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This study evaluated the effect of human trampling on the benthic macrofauna of two beaches in Southeast Brazil with different levels of intensity of tourism, Grussaí (more impacted) and Manguinhos (less impacted), during periods of high and low tourism activity. The macrofauna of urbanized (U) and non‐urbanized (NU) sectors of the inter‐tidal zone was sampled and the number of visitors was recorded. General linear models revealed a decreasing in abundance of macrofauna species in the urbanized sectors of analyzed beaches, which are exposed to higher trampling impact than in non‐urbanized areas. At Manguinhos Beach, trampling did not affect the macrofauna (<1 visitors ? m?²), except for the polychaete Scolelepis sp., which was less abundant in the U sector. Considering the benthic community, Atlantorchestoidea brasiliensis, Hemipodia californiensis and Scolelepis sp. were more sensitive to human trampling pressure and may be used as potential bioindicators of tourism impact. Management plans should consider mitigation of the effects of tourism, such as the control of the visitor number and their decentralization.  相似文献   

华南砂质海滩的动力地貌分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
为探讨华南砂质海滩的动力地貌学特征,对不同地理岸段不同地貌形态的8 个沙滩剖面于冬、夏季进行现场重复调查和室内分析工作.据此,通过对华南海岸带地质构造、地貌和现代海岸动力环境地域变化的分析,将华南沿海砂质海岸划分为岬湾岸、沙坝-潟湖岸和夷直岸三种基本海岸地貌类型,并且从滩面倾向、海岸动力环境影响、季节冲淤变化趋势和滩面沉积物粒径、坡度的动力响应等方面探讨砂质海滩的动力地貌,得出其受制于多种环境因素的影响,其中地质构造背景和海平面变化为大尺度的砂质海岸地貌的发育奠定了基础,而全新世海侵海平面相对稳定后,海岸动力条件的塑造起着决定性的影响,浪潮作用指数是其中重要的影响指标.  相似文献   

山东半岛砂质海滩动力地貌演化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨山东半岛砂质海滩的动力地貌学特征,利用波浪和潮汐资料计算了山东半岛浪潮作用指数K和波浪-沉积物参数(Dean参数(Ω)),并进行了地貌类型划分;结合2012~2015年对山东半岛不同地理岸段砂质海岸地形地貌、表层沉积物进行的7次监测,对海滩监测剖面地形高程和表层沉积物粒度监测数据进行了研究,结果表明:山东半岛北部烟台多处海滩为消散型,局部过渡性;威海东侧和山东半岛南部海滩属于过渡型或反射型;不同类型沙滩季节变化差别明显,消散型海滩夏季容易形成沿岸沙坝,冬季海滩沙坝明显受到侵蚀;而过渡型或反射型海滩变化趋势相反,冬季靠近高潮线的部位淤积,形成滩肩,夏季受到侵蚀消失。山东半岛北部海滩粒径较粗,并呈现逐年变粗的趋势,而山东半岛南部粒径较细且逐年变细;季节变化受到波浪条件和季节差异的控制,招远、龙口、威海、日照地区较牟平、海阳、青岛等平直岸段冬季沉积物比夏季粗。山东半岛砂质海滩的地貌形态受海岸的地理位置、海洋动力条件、岸线走向及沙源供给等多种沉积环境因素的影响,人类活动的影响可在短期内对海滩造成剧烈变化,引起海岸严重侵蚀。  相似文献   

The spatial and ecophysiological preferences of the most abundant meiofaunal taxa inhabiting the sandy intertidal areas of NW Spain are characterised using ecological profiles methodology. Eh and water content are the best variables to explain the spatial distribution of most of the meiofaunal taxa. In general, most of the taxa show good agreement between the spatial and ecophysiological preferences, except for shear strength, mean grain size, carbonate, chlorophyll-a and depth. Eh and water content are the environmental variables that best explain the occurrence and densities of the majority of the meiofaunal taxa.  相似文献   

This study describes the distribution patterns of interstitial polychaetes along morphodynamic gradients on six exposed sandy beaches in Santa Catarina and Paraná (South Brazil). Three random transects were sampled at two points on each beach, one at the swash and another at the surf zone, in winter and summer conditions. Six sediment replicates were collected at each sampling point using a corer of 4.6 cm internal diameter that removed 10 cm into the sediment. Abundance and composition of interstitial polychaete were correlated to wave height, slope, grain size, CaCO3, chlorophyll a , omega indexes, temperature and relative tide range using a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). A factorial ANOVA showed that taxa richness, mean density and Shannon's diversity were significantly higher at the reflective beaches, but average values differ significantly between transects and these differences change according to the beach zones on both sampling dates. PERMANOVA showed that polychaete associations differ among transects according to the beach zones. The composition of interstitial polychaete associations was significantly correlated to beach morphodynamics and features (P < 0.01). Polychaete associations of reflective beaches were more diverse than in other morphodynamic states. Intermediate beaches may also sustain diverse associations due to temporal variability of the morphodynamic patterns. Beaches presenting extreme dissipative morphodynamics and compacted sediments appear to be unfavourable for the occurrence of interstitial polychaetes.  相似文献   

It is known that the fauna of the exposed sandy beaches are primarily controlled by physical variables; but how these variables operate along and across the beach still remains fairly under discussion. In our study, we sampled a range of exposed sandy beaches along the Northwest coast of Spain to determine the relationship between the principal physical variables of the beaches (including beach morphodynamic state), and the macrofaunal community. The fauna of these beaches comprise truly marine species along the intertidal zone as well as semi-terrestrial species in the upper and supratidal environments. These two groups respond in a different manner to the physical environment. The first group is directly controlled by the morphodynamic state of the beach, and variations in the physical environment; the second group is not clearly affected by these physical conditions. In this case, other variables such as food availability and the human uses of the upper limits of the beach seem to be more relevant in explaining the patterns observed in the macrofaunal community.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal patterns within the surf zone epibenthic assemblages were studied in a coastal fringe of Argentina to determine whether assemblage compositions, abundance, species richness and diversity vary spatially and temporarily. Sampling was conducted seasonally in two sandy beaches over 2 years with a benthic sledge used to collect the fauna in the upper centimeters of soft bottom sediments and the epifauna on the sediment surface. Physical variables were measured in the same coastal sites where biological sampling was conducted. A total of 58 morphospecies were collected. Peracarid crustaceans were the most abundant group. The mysid Pseudobranchiomysis arenae (new genus–new species) (29.73 ± 17.79 ind. per sample) and the isopod Leptoserolis bonaerensis (51.54 ± 22.35 ind. per sample) were the most abundant and common species and were present regularly throughout the sampling period. Differences in the surf zone community composition were found between the beaches; these differences could be related to variation in physical parameters such as sand grain size and wave climate, indicating the possible influence of the morphodynamic state of the beaches on the epibenthic assemblages. A seasonal abundance trend was detected, reflecting the changes in abundance of the two dominant species; the richness pattern was not easily detectable due to the sporadic appearance of non‐resident species in the surf zone, probably due to different causes, including dispersion by entry of water from surrounding areas, littoral currents and storms. The surf zone studied presents a complex and dynamic epibenthic community that appears to be influenced by the morphodynamic state of the beach and the dynamic of non‐resident species.  相似文献   

The benthic faunal spectrum including bacteria, protozoans, meiofauna, wrack epifauna and macrofauna, was quantitatively surveyed on two modally reflective, moderate energy, Western Australian beaches. The more exposed beach had coarser sand, no intertidal macrofauna and a poor interstitial fauna. The less exposed beach had a large deposit of wrack totalling 161 kg m?1 dry mass concentrated on the lower shore. The amphipod Allorchestes compressa was abundant in the fresh wrack comprising most of the macrofauna. There were also fairly abundant small epifauna on the wrack. Dry biomass of macrofauna, epifauna, meiofauna, protozoans and bacteria was 0, 0, 15, 4 and 180 g m?1 on the more exposed beach and 160, 3, 112, 9 and 901 g m?1 on the less exposed beach with wrack. On the latter beach there was an inverse correlation between meiofaunal densities and the densities of protozoans and bacteria, suggesting grazing by the former on the latter. On both beaches meiofauna was concentrated in the mid- to upper beach, protozoans near the surface and bacteria in the mid- to lower beach. It is estimated that bacteria are responsible for most of the secondary production on both beaches.  相似文献   

随着全球海平面的上升及极端气象的频发,全球海滩总体呈现出一定的退化现象,海滩保护成为海岸带生态修复的焦点问题之一。我国华南地区岬湾型海滩分布广泛,以深圳市大鹏湾官湖海滩为代表,基于2020—2021年实测海滩剖面高程数据,分析岬湾型海滩季节性变化特征。研究表明,官湖海滩剖面坡度夏秋缓冬春陡,夏秋侵蚀冬春淤积;海滩沉积物粒径季节性变化不明显。海滩剖面形态受风浪、平均潮位的季节性变化控制,以夏秋季为例,平均潮位逐渐升高,南向波浪强度较大,在二者的共同作用下,海滩后滨侵蚀明显,泥沙离岸输运,并在前滨淤积。补沙方案宜在夏秋季进行,且重点区域为官湖海滩东侧与观海湾海滩,防御方案应主要削弱南向波浪。  相似文献   

Habitat heterogeneity can influence biological communities by providing a diversity of areas that can be occupied by different species. Sandy beach surf zones are often considered homogenous environments; however, sand bars moved by currents and waves can produce trench‐like shapes or troughs that provide heterogeneity. The influence of habitat heterogeneity produced by sand movement is unclear despite the fact that surf zones are an important habitat for larval and juvenile fish and macrocrustaceans. To determine if, and how, the fish and macroinvertebrate communities present in trough and non‐trough or flat areas of Oregon surf zones differ, we compared species assemblages in both areas at three beaches adjacent to estuary mouths over 2 years. Troughs had different communities compared with flat areas, with higher total catch (mean ± SD = 123.2 ± 122.1 versus 43.6 ± 44.5 individuals × 100 m?2) and taxon richness (6.7 ± 2.7 versus 4.0 ± 2.3 taxa); these differences were potentially due to water movement, prey availability and sediment size. The fish and macroinvertebrate communities did not vary between years but there were significant differences among beaches, with the most distinct community present at the only beach adjacent to an estuary without a jetty at its mouth, which was possibly due to higher species movement between the surf zones and estuary. Fish and macrocrustacean surf zone communities varied spatially within and among beaches in relation to habitat heterogeneity provided by sand movement and, potentially, the influence of adjacent habitats.  相似文献   

本文通过对厦门天泉湾人工卵石滩和会展人工沙滩在1614“莫兰蒂”超强台风影响前后的典型剖面监测,结合水文动力要素的观测和数值模拟,计算了台风影响过程的波浪场、总水位,分析了剖面形态和台风过程的剖面平均变化量。结果表明,强潮海岸人工卵石滩与人工沙滩对台风响应的特征明显不同,人工卵石滩横向上大部分卵石向岸输移堆积,滩面侵蚀,滩肩堆积形成更高的风暴滩肩,坡度明显变陡。而人工沙滩则表现为明显的沉积物离岸输运,上部滩面侵蚀,下部滩面淤积,滩面坡度明显变缓,受台风登陆后的强烈向岸风作用,滩肩顶有所夷平,滩肩高度变化很小。海滩滩肩在台风过程中是否侵蚀与台风登陆和影响过程的总水位(天文潮、风暴增水、波浪爬高)密切相关,两个人工海滩的风暴响应模式均为冲蚀;台风影响过程中,波浪能量相对强、滩面坡度相对陡的人工卵石滩比人工沙滩的剖面平均变化量小,对于台风的响应程度小,在强侵蚀高能海岸采用砾石等粗粒径沉积物进行海滩养护是减缓砂质海滩侵蚀的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

The morphology, bedforms and hydrodynamics of Merlimont beach, in northern France, characterised by intertidal bars and a spring tidal range of 8.3 m, were surveyed over a 10-day experiment with variable wave conditions that included a 2-day storm with significant wave heights of up to 2.8 m. The beach exhibited two pronounced bar-trough systems located between the mean sea level and low neap tide level. Waves showed a cross-shore depth modulation, attaining maximum heights at high tide. The mean current was characterised dominantly by strong tide-induced longshore flows significantly reinforced by wind forcing during the storm, and by weaker, dominantly offshore, wave-induced flows. Vertical tidal water-level variations (tidal excursion rates) showed a bimodal distribution with a peak towards the mid-tide position and low rates near low and high water. The two bar-trough systems in the mid-tide zone remained stable in position during the experiment but showed significant local change. The absence of bar migration in spite of the relatively energetic context of this beach reflects high macro-scale bar morphological lag due to a combination of the large vertical tidal excursion rates in the mid-tide zone, the cross-shore wave structure, and the pronounced dual bar-trough system. The profile exhibited a highly variable pattern of local morphological change that showed poor correlation with wave energy levels and tidal excursion rates. Profile change reflected marked local morphodynamic feedback effects due mainly to breaks in slope associated with the bar-trough topography and with trough activity. Change was as important during low wave-energy conditions as during the storm. Strong flows in the entrenched troughs hindered cross-shore bar mobility while inducing longshore migration of medium-sized bedforms that contributed in generating short-term profile change. The large size and location of the two pronounced bars in the mid-tide zone of the beach are tentatively attributed respectively to the relatively high wave-energy levels affecting Merlimont beach, and to the cross-shore increase in wave height hinged on tidal modulation of water depths. These two large quasi-permanent bars probably originated as essentially breakpoint bars and are different from a small bar formed by swash and surf processes in the course of the experiment at the mean high water neap tide level, which is characterised by a certain degree of tidal stationarity and larger high-tide waves.  相似文献   

Sandy beaches face increasing anthropogenic pressures, with vehicle traffic being ecologically highly harmful. Ghost crabs (Fam. Ocypodidae) are conspicuous on many beaches, and they have been used as a bio‐monitoring tool to measure the ecological responses to human disturbance. However, the mechanisms causing declines in crab numbers are unknown, yet conservation must target the actual impact mechanisms. Therefore, we quantified the magnitude and mechanisms of off‐road vehicle (ORV) impacts on ghost crabs, addressing three key questions: (i) Does abundance of ghost crabs respond to traffic intensity?; (ii) Can burrows protect crabs from vehicles? and (iii) Can mortalities caused by vehicles contribute to population declines? ORV‐impacts were measured on North Stradbroke Island (Australia) for Ocypode cordimanus and Ocypode ceratophthalma. Crab densities were significantly lower in areas subjected to heavy beach traffic, suggesting direct crushing by vehicles. Burrows only partially protect crabs against cars: all individuals buried shallow (5 cm) are killed by 10 vehicle passes. Mortality declines with depth of burrows, but remains considerable (10–30% killed) at 20 cm and only those crabs buried at least 30 cm are not killed by ORVs: these ‘deep‐living’ crabs represent about half of the population. After crabs emerge at dusk they are killed in large numbers on the beach surface. A single vehicle can crush up to 0.75% of the intertidal population. While conservation measures should primarily regulate night traffic, our results also emphasise that the fossorial life habits of sandy beach animals cannot off‐set the impacts caused by ORVs.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the macrofaunal community dynamics and the biological–environmental interactions in the mid- and sublittoral ecosystems of the microtidal Mediterranean sandy shores. Four sandy beaches, three on the island of Crete and one on the northwest coast of Italy were selected to investigate the spatial and temporal changes in the community structure and the associated environmental variables. The littoral zone, which has not been adequately studied in the Eastern Mediterranean, presents special interest not only from the scientific point of view but also for practical reasons of ecological management. The multivariate techniques revealed that the community pattern of the sandy beach macrofauna is mainly spatial rather than temporal. There are pronounced differences in species composition and abundance of the macrofaunal assemblages of the mid- and sublittoral zone. The multicausal environmental severity hypothesis appears to be valid for the sandy beach macrofaunal communities of the Mediterranean. The abundance and composition of the macrofaunal assemblages are highly variable and are affected by the synergistic effects of many environmental variables. The polychaete taxonomic assemblage structure closely follows the macrofaunal community pattern. Differences between the two patterns may arise from the different responses that polychaetes may show to the environmental stress.  相似文献   

Rocas, the only atoll in the South Atlantic, is located 266 km off the northeast Brazilian coast. Spatial patterns in community structure of meiofauna, particularly nematodes, and macrofauna were examined along a transect through the sediment path from windward to leeward of the Rocas Atoll sand flat. Differences in benthic community structure between four zones of the sand flat were found to be significant and related to the major local processes of carbonate-grain transport and sedimentation. Both meiobenthic and macrobenthic assemblages were significantly more diverse and abundant within the sediment inflow zone (the initial part of the detrital path of Rocas sand flat) than in the other zones, where a clear impoverishment of benthic invertebrates occurred. This first study of the benthos of an intertidal sand flat over a reef island in the Atlantic showed that the meiofauna is numerically dominated by the nematodes Metoncholainussp. 1 (Oncholaimidae) and Epsilonema sp. 1 (Epsilonematidade), whilst the macrofauna is largely dominated by oligochaetes and large Oncholaimidae nematodes. Analysis of the species composition, trophic structure and abundance of both the meiobenthos and the macrobenthos revealed an impoverished community subjected to an intense water-movement disturbance.  相似文献   

The semi-terrestrial isopod, Tylos spinulosus Dana, is a common inhabitant of the upper shore levels of sandy beaches of north-central Chile (ca. 26–30°S). During daylight hours, this isopod remains buried in the sand, while during the night emerges for feeding on stranded organic detritus, leaving exit holes on the beach surface. After feeding, isopods return to dig in their burrowing zones leaving surface irregularities such as cone-shaped mounds of sand. The burrowing preference of T. spinulosus was studied in the field, by: (i) releasing 30 isopods on artificially prepared sand circles (2 m diameter) having exit holes and mounds similar to those left by the isopods and on circles without holes and mounds, and (ii) counting active and buried isopods 15 min after their release in the experimental arenas. The circles had two densities of holes and mounds: treatments 1 and 2 had 100 and 200 holes, respectively, while treatments 3 and 4 had 100 and 200 mounds, respectively. Other 30 isopods were released on sand circles without these holes and mounds (treatment 5). A significantly higher number of isopods buried in circles with holes and mounds (either inside or outside them), compared with experimental arenas without such structures. These results show that the beach surface heterogeneity resulting from holes and mounds would be one of the processes explaining the patchiness of T. spinulosus and thus, its zonation on the intertidal zones of sandy beaches of north-central Chile.  相似文献   

李荣冠  江锦祥 《台湾海峡》1994,13(3):290-296
本文研究了福建长乐国际机场附近漳港沙滩潮间带的生态。结果表明,该区生物60种。其中,多毛类动物19种,软体动物24种,甲壳动物11种,棘皮动物2种,其他动物4种;种类性质以热带,亚热带种占优势。平均生物量4.34g/m^2,平均栖息密度15个/m^2。数量以中潮区较大。群落结构不大稳定,初步认为与沙滩特殊生境有关。  相似文献   

介绍了第11届PECS02国际会议上有关河口和海岸海物理海洋学研究方面的进展。包括河口动力学、河口输运、海岸动力学、海岸输运、河口海岸地貌动力学和大陆架海动力学6个部分。  相似文献   

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