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Stormwater plumes in the southern California coastal ocean were detected by MODIS-Aqua satellite imagery and compared to ship-based data on surface salinity and fecal indicator bacterial (FIB) counts collected during the Bight'03 Regional Water Quality Program surveys in February–March of 2004 and 2005. MODIS imagery was processed using a combined near-infrared/shortwave-infrared (NIR-SWIR) atmospheric correction method, which substantially improved normalized water-leaving radiation (nLw) optical spectra in coastal waters with high turbidity. Plumes were detected using a minimum-distance supervised classification method based on nLw spectra averaged within the training areas, defined as circular zones of 1.5–5.0-km radii around field stations with a surface salinity of S < 32.0 (“plume”) and S > 33.0 (“ocean”). The plume optical signatures (i.e., the nLw differences between “plume” and “ocean”) were most evident during the first 2 days after the rainstorms. To assess the accuracy of plume detection, stations were classified into “plume” and “ocean” using two criteria: (1) “plume” included the stations with salinity below a certain threshold estimated from the maximum accuracy of plume detection; and (2) FIB counts in “plume” exceeded the California State Water Board standards. The salinity threshold between “plume” and “ocean” was estimated as 32.2. The total accuracy of plume detection in terms of surface salinity was not high (68% on average), seemingly because of imperfect correlation between plume salinity and ocean color. The accuracy of plume detection in terms of FIB exceedances was even lower (64% on average), resulting from low correlation between ocean color and bacterial contamination. Nevertheless, satellite imagery was shown to be a useful tool for the estimation of the extent of potentially polluted plumes, which was hardly achievable by direct sampling methods (in particular, because the grids of ship-based stations covered only small parts of the plumes detected via synoptic MODIS imagery). In most southern California coastal areas, the zones of bacterial contamination were much smaller than the areas of turbid plumes; an exception was the plume of the Tijuana River, where the zone of bacterial contamination was comparable with the zone of plume detected by ocean color.  相似文献   

Eutrophication often causes hypoxia in estuarine and coastal systems, but the mechanisms that control hypoxic events vary among estuaries and are often difficult to discern. We monitored surface and bottom dissolved oxygen (DO) in the Upper Newport Bay (UNB), a tidally mixed estuary in southern California subject to anthropogenic nutrient loading, eutrophication and hypoxia. Our goal was to identify the environmental factors regulating DO dynamics. Six hypoxic events occurred between June and November and were associated with a combination of low solar radiation, increased freshwater discharge following precipitation, and enhanced haline stratification during reduced tidal range periods. At the head of the estuary, high macroalgal biomass and pronounced haline stratification resulted in high DO in the surface layer and low DO in the bottom layer. Oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor waters were transported down-estuary by ebb tides, resulting in DO heterogeneity throughout the UNB. Cross-wavelet analysis illustrated the down-estuary propagation of high/low DO signal correlated with the phases of diurnal photosynthetic and semi-diurnal tidal cycles.  相似文献   

After the breeding season, Slavonian grebes (Podiceps auritus) leave their freshwater breeding habitats and migrate to wintering grounds in marine or brackish waters. The most important wintering area in northwestern Europe is located in the southern Baltic Sea, with the largest concentrations in the offshore area of the Pommeranian Bight. Analysis of ship-based surveys revealed that the habitat selection of Slavonian grebes in this brackish area is significantly influenced by water depth and bottom sediment type. The grebes prefer shallow waters of 4–14 m depth and occur only over sandy sediments. While the diving depths of endothermic animals is limited due to energetic constraints and thermoregulation, sediment type is regarded to be a proxy for food choice. The diet of Slavonian grebes in the Pomeranian Bight consists mainly of demersal gobies (Gobiidae) that frequently occur over sandy bottom substrates.  相似文献   

长江口外潮汐混合和低盐度羽流形成的泥沙锋和羽状锋对浮游植物与环境因子的空间分布具有重要控制作用。本研究依据 2019 年夏季长江口及邻近海域典型断面叶绿素 a (Chl-a) 浓度和环境因子的调查结果,以锋面为边界,探讨了不同区域 Chl-a 浓度与环境因子的分布特征及相互关系,以期深入了解锋面的生态效应。结果表明,在泥沙锋以内的近岸区域,水体垂直混合均匀;受长江径流输入和泥沙锋“屏障”作用影响,总悬浮物 (TSM) 和营养盐浓度最高,其中TSM为 220.0± 275.3 mg/L,溶解无机氮 (DIN)、溶解无机磷 (DIP) 和溶解硅酸盐 (DSi) 分别可以达到 94.7±21.2 umol/L、 0.85±0.33umol/L 和 95.3±22.6 umol/L;高浓度 TSM 引起显著的光限制效应,导致 Chl-a 浓度较低 (1.7 ±0.5 ug/L)。在羽状锋以外的区域,出现垂直层化现象;表层海水的 TSM 和营养盐显著降低,其中 TSM 为 5.1 mg/L,DIN、DIP 和 DSi 分别为1.0 umol/L、0.03 umol/L 和 2.4 umol/L;Chl-a浓度受到营养盐供应不足的影响,浓度仅为 0.2ug/L。高浓度的 Chl-a (7.5±4.1±g/L) 主要出现在泥沙锋和羽状锋之间的过渡区域,该区域营养盐得到长江径流与上升流的补充;同时,由于大量 TSM在泥沙锋快速沉降,缓解了水体的光限制效应,有利于浮游植物的生长和积累。研究结果验证了泥沙锋和羽状锋对 TSM 与营养盐的重要控制作用,这对于理解长江口及邻近海域藻类灾害高发区的成因具有科学参考价值。  相似文献   

During deteriorated prey availability, purely pelagic, specialised seabird species have to alter their feeding strategy by extending foraging radii and/or time spent at sea or reducing feeding intervals of chicks. In contrast, more generalised species such as the opportunistic black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) breeding at the German North Sea coast, can be assumed to react on prey shortages by switching foraging habitats. The coastal zone of the German North Sea provides a rich habitat mosaic consisting of the offshore zone, tidal flats and terrestrial habitats. Thus, we expected distinct temporal and spatial patterns of habitat switch in accordance with prey availability and environmental constraints. We carried out ship-based and aerial surveys as well as dietary analyses and observations on flight activity. We found a significant switch from terrestrial to marine feeding sites both on a daily basis (related to tidal cycle) and over the whole breeding season. Most likely, the latter switch is the result of lower prey availability in the terrestrial habitats and an increasing quality (in terms of prey abundance and energy intake) of the marine area. While there was only moderate variability in habitat use among different years, we revealed significant differences in the diet of birds from different colonies. The high dietary plasticity and flexible feeding strategy, switching between terrestrial and marine prey is certainly of major importance for the success of an opportunistic avian top predator in a complex coastal zone. It is suggested that – compared to situations elsewhere – the number of breeding pairs of black-headed gulls in the German North Sea coast are still stable due to the switch of foraging habitats performed by individuals in this region.  相似文献   

根据1988-1991年河口锋面现场调查、上海市海岸带调查及历次标准断面调查资料对长江盐度场及盐度锋进行了分析,提出了由口门至外海纵向上存在着三级锋面现象:内侧锋面即长江河口锋为长江河口水与长江冲淡水的界面;羽状锋是长江口羽状流水与口外混合水的界面,它是长江口最主要的盐度锋面,也是长江口一个重要的生物地球化学带,对河口沉积过程及水下三角洲发育具有重要的影响。外侧锋面即海洋锋,是长江冲淡水的最外边缘。  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands provide important ecological services to the coastal zone, one of which is sediment retention. In this study we investigated sediment retention across a range of geomorphological settings and across vegetation zones comprising coastal wetlands. We selected six coastal wetlands dominated by mangroves over a gradient from riverine to tidal settings in Southeast Queensland, Australia. Each site was comprised of three distinct vegetation communities distributed as parallel zones to the coast line: seaward fringe mangroves, landward scrub mangroves and saltmarsh/ cyanobacteria mat of the high intertidal zone. We measured suspended sediment retention and sedimentation rates. Additionally, in order to assess the origin of sediment transported and deposited in the mangroves, glomalin, a novel terrestrial soil carbon tracer, was used. Our results show a mean average sedimentation of 0.64 ± 0.01 mg cm−2 spring tide−1, which was variable within sites, regardless of geomorphological setting. However, geomorphological setting influenced spatial patterns of sediment deposition. Riverine mangroves had a more homogeneous distribution of sediments across the intertidal zone than tidal mangroves, where most sedimentation occurred in the fringe zone. Overall, the fringe zone retained the majority of sediment entering the coastal wetland during a tidal cycle with 0.90 ± 0.22 mg cm−2 spring tide−1, accounting for 52.5 ± 12.5% of the total sedimentation. The presence of glomalin in suspended sediments, and thus the relative importance of terrigenous sediment, was strongly influenced by geomorphological setting, with riverine mangroves receiving more glomalin in suspended solids than tidal mangroves. Glomalin was also differentially deposited within the vegetation zones at different geomorphological settings: primarily at the fringe zone of tidal mangroves and within the scrub zone of riverine mangroves. The differences we observed in the spatial distribution of sedimentation and the difference in the origin of the sediment deposited in riverine and tidal mangroves are likely to have an impact on ecological processes.  相似文献   

Flow-parallel linear ridge–runnel (RR) bedforms composed of mainly cohesive sediments have been investigated at an intertidal site located at Hills Flats in the Severn Estuary, UK. It is argued that the sequences of sand–mud laminae in the ridge sediments indicate strongly that RR are depositional bedforms. Faint RR topography scoured in the underlying soft bedrock and parallel rows of coarser particle now found at the base of ridges are evidence of secondary vortices that may have provided a catalyst for mud ridge growth. Bed shear stress remains below the erosion threshold for all but the most recent and weak surficial mud deposits which are removed by evorsion [mechanical erosion by turbulent flows that may also carry sand and/or gravel] during Spring tidal flow ca. 60 cm/s. Differences in flow characteristics between ridges and runnel are minor. Corrasion [to erode or be eroded by abrasion] by sparse coarse sediment largely prevents net deposition in the runnels. Over time a slight imbalance between mud deposition and erosion rates allows slow growth of the ridges suggesting that these mudflats may be especially sensitive to slight changes in the local hydrodynamic regime and/or sediment supply.  相似文献   

River plumes are important pathways of terrestrial materials entering the sea. In southern California, rivers are known to be the dominant source of littoral, shelf and basin sediment and coastal pollution, although a basic understanding of the dynamics of these river inputs does not exist. Here we evaluate forcing parameters of a southern California river plume using ship-based hydrographic surveys and satellite remote sensing measurements to provide the first insights of river dispersal dynamics in southern California. Our results suggest that plumes of the Santa Clara River are strongly influenced by river inertia, producing jet-like structures ~10 km offshore during annual recurrence (~two-year) flood events and ~30 km during exceptional (~10-year recurrence) floods. Upwelling-favorable winds may be strong following stormwater events and can alter dispersal pathways of these plumes. Due to similar runoff relationships and other reported satellite observations, we hypothesize that interia-dominated dispersal may be an important characteristic of the small, mountainous rivers throughout southern California.  相似文献   

Marine environments with naturally high CO2 concentrations have become important research sites for studying the impacts of future ocean acidification on biological processes. We conducted high temporal resolution pH and temperature measurements in and around a shallow (2.5-3 m) CO2 vent site off Ischia, Italy in May and June 2008. Loggers were deployed at five stations to monitor water at both the surface and benthos. Our reference station, 500 m from the CO2 vent, had no noticeable vent influence. It had a naturally high and stable benthic pH (mean 8.16, inter-quartile range (IQ): 8.14-8.18) fluctuating with diel periodicity, presumably driven by community photosynthesis and respiration. A principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the pH of this station was well constrained by meteorological parameters. In contrast, a station positioned within the vent zone, had a low and very variable benthic mean pH of 7.11 (IQ: 6.91-7.62) with large pH fluctuations not well constrained by a PCA. Any stations positioned within 20 m of the main vent zone had lowered pH, but suffered from abnormally large pH fluctuations making them unsuitable representatives to predict future changes to a shallow coastal environment. Between these extremes, we identified a benthic area with a lower pH of 7.84 (IQ: 7.83-7.88) that retained many of the characteristics of the reference station such as a natural diel pH periodicity and low variability. Our results indicate that a range of pH environments maybe commonplace near CO2 vents due to their characteristic acidification of benthic water over a wide area. Such environments could become invaluable natural laboratories for ocean acidification research, closely mimicking future CO2 conditions in a natural setting.  相似文献   

This study has compared the environmental characteristics of the basins and saline lower reaches of the tributaries of eight estuaries on the south coast of Western Australia, which differ in their degree of connectivity with the ocean. Although four estuaries between 115.1° and 121.8° E along that coast remain permanently open to the ocean, the others only become open when the volume of river discharge is sufficient to breach the prominent sand bars at their mouths, which occurs annually following heavy winter and early spring rainfall in some estuaries (seasonally open) and infrequently in others (normally closed). Estuaries to the west of 118.5° E are predominantly permanently open, e.g. Oyster Harbour, or seasonally open, e.g. Broke, Irwin and Wilson inlets, whereas those further east, e.g. Wellstead Estuary and Hamersley, Culham and Stokes inlets, where annual rainfall and thus discharge are much lower, only become open after exceptionally heavy discharge. In permanently and seasonally-open estuaries, pronounced haloclines and oxyclines are present in the narrow rivers but not the wide basins where the waters are subjected to wind-driven mixing. The extent of cyclical seasonal fluctuations in environmental conditions differed markedly among the three seasonally-open estuaries and between years in one of those systems. These differences reflected variations in the relationship between the volume of fluvial discharge, which is determined by a combination of the amount of local rainfall, catchment size and extent of clearing of native vegetation, and the amount of intrusion by marine waters, which is largely controlled by the size and duration of the opening of the estuary mouth. The mean seasonal salinities in the basins of the three normally-closed estuaries increased over three years of very low rainfall to 64 in the deepest of these estuaries (Stokes Inlet) to 145 in Hamersley Inlet and to 296 in the shallowest estuary (Culham Inlet). These results demonstrate that the environmental characteristics of estuaries on the south coast of Western Australia differ markedly, even among those of the same type, e.g. seasonally-open estuaries or normally-closed estuaries.  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate Dotilla myctiroides (H. Milne-Edwards) food resources and how the soldier crab influences the organic matter composition on the intertidal flat. A preliminary assessment of D. myctiroides size, sex, and population distribution was conducted to clarify the characteristics of the inhabiting population. Overall, D. myctiroides size and abundance was normal across the tidal flat area. Comparison of different sediment types from the soldier crab habitat (surface sediments, igloos, burrow lining, burrow pellets, feeding pellets, and feces) using the fatty acid (FA) analysis technique revealed D. myctiroides removes organic matter via the significantly lower contributions of polyunsaturated FAs, essential FAs, and dinoflagellates in the feeding pellets. Dotilla myctiroides tissue analysis of the hepatopancreas and hindgut in individuals that had been starved for 24 h confirmed not only the consumption of dinoflagellates, but diatoms and macroalgae as well. In addition, the FA metabolism within the digestive system implied the ability of the soldier crab to synthesize highly unsaturated FAs (HUFAs) such as 20:4n–6, 20:5n–3 and 22:6n–3.  相似文献   

This study examines the distribution of leachable particulate iron (Fe) in the Columbia River, estuary, and near-field plume. Surface samples were collected during late spring and summer of 2004–2006 as part of four River Influence on Shelf Ecosystems (RISE) cruises. Tidal amplitude and river flow are the primary factors influencing the estuary leachable particulate Fe concentrations, with greater values during high flow and/or spring tides. Near the mouth of the estuary, leachable particulate Fe [defined as the particulate Fe solubilized with a 25% acetic acid (pH 2) leach containing a weak reducing agent to reduce Fe oxyhydroxides and a short heating step to access intracellular Fe] averaged 770 nM during either spring tide or high flow, compared to 320 nM during neap tide, low flow conditions. In the near-field Columbia River plume, elevated leachable particulate Fe concentrations occur during spring tides and/or higher river flow, with resuspended shelf sediment as an additional source to the plume during periods of coastal upwelling and spring tides. Near-field plume concentrations of leachable particulate Fe (at a salinity of 20) averaged 660 nM during either spring tide or high flow, compared to 300 nM during neap tide, low flow conditions. Regardless of tidal amplitude and river flow, leachable particulate Fe concentrations in both the river/estuary and near-field plume are consistently one to two orders of magnitude greater than dissolved Fe concentrations. The Columbia River is an important source of reactive Fe to the productive coastal waters off Oregon and Washington, and leachable particulate Fe is available for solubilization following biological drawdown of the dissolved phase. Elevated leachable Fe concentrations allow coastal waters influenced by the Columbia River plume to remain Fe-replete and support phytoplankton production during the spring and summer seasons.  相似文献   

This study characterized stormwater plume development and associated phytoplankton dynamics in a coastal marine ecosystem through shipboard monitoring. We focused on plumes within Santa Monica Bay, California (USA), a coastal system that is subject to rapid pulses of untreated runoff from the urbanized watershed of Los Angeles during the winter rainy season. The physical, chemical, and biological signatures of stormwater plumes were tracked over time after each of 4 precipitation events ranging in magnitude from 1.5 cm to 9 cm. Low salinity surface plumes persisted in Santa Monica Bay for at least 2 to 5 days over spatial scales of up to 15 km. This is consistent with a 6-day residence time for surface water plume parcels, which was estimated from a drifter trajectory in the bay. Shipboard sampling and salinity measurements in the surf zone showed that plumes often persisted even longer nearshore. Plume waters were generally characterized by higher concentrations of dissolved nitrogen, colored dissolved organic matter, and higher light attenuation than non-plume waters. The magnitude of the effect of stormwater runoff on phytoplankton dynamics was dependent on the size of each storm and subsequent residence time of runoff within the bay. Rain events led to increases in primary productivity, phytoplankton biomass, and specifically, increases in diatom biomass, as measured by concentrations of biogenic silica.  相似文献   

闽江下游河口区及其邻近海域表层沉积物的地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闽江是我国东南沿海地区最大的河流,年径流量位居全国第3位。对采自闽江下游及闽江口邻近海域的沉积物分析表明,沉积物以SiO2含量高、Al2O3等组分的含量较低为特点。样品中碎屑矿物主要是石英、斜长石、正长石、白云母和绿泥石。从SiO2看,闽江沉积物与石英砂岩的成分较接近,不同于浅海沉积物,与黄河、长江、珠江三大河流也有较大差异。地形地貌及水动力条件控制沉积物粒度的分布,粒度又控制沉积物的组分分布。总体表现为,由陆向海,呈SiO2逐渐降低、Al2O3等组分升高的趋势。人类活动对闽侯段及闽江北港到马江段河流沉积物的影响也不容忽视。闽江流域的源区特征、水动力条件和搬运距离以及物理化学条件与生物作用对沉积物的改造,使得沉积物组分间具有良好的相关性。  相似文献   

The passive Eastern Continental Margin of India (ECMI) evolved during the break up of India and East Antarctica in the Early Cretaceous. The 85°E ridge is a prominent linear aseismic feature extending from the Afanasy Nikitin Seamounts northward to the Mahanadi basin along the ECMI. Earlier workers have interpreted the ridge to be a prominent hot spot trail. In the absence of conclusive data, the extension of the ridge towards its northern extremity below the thick Bengal Fan sediments was a matter of postulation. In the present study, interpretation of high resolution 2-D reflection data from the Mahanadi Offshore Basin, located in the northern part of the ridge, unequivocally indicates continuation of the ridge across the continent–ocean boundary into the slope and shelf tracts of the ECMI. Its morphology and internal architecture suggest a volcanic plume related origin that can be correlated with the activity of the Kerguelen hot spot in the nascent Indian Ocean. In the continental region, the plume related volcanic activity appears to have obliterated all seismic features typical of continental crust. The deeper oceanic crust, over which the hot spot plume erupted, shows the presence of linear NS aligned basement highs, corresponding with the ridge, underlain by a depressed Moho discontinuity. In the deep oceanic basin, the ridge influences the sediment dispersal pattern from the Early Cretaceous (?)/early part of Late Cretaceous times till the end of Oligocene, which is an important aspect for understanding the hydrocarbon potential of the basin.  相似文献   

Water quality impacts of stormwater discharges to Santa Monica Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Urban stormwater runoff is a major source of contaminants to southern California's coastal waters, yet little is known about the fate and effects of these discharges. A 3-year multidisciplinary project was conducted to investigate the dispersion of stormwater plumes in Santa Monica Bay and the resultant impacts on the water column and benthos. This paper describes the toxicity component of the study. Sea urchin fertilization toxicity tests were conducted on stormwater from the two largest discharges into the bay: Ballona Creek, which drains a highly urbanized watershed, and Malibu Creek, which receives runoff from a largely undeveloped watershed. Every sample of Ballona Creek stormwater tested was toxic (usually >5 toxic units), while Malibu Creek stormwater had a lower frequency and magnitude of toxicity (usually <4 toxic units). Surface water samples collected within the Ballona Creek stormwater discharge plume were always toxic whenever the concentration of stormwater in the plume exceeded 10%. The toxic portion of the Ballona Creek stormwater plume extended more than 4 km offshore on one occasion. Toxicity identification studies indicated that zinc was the primary cause of toxicity in both Ballona Creek stormwater and the discharge plume. No acute sediment toxicity (10-day amphipod survival) was present in the study area, although interstitial water toxicity was present at some stations located near the mouth of Ballona Creek. Differences in watershed characteristics likely were responsible for the greater toxicity of the Ballona Creek stormwater discharge plume. The Ballona Creek watershed contained a greater degree of urbanization (83% versus 12% for Malibu Creek) and the presence of a network of concrete flood control channels resulted in a stormwater plume containing elevated concentrations of toxins that received less initial dilution (compared to Malibu Creek) in the nearshore environment.  相似文献   

The large amount of dissolved and particulate material discharged by the Amazon River into the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean cause distinct spectral response of its waters as compared to the nearby ocean waters. This paper shows the application of K-means clustering algorithm for classifying water masses in the region under the Amazon River plume influence according to their spectral behavior. Salinity and temperature data from 67 oceanographic stations were related to Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) remote sensing reflectances values and the following bio-optical products:(i) chlorophyll-a concentration, (ii) water attenuation coefficient and (iii) absorption coefficient for dissolved and detrital material. Four different water masses were identified such as:(1) oceanic water, (2) intermediate oceanic water, (3) intermediate river plume water and (4) Amazon River plume water. The spectral behavior of these water masses allowed concluding that the main active optical component of the waters in the region is the colored dissolved organic matter originated mostly from the Amazon River.  相似文献   

胶州湾及其邻近河流中壬基酚等有机污染物的分布特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为分析青岛胶州湾及其邻近河流中的壬基酚(NP)及其短链氧乙烯醚母体化合物、壬基酚单氧乙烯醚(NP1EO)和壬基酚二氧乙烯醚(NP2EO)的污染状况和分布特征,在研究区域内设置了17个站位分别采集了海水和沉积物样品,样品经萃取、浓缩、净化后采用气质联用仪测定各污染物的浓度。胶州湾水体中的NP、NP1EO和NP2EO的浓度分别为20.2-268.7、11.2-200.4和4.8-32.5ng/L。胶州湾沉积物中上述3种污染物的浓度分别为3.6-299.3、3.8-25.2和4.9-103.2ng/g。胶州湾邻近河流中的污染物浓度远远高于湾内,其中墨水河的污染最严重,水体和沉积物中NP的浓度分别达到28656ng/L和31704ng/g。与世界其他海湾NP等污染物的浓度相比,胶州湾属于严重污染地区之一,已经超出了其生物效应临界浓度。研究区域内50%的站位中NP浓度已经超过导致扇贝苗死亡的临界浓度,10%的站位已经超过引起雄性鱼类雌性化的临界浓度。  相似文献   

A tracer model with random diffusion coupled to the hydrodynamic model for the Zhujiang River Estuary (Pearl River Estuary, PRE) is to examine the effect of circulations on the transport of completely conservative pollutants. It is focused on answering the following questions: (1) What role does the estuarine plume front in the winter play in affecting the pollutants transport and its distribution in the PRE ? (2) What effect do the coastal currents driven by the monsoon have on the pollutants transport? The tracer experiment results show that: (1) the pollutant transport paths strongly depend on the circulation structures and plume frontal dynamics of the PRE and coastal waters; (2) during the summer when a southwesterly monsoon prevails, the pollutants from the four easterly river inlets and those from the bottom layer of offshore stations will greatly influence the water quality in Hong Kong waters, however, the pollutants released from the four westerly river-inlets will seldom affect the water quality of Hong Kong waters due to their transport away from Hong Kong; (3) during the winter when a northeasterly monsoon prevails, all pollutants released from the eight river gates will be laterally transported seaward inside the estuary and transport westward in the coastal waters along the river plume frontal zone. However, pollutants released from the surface layer of offshore stations near or east of the Dangan Channel will be carried into the coastal waters of Hong Kong by the landward component of the westward coastal current driven by the winter northeasterly monsoon. But the pollutants from the bottom layer of the offshore stations will be carried away from the offshore by the bottom flow driven by the northeasterly monsoon. This implies that only surface-released matter from offshore stations will affect the water quality of the coastal waters around Hong Kong during the winter when a northeasterly monsoon prevails.  相似文献   

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