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Toward assessing the biogeochemical significance of seaweeds in relation to dissolved iodine in seawater, the effect of whole seaweeds (Laminaria digitata and Fucus serratus) upon iodide and iodate, at essentially natural concentrations, has been studied. The weeds were carefully removed from the sub-littoral zone of the Menai Straits and exposed to iodide and iodate at their natural temperature (6 °C), but under continuous illumination. Laminaria digitata was found to decrease the concentration of iodate with an exponential rate constant of 0.008–0.24 h−1. This is a newly discovered process which, if substantiated, will require an entirely new mechanism. Generally, apparent iodide concentration increased except in a run with seawater augmented with iodide, where it first decreased. The rate constant for loss of iodide was 0.014–0.16 h−1. Meanwhile, F. serratus was found not to decrease iodate concentrations, as did L. digitata. Indeed, after ∼30 h iodate concentrations increased, suggesting that the weed may take in iodide before oxidising and releasing it. If substantiated, this finding may offer a way into one of the most elusive of processes within the iodine cycle – iodide oxidation. With both seaweeds sustained long-term increases of apparent iodide concentration are most easily explained as a secretion by the weeds of organic matter which is capable of reducing the Ce(IV) reagent used in determination of total iodine. Modelling of the catalytic method used is provided to support this contention. The possibility of developing this to measure the strain that seaweeds endure in this kind of biogeochemical flux experiment is discussed. A Chemical Oxygen Demand type of approach is applied using Ce(IV) as oxidant. The results of the iodine experiments are contrasted with the several investigations of 131I interaction with seaweeds, which have routinely used discs of weed cut from the frond. It is argued that experiments conducted with stable iodine may measure a different variable to that measured in radio-iodine experiments.  相似文献   

Isotopic patterns of biota across salinity gradients in man-made evaporative systems could assist in determining the use of these habitats by animals. Here we report δ13C, δ15N and δD measurements of a euryhaline fish, the Mediterranean toothcarp (Aphanius fasciatus), inhabiting a range of salinities in the Thyna saltworks near Sfax (Tunisia). The contribution of these salinity niches to egg formation of two typically piscivorous bird species breeding in the area and feeding within saltworks, Little Tern (Sternula albifrons) and Little Egret (Egretta garzetta), was inferred trough a triple-isotope (δ13C, δ15N and δD) Bayesian mixing model. Isotopic trends for fish δ15N and δD across the salinity gradient followed the equations: δ15N = e(1.1 + 47.68/Salinity) and δD = −175.74 + Salinity + Salinity2; whereas fish δ13C increased as salinity rose (δ13C = −10.83 + 0.02·Salinity), after a sudden drop in fish isotopic values for salinities >60 (Practical Salinity Scale) (average fish δ13C for salinities <60 = −5.92‰). Both bird species fed largely on low hypersalinity ponds (salinity = 43; average contribution = 37% and 22% for Little Egrets and Little Terns, respectively), although the use of intermediate hypersalinities (salinities 63 and 70) by Little Terns also occurred (16% and 21%, respectively). Isotopic patterns across salinity gradients allow the use of isotopic measurements to inform studies of habitat occupancy within evaporative systems and provide further insights into how wildlife communities interact with them.  相似文献   

An automatic measuring system called “FerryBox” was installed in the North Sea on a ferry travelling between Germany (Cuxhaven) and Great Britain (Harwich), enabling online oceanographic and biological measurements such as salinity, temperature, fluorescence, turbidity, oxygen, pH, and nutrient concentrations. Observations made along the ferry transect reveal characteristic phenomena such as high salinity inflow through the Channel into the Southern Bight, algal bloom dynamics and related oxygen and pH changes. Combination of these online observations with remote sensing enhances the spatial resolution of the transect related measurements. Several examples of the synergy between these two measuring strategies are shown, both for large-scale algal blooms in the North Sea as well as for local intense but short-term blooms in the German Bight. Coherence of the data sets can be gained and improved by using water transport models in order to obtain synoptic overviews of the remotely sensed and FerryBox related parameters. Limitations of the currently used algorithms for deriving chlorophyll-a from remote sensing images for coastal and shelf seas (Case-2 water) are discussed, as well as depth related processes which cannot be properly resolved on the basis of water intake at a fixed point. However, in unstratified coastal waters under normal conditions FerryBox data represent average conditions. The importance of future applications of this combination of methods for monitoring of coastal waters is emphasized.  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterize the structure and functioning of the benthic food web associated with the Ascophyllum nodosum zone of the rocky shore of Roscoff by using δ13C and δ15N. Several characteristics of the trophic ecology of the invertebrates associated with this mid-littoral habitat and which belong to different functional groups (e.g., grazers, filter-feeders, predators and omnivores) were highlighted. In particular, the filter feeder species (including mostly sponges) used macroalgae-derived organic matter as a substantial food requirement. The results also pointed out an important stable isotopes variability for strict coexisting primary consumers which: (1) is directly related to the high δ15N range of the food sources; (2) makes it impossible to establish a unique trophic level scale based on δ15N values, as previously done in coastal environments; and (3) points out the existence of major co-occurring trophic pathways which characterise the Ascophyllum nodosum habitat.  相似文献   

Recent evaluations of the global nitrogen budget include greatly increased estimates of N2-fixation in oceanic waters. Low stable N isotope ratios in planktonic food webs of tropical and subtropical oceans have been used as one indication of the importance of N2-fixation. Interpretation of bulk stable N isotope ratios can, however, be confounded when the source and process information that they contain cannot be separated clearly. In this paper, we use stable N isotope ratios of amino acids to help separate source and trophic effects associated with changes in bulk stable N isotope ratios of zooplankton across the tropical North Atlantic. Patterns in stable N isotope ratios of amino acids along a transect from the Cape Verde Islands to Barbados identify a change in N source supporting zooplankton production, and virtually no change in the trophic position of zooplankton size classes from the eastern to the western side of the tropical North Atlantic. Furthermore, comparison of stable N isotope ratios of amino acids in zooplankton with those in Trichodesmium suggests that diazotrophs are the source of the low stable N isotope ratios at the western end of the transect. The evidence provided by stable N isotope ratios of amino acids supports the interpretation of large-scale patterns in bulk stable N isotope ratios that N2-fixation indeed makes a major contribution to the global N budget.  相似文献   

European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) are two species of economical and ecological significance in the Bay of Biscay (north-east Atlantic). However, the trophic ecology of both species is still poorly known in the area, and more generally, few studies have considered the potential trophic overlap between sardines and anchovies worldwide. This study aims to highlight the trophic links between the mesozooplankton and adults of these two pelagic fish in the Bay of Biscay, through carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis (SIA). Mesozooplankton and individuals of sardines and anchovies were collected during one season (spring 2010), over spatially contrasted stations within the study area. First, the potential effect of preservation (ethanol vs. freezing) and of delipidation (by cyclohexane) on mesozooplankton δ13C and δ15N values was assessed. Results demonstrated the necessity to correct for the preservation effect and for lipid contents in mesozooplankton for further analyses of sardines' and anchovies' diet through SIA. Next, this study highlighted the interest of working on identified mesozooplanktonic organisms instead of undetermined assemblages when unravelling food sources of planktivorous fish using stable isotopes. The inter-specific variability of isotope values within a planktonic assemblage was effectively high, probably depending on the various feeding behaviours that can occur among mesozooplankton species. Intra-specific variability was also significant and related to the spatial variations of baseline signatures in the area. To investigate the foraging areas and potential diet overlap of S. pilchardus and E. encrasicolus, mixing models (SIAR) were applied. Both fish species appeared to feed mainly in the neritic waters of the Bay of Biscay in spring and to select mainly small- to medium-sized copepods (e.g. Acartia sp., Temora sp.). However, E. encrasicolus showed a greater trophic plasticity by foraging more offshore and on a wider range of prey sizes, while S. pilchardus seemed more limited to coastal areas and the mesozooplanktonic species of these waters for feeding.  相似文献   

Sources of sedimentary organic matter to a Morse River, Maine (USA) salt marsh over the last 3390 ± 60 RCYBP (Radiocarbon Years Before Present) are determined using distribution patterns of n-alkanes, bulk carbon isotopic analysis, and compound-specific carbon isotopic analysis. Marsh foraminiferal counts suggest a ubiquitous presence of high marsh and higher-high marsh deposits (dominated by Trochammina macrescens forma macrescens, Trochammina comprimata, and Trochammina inflata), implying deposition from ∼0.2 m to 0.5 m above mean high water. Distributions of n-alkanes show a primary contribution from higher plants, confirmed by an average chain length value of 27.5 for the core sediments, and carbon preference index values all >3. Many sample depths are dominated by the C25 alkane. Salicornia depressa and Ruppia maritima have similar n-alkane distributions to many of the salt marsh sediments, and we suggest that one or both of these plants is either an important source to the biomass of the marsh through time, or that another unidentified higher plant source is contributing heavily to the sediment pool. Bacterial degradation or algal inputs to the marsh sediments appear to be minor. Compound-specific carbon isotopic analyses of the C27 alkane are on average 7.2‰ depleted relative to bulk values, but the two records are strongly correlated (R2 = 0.89), suggesting that marsh plants dominate the bulk carbon isotopic signal. Our study underscores the importance of using caution when applying mixing models of plant species to salt marsh sediments, especially when relatively few plants are included in the model.  相似文献   

The food-web structure of the epibenthic and infaunal invertebrates on the continental slope of the Catalan Sea (Balearic basin, NW Mediterranean) was investigated using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes on a total of 34 species, and HPLC pigment analyses for three key species. Samples were collected close to Barcelona (NE Iberian Peninsula), between 650 and 800 m depth and between February 2007 and February 2008. Mean ??13C values ranged from −21.0‰ (small Calocaris macandreae and Amphipholis squamata) to −14.5‰ (Sipunculus norvegicus). Values of ??15N ranged from 4.0‰ (A. squamata) to 12.1‰ (Molpadia musculus). The stable isotope ratios of benthic fauna displayed a continuum of values (e.g. ??15N range of 8‰), confirming a wide spectrum of feeding strategies (from active suspension feeders to predators) and complex food webs. According to the available information on diets of benthic fauna, the lowest values were found for surface deposit feeders (small C. macandrae and the two ophiuroids A. squamata and Amphiura chiajei) and active suspension feeders (Abra longicallus and Scalpellum scalpellum) feeding on different sizes of particulate organic matter (POM), among which small particles may exhibit lower ??15N. High annual mean ??15N values were found among sub-surface deposit feeders, exploiting refractory or frequently recycled organic matter that is enriched in ??15N. Carnivorous polychaetes (Nephtys spp., Oenonidae and Polynoidae) and large decapods (Geryon longipes and Paromola cuvieri) also displayed high ??15N values. ??13C ranges were particularly wide among surface deposit feeders (ranging from −21.0‰ to −16.4‰), suggesting exploitation of POM of both terrigenous and oceanic origins. Correlation between ??13C and ??15N was generally weak, indicating multiple carbon sources, likely due to the consumption of different kinds of sinking particles (e.g. marine snow, phytodetritus, etc.), sedimented and frequently recycled POM, together with macrophyte remains. The stronger ??13C-??15N correlations found in February and April suggest that during the period of water column homogeneization (winter-spring), the benthic community was sustained by phytodetritus inputs originating from the peak of surface primary production in February. Conversely, weaker ??13C-??15N correlations were observed during the period of water column stratification (beginning in June-July), suggesting that the benthic community in this period was sustained, with a delay of ca. 2/3 months, by multiple carbon sources including continental inputs from river discharge (with the maxima in April-May). Thus both advective and vertical fluxes seem to be food sources for benthos on the Catalonian slope. Pigments in the guts of key species were generally degraded, and only the active suspension feeder A. longicallus ingested fresh chlorophyll during periods of high primary production at the surface (February and April 2007).  相似文献   

Studiesoninfluenceofdietondryweightandchemicalelement(C,H,N)contentoflarvalScyllaserrata¥//INTRODUCTIONScyllaserrata,animport...  相似文献   

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