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The present work aimed to identify the main environmental drivers shaping temporal and spatial dynamics of macrobenthic communities within a eutrophic coastal lagoon. Sediments in the óbidos lagoon showed a gradient of increasing metal contamination from the inlet area to inner branches. The mid-lower lagoon area exhibited an intermediate contaminated condition between the inlet and upstream areas, suggesting that the effects of the organic loadings into the lagoon may be reflected until this area. This transitional feature was corroborated by biological data, with macrobenthic assemblages displaying characteristics of down- and upstream areas. Macrobenthic abundance peaked in winter, which was associated with a higher nutrient availability (mainly ammonium) and the proliferation of green macroalgae in mid-lower and inner lagoon areas. However, massive macroalgae growth resulted in a sharp decrease of macrobenthic diversity and abundance in spring, particularly where the higher amounts of decaying algae were detected. Higher dissimilarities between assemblages were detected during winter (and spring, for trophic composition), while in summer, differences were highly attenuated. The least contaminated area (close to the sea inlet) experienced smaller temporal variations for environmental variables, as well as the lowest temporal biological variability. This area was dominated by carnivores, which were related with increased salinity. Deposit-feeders were numerically dominant in the lagoon, being generally spread within organically enriched sandy and muddy areas. The high concentration of chlorophyll a and suspended particulate matter in water was reflected in the abundance of deposit-feeders/suspension-feeders, taking benefit of the high primary productivity. On the other hand, deposit-feeders/herbivores responded to the decay of macroalgae mats in the sediment. Biological associations varied with the biological data used (taxonomic versus trophic group composition; abundance versus biomass), highlighting the relevance of the combination of different data analysis' approaches. In general, BIOENV analysis indicated total phosphorus, biomass of Ulva, metals and organic carbon and nitrogen as being significantly influencing benthic patterns. On the other hand, discrepancies in ecological behaviours of some taxa were also detected in the present study stressing the need for additional studies on the relationships between macrobenthic communities and environmental variables. Implications of the present results for monitoring studies are discussed.  相似文献   

-Investigations of Chi, a and primary production were carried out in the coastal upwelling area (27°'-30°30'N, west to 124°00'E) off Zhejiang in August and October 1981. The high-value areas of Chl. a were in nearshore waters and on top of the upwelling front, where Chl. a occurred the maximum 7.40 mg/m3. With the average of 1.25 g C/m2.d, the primary production was more than 2.0gC/m2·d incenteral area of the upwelling, and the whole surveyed area's output was about 4.4 ×104 tons C/d.  相似文献   

Patterns in community structure and functioning of motile epibenthic fauna were investigated in shallow (0–1 m) sediment habitats along the Skagerrak–Baltic estuarine gradient (salinity range from 4 to 34). The study area was divided into five regions, reflecting different sea-basins along the 1260 km coastline, and fauna was collected at six sites within each region. Ten replicate samples of motile epibenthic fauna were taken randomly at each site with a portable drop trap (bottom area 1 m2) in June and September in 2004.  相似文献   

MagnetostratigraphyofcoastalloessofDalian,ChinaanditspaleoclimaticsignificanceLiPeiying;LiuBaozhu;LiuLejunandZhouMoqingAbstra...  相似文献   

Tropical fisheries are in decline around world as a result of diverse anthropogenic threats. These threats are intimately linked to biodiversity and conservation values because of the heavy dependence of both fisheries and high value marine and coastal wetlands on coastal ecosystem health. Consequently, if the widespread degradation of coastal ecosystems can be halted and remediated, there are substantial benefits to fisheries output, ecosystem resilience, food security, livelihoods, recreation and the protection of ecological assets of national and global significance. The extent, intactness and quality of Australia׳s tropical coastal ecosystems has declined markedly since European settlement, due to the cumulative impact of many small encroachments and local barrier construction on the extent and productivity of coastal wetlands, mangroves and seagrass meadows. Additionally, coastal ecosystem dependent biota has been excluded from large areas of critical habitats. Despite these changes, coastal fisheries show no clear declines that could not be explained by changes in effort. This lack of detectable decline is probably partly attributable to the short history of available fisheries catch data. However, it is also likely that it reflects the offsetting of lost natural productivity by greatly increased anthropogenic nutrient loads; a substantial problem as governments are committed to large scale, long term efforts to reduce discharges of nutrients to coastal waters. This possibility underlines the importance of rejuvenating lost coastal productivity. Evaluation of past remediation efforts show that documented success is rare, due to a complex of factors including ineffective prioritisation, a lack of necessary knowledge and resources, and inefficient monitoring and evaluation. Past experiences from Australia׳s tropics and around the world, together with current ecological understanding, suggests some generally desirable characteristics to enhance the likelihood of successful remediation and repair actions.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2004,203(1-2):161-176
The method for the sequential extraction of P proposed by Jensen et al. [Mcglathery, K.J., Marino, R., Howarth, R.W. (1998) Limnol. Oceanogr. 43, 799–810] was used to study the spatial distribution of sedimentary P in superficial sediments of a mesohaline coastal lagoon located in a watershed formed by carboniferous sandstone in the Western Mediterranean (Minorca Island, Spain). Dissolved inorganic phosphate (IP), dissolved organic phosphate (OP), Fe, Ca, Al, and F were analyzed in the extractions to assess adequacy of this method to clay sediments. The elemental composition of the solid phase (Al, Fe, K, Ti, Si, Mg and Ca) was also analyzed to relate concentrations of P pools to the mineral composition. Samples from marine carbonated sediments, rock and some materials of biological origin (tubes of polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus, bivalve shell debris) were analyzed for comparative purposes. The sequential procedure allowed to extract almost all sedimentary P from carbonate sediments and biogenic debris, but only 70% of total phosphorus (TP) from clay sediments and rock. Main IP pools in the lagoon were Fe-bound P (16.6% of TP), CaCO3-bound P mainly from Ficopomatus tubes (12.0% of TP), and detrital carbonate fluorapatite (7.8% of TP). The most abundant P pool was refractory P (20.3% of TP), which appeared associated to the (Fe,K)Al-silicate fraction and to humic P. This indicated that clay–humic–organic P complexes were the main P reservoir in the lagoon. Spatial distribution of P pools reflected differential sedimentation of allochthonous materials, authigenic precipitation of Fe-oxides, and Fe-bound P as well as the differential distribution of organisms such as Ficopomatus.  相似文献   

Sidescan sonar has been applied in a number of shallow water environments along the Dutch coast to map and monitor shellfish and seabed habitats. The littoral setting of these surveys may hamper data acquisition flying the towfish in zones of turbulence and waves, but also offers valuable opportunities for understanding, interpreting and validating sidescan sonar images because of the ability to ground-truth during low water periods, enabling easy identification and validation. Acoustical images of some of the mussel banks on the tidal flats of the Wadden Sea, recorded at high tide, show a marked resemblance with optical Google Earth images of the same banks. These sonar images may thus serve as ‘acoustic type signatures’ for the interpretation of sonar patterns recorded in deeper water where ground-truthing is more difficult and more expensive. Similarly, acoustic type signatures of (Japanese) oyster banks were obtained in the estuaries in the southwest of the Netherlands.  相似文献   

In Burton Lake (an Antarctic littoral saline lake), as one of the overwinter species, the female Drepanopus bispinosus reach adult form in autumn. and early winter.For the subsequent life period of more than eight months, the animals experience such changing environment as increasing salinities from approximately 33 (in May) to 39 (in November). There is a considerable difference of salinity tolerance of female adults between summer and winter populations.Winter collected copepods survived lower salinities than summer collected copepods in this experiment. The upward shift in their salinity tolerance range is related to the development of field acclimation to salinity. Respiration rates of the summer animals showed a visible increase over those of winter copepods in simitar salinity and temperature conditions, thus supporting the above conclusion.  相似文献   

A transect that extended 40 km offshore across the continental shelf off Perth, Western Australia, was sampled monthly during 1997 and 1998. Zooplankton was sampled at 5 km intervals with a 300 micron-mesh bongo net deployed vertically to within 3 m of the bottom, or to a maximum depth of 70 m. Numbers of species of chaetognaths and siphonores were quantified, as were abundances of the common species from these groups and of the hydromedusae Auglaura hemistoma. The potential influences of four environmental variables (sea-level, sea surface temperature, salinity and chlorophyll concentration) on variability in diversity and abundance were assessed using generalized additive modeling. A combination of factors were found to influence the seasonal and spatial biological variability and, of these factors, non-linear relationships always contributed to the best fitting models. In all but one case, each of the environmental variables was included in the final model. The seasonally variable Leeuwin Current, whose strength is measured as variations in local sea-level, is the dominant mesoscale oceanographic feature in the study region but was not found to have an overriding influence on the shelf zooplankton. This contrasts a previous hypothesis that subjectively attributed seasonal variability of the same taxa examined in this study to seasonal variations in the Leeuwin Current. There remains a poor understanding of shelf zooplankton off Western Australia and, in particular, of the processes that influence seasonal and spatial variability. A more complete understanding of potential causative influences of the Leeuwin Current on the shelf plankton community of south-western Australia must be cognizant of a range of biophysical factors operating at both the broader mesoscale and at smaller scales within the shelf pelagic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Spatially sensitive management built on detailed biological and socio-economic knowledge is required to establish sound fishing regulations and to avoid extinction of small coastal populations of fish and shellfish. Highly productive isolated populations of several commercial species have historically inhabited the Swedish west coast, but during the past century these populations have been depleted by fisheries and with no sign of recovery. Since 1999 several fisheries regulations and different stakeholder co-management initiatives have flourished along the Swedish coast of the Skagerrak. They aimed to facilitate the recovery of collapsed local stocks but the established regulations failed to identify and restrict the main sources of mortality acting on local stocks and they have thus been ineffective to promote the recovery. Furthermore, regulations have operated on the weakest among stakeholders (e.g.. recreational fishers), which have minor influence over management, and the restrictions have been imposed without providing any data which supported the choice (i.e. the “easy restriction” syndrome). In line with the general “spirit” of recent Swedish fishery management, we conclude that managers, without the disapproval of Swedish scientists, have circumvented limitations which should address the largest mortality factor, i.e. the commercial fishery. The regulations presently in place, have been politically uncontroversial and easy to implement, but have been highly unsuccessful. We therefore suggest that stakeholders, including politicians, should start focusing on more effective and science-based management and less on what is politically attractive if Swedish citizens shall have a chance to witness the recovery of their once flourishing coastal populations.  相似文献   

Rock physical properties, like velocity and bulk density, change as a response to compaction processes in sedimentary basins. In this study it is shown that the velocity and density in a well defined lithology, the shallow marine Etive Formation from the northern North Sea increase with depth as a function of mechanical compaction and quartz cementation. Physical properties from well logs combined with experimental compaction and petrographic analysis of core samples shows that mechanical compaction is the dominant process at shallow depth while quartz cementation dominates as temperatures are increased during burial. At shallow depths (<2000–2500 m, 70–80 °C) the log derived velocities and densities show good agreement with results from experimental compaction of loose Etive sand indicating that effective stress control compaction at these depths/temperatures. This indicates that results from experimental compaction can be used to predict reservoir properties at burial depths corresponding to mechanical compaction. A break in the velocity/depth gradient from about 2000 m correlates with the onset of incipient quartz cementation observed from petrographic data. The gradient change is caused by a rapid grain framework stiffening due to only small amounts of quartz cement at grain contacts. At temperatures higher than 70–80 °C (2000–2500 m) the velocities show a strong correlation with quartz cement amounts. Porosity reduction continues after the onset of quartz cementation showing that sandstone diagenesis is insensitive to effective stress at temperatures higher than 70–80 °C. The quartz cement is mainly sourced from dissolution at stylolites reflected by the fact that no general decrease in intergranular volume (IGV) is observed with increasing burial depth. The IGV at the end of mechanical compaction will be important for the subsequent diagenetic development. This study demonstrates that mechanical compaction and quartz cementation is fundamentally different and this needs to be taken into consideration when analyzing a potential reservoir sandstone such as the Etive Formation.  相似文献   

The “harmful algae and algal toxins in coastal waters of China:investigation and database”project (HAATC) is funded (US$2.3 million) by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China for 60months starting on the 1s t Jan 2019. Since the 1990s, national projects and other related work have greatly improved harmful algal bloom (HAB) research in China. However, the existing research on HABs is often limited to specifi c sea areas or specifi c algal bloom disasters, which is insu ffi cient for unde...  相似文献   

Gracilaria tenuistipitata vahang et Xia is cultivated at two different salinites(21,33) in the laboratory for 4 weeks,The daily growth rate is determined.The total agar yield and fractional agar composition are analyzed.Results show that algae grow faster in low salinity.The total agar yield is higher under high salinity conditions than under low salinity conditions.Among the eight fractions extracted,the yields of cold water extract and 40% ethanol extract are about the highest.In low salinities the yields of autoclaved extract and 60% ethanol extract are higher,while the yield of cold water extract is lower relative to high salinities.  相似文献   

Resource conflict is a common feature of coastal management. This conflict is often managed by using spatial planning tools to segregate uses, with access decisions made through a comparison of the economic costs and benefits of the competing sectors. These comparisons rarely include an in-depth analysis of the extent or nature of the conflict. One commonly experienced form of resource conflict in coastal communities involves professional fishing, recreational fishing and broader coastal tourism. In New South Wales, Australia the professional fishing industry is often seen as being in conflict with recreational fishing and tourism, and there are frequent calls to close areas to professional fishing, arguing that this will provide improved economic benefits to local communities. This research examined the relationships between the three sectors using economic valuations, qualitative interviews and a large-scale representative questionnaire of the general public. The results revealed highly interconnected and mutually supportive relationships, with professional fishing providing a range of services that benefit both tourism and recreational fishing. These results suggest that spatial management exercises that seek to segregate or remove one sector from an area, may be counterproductive to the interests of all these groups. Relying on economic valuations of each sector as if they stand alone is insufficient to adequately understand their roles in local communities. Resource allocation decisions should be based on evaluations that consider the interconnections between sectors, and consider whether negotiated sharing of resources may provide greater community benefits than excluding certain groups of users.  相似文献   

The estimated in-place hydrocarbon volume of the giant Johan Sverdrup field is 3.5 billion barrels of oil, the bulk of which is contained in the Upper Jurassic intra-Draupne Formation sandstone. The intra-Draupne Formation sandstone is composed of unusually coarse grained siliciclastic sediments, with an average net/gross of 97% and average porosity of 28%. The median core permeability ranges from 0.5 to 40 Darcies in individual wells, and may reach even higher values based on drill stem testing.The reservoir is interpreted to be a time-transgressive sheet sand, ranging from 2 to 38 m in thickness and covering an area of more than 200 km2. Vertical and lateral facies and grain size trends, combined with biostratigraphy and palaeocurrent indicators, are interpreted to demonstrate a westward onlapping, transgressive shoreface depositional system, with local fan delta input.Reservoir properties vary significantly across the field and relative to facies association. In terms of permeability, the upper and lower shoreface associations in the Avaldsnes High area in the east show the highest median values of 25–27 Darcies. The upper and lower shoreface associations in the Augvald Graben area to the west show median values of 15 and 21 Darcies, respectively. The lowest values are observed in the transgressive shoreline, fan delta and spiculitic shoreface associations, i.e. 8 Darcies, 2 Darcies and 0.1 Darcies, respectively. The latter two facies associations are restricted to local areas in the west and northwest.The coarse grain size, lack of fines, scarcity of cementation and extensive sheet-like distribution of siliciclastic sediments make the intra-Draupne Formation sandstone an ideal reservoir. The depositional model presented in this paper may be used as an analogue when exploring for similar, high quality, shallow marine reservoir sands.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the fossils (mollusks, Radiolaria, planktonic and benthicForaminifera and Ostracoda) found in the four loess profiles located respectively at Heishigou and Beizhuang Villages on Daheishan Island in the Miaodao Islands in the Bohai Straits, and Daweijia and Yujiawaizi Villages in Jinzhou County, Liaodong Peninsula, the distribution and abundance variation of the fossils in vertical profiles are studied, the source of coastal loess is probed and the relationship between loess deposition and paleoclimatic environment as well as sea-level changes is discussed.  相似文献   

Coccoliths collected by sediment traps deployed on the slope of the Bay of Biscay (northeastern Atlantic), from June 1990 to August 1991, were examined to determine their contribution to the transport of carbonate on a mid-latitude continental margin. They also were used as tracers of particle transfer processes on this slope. Two traps located at 1900 m, respectively at 2300 (Mooring Site 1) and 3000 m (Mooring Site 2) water depths provided high-resolution (4–7 days) time-series samples covering a 14-month period at MS2 and a 3-month period at MS1. Coccoliths from 28 species were identified over the course of the experiment, among which Emiliania huxleyi was always dominant (relative abundance range: 59–93%). Total coccoliths number fluxes were high but variable, ranging from 390×106 to 1610×106 coccoliths m−2 day−1 at MS1, and from 58×106 to 1500×106 coccoliths m−2 day−1 at MS2. The time-weighted mean flux, calculated for the whole experiment at MS2, was 499×106 coccoliths m−2 day−1. Estimate of coccoliths minimal contribution to total carbonate flux at 1900 m depth averaged 12%, which represented a weighted mean flux of 7.3 mg m−2 day−1 (2.7 g m−2 yr−1). Lateral transport of coccoliths resuspended from shelf and/or upper slope sediments seems to be the dominant transfer process to depth on this northeastern Atlantic slope. Nevertheless, the clear seasonal succession observed in the species composition implies that the deposition/resuspension/transport sequence is rapid (presumably less than a few months). Several short and unsmoothed signals directly issued from coccoliths bloom events also were recorded in our traps, a result that indicates rapid settling rates. The overall coccolith sedimentation processes appear as being quite diversified, but quantitative and qualitative analyses of aggregates collected by the traps suggest that they are important carriers of coccoliths in this margin environment.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2003,46(9-10):859-874
In the area of a coastal fishing village on the mangrove peninsula of Bragança, State of Pará, North Brazil, coastal changes were observed by a beach profile monitoring programme between 1997 and 2001. The assessment allowed a subdivision of the region into four small coastal cells (1–3 km), partly exhibiting heavy erosion. A number of related socio-economic problems, such as loss of alternative income sources caused by the locally unpredictable erosion patterns were identified in three separate village sections. This results in a year-round dependence on seasonally low fishery incomes and increases the risk of poverty. Since limited options for action are available to the local population, different social groups have evolved different land use patterns, which in turn influence local coastal morphodynamics. Not only the hydrodynamic signature, but also the socio-economic organisation of a coastal community and the co-evolutionary path between these two variables thus indicate the state of a coastal system and the most promising policy actions towards sustainable coastal management.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(2):179-190
The annual cycle of temperature, salinity and nutrients of surface waters (up to 100 m depth) was studied from June 1991 to December 1995 in a cross-shelf section over the continental shelf waters off Santander (southern Bay of Biscay). The time series showed that the temperature followed the expected seasonal warming and cooling pattern, which determines a seasonal process of stratification and mixing of the water column. The stratification period occurs annually between May and October in a layer of about 50 m depth from the neritic station beyond to the shelf-break. In the period between November and April the water column remained mixed. During spring and summer low salinity values were found in the surface due to continental runoff and advection from oceanic waters. In late autumn and winter, the salinity pattern was governed by an influx of salty water associated with the poleward current. As in other temperate latitudes, nitrates showed the highest values in winter throughout the water column and the lowest values at the surface during the stratified period. Wind-induced upwelling events were observed mainly in summer, which are characterised by low temperatures (< 12°C), high salinity and nutrient concentrations. The inter-annual variability of temperature showed a warming trend in the upper layers but this sign was not found at 100 m depth. In salinity a decreasing trend was observed throughout the water column, and this feature corresponds to the relaxing of the high salinity anomaly detected in the North Atlantic at the beginning of the 1990s. Both trends were coherent in the cross-shelf section from the coast to the slope.  相似文献   

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