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According to coastal measurements, global mean sea-level has risen at a rate of 1.8 mm yr−1 between 1950 and 2000, with large spatial variability at regional scales. Within the Bay of Biscay, trends computed from coastal tide gauges records have revealed that sea-level rise is accelerating over this period of time; this is in agreement with rates obtained from satellite imagery in the open ocean since 1993. The objectives of the present study are: (1) to assess the evidence of the relative sea-level rise on coastal morphology and habitats in the Gipuzkoan littoral zone (Basque coast, northern Spain) for the period 1954–2004, and (2) to evaluate the relative contribution of local anthropogenic versus sea-level rise impacts for explaining inter-supratidal habitat changes. A high-resolution airborne laser altimetry data (LIDAR) has been used to derive a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of 15-cm vertical resolution. Coastal habitats were mapped for two periods, using historic airborne photography (1954) and high-resolution imagery (2004). Analysis of tide gauge records from Santander (northern Spain) has revealed that relative mean sea-level has been rising at a rate of 2.08 ± 0.33 mm yr−1 from 1943 to 2004; this is consistent with sea-level trends from other measurements within the area (St. Jean de Luz and Bilbao), obtained over shorter periods of time, and with previous results obtained in the Bay of Biscay. Based upon this sea-level trend and by means of a LIDAR-based DTM, the results have indicated that the predicted change along the Gipuzkoan coast due to sea-level rise was of 11.1 ha within the 50-yr period. In contrast, comparison of historical and recent orthophotography has detected only 2.95 ha of change, originated possibly from sea-level rise, and 98 ha transformed by anthropogenic impacts. Hence, coastal changes due to sea-level rise might be overwhelmed by excessive human impacts, at the spatial and temporal scales of the analysis. This work highlights that local anthropogenic impact is the major threat to Basque coastal and estuarine habitats, compared with natural erosive processes and global climate change driving forces over recent times.  相似文献   

RCP4.5情景下预测21世纪南海海平面变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张吉  左军成  李娟  陈美香 《海洋学报》2014,36(11):21-29
结合卫星高度计资料和SODA温盐数据,本文利用CCSM(Community Climate System Model version4)气候系统模式在代表性浓度路径RCP4.5情景下对全球海平面变化趋势的预测模拟结果作为强迫场,用POP模式模拟预测21世纪南海海平面长期趋势变化及空间分布。模拟结果显示,在RCP4.5情景下,南海海域在21世纪末10年平均海平面相对于20世纪末10年上升了15~39cm,明显上升海域位于中南半岛东部的南海中部、南部海域和吕宋海峡东西两侧海域,上升值最大可达39cm。如果加上格陵兰和南极等陆地冰川融化的影响,21世纪南海总海平面上升值将可能达到35~75cm。南海比容海平面明显上升区域位于吕宋岛东面的深水海域,广东沿岸流和吕宋冷涡之间海域,以及中南半岛东南部海域。总比容海平面的变化主要来自热比容,盐比容贡献比较小。南海南部和西部比容海平面上升速率较低,如加里曼丹岛西北侧、泰国湾和海南岛西侧有下降趋势。  相似文献   

基于海洋站潮位观测和中国沿海海平面变化影响调查等数据,分析了辽东湾沿岸海平面变化及海岸侵蚀状况,并定量评估了未来海平面上升情景下,辽东湾两岸典型沙质海岸侵蚀影响和沙滩养护投入。分析预测和评估结果表明:1980-2017年,辽东湾沿海海平面上升速率为3.0 mm/a,其中辽东湾东岸沿海海平面上升速率明显高于西岸。2009-2017年,辽宁营口白沙湾、绥中网户、绥中南山港和绥中团山气象观测场岸段后退和下蚀较为严重,部分岸段滩肩蚀退达2~3 m/a。预计2100年,辽东湾沿海海平面上升幅度在20~48 cm之间,由海平面上升引发的辽东湾海岸侵蚀土地损失为23.1 km2,土地经济损失为1410万元。为减缓海岸侵蚀,旅游沙滩和一般沙滩养护总投入分别为11亿元和46亿元,全岸段养护成本较高,应选取旅游沙滩等重点岸段进行养护。  相似文献   

齐庆华  蔡榕硕 《海洋学报》2017,39(11):37-48
气候变暖背景下,全球平均海洋变暖和海平面上升显著,为人类社会的可持续发展带来巨大挑战。上层海洋热力状况是海平面变化的主导因子之一。本文围绕"21世纪海上丝绸之路"途经海区(文中简称为丝路海区)上层海洋热含量异常的区域性时空特征,分析探讨了丝路海区热比容海平面异常的时空变化、演变特征及可能影响,以期为"21世纪海上丝绸之路"海洋环境安全保障提供服务支撑。结果表明,自20世纪70年代中后期,丝路海区上层(0~700 m)海洋已明显变暖,尤其20世纪90年代中后期增暖幅度显著加大。近60年来,在丝路海区热带海洋中,西太平洋的北赤道流区及以北海域、东海黑潮流域以及南海北部和南部海区、阿拉伯海西北部海域、马来西亚西北部海域及南印度洋部分海域具有长期增暖趋势。热带西太平洋暖池区整体增暖不明显,主要与印度洋中部海域呈反位相变化,且明显受到季节和年际变化的调制。长江口附近沿岸、南海北部沿岸、中南半岛南部沿岸以及阿拉伯海西北部沿岸的近岸海域长期增暖明显,自20世纪90年代中后期,中南半岛东部和西部沿海、澳大利亚西部沿海以及我国东南沿海热比容海平面上升明显。近岸热比容海平面的季节演变对沿海地区社会和经济发展会造成一定影响。此外,东亚夏季风与东海、黄海和渤海热比容海平面的上升显著相关,同时,ENSO、太平洋年代际振荡和印度洋偶极子的发生也均与我国东南沿海和印度洋西部沿海热比容海平面上升明显关联。特别是,气候变暖情形下,各种区域性致灾因子和气候变率的协同影响会对丝路海区海岸带和沿海地区的防灾减灾与社会经济发展带来较大挑战,开展海岸带和沿海地区全球变化综合风险研究成为当前首要任务。  相似文献   

The bathymetric LiDAR system is an airborne laser that detects sea bottom at high vertical and horizontal resolutions in shallow coastal waters. This study assesses the capabilities of the airborne bathymetric LiDAR sensor (Hawk Eye system) for coastal habitat mapping in the Oka estuary (within the Biosphere Reserve of Urdaibai, SE Bay of Biscay, northern Spain), where water conditions are moderately turbid. Three specific objectives were addressed: 1) to assess the data quality of the Hawk Eye LiDAR, both for terrestrial and subtidal zones, in terms of height measurement density, coverage, and vertical accuracy; 2) to compare bathymetric LiDAR with a ship-borne multibeam echosounder (MBES) for different bottom types and depth ranges; and 3) to test the discrimination potential of LiDAR height and reflectance information, together with multi-spectral imagery (three visible and near infrared bands), for the classification of 22 salt marsh and rocky shore habitats, covering supralittoral, intertidal and subtidal zones. The bathymetric LiDAR Hawk Eye data enabled the generation of a digital elevation model (DEM) of the Oka estuary, at 2 m of horizontal spatial resolution in the terrestrial zone (with a vertical accuracy of 0.15 m) and at 4 m within the subtidal, extending a water depth of 21 m. Data gaps occurred in 14.4% of the area surveyed with the LiDAR (13.69 km2). Comparison of the LiDAR system and the MBES showed no significant mean difference in depth. However, the Root Mean Square error of the former was high (0.84 m), especially concentrated upon rocky (0.55–1.77 m) rather than in sediment bottoms (0.38–0.62 m). The potential of LiDAR topographic variables and reflectance alone for discriminating 15 intertidal and submerged habitats was low (with overall classification accuracy between 52.4 and 65.4%). In particular, reflectance retrieved for this case study has been found to be not particularly useful for classification purposes. The combination of the LiDAR-based DEM and derived topographical features with the near infrared and visible bands has permitted the mapping of 22 supralittoral, intertidal and subtidal habitats of the Oka estuary, with high overall classification accuracies of between 84.5% and 92.1%, using the maximum likelihood algorithm. The airborne bathymetric Hawk Eye LiDAR, although somewhat limited by water turbidity and wave breaking, provides unique height information obscured from topographic LiDAR and acoustic systems, together with an improvement of the habitat mapping reliability in the complex and dynamic coastal fringe.  相似文献   

气候变化背景下海平面上升、强台风和风暴潮对我国东南沿海地区的洪涝灾害影响日益严重,为应对气候变化的影响,本文以位于我国东南沿海的厦门地区为例,应用多种海洋大气观测资料和数理统计及模拟方法,分析了历史上9914号和1614号两次台风对厦门海域极端海面高度(极值水位)的影响,预估了未来海平面上升情景下厦门海域极值水位的变化及其危险性。结果表明:(1) 9914号台风期间,天文大潮、风暴增水和强降水的同时出现造成了厦门沿海地区超警戒极值水位(732 cm)的出现;(2) 风(向岸强风)、雨(强降水)、浪(巨浪)、潮(高潮位)、流(急流)等多致灾因子的共同作用是厦门沿海地区发生严重灾情的重要原因;(3) 在温室气体中等和高排放(RCP4.5和RCP8.5)情景下,到2050年(2100年),当前百年一遇的极值水位将分别变为30年(2年)一遇(RCP4.5)和25年(低于1年)一遇(RCP8.5)的频繁极端事件。这表明未来厦门沿海极值水位的危险性将显著上升,应采取充分的适应措施降低洪涝灾害风险。  相似文献   

福建沿海全新世高温期的气候与海面变化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
王绍鸿  吴学忠 《台湾海峡》1992,11(4):345-352
本文综合分析了福建沿海全新世高温期的孢粉资料和海平面变化资料,建立了气温和海平面变化曲线.结果表明,8ka,B.P.前为气温和海平面上升期,8ka,B.P.以来为高温期和高海平面期,海平面升降与气温升降几乎同步.  相似文献   

Projections of potential submerged area due to sea level rise are helpful for improving understanding of the influence of ongoing global warming on coastal areas. The Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition method is used to adaptively decompose the sea level time series in order to extract the secular trend component. Then the linear relationship between the global mean sea level(GMSL) change and the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Delta(PRD)sea level change is calculated: an increase of 1.0 m in the GMSL corresponds to a 1.3 m(uncertainty interval from1.25 to 1.46 m) increase in the PRD. Based on this relationship and the GMSL rise projected by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 under three greenhouse gas emission scenarios(representative concentration pathways, or RCPs, from low to high emission scenarios RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5), the PRD sea level is calculated and projected for the period 2006–2100. By around the year 2050, the PRD sea level will rise 0.29(0.21 to 0.40) m under RCP2.6, 0.31(0.22 to 0.42) m under RCP4.5, and 0.34(0.25 to 0.46) m under RCP8.5, respectively.By 2100, it will rise 0.59(0.36 to 0.88) m, 0.71(0.47 to 1.02) m, and 1.0(0.68 to 1.41) m, respectively. In addition,considering the extreme value of relative sea level due to land subsidence(i.e., 0.20 m) and that obtained from intermonthly variability(i.e., 0.33 m), the PRD sea level will rise 1.94 m by the year 2100 under the RCP8.5scenario with the upper uncertainty level(i.e., 1.41 m). Accordingly, the potential submerged area is 8.57×103 km2 for the PRD, about 1.3 times its present area.  相似文献   

The issue of sea level rise is receiving considerable attention all over the world. Although the Indian stations have shown mixed trends, a positive sea level trend has been noticed in the Hooghly Estuary, situated on the east coast of India. The Hooghly River serves as a navigable waterway to Calcutta and Haldia ports. The river is tidal for nearly 250 km. To study the water levels and tidal currents in the lower part of the Hooghly Estuary, from sea face at Sagar to Hooghly Point, a vertically integrated numerical model has been used. The model is fully nonlinear and uses a semiexplicit finite‐difference scheme to solve the basic hydrodynamic equations on a staggered grid. This model is coupled with a one‐dimensional model, which has been used for the upper estuary from Hooghly Point to Swarupganj, where the flow is unidirectional. The computed water levels and currents are found to be in good agreement with the available observations. This model is applied to study the alterations in tidal circulation for a rise and fall in the sea level. The results have shown a substantial increase in the amplitude and velocities of the tidal wave due to the sea level rise.  相似文献   

本文利用大洋环流模式POP研究RCP4.5情景下21世纪格陵兰冰川不同的融化速率对全球及区域海平面变化的影响。结果显示:当格陵兰冰川的融化速率以每年1%增加时,全球大部分海域的动力和比容海平面变化基本不变,主要是由于格陵兰冰川在低速融化时并不会导致大西洋经向翻转流减弱。当格陵兰冰川的融化速率以每年3%和每年7%增加时,动力海平面在北大西洋副极地、大西洋热带、南大西洋副热带和北冰洋海域呈现出显著的上升趋势,这是因为格陵兰冰川快速融化导致大量的淡水输入附近海域,造成该上层海洋层化加强和深对流减弱,导致大西洋经向翻转流显著减弱;与此同时,热比容海平面在北冰洋、格陵兰岛南部海域和大西洋副热带海域显著下降,而在热带大西洋和湾流海域明显上升;此时盐比容海平面的变化与热比容海平面是反相的,这是由于大量的低温低盐水的输入,造成北大西洋副极地海域变冷变淡、大西洋经向翻转流和热盐环流显著减弱,引起了太平洋向北冰洋的热通量和淡水通量减少,导致了北冰洋海水变冷变淡,同时热带大西洋滞留了更多的高温高盐水,随着湾流被带到北大西洋,北大西洋副极地海域低温低盐的海水,被风生环流输运到副热带海域。  相似文献   

Four profiles of estuarine sediments obtained from boreholes drilled in the Algarve, Southern Portugal were studied in order to reconstruct the process of sediment accumulation driven by the postglacial sea level rise. In addition to the sedimentological analysis, the Foraminifera Index of Marine Influence (FIMI) permitted assessment of the nature and organization of sedimentary facies in the Beliche–Guadiana and Gilão–Almargem estuaries. The Beliche–Guadiana CM5 and Almargem G2 profiles accumulated in a sheltered environment, with the former presenting an almost continuous record of the sea level rise since ca 13?000 cal yr BP. The G1 and G3 profiles from the Gilão–Almargem area represent a more discontinuous record of the last 8000 years, which accumulated in the more dynamic environment of an outer estuary. The integration of all radiocarbon ages of dated levels, led to an estimate of sediment accumulation rates. Assuming a constant position of the sediment surface with respect to the tidal range and a negligible compaction of sediment, the sea level rose at the rate of 7 mm yr−1 in the period from 13?000 to 7500 cal yr BP. This process slowed down to ca 0.9 mm yr−1 from 7500 cal yr BP until the present. The marked historical change in the rate of sediment accumulation in these estuaries also occurred with the accumulation of organic matter and is, therefore, important data for global biogeochemical models of carbon. The main obstacle to obtain higher temporal resolution of the sedimentary processes was the intense anaerobic respiration of organic matter via sulphate reduction, which did not allow any accumulation of peat and, furthermore, led to erasure of the palaeontological record by acid formed from the subsequent oxidation of sulphides.  相似文献   

用统计学的方法对浙江沿岸海平面进行了研究, 采用多种海平面上升预测模式进行了计算和预测, 结果表明: 浙江沿岸的海平面存在明显的季节变化, 其变化曲线浙北、浙中沿岸为单峰型, 而浙南沿岸为双峰型, 南北地域差异较大。浙江沿岸过去30 a 间海平面平均上升速率为(2.63±0.06) m m /a。研究还表明, 未来浙江沿岸海平面还将上升, 按模式计算, 至2050年上升29 cm , 到2100 年估计上升值为60 cm 。  相似文献   

Mike Walkden  Mark Dickson   《Marine Geology》2008,251(1-2):75-84
A process-based numerical model was used to explore the response of soft rock shores with low volume beaches to variable rates of sea level rise. Equilibrium recession rates were simulated for ranges of wave height and period, tidal amplitude, rock strength, beach volume and rate of sea level rise. Equilibrium shore profiles were found to be steeper with higher rates of sea level rise. Beaches were represented as protective surfaces yet were found to cause no significant reduction in equilibrium recession rate when their volumes were below a critical threshold. Reduced equilibrium recession rates were found with beaches that extended sufficiently far below low tide level. The model results imply that, given several constraints, a very simple relationship exists between increased rates of sea level rise and the response of eroding composite soft rock/low volume beach shores.  相似文献   

2016年中国沿海海平面上升显著成因分析及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用中国沿海及西北太平洋区域的水位、海温、气温、气压和风等水文气象资料,详细分析了2016年中国沿海海平面显著升高的成因及影响。分析结果表明:(1)2012-2016年,中国沿海海平面处于准2 a、4 a、准9 a和准19 a周期振荡的高位,几个周期振荡高位叠加,对该时段海平面上升起了一定的作用;(2)2016年,中国沿海气温和海温较1993-2011年的平均值分别高0.7℃与0.5℃,均处于1980年以来高位;气压较1993-2011年的平均值低0.2 hPa;(3)2016年4月、9月、10月和11月,中国沿海海平面均达到1980年以来同期高位,这4个月的风场距平值在东海以南均明显偏大,且以偏南向和向岸风为主,风生流使得海水向岸堆积,沿海长时间以增水为主,对当月局部海平面上升的贡献率达到40%~80%;(4)2016年,中国沿海降水总体偏多,局部区域降水量达到历史同期最高,加上沿海径流量的增加,对沿海局部海平面升高有一定贡献;(5)2016年9-10月,有5个台风相继影响我国南部沿海,持续的风暴潮增水导致台风影响期间的海平面高于当月平均海平面70~360 mm,风暴潮和洪涝灾害给当地造成直接经济损失超过30亿元。  相似文献   

研究海平面上升对河口的影响情况有助于了解输运过程的变化,基于21世纪海平面上升预测研究(陈长霖,2012;张吉,2014),本文选取珠江河口这一径优型与潮优型并存的河口为研究区域,利用数值模拟的方法,研究其在未来海平面上升后可能出现的响应。结果表明,河口的平均盐度、咸潮上溯距离和层化强度都将随着海平面的上升而增加,这些因素的变化有着明显的季节性。伶仃洋平均盐度在4月和10月增加更多;伶仃洋枯水期咸潮上溯距离的增量大于丰水期,磨刀门则相反;伶仃洋丰水期层化强度及其增量都要大于枯水期。海平面上升后的输运过程响应结果显示:(1) 垂向输运时间将增加,虽然海平面上升带来的潮差潮流的增强将加强垂向混合,但是层化的加强会削弱垂向交换。垂向输运时间的增加是由于层化的加强,层化加强抑制了潮汐变化带来的影响,表层水更难交换到底层; (2) 南北向河口环流将加强,表层余流向海加强,底层余流向陆加强,南北向余流整体向海减小。造成这些现象的主要原因是海平面上升后水深增加带来的河道比降的减小和压力梯度力的改变。  相似文献   

徐映深  高中和 《台湾海峡》1992,11(4):368-371
上元-坑园牡蛎礁位于高潮位以下3m,主要成分为长牡蛎和近江牡蛎,其~(14)C年龄为3043±82a,B.P.。据此推算出罗源湾一带海岸处于缓慢上升状态,速率为1.15mm/a。根据上元-坑园牡蛎礁的上述特征,并结合断块差异升降运动的表现,作者认为这一地区中、晚全新世以来以“陆动型”海平面变化占主导地位。  相似文献   

辽河三角洲地区海平面上升趋势及其影响评估   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
根据潮位资料分析,辽河三角洲平原和辽东湾东岸近四五十年来相对海平面处于上升趋势,从70年代以来平均每年上升量为5mm左右.考虑到辽河三角洲平原地面下沉以及全球性海平面将加速上升,预计下个世纪内,辽河三角洲平原相对海平面上升的速率将达到8-10mm/a,到2050年相对海平面上升量将达到40~55cm.利用遥感和地理信息系统,对不同的海平面上升量将造成的土地淹没损失进行了预测.如不加防护,相对海平面上升0.5m时,将淹没近4000km2,包括整个营口市区和半个盘锦市区;上升1.0m时,将淹没5000km2.对海平面上升将造成海岸侵蚀、风暴潮和洪涝等灾害加剧等影响也进行了分析.  相似文献   

2012年中国沿海海平面上升显著成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2012年,中国沿海海平面变化最突出的特点是海平面升高显著。海平面总体比常年高122mm,较2011年偏高53mm,达1980年以来最高位。本文使用中国沿海及西北太平洋区域近30a的水位、海温、气温、气压和风等水文气象资料,详细分析了中国沿海海平面2012年异常偏高的成因。结果表明:2010-2012年中国沿海海平面处于2~3a、8~9a和准19a周期震荡的高位,几个周期震荡高位叠加,对海平面上升起了明显的影响;2012年,沿海气温和海温分别较常年偏高0.4℃和0.3℃,气压较常年低1.2hPa,气压达历史最低位;2012年,中国南海夏季风爆发时间较常年偏早,结束较常年偏晚,季风持续时间较常年偏长,导致2012年5-6月和8月,在黄海和东海海域,东北风持续偏强,南海海域南风偏强,风场的异常导致黄海、东海和南海沿海海水长时间堆积,是造成海平面升高的原因之一;2012年,热带气旋登陆时间集中,影响范围广,北上和影响东北地区的台风数量均为历史之最,特别是2012年8月,有6个热带气旋相继影响我国沿海,对当月海平面升高影响明显;另外,2012年副热带高压偏北、偏东、偏弱的特点对东海和南海的海平面上升也有一定影响。  相似文献   

赵健  刘仁强 《海洋科学》2023,47(8):7-16
海平面变化包含多种不同时间尺度信息,传统的预测方法仅对海平面变化趋势项、周期项进行拟合,难以利用海平面变化的不同时间尺度信号,使得预测精度不高。本文基于深度学习的预测模型,提出一种融合小波变换(wavelet transform,WT)与LSTM (long short-term memory,LSTM)神经网络的海平面异常组合预测模型。首先利用小波分解得到反映海平面变化总体趋势的低频分量和刻画主要细节信息的高频分量;然后通过LSTM神经网络对代表不同时间尺度的各个分量预测和重构,实现海平面变化的非线性预测。基于该模型的海平面变化预测的均方根误差、平均绝对误差和相关系数分别为12.76 mm、9.94 mm和0.937,预测精度均优于LSTM和EEMD-LSTM预测模型,WT-LSTM组合模型对区域海平面变化预测具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

In order to reconstruct former sea level we have developed a foraminifera-based transfer function using three models based on a modern dataset of 59 samples and 23 species obtained from four Basque marshes in Northern Spain. The relationship between observed and foraminifera-predicted elevation illustrated the strong performance of the transfer function (r2jack ranges from 0.74 to 0.81). These results indicated that precise reconstructions of former sea levels are possible (error ranges from 0.11 to 0.19 m). The transfer function was used to calibrate the foraminiferal assemblages collected from a 50 cm salt marsh core. We placed the foraminifera-based reconstructions into a temporal framework using 137Cs, Pb concentrations, and 210Pb-derived sediment accumulation rates. The resulting relative sea-level curve is in good agreement with regional tide-gauge data. Both instrumental data and microfossil records suggest a rate of relative sea-level rise of approximately 2 mm yr− 1 for the 20th century.  相似文献   

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