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During February 2010, studies of primary production (PP) and physiology were conducted at five selected sites in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Bight of the Agulhas ecosystem as part of a programme to elucidate the influence of major physical driving forces and nutrient inputs on the structure and functioning of biological communities. These sites were located in the vicinity of the Durban lee eddy, in the midshelf region of the central part of the bight, off the Thukela Mouth, and to the north and south of Richards Bay. At four of the sites, chlorophyll a ranged from 0.10 to 1.44?mg m–3 and integrated PP ranged between 0.35 and 2.58?g C m–2 d–1. The highest biomass and PP, which were comparable to those observed in a wind-driven upwelling system, were associated with a diatom community observed at the midshelf site, and varied between 0.26 and 4.27?mg m–3 and 7.22 and 9.89?g C m–2 d–1, respectively. Environmental conditions at each of the sites differed substantially and appeared to be influential in initiating and controlling the development and distribution of phytoplankton biomass and production. Phytoplankton adaptation to variable environmental conditions was characterised by a decreased light-limited slope (αB) and increased rate of photosynthesis (Pm ) and light saturation (Ek) with elevated temperatures. The converse (increased αB and decreased Pm and Ek) was observed as irradiance levels declined. Generalised additive models indicated that irradiance, temperature and biomass were important variables influencing photosynthetic parameters and photosynthetic rates.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variations of phytoplankton primary production were studied using a high frequency sampling strategy in the external (ENW) and internal (INW) part of Arcachon Bay, during 2002 and 2003. In order to better assess the availability of nutrients and their relationship with phytoplankton primary production, nutrient variability was studied in relation to environmental conditions and phytoplankton production. During winter, when primary production rates were the lowest, nutrient concentrations were maximal but did not show excessive levels compared to highly urbanised areas. Seasonal and spatial variations of nutrient concentrations (especially DIN-nitrate + nitrite + ammonium- and Si) were largely influenced by Leyre River loads coupled with high tidal exchange with the Atlantic Ocean creating a nutrient gradient between the INW and ENW. By February, diatom growth leads to an early severe nutrient depletion in the entire bay. Examination of nutrient ratios showed that the potential limiting nutrient during spring was P in 2003, and Si in 2002. During summer 2003, N and Si concentrations reached their lowest values, and nutrient ratios revealed a N-deficient environment, more pronounced in the INW. The high Si:N ratios during this period might be explained by (1) important N-uptake by all autotroph communities and (2) benthic-pelagic coupling with high Si regeneration. This study shows that nutrient levels in Arcachon Bay seem to play an important role in the control of phytoplankton primary production rates during the productive period and explain their spatial, seasonal and inter-annual variability. Our estimates of annual integrated phytoplankton primary production (103 g C m−2 y−1) place this bay within the low to moderate phytoplankton primary production systems.  相似文献   

三门湾秋季浮游植物现存量和初级生产力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对1987年9月浙江三门湾海区浮游植物细胞丰度、叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的分布特征及其与环境的关系进行了研究。结果表明,调查海区的浮游植物细胞丰度、叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力均具有明显的空间区域性分布特征。叶绿素a浓度高值区位于三门湾顶部和健跳港口,从湾顶部往湾口海区方向,叶绿素a浓度逐渐下降。初级生产力的分布趋势与叶绿素a浓度的分布趋势一致。表层水浮游植物平均细胞丰度为(3.36±1.39)×103个/dm3,表、底层平均叶绿素a浓度分别为(1.47±0.42)μg/dm3和(1.12±0.19)μg/dm3,平均初级生产力为(36.0±29.5)mg/(m2·d)。  相似文献   

三门湾夏季浮游植物现存量和初级生产力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该海区的生物、化学、水文等项目进行调查。用HQM-1型有机玻璃采水器采集水样,大面观测站仅采集表层(0~1m)水样,用于测定叶绿素a质量浓度和光合作用速率。在N2和N11两个连续观测站,每隔3h采集表层和5m层的水样,用于分析叶绿素a质量浓度及营养盐浓度。同时,用浅 型浮游生物网由近底层向表层垂直拖网采集浮游植物样品,所采样品被装入容积为600cm3的塑料瓶中,并加入20cm3的福尔马林溶液固定保存,供对浮游植物细胞计数和种属鉴定之用。营养盐样品用经酸预清洗过的孔径为0.45μm的醋酸纤维膜过滤,滤液用饱和HgCl2溶液固定后,低温避光保存。图…  相似文献   

A coastal acoustic tomography experiment in the Tokyo Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eight sets of coastal acoustic tomography (CAT) systems were deployed during November 29 to December 10, 2002 at the coasts on both sides of Tokyo Bay to measure tidal current structures at 15-rain interval.Sound transmission across the Tokyo Bay (between Yokohama and Chiba)was successfillly traced,even under severe interference from ship generated wakes and bubbles.Tidal current fields changing from northward to southward flow are well reconstructed by the inverse analysis of travel-time difference data for a period with the best sound transmission condition. It is suggested that the CAT is the most powerful tool to continuously map tidal current fields in the coastal seas with heavy shipping traffic and fisheries activity.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton primary production and its regulation by light and nutrient availability were investigated in the shallow, tropical coastal waters of Bandon Bay, Southern Thailand. The bay was meso‐eutrophicated and highly turbid, receiving river water discharge. Water column stratification was consistently weak during both rainy and dry seasons. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was higher off the river mouth than in the other regions, suggesting that river water discharge was a main source of DIN. By contrast, dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) showed a significant negative correlation with total water depth, implying that regeneration around the sea floor was an important source of DIP. Surface DIN and DIP showed positive correlations with surface primary production (PP) and water column primary productivity (ΣPP*), respectively. The combined correlation and model analyses indicate that total water depth had an ambivalent influence on water column primary production (ΣPP); shallower water depth induced more active regeneration of nutrients, but it also caused higher turbidity and lower light availability as a result of enhanced resuspension of sediments. Furthermore, there was a vertical constraint for phytoplankton during the rainy season: total water depth tended to be shallower than euphotic zone depth. In conclusion, light limitation and vertical constraint owing to shallow water depth appear to be more important than nutrient limitation for water column primary production in Bandon Bay.  相似文献   

The effects of tropical storm Dennis were documented in the coastal waters of South Carolina during August 1981. Phytoplankton photosynthesis vs. irradiance curves showed initial depression of the parameter a followed by three- to five-fold increase of both a and the asymptotic maximum rate of photosynthesis PmB. Productivity rates were depressed in most samples immediately after the storm. Surface samples at the inshore stations were around 50 mg C m?3 h?1 at saturating light intensities, while the offshore station rates were around 10 mg C m?3 h?1. After a 10-day lag these rates had increased to about 200 mg C m?3 h?1 inshore and 75 mg C m?3 h?1 offshore. These changes are thought to be primarily caused by changes in species composition. Some of the dominant diatom species changed and dinoflagellate species were introduced. No significant changes in nutrient concentrations were observed. Transient depressions of water temperature, salinity and light intensity may have contributed to the observed changes.  相似文献   

1997年6~8月于山东省海阳市黄海集团公司养虾场,用5个实验围隔研究了对虾池不同粒级浮游生物的呼吸率和初级生产率.结果表明:(1)小型、微型及超微型浮游生物的呼吸率平均分别为0.07,0.38及0.31mg/(dm3·d),占各粒级浮游生物总呼吸率的9%,50%及41%.小型、微型及超微型浮游植物的生产率平均分别为0.04,1.26及0.15mg/(dm3·d),占相应粒级浮游植物总生产率的3%,87%及10%.各粒级浮游生物呼吸率占相应粒级浮游植物生产率的比例为:小型浮游生物175%;微型浮游生物30%;超微型浮游生物207%.(2)小型浮游动物、超微型浮游动物(含细菌)的呼吸率显著高于相应粒级浮游植物呼吸率,微型浮游植物的呼吸率明显高于微型浮游动物呼吸率.不同粒级浮游植物呼吸率的大小顺序为微型、超微型、小型,不同粒级浮游动物呼吸率顺序为超微型(含细菌)、微型、小型.  相似文献   

近海港湾浮游植物的春季藻华,初级生产力的分布和变化及其与环境物理化学之间的相互关系已有许多研究,如:潮汐对浮游植物藻华形成的驱动作用[1],垂直稳定或混合对浮游植物生物量粒级分布和初级生产力的影响[2~5],控制港湾浮游植物藻华的过程[6~10],营养盐类对浮游植物生长的限制[11,12]以及浮游植物季节性藻华[13]等.  相似文献   

烟台套子湾海域秋季浮游植物群落的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宁璇璇  纪灵  王刚  夏炳训  丁琳 《海洋通报》2011,30(4):425-429
根据2010年11月的调查数据,对套子湾海域浮游植物的群落结构进行了初步研究。共鉴定浮游植物3门24属43种,主要为温带近岸性和广布性种。其中,硅藻门20属35种,占总种数的81.40%,以圆筛藻属(Coscinodiscus) 和角毛藻属(Chaetoceros)的种类为主;甲藻类3属7种,占总种数的16.28%,由角藻属(Ceratium)、多甲藻属(Peridinium)及夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillans)组成;金藻门只有小等刺硅鞭藻(Dictyocha fibula)一种。浮游植  相似文献   

杭州湾锋区浮游植物现存量和初级生产力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1987年12月和1988年7月,对杭州湾锋区附近海域的浮游植物细胞丰度、优势种类、叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力进行了现场测定。结果表明,夏季海域浮游植物细胞丰度(19.95×106个/m3)高于冬季(5.60×106个/m3)。主要为广温低盐河口性类群和近岸广温广盐性类群占优势。夏季表层平均叶绿素a浓度为2.74mg/m3,冬季为1.27mg/m3。其平面分布特征表现为,表层浓度高于中层和底层,小潮汛的浓度高于大潮汛,落潮时的浓度高于涨潮时,跟踪测站的浓度高于E断面。夏季平均初级生产力为150.27mgC/(m2·d)。杭州湾为高悬浮物浓度的海域,光强成为初级生产力的主要限制因素之一。  相似文献   

During June 1997 cruise by R/V Science No.l, observations on temporal and spatialvariations of the size-fractionated phytoplankton standing stock and primary production were carried out in the Bohai Sea. The size-fractionated chlorophyll a (Chl a) and primary production, photosynthet-ically available radiation (PAR), as well as the related physico-oceanographic and zooplanktonic parameters were measured at five time-series observation stations representing sub-areas of the sea. Results obtained show that there were the marked features of spatial zonation of Chl a and primary production in the Bohai Sea. The values in the Laizhou Bay, the Liaodong Gulf and the Bohai Gulf were high and showed close relation with tidal fluctuations, i.e. high Chl a concentration occurred during high tide in the Laizhou Bay, and during low tide in the Liaodong Gulf and the Bohai Gulf. In the strait and the central region of the Bohai Sea, the values were relatively low and no relationship with tidal fluctuation could be foun  相似文献   

A theoretical framework for the time-dependent processes leading to the high rates of new production in eastern boundary upwelling systems has been assembled from a series of past upwelling studies. As part of the CoOP WEST (Wind Events and Shelf Transport) study, new production in the Bodega Bay upwelling area and it's control by ambient nitrate and ammonium concentrations and the advective wind regime are described. Data and analyses are focused primarily on the WEST 2001 cruise (May–June 2001) when the two legs differed greatly in wind regimes but not nutrient concentrations. Elevated concentrations of ammonium in upwelled water with high nitrate were observed in both legs. Nitrate uptake by phytoplankton as a function of nitrate concentration was linear rather than Michaelis–Menten-like, modulated by inhibitory levels of ammonium, yielding coefficients that enable the specific nitrate uptake element of new production to be estimated from nutrient concentrations. The range of specific nitrate uptake rates for the two legs of WEST 2001 were similar, essentially a physiological response to nutrient conditions. However, the low “realization” of new production i.e. incorporation of biomass as particulate nitrogen that occurred in this system compared to the theoretical maximum possible was determined by the strong advective and turbulent conditions that dominated the second leg of the WEST 2001 study. These data are compared with other upwelling areas using a physiological shift-up model [Dugdale, R.C., Wilkerson, F.P., Morel, A. 1990. Realization of new production in coastal upwelling areas: a means to compare relative performance. Limnology and Oceanography 35, 822–829].  相似文献   

报道1998~1999年夏季在南极普里兹湾及其毗邻海域对细胞丰度、优势种类组成、生物量和初级生产力的粒级结构、新生产力及其环境制约机制的研究.结果表明,调查海区具有显著的空间区域化特征.普里兹湾及其毗邻陆架区浮游植物现存生物量和生产力均较高,大陆坡和深海区明显降低;营养盐浓度由于浮游植物的消耗则有相反的分布趋势.浮游植物生物量和生产力受水体的垂直稳定度、浮游动物摄食、水温和光照等环境条件的控制.粒度分级测定结果表明,对调查海区叶绿素a的贡献,小型浮游生物为52.2%,微型为29.4%,微微型为18.4%;对初级生产力的贡献,小型为52.4%,微型为28.7%,微微型为18.9%.研究海区的平均新生产力和f比分别为230.6mg/(m2·d)和0.43.  相似文献   

王宪  李文权 《台湾海峡》1992,11(2):155-160
本工作采用~(14)C示踪法,于1987~1989年现场测定了罗源湾和闵南-台湾浅滩渔场浮游植物碳同化速率。结合叶绿素和细胞含碳量的测定,描述了浮游植物光合参数的季节变化,探讨温度对同化系数和碳比积累速率的影响。结果表明,罗源湾碳比积累速率平均为0.64d~(-1),闽南-台湾浅滩渔场碳比积累速率平均为0.85d~(-1),这反映了两个海区初级生产力的差别。温度对碳比积累速率的影响可以采用Goldman和Carpenter的模式来描述。  相似文献   

南黄海浮游植物初级生产力粒级结构与碳流途径分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据2006年夏季与冬季南黄海真光层内浮游植物初级生产速率的实测数据,对比研究了两种差异显著的水动力条件下,不同粒级浮游植物初级生产力水平、时空分布特征及其环境调控机制,并探讨了真光层生源碳可能的碳流途径。研究结果表明,南黄海夏季总初级生产力(碳)平均为30.69 mg/(m2·h),高值区位于调查海域南部长江冲淡水影响区,冬季总初级生产力低于夏季,平均水平为21.73 mg/(m2·h),高值区北迁至海州湾附近;夏季不同粒径浮游植物对总初级生产的贡献率由高到低的顺序为小型(42.8%)、微型(29.6%)、微微型(27.6%),冬季的为微微型(41.2%)、微型(36.5%)、小型(22.3%);真光层初级生产力与环境因子的相关分析表明,水动力条件(混合与层化)引起的营养盐来源和光照的变化是初级生产力分布的主要控制因素;用生态比值法对南黄海碳流途径的分析表明,微食物环在冬夏两季碳流途径中均占有重要地位,从总体上看,南黄海浮游生态系统的碳输出潜力较弱。  相似文献   

通过2012年夏季第五次北极科学考察期间在楚科奇海及其邻近海域现场调查所获得的数据分析研究了海域的粒度分级叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力。结果表明,叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的高值均出现在楚科奇海陆架区,并且远高于深海区。去程时调查海域水层平均叶绿素a浓度的变化范围为0.32~15.66mg/m3,平均(2.77±3.96)mg/m3,高值区出现在南部邻近白令海峡海域、北部阿拉斯加巴罗近岸和冰缘区;初级生产力的范围为50.11~943.28mg/(m2d),高值出现在冰缘水华区。返程时水层平均叶绿素a浓度的变化范围为0.07~1.52mg/m3,平均(0.41±0.40)mg/m3,高值仍出现在陆架区,但比去程时低了一个数量级;初级生产力的分布范围为12.31~41.35mg/(m2d),高值出现在陆架区。浮游植物粒度分级测定结果表明,在生物量较低的深海区,叶绿素a浓度和初级生产力的粒级结构以微微型浮游生物(Pico级份)占优势(其贡献率分别为46.1%和56.9%),小型(Net级份)和微型(Nano级份)对总叶绿素a浓度的贡献差异极小,分别为26.6%和27.3%,对总初级生产力的贡献分别为23.8%和19.3%;而在生物量较高的水深小于200m的陆架区,Net级份叶绿素a浓度所占百分比最高,Pico级份次之,Nano级份最低,分别为59.8%、27.9%和12.3%,初级生产力的粒级结构中叶绿素a浓度所占百分比由高到低同样是Net、Pico和Nano,所占百分比分别为60.6%,32.2%和7.2%。  相似文献   

胶州湾水温和营养盐硅限制初级生产力的时空变化   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
根据作者近年来对胶州湾水域的主要研究结果,分析和探讨了营养盐硅和水温对浮游植物生长的变化和其集群结构的改变影响,研究了胶州湾初级生产力的年变化过程是如何受到营养盐硅和水温的限制和提高,其时间阶段和空间区域又如何划分,营养盐硅和水温如何控制不同阶段和不同区域的初级生产力。同时,揭示了营养盐硅或水温在时间和空间的尺度上如何控制浮游植物生长的变化过程,而且在时空的变化中,2种因子营养盐硅和水温在时间和空间的尺度上又如何有顺序的控制,产生出各种类型的生产力。研究结果展示了在初级生产力的时间和空间的变化过程中,营养盐硅和水温控制初级生产力的不同时间阶段,尤其用增殖能力展示了水温对浮游植物生长的控制时间阶段;营养盐硅控制初级生产力的不同空间区域。从而阐明了营养盐硅和水温控制初级生产力的变化过程。从陆地到海洋界面的硅输送量决定了初级生产力的时间变化过程;硅的生物地球化学过程决定了初级生产力的空间变化过程。因而,营养盐硅和水温是浮游植物生长的“发动机”,营养盐硅是主要的,而水温是次要的。  相似文献   

2002年1~2月,在南极普里兹湾及其北部海区对浮游植物生物量、优势种类组成、细胞丰度、初级生产力和新生产力的观测结果表明,叶绿素a浓度、初级生产力和新生产力的高值均出现在湾内及湾口陆架区,并且远高于陆坡和深海区.湾内和湾口陆架区表层叶绿素a浓度均高于1 mg/m3,平均为(2.34±0.85)mg/m3,而陆坡区和深海区平均只有(0.19±0.14)和(0.15±0.05)mg/m3.湾内和陆架区平均初级生产力[(355.8±192.1)mg/(m2·d)]高于陆坡区[(82.0±20.8)mg/(m2·d)]和深海区[(100.5±83.4)mg/(m2·d)].在陆坡和深海区初级生产力的粒级结构以微微型浮游生物(<2 μm)对初级生产力的贡献最大(分别为49.6%和46.2%),湾内和陆架区则以小型浮游生物(为20~280 μm)的贡献为主(66.2%).在湾内和湾口陆架区同时具有较高的新生产力和再生生产力.  相似文献   

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