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The site amplifications for three stations, Libin (LIBI), Baisha (BASH) and Yulong (YULG) situated respectively in the southern, middle and northern parts of Lijiang Valley, are obtained by analyzing the S-wave soil/bedrock and microtremor horizontal/vertical spectral ratios. The data are digital recordings for the aftershocks of the Lijiang MS=7.0 earthquake on February 3, 1996. In the frequency range of 1~4 Hz, the S-wave soil/bedrock spectral ratio of E-W component for LIBI is the largest and amounts to 4.5. The microtremor soil N-S/vertical (V) spectral ratio is approximate to 1, E-W/V is about 4.5 and the same with above soil/bedrock spectral ratio. It is shown that the vertical and N-S components of microtremor have not been amplified by the soil and the spectral ratios for BASH and YULG are further evaluated. They have similar characteristics with that of LIBI. In above frequency range, both N-S/V ratios are approximate to 1, while the E-W/V ratio is about 6 for BASH, 4.5 for YULG. Lijiang Valley is characterized by the trans-valley directional site response.  相似文献   

Throughout their long history, the towns of Lod and Ramle have been severely affected by strong earthquakes. The last destructive earthquake occurred on July 11, 1927 and caused the destruction of large parts of these cities, reaching a seismic intensity of VIII–IX on the MSK scale. Such a high intensity from a relatively distant earthquake (about 70 km) of magnitude 6.2 is likely to be the result of local site effects of the sedimentary layers that may have significantly enhanced earthquake ground motions. This study is focused on estimating the seismic hazard to Lod and Ramle by implementing a three-step process (1) detailed mapping of the characteristics of the H/V spectral ratios from ambient noise, (2) incorporating geological information and well data to construct subsurface models for different sites within the investigated area and (3) estimating the seismic hazard in terms of uniform hazard site-specific accelerations. The horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios of ambient noise were used to approximate the fundamental resonance frequencies of the subsurface and their associated amplitudes. About 360 sites in Lod and Ramle were instrumented for varying periods. The soil sites exhibits H/V peak amplitudes ranging from 4 to 6 in the frequency range 0.5–2.5 Hz. These data were used to constrain 1-D subsurface models that were developed using geological data and borehole information. H/V spectral ratio observations were checked against theoretical subsurface transfer functions at locations where borehole information is available farther constraint the range of possible Vs velocities of the different layers and thus, by means of trial an error it was possible to conclude a systematic spatial distribution of the Vs velocity and thickness in the substrata that are also consistent with the spatial distribution of the fundamental resonance frequencies of the soft sediments obtained by means of the H/V spectral ratios, and other geological and geophysical information available at different locations in the study area. The evaluated subsurface models are introduced using the SEEH procedure of Shapira and van~Eck [(1993) Natural Hazards 8, 201–205] to assess Uniform Hazard Site-Specific Acceleration Spectra for different zones within the towns of Lod and Ramle. These evaluations are very important for realistic assessment of the vulnerabilities of all types of existing and newly designed structures and for urban and land use planning.  相似文献   

This paper presents the damage in the meizoseismal region of the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China, and the seismic intensifies determined according to "the Chinese Seismic Intensity Scale", and discusses briefly the types of earthquake-generating faults and some features of seismic damage.  相似文献   

2007年宁洱6.4级地震的震害指数与烈度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了地震烈度的定义、特性和作用。宁洱6.4级地震的震区分为5个评估区,其中宁洱县城和普洱市城区作为城市评估区,分别为评估区一、二。评估区三、四、五是农村评估区。对各评估区的震害指数进行了调查、计算,并以此对各个评估区的烈度作了评定。震区有4个强震观测点获得了主震记录,但只有一个记录的水平加速度值和现场调查的烈度基本相符合,其余三个都偏高或偏低。  相似文献   

通过对2005年8月5日云南会泽5.3级地震现场41个居民点的震害调查资料进行分析,得出了此次地震的等烈度分布图及有关参数,分析了场地条件、震害异常原因及各类房屋、生命线工程、水利设施、沼气池等的震害特征和地质灾害特点,并提出了帮助灾区恢复重建的建议。  相似文献   

2012年9月7日云南昭通彝良发生了Ms5.和、Ms5.6级两次地震,此次地震引发了极其严重的滑坡和崩塌等地震地质灾害,同时地震波放大效应还引起高烈度异常区。利用彝良地震烈度圈内6个台站记录到的主震加速度时程,通过截取S波窗,采用标准谱比法和水平垂直谱比法研究其场地地震动反应。结果表明:两种方法能给出较为一致的谱比曲线和卓越频率,但场地反应数值差异较大,标准谱比法的结果受到参考台站自身场地反应的影响;靖安台的软弱土层对地震动的放大作用较为显著,是造成烈度异常的主要原因。  相似文献   

汶川地震烈度分布与震源过程相关性的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
汶川地震造成了靠近发震断层附近地区的工程结构的严重破坏,由此导致了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。汶川地震后,虽然目前还没有得到完整的强震记录,但是作为震害宏观描述的地震烈度,在一定程度上反应了汶川地震近断层地震动与震源过程之间的相关性,如近断层地震动的方向性效应和上盘效应。本文对此做了一些定性的分析,认为高烈度区的分布与震源机制和破裂过程存在一定的相关性,并且在近断层地区很可能存在着较为显著的方向性效应和上盘效应。更详细的研究还需要在得到足够的强震记录后才能进行。  相似文献   

盐津5.1级地震现场调查与烈度分布   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
对盐津5.1级地震现场38个居民点、20所学校、8个卫生院(室)及计生站、21项生命线工程及水利工程结构、文化旅游设施和铁路等的震害调查资料进行了分析,得出了本次地震的等烈度分布及有关参数。分析了场地条件、断层、震害异常原因及各类房屋、生命线工程、水利设施等的震害特征和地质灾害特点,并提出了灾区恢复重建的减灾措施和建议。  相似文献   

Under hypothetical and idealized conditions, the horizontal site amplification factor (HSAF) is defined as the ratio of the horizontal Fourier amplitude spectrum (FAS) at a point on the Earth's surface with respect to the horizontal FAS at the identical location but on the outcropping seismological bedrock. The HSAF reflects the profile of local sedimentary soils and weathered rock formations, indicating site effects. In most cases, such an idealized HSAF is difficult to measure directly. Thus, quantitatively estimating a HSAF value is a crucial task in strong-motion prediction over the last century. Fortunately, many strong-motion stations have been constructed throughout Japan, facilitating the characterization of HSAFs down to seismological bedrock at more than 1600 observational sites by the generalized inversion technique (GIT). First, this study reported the similarity distribution of the HSAF and the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio of earthquakes (HVSRE). Subsequently, we proposed a hybrid method from a novel aspect for estimating HSAF in terms of the observed similarity distribution and the vertical amplification correction function (VACF) proposed previously. Compared with the direct use of HVSRE for substituting HSAF, the hybrid method proposed herein demonstrated an improvement of greater than 30% in terms of the residuals between estimated HSAFs and those separated from observations.  相似文献   

The seismotectonic method is used to study the seismogenic structures and the maximum potential earthquake around an engineering site in order to determine the seismic risk at the site. Analysis of seismic risk from site effect seismic intensity data, in combination with regional seismo-geologieal data, using the seismotectonic method can provide a more reliable result. In this paper, taking the area of six reservoir dam sites in western Anhui as an example, we analyze the seismic risk from site effect seismic intensity data in combination with the seismotectonic conditions and find that P (I≥i) = 10% over 50 years. The result shows that the seismogenic structure and the maximum potential earthquake have a controlling effect on seismic risk from future earthquakes in the area around the site.  相似文献   

2008年10月5日在新疆乌恰地区发生的M_S6.8地震,微观震中位于乌恰县境内,距边境18km,宏观震中位于吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国努拉村,距新疆乌恰县伊尔克什坦口岸西南约7km处,极震区烈度达到8度(境外).我国境内Ⅶ度和Ⅵ度区面积分别为7354km~2和1031km~2.这次地震的发生与南北向的卡兹特阿尔特弧形断裂带的活动有关.震区建筑物遭到一定程度的破坏,地质灾害现象较明显.  相似文献   

四川兴文5.7级地震共致宜宾市兴文县、珙县和长宁县3个县22个乡镇受灾,震区抗震设防烈度为Ⅵ度。震区主要建筑物结构类型为框架结构、砖混结构、砖木结构和土木结构,大多数房屋没有经过抗震设防加固,抗震性能一般。通过对震区3个县68个抽样点的调查,发现框架结构和设防砖混结构在此次地震中表现出了良好的抗震性能。同时对不同结构类型房屋的构造方式、分布情况和震害特点进行了分析,并针对不同的震害特征,为今后该地区的灾后恢复重建和防震减灾工作提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

2013年7月22日甘肃岷县漳县MS6.6级地震在极震区出现了黄土场地放大效应,为了从理论上解释黄土场地放大效应的原理,本文利用地脉动测试了极震区2个典型的黄土场地进行研究。结果发现:在黄土覆盖地区场地卓越频率特征显著,即在同一区域内山顶卓越频率较低,集中在1~2Hz,山沟卓越频率较高,集中在3~6Hz;同时,黄土场地随着高程的增加表现为厚黄土分布特征,其场地卓越频率在1.3~1.8Hz,与地震观测波的卓越频率1.0Hz接近,呈现出较明显的场地放大效应。结果与实际受灾情况相符。  相似文献   

根据芦山7.0级地震芦山县老城区房屋建筑的震害现场调查资料,进行震害特征与因素研究。结果表明:典型的房屋建筑震害特征包括砖混结构、砖木结构和砖石结构房屋全部或者部分倒塌、墙体错动和贯通开裂以及房顶瓦片滑落等,框架结构房屋构造柱变形、断裂和墙体开裂等;房屋建筑遭到破坏的内在因素包括缺少圈梁和构造柱、荷载分布不当、选址不规范等;其破坏成因机理可以归结为近场大震强地震动作用、局部场地效应、行波效应和施工质量较差等。同时,讨论了砖混结构、砖木结构、框架结构和砖石结构抗震设计的加固方法和改善抗震性能的构造措施等,为房屋建筑抗震设防和减轻震害损失等提供参考。  相似文献   

简要介绍成都市地震烈度速报台网;重点阐述了利用该台网建设地震预警系统的初步设想;分析了该系统的潜在效益。  相似文献   

Ground motion amplifications in the Dinar basin, and contributions of the surface waves generated from basin edges are investigated in frequency and time domains. Amplification functions are computed from the aftershock data of the October 1, 1995 Dinar earthquake (MW=6.4) using the Standard Spectral Ratio method which requires a pair of instruments; one located at the site under investigation (generally on alluvium) and the other on a reference site, preferably a nearby rock site. First, a time window covering the whole signal is used to compute the amplification function, and, successively, the noise, P wave, S wave and the surface wave time windows are used in computation to observe their contributions to the amplification function. It is seen that the maximum amplifications observed at about 2.0 Hz on the amplification functions of the stations located in the basin are largely due to basin edge induced surface waves. These waves have significantly increased the duration of signals recorded within the basin. Particularly, on the vertical component records, the amplitudes of surface waves are larger than the S-wave amplitudes. The periods of waves amplified maximally due to the basin structure coincide with the natural periods of 4–6-story buildings which were heavily damaged in Dinar. This indicates that the site effects may have been important regarding the damage which occurred during the Dinar earthquake of October 1995.  相似文献   

在预评估地震影响范围的基础上,通过对2019年10月28日夏河5.7级地震进行现场震害调查、灾情分析,绘制出地震烈度图并得出此次地震的震害特征。结果表明:此次地震最高烈度为Ⅶ度(7度),该区面积为193 km~2,Ⅵ度(6度)区面积为1 398 km~2;震区范围内,房屋类型大多数为木构架承重的土木结构,极震区多数房屋外层土墙开裂、坍塌较为严重,但承重木构架出现轻微倾斜和局部破坏现象,无完全倒塌房屋;震区内大多数寺庙基本完好,个别寺庙部分墙体有轻微裂缝;沿着断裂带展布方向,灾情呈现带状分布特征;震区半山腰上的建筑物灾情较为严重,山体放大效应和边坡效应明显。根据对地震灾害特征的分析,提出了增强房屋抗震性能、合理选址,加强防震减灾知识宣传教育等建议。  相似文献   

Site response in the Qionghai Basin in the Wenchuan earthquake   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Amplification effects of soil site response can significantly impact ground motions, and must be considered in the seismic fortification of buildings/structures to prevent or mitigate this potential seismic hazard. Utilizing acceleration time histories from the main shock of the Wenchuan earthquake recorded at four stations (i.e., one on bedrock and three on soil) in the Qionghai Basin, the site responses from three soil sites are studied by using the traditional spectral ratio method. The bedrock site is selected as a reference site. This study found that peak ground accelerations (PGAs) on the soil sites are much larger than on bedrock, with EW, NS and UD components of 3.96–6.58, 6.27–10.98, and 3.17–6.66 times those of the bedrock site, respectively. The amplification effects of the soil sites on ground motions in the frequency range of 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz are significant, depending on the thickness of the soil layer and the frequency content of the site. A significant amplification occurs with high frequency components of ground motion at shallow soil sites, and low and high frequency components of ground motion at intermediate soil sites.  相似文献   

自贡西山公园山脊场地地形和土层效应数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
利用自贡地形影响强震动观测台阵在汶川地震中获得的强震动记录,以位于山脚下基岩上的台站为参考点,采用传统谱比法对场地放大效应进行了初步分析;同时用显式有限元-有限差分方法模拟了自贡西山公园山脊场地地形和土层的地震动效应,并进行了数值模拟结果与强震动观测结果的对比分析.结果表明:上覆土层对地震动的放大作用相对于地形变化的放大作用更为明显;地形对地震动水平分量的放大效应要明显于对竖直分量的放大效应;采用二维模型对上覆土层的模拟与观测结果较吻合,对于基岩介质部分的模拟在低频范围内也能反映山脊地形对地震动的影响.  相似文献   

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