidence of climatic and lake-level change. Upland pollen taxa from the lowermost zones 1, 3 and 5, show that the area was forested and indicate a progressive deterioration of the climate. Zone 2 (steppe vegetation) corresponds to a global glacial stage, with mild temperatures, if the comparison to modern analogues is valid. Only minor climate fluctuations occurred subsequently. Aquatic vegetation and micritic sediment facies show a pelagic environment during pollen zones 1 and 3 and a littoral one during pollen zone 5. A short-term lowering of the water level (sandy algal micrite and slightly brackish waters) occurred in zone 2, as a result of severe droughts. Subzone 2c records progressive recovery of the forest. The coarse lithology and the high carbonate content, however, continue to indicate shallow waters. The fluctuation marked by zone 4 (extensive marsh vegetation and spring waters) may be due to a lake-level decrease caused by karst activity, or by lower precipitation with only slight cooling, or more probably by a relative lake-level decrease caused by natural infilling. The sediment of pollen zone 4, a sandy algal micrite, indicates the development of a littoral bench at the core site. From pollen zone 4 to pollen zone 5 an evolution from lakeward to landward position occurred. In zone 2, droughts existed at least during the spring growing season, and probably also during the rest of the year. In subzone 2c, a shift to spring precipitation occurred. In contrast, during pollen zone 4, if there was a decrease in precipitation, it did not take place during the summer growing season.  相似文献   

Rock magnetic properties of the maar lake sediments of Lac St Front (Massif Central, France) reflect environmental changes during the last climatic cycle. High magnetic concentrations are measured in the sediments deposited under glacial climatic conditions, while lower concentrations correspond with more temperate climatic periods. Low- and high-temperature measurements indicate that the remanence is carried by (titanium-poor) magnetite. However, some maghemite and haematite is present in sediments deposited under temperate conditions.
Normalized intensities and coercivities of the anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) are clearly higher for the sediments deposited during the temperate climatic periods of the Eemian, St Germain I, II and Mid-glacial than for glacial sediments, but other magnetic parameters hardly differ between these groups. Due to slight differences in magnetic composition and possible effects of grain interactions, it is not straightforward to relate this different ARM behaviour to magnetic grain-size variations. For the Holocene sediments, rock magnetic parameters indicate a larger grain size. This trend is also suggested by granulometric experiments with an optical laser granulometer. Dissolution of smaller grains is the most likely explanation for this larger grain size.
Changes in magnetic composition and grain size are extremely limited for the glacial sediments, but magnetic concentration varies considerably. Magnetic concentration maxima in the glacial sediments of Lac St Front correlate with those of the nearby Lac du Bouchet (Thouveny et al. 1994). Correlating the susceptibility records of these sequences with the δ18O record of the GRIP ice cores (Thouveny et al. 1994) suggests that magnetic concentration maxima may correspond with short cold climatic episodes, associated with Heinrich events.  相似文献   

Four cores (ranging between ca. 9 and ca. 14 m in length) from Lago di Albano in Central Italy were studied for their ostracod content, as well as algal and bacterial pigments, CaCO3 and concentration of organic matter. Cores PALB 94 1E and PALB 94 1C from Site 1, located at the bottom of a steep slope at 70 m water depth, where oxygen concentration is below 6 mg l-1, spans the Holocene and the late Pleistocene until 28 kyr B.P. (calibrated age). The other cores, PALB 94 6A and PALB 94 6B taken at a depth of 30 m, where oxygen is 7--11 mg l-1, represent mainly Pleistocene deposits.Ostracod valves were found in the lowermost ca. 3 m of the sequence at Site 1, dated to ca. 28--24 kyr B.P., and throughout the sequence from Site 6 which represents the interval 23--17 kyr B.P.Candona neglecta is the dominant species in most of the levels at Site 1, whereas both C. neglecta and Cyclocypris sp. dominate during different biostratigraphic zones at Site 6. The influx of springs entering the lake at Site 1 was inferred on the basis of species of the genus Potamocypris and Ilyocypris bradyi present in the record. Wide fluctuations in species abundance and assemblages in both coring sites indicate lake-water level oscillations between 28 to 17 kyr B.P. In particular, a strong rise in water level of the order of 40 m occurred between 24 and 23 kyr B.P. Fluctuations in productivity, oxygen availability and water temperature at both sites were also reconstructed on the basis of the ostracod assemblages and the algal and bacterial pigment concentrations. The environmental reconstruction reached using ostracod remains and pigments was verified with other proxy records published elsewhere such as invertebrate remains, diatoms, magnetic properties, etc. A synthesis of climatic reconstructions for Central and Southern Italy for the late Full Glacial is attempted on the basis of previous studies on hydrology, lithostratigraphy and palynology. Sharp fluctuations in lake palaeoproductivity/palaeoclimate recorded by invertebrate and pigment remains at both sites from Lago di Albano might be related to similar events reported in North Atlantic Full-Glacial records from marine and ice cores.  相似文献   

Changes in lake water temperature and trophic states were inferred using chironomid fossil assemblages from Lac Long Inférieur (Southern Alps, France). In the Late Glacial, a colder period, possibly analogous to the Younger Dryas, is characterised by a peak in Micropsectra, a cold stenothermic taxon. The increase in temperatures during the Late Glacial interstadial is indicated by a decrease in the percentages of cold stenothermic taxa (Tanytarsus lugens/Corynocera oliveri grp.) and by an increase in taxa linked to the development of vegetation in the littoral zone. The beginning of the Holocene is marked by the presence of taxa adapted to warmer and more eutrophic waters. During the Holocene, the progressive warming of the climate and increase in lake trophic status were indicated by the increase of eutrophic and warmer water indicators. An increase in tributary inflow into Lac Long Inférieur was also inferred by the increase in rheophilous taxa, reflecting increased snowmelt. During the Subatlantic, the composition of the chironomid spectra suggests a re-cooling of the climate and/or a decrease in lake trophic status.  相似文献   

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