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A detailed gravimetric geoid has been computed for the Nortwest Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea area in support of the calibration and evaluation of the GEOS-3 altimeter. This geoid, computed on a 15’ x 15’ grid was based upon a combination of surface gravity data and the GSFC GEM-8 gravitational field model. This gravimetric geoid has been compared with passes of SKYLAB altimeter data recorded in the Atlantic Ocean, and three typical passes are presented. The relative agreement of the two data types is quite good with differences generally less than 2 meters for these passes. Sea surface manifestations of numerous short wavelength (≈ 100 km) oceanographic features indicated in the altimeter data are also confirmed by the gravimetric geoid.  相似文献   

Canadian gravimetric geoid model 2010   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
A new gravimetric geoid model, Canadian Gravimetric Geoid 2010 (CGG2010), has been developed to upgrade the previous geoid model CGG2005. CGG2010 represents the separation between the reference ellipsoid of GRS80 and the Earth’s equipotential surface of $W_0=62{,}636{,}855.69~\mathrm{m}^2\mathrm{s}^{-2}$ W 0 = 62 , 636 , 855.69 m 2 s ? 2 . The Stokes–Helmert method has been re-formulated for the determination of CGG2010 by a new Stokes kernel modification. It reduces the effect of the systematic error in the Canadian terrestrial gravity data on the geoid to the level below 2 cm from about 20 cm using other existing modification techniques, and renders a smooth spectral combination of the satellite and terrestrial gravity data. The long wavelength components of CGG2010 include the GOCE contribution contained in a combined GRACE and GOCE geopotential model: GOCO01S, which ranges from $-20.1$ ? 20.1 to 16.7 cm with an RMS of 2.9 cm. Improvement has been also achieved through the refinement of geoid modelling procedure and the use of new data. (1) The downward continuation effect has been accounted accurately ranging from $-22.1$ ? 22.1 to 16.5 cm with an RMS of 0.9 cm. (2) The geoid residual from the Stokes integral is reduced to 4 cm in RMS by the use of an ultra-high degree spherical harmonic representation of global elevation model for deriving the reference Helmert field in conjunction with a derived global geopotential model. (3) The Canadian gravimetric geoid model is published for the first time with associated error estimates. In addition, CGG2010 includes the new marine gravity data, ArcGP gravity grids, and the new Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED) 1:50K. CGG2010 is compared to GPS-levelling data in Canada. The standard deviations are estimated to vary from 2 to 10 cm with the largest error in the mountainous areas of western Canada. We demonstrate its improvement over the previous models CGG2005 and EGM2008.  相似文献   

Regional gravimetric geoid and quasigeoid models are now commonly fitted to GPS-levelling data, which simultaneously absorbs levelling, GPS and quasi/geoid errors due to their inseparability. We propose that independent vertical deflections are used instead, which are not affected by this inseparability problem. The formulation is set out for geoid slopes and changes in slopes. Application to 1,080 astrogeodetic deflections over Australia for the AUSGeoid98 model shows that it is feasible, but the poor quality of the historical astrogeodetic deflections led to some unrealistic values.  相似文献   

 When Stokes's integral is used over a spherical cap to compute a gravimetric estimate of the geoid, a truncation error results due to the neglect of gravity data over the remainder of the Earth. Associated with the truncation error is an error kernel defined over these two complementary regions. An important observation is that the rate of decay of the coefficients of the series expansion for the truncation error in terms of Legendre polynomials is determined by the smoothness properties of the error kernel. Previously published deterministic modifications of Stokes's integration kernel involve either a discontinuity in the error kernel or its first derivative at the spherical cap radius. These kernels are generalised and extended by constructing error kernels whose derivatives at the spherical cap radius are continuous up to an arbitrary order. This construction is achieved by smoothly continuing the error kernel function into the spherical cap using a suitable degree polynomial. Accordingly, an improved rate of convergence of the spectral series representation of the truncation error is obtained. Received: 21 April 1998 / Accepted: 4 October 1999  相似文献   

Prior to Stokes integration, the gravitational effect of atmospheric masses must be removed from the gravity anomaly g. One theory for the atmospheric gravity effect on the geoid is the well-known International Association of Geodesy approach in connection with Stokes integral formula. Another strategy is the use of a spherical harmonic representation of the topography, i.e. the use of a global topography computed from a set of spherical harmonics. The latter strategy is improved to account for local information. A new formula is derived by combining the local contribution of the atmospheric effect computed from a detailed digital terrain model and the global contribution computed from a spherical harmonic model of the topography. The new formula is tested over Iran and the results are compared with corresponding results from the old formula which only uses the global information. The results show significant differences. The differences between the two formulas reach 17 cm in a test area in Iran.  相似文献   

In precise geoid determination by Stokes formula, direct and primary and secondary indirect terrain effects are applied for removing and restoring the terrain masses. We use Helmert's second condensation method to derive the sum of these effects, together called the total terrain effect for geoid. We develop the total terrain effect to third power of elevation H in the original Stokes formula, Earth gravity model and modified Stokes formula. It is shown that the original Stokes formula, Earth gravity model and modified Stokes formula all theoretically experience different total terrain effects. Numerical results indicate that the total terrain effect is very significant for moderate topographies and mountainous regions. Absolute global mean values of 5–10 cm can be reached for harmonic expansions of the terrain to degree and order 360. In another experiment, we conclude that the most important part of the total terrain effect is the contribution from the second power of H, while the contribution from the third power term is within 9 cm. Received: 2 September 1996 / Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

 Two numerical techniques are used in recent regional high-frequency geoid computations in Canada: discrete numerical integration and fast Fourier transform. These two techniques have been tested for their numerical accuracy using a synthetic gravity field. The synthetic field was generated by artificially extending the EGM96 spherical harmonic coefficients to degree 2160, which is commensurate with the regular 5 geographical grid used in Canada. This field was used to generate self-consistent sets of synthetic gravity anomalies and synthetic geoid heights with different degree variance spectra, which were used as control on the numerical geoid computation techniques. Both the discrete integration and the fast Fourier transform were applied within a 6 spherical cap centered at each computation point. The effect of the gravity data outside the spherical cap was computed using the spheroidal Molodenskij approach. Comparisons of these geoid solutions with the synthetic geoid heights over western Canada indicate that the high-frequency geoid can be computed with an accuracy of approximately 1 cm using the modified Stokes technique, with discrete numerical integration giving a slightly, though not significantly, better result than fast Fourier transform. Received: 2 November 1999 / Accepted: 11 July 2000  相似文献   

The solutions of four ellipsoidal approximations for the gravimetric geoid are reviewed: those of Molodenskii et al., Moritz, Martinec and Grafarend, and Fei and Sideris. The numerical results from synthetic tests indicate that Martinec and Grafarends solution is the most accurate, while the other three solutions contain an approximation error which is characterized by the first-degree surface spherical harmonic. Furthermore, the first 20 degrees of the geopotential harmonic series contribute approximately 90% of the ellipsoidal correction. The determination of a geoid model from the generalized Stokes scheme can accurately account for the ellipsoidal effect to overcome the first-degree surface spherical harmonic error regardless of the solution used.  相似文献   

The well-known statistical tool of variance component estimation (VCE) is implemented in the combined least-squares (LS) adjustment of heterogeneous height data (ellipsoidal, orthometric and geoid), for the purpose of calibrating geoid error models. This general treatment of the stochastic model offers the flexibility of estimating more than one variance and/or covariance component to improve the covariance information. Specifically, the iterative minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation (I-MINQUE) and the iterative almost unbiased estimation (I-AUE) schemes are implemented in case studies with observed height data from Switzerland and parts of Canada. The effect of correlation among measurements of the same height type and the role of the systematic effects and datum inconsistencies in the combined adjustment of ellipsoidal, geoid and orthometric heights on the estimated variance components are investigated in detail. Results give valuable insight into the usefulness of the VCE approach for calibrating geoid error models and the challenges encountered when implementing such a scheme in practice. In all cases, the estimated variance component corresponding to the geoid height data was less than or equal to 1, indicating an overall downscaling of the initial covariance (CV) matrix was necessary. It was also shown that overly optimistic CV matrices are obtained when diagonal-only cofactor matrices are implemented in the stochastic model for the observations. Finally, the divergence of the VCE solution and/or the computation of negative variance components provide insight into the selected parametric model effectiveness.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate two approaches, which use different representations of the Earth’s gravity field for downward continuation (DC), for determining Helmert gravity anomalies on the geoid. The accuracy of these anomalies is validated by 1) analyzing conformity of the two approaches; and 2) converting them to geoid heights and comparing the resulting values to GPS-leveling data. The first approach (A) consists of evaluating Helmert anomalies at the topography and downward-continuing them to the geoid. The second approach (B) downward-continues refined Bouguer anomalies to the geoid and transforms them to Helmert anomalies by adding the condensed topographical effect. Approach A is sensitive to the DC because of the roughness of the Helmert gravity field. The DC effect on the geoid can reach up to 2 m in Western Canada when the Stokes kernel is used to convert gravity anomalies to geoid heights. Furthermore, Poisson’s equation for DC provides better numerical results than Moritz’s equation when the resulting geoid models are validated against the GPS-leveling. On the contrary, approach B is significantly less sensitive to the DC because of the smoothness of the refined Bouguer gravity field. In this case, the DC (Poisson’s and Moritz’s) contributes only at the decimeter level to the geoid model in Western Canada. The maximum difference between the geoid models from approaches A and B is about 5 cm in the region of interest. The differences may result from errors in the DC such as numerical instability. The standard deviations of the hHN for both approaches are about 8 cm at the 664 GPS-leveling validation stations in Western Canada.  相似文献   

The second Baltic Sea Level (BSL) GPS campaign was run for one week in June 1993. Data from 35 tide gauge sites and five fiducial stations were analysed, for three fiducial stations (Onsala, Mets?hovi and Wettzell) fixed at the ITRF93 system. On a time-scale of 5 days, precision was several parts in 109 for the horizontal and vertical components. Accuracies were about 1 cm in comparison with the International GPS Geodynamical Service (IGS) coordinates in three directions. To connect the Swedish and the Finnish height systems, our numerical application utilises three approaches: a rigorous approach, a bias fit and a three-parameter fit. The results between the Swedish RH70 and the Finnish N 60 systems are estimated to −19.3 ± 6.5, −17 ± 6 and −15 ± 6 cm, respectively, by the three approaches. The results of the three indirect methods are in an agreement with those of a direct approach from levelling and gravity measurements. Received: 3 April 1996 / Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

We propose a methodology for the combination of a gravimetric (quasi-) geoid with GNSS-levelling data in the presence of noise with correlations and/or spatially varying noise variances. It comprises two steps: first, a gravimetric (quasi-) geoid is computed using the available gravity data, which, in a second step, is improved using ellipsoidal heights at benchmarks provided by GNSS once they have become available. The methodology is an alternative to the integrated processing of all available data using least-squares techniques or least-squares collocation. Unlike the corrector-surface approach, the pursued approach guarantees that the corrections applied to the gravimetric (quasi-) geoid are consistent with the gravity anomaly data set. The methodology is applied to a data set comprising 109 gravimetric quasi-geoid heights, ellipsoidal heights and normal heights at benchmarks in Switzerland. Each data set is complemented by a full noise covariance matrix. We show that when neglecting noise correlations and/or spatially varying noise variances, errors up to 10% of the differences between geometric and gravimetric quasi-geoid heights are introduced. This suggests that if high-quality ellipsoidal heights at benchmarks are available and are used to compute an improved (quasi-) geoid, noise covariance matrices referring to the same datum should be used in the data processing whenever they are available. We compare the methodology with the corrector-surface approach using various corrector surface models. We show that the commonly used corrector surfaces fail to model the more complicated spatial patterns of differences between geometric and gravimetric quasi-geoid heights present in the data set. More flexible parametric models such as radial basis function approximations or minimum-curvature harmonic splines perform better. We also compare the proposed method with generalized least-squares collocation, which comprises a deterministic trend model, a random signal component and a random correlated noise component. Trend model parameters and signal covariance function parameters are estimated iteratively from the data using non-linear least-squares techniques. We show that the performance of generalized least-squares collocation is better than the performance of corrector surfaces, but the differences with respect to the proposed method are still significant.  相似文献   

 The topographic and atmospheric effects of gravimetric geoid determination by the modified Stokes formula, which combines terrestrial gravity and a global geopotential model, are presented. Special emphasis is given to the zero- and first-degree effects. The normal potential is defined in the traditional way, such that the disturbing potential in the exterior of the masses contains no zero- and first-degree harmonics. In contrast, it is shown that, as a result of the topographic masses, the gravimetric geoid includes such harmonics of the order of several centimetres. In addition, the atmosphere contributes with a zero-degree harmonic of magnitude within 1 cm. Received: 5 November 1999 / Accepted: 22 January 2001  相似文献   

The forthcoming GRAV-D gravimetric geoid model over the United States is to be updated regularly to account for changes in geoid height. Its baseline precision is to be at the 10–20 mm level over non-mountainous regions. The aim of this study is to provide an estimate of the magnitude, time scale, and spatial footprint of geoid height change over North America, from mass redistribution processes of hydrologic, cryospheric and solid Earth nature. Geoid height changes from continental water storage changes over the past 50 years and predicted over the next century are evaluated and are highly dependent on the used model. Groundwater depletion from anthropogenic pumping in regional scale aquifers may lead to geoid changes of 10 mm magnitude every 50–100 years. The GRACE time varying gravity fields are used to (i) assess the errors in a glacial isostatic adjustment model, which, if used to correct the GRAV-D model, may induce errors at the 10 mm geoid height level after ~20 years, (ii), evaluate geoid height change over ice mass loss regions of North America, which, if they remain unchanged in the future, may lead to geoid height changes at the 10 mm level in under a decade and (iii), compute sea level rise and its effect on the geoid, which is found to be negligible. Coseismic gravitational changes from past North American earthquakes are evaluated, and lead to geoid change at the 10-mm level for only the largest thrust earthquakes. Finally, geoid change from volcanic processes are assessed and found to be significant with respect to the GRAV-D geoid model baseline precision for cataclysmic events, such as that of the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption. Recommendations on how to best monitor geoid change in the future are given.  相似文献   

A non-conventional treatment of Stokes’integral enables significant simplification of formulas for both the regional and global contributions of the gravity field to the geoidal height.  相似文献   

Two-step procedures for hybrid geoid modelling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

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